Are you embarrassed to confess your love to a guy? Or maybe in vain...!

During school or college years, falling in love for the first time is discouraging for both girls and boys. Timid and ardent feelings ask to come out, and the girls do not waste time.

The hours when the languid girl sighed sadly at the window, waiting for her beloved, have sunk into the past. In the modern world, young representatives of the fairer sex, without thinking twice, do not hide their feelings and take the first step towards their other half. There are several interesting ways to present a declaration of love to a guy.

Important Tips for a Shy 9-Year-Old Girl

There are many shy people like you. And therefore, they also have their own recipes for happiness. Here is one of them:

  • Make it a rule to smile at yourself in front of the mirror, remember how you smiled, and then smile at school. No, no, not to the one you like (you and I both understand that this is not easy), but to completely different five boys. 5 such smiles a day are enough for you, but you need to do this all week;
  • Have you learned to smile and can you easily cope with it? Now you need to ask each of them 1 question. You will have to prepare your questions in advance. Let them be the simplest: “You learned what we were asked” and “How are you?” You do this all week;
  • It's time to repeat it all for Him: the smile and the question. Stock up on questions for the whole week, and ask Him different questions every day;
  • Now you can tell Him what you have long wanted. You will: Smile. Question. And only now: “I have long wanted to tell you that I think you are wonderful!”

Regarding boys

At the age of 14, girls already understand love as a feeling. And the boys, it would seem, behave absolutely illogically, and sometimes even very strangely. Initially, they tend to express their feelings rather rudely. The thing is that they do not yet know how to cope with these emotions and what happens to them. This is how love manifests itself at 13–14 years old.

Fear and inability to express their feelings can make them look quite stupid. They tend to pinch or push the girl they like or ask her a lot of stupid questions. Moreover, in front of his beloved, he can behave very defiantly, trying to attract attention or look like a real hero in her eyes. It’s also common for male teenagers to stare at the girl they like for a long time. Then approach her and “accidentally” touch her.

A few little tips for a 10 year old girl

If you like your deskmate (did we guess it right?), then you can consider yourself lucky because you have a wonderful opportunity to get to know him better.

  • Does he have a sweet tooth? Then treat him to something tasty. Now we can admit: “I like to share with you.”
  • Is he an excellent student? Why not tell him: “I’m with you, I’m interested!”
  • He is a sportsman? Then the words of recognition could be: “You are so strong and dexterous, how great it is that we are sitting together! It’s like you’re protecting me!”


Taking the first step is always scary. But modern technologies have simplified life in many ways, since they have made it possible to confess your love to a guy in a test form, by correspondence, in real time and immediately receive an answer. Previously, this required months, which were spent waiting for an answer. Despite the fact that by expressing your feelings you may not hear reciprocity, the decision made to try will greatly transform your life. Refusal strengthens character and makes you stronger, even if you don’t believe it at first. Life is full of love, you just have to look around.

Were you able to confess your love first? Or are you still waiting for the guy's initiative? Write what is more correct: to wait or to decide your own destiny? In any case, let the love be mutual. Good luck!

How to do this at 11 years old

If you understand that he is a good and kind guy, and you are not afraid that he will laugh at your frankness, there are several ways to confess your love to a boy at the age of 11:

  • Simply tell him: “Let’s be friends with you”;
  • Ask him: “I want to be your friend. And you are mine”;
  • Ask for a little help: “Can you teach me? I want you to teach me.”

Wait until you go on some kind of trip, for example, to visit grandma or on vacation, it doesn’t matter. When you return and meet him, you can confess to him: “I remembered about you there.”

What to do to keep your man always in a good mood

Of course, life’s troubles happen to everyone, so you can’t be completely immune from a bad mood. But you can significantly reduce the risk of someone close to you becoming depressed by following our simple tips.

  1. “The most important thing is the weather in the house,” Larisa Dolina once sang, and she clearly knew a lot about men’s emotions. Coming home from work, every person wants to find themselves in an atmosphere of comfort, warmth and tranquility - give your loved one such luxury. Keep your love nest clean and do not defile it with scandals and squabbles. Always greet him with a smile and a hug, he should see that he is welcome.
  2. Regular intimate life is the key to a good mood for both men and women. For sex to bring a storm of emotions, as at the very beginning of a relationship, do not forget to diversify it and bring something new.
  3. Don't be lazy to cook delicious food. Taste buds are responsible for the production of joy hormones. On our website in the “Recipes” section you can find many useful and interesting culinary recipes for every day.
  4. Spend more time in nature. Did you know that city dwellers are several times more likely to suffer from depression than villagers? Constantly being in the urban jungle is bad for your well-being and mood, so you just need to get out into the fresh air from time to time.
  5. Be light, positive and optimistic. As you know, a good mood is contagious, so infect your man with it.

Simple truths for a 12-year-old girl in love

Even if you are brave, you still shouldn’t rush into revelations. You have already decided on your feeling, but He may not yet. Take your time to rehearse the words “I like you.” It’s better not to say, but to show Him your sympathy. Pay attention to his interests. Talk to him about his hobbies and share your opinion about the game he plays or the football team he supports.

You can find out information from adults or from the Internet. He will be pleasantly surprised. Ask him a few questions, let him show you his knowledge. And at the end of your conversation you can admit: “Actually, I don’t understand this at all. I just like talking to you .”

Using the Internet

The Internet is a time-tested assistant for modest, shy people. With the advent of programs for correspondence on the Internet, there have been fewer problems with lack of communication and friends, many have found soul mates. ICQ, Quipp, Skype and other programs make it possible to communicate under a fictitious nickname, covering communication with a curtain of mystery and creating intrigue. Find out what program your lover uses, download, register an account and start your online communication. Online you can make friends, you will know more about his interests, you will ask if he likes someone. Then, if everything is fine, you pluck up courage and make a confession, maybe even a video confession on Skype.

Hidden love confessions at the age of 13

You are already quite mature and independent, but it is all the more difficult to say about your feelings by choosing the right moment for this. Better yet, it's Valentine's Day.

There are many words and phrases that will tell or hint to him that you like him. In general, hints are a wonderful thing! Choose what you like about him and talk about it. Just let these not be words about his beautiful hairstyle or fashionable jeans, but your assessment of his actions:

  • I like how quickly you work on the computer;
  • I love watching you play basketball;
  • It’s impossible to tear myself away from your stories about the sea.

Where to begin

The main thing is that you don’t need to resort to template texts, fake poems, or come up with something that doesn’t fit into your normal life at all. Guys love with their eyes, it's true, but they also value honesty. Therefore, you cannot radically alter your image just to please a man; you should not confess your love as if trying to seem like a different person. This still cannot last forever, and the one who does not appreciate or perceive the real you is completely superfluous in fate.

It is also worth listening to a number of recommendations regarding everyday behavior. This will prepare the ground before confession, as well as check or even make sure that the feelings are mutual:

  • try to support your chosen one in matters that are significant to him;
  • activate nonverbal urges (smile more often, try to casually touch your hand in a conversation);
  • notice his actions, try to praise and compliment him more.

Watch the reaction carefully. If a guy is in awe of attention, gets lost, or is active in response, then there is every chance of success. If he is cold, ignores any signs of concern, and even worse reacts aggressively, it is better to take care of your emotions. Apparently there is no reciprocity, so is it worth the risk if rudeness or ridicule may follow in response to a declaration of love? Sometimes, in pursuit of popularity, a guy becomes extremely cruel and is able to expose your confession to everyone, followed by bullying.

If you are already 14 years old

If you really decide to confess, first understand what you would like to happen to you next. If you want to be friends with him, then you need to find some words. And if you just want to have fun with him at the disco, then choose others. You see him as your pen pal - look for the next option for explanation.

You have a close friend, and he has a good friend. Agree with a friend and invite them to go somewhere the four of you: to the cinema, to a school disco or for a walk. Ask your friend in advance to start a conversation with his friend, and you could be alone.

First ask him: “Do you want me to confess something to you?” You will understand whether you need to continue or whether it is better to move your conversation to another topic. If you see that he is ready to listen to you, now you can tell him: “I asked that we go together. I wanted to be with you.”

You see that he is listening, then you can continue: “I think about you often.” Or, after inhaling more air, admit: “I’ve liked you for a long time.”

Should you confess your love to a guy?

If you are still not sure whether to confess, it means that you are not confident in yourself or your loved one. Try to figure it out, ask a friend to analyze and help. From the outside you can see...

In case of self-doubt, you can resort to anonymous confession in notes, SMS, social networks from fake pages, through friends.

Being insecure about a guy is another matter. This means that you don't trust him or don't consider him worthy of you. Don’t immediately say that this is not so - everything is possible in the subconscious. In this case, there is no need to talk about feelings. Either wait for the first step on his part, or start dating someone else to distract yourself and cause jealousy.

We're trying to help him make a confession.

You won't try to extract anything from him. You will create such an environment that it will be easy for him to become frank with you. Follow 2 important rules: Be fun. Be kind.

You can be crafty and tell him something like:

  • It's great that you and I are together!
  • Come on, smile, I'm close!
  • Do you want me to not let anyone hurt you?
  • How can I understand what you are thinking about now?
  • If they told me “choose”, I would choose you!

I want to say the cherished words: “I like you” and hear in response: “I like you too.” But you can make sure that words are superfluous and unnecessary, because everything is already clear to both of you without words. It's about dance. When dancing with him, don’t be afraid to look into his eyes and smile at him warmly, so that he understands that you are smiling only at him. What to do if a boy confesses his love? Tell him what's on your heart.

“There are a million of these boys on Earth, but I still dreamed about him,” your grandmother sang many years ago. Ask her about what she did and said at your age when she liked a boy. Believe me, she can tell you the right words, help you choose an interesting gift for him, and discuss with you your plan on how to win His heart.

Teenage love - hormonal changes

First love at the age of 14 often occurs due to the fault of biological processes in the body. During this period, teenagers tend to look closely at the opposite sex. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is at this age that the first love occurs.

Most schoolchildren are excited by the anticipation of this feeling. They don’t yet know when and where it awaits them, but they are really looking forward to it. Therefore, first love is very desirable and necessary for every person. Feeling teaches teenagers to worry, to experience passion.

Parents need to understand that if your child has not fallen in love or suffered from unrequited love, and also does not worry about the absence of this feeling, then this is not always good. After all, it is better to feel your first love at this age.

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