How to take revenge on your wife for cheating: methods from psychologists

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To take revenge or not? This is what a guy thinks about when he finds out that a girl has cheated on him. I really want to punish her for her betrayal, since the guy’s first emotions are resentment, hatred, anger. As soon as a guy finds out about his beloved’s betrayal, he cannot help but think about how bad it will be for his girlfriend if he commits this or that act. We’ll talk about whether it’s necessary to take revenge and how to do it on the men’s website

Psychologists say that the desire for revenge is normal for any person who has learned about the deception and betrayal of his partner. Love relationships are created with the hope that all the brightest feelings and expectations will be realized. You can come to terms with the fact that quarrels occasionally occur and misunderstandings arise between partners. However, betrayal is much more serious than an ordinary conflict.

Cheating - for it you need to get to know another guy, communicate and consciously retire, spend some time with him in bed, in other words, perform all actions with an understanding of what is happening. It will be difficult for a girl to explain her betrayal by clouding of consciousness. Moreover, this will be difficult to do if the betrayals occurred systematically. The guy in this situation is offended by many things:

  1. Lack of love from the girl he himself loved.
  2. The lack of justified trust he showed in her.
  3. The presence of conscious deception, which she herself committed.
  4. The presence of an opponent who turned out to be better than the guy in some way.

As for the opponent, who immediately wants to punch his face, then not everything is clear here either. It should be understood that the girl might not tell him anything about your presence. She could tell him about having a relationship with you after a while, which still did not push the guy away from her, who had already fallen in love with her. She could immediately say that she was dating someone. Is the rival to blame for the occurrence of treason? Psychologists answer this way: no one can force a girl into bed. If the girl herself did not want to go to bed with your rival, to whom she openly declares that she has a boyfriend, then no betrayal would have happened.

So, should you punch your girlfriend's lover in the face? Of course, you can do this if it makes you feel better. But you should understand that if you want to maintain your noble face, then some people will not approve of your behavior. Moreover, your girlfriend's lover may be stronger than you. Or he can invite his friends to the “strelka”. In other words, if you want to stay at home for a while with a broken face and get treatment just because some girl decided to deceive you, then go take revenge on your opponent. And if you are so overwhelmed by anger because of the betrayal of your beloved, then it is better to take revenge on the girl who offended you, and not on her lover, whom you don’t even know.

Things to remember

No matter how you plan to take revenge on your wife for infidelity and betrayal, do not forget about administrative and criminal liability. Under no circumstances should you harm the health of either your wife or her lover, who might not even be aware of the woman’s marriage. The fact that your wife cheated on you will not exonerate you in court for the crime you committed.

What not to do:

  • spoil expensive things;
  • destroy important documents;
  • delete important computer files;
  • cause harm to health (for example, mixing medications and chemicals into food);
  • spread false piquant rumors about your wife (slander);
  • causing bodily harm to a spouse or her lover.

When choosing a method of revenge, you need to take into account the severity of the consequences, both for your partner and for yourself. Then you may regret and be ashamed of your actions.

If there are children

When their minor children become witnesses to a showdown between a husband and wife, this is one of the biggest and unforgivable mistakes of parents. For any child, mom and dad are role models, and the destruction of ideals is perceived painfully and can lead to irreparable consequences.

Do not sort things out in front of children.

The worst thing a father can do is tell his children how bad their mother is. Having become involved in the adult problems of his parents, the child is deeply worried, and it is difficult for him to come to terms with the discord in the family. In many cases, he even begins to blame himself for the parents’ quarrel, which should under no circumstances be allowed.

Even if emotions run high, you must resolve the unpleasant issue with your wife in such a way that the child does not guess anything - peacefully and quietly, without screaming.

The first story is reasonable

“And you forgive her, forgive her and let her go, from the tenth floor!” “That’s what my classmate and childhood friend Ilyusha sang when he found out that his beloved girlfriend Olya had cheated on him. Ilyusha is a puny “nerd” - a guitarist with a penchant for poetry. And Olya... well, it was clear from the very beginning that she was not a match for him.

This same sexual preoccupation, mixed with some kind of sporting interest, simply gushed out of her: “I am the most beautiful and all the men are mine!” So our “nerd” fell under the machine-gun fire of Olya’s sexuality. Ilyusha fell in love with Olya, dedicating his poetic odes to her, singing ballads about love under her windows and so on. Olya was clearly flattered by this. She reciprocated his feelings and had the honorary status of his girlfriend.

And everything would be fine, but Olya’s nature, prone to betrayal, cannot be hidden anywhere. So she showed herself in all her glory. And Ilyusha, having learned that, in addition to his favorite guitar and Olya, he now also has horns, as they say, “went crazy.” Naturally, he started drinking (according to him, all creative people drink!) and started singing about how nice it would be to throw Olya off the tenth floor. And don’t think anything like that, Ilyusha is a very good guy, and not some kind of maniac. Well, it was just very difficult for him to accept Olino’s betrayal and his own defeat on the personal front.

It’s clear that he wanted to teach the girl a lesson. What ways did he come up with to punish her? What sophisticated methods have I never thought of! However, the only thing his desire to punish the flighty young lady was enough for was the banal spread of all sorts of stories about his ex, on the topic that Olya is the most ordinary shabby.

And also for such creativity in the form of a remake of a song by Igor Nikolaev, who, by the way, also created the original source, inspired by Natasha Koroleva’s betrayal. So Ilyusha was inspired, transforming this Nikolaev masterpiece to suit his own dreams and experiences. In the end, he cooled down and came to his senses, abandoning the desire to punish Olya. And he simply directed all his efforts into searching for new feelings, impressions and a new muse. A completely adequate solution, worthy of the title of a sane person, and not some whiny, narcissistic wimp prone to psychopathy.

Whatever you say, Ilyusha managed to get away with it with barely any dignity.

Advice from psychologists: think about the future

At first, because of anger and resentment towards your wife, you may become completely immersed in thoughts of revenge. But in the heat of the moment you can make a lot of mistakes, so psychologists recommend taking a break.

Find a way to live separately so as not to see the traitor. Ask a friend to visit you, go to your parents, or, as a last resort, rent a hotel room. Only alone with yourself can you figure it out and understand what you want.

Understand what you want: save your family or get a divorce.

Before taking active steps, you need to decide: are you going to continue living with your spouse or are you planning to get a divorce? At first the answer seems obvious, but the next morning doubts may arise. Not everyone is ready to part with their beloved wife, deprive their child of their family and erase ten years of marriage because of one mistake.

Return to thoughts of revenge only when you have made your final decision and cooled down a little.

How to take revenge on a husband for betrayal: punishment for treason

In families where spouses have committed themselves to being faithful to each other, revealed betrayal will be punished. As unfortunate as it may be, if a woman cheated, then, according to statistics, it will happen again. The reason for this is that a woman’s betrayal is most often caused by objective conditions that are not easy to change.

Perhaps the spouse at the time of marriage was not mentally ready to bear obligations to another person and is now trying with all her might to make up for lost freedom.


Hidden ways of revenge

If you do not plan to get divorced and burn bridges, it is better to act from the shadows. When you teach your wife a lesson for her betrayal, you will be able to save the family and, over time, harmony will return. Great for situations where your wife doesn't know that you are aware of her adventures.

So, let's look at effective tips on how to punish your wife for cheating anonymously:

Fake on social networks

Create a fake account for your missus on a social network with her personal information and photos. You can write on behalf of your wife to her colleagues or male acquaintances with hints of intimacy or just flirt. You can quarrel with her friends by sharing what she said behind their back. This will really ruin a woman's reputation.

The main thing is not to post a phone number or pictures with 18+ content on the page, because You may be held accountable for this.

“Break up” the phone with calls

This can be achieved using special programs that are available on the Internet. This will not harm the wife, but it will make her nervous and irritated with each new incoming call. This will be especially true in cases where a woman’s work is directly related to telephone communication and negotiations.

Great revenge for a wife who liked to correspond with other men.

Overflow mail

If your spouse deals with email as part of her job, you can use the same programs to fill your wife’s mailbox with a huge number of letters with large files.

Mail will begin to freeze, there will be no free space left for letters, important messages will not be received, and it will take a lot of time to delete unnecessary spam.

Problems with technology are a terrible punishment in the 21st century.

Infect your computer with a virus

A method that does not require special programming knowledge is to plant a virus on your wife’s computer. This may result in the loss of files dear to your heart (various photos and videos, selections of your favorite music, etc.).

If there are vitally important work documents on the computer, the loss of which would seriously harm the wife’s career, you need to think a hundred times before creating such a big problem.

Lower self-esteem

You don’t have to resort to technical tricks, but simply treat your wife coldly, including in bed. Make comments in passing that may hurt her self-confidence: “maybe you shouldn’t take another donut?” or “change your clothes, this dress is getting a little tight for you.”

Try to make it sound like advice, not ridicule or mockery. Then you can create in her complexes and doubts about your attractiveness.

Let him doubt his attractiveness.

Reasons for female infidelity

It is important to understand why the girl took such a desperate step. The guy must eliminate the cause, not the effect. This can be called the only way to save a couple.

Often ladies are not ready for marriage. They didn't have enough time. This happens in young families.

READ How to survive your husband's betrayal and save your family: advice from a psychologist

A wedding is an important step. Before getting married, you need to make sure that both partners are ready for this, because family life comes with responsibilities and duties. Not everyone is ready for this.

Another common reason is routine. Love is a chemical reaction in the body. At the beginning of a relationship, hormones are in full swing, causing a person to experience ecstasy. After 3 years the senses become dull.

People begin to live together, constantly flashing before their eyes. Due to the lack of personal space, quarrels and conflicts occur.

To avoid thinking about how to punish a girl for cheating, variety is needed. Passive relaxation in front of the TV will not give you new sensations. It is worth traveling, going to interesting places. This needs to be done together. New joint emotions will ignite faded passion.

Often the cause of betrayal is intimate dissatisfaction. A man often considers a woman a conquered mountain, and since he has achieved her, it means that there is no need to make efforts to maintain the relationship. Such judgments are detrimental to relationships. A guy must fulfill his marital duty both in bed and outside of it.

Often women become victims of abusive relationships. The husband may drink, swear, or do other bad things. The wife wants normal love, so she leaves the family nest.

Open ways of revenge

If you don’t want to hide and limit yourself only to minor dirty tricks behind your back, you can openly punish your wife. To do this, you need to turn into a scoundrel and do things that you may later be ashamed of.

After such ostentatious methods of revenge, it will most likely not be possible to restore the relationship. So act this way if you decide to burn bridges and finally have fun.

Go left

The most predictable and popular way to take revenge for betrayal is to “go to the left” yourself. You don’t need to do this just for the sake of revenge, otherwise later you will be disgusted by your own action. But if you have long wanted to get to know your colleague better, you can afford it.

Do not overstep your moral principles, so as not to regret your action later.

Deprive of funding

If you are the main or even the only breadwinner in the family, then a good option for revenge is to partially or completely deprive your unfaithful companion of money. A woman will not be able to buy familiar things, visit her favorite places and will feel limited, something she has never experienced before.

Interest in other women

To spite his wife, a deceived man can show open interest in other ladies in the presence of his missus: flirt with them, give compliments and show other signs of attention.

Make your wife feel uncomfortable.

Not only will this make the wife jealous, but such behavior by the husband will put the woman in an awkward position in front of witnesses to unpleasant scenes. However, your reputation among your friends may suffer.

Evict from bedroom

Give up intimate life completely and evict your wife from the bedroom to another place. It’s good if the sleeping conditions are much worse than in the marital bed (a mattress on the floor or an uncomfortable sofa).

Spoil your favorite thing

Remember - things don't have to be expensive. But a favorite vase, a memorable photo, or your anniversary gift may accidentally break or get lost. If you are not afraid to seem hysterical and petty, you can destroy things in front of her eyes.

But usually such scenes only evoke disgust and pity, and that’s not what you want.

To understand and to forgive

It sounds a little strange, but it actually works. You must internally forgive the girl who has offended you, otherwise resentment will creep into your every action. And she certainly doesn’t make the guy look good. Feeling her power over your emotions, a girl may begin to manipulate. Therefore, keep your head cool and act logically and prudently.

Tell her: “You have the right to behave as you want, but I don’t have to put up with all this.” And really, think about it, do you need such a relationship? Isn’t it easier now to find someone who will treat you with love and respect? In general, cool your ardor, look around and remember what you don’t need to do (until the conflict is settled):

  1. Don't write or call her, but don't avoid her either. Just be cool enough to openly state that you are debating whether you need all this.
  2. Don’t force her to apologize, it should be her initiative. And in general, remember, the word “sorry” is worthless if it is not supported by actions.
  3. If a girl decides to manipulate you by using aggression or tears as a defensive reaction, do not react. Say directly that this number will not work with you.
  4. Don't do anything rash. Don't cheat on your girl if you plan to continue your relationship with her. This can play a cruel joke on you, because, feeling guilty, you will make any compromises.

The best way to punish your wife

All of the above pranks will help you let off steam and even have fun while watching your wife suffer. But you will not achieve the main goal - your wife will not suffer the way you suffered.

The most cruel and radical way to take revenge for betrayal is to break off the relationship and leave. This hurts deeply and makes you feel deeply, especially if before the fact of infidelity was discovered, the spouses had a good relationship.

The main thing is to do it right.

The best revenge is to become happy without her.

You need to part ways calmly. Without scandal, accusations and petty dirty tricks. During a divorce, do not try to take away her beloved dog and deprive her of everything. It will be more effective if you show with all your appearance that you are completely satisfied with the situation and that you are even glad to get rid of your wife.

Indifference hurts much more than shouting and insults. Your calmness will definitely hurt her pride.

Beautiful body3

After breaking up with a girl, a man has a lot of free time, which he can spend only on himself. It's time to join the gym and get in shape. If you previously carried a couple of kilograms of fat under your T-shirt, it’s time to get rid of it and get a toned body. Stop wasting energy on regrets and mourning the abandonment. Forward to an ideal torso and excellent well-being. Now imagine how surprised your ex will be and, perhaps, bite her elbows when she sees you so athletic and pleased with yourself.

Financial success4

The best way to teach your ex-girlfriend a lesson is to show her your success. Change your job, learn a new profession that will bring you a good income.

If things go very well, buy a car and be sure to make sure your ex-lover finds out about it. Surely, you still have mutual friends with whom you can meet and brag about your achievements.

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