How to understand that a guy likes you, obvious and hidden signs of sympathy

At a young age, everyone has fantasies, expectations, fears and ideas imposed by television and the Internet about how boys and girls should behave in communication. This often interferes with building truly harmonious and joyful relationships.

Every girl has been in a situation where she likes a guy, but he doesn’t show any special signs of sympathy. You really want to attract his attention, as well as to be sure that you will not be rejected and you will not find yourself in a stupid situation. So how can you tell that a guy likes you if he acts reserved or you don’t see him as often as you’d like?

When a guy likes a girl, how does he behave?

The most important rule that every girl should understand is that guys are quite simple in life. They do not like to complicate anything, to come up with complex moves, strategies, or intrigues to conquer the object of their dreams.
If he likes a girl, he will tell her about it directly, or will begin to show indirect signs of attention to let her know about his claims. Often a girl is embarrassed to ask older women (mother, sister, aunt) “how to tell if a guy likes me.” Due to little experience, his peers also do not know how to win his affection. But there is nothing complicated or top-secret about it.

Many young people are still boys at heart who make their affection known by pulling girls' pigtails. At an older age, instead of braids and blows to the head with a briefcase, sharp jokes and gags are used, often offensive and rude. If you see that some guy is “not giving you a pass”, trying to “trick” or somehow tease you, understand: he is interested in you and he needs your reaction. You need to understand: he wants you to pay attention to him.

Where to start soldering

Well, almost everyone who learns to solder starts with this. You will need to make a cube. It is necessary to cut 12 absolutely identical pieces of copper wire and remove insulation. If rosin is used, then you need to break the fragments from the total mass and put them on a separate lid.

It is best to use POS-61 or POS-50 solder, where the number reflects the percentage of tin content. The temperature should be set to around 240-260 degrees on the soldering station so that the solder does not roll off the tip, but remains on it in the form of a small drop. In the case of a regular soldering iron, just wait for it to heat up until the tip turns red and try to melt a little of the tin alloy.

Maybe he is hiding his feelings?

The most important thing in how to understand if a guy likes you is to look at his actions. Many people cannot always understand the non-verbal signals of affection that guys send. Another reason for difficulties in determining personal likes and dislikes is fantasies, to which all young men and women aged 14 to 20 are prone.

Many girls draw their ideas about the opposite sex from films, TV series, books, magazines and other sources where fiction predominates. This is very important to understand. Some stereotypical plots from romance novels have nothing to do with reality, but these are the ones girls most often project onto guys they know.

Let's look at which of these stereotypes are usually not true in reality.

Secret admirer, or the real James Bond

Imagine: you like a guy who behaves indifferently towards you or whom you rarely see.
Many girls who like a guy in such a situation tend to come up with an imaginary image of a certain James Bond. They may fantasize that their object is actually in love with them, but they hide their feelings with great skill. Outwardly, this looks like indifference on his part.

We'll have to upset you and dispel this illusion: a guy who acts indifferent is actually indifferent to you. In ordinary life, even the most shy, constrained or insecure young man makes it clear that he is interested in you.

Love deferred

This situation is a bit similar to the previous one, except that there is no communication between the girl and the guy. For example, a girl may only see a guy in the morning at the bus stop or in the school hallway among high school students.

Most often, all that makes girls think about how to understand that a guy likes you if you don’t communicate is rare visual contact.

If a girl likes a young man, she may imagine that he is also interested, but she does not dare take the first step. But in reality everything is much simpler.

Typically, men are attracted to women with whom they have more than eye contact. There must be communication in which the girl shows her best qualities. Most often, romantic relationships arise in the same company. If this is not about you and your dream object, then the chances that he secretly dreams about you, but does not dare to approach you, are extremely small.

This doesn't mean that a guy couldn't appreciate you from a distance. Young people always notice attractive girls, noting the advantages of their appearance, figure, etc. Your subject could also notice and appreciate you. But if you know that you have been in his field of vision for quite a long time, but he does not make any attempts to get closer to you, then you need to understand that he is not particularly interested in you.

So, how do you know if a guy likes you or not? When a girl is not indifferent, the guy will try to get as close to her as his self-esteem, upbringing, and communication skills with the opposite sex allow. This is the simplest way to understand that a guy likes a girl.

If, after meeting you, a young man begins to be in your company more often, often finds himself in your sight, starts small talk with you, tries to joke and be smart in your presence, then this indicates his sympathy for you.

And vice versa: if a guy doesn’t really try to communicate with you, minds his own business/friends/company, and doesn’t single you out from other girls he knows, then you need to understand: you haven’t captured his heart yet.

Symptoms of a married man falling in love

Will he leave or will he stay?

What is the friend zone in girls and men - the main signs

In a married suitor, these same signs will be much less pronounced. Behind him is a wedding, years of marriage, children. He understands how much trouble infidelity will bring to the family. It is quite possible that he liked the girl, but this does not mean that he is ready to cheat. He will hide his eyes, feel insecure and tense, will not be able to joke cheerfully and will have difficulty maintaining a conversation.

Much depends on the degree of love and the situation in the family, but a strong man, feeling responsible to his wife and children, will try to stop communication, hide affection and get away from temptation. When there is no way to move away, he will stop noticing the woman.

Important! If a man is cold and avoids communication, perhaps the girl is simply unpleasant to him, or he is trying not to advertise the relationship.

The weak will go with the flow following his feelings and decide to cheat. In this case, he will behave exactly the same as unmarried people. He will only make dates where he is less likely to meet people he knows. Most likely, he will update his wardrobe to please the new woman.

How do you know that you are liked?

It’s normal for a girl to want confidence in something that wasn’t her imagination, but a spark really ran between her and her new acquaintance. So how can a girl understand whether a guy likes her for sure? In different situations, there are different signs that a guy likes you.

By correspondence

Social networks are one of the popular tools for understanding the attitude of the object of sympathy towards you.
There is nothing reprehensible for a girl to write to a guy first, to make a friend request. After all, you don’t immediately make it clear about your feelings. It's just an introduction. You can limit yourself to neutral phrases like “Hello”, “How are you” or ask something on the topic of conversation when meeting (for example, ask him to tell him the name of the movie he was talking about).

We give a hint on how to understand by correspondence that a guy likes you. If the most difficult thing - the beginning of communication - has already been completed, then now the ball, as they say, is in his court. Based on your communication with him on VKontakte, you can take a short test - does the guy you like like you?


  • ... the young man willingly asks counter questions (“how are you doing?”, “what are you doing?”);
  • ... the ratio of his and your messages is more than 50/50 in his favor;
  • ... he writes first after the previous conversation has exhausted itself, proposes new topics;
  • ... the guy tries to have philosophical conversations, tries to seem smart, jokes;
  • ... a young man likes your posts and comments;
  • ... dumps music, films, links on your wall;
  • ... tags you in photos with friends;
  • ... willingly comments on your posts;
  • ... new people have been added to you - friends of this young man.

If at least four out of ten of these points correspond to his behavior, then the question of how to understand whether a guy likes you via correspondence on VK will no longer bother you. And everything is so obvious.

At school

Every girl wants to know how to understand that a guy likes you at school. Everyone has a crush among their classmates or high school students. By his actions you can understand his attitude towards you, just by observing. Young men have two strategies for dealing with girls they care about. A guy who is more confident in himself and his abilities will show positive signs of attention:

  1. say hello first when you appear;
  2. start a conversation on topics that interest you;
  3. sit with you at the same desk;
  4. come up during breaks;
  5. treat me with something.

All these are direct signs of his sympathy for you, and in this way the guy wants to establish full contact with you and makes it clear that he wants more from you than just friendship. He may not directly say “I like you,” but his desire to be close, to communicate, to somehow help already makes it clear about his feelings better than any words.

There are also negative signs of attention that are shown by young people who are not very confident in themselves or who have had a past, not very successful experience of communicating with a girl. His behavior will be dominated by the desire to show in every possible way that you are indifferent to him, but he will do this pointedly and even feignedly:

  • diligently avoid eye contact with you (hide your eyes, turn away);
  • talk in company with everyone except you;
  • become silent and frown if you start talking to him yourself;
  • speak pointedly harshly and even rudely, although no reason was given for this.

This is an easy way to understand that a guy likes you if he hides it. This model of behavior with the object of desire is also familiar to girls who, for some reason, are sure that they will not be able to please. But sympathy is usually stronger, and even an insecure young man wants to see a girl who excites his heart. If a guy is hostile towards you, but is still nearby, then you can understand that he likes you, but he is desperately resisting his feelings.

How to distinguish fantasy from reality?

In connection with the above, girls sometimes have difficulties with how to understand that a guy likes you, but he hides his feelings.
It is important not to confuse nonverbal signs of attention with negative connotations with indifference. Don't try to see something that isn't really there. A guy who doesn't care about a girl:

  • behaves in her presence the same way as in the company of his male friends;
  • does not try to attract her attention, surprise her;
  • does not seek her approval with jokes or clever stories;
  • does not show signs of respect for her as a girl (in her presence he can swear, make obscene jokes, even if he knows that she will not like it);
  • does not try to look better in her eyes than he really is.

In other words, if his behavior in front of you does not change in any way (in a positive or negative way), then most likely he does not think about you.

If you don't communicate

Many girls are interested in how to understand whether a guy likes you if you don’t communicate. This could be a high school student or a student from another stream. If you saw him several times, and he saw you, but there was no communication, then you can understand that the guy is not interested in you. Otherwise, he would have approached you or done something to get your attention.

But if you saw a young man for the first time and want to understand what impression you are making on him at the moment, you can check him on several points. To understand everything, you need to pick up non-verbal signals.

It’s easy to understand how he behaves if a guy likes a girl:

  • eye contact - he looks in your direction;
  • if everyone in the company laughed at some joke, then the guy at that moment looks at you;
  • his movements become more sweeping;
  • he starts talking/laughing louder, making noise.

Every person always seeks approval from someone who interests him. If someone in a group makes a funny joke, causing laughter, then this is the best moment to see who likes whom. Every person, while laughing, looks at someone whose approval is important to him - this is a law of psychology and the easiest way to understand that a guy likes you. When everyone laughs and he looks at you, this should tell you quite clearly: he likes you.

Psychologist's advice

Psychology will help you figure out whether a guy likes a girl or recognize hidden love if a man is silent:

  1. A man in love will conquer a woman, show her signs of attention: he will give her flowers, bring coffee, throw a warm jacket over his shoulders in the evening.
  2. He will catch your eye or, conversely, hide.
  3. Strives to close the distance, to touch the girl or her things.
  4. He will take you under his protection and guardianship. He will open the door, throw a fur coat over his shoulders, try to solve minor problems, and will not brush it off or come up with an excuse. This can be easily checked by asking a young man for help in a simple situation.
  5. He is often awkward and smiles or becomes embarrassed when a lady of his heart appears.
  6. Sometimes he behaves childishly stupid and frivolous.
  7. Tries to joke, demonstrates a cheerful character.
  8. He will find a way to find out the phone number of his chosen one, he will find it on social networks.

If a man shows himself this way, it means that the woman is sincerely interested in him.

Important! Knowing psychology and being able to think logically in order to understand feelings is great, but sometimes it is useful to listen to your heart.

It is not easy for lovers to hide their feelings. Even if they decide to remain silent, gestures and facial expressions will tell everything for them, which cannot be controlled 100%, like words and behavior. In addition, the look of a man in love and an indifferent one is difficult to confuse.

Elements of nonverbal psychology

Psychology gives effective advice on how to understand that a guy likes you by his behavior. There are many nonverbal indicators of obvious affection.

We offer a small test on how to understand if a guy likes you:

  1. he begins to get interested in the same thing as you, and does it so that you can see it (for example, he begins to collect information on his VKontakte wall about your favorite musical group);
  2. strives to correspond to your ideas about how a real man should look/dress/cut/behave (for example, if you said in a company that you like guys with a fashionable haircut, then the guy gets the same one for himself);
  3. masters the same skills as you (for example, learning to skateboard if you are interested in this sport);
  4. in your presence he refuses to make rude and vulgar jokes, even if it is customary to behave this way in his company;
  5. tries to become useful to you (for example, finds and sends you links to materials for your essay).

If at least two of these signs of sympathy are present in his behavior, then everything is very simple to understand: he is secretly in love with you.

Look, eyes

Usually a girl knows how to tell by her eyes that a guy likes you.
Everything here is quite simple: every person strives to look at the object of desire as often as possible. The sight of a girl you like triggers a release of endorphins in the brain, which causes a response of pleasure. Therefore, a guy who likes you will involuntarily look at you more often than at other people.

How can you tell by looking that a guy likes you? Eye contact can happen in different ways:

  • the young man stares at you;
  • when you speak, he looks at your lips;
  • when he speaks, he looks into your eyes.

There is another simple way to understand by looking that a guy likes you. Sometimes shy young people begin to “play a staring contest”: with your peripheral vision you see that he is looking at you, but as soon as you turn your head in his direction, he quickly averts/lowers his eyes or turns away. Usually this is the only thing that gives a true hint that the guy likes you.


There is one simple secret on how to understand by gestures that a guy likes you. Loud speech, as well as sharp and sweeping movements of a guy in the presence of a girl are manifestations of ancient instincts of procreation. Male primates, in order to attract the attention of a female, perform a kind of dance during mating games, moving sharply and actively.

For men, this also often works at the subconscious level. When you see that in your presence a guy begins to wave his arms, makes various somersaults, makes sudden movements, accidentally drops something, and his speech becomes louder, then everything can be understood without words. It is he who, at the instinctive level, is trying to attract your attention.


On a subconscious level, we always strive to hug and touch someone we like. If a guy likes a girl, you can tell by the position of his body.

The main signs of sympathy at the body level are:

  • the desire to reduce physical distance (the guy tries to get as close as possible);
  • standing or sitting next to you, the young man spreads his arms wide (for example, puts his straightened arm on the back of the sofa at the level of your neck);
  • during a conversation, the guy leans with one hand on the wall, blocking you.

All poses with arms outstretched make it clear that the guy on a subconscious level wants to hug you.

Test: Does the guy you like like you?

Young guys 14-19 years old are not always able to say directly about their feelings, but they never miss the chance to express themselves in the presence of a girl they like and make it clear that they like them. How to understand that a guy likes you? A simple test will help with this.

Answer “yes” if the statement is true:

  1. After meeting a guy, he more often ends up in your field of vision. For example, he comes to the same bus stop as you, although before that he got on at a different stop, or under some pretext he seeks to join your company.
  2. The young man finds excuses to ask you something, calls about some issues that theoretically he could solve himself.
  3. The guy is trying to make you laugh, telling jokes and anecdotes and carefully watching your reaction.
  4. He is trying to “trick” you, just for the sake of causing a reaction, even a negative one.
  5. The guy tries to attract the attention of the entire company, does some bold (in his opinion) actions, although under normal conditions it is not typical for him to be in the center of events.

If you answered “yes” in at least three cases, then everything is obvious: he is clearly not indifferent to you.

Soldering iron selection

There are several types of soldering irons used at home. They are designed for different voltages and can operate from 12, 220 and 380 volts.

The power of a particular soldering iron is selected based on the work performed:

  • Soldering of electronic parts and components – 40-60 W.
  • Parts up to 1 mm thick – 80-100 W.
  • Elements 2 mm thick require a power of 100 W or more.

As a rule, home craftsmen have two soldering irons - low and medium power, capable of solving almost all problems. Training can be completed at any of them. It is recommended to solder thick-walled parts using professional equipment.

How will a guy like it?

The simplest thing a girl can do to make a guy like her is to be in his field of vision, to communicate in the same company as him. In informal and relaxed communication, each of us has every chance to express ourselves and our personal qualities that attract people.

As the experience of generations shows, the more natural and relaxed a woman behaves, the more chances she has to win the sympathy of her object of dreams. That's all you need to understand about relationships. Drop any pretense, don’t try to pretend to be someone you really are not - all this is visible from the outside and usually pushes people away.

Solder and flux. What are they needed for?

Soldering is the process of welding two parts together. Only instead of an electrode, solder is used - an alloy of lead and tin. Flux is used to wet the soldered surface and protect it from oxidation. This is usually rosin made from pine resin. In appearance and color it resembles a piece of amber.

Solder comes in the form of a wire or tube with flux inside. The first option is more popular. Flux is used in any case.

Depending on the connection methods and soldering of wires, the appropriate type of solder is selected. The darker it is, the more lead it contains; it is designed for a higher melting point.

Solder for certain purposes is selected according to its marking. Decoding the designation code is very simple: the letters indicate that the solder consists of tin and lead, the numbers indicate the percentage of elements

For household purposes, solder of the POS 60 brand is optimal, the melting point of which is about two hundred. Despite the low lead and high tin content, the connection will be quite strong.

How to behave so that he falls in love?

To make a guy fall in love with you, you don't have to do anything special to get his attention. Enough:

  • be friendly, smile, don’t be silent, joke in company;
  • do not wear too much makeup, look natural;
  • not to be constrained, overly constrained, shy;
  • have your own interests, hobbies, hobbies - you should live your own interesting and rich life, and not be in the expectation that someone will find and love you;
  • show interest in the guy, his affairs and hobbies, try to understand his problems and sorrows, but do not overdo it.
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