What to write or say to a girl or woman to make her fall in love: phrases, list of words, questions

One of the best features of smartphones is text messages and various instant messengers. Remember what SMS is? So practically no one remembers. And it has long been completely forgotten that once upon a time you had to pay for messages. Messengers have changed a lot, including making correspondence between people simple, accessible and free.

To do this, you just need high-quality Internet, registration on a social network and a couple of applications for quickly sending text, voice or video messages. You can always stay in touch with people you have known for a long time, or with whom you are just starting to get to know each other.

There are two ways to get closer to a girl you like.

The first option is to try to attract her attention directly in real life.

And the second is to understand how to make a girl fall in love with you through correspondence, that is, to get closer to her in the virtual space.

Surely you have already found her pages on social networks, follow her life, try to find out her tastes and preferences. But the longer you just watch her from the side, the more likely it is that someone will get ahead of you.

Even if you are afraid to meet her in person and have fun, there is nothing stopping you from starting flirting with her by correspondence.

What to ask a girl to make her fall in love: a list of questions

These questions are presented for a reason. They were invented by psychologist Arthur Aron; he believed that you could make a girl fall in love with you in 4 minutes by asking certain questions. This method is based on the fact that questions evoke a certain emotional coloring in a girl. In this way she gets closer to the man who asks questions.

According to psychologist Arthur Aron, it is indeed quite possible to make a girl fall in love with you in 4 minutes, adhering to certain tactics. Within 4 minutes you create positive emotions, and the girl connects you with someone very nice. Thus, the matter remains small. We present a list of questions to ask a girl to make her fall in love . If appropriate, you can start the conversation on you, but we will provide you with a list of where you can start the conversation on YOU.

A list of questions:

  1. Do you rehearse your future speech before calling someone? If yes, then why?
  2. What is your ideal day?
  3. When was the last time you sang to yourself? And for others?
  4. Imagine that you can live to be 90 years old, and at the age of 30 either your body or your mind will stop aging - which will you choose?
  5. Do you have a premonition of how you will die?
  6. Name three traits that can unite us.
  7. What were you most grateful for?
  8. If you could change one thing about the way you were raised, what would it be?
  9. You have 4 minutes. Tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.
  10. Imagine that tomorrow you will wake up with a new quality, ability or talent. Which one?
  11. What question would you ask a crystal ball that could tell you the truth about anything?
  12. Do you have a cherished dream? Why haven't you done it yet?
  13. What can you say to a girl, a woman, to make her fall in love?

Please note that you need to start following a certain procedure to make a girl fall in love only if you yourself have warm feelings for her. Otherwise, we do not recommend doing this, since girls do not perceive falling in love the same way, so they can become very intrusive and bring unnecessary problems.

There are no specific words, phrases, or correspondence that will make a girl fall in love. Therefore, initially the right tactic would be to find out about your candidate’s likes. You need to find out what kind of guys she likes. This will help you match the image, thereby awakening love feelings in her. Still, it is necessary to adhere to the rules, since there are guys with whom a particular girl will never fall in love.

Top questions with a hint

All love questions are asked in a comfortable and confidential environment. You shouldn't be disturbed. You can ask a girl at least 20 questions, but if you are constantly distracted, the result will be crumpled and dubious. Ideally, you should feel each other, see mutual interest and attraction. These questions will further inflame the passion and make the girl fall in love:

  1. “Could you kiss a stranger/have sex?” If you have only recently met, then this question will be associated with you: she will definitely mentally imagine herself in your arms.
  2. “What do you associate with the word “pleasure?”
  3. “Do you think girls should take their husband’s surname or not?” If she doesn’t know, then tell her your last name, and jokingly see if it suits the girl.
  4. “At what age would you like to get married/start a family?” Most likely, she will say that it is too early, especially if you have only recently met. But her readiness to get married is a wake-up call. Maybe she has already had her eye on someone and it doesn’t have to be you.

Learn to tell a girl the right words to make her fall in love with you. The PDF first phrase constructor will help you with this. A girl may fall in love with a subtle hint from you about your general prospects and relationship questions. An innocent love question will easily turn her head and make her fall in love. But not only words are important, but also your ability to speak and behave. This can be easily learned if you have the desire, and my students are a shining example of this. My name is Alexander Galevich and I am an expert in seduction and relationships. Conquer girls not only with questions, but also with your gaze, smile and self-confidence!

What questions to ask a girl to make her fall in love?

However, if everything is fine, try to get the girl to talk. Let her tell you as much as possible about herself and her opinion. For dating questions, see the article What to ask a girl to interest her? 100 questions in VK, when meeting, on the phone, in communication, on a first date

If you feel that the girl reacts to your neutral questions and shows sympathy for you, you can move on to more targeted questions.


  • Which guys do you prefer: bossy or easy-going?
  • Do you have an idol, an ideal?
  • Am I attracted to you?
  • What attracts you most about me?
  • Do you like me?
  • What do you like most about me?
  • Who are you more like, your mom or your dad?
  • Do you think I'm cute?
  • Is it noticeable that I exercise?
  • What sport do you like best? Why?
  • Do you believe horoscopes? What is your zodiac sign? Maybe we have the perfect combination?
  • When's your birthday?
  • Have you ever had a real fortune told?
  • How do you feel about discos and parties?
  • Do you have a sister or brother?
  • Do you like romantic dates?
  • I would like to take you on a date. How do you feel about this?
  • What are your plans for tomorrow? Can I fit into them?
  • Let's plan our next weekend together?
  • What sweets do you like?
  • What kind of music do you like to listen to?
  • What do you love most?
  • What car do you like best?
  • What is your favourite season of year? Do you like cold or hot?
  • Do you like traveling?
  • Do you prefer the sea or the mountains?
  • What cities or countries have you been to?
  • What weather do you like best?
  • Do you like to walk in the rain?
  • Do you believe in soul mates?
  • Do you believe in love at first sight?
  • Do you believe in selfless love?
  • What do you think: what should a loving person avoid?
  • How should a guy show his love for a girl in practice?
  • What actions or words of a guy can bring you pain, trouble, or worry?
  • If a friend asked you for advice, would you tell her to choose: love or money?
  • Are there phrases that you would like to hear every day?
  • Would you like my hair color, eye color?
  • Would you go for a walk with me? Let's meet!
  • Have you had the most unforgettable adventures in your life? Which?
  • What was the funniest thing that happened in your life?
  • What would your most ideal day look like?
  • If you could have 3 wishes come true now, what would you wish for?
  • Do you believe in intuition?
  • Do you like to be photographed?
  • Have you ever collected anything?
  • Do you love animals, birds?
  • Do you like to take a shower or bath?
  • What kind of jewelry do you like?
  • What's the best gift you've ever received?
  • Can you cook?
  • What's your favorite dish?
  • How do you feel about it if I invite you to drink a couple of cups of coffee (tea, cocktail)?
  • By the way, what do you like more: tea or coffee?

Questions for a girl from a guy

  • Could you live your whole life for one person?
  • Would you like to have a big family?
  • How many children would you like in the future?
  • How do you feel about serious relationships?
  • How do you imagine true love?
  • Is your heart free?
  • What will you do if I kiss you?
  • Can I hug you?
  • Do you like massage? I love giving massage.
  • Have you watched erotic films?

Questions for a girl

Love messages to a girl [110+ tender SMS]

Girls really need kind words from you. They melt and fall head over heels in love from tender phrases. So today I have prepared for you a powerful list of love messages for a girl. Send them via SMS or say one specifically when you meet. I guarantee you the effect! Let's begin.

Sweet messages for a girl

  • You know? I never, ever planned to love so much, and I never thought that I would think about you so often. But I like it!
  • You are my last thought when I go to bed at night and my first when I get up in the morning.
  • When you are with me, time stops and everything else in the world ceases to matter.
  • Do you know how wonderful it is to wake up every day knowing that I have you? You are ideal.
  • Do you know how magnets magically attract each other? This is how my heart feels when I'm with you. I can't even explain this attraction I feel.
  • This morning I woke up and walked around smiling, and then I realized that I was thinking about you.
  • I could spend every minute of the day with you and still feel like I'm not enough.
  • I always thought that “happiness” begins with the letter S, but now I know that it begins with M (the first letter of the girl’s name).
  • It means a lot to me to hear the sound of your voice every day.
  • I want time to stop when I'm with you, but it always finds a way to fly by.
  • You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I love our nightly conversations and how you fall asleep on my chest when we watch movies.
  • You are such a bright light in my life that I almost don’t remember what my life was like before you showed up.
  • You understand me so well, it’s like you can read my thoughts.
  • My parents told me to never give up on my dreams while I was in school. That's why I'll never let you go, girl of my dreams.
  • With your beautiful smile you make my sadness disappear.
  • If I could grant a wish, I would give you the opportunity to see yourself through my eyes. Then you would understand how special you are to me.
  • Good morning. Tell me something in a voice message - if I hear your voice in the morning, my day will be better.
  • You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.
  • You are the embodiment of my dreams.

Love SMS for her

♥ I want every day to be like today and next to you, my girl!

♥ I tried to stop thinking about you, but it's just impossible.

♥ Because of you, I wake up every morning with a smile on my face. You are never out of my head, even in my dreams.

♥ I wanted to tell you that wherever I am, no matter what happens, I always think about you.

♥ You have me. Until all the stars in the galaxy go out. You have me.

♥ I have never loved you more than I do now. And I will never love you less than I do now.

♥ When we met it was attraction, but now it has turned into love and holds us very tightly.

♥ You helped me see the true meaning of life with your love. Thank you for always being there!

♥ You are there when I fall asleep, you are there when I wake up, and most importantly, you are there when I need you most. Thank you for this.

♥ I miss your smile, your gentle touch, your care for me. I just can't wait to be around you again!

♥ With you in my life, the world seems a lot happier, the birds are chirping louder (I can hear birds!), the sun is shining brighter, the grass is greener, and my heart is beating faster.

What compliment should I tell a girl to make her fall in love with me?

In addition to questions, the girl is captivated by compliments. You can start by saying that you liked her voice.

  • What a pleasant voice you have!
  • It’s very pleasant (comfortable) to communicate with you! I want to know you more!

Read more compliments in the article 100 of the best most beautiful compliments to a girl and woman about her beauty in your own words, in prose: list.

Beautiful phrases for a girl

Words to make a girl fall in love with you: examples

To make a girl fall in love with you , you need to be quite attractive in appearance. However, if your father and mother did not reward you with very decent physical characteristics and a pretty face, you should not be upset. Usually, men's beauty is not subject to as many demands as women's.

Therefore, it is enough to take care of yourself, know how to dress, and create a certain style. Usually girls fall in love not with a specific person, but with an image. However, there are certain rules that any man who wants to make a girl fall in love with him must follow.

What to say to a girl or woman to make her fall in love , see the words of admiration in the picture :

Words of admiration for a girl

Words of admiration for a girl

What and how should you pronounce phrases to make a girl fall in love?

Not only words and phrases are important to make a girl fall in love with you , but also the intonation with which they are pronounced. So don't be overconfident. Some girls smell pick-up artists and reject them.

Example of phrases to make a girl fall in love:

I love our evening pastime. Maybe we can diversify the movie night and go to the theater?

I have prepared a surprise for you: this weekend we will go to the mountains. I know that you love active recreation!

You cook divinely! I've never eaten anything like this!

Today you have a very stylish hairstyle, it suits you. Although everything suits you!

You're interesting - you don't know what to expect. We never get bored together!

If I know that you are mine, then I can move mountains!

How beautiful you are today, more than ever: your eyes sparkle. I really want to eat you!

For your sake, I am ready to cancel men's gatherings today!

I'm ready to do anything for you.

I never told this to anyone before you.

You will have to be responsible for your words and fulfill your wishes. Even if you have to listen to opera for three hours.

Smart quotes about women

Using the method at the stage of telephone conversations

The essence is the same. We attract - we push away. We speak softly and admiringly:

“Lena, you have such a charming voice! Just…. I listen and it excites me so much!”

Then you talk as usual, and after 5-7 minutes you’re back at it:

“Let's not call each other so late. I have to go to work in the morning, I would like to get enough sleep and go to bed early. It’s no longer convenient for me to talk at this time.”

Another option: you thank the girl for something, say how pleased you are, emphasize how she said everything on time and on topic, and hit the nail on the head. And with the second phrase, after a while, you output something like:

“I didn’t expect to hear this from you,” “Strange reasoning.”

In this case, the woman becomes confused, realizing that she seems to be the most desirable interlocutor in the world, but at the same time you are a man of your own rules, principles and views. You need to take a closer look at this and understand where she missed the mark.

What to write to a girl or woman to make her fall in love: phrases, list, words, questions

Let us immediately note that it is quite difficult to completely fall in love with a girl through the Internet, VKontakte or during correspondence on a dating site. However, you can try to draw an image that will significantly stir up the girl’s interest. You must try to appear as gallant, worthy, erudite, and interesting as possible.

In this case, the girl will really want to meet you. Already in the process of a real meeting, everything is in your hands. It is during a real meeting that you can show all your charm and make the girl fall in love. But you still need to try to draw an image that will be interesting to the girl.

What to write to a girl or woman to make her fall in love, phrases:

How to start communication? Don't write what you would normally type for everyone else. Girls also feel monotony, and stereotypedness, as well as banality. Therefore, the phrase on a dating site: “Hi, what are you doing?” you won't surprise anyone. You need to make the girl feel unique.

If she has some photos from her holiday in Turkey on her page, you can ask: “I think all the Turks were crazy about you. You look so seductive in a pink swimsuit."

Or, for example, like this: “I adore mountains, but I’m very afraid of heights. Would you like to teach me mountaineering?”

And of course, a compliment for the girl.

Why does it work

Everywhere and everywhere they call on men to be soft, flexible, gallant, pleasing and sensitive in order to please a girl. We (women) are very accustomed to this, and when a guy’s behavior differs from usual, he simply breaks the pattern for us.

Sort of a bad guy. The main thing you need to understand and feel is the line between rudeness and a “fly in the ointment.” If you doubt whether you will be understood correctly, it is better not to say out loud what you wanted. No one has canceled the rules of etiquette and politeness.

Play subtly, this will come with experience. Honestly, being rude can also work, but such a relationship will not last long or be serious. If that's your goal, then go ahead.

My blog and publications for guys of a different category and level are much higher than simple pick-up artists. And here it is for them:

Be delicate, then any girl will submit to you. Be yourself and don't play another person, just play the game. If you don’t like it, then leave it (I’m talking about the game now

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