How to understand that a girl wants you: 18 sure signs

Interpersonal relationships, especially among representatives of different genders, are a topical issue. Recognizing sympathy is not so easy, but it is quite possible. How do you know if a woman wants sex? Unlike men, who can simply talk about it, ladies do not show obvious external signs. How to figure out whether she liked her gentleman and whether she would want to end the evening with intimate relations?

intimate date

All mysteries have been solved!

Photographer Guy Aroch, model Camilla Rowe

It would seem that you have a thousand articles, advice, discussions with friends at the bar, and you are still not sure whether the girl wants you?

Even if you have almost achieved perfection in recognizing her hints, our advice will still be useful and will not seem obvious.

Signs that a woman wants a man

Girls want men if they like their partners, and the situation and time allow it. However, in order not to be considered “approachable,” the lady has to carefully hide her desires. The intention to enter into an intimate relationship can come to a girl both after a year of dating and after the first meeting.

It is tactless to ask a woman directly whether she currently wants to have sex with a man. Married couples have their own secret signs or words to clarify this issue. This is not suitable for people who are not married or do not know each other well.

In addition to verbal means of communication, people use nonverbal signals. To do this, you need to pay a little attention to the girl’s behavior when communicating.

Allan Pease, a writer from Australia, in his book “Body Language” suggests reading the manifestation of sympathy and the emergence of a desire to engage in intimate caresses by what non-verbal signs the partner gives.

Body language – showing wrists and touching hair

An Australian writer suggests paying attention to the following signs:

  • the distance a woman allows a man to approach - the intimate zone is 15-45 cm;
  • lady's pose - toes or body turned towards the man;
  • preening gestures - a woman straightens her hair, exposes and shows her wrists;
  • visual signals - the lady prolongs eye contact, a blush appears on her cheeks;
  • When walking, the girl sways her hips; when sitting, her legs are spread wider than usual.

If a woman licks her lips and opens her wet mouth, while defiantly stroking a cylindrical object, the guy can definitely determine that she is not against sexual relations.

Important! Before interpreting body language, it is necessary to pay attention to the context. Gestures can be interpreted correctly only in conjunction with posture and facial expressions, necessarily coordinating them with verbal signals.

For example, if a woman, fiddling with a lock of hair and showing her wrists, says “No”, but at the same time presses down and unfastens her buttons, this is a clear “Yes”. However, if a lady straightens her hair, licks her lips, but says “No” with an expression of anger or disgust on her face, she does not want intimacy, and her “No” is true.

If a woman does not want a man, then signs of this appear in her reluctance to reduce the distance to the intimate area. At the same time, she takes a closed pose, crossing her arms or legs. The look and facial expression are arrogant, and the phrases are abrupt and dry.

A lady's favorite reason to explain why sex with her partner is not possible at the moment is menstruation. If there is physical contact (she allows herself to be hugged and touched everywhere), then it is advisable for the partner to verify the veracity of her words. This will help him calculate her menstrual cycle in the future.

For your information. Female libido depends on the menstrual cycle, which lasts differently for the fairer sex (from 21 to 36 days). On the day of ovulation, sexual desire reaches its maximum.

Characteristics of libido level during the menstrual cycle

Does a married woman want you?

How to understand that a girl wants you

A woman who does not receive enough attention in marriage tries to get it on the side. Marriage is an obstacle to open meetings. However, ladies do this on vacation, work or on trips - where they can escape from everyday life and feel desired and sexy.

How can you determine whether a married woman wants you? The obviousness of her intentions will not differ from the signs that reveal the desire of unmarried ladies. She will try to attract attention, flirt and flirt, while clearly making it clear when a meeting is convenient for her, and she will definitely take off her wedding ring.

Attention, observation, tact and restraint will allow any man to accurately determine that a woman is experiencing sexual desire. A lady who wants sex gives non-verbal signals and exudes sexual fluids. The main thing is to remember that female nature is changeable, and the time of her readiness for sex can be missed at any moment.

At what age do women want sex the most?

Most scientists are of the opinion that the peak of female sexuality is the period from 30 to 40 (45) years. The duration of this period also depends on the partner with whom the woman maintains a relationship. Naturally, there are exceptions - some girls show sexual temperament even at 20 years old, but this happens extremely rarely.

For the most part, after 20 years of age, they are just getting used to sexual life, their preferences begin to form, and they gradually realize what they want and what gives them pleasure. Addictions are fully formed around the age of 30, sometimes earlier.

How to refuse if I don't want her ❌

If you have become an object of sexual interest on the part of a girl, but intimacy with her is not part of your plans, it is best to tell her about it. Of course, any form of refusal will be offensive. But try to soften your answer as much as possible by choosing the right words.

Under no circumstances should you refer to her appearance in a negative way. And it’s better not to invent imaginary reasons, like a non-existent sweetheart. This is easy to check and can serve as a reason to continue trying to seduce you.

It is better to gently but firmly make it clear that you are not ready for a relationship with her. And no “maybe later” or “we’d ​​better wait.” Do not give hope for the future if you are sure that this cannot happen.

D Filatov

Prefers to spend time alone with you

If you haven't known each other for long and the girl is interested in spending time alone with you, then this means that she sees you as more than a friend.


Girls prefer to spend one-on-one time with those men with whom they feel good, with those to whom they feel sexual attraction. In a non-public place it is much easier to achieve intimacy.

Her initiative can be expressed straightforwardly:

- an invitation to your home for a cup of coffee; - fix some small thing; — set up a “suddenly” broken computer; - try a new dish and give your expert opinion, and so on.

Or it could be something softer, such as questions like “What are you doing tonight?” or “What are your plans for the weekend?”

These are ways in which she communicates that she is available to you at this time and would like to spend it with you.

How to understand that an older woman wants you

Character from a person’s handwriting - is it possible to determine its types?

“If youth could do it, if old age could do it” - this proverb means that experience comes when the moments of getting what you want are missed. They spent a lot of trial and error. This also applies to the intimate sphere. Young girls and women, starting their sexual life, know and know little in bed. Of course, there are exceptions, but, as practice shows, reaching the highest point of pleasure (orgasm) comes to them at a later age.

For your information. By surveying women aged 20, 40, 50 years, it was found that orgasms occur more often after forty and closer to fifty years. This is due to hormonal levels and established psychological stability.

Married women have already grown up children and acquired sexual experience with their spouse. Unmarried women have results in career growth and life priorities are fixed.

While young women are attracted to experienced men, older women are looking for meetings with gentlemen younger than themselves. A mature woman who wants a man usually places an ad on the Internet, and young men respond.

the following signs will help determine that a lady of “Balzac’s age” wants sex

  • invites you home or to a suitable place under various pretexts;
  • flirts and clearly wants to get the chosen one drunk (to reduce the moral distance);
  • tries to demonstrate his charms under any pretext: it’s hot (unbuttons his blouse), his heart is beating strongly (puts the gentleman’s hand to his chest);
  • demonstrates new linen or bed in the bedroom.

The most relaxed ladies, having invited a guy to dance, openly rub their pubis against his genitals.

A young guy and a lady of “Balzac age”

How many times should you have sex?

People get it into their heads that a person can always and wants to. It turns out that all desires are in the head. And ideas about how often sex should be have absolutely nothing to do with real physical capabilities, hormonal characteristics, and the needs of the body and soul. Very often, sex is a sport that is in the head.

A person is endlessly shown and told how much should be, who should have it and how. However, sex is not a purely bodily act. It also includes the soul, emotions, and thoughts of a person.

Passion in sex subsides when partners mix it with everyday life and turn it into a habit (a purely mechanical act, because “it is necessary”), making it a marital duty. This is not the first time! Sex happens spontaneously. It is this spontaneity that people dream about, who then calm down, and their life becomes ordinary.

Let sex really happen as many times as specific people need it. After all, how does a holiday differ from weekdays? “The New Year is so joyful because it rarely happens. If it were every day, it wouldn’t be a holiday.”

She dresses up in something special

Of course, if vulgarity is your girl’s usual style, then you can skip this point. But most modern young women dress modestly and stylishly. It’s not difficult to see the subtle details of the “bait” if you know them. These may not be so familiar to her:

- clothes with lace details (skirt hem, blouse collar, dress); - special makeup, with an emphasis on the eyes or lips (a little brighter than usual); — loose hair with which she plays; — feminine silhouettes in clothes (flying airy dresses a la a little girl, a narrow waist emphasized by a belt, tight-fitting clothes that show off the figure); - decorations on the neck, including bright scarves (draw attention to the chest).

Misconceptions about the power of menopause

Around 45-50 years of age, a breakdown occurs in the reproductive system, menstruation ends once and for all, and dramatic physiological changes begin. Although it is wrong to draw a parallel with these data and the age at which a woman is sexually active. Any manifestations of menopause can be neutralized with the help of medications and changes in regimen. So:

  • replacing the delicate layers of the uterus with muscle tissue - partially increasing the elasticity of the vagina will allow increasing physical activity; on average, covering 10 km per day is required;
  • a decrease in the level of important hormones and atrophy of the mammary glands - can be solved by the use of drugs that can be prescribed by a gynecologist;
  • by reducing the production of natural lubrication - water-based lubricants can restore it, as well as pleasant sensations during intercourse.

That is, by adhering to a healthy and active lifestyle, you can safely count on continuing sexual intercourse until at least 65 years of age. At least physiologically this is possible.


One can argue for a long time about the physiological age, when the desire and need for sex brings color to life, but one cannot deny the existence of a modern problem, about the independent choice of many women to refuse intimacy. In the USA, people with similar problems undergo long-term rehabilitation and take courses to restore faith in themselves and in love. But in our country this practice is not accepted, everyone experiences their own psychological problems internally, and less often spreads among family or close friends. As a result, there are so many women on the street with dull eyes and lonely frozen hearts.

Are there any women with a similar description in your circle of friends? Do you believe in the relationship between sex and youth?

“Guides” your hand

You touched her knee, and she put her hand on top, intertwined her fingers and began to guide it higher. Or also from the waist to the chest.

Although, this may be less explicit - for example, you stroke her hand, and she again places her palm on top and follows it off.

In general, this means that she also wants to caress you in return , but not in this setting. For now, he can only afford to hint in this way.

How to tell if a girl is excited

Creative crisis - what is it, how to determine its onset and overcome it

If a girl comes on a date in tight clothes, clearly trying to highlight and emphasize the sexuality of her forms, then it means that she basically wants to end the evening with sexual contact. How to calculate the moment when a woman wants a man and he can take decisive action?

A woman lets a man into her intimate area

Clear signs that a woman is ready

If you pay attention to appearance, you will notice that at the moment of sexual arousal, the heartbeat quickens, blood rushes to the organs, and the gaze changes. Outwardly this manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • the girl’s eyes shine, her pupils are dilated;
  • the gaze wanders over the man’s body and lingers on his intimate parts;
  • the skin turns slightly red from the flow of blood, beads of sweat may be present;
  • breathing is frequent and intermittent.

Attention! During sexual arousal, the nipples swell and harden. If it is not possible to see, then the gentleman can run his palm over his chest and will definitely find it.

In addition, if a woman is undressed and a partner caresses her body, then he can verify her readiness by the swollen labia and the released lubricant.

How is she behaving at this moment?

At the moment of sexual arousal, a woman will want to press her breasts or pubis to her partner. At the same time, the eyes are half-closed, and the speech is monosyllabic. The girl is silent more than she speaks, her voice is languid and quiet. Frequent swallowing of saliva indicates that her throat is dry with desire, and the woman really wants it.

Sexual arousal of a woman

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