How to understand that a guy already wants to kiss you: obvious hints and signs

Sooner or later the date ends with a kiss. Of course, I want this to happen sooner. But no one wants to be in an awkward position, not being sure that the girl will not reject his attempts to kiss her. There are 10 signs by which you can accurately determine that a girl is not at all against being kissed. And as a bonus, it's a sign that she will reject your kiss.

Brings the face closer

Imagine you're spending the evening with a girl you like and everything is going great. And suddenly she begins to slowly approach you. Before you decide to take any active action, think that in reality this could mean anything. For example, she felt uncomfortable in her place, or she couldn’t hear what you were saying, or it became cooler outside, and she instinctively reached for warmth.

How do you know when it's ready? If a girl wants you to kiss her, she will not only invade your personal space, she will try to bring her face closer to you. This is a sure sign.

Preliminary preparation

You can first practice French kissing alone. To do this, you need to find an object on which to practice. There is nothing strange about kissing a thing, although at first glance it may seem funny.

This is a completely normal process that you just need to tune in to correctly. Tell yourself: “I’m not a good tongue kisser and I’m ready (ready) to do anything to fix it.” Imagine your partner's delight after your first touch of lips or, conversely, disappointment if you don't fill the gaps in your skills now.

A training item that has been tested for more than one generation is any juicy vegetable or fruit. Soft peaches, plums and tomatoes are ideal for this purpose. Prepare several “shells” for testing in advance, so that if one of them is damaged, it can be immediately replaced with the next one. Of course, it is not necessary to buy a couple of kilograms of each of these fruits, but spare ones never hurt.

Looks at lips2

People often spend a long time looking at what they like or what they want. It doesn't matter whether it's an object or a person. It is very difficult to look away from what makes you happy. This statement is also true for girls looking at guys they want to kiss.

Therefore, before approaching you, a girl, if she wants to kiss you, will first look at your lips. So if she's constantly looking at your face, it's a clear sign of subconscious interest and a signal that she doesn't mind getting a little closer.

How does the desire to kiss arise?

The mechanism of the desire to kiss is simple and complex at the same time. Although we are creatures with higher intelligence, we are subject to the influence of nature. How is the emotional message of a kiss formed? What is it made of? Three main factors influence the desire for a kiss:

  1. Instincts. Many of our actions are based on natural reflexes. For example, if you hear a loud sound, you will automatically turn around in search of its source, and withdraw your hand after touching a hot object. A similar situation occurs next to a person you like - the moment will come when you unconsciously approach him in an attempt to kiss. You are instinctively drawn to him, you want to merge with him into a single whole. Every moment when a person in love finds himself in close proximity to his partner, he longs to touch his lips with his lips. After all, a kiss is a fairly intimate action, a prerequisite for subsequent sexual intercourse, and therefore for procreation. And the desire to have children is a basic instinct for most people.
  2. Emotional intimacy. Do you know how this happens? I met a person, but it seems that I have known him all my life. This often happens when people find suitable partners. Emotional intimacy immediately arises with them. You don’t want to be apart even for a minute, and you don’t even have to talk about kissing: the lips of your other half are just beckoning. It happens that a girl is already ready for a kiss, while the guy does not make it clear that he also wants it. Emotional contact contributes to the desire to kiss a partner, but human morality and fear of offending often prevent one from doing such an act immediately. Therefore, the absence of hot kisses does not always indicate a lack of sympathy.
  3. Hormones. The human body is designed in a very interesting way. If there is an object of passion next to him, then a whole cocktail of dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline and oxytocin enters the blood. The combination of these hormones forms affection, romantic feelings and sexual desire, which provoke the impulse to kiss. During the process of the most magical action, even more hormones are released, and many lovers even feel dizzy or their legs give way from their overabundance.

You have learned the nature of a kiss, but analyzing the theory of the subject does not cancel the search for a solution to the main problem: how to understand that a guy wants to kiss you? What if he just wants to be friends and doesn’t intend to go beyond walking together? Stop tormenting yourself with doubts, because we will provide you with comprehensive information on these issues.

Seduction and attraction3

A girl waiting for a kiss will not only peer into your face, but will also make enough efforts to make you pay attention to her. And she will also do this at the level of instincts.

In such cases, girls try to do something to make the guy pay attention to her lips. They may lightly bite them, touch them, lick them, or do anything else.

He's better than the rest!

If you are with the man you have chosen in a common company, and there are other representatives of his sex, then he will clearly try to be better than the rest.

Men by nature are leaders, conquerors, it is very important for them to be first. So he will try with all his might to be much better than others in order to achieve your favor.

In general, it is not difficult for a woman to determine that a man really wants her. Everything about him betrays this desire: his eyes become clouded, his gaze wanders and cannot stop at your eyes, he is a little nervous, pays obvious attention and seems to be watching you like a predatory animal.

We suggest you read: How to stop being nervous about a man?

Even the most modest and timid guy will not be able to hide his desire. It is too strong, and one way or another it will still be manifested.

Another thing is how to use this knowledge. A woman is born to be admired, to be an object of desire and dreams.

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But at the same time, you should remain a woman - behave with dignity and not vulgarly, do not forget about modesty and manners. Then the man will not only experience a strong sexual desire, but also want something much more... Vasilina Serova

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Procrastination 5

This is one of the important signs that a girl wants you to kiss her, especially if she becomes noticeably shy or nervous. By the end of the date, she may become embarrassed, show her awkwardness, and look away, especially after you catch her looking at your face.

To be sure, after you say goodbye, pay attention to what she does: either she retreats very quickly, or she lingers and looks around as if she is waiting for something more. It is clear that in the first case there can be no talk of any kisses. But in the second, there is a high probability that she is waiting for you to make your move. If she's looking around to see if you're looking at her, she's probably just a regular shy girl who's hoping you'll kiss her at the last minute.

Signs of obvious attention

In fact, it’s not difficult to understand whether a man wants you. He won't hide it too much.

It is important for women not to show their sympathy and to be modest, mysterious, intriguing and making men suffer in ignorance. But the stronger sex is structured differently - its representatives are usually very direct, open and persistent.

Most likely, the man will begin to show signs of attention, because he doesn’t just want a woman - he certainly thinks about how to get her. And to achieve this, you need to persistently look after her, give nice gifts and flowers, say beautiful compliments, and so on.

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The presence of sexual lust will make him choose special gifts and say special words. This will be different from romantic youthful impulses, and will certainly have subtle sexual overtones. This way you can reliably and accurately understand what’s on your gentleman’s mind.

If he presented you with sexy lingerie, a peignoir or a robe, this is already an open offer, and not even a hint. But this rarely happens, more often a man who wants a woman gives her very cute trinkets - soft bears, cute jewelry, bouquets and sweets.


If you've ever encountered this, you know what it is. If this happens for the first time, don’t worry, this look is impossible not to recognize.

Eye contact is the main indicator of any girl's interest. But they have a special look in their arsenal. It's not just eye contact that lasts for a while, but it's meant to make you understand. That it's time to take decisive action.

But now you are faced with the question of how to determine the “same” look and not make a mistake? There are two reliable ways to do this.

First, look at the distance. If she's within 45 centimeters, she's probably trying to get you going. 45 centimeters is the boundary of personal space, known as the intimate zone. Only very close people are allowed there. Secondly, if you are still not sure whether the girl will agree to a kiss, just ask her about it. Any normal girl will answer you honestly, or instead of answering, she will kiss you.

The meaning of the first kiss

People kiss countless times throughout their lives. But the first kiss remains in memory forever as a turning point for a relationship, because most often a great love story begins with it. People communicate, walk, smile, but it is still unclear whether they are friends or a couple. And a timid touch of lips helps to dot all the i's and explain everything without words. Responding to your partner’s initiative helps to establish a closer emotional connection and show sympathy.

It also happens that the first kiss makes it clear that the guy and the girl are not on the same path. Not everyone can immediately decide what feelings they are experiencing: friendly or romantic. During the first kiss, it becomes clear whether the partner is physically attracted to you or not, whether you like his way of kissing and whether it’s worth repeating.

The aftertaste of the first kiss depends on the time and place where it occurred. When everything coincided in the best possible way, that is, several dates passed, and one fine day a kiss took place while walking in the park to the sounds of beautiful music, then the best memories will remain from it. Spontaneous, hasty action is not the best manifestation of initiative. It’s better to be prepared for the first kiss, which is why many responsible guys put off this moment for so long.

Shyness and a desire to get to know each other better first can prevent you from kissing as soon as possible. That doesn't mean the young man doesn't have butterflies in his stomach. Perhaps he needs a little more time to get closer.

Open borders8

When you spend time with your girlfriend, you most likely think about or even try to get as close to her as possible. A lot depends on how you do it. Of course, it's best to proceed slowly and carefully. At first, just gradually move closer and closer to her. Then, as if by chance, lightly touch with your hand or shoulder. After some time, try to hug her.

This tactic makes it possible to constantly monitor the situation and monitor the girl’s reaction. If it doesn't scare her and she doesn't try to pull away, then she's loosening her barriers because she feels comfortable. And most likely, she won’t mind if you decide to kiss her.

Determination of readiness

You can understand that your partner is ready to show emotions through a kiss by the following signs:

  1. Close contact has been established between the partners. If during the communication process a guy or a girl feels as comfortable, open and free as possible, then we can talk about established trust in the couple. At this level of relationship, the likelihood that both people want to kiss is quite high.
  2. There is clearly a mutual attraction. People often, when describing a person they like, say that they are “drawn” to him. It is this concept that best characterizes the feeling of strong sympathy and disposition towards a person on the emotional and physical levels at the same time. Partners always feel a similar attraction between them. It is impossible not to notice him.
  3. A girl or guy non-verbally signals their readiness. If a guy or girl exhibits certain manifestations of gestures, facial expressions, and postures that signal readiness for contact, you can safely proceed to action.
  4. The partner speaks openly about the desire to kiss, or begins to act. In these situations, you no longer have to worry and analyze the signals, since the other side takes the initiative into its own hands and leaves no room for doubt.

She's not trying to escape10

During your date, she will have many chances to end it quickly and leave if things don't go well. And we are not talking here about a banal escape with slamming doors. Girls always find a way to ignore a bad date; the easiest way to avoid an awkward situation is to devote most of their time not to you, but to your phone.

On the other hand, if she ignores her phone when it rings or a text notification comes in, chances are she really enjoys spending time with you and considers you to be something more important, worthy of attention, at least during this time. moment.

Of course, if a girl has her phone with her, that doesn't mean you can't kiss her, but if she's not distracted by it, that's one of the surest signs that she won't mind at all if you kiss her.


When a woman kisses for the first time, what is more important to her is not your technique, but the romance and surroundings. Make this evening of her day special and memorable.

Even if you didn't prepare for it in advance, surprise her with something after the kiss. The romantic atmosphere will brighten up any awkward moments, such as these:

  • A sloppy kiss with saliva and lipstick smeared on the face.
  • A suffocating kiss as you blocked her nose and cut off her oxygen supply.
  • When you kiss her with your eyes open. Believe me, this spectacle is not for the faint of heart.

The first kiss is not a science, but rather a creativity; you should not take it too seriously and mechanically. Always improvise, give free rein to your feelings and imagination. Be attentive to women's tips, relax and enjoy the process.

Even if this is not the very first kiss in your life, it is the first kiss with a new girl. Let it be bright and memorable. This will ensure that your relationship will soon move to a new, more exciting level.

Advice from experienced

It is unlikely that the girl will want to be the initiator of the kiss, and therefore will wait for your initiative. The main thing is not to miss your chance!

Haste in this matter is an insidious enemy; you should not rush things, especially when one of the partners is not ready for this.

You can ask whether you can kiss her - watch her reaction, make sure your actions are correct.

Holidays are a great reason to do everything beautifully so that the first kiss will be remembered for many years.

It is equally important to maintain oral hygiene; chewing mint gum after dinner at a restaurant is enough to make a good impression on a girl.

How to tell if a girl is ready for a kiss on the first date

There are certain signs by which you can find out whether she wants to kiss. Here is their list:

  • She constantly leans close to the man during a conversation, tries to sit closer, almost touching her cheeks;
  • She is really interested in the conversation and her potential partner, she actively communicates, asks questions and answers them in detail;
  • For the sake of this meeting, she canceled her existing plans, meetings with friends and other things, all in order for the date to take place;
  • A companion hugs you on a date, touches you in every possible way, intentionally or as if by accident;
  • The girl’s gaze is directed at the man’s lips: this quite clearly shows her desire to kiss.
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