Old wise man
Stereotyping - what is it, examples, types, reasons
Imagine that you have to pull a sled with a heavy load through the snow. If the snow is fresh
public and individual
Id, Ego and Super-Ego, defense mechanisms or Freud's theory
The idea that a person’s inner world has a complex structure has existed for a long time. More philosophers
what is an act
Human actions: good deeds, heroic deeds. What is an act: the essence
An act is a certain action motivated by the inner world of a person formed at that moment. Acts
Humanities and technologists
The world consists of both humanists and techies. There are few people in whom
How to develop deduction (deductive abilities)
Think like Sherlock: how to develop deductive thinking
How to develop deduction (deductive abilities) In logic, the science of correct thinking, there are two types
psychoanalytic theory of memory
Memory, its main types and their characteristics. Theories of memory in psychology
The mental world of people is diverse and versatile. A high level of mental development provides a person with numerous
Larisa Granovskaya
Burnout: how to get out of a state in which you have no strength for anything. Guide
It is better to recognize burnout at the very beginning, when the damage is still insignificant and recovery requires
How to carry a happy relationship throughout your life
Harmonious relationships between a man and a woman: understanding and characteristics of relationships, important points, nuances, features of communication and the manifestation of sincere love, care and respect
The relationship between two people is a combination of a huge number of different aspects of their interaction and the nuances of a particular
Man and woman in handcuffs
Unhealthy relationships: signs by which you can recognize them
Unhealthy Relationships: Pixabay Unhealthy relationships are living on a powder keg of
How to make a good first impression on a client
The first impression is one of the most important components of communication between people. Just from the first impression
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