Start familiarizing phrases. Examples of phrases for dating, 100 phrases. What questions to ask when meeting a girl or guy for the first time. Questions when meeting a person, 100 questions

Trying to get to know someone is like walking around in a dimly lit room: there is a light source, but it is not enough to tell the difference between a lemon and an orange.

Maybe you're too afraid to ask questions or don't even know where to start. Don't worry, this really happens.

Asking these questions will help you get to know the other person much better.

This article contains the best questions to ask to get to know someone. Remember them, it will help you start the conversation you've been dreaming of for so long.

Are you interested in knowing his type in women? Her zodiac? His pet peeve? The first thing to remember when dating is to assess your level of intimacy.

The questions you ask your loved one will be different from the questions you ask a friend.

You should not ask personal questions at the first or even second meeting. Assess the situation and be restrained. You can't just ask deep and thought-provoking questions right away.

What questions to ask to get to know a person better and make a good impression?

Questions when meeting for the first time, what to talk about when meeting

When you first meet, you need to get to know your partner better. Your questions should not embarrass or embarrass your passion, and should not be too personal and intimate.

All questions should be related to the following topics:

  • Hobbies
  • Job
  • Animals
  • Trips
  • Cinema and music

Examples of questions:

  1. Where was your last vacation?
  2. How was your weekend, what did you do?
  3. What book are you reading at the moment?
  4. Favorite cuisine in the world and food preferences?
  5. Do you travel often?
  6. Name the place that you consider the most beautiful in our city?
  7. Do you like active recreation?
  8. Do you have animals at home?
  9. How do you feel about walking?
  10. What styles of music do you prefer?
  11. Tell us about your most memorable childhood holiday?
  12. Have you ever had to speak in front of an audience? Do you love public speaking or are you nervous?

How are you?

If you only need to leave one trivial question, then this is a win-win option. No matter how annoying it may be, this is a good conversation starter that will easily lead you to other interesting topics and help you get to know each other a little better.

Alexandra Solomon

Clinical psychologist, author of the book “The Courage to Love. 20 self-discovery lessons that will help you find the love of your dreams."

A successful first date requires two people who are willing to have a real dialogue, not a series of interview-style questions. During a meeting, don’t ask each other about different topics one at a time—discuss them together.

Phrases “How are you?” often enough to start a conversation in which you can lose yourself. Well, a monosyllabic answer is definitely not the best sign for a future with this person.

What questions to ask a girl when meeting her

  1. How often do you update your wardrobe?
  2. What kind of man do you see next to you?
  3. Are you spontaneous or stable?
  4. What movie have you watched several times?
  5. How many foreign languages ​​do you know? Do you want to learn another one?
  6. What do you regret in life?
  7. In what area would you like to become famous?
  8. What song describes your life?
  9. What do you dream about before going to bed?
  10. Do you like to walk around the city at night?
  11. What do you despise in people?
  12. Did you have any nicknames as a child?
  13. Do you have friends whom you have known since childhood?
  14. If you could move anywhere in the world, what city or country would it be?
  15. Which musical artist would you like to see perform?
  16. If you wrote a book, what would it be about?
  17. What household chores do you like to do and which ones do you not?
  18. What would you spend your lottery winnings on?
  19. Can you read other people's gestures?
  20. Do you trust your intuition?
  21. If you had an invisibility cloak for one day, what would you do?
  22. Have you ever done good deeds?
  23. Do you like to receive gifts or give?
  24. Do you like extreme?
  25. What is your idea of ​​a perfect day?
  26. At what age did you realize that you had become an adult?
  27. What do you need to do to become successful?
  28. Which famous person is closest to your spirit?
  29. When making decisions, are you guided by emotions or reason?
  30. Do you enjoy your profession?

If all animals could talk, who would be the rudest?

A strange question, but the answer to it can say a lot about a person. His first reaction will show you how serious he is in everyday life. Or maybe it turns out that in front of you is the soul of the company, accurately shooting jokes left and right.

Alexandra Solomon

Such a ridiculous question will let you know how playful the person is, whether you can just laugh and feel relaxed around him or her.

Defense mechanisms often kick in on first dates, especially if you've had your heart broken in the past. And they only kill the romance. And such a question, on the contrary, will return a feeling of creativity, fun and tomfoolery.

Questions for a guy when meeting him

  1. Have you been playing on the computer for a long time?
  2. What dishes can you cook yourself?
  3. What can calm you down?
  4. Could you live a day without the Internet and gadgets?
  5. Has your self-defense ever gone too far?
  6. Do you get angry easily?
  7. Where do you see yourself in 7 years?
  8. Are you ready to sacrifice relationships, hobbies, freedom or anything else for the sake of your career?
  9. Tell us about your funniest holiday costume.
  10. Did you enjoy your years at school?
  11. Doing sports?
  12. Do you believe in otherworldly forces?
  13. Name the last movie you watched that impressed you.
  14. Tell us about your goals for the future.
  15. Do you regret that there are only 24 hours in a day? Do you have enough time to do everything you have planned?
  16. Do you like to be in nature?
  17. Where was your first date?
  18. Were you exemplary at school or not?
  19. How did you make your first money?
  20. What's your favorite holiday?
  21. Do you go to parties or are you more of a homebody?
  22. Do you like to take risks?
  23. Are you jealous? How does your jealousy manifest itself?
  24. What's your favorite style of clothing?
  25. What should the girl of your dreams be like?
  26. How do you feel about bad habits? Do you have them?
  27. Do you like sweets?
  28. What do you like to do when it rains?
  29. Can you swim?
  30. Favorite time of day?

What makes you happy?

Healthy relationships happen in couples where everyone knows what makes them happy. The partner does not have to be responsible for our good mood - we must be able to independently cultivate our love for life.

Ask the person you're dating to talk about their hobbies. If he or she laughs and treats the question with contempt, this is a bad sign. Already on the first date, you are interested in different things. Not the best start for a relationship.

Take note

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