How to behave at the beginning of a relationship: useful tips for guys and girls

The men who treat women with the most respect are rarely the most successful with them. Joseph Addison

On the topic of mistakes that men make in relationships with women, you can find a lot of information, after reading which you get the feeling that it was presented specifically by women.

It's as if a doe that ran away from a hunter published an article on why the hunter was never able to catch her.

If a man is not the last egoist on the planet, he stands confidently enough on his feet, does not suffer from the “mama’s boy” or “stingy” syndrome, is a purposeful person and, most importantly, he really likes his girlfriend, there are no problems with a strong male shoulder, compliments and other necessary attributes will not appear.

Vis Vitalis, author of the book “Woman. Where is her button?”, shares his vision of the mistakes that men make in relationships with women.

Find out: how to manage a woman

Male indecision

Relationships built on male initiative will last a long time.
After all, girls dream of someone who will solve their problems, accept their weaknesses and take responsibility. When you watch a woman like a maniac for months, then decide to approach her for the same amount of time, but moving in together/getting married/having children is out of the question in the next 5-10 years... Jerking off slowly in splendid isolation, you don’t want to ruin a girl’s life.

Indecisive men fall under the thumb of overly determined women or take what they get. But if you want to be with a normal girl, grow up your resolve so that she at least notices you.

Even if you think that this girl is too tough for you, take a risk. Go up to her and talk to her. Maybe you'll get rejected, maybe you won't. You won't know for sure until you get there.

So the main mistake that men make in relationships is indecision. Determined guys are the same need for girls as caring women are for us.

Reluctance to work on relationships

I won’t tire of repeating: relationships are the work of both partners! This is also personal growth when you go heel to heel together. This is also an environmentally friendly solution to problems. This is also a search for compromises. All this characterizes the harmonious relationship of two adults.

When one of the partners hammers home on the development of the couple, your relationship turns into a one-sided game. Until every person on Earth realizes the importance of working as a couple on themselves and their relationships, there will be fewer and fewer happy marriages, and more and more broken hearts.

Guys' mistakes in relationships begin exactly at the moment when he didn't make peace or started a scene of jealousy out of the blue. I was just in a bad mood, and the girl fell into place. With such actions you only cause resentment and sadness to your passion.

A woman does not have to work on harmony in your couple alone. She will maintain feelings as long as she understands that you both need it. But believe me, a normal girl will turn around and walk off into the sunset as soon as she sees the emptiness in your eyes. Of course, she will be with you until the end, even when you tell her to fuck off. But are you sure you want a dependent relationship?

Mom's snot

Once you turn 18, childhood ends, but not for everyone. Many boys are so attached to their mother’s skirt that they cannot solve a single issue on their own. They ask for help, whine, and make everyone but themselves guilty.

I agree, the easiest way is to sit on your ass and whine that there are only assholes around, not allowing such a smart guy to make it. And only the mother will triumphantly nod her head and rejoice that her over-aged boy sits under her wing and does not rock the boat, because the world is so scary and dangerous, and it is harmful for her to worry.

Typical mistakes men make in relationships include constant whining and blaming everyone around them except themselves. Lack of confidence, willpower and perseverance does not decorate us. But trust me, just having balls does not make you a man with a capital M. This title must be proven by actions.

If something doesn't work out in your life, it's only you to blame. And until you learn to take responsibility for yourself, you will fuck yourself. Women have a direct need for a man who will be a protector and provider. She should not become a second mother to her over-aged son.

Female look

The mistake men make is wrong actions when a girl is offended by something

  1. “The man doesn’t listen to me.” It is very important for women that their partner is a good conversationalist and can carry on a conversation. In addition, do not forget about the need for emotional conversations.
  2. "He doesn't want to help me." A man should not wait for a girl to ask him for help. If he sees that she is having a hard time, he should take the initiative and help. A common situation is when a woman does everything herself, all the housework, copes with everyday difficulties, and the man simply rests and relaxes. Even if your partner doesn't ask for help, that doesn't mean she doesn't want it. It is important to ask how you could contribute to the care of the home.
  3. “A man doesn’t understand what silent communication is.” And this means that the girl is offended by something and does not want to talk. In such a situation, it is important that the man asks what exactly happened, if it is his fault, and asks for forgiveness for his action.
  4. “The man doesn’t want to communicate.” A woman is upset by her partner’s taciturnity. It is important for a girl that a man can talk to her and express his opinion.

Lack of interest in her life

Your woman is waiting for you at home after a working day with borscht and donuts... and the hope that today you will come and ask: “How are you doing, dear? How was your day?". This question lets the girl know that you care about her.

It is important for women to share the events of the day with their loved one. They also want to know what was interesting or not so interesting about you. Such an exchange of information, in her understanding, makes you closer to each other.

Many men make such mistakes in relationships with girls. They come after work and look at their phone, scratch their bellies, and shit. They do everything except communicate with their woman.

Don't be a selfish jerk who thinks she's already talking to her girlfriends all day long, or one day you'll get a reaction from her and that's when your relationship will go down the drain.

When the romance just begins

It is unacceptable to talk about difficulties in your life or about ex
-girlfriends at the beginning of a relationship. Both men and women manage to make mistakes at the beginning of a relationship. We are talking about the wrong actions of representatives of the stronger half of humanity.

  1. Being too intrusive, calling your partner, being interested in where, how and with whom she spent her time.
  2. It is unacceptable to try to persuade your partner to have sex at the very first meeting.
  3. You can’t tell a girl about your past victories or failed relationships.
  4. You should not complain to the young lady about the problems in your life.
  5. There is no need to remain in a bad mood next to a girl or show your dissatisfaction with everything around you.
  6. You should not be too persistent or rude when communicating with a girl.
  7. There is no need to shower her with expensive gifts. Such an act can lead to the fact that the girl will pay more attention to your gifts than to you.
  8. There is no need to ask your partner about a lot, ask inappropriate questions, or try to extract as much information as possible.
  9. There is no need to lie to your partner, even to make a good impression.

Jealousy, suspicion, control

Many men's mistakes in relationships are based on jealousy. But you understand that this is just the tip of the iceberg. This feeling is most often experienced by people with low self-esteem.

That is, they are so unsure of themselves that they are afraid of being rejected, afraid that they will be abandoned, and worried that their partner will find something better. Are you one of those characters?

It is very useful to look at your actions from the outside: when do you start scandals based on jealousy? How do you do it? Are there real reasons for your worries or are you just screwing yourself up?

And then you take all this information and go to a psychologist to improve your self-esteem. Believe me, no normal woman can be with a man for a long time who pesters her with his jealousy every day.

In his study, Spiridonov Y.V. collected several theories of famous scientific psychologists. There is only one conclusion: the underlying cause of jealousy can be resentment, and not necessarily against a partner.

Ignoring standards of decency

In order to be successful with ladies, you need to know the appropriate rules of decency. If a young man openly neglects them for the sake of his own selfishness, then he will have to face severe disappointment. Ignoring accepted norms is a gross mistake of a man. For example, if a guy doesn’t want to court a girl according to all the rules of etiquette, he can hardly count on success. Women feel such moments very subtly; it is important for them to feel needed, to catch interested glances, to attract attention. You cannot demonstrate your stinginess and greed in relation to money. If the gentleman does not want to spend money on cinema, cafes and other entertainment, then his prospects in the future will be very vague. Even very young ladies who do not yet understand life want to see a worthy young man next to them.

Breaking promises

“Oh, what didn’t I promise you?” - if this phrase comes from you in complete seriousness and not as a joke, I have bad news for you. Sooner or later, your woman will no longer need such a relationship.

A normal man is characterized by precisely the phrase: a man said, a man did. There is no continuation, you understand? The lack of ability to be responsible for his words makes such a man a rag.

So learn to keep your promises, at least to your woman. And this entails the next problem - you have to stop being a pussy.

The question is, are you ready to make such sacrifices for yourself? But don't worry, you'll get used to it quickly. When you say and do, there is no need to always make excuses and be annoyed that someone demands something from you.

Basic mistakes

Overestimation of women (fear of women)

I mean, you think better or worse of her than she deserves:

  • Do you consider her a super being or a dirty creature.
  • You're afraid that she sees right through you, or you think she's a complete fool.
  • Looking at her angelic appearance, you attribute to her an angelic character.
  • Or vice versa - you think that she is incredibly cunning and insidious just because she is a woman.

Of course, both of these extremes are absurd. There is no need to be afraid of women or overestimate them: these are quite simple mechanisms with standard capabilities and a standard set of functions.

Once you gain experience, you will be able to easily drive different models, so when you look at the body, don’t think that there is something under the hood that can especially delight or disappoint you.

Trust in a woman

Male naivety is a terrible thing.

Even though you have a more critical mind than your friend, be prepared to swallow any lies from her because you trust her.

And believe me, women use this much more often than you think.

Of course, you shouldn’t live in an atmosphere of suspicion, but just don’t hang your ears at any reason.

Take any proposal or statement from a woman critically, especially if it concerns you or in any way affects your interests.

No matter what a woman says, remember: she will never play on your side.

Therefore, trust, but verify: a woman always acts in her own personal interests, and even if sometimes your interests coincide, do not attach importance to this coincidence.

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