A hint of sympathy. How to give a hint of sympathy to a guy or girl? How to confess your sympathy?

Several ways to talk about your feelings. Interesting ways to attract the attention of the opposite sex are considered.

There are many stories and legends about the existence of love at first sight. If the existence of this phenomenon can be doubted, then mutual sympathy may arise at the first meeting with a person.

But how can you attract attention if shyness and embarrassment do not allow you to speak directly about your feelings? In this case, you need to hint to the person about your sympathy.

A hint of sympathy for a guy

Here are some tips to help you express your feelings:

  • Spend a lot of time together. Try to build friendships. Don’t write off inviting a young man somewhere
  • Share your lover's interests. Watch football, visit sports grounds. Try to catch his eye more often. If he doesn't play sports, then go to the library. Pretend that you also urgently need to find an important book or do your homework (if you are studying)
  • Ask what kind of music he likes best. Let me listen to a CD with your favorite band or ask him. Communicate a lot and talk about your family. Show interest in his life. Ask about siblings
  • Meet his friends. Under no circumstances spend a lot of time in a male circle. He may think that you are already dating someone or perceive you as a "shirt guy." You don't want to look like a brother-in-law in his eyes, do you? In this case, it is difficult to transfer the relationship into love. No one will simply perceive you as a girl
  • Do him some favor. Help him pull up some object or tell him that you are going to get coffee, maybe he would like a cup of an invigorating drink. Don't overdo it, don't impose or do everything for him. You're not his girlfriend yet
  • Ask for a number. If you spend a lot of time together, he will not take the request with hostility. For example, you need a number to arrange a morning run or attend additional classes. Now you can write SMS and take your relationship to the next level

Initially, you need to understand whether he has sympathy for you...

In a state of love, beautiful creatures are ready to literally pray to the object of their adoration, calling it their destiny. I am, of course, no exception. Is it worth talking about the photos posted all over the room that depict HIM?! If you also sin with such “cute” activities, stop immediately! First, you need to understand whether he likes you. And it’s better to do this until the moment when your apartment turns into a house-museum named after HIS.

How can you find out about a man’s attitude if he behaves like a secret agent on a mission? That's why we are women, to expose any James Bond! There are three methods that will allow you to find out if a guy likes you:

  1. Talk.

    Trite? I agree, but this is the first step, so to speak, for prudes. Find an opportunity to exchange at least a few words with the guy. And it is advisable that they are not about the weather. Chat about a movie you recently watched, discuss common interests.

    In parallel with this, of course, you need to smile unobtrusively (just don’t overdo it!). If the conversation goes, as they say, like clockwork, it is very likely that your sympathy is mutual.

  2. Offer to go for a walk.

    This method is more risky, but nevertheless much more effective. If a guy willingly agrees to sit in a cafe or on a park bench, know that he cares about you. If he fusses, muttering something about an old grandmother who needs help, you don’t have to continue, everything is clear.

  3. Tactile contact.

    This is the final and, at the same time, the most risky method. You can check if a guy likes you by simply touching him. Remove the lint from his cheek (which is completely optional) or do something similar.

    I hope your actions will be within the bounds of decency - too bold manipulations can scare away even the most desperate guy. If your actions are perceived positively by a guy, he definitely likes you.

A hint of sympathy for a girl

With girls things are much more complicated. Usually guys don't know how to express their feelings at all and can act like children. For example, constantly making fun of or offending your chosen one. You shouldn't do this, you will only cause antipathy on her part.

10 ways to express your feelings

  • Call the radio station and tell them how you feel. Make sure she listens to that radio wave
  • Order a cake with recognition
  • Write a confession on the balloons with a marker
  • Draw a confession on the asphalt near her house
  • Buy a Kinder surprise, heat a knife on the fire and carefully divide the chocolate into two parts. Take out the capsule with the toy and put a note inside stating your state of mind
  • Make a photo collage with her and your photos. Write a confession below
  • Make a confession puzzle. Your beloved must make the puzzle pieces into one whole
  • Invite her to your place and place a confession on the floor with rose petals. Girls like romantic guys
  • Order a confession t-shirt. Wear a T-shirt on your next date
  • You can order recognition on a billboard. Just check if she goes somewhere expensive where the shield is installed

Say “I love you” in other words or actions

It can be quite difficult to tell a man about your love in plain text. It’s much easier to veil your confession so that the man himself can guess about your tender feelings. This option eliminates many awkward feelings. Therefore, you can try other good options for declaring your love, given below. One of them will probably give a positive result and you and the young man you like will definitely become closer.

Beautiful words for a declaration of love

In order to confess your love to a young man, it is not necessary to use banal phrases. It is much better to speak from the heart and sincerely. If it’s difficult to collect your thoughts live, write a long confession in a message - this will help you choose beautiful phrases and think through your train of thought. Be sure to use more characteristics that emphasize the qualities of a young man you like (strong, caring, reliable, etc.). This will help him understand why you value him. You should not use too many diminutive forms like “bunny” or “cat”. A declaration of love is a rather serious thing, and such words will reduce the seriousness to a minimum. Words must be honest - say only what you are really sure of. You should not make abstract reviews of your common future and predict excellent development of relations. It’s better to talk more about the present tense, about your feelings and the positive qualities of this young man. Then the conversation will be more effective.

Confessions through communication on the Internet or via SMS

Modern communication allows you to make a confession on a social network or using SMS messages. This relieves your stress and worries, you can prepare properly. Choose the right words, think about what idea you want to convey to the guy with your message - and send it. In correspondence you don’t see the young man’s reaction and you don’t worry so much. In addition, if a guy refuses or ignores you, it will be much easier to bear it than if he refused you during a personal conversation. In addition, for that declaration of love in this way, it does not require too close communication and acquaintance between you - after all, it is enough to find the guy’s number or his page on a social network, bypassing the need to meet friends, etc.

Confessions in poetry, through gifts or selfless help

A beautiful and original way to hint to a guy about your feelings is to write him poetry. Just write, even if they are not very colorful, since almost every guy has already seen poems from the Internet and you are unlikely to please him with such bad taste. Find an opportunity to write poetry yourself, or ask your friends about it, and send it to a young man via SMS or on a social network - he will certainly appreciate your creativity.

Another option is a nice gift or an offer of selfless help to a young man. These gifts or help do not have to be large-scale; rather, it is just a small sign of attention that will let the man know that you care about him. The present could be something like a keychain, a photo frame, a book that the young man told you about - something pleasant that this man will then associate with you. You can also make a memorable engraving, which is not trivial, then in the future it can become a kind of motto of your relationship with this young man.

Confess your love in person

The most honest and open option for declaring love is a personal meeting and conversation face to face. In this way, you can immediately see a man’s real emotions in response to your words, clarify some individual phrases and supplement your confession with some comments and clarifications. Before a personal meeting, you will have to gather courage, but this method is truly the most reliable and time-tested. This option is also very good because if the conversation is successful, you will immediately feel a new closeness to each other, you will be able to hug or kiss each other for the first time. And this is a great start for the strong development of your relationship.

Poems with a hint of sympathy for a girl

Do not neglect poetry and verses. They have been used since ancient times to express feelings. Here are some nice poems. You can write them in her notebook or send them via SMS:

You know that you are the only one And there are no people like you in the whole earth... And I have great love for you... And there is a question: how do you like me? I like you, I won’t hide that! I dream about you every hour! I will open the universe for you... Let me hug you now! You are the best around in the whole world! You are sincere, so tender... I immediately noticed you in the crowd, After all, you were like another among them... And I want you to know about it... So that you remember that I admire you... I want you to dream about it now, How I caress and kiss you...

Be careful when choosing a poem. Consider your age and your chosen one. If you have the ability, you can compose a confession quatrain yourself.

Reducing the distance

How to shorten the distance:

  1. Don't be afraid to touch. After joking, lightly push him on the shoulder. Invade his space slowly but surely. Stay within arm's length as often as possible.
  2. Arm yourself with humor. Kind jokes will help defuse the atmosphere if there is an awkward pause in the conversation. Making fun of a guy's appearance will also make him more interested. “After all, if a girl notices a wrinkled T-shirt, it means she’s not indifferent to me.” The main thing is not to offend the guy with barbs.
  3. Be weak. Ask a man for help, even if you can handle the problem yourself. Destroy Windows on the laptop and ask the young man to install the system again.
  4. Hide behind the guy's courage. Cling to his hand while watching a horror movie or don't let go of his hand in a dark park.
    For a man, even a young one, there is nothing sweeter than a demonstration of his own strength.

Poems with a hint of sympathy for a guy

Although guys want to appear strong and confident, deep down they are little children. Your confession will console the ego of the chosen one. Before you show your chosen one all your cards, make sure that you will not be rejected. Some may even laugh about it with their friends.

Here are a few lines:

On this day I want to confess: I dream of being next to you! I like you very much. And pleasant, by the way.

You are gallant and handsome, Endowed with good strength. Call me day and night. I will be waiting very, very much!

You have settled unnoticed in my soul, my consciousness... Do I love you?.. there is no answer yet, But in this little confession I want to say that there is no peace for the Heart if I am not next to you, you are not with me.

When we meet eyes, You will see how warm and clear, And how inspiration sparkles, It is especially beautiful In the sympathy of a bright awakening.

Dating and friendship

Only in movies and novels does love arise with lightning speed .

In life, a guy and a girl will need some time to get to know their partner better.

It's good if you've already met the guy. This will allow us to bypass perhaps the most difficult stage in the “rapprochement” . If the guy doesn’t yet suspect the existence of a beautiful lady, she will have to get a little clever and “rig” the cards.

How to meet a guy:

  1. Set up a meeting .
    After observing the object of attention, the girl can easily determine where this very object most often happens. The best option is a supermarket. Candies unobtrusively scattered at the guy's feet will give him the opportunity to woo the confused girl. You should not choose products that are “difficult” to clean. It is unlikely that the boy will want to collect sugar from the floor. The ideal option would be an orange rolled under the counter.
  2. Request for help. Option for brave girls. Having loaded your bag with heavy things, you can meet the guy on his way to the house. If a man has even a modicum of gentlemanly character, he will definitely agree to help with a heavy burden. The main thing is to ask him about it.
  3. Phone searches . An old but effective method that has become a classic of the genre. You should hide your cell phone in the deepest pocket of your bag. Feigning genuine confusion, we ask the boy to dial his number, simultaneously assuming that the phone is lost. When the melody starts to sound, we thank the assistant and leave. With the guy's number on the missed calls list.

Of course, there are many other ways to meet people. The main thing is not to show excitement and act as succinctly as possible .

Toxic relationships - what is it? Read about it here.

Statuses with a hint of sympathy for a guy

With the advent of the Internet, expressing your feelings has become much easier. Nowadays you can send a card with recognition, but it is direct and frank. If you are shy or don’t know how your chosen one will react to recognition, post a cool status on your page with your feelings. :

STATUS : Romance should not leave a relationship. Otherwise, life will become boring, monotonous and ordinary.

STATUS : One word can change your decision. One feeling can change your life. One person can change you.

STATUS : The biggest drug in life is attachment to people. When they disappear, withdrawal begins.

STATUS : Take care of each other, love each other! Understand, forgive always. And always cherish each other, Life cannot be returned back. Never.

STATUS : If two people are destined to be together, no matter how many separations, tears and troubles they experience, fate will still unite them.

STATUS : Do what makes you feel happy. Be with those who make you smile. Laugh. Love while you live... Don't think about time, don't listen to other people's opinions, and don't think about what might happen later... “Later” may not exist.

STATUS : You can survive anything. The main thing is that there is a person nearby who will survive this with you.

How to understand that a man understood your hint

There are few options here. If you bring up a topic with enviable regularity, and a young man diligently avoids it, despite all the transparency of the hints, or constantly takes the conversation in a different direction, then most likely he understands what you are leading to. However, his reaction, unfortunately, indicates that he is not enthusiastic about your message.

There is also the opposite option, in which everything is more obvious. A man supports the topic you set with interest, asking clarifying questions, instead of simply ignoring your words. This means that he noticed that we are talking about something important, and does not lose sight of it. In this case, your hints will probably soon bring the desired result.

Status with a hint of sympathy for a girl

Girls are subtle creatures, they are able to catch the slightest hint of feelings. If you don’t yet have the courage to admit your feelings, use interesting statuses with meaning that will make your chosen one think.

STATUS : Never offend or try to lie to the person who looks into your eyes and sees his life in them.

STATUS : A man will never let go of the one he cares about. And he will never let her leave... The rest is empty words.

STATUS : What a luxury it is to be able to hug your loved one at any time!

STATUS : I want to be with you today, and tomorrow, and in 50 years.

STATUS : Of course, I’m not ideal, but I won’t betray you.

STATUS : But they don’t fall in love with beauty... They fall in love with laughter, forever curly hair, dimples on the cheeks, a mole above the lip or even a scar above the eyebrow. But not in beauty. They just want beauty.

STATUS : It only takes a few seconds to say “I love you”, but it takes a lifetime to show how much you love

Love “happened”: what to do next?

Life is so unpredictable, so sudden in its random impulses and manifestations, that it is difficult to predict its next attack. You never know in advance what will happen tomorrow. Especially in matters of the heart: you are never sure who your choice will fall on, since everyone knows that you cannot order your heart. You can fall in love with a person who is simply physically unattainable, not to mention reciprocal love. You can lose your head over the cute new tenant of your house, who recently moved in from a neighboring city. Or you can fall in love with your own friend, suddenly realizing that the feelings of friendship experienced earlier gradually grew into feelings of love. And then how to hint to a guy about a relationship?

Firstly, you should let off steam and think about your further actions. Sitting silently and hiding your emotionally unstable state is not a very good choice, since sooner or later patience and silence will crack and result at the most inopportune and inappropriate moment for this. Therefore, you should initially think about how to hint to a guy that you want a relationship and crave reciprocity from him.

Secondly, sometimes you need to hear an outside opinion. Advice from friends who have already found themselves in a similar situation or the help of friends of the object of their adoration can significantly contribute to establishing a favorable atmosphere and preparing the ground for further actions in the mission of carefully disclosing your feelings to your loved one. What methods help give a guy a hint about a relationship?

SMS with a hint of sympathy

The telephone is an assistant in solving any problems. Sometimes it's enough just to call and say a few nice words. If you don't have the courage, you can write an SMS. Although we highly recommend finding a more interesting way to express your feelings.


Why come up with beautiful words, After all, while this message is flying, It’s enough to remember that love is alive, And you don’t need other people’s opinions! Let her always grow, And let a miracle happen to her in an instant!


I don’t want to invent anything, My confession to you is transparent, I won’t keep silent about it anymore, I like you, that’s for sure, Let fate not separate us, Then we will receive our love!


My sympathy for you is strong, I will never forget it, Even if it makes me drunk, But I will not leave this miracle, After all, if you and I are together, then we will live a happy life!


Bright joy enveloped my soul, I confess my feelings to you, After all, I have never loved anyone else so much, And I am grateful to fate for this! Let our love live for centuries, We will carefully carry it in our arms!

How can I do this without him refusing?

Few girls dare to openly express their sympathy for a man or offer to become a couple in person, looking into his eyes. In this case, you can use the old proven methods - dial the number of your chosen one and make an offer during a telephone conversation or send him a message in any messenger or social network.

Offer via VK

You don't have to offer to start dating head-on. You can use hints so that he himself takes the initiative. This is original in cases where you correspond on VKontakte, but the conversation did not include a meeting.

Start a conversation on personal topics. Find out if he is in a relationship, what type of girls he prefers. The boy must understand that since you ask such questions, it means that you are not indifferent to him.

Mention that you want to visit a certain place (a new cinema, a recently opened exhibition, just a walk in the park). In addition, you can veil the proposal for a meeting by writing that you would be interested in communicating with him in person.

The option – offering to meet by correspondence – is suitable for very shy girls

But if all your attempts to hint through correspondence do not lead to the desired effect, ask a direct question whether the guy is looking for a relationship. If he answers positively, ask if he could introduce you as his date. You can take bolder steps. Directly express your attitude towards the guy: “I really like you. Let's start dating!" Of course, such pressure can scare a guy, but then you no longer have to live in the unknown and rack your brains on how to push him into a relationship.

List of topics to talk about with a guy on the Internet

Hinting for a date during a telephone conversation

A telephone conversation will help you clarify the situation and get an answer much faster than a message sent on a social network. There is a high probability that the young man will not visit his page in the near future or simply will not immediately read the message. At this time, you will not find any place to worry about, worrying about why he is silent.

Before calling your guy, stop worrying, set yourself up to be calm and positive. For a few minutes (preferably no more than two or three), touch on neutral topics in the conversation, then start the conversation for which you called.

Ask what the young man's attitude towards you is. You can directly express your sympathy by admitting that you like him, but you are not sure of reciprocity. If it turns out that the guy also likes you, offer to take a walk together or drink coffee in a cozy and quiet cafe. Probably, no other words will be needed, this is where your relationship will begin.

A note inviting you on a date

Are you scared, directly or in hints, but in a personal conversation, to invite a guy to meet, but are you not against adventures? Write a note to the guy, inviting him to meet for a walk, where you express your sympathy for him and your desire to get to know him better. Indicate where and when you will expect him to meet. Then slip a note into the guy's pocket or backpack. But use this method only in cases where you are absolutely sure that the guy is completely free and is not in a relationship with another girl.

Friends to help

To avoid getting into an awkward situation with a proposal to date, ask mutual friends or acquaintances who definitely won’t tell the guy to scout the situation. A good option would be if someone carefully asks the guy if he has any feelings towards you. Such interest can easily be explained by the phrase: “It seems to me that she likes you.”

Even if the young man has no reciprocal feelings, you will avoid the feeling of embarrassment and shame, since someone else’s opinion does not always coincide with what actually is.

When communicating with a guy, follow these simple rules:

  • Be sincere. Don't pretend to be someone you are not in life. Masks and roles are good only on the theater stage. In life, a guy will immediately feel that you are fake; this is unlikely to add to his sympathy for you. Don’t think about how things will turn out in advance, don’t try to imagine his answer.
  • Do not encroach on personal space. It's a bad idea to want to pursue a guy you like. This way you can only scare him away. Most likely, he will take such a girl as inadequate and having obvious problems with her head.
  • Don't be intrusive. A man needs to be given time to make a decision. Pressure will create resentment and resistance, which will end the relationship between you before it even begins. If the guy's answer was negative, you shouldn't be persistent. It's better to go into the shadows. Perhaps the young man will understand that with your absence he is missing something. Sometimes such an action on the part of a girl makes a guy interested.

How to understand that a guy likes you: the behavior of a man in love

A joke about a hint of sympathy

If you are a rather relaxed young man (girl), but are embarrassed to talk about your feelings directly, tell your beloved a joke about love.

A joke about a hint of sympathy

A man is watching TV and aloud comments on what is happening on the screen: “Don’t go there, man.” Well, don’t go, stay where you were... The wife asks: “What are you looking at there?” — I’m watching our wedding.

A joke about a hint of sympathy

An old friend came to visit. Sitting at the table. The owner periodically turns to his wife: - Darling, please bring some more tea. - Darling, be so kind as to give me some sugar. - Sunny, your cake is incomparable, can I have another? While the wife goes to get the cake, the friend admires: “I envy you: you’ve been married for so long, but you still love her so much, call her sunshine, honey!” - What are you talking about! It’s just that I’ve forgotten her name for about five years now!

A joke about a hint of sympathy

Once at a student party, one girl asked polyglot teacher Oleg Palamarchuk: “Have you ever suffered from unrequited love?” “Yes,” answered the teacher. – I love my homeland very much!

If the guy refused

After an offer to meet, a guy may refuse. In this case, there is no need to cry and throw hysterics. Try to accept the refusal loyally and show the guy that it hurts you.

At the same time, maintain pride and dignity, do not panic, react calmly without complaints or insults. You can react like this: “I’m very sorry to hear this...” or “As they say, you can’t be nice by force...”.

Remember, you may have to communicate with this person in the future, the relationship may become friendly, or over time he may change his mind.

You need to understand and find out with the young man why he is so categorical. So that in the future you will not be tormented by doubts and guesses.

Common mistakes girls make:

  1. Wrong idea conveyed. Perhaps because of your excitement, you did not clearly formulate your thoughts, so the young man could not recognize what was being said.
  2. Haste. Get to know the person, communicate more, do not rush to make loud statements.
  3. “Pitches” on other guys. If you are interested in a guy, then you need to flirt only with him, while limiting your communication with other guys.

There is another way - this is a prayer for the guy to fall in love and propose to meet. If you are a deeply religious person, then you need to trust in the Lord God, constantly pray and hope for his blessing. Visit an Orthodox Church and light candles at the icon of the Blessed Elder, while saying prayer lines that can be found in books or learned from the priest.

Prayer for a guy's love

Pictures with a hint of sympathy

If you like to communicate online, send your beloved a postcard with a hint of your feelings.

Strengthening communication

If the tricks used did not give the expected result, and the guy is still hesitating, the girl should not give up. All you have to do is arm yourself with “heavy artillery.”

There is no need to be afraid of failure. If a young man communicates with a girl for a long time, it is unlikely that he will completely rule out a romantic development of events.

Relationships between a guy and a girl rarely develop rapidly.

Most often, more than a dozen meetings before young people become a couple.

At the same time, there is no clear boundary when love begins.

To speed up the emergence of a relationship , the girl is advised to:

  • give him a little surprise. Give your guy a nice little thing, like a keychain or a cool cup. Let a thing appear in his interior that reminds him of his passion;
  • treat him with baked goods . Invite a guy for tea, justifying the invitation with sudden culinary inspiration. The young man will definitely connect your flight of fancy with his special one. If a cake seems like unfathomable magic, just buy some cookies at the store and pass them off as your own;
  • leave . Get out of the guy's sight for a while. The sudden disappearance of an active girlfriend will further inflame the man’s thoughts;
  • making inquiries . Find out if the guy was interested in you during the artificial “separation”. If yes, you are to be congratulated;
  • appearing after disappearing must be fantastic. Don't skimp on your hair and makeup. Let the hero understand how much he missed him.

If, after all the measures taken, the guy asks the girl out on a date, it’s a done deal.

Subtle hint of sympathy

It is very difficult to express your feelings to a closed person whom you do not fully understand. There are people who do not show feelings and do not say anything specific. In this case, you need to give a subtle hint that you like him. This can be done in the following ways:

  • During the day, touch your chosen one more often. It doesn't have to be a hug. Accidental touches to hands or hair are enough
  • Ask him for help. Maybe you need to do something around the house and don’t have enough men’s hands
  • Tell us about the new film and suggest watching it together
  • Try to call him more often or catch his eye. Try to make it look real

There are a lot of options to attract attention and talk about sympathy. Choose several methods and you will succeed.

How to attract a guy + instructive video

Before you take action, you need to finally decide whether you need this person. Throw away emotions, dreams of huge bouquets of roses and romantic walks. Stand in front of the mirror and ask yourself “Why do I need HIM?” If the answer is not “I love him, he is my light in life, I will die without him,” but something more serious, move on to a clear plan of action.

Please note: the concept of “active actions” does not mean daily calls on the phone or at the door of his apartment. A man should think that he is the one who is after you.

Sphere of influenceWhat do we have to do
EmotionalRemember: to attract a man, you need to make him attracted to you. It is him who comes to you, and not you who brings him to you - this is important. When communicating with the object of your adoration, do not burden him with your life difficulties and negative thoughts. On the contrary, broadcast cheerfulness and positivity. Be sincere: a forced smile looks completely unattractive.
VisualMen love with their eyes – it’s hard to argue with that. Therefore, make yourself a “candy”. Take care of your figure and facial skin, get your nails done regularly. Find “your” style in which you will feel irresistible. Advice: even if you are the happy owner of “appetizing” curves, you should not show them off on the first date. Appetite must come while eating, otherwise the man will be full before you set the table. Do you get it?
VisualGive the man what he needs. Don’t rush to run for lace lingerie, we’re talking about something else. Praise him in conversation, express admiration. It is desirable that this be as natural as possible. Phrases like “Oh, you’re so good!” or “Your hands are so strong” will most likely not work (unless in the case of a narcissist). Try to admire “on topic.” Let's say he talks about the pike he recently caught. You have to ask: “How much did it weigh?”, “How long was it?” This approach will definitely “hook” him.

Don't rush to show him your charms

Here you will find effective tips that will make a guy fall in love with you! How to get a guy to like you? What absolutely cannot be done?

How not to behave with the guy you want to date

What is undesirable to do so as not to push him away from you:

  • Don't be his guy. You are a girl first and only a friend second. And not vice versa.
  • Don't be intrusive. No man can stand this. Moreover, while he is not constrained by any obligations and is not obliged to endure anything. Therefore, act easily, calmly, without frequently flashing before his eyes. Especially at the beginning. Then he will get used to it and will treat it differently, but at first it is important not to go too far.
  • Pay attention to your own appearance. It makes sense to work in this direction. Perhaps he is still paying little attention to you, because not everything about your appearance suits him. Find out what kind of girls he likes and try to get closer to this “ideal”. But, of course, without fanaticism. You shouldn’t undergo plastic surgery and pump silicone into your butt just to please him. This is just stupidity. Perhaps you need to lose a little weight, change your hair color, work on your style a little - slight changes, but nevertheless effective. Let your clothes emphasize your figure, don’t wear robes or ugly old things - this way he’s unlikely to see you as the princess of his dreams.
  • Don't glare at him. You don't want him to notice that you're following him. Suddenly he gets scared.
  • Flirt and flirt, but in moderation and naturally. Don’t pretend to be a doll, a touchy-feely person, or anything else. Try to be just a beautiful girl who is pleasant to be around.




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  • ***sweaters, jackets, tunics (2281)
  • ***tops, vests, boleros, mittens (1272)
  • ***hats, panama hats, berets, headbands (654)
  • ***scarves, shawls, shirtfronts, snoods, stoles, capes (674)
  • ***shorts, skirts, trousers (174)
  • knitting napkins (13)
  • crocheting tablecloths (39)
  • knitting tablecloths (5)
  • Tunisian knitting (72)
  • knitted jacquard patterns, products (217)
  • knitted toys (380)
  • crochet napkins (277)
  • knitted flowers (125)
  • mountains, volcanoes (8)
  • getting ready for Easter (249)
  • getting ready for the wedding (9)
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  • childhood diseases (69)
  • children's patterns for embroidery, knitting (24)
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  • for diary design (167)
  • household, livestock, poultry (5)
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  • ***compotes (29)
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  • cognac, wine, drinks, liqueurs (133)
  • beauty and health (430)
  • fortress (1)
  • Crimea (83)
  • COOKING (4789)
  • ***whites, croutons (8)
  • ***pancakes, pancakes, flatbreads, khachapuri (178)
  • ***meals in a slow cooker (58)
  • ***mushroom dishes (7)
  • ***dumplings, dumplings, dough (133)
  • ***main courses (804)
  • ***baked goods (1200)
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  • ***donuts (14)
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  • ***lard, boiled pork, sausages (107)
  • ***crackers, chips (1)
  • ***cheeses, yoghurts, cottage cheese (29)
  • ***chebureks, samsa (39)
  • ***shawarma (1)
  • ***kebabs, marinades (14)
  • landscape design (37)
  • medicinal herbs (89)
  • magic, spells (61)
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  • fashion (71)
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  • prayers (103)
  • seas, lakes, rivers (6)
  • museums, galleries, theaters (24)
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  • useful blog lessons (194)
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  • ***religious (31)
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  • religion, Orthodox holidays (80)
  • world crafts (23)
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  • family and children (34)
  • family, psychology, relationships (73)
  • table setting (7)
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  • creativity of Igor Nadzhiev (104)
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  • knitting pattern (698)
  • decorate dishes (103)
  • fillet knitting (65)
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  • photos of beauties (18)
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  • temples, cathedrals, churches, palaces, castles (108)
  • artists, paintings (138)
  • flowers, plants (330)
  • watch (37)
  • blog header (4)
  • sewing (769)
  • epigraphs (84)
  • humor (131)
  • legal advice (20)

– Quote book

Stuffed nose, sinusitis, rhinitis, colds, snot, vision loss!
Sinus massage. What to do during Holy Week *** Monday On this day the pain begins.

Curd and cheese flatbreads Delicious, filling and quick to prepare curd and cheese flatbreads made from p.

Tender banana cookies Let's prepare banana cookies with a crispy crust and tender, p.

Salad “Spring” A very tasty and appetizing salad with chicken, champignons and corn, which...


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