Immersion in a state of meditation with the help of ThetaHealing: what is it and what practices exist

Thetahealing is a unique practice that can restore health, restore harmony to life and attract into your life what you would like to see in it. The literal translation of the term means “theta healing” and characterizes a state of extremely deep relaxation. During the transition period to the sleep state, theta waves are activated in the brain, and it is this frequency that allows changes to be made at a deep level.

Studying the physical mechanism of a particular practice will tell you how the technique works and help you determine how to enter the thetahealing state yourself. Achieving a state of complete relaxation using special techniques will allow you to evaluate the possibilities of practice for unlocking your internal reserves.

What it is?

The word “Theta” refers to one of the wave frequencies of the brain, at the level of which consciousness is in an intermediate state between reality and sleep.

During meditation at the Theta level, the hidden reserves of the brain are activated to heal the body and eliminate mental disharmony.

Healing occurs when a person plunges into the borderline state of sleep and reality. The subconscious is involved at the highest level, thanks to this the treatment achieves maximum effect. In this state, affirmations have a beneficial effect on a person’s mental field. In the deep subconscious, programs begin to work through which all human actions, actions and reactions in the real world are realized.

Using the ThetaHealing technique, a person goes through seven levels of his subconscious. When reading the divine prayer, internal healing occurs. Vianna Stibal is considered the founder of this method of treatment. She was able to heal from bone cancer using meditation techniques, and is now ready to provide support to all those in need. Her books and drawings are known in many countries.

Over time, the method has been improved and today the most effective option is used. Regular practice can have a beneficial effect on the treatment of cancer, hepatitis C, allergic reactions, and mental disorders.

The author of the technique tries to help people from all over the world overcome illnesses through faith in the power of meditation. There are already certified teachers in 14 countries.

Who invented theta-healing

As befits any successful commercial product (ThetaHealing is a registered trademark), About ThetaHealing™ has a history.

In 1995, naturopath, massage therapist and intuitive therapist Vianna Stibal, a mother of three young children, was diagnosed with cancer that was rapidly destroying her right hip. The woman tried to cope with the disease both with the help of official medicine and unconventional methods, but it progressed.

One day, Vianna discovered that a simple technique she used in her intuitive therapy sessions alleviated her condition.

The woman focused on it - and her leg “instantly” About ThetaHealing™ healed. The details are not reported, but, judging by the meaning of intuitive therapy, it was about meditative deepening into oneself, acceptance and love for oneself and all that exists.

Seeking to understand why the technique worked, Stibal turned to a physicist she knew. And he, using an electroencephalograph, discovered that the method activated theta waves in her brain. Next, Vianna began using the technique on clients to make sure that they really could heal - physically and mentally, and created ThetaHealing® on this basis.

Who is the practice useful for?

Diving deep into consciousness can be useful for people suffering from mental disorders:

  • neuroses;
  • inferiority complexes;
  • various phobias;
  • depression or melancholy.

Discovering your true self helps you trust yourself, the people around you, and God. When the heart is open, then innermost requests begin to be fulfilled. A person attracts positive energy and joyful events into his life.

But it is important to respect the time restrictions that apply to this practice.
Every day it is allowed to devote no more than one and a half to two hours to meditation. Staying in a deep trance for too long is not recommended. Advice! A quick immersion to the desired level of consciousness can be achieved by staying in a quiet space where no one disturbs. The main thing is to be in a state of awareness of what is happening, concentrating on meditation.

How to know if you need courses

And why do you need thetahealing? To make the decision easier, I will describe several criteria, by answering which (to yourself and honestly!), you will understand whether you need to study the Method or whether this story is not about you. So:

  • -You are not satisfied with your life as such, you don’t have enough money, there are no relationships or they are not so harmonious, there is no development in your career and as a person you don’t like yourself, you have health problems, you don’t see where to move next - what is your purpose?
  • -Are you really ready to move to a new level of life, where all of the above problems will be solved?
  • -Do you know how to take responsibility for changes in your life, and feel your potential as the leader of your Destiny?
  • -Do you believe in a Higher Power (God/Source/...), believe that it can help you, and all your goals and desires will become reality for you?

If you answered positively to these questions, and the flame of hope for finding your cherished Happiness has already been lit inside you, do not let it go out, start the process of change already Here and Now, having completed the basis of ThetaHealing, Basic and Advanced courses.


The method is based on the perception by the human brain of waves in the range necessary for deep meditation.

Scientists have proven the effects of alpha, beta, theta, gamma and delta waves on people.

At the theta level, the unconscious is influenced in a state of deep sleep or rest. In everyday life, access to this part of consciousness is closed. But if you learn to dive into the theta range and influence the subconscious, then the possibility of complete self-healing becomes possible.

This reconfiguration activates the transformation process and the person develops superpowers:

  • memory improvement;
  • creative talent;
  • developed intuition;
  • getting rid of nervous problems;
  • self-healing of the body;
  • restarting subliminal programs in an improved version;
  • avoiding negative thoughts;
  • healing of body and soul;
  • awareness of your dreams.

Why theta-healing should be treated with distrust

One of Vianna Stibal’s clients doubted that she could give out doctorates in theta-healing, and filed a lawsuit against her, Alexander v. Stibal. 2016. Idaho Supreme Court - Civil Decisions in 2015. The expert checked Stibal's medical history and other medical records and came to the conclusion that cancer was not clearly diagnosed.

Vianna's ex-husband also testified in court and said that his ex-wife was not told for sure that she had cancer. Stibal's medical records revealed biopsy results that indicated only a suspicion of the disease, but in no way confirmed it.

It's easy to recover from something you've never had ThetaHealing®: The Money You'll Spend Never Existed.

Jonathan Jarry

As a result, the court ordered Stibal to pay the plaintiff $100,000 in compensation.

Another point was noted by Theta healing users of RationalWiki, a project that criticizes pseudoscience. They suggested that thetahealing may be based on the placebo effect. In the sense that an objectively non-working pill or technique can actually alleviate the condition in some people - simply because they sincerely believe in the possibility of healing.

But a placebo, according to the average statistics of Placebo Effect, to one degree or another improves the well-being of one out of three people. Vianna Stibal on her website claims thousands of clients and a large number of instructors she has trained, each of whom must have had many patients. Why, with such an impressive number of people reached, were we able to collect only a few dozen grateful reviews? This result is much worse than the placebo effect. He's a complete failure.

Morning meditation

Yoga masters recommend conducting meditative practice in the morning, when the surrounding space is still at rest and no one is bothering you. Early morning is especially useful for this activity.

You can dive into the subconscious by going through several stages.

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  1. Take a comfortable position with a straight back and closed eyes. Breathing is deep and even. As you inhale, you need to imagine the penetration of pure, white light into your lungs, and as you exhale, feel the eruption of dark air from yourself. Anxiety and tension go away along with it. The body gets rid of grievances and pain. Inner lightness sets in.
  2. Turn to God with a request to fill yourself with unconditional love. It passes through the entire body from head to toe with a bright, luminous stream of energy. The power of creation is aimed at relaxing every cell and organ. Pink light permeates the head, neck, chest, abdominal area, thighs. Through his feet he returns to the bosom of Mother Earth.
  3. Relief comes: fear, pain, loss become a thing of the past. All that remains is peace and harmony.
  4. Then you need to imagine yourself standing with your bare feet on the surface of the earth. It is important to feel the relationship with Mother Earth and turn to her with a request to acquire power. It is necessary to direct the energy flow from the earth to the head. Having reached the Sahasrara chakra, the energy will go beyond the boundaries of the bodily shell into outer space to the Creator. Feel the unconditional love of God.
  5. Formulate plans for the coming day. Thank the Creator for everything that was, is and will be.

What is the danger of theta-healing

He might kill you

Theta healers believe that they can cope with serious diseases.

In the practice of theta-healing, one is taught to love cancer, to lovingly address the cells, accepting their right to exist and thereby, as it were, pacifying them, and in the meantime, remove the malicious programs that led to the emergence of these cells. The brain reveals secrets.

Elina Shirai

But cancer, kidney failure, pneumonia, hepatitis and other diseases cannot be treated by esoteric practices. By trusting theta-healing, you can waste time and progress the disease to the stage where it can no longer be treated.

Meditation practice for healing

With the help of ThetaHealing, harmony is achieved on the physical and spiritual level. By clearing the consciousness, a person gets rid of internal blockages and clamps. The nervous system comes into balance.

Go to meditation as follows.

  1. Take a comfortable meditative asana with a straight back and closed eyes. Go to deep, calm breathing. Mentally imagine the penetration of air into the body from the forehead, eyes, neck, heart. When you inhale, a clean, cleansing stream of air enters the body, and when you exhale, pain goes away from the body and relaxation is felt.
  2. Direct all thoughts into outer space, connecting to the energy flow. It will be green, which means the origin of life. This energy stimulates the growth of all living things and renews natural resources in the spring. The green flow of energy must be directed through the crown to the organ that requires healing.
  3. Imagine this organ immersed in healing energy. Pain and tension go away. The disease leaves the diseased organ in the form of thick, dark, smoky energy. There is a feeling of healing and purity.
  4. Some organs will require more attention. This means you need to spend extra time on them. There are blockages or disturbances in these parts of the body.
  5. Open your eyes and smile to the whole world. Reach for the sun. Charge yourself with positive energy.

This order is typical for basic TataHealing meditation. It is recommended to do it in the morning or evening before going to bed. Tangible results will come if you do it every day.

Meditation Manifestation for today:

Types of techniques

Differences in thetahealing techniques used allow one to achieve the same result. Once you have entered the theta state, you can act in any way convenient for you.

  1. Meditation and visualization - presenting what you want in the form of pictures, ready-made images of your future.
  2. Scanning and healing is carried out with the participation of an instructor, when the theta healer observes the changes occurring in you as a result of connecting with the Creator. Diagnosis is carried out by a healer based on his experience; he looks for the causes of the disease and eliminates them, healing the soul and body.
  3. Working with beliefs and feelings. Searching for negative blocks and beliefs allows you to replace destructive programs in different areas of life with new, positive beliefs that lead to success.
  4. The embodiment of desires is carried out through manifestation, turning to the Creator and declaring your needs. The success of manifestation also depends on a correctly set goal and the absence of internal negative blocks that prevent you from getting what you want.

Attracting success and prosperity

Having overcome the stages of healing the spirit and body, you can move on to visualizing desires. It’s easier to implement not designated goals, but to set the body up to achieve prosperity. Abundance meditation practice makes new possibilities available and attracts into a person’s life what he needs most.

To do this, you need to follow the description of meditation.

  1. Sit in a comfortable asana with straight posture and closed eyes. Feel each cell and organ of your body one by one. Go to a deep breathing cycle. As you inhale, feel a surge of warmth, and as you exhale, feel a sense of relaxation.
  2. Imagine that the body rises from the Earth and moves towards outer space. From above you can see the beautiful landscape and relief of the planet. There are many rivers and deep waterfalls, seas and an abundance of greenery along the banks.
  3. Every person on planet Earth has enough of everything that is here. No need. Abundance in everything. Feel like a part of this world. It is important to trust him and stretch out open hands to the sun. In your thoughts you need to accept all earthly gifts and thank the Universe.
  4. By performing this meditation, a person gets rid of the feeling of limited resources. New opportunities and creative inclinations open up for him.
  5. Say words of gratitude to God and yourself.
  6. Daily practice helps to harmonize life and brings thoughts to a state of peace.

It's never too late to start improving yourself. There is no need to stop there. From this moment a new stage of life will begin, with love and trust in yourself and the world around you.

Are there any reviews?

But maybe it's worth it?

On the official ThetaHealing® website you can find several dozen reviews in which grateful theta-healers and their clients sometimes share absolutely fantastic stories. Someone tells Thetahealing: Testimonials that he has grown a new tooth, although dentists assured him that this was impossible. Another tells Thetahealing: Testimonials about an incredible case of almost instantaneous, literally overnight, healing from terminal (last, with unfavorable prognosis) stage of kidney failure and pneumonia.

Two students at the basic seminar where I taught reported that their vision improved by 30% after the first day of Thetahealing: Testimonials.

Ellen Cohen

fan of the technique

The average recovery story goes something like this: “A client once brought a man into my office who had given up. His body was riddled with cancer and there was nothing medicine could do about it... I laid my hands on him and asked for the cancer to go away... A few weeks later, an assistant brought me a message from the man. He no longer had any signs of cancer!”

ThetaHealing Tools

For meditation, you can use several types of practical exercises. The listed techniques are aimed at achieving the desired result:

  • a method of “excavation” to search for negative thoughts and blockages (the mentor uses questions to identify problem areas);
  • a method of “replacing beliefs” , which helps change destructive thoughts to positive ones (the mentor must ask the practitioner’s permission to make changes);
  • a method of “downloading feelings” , with the help of which learning happy sensations occurs (rebooting is done at all levels: physical, spiritual, cellular, etc.)

Abundance Manifestation

Most people, if you ask them what they want in (from) life, from work, from family, etc., most likely, it will be difficult to answer anything specific. If we are talking about money, then there should be enough for everything you need. If it’s about health, then to get sick less.

However, the universe loves specifics. Whoever asks for something (declares, demands, manifests), receives it. Try to visualize (mentally see) what you want in the smallest detail - as if you already have it. And you will soon receive it.

Especially if you do it often and want it very much.

One of the techniques for attracting what you want into your life is manifestation (statement of what you want). To be more effective, you need to write on a piece of paper what you want to have in your life. Preferably with all the details. If you want “abundance,” then describe in more detail what exactly this means for you.

And don't be afraid to describe in detail. And after writing in detail, visualize it. You will receive it soon. Of course, in the best way for you.


It is not difficult for anyone to master Theta Healing. There are no age, professional or physical restrictions. All you need is a sincere desire to change.

Using this technique, you can improve your financial situation, find true love, recover from diseases, and achieve your cherished goal. Having mastered healing techniques, a person moves to a completely different level of consciousness. There are various courses available to teach Theta Healing. Each of them performs a specific task:

  • The “basic” course includes getting to know yourself, building harmonious communication with other people, developing intuitive and creative abilities, improving health and increasing activity;
  • The "Advanced" course is suitable for experienced students to move to the next level of skill;
  • “Deep excavations” are needed to change destructive thoughts to positive ones;
  • “Manifestation of Abundance” can be used to work through blockages that interfere with financial well-being;
  • The “Divine schedule” determines a person’s purpose, creative inclinations for finding happiness;
  • from the “Children of the Rainbow” , practitioners will learn more about their intuition and creative gifts;
  • The “Game of Life” expands opportunities for business development and increases returns;
  • With the help of “Intuitive Anatomy” you can gain scientific knowledge to work more effectively with your own body.
  • The “Plans of Existence” contain information about the structure of the Universe and interaction with it.

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Benefits of use

Following the thetahealing technique helps achieve results in the direction that worries you most.

  1. Improve health and general condition of the body, get rid of ailments.
  2. Change your financial situation for the better, change jobs or find other sources of income.
  3. Establish relationships with others, neutralize conflicts.
  4. Learn to feel your body and influence sensations, develop spiritually.
  5. Break away from prejudices that affect the quality of your life.
  6. Find emotional balance, get rid of anxiety and negative blocks.
  7. Eliminate imposed unnecessary programs.
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