Analytical thinking: we set up thought experiments and simulate problem situations

In this article we will tell you:

  1. What is the analytical mind
  2. Differences between the analytical mind and the logical mind
  3. Benefits of an Analytical Mind
  4. Analytical mind test
  5. Characteristics of a person with an analytical mind
  6. 15 exercises to develop an analytical mind

We are all individual in our own way, and accordingly, each has our own specific type of thinking: idealized, realistic, synthetic, pragmatic or analytical. This is not to say that people use only one of them, but there is always a predominant one. The advantage of an analytical mind is that it helps to solve problems quickly and effectively.

You can determine what type of thinking you have as a leader by your behavior, worldview, and attitude towards situations and people. How the analytical mind manifests itself, who has it and whether it can be developed, we will tell you in this article.

What is the analytical mind

At first glance, it seems that the concept of “analytical mind” is directly related to mathematics. Yes, almost all mathematicians are analysts, but not all analysts are good at mathematics. Vivid examples of analytical type professions are philology, management, writing (applied literature), jurisprudence, management. So, what does the term “analytical mind” mean?

An analytical mindset is a type of thinking whose main components are logic and facts. When making decisions, a person with such thinking operates with facts and connects them with consistent conclusions. We can say that in this case the analytical function prevails and dominates over the emotional and intuitive, so a person with such a mentality can concentrate on the process of analysis without any tension.

Almost anyone can find some prerequisites for developing an analytical mind. For example, try to remember a situation in which, while solving a difficult problem, you effortlessly compared facts, structured data, and decomposed information into components. The more often a person can enter this state, the greater the likelihood of having an analytical mind.

Moreover, analytical thinking is especially important to develop if there is a desire for professional achievements. Due to the so-called neuroplasticity of our brain, anyone can develop analytical abilities in the process of working with information, systematizing it, forecasting and making decisions.

Thinking itself is the process of perceiving reality and creating an individual structure of data and behavior patterns in response to signals from the surrounding reality.

Based on this, we can conclude that a person trying to understand how to develop an analytical mind must first focus on the analyst’s behavior model.

Different functions of the brain hemispheres and types of thinking

Individuals with a more developed left hemisphere are most capable of logical processing of information, abstract concepts are easier for them, and they have a more pronounced ability for languages ​​and exact sciences.
“Right-brained” people perceive images and symbols more easily, they have a better developed imagination, and, as a rule, they choose creative professions. They tend to have a holistic perception of problems and life situations.

Of course, there are no people whose only one hemisphere of the brain is developed and the second is absolutely not working. We can talk about the predominance of one or another type of thinking.

A separate group consists of the so-called ambidextrous people, i.e. people with equally well developed functions of both hemispheres.

Differences between the analytical mind and the logical mind

Despite the fact that analytical thinking is based on logic, it is one of the stages of analysis and is used only after dividing information into groups. Let's say you are faced with the task of finding a way to distribute workers in the field, each of which has its own individual set of advantages and disadvantages. If you assign an employee incorrectly, it will negatively affect work efficiency.

Analytical thinking involves breaking down all available information into parts, and logical conclusions are created in relation to them.

Detailed description of the Eysenck test

Why do some children grasp knowledge almost on the fly, while others have to repeat it many times? It mainly depends on your IQ level, so periodic intelligence testing can be of great benefit.

IQ tests are extremely popular all over the world. They are used when entering educational institutions, when applying for a job, and in some countries when obtaining a driver’s license. In any case, it will not be superfluous to measure the level of your intellectual abilities.

The test consists of forty problems that must be solved in 30 minutes.

When working with the test, try to solve each task, but if you feel that you cannot cope with one or another, move on to the next one; The order of the tasks does not correspond to the degree of their complexity.

IQ of famous people

Interestingly, only 5% of people have an IQ level above 135 points. Perhaps you are among them?

Sylvester Stallone - 54 Paris Hilton - 70 Muhammad Ali - 78 Brad Pitt - 95 Daria Sagalova - 97 Britney Spears - 98 Bruce Willis - 101 Alla Pugacheva - 106 John Kennedy - 117 Angelina Jolie - 118 Brad Pitt - 119 Barack Obama - 120 Misha Galustyan — 120 George W. Bush — 125 George Clooney — 127 Abraham Lincoln — 128 Sergei Shnurov — 128 Jodie Foster — 132 Nicole Kidman — 132 Vladimir Putin — 134 Arnold Schwarzenegger — 135 Bill Clinton — 137 Hillary Clinton — 140 Joseph Kobzon — 140 Madonna — 140 Richard Nixon - 143 David Duchovny - 145 Jessica Alba - 151 Sharon Stone - 154 Bill Gates - 160 Quentin Tarantino - 160 Albert Einstein - 163 Garry Kasparov - 190

What is the IQ?

IQ Test scores indicate different levels of learning ability. They are rated as follows:

135 and above Very high - 5% of the population. 110-134 High - 10% of the population. 100-109 High average - 35% of the population. 90-99 Low average - 35% of the population. 80-89 Low 10% - population. 80 and below Very low - 5% of the population.

Is the smartest one the most important?

If IQ is considered in terms of what kind of job a person could do successfully, these scores can be interpreted as follows:

135 and above Managers and top-level professionals. 110-134 High or junior level managers, high level professionals, priests. 100-109 Non-managerial position, qualified specialists. 90-99 Non-managerial position, familiar area and practical skills recommended. 80-89 Non-supervisory position, work in a practical area related to previous training or known skill is recommended. 80 and below If a person is not sick, does not have serious health problems or any obstacles to activity, he can only be appointed to the area of ​​proven competence and skills.

It can be seen that CI is gradually decreasing from a group of administrators and highly qualified professionals to unskilled and temporary workers. These are, of course, average figures for all groups. The smartest scavenger is undoubtedly rated much higher than the dumbest lawyer; the smartest tramp is superior to the stupidest doctor; The smartest sailor is superior to the dumbest captain.

Improving intelligence - myth or reality?

There is an opinion that it is impossible to increase IQ. But in reality, many of us are quite capable of this task. To do this, you don’t need to “pump up” your brain by memorizing numbers or solving puzzles. The answer lies on a completely different plane.

A variety of people regularly improve their abilities in our club. It's not easy to work on yourself. But as a result, the IQ, level of communication, and self-confidence increase. Moreover, improvements occur harmoniously and people become not only more successful, but also happier.

And at the beginning of this amazing journey, find out your exact IQ. This will allow you to be more confident in yourself, soberly assess your potential and inspire you to improve your effectiveness. Start your path to success by passing the Eysenck test!

Benefits of an Analytical Mind

Developing an analytical mind will help in any profession. Obtaining the appropriate skills allows a person to quickly and effectively solve complex problems. He can make more thoughtful and balanced decisions, as well as successfully predict future events and draw up an action plan on this basis.

As already noted, such qualities are, of course, very much valued in the professional sphere, because they will be effective in any business and useful for any company. Moreover, the benefits of a developed analytical mind extend to everyday life.


  • Stimulus material Instructions for the Bruner questionnaire
  • Questions of methodology
  • Key to the test “Determining types of thinking and level of creativity”
  • Interpreting Thinking and Creativity Test Results
      Subject thinking
  • Symbolic thinking
  • Sign thinking
  • Creative thinking
  • The Questionnaire for Determining the Type of Thinking and Level of Creativity by Jerome Bruner determines what type of thinking dominates in an adult, as well as what his level of creativity is (low, medium or high).
    It consists of 75 questions. Approximate testing time is 15-20 minutes. Accordingly, the questionnaire includes the following scales : substantive thinking, symbolic thinking, imaginative thinking, iconic thinking, creativity.

    Jerome Bruner viewed thinking as translation from one language to another. Thus, with four basic languages, six translation options arise: - subject-shaped (practical); — subject-specific (humanitarian); — subject-symbolic (operator); — figurative and symbolic (artistic); — figurative and symbolic (technical); — sign-symbolic (theoretical).

    Analytical mind test

    At the moment, you can find a great variety of different tests to identify an analytical mind, but not all of them are accurate. For example, if a person is unable to solve mathematical problems, then this can only mean that he is unlikely to become a mathematician, but this cannot indicate a lack of analytical skills.

    Here is a list of qualities that will help determine whether your mind is analytical:

    • during a stressful situation you are not overwhelmed by strong emotions;
    • your life position is that reason is more important than feelings;
    • you enjoy the process of structuring and systematization;
    • your life activity is connected with the constant generation of logical structures, arguing for something;
    • you cannot boast of powerful intuition;
    • you are not averse to arguing, as you often win discussions using your logic;
    • It’s easy for you to build routes;
    • you do not like to be guided by the opinions of other people and prefer to form your own positions based on proven facts.

    3 important steps

    which every woman should go through

    Anika Snagovskaya

    Author and presenter of women's trainings on harmonizing feminine energy. Master of removing limiting beliefs and master of constellations.

    I have prepared three lessons for you that will help you better understand yourself, remove the restrictions that prevent you from feeling loved and living happily.


    Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

    You will learn about 5 female states that exist in every woman, how they manifest themselves and which archetypes are most manifested in you and which are not developed.


    Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

    I’ll tell you what you need to do to free your heart from old feelings and break the energy threads connecting you with your past partner.


    Audio recording: Neuro-af

    Thanks to this neuro-affirmation, you can regain self-love and feel sincere gratitude and happiness for every day.

    Top 3 useful materials that will help you know yourself better

    And start a new, happy life for yourself.

    Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

    Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

    Audio recording: Neuro-af

    Take your gifts!

    The thinking of a particular person cannot be 100% attributed to a certain type. However, the more characteristics from this list that fit the description of your person, the more developed your analytical mind is.

    How to develop analytical thinking

    Analytical thinking can be trained and developed.

    Solve logic problems

    Logic is important for analytical thinking. If this is your weakness, then start training. Choose simple problems first, gradually moving towards complex ones.

    Solve Math Examples

    Find a math textbook and remember your school days. Choose complex examples that involve variables.

    Solve crosswords

    And when you have hundreds of solved ones behind you, try to compose your own. It's quite difficult.

    Solve puzzles

    Solve puzzles, solve riddles, or try solving a Rubik's cube.

    Play chess

    Find your opponent and remember the rules of the game. Chess is an excellent trainer for analytical thinking.

    read books

    You can choose detective stories, for example, about Sherlock Holmes, fiction or specialized literature. Ask questions: why did the hero act this way in this situation, what else could have been done?

    Analyze situations from everyday life

    Train critical thinking, doubt, look for facts and new information when watching the news or reading a book. Pay attention to details, look at things from a new angle and look for non-obvious relationships between a variety of objects, compare facts.

    Learn something new every day

    Pick a topic that interests you and find one fact about it per day.

    Look for alternatives

    Don't stop at one solution to the problem - look for more. Think about what you might have missed, process the information several times and draw conclusions.

    Participate in discussions

    Discuss books, films, historical events - whatever you want. You will hear the opinion of another person and will be able to share yours about the same event, give arguments and practice sequential presentation of thoughts. Ask your interlocutor for feedback: let him tell you how convincing your arguments were and how consistent your thoughts were.

    Ask yourself how the objects around you work

    Ask yourself questions about the things around you or the situations you encounter. Why does this happen, how does it work, why does it happen? Answer them, but don't look for easy ways. Understand the problem and give yourself a comprehensive answer.

    Create a mind map

    A mind map, thought map, or mind map is a way of visualizing the thought process. The mechanics are simple: you have a key idea that you put in the very center of the card. Let it be “Development of analytical thinking.” To it you add elements related in meaning or significance, for example: development methods, difficulties, reasons - everything that seems important to you. Then you supplement the map with new associative rows from each element. And a picture of your thought process appears in front of you.

    jean-louis zimmermann/

    You can create such a map on a computer, phone or tablet using special tools. But you can also take a regular sheet of paper (be prepared that there may not be enough space).

    Write down

    Keep a diary in which you write down your goals, ways to achieve them and results. Work on mistakes if the goal was not achieved. Look for reasons and analyze.

    Simulate situations

    Think of any situation where there is a problem and try to fix the problem. Develop an algorithm of actions and don’t stop at one solution - look for more.

    Do brain exercises every day - most of them don't take much time and don't require special conditions. You can develop analytical thinking if you practice regularly and set yourself challenging tasks.

    Characteristics of a person with an analytical mind

    From the outside, such people seem somewhat closed; when establishing communication with a person, they keep some distance, without revealing their sincere intentions, goals and opinions.

    In addition, when communicating with an analyst, you may feel that he is not listening to you at all, or is listening, but without taking seriously what you say. During a conversation, he may periodically be distracted by what is happening around him.

    The way analysts speak.

    Pronounced gestures, a raised tone of voice, and other expressive manifestations are the exact opposite of the analysts’ communication style.

    In everyday life, their speech can be called restrained, in some cases even cautious, but with firmness in constructing phrases.

    Such people are not very interested in talking with everyone around them, but, on the contrary, often strive to avoid unnecessary communication. Moreover, if you contact them for advice, you can get even more information than required.

    If the dialogue has developed in such a way that the analyst cannot detect a rational basis in it, then he may lose all interest in further communication, and in some cases it will even be possible to notice notes of irritability.

    Where are the questions coming from?

    Over the past year, as a team lead for a group of system analysts, I have conducted many interviews. But I consider personal interviews for the SA position in other companies to be an equally valuable experience, during which I identified the TOP 5 topics with possible questions that were repeated in almost every interview. To avoid cheating, I will not give answers, but I will leave links to resources, after studying which you can easily answer all the questions.

    Let me clarify right away that not all questions will be asked at the same time during the interview. But if you are applying for a high position and go through N interviews, then with a high degree of probability you will encounter all these questions along the way. I would also like to note that analysts at different levels require different levels of detail in their answers. If you are a junior/pre-middle, then a superficial answer to the example questions given is usually enough for the interviewer to understand that you have encountered the topic or at least understand it a little.

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