There will be no second chance: what to write to a girl in the first message

It happens that a guy knows how to speak beautifully and can attract any lady with his jokes, but he gets lost during correspondence. If you don’t know how to correspond with a girl online so as not to lose her attention, then come to us! We have prepared material that will help in this difficult issue, and the girl you like will definitely be yours.

Before you text a girl, check: are you ready?

Correspondence is important. A full 30% of your literary talent determines whether she responds or not. Guess who owns 70% of the shares of the Dating enterprise? Your profile. We have already discussed how to fill out a questionnaire on a dating site. Open and read. Only then send the girl the first message. By the way, even if you are the coolest guy on the site, remember about PMS, the funeral of your beloved rat, a broken nail and other fatal circumstances that no man can overcome. Add “problematic, but beautiful” to your Favorites and switch to the next one - you’ll practice here later. Wait a minute though. Did you happen to text her: “Hi, how are you?” Then they simply didn’t notice you. Let's talk seriously about what to write to a girl in the first message in order to hook her from the start, to ignite the fire of love or at least curiosity in her heart.

Successful themes

It is useful for guys to know what topics they can talk about with a girl. There are quite a lot of them, choose one from the list presented and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. You can change the topic in the chat at any time, the girl herself will tell you what interests her more.

  1. Psychology of relationships
  2. Hobbies, interests of a woman
  3. Achievements in life, at work
  4. What is love and does it exist?
  5. Films, actors
  6. Art (painting, music)
  7. Rest
  8. Questions about the past: when I first fell in love, school friends
  9. Flowers: which ones you like, which ones you don’t?
  10. Travel dreams
  11. Books
  12. Life goals
  13. Dreams, their meaning
  14. Favorite cafe, club

As soon as the topic has exhausted itself, switch the dialogue to another. At the same time, you should not show boredom in discussions or answer in monosyllables. Show real interest, ask questions, react violently to the girl’s emotional outbursts or stories about her secret past.

How to anchor a girl from the first message: pickup lessons

When wondering what question to ask a girl to interest her, don’t reinvent the wheel. Everything has already been thought out for you. Write an opener. Openers are the first phrases of communication that make an impression. What touches her instincts, evokes emotions, attracts attention, sets you apart from the crowd of losers who sit on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and dating sites around the clock without a chance of sex.


When thinking about what you can write to a girl on a dating site, try the game of intrigue. "Hello. I know something about you that others don’t know...” you write, and it’s unlikely she can resist scribbling to you: “I wonder what?” More examples: “Wow! What are you doing here?" or “You know what I liked about you? You combine two incompatible qualities. Usually men don’t like them, but I’m delighted.” The girl is a curious creature. He will languish until he finds out the answers. When intriguing, do not forget to pause between messages.


Provocation is what will force her to answer you. On a dating site, provocation serves as a catalyst for communication. Refrain from rudeness and vulgarity. Here are examples, take it and use it:

“I want to ask you an intimate question...” Yes, it will be tense, but her attention is already focused on you. Continue: “Do you happen to work in a creative environment - among designers, artists, photographers?” The young lady will be surprised, relax and probably ask what is intimate here. “Well, of course. This is a personal question. And the personal is always the territory of the intimate.” You not only provoked her reaction and emotion at the start, but also earned her a reputation as “not like everyone else.”

Provocation on a dating portal is not incitement. Provocation in the context of making an acquaintance is devoid of aggression directed at the partner. Here provocation is motivation, stimulation, motivation. A game, not a conflict. A gender challenge, not a confrontation.

Directive style

You can interest almost any woman in the style that pick-up artists call direct. We are talking about the dominant style of communication. Without misfires, he works with beautiful girls who, by default, are looking for a “Real Man.” Dominance can easily mask a lack of experience communicating with girls, fears and complexes. When practicing direct style, convey the image of a strong and confident male, a fearless leader of the tribe:

  • "Beautiful girl. I like you. Write your number. Let’s meet in a more convenient place for communication.”
  • “Hello, beautiful. We'll meet tomorrow. What time will you be free?"

When choosing a directive style for your first message, return to your profile. Is there really an alpha male in the photos?

The right compliment

“If you don’t know what to write to a girl, write compliments,” my mother told me. Everyone loves flattery. Even you. And while you're scratching your beard, what should you write to a girl to make her feel good? I'll give you a hint: don't write platitudes. Flattery must be of jewelry quality.

  • Not “you’re beautiful,” but “you have impeccable style.”
  • Not “I’m drowning in your eyes,” but “how many men have you driven crazy with your dreamy gaze?”
  • Or like this: “Hello! I'm one of those annoying creeps who thinks you're stunningly beautiful."
  • Even better: “Your parents deserve a Nobel Prize. Or what do they give out to the creators of world masterpieces?”
  • And I’ll tell you what: generate compliments by studying her profile. Pay attention to details - almost no one does this: “You have such thin aristocratic wrists”, “An original dress in the shabby chic style. You have impeccable taste."

The ability to give personal compliments will more than once help you climb the most inaccessible mountain.

Answer the three main questions that interest her

I know what interests you. She is interested in something else: who you are, what you want and why you chose her. An individual presentation will enhance the attractiveness of your profile and reduce the distance between correspondence and meeting. Without a pick-up artist, it is worth making acquaintances if there are good reasons for this - for example, your own business. Come on, don't be modest. Trumps - right away. "Hello. My name is Ivan. You know, everything worked out for me. Business, house, tree. There is no main thing. I saw a photo of you looking somewhere into the distance. And I felt that we were looking in the same direction.” You can write to a girl you like with feeling, sensibly and beautifully, even without business. Just don’t lie, but embellish – there will be room to grow.

Not a word about sex

Girls are cautious about dating on the Internet due to the abundance of sexually preoccupied macho men who are not interested in their personality. A meeting with another virtual lover can immediately turn into goodbye. All hints of sex are not for the first correspondence, even if this is the purpose of dating.

But you don’t need to delay it too much so as not to fall into the “friend zone.” If a guy does not show his interest in a representative of the fairer sex in any way, over time her interest in him may fade. You need to act according to the situation, not to rush, but also not to delay the onset of this moment.

Examples of how to interest a girl by correspondence

Ideally, your brain should generate intrigue, provocations and compliments. In the meantime, while his muscle is training, I’ll give you a couple of examples.


  • “You know, the Constitution says you can’t deprive a person of the right to happiness.”
  • “Today I finally understood why I registered on a dating site.”
  • “I saw photos of Rome in the profile. Are you as in love with him as I am?”
  • “I lost the bet, and for this I have to ask the most beautiful girl on the site on a date.”
  • “I think I’m not the first one who wants to meet you. But I am the best. Will you check?"

Not interested

  • “You look good. Shall we meet?
  • “Let’s chat or meet”
  • "Hello. You are cute. Shall we meet?
  • “If you are interested in me, write!”

Don't make mistakes at the start

Writing an original message to a stranger so that she smiles, melts and even falls in love will not work right away. At the start, just avoid mistakes. No, if nature has gifted you with the beauty of Jude Law or the charisma of Javier Bardem, even for vulgarity you will receive a smiley face. I'm not Lowe, you're not Bardem. Make no mistake.

Platitudes and cliches

What, trying to interest a girl in a “hi-how-are-you” way? Remember duckface. “Hi-how-are-you” irritates a girl just as much as “ducky lips” irritates you. It’s easy to filter out cliches and platitudes: the first thing that comes to mind is to put it in the trash.

Not a word about sex

Even in direct style there is not a word about sex. The Internet frees your hands, but keep them on the keyboard. “Sexy babe. I want to get to know you better,” - with such a tackle you will go farther. Although….

As Yesenin correctly noted, “always and at all times, good, kind girls went crazy from hooligans.” So psychologists say: girls love aggressive, vulgar and rude guys. Good boys end up in the friend zone.

Don't load it

Writing hello to the girl and following up with a claim for IQ-150 is also not an option. The young lady will not sit in an intellectual knockout. If you see a tattoo on your shoulder, don’t write about the chemical composition of the ink. Tell me you want to stuff yourself too. Ask what tattoos girls like, where it’s best to get them (on the arm, stomach), from which artist.

Useful tips

In the end, we want to give you some more useful tips that will help you interest a girl with your first message:

  1. Intrigue. Write: “Hello. I looked at your account and realized that you have two qualities that are very important to me.” Girls are very curious, so she will immediately ask you which ones.
  2. Be interested. Ask questions, develop them and learn more about it.
  3. Just kidding. If you have a good sense of humor, don't forget to use it. But do this carefully, because the interlocutor may not have a sense of humor.

Use your sense of humor

  1. Be decisive. Girls really love confident guys. Take the initiative and offer to meet.
  2. Be real. Don't play the role, because sooner or later you will meet, and she will see that you and that guy from social networks are different people.

Texting a girl for the first time can be difficult, especially if you really like her. We hope that our tips will help you be more confident and you will be able to win the affection of any girl.

Original phrases for meeting a girl on the Internet: TOP-100

And you can print out the following cheat sheet and hang it on the wall. It will help you meet at least a hundred good girls. But let me remind you that you are not the only one reading our site. Be inspired, and don’t copy, so as not to get into that awkward situation when someone else wrote the same phrase to the same girl before you.

  1. Let me introduce you, charming creature. And even if you make three grammatical errors in the word yes (in the form of the letters n, e and t), I will not pay attention to it. Beauty can be forgiven a lot.
  2. Before I saw your profile, I considered myself a happy man - a man who has everything. Now I understand that something is missing in my life - you. Are your legs tired during the day? In the morning I saw your profile, and all day you stand before my eyes. Sit down, let's get acquainted.
  3. I know what you look like. I know your name (according to your profile information). But I want to know you more. Will you allow me?
  4. I am an employee of the employment service and I really want to keep you busy with something interesting in the very near future. Do not mind?
  5. Hello! I am a guest from the future and came to Mamba to save you from loneliness.
  6. Until today, he was a confirmed bachelor. But it seems my preferences have just changed.
  7. Have you ever met a charismatic, purposeful, intelligent, wealthy, well-built and, most importantly, very modest young man?
  8. Let's not tempt fate, hoping that we'll meet somewhere by chance on the street, but let's get to know each other right now.
  9. I propose to debunk the misconception that dating on the Internet is not serious. Shall we prove the opposite?
  10. I’m sure coffee and dessert won’t spoil your impeccable figure tonight.
  11. I wrote you a long letter about how beautiful you are. And suddenly the lights turned off. So I'll be brief. Hello. Let's get acquainted.
  12. Do you have a strong thread to start our acquaintance?
  13. It’s somehow irrelevant to ask about your son-in-law today, but I really want to.
  14. I don't believe in love at first sight. That's why I had to look at you twice to understand for sure - this is love.
  15. If I were a unique girl like you, I would pay attention to a special guy like me.
  16. Hello, my future love life. And what are you doing here in my absence?
  17. I'm writing a book about online dating. I want to ask you a couple of questions.
  18. I’m writing an article about what beautiful girls want. I'd like to hear your opinion.
  19. I'm a journalist and I want to interview you. Tell me what it's like to be a beautiful girl.
  20. I want to change your plans for tonight. Will you allow me?
  21. What are you going to do tonight after our date?
  22. Hello amazing. Tomorrow we have a date. What time is convenient?
  23. What are your plans for life? I want to make a little adjustment and become part of them.
  24. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to meet you. But I'm the best. And I can prove it.
  25. Hello. I just read a romantic story about how a guy met a girl and they lived happily ever after. Do you know how they met? He wrote to her: Hello. I just read a romantic story...
  26. Your beauty will turn even a gay man into a normal man. Now imagine what you do to normal men like me?
  27. You shouldn't think that I just want to get to know you. I have other, more serious plans for you.
  28. Do you want to chat with a person who really likes you? You will learn a lot of new and pleasant things about yourself.
  29. Such spectacular girls should not spend time online. Beauty needs to be walked. Let me take you out to a very decent place?
  30. Wasn't it painful to fall from heaven, beautiful Angel?
  31. Can you tell me where heaven is? You look a lot like an angel.
  32. Girl, are your parents pirates by any chance?.. Then where did they get such a treasure?
  33. Your parents should be given a Pulitzer Prize. Or what do they give to the creators of unique masterpieces?
  34. Something happened to my eyes. They are stuck on your profile.
  35. Do you remember me? I'm from your dreams. True, when we met, I was on a white horse and in armor.
  36. May I know your real name? I want to try it on with my last name.
  37. I feel sorry for the girls on this site. Your presence turns them into a gray mass.
  38. When I saw you, I thought how lucky it is that I’m not married.
  39. When I saw your profile, I was glad how great it was that I was free and we could meet.
  40. Girl, you hurt my heart. Give me first aid.
  41. Girl, I'm drowning in your bottomless eyes. Help me.
  42. Your eyes tell me a lot. The only thing they don’t say is their phone number.
  43. In one of your photos you are looking into the distance. I think you and I are looking in the same direction.
  44. I can give you my free time in exchange for a phone number.
  45. Girl, can you tell me the recipe for cactus jam?
  46. Please advise what can be made from dumplings.
  47. Hello. Tell me how best to spend my salary.
  48. Do you know why this site is better than others? This is where we met. By the way, my name is Sergey.
  49. I thought dating sites were a waste of time. Until today I saw your profile.
  50. What should an interesting guy write to a very beautiful girl so that she gets to know him?
  51. You probably don’t believe in love from the first message, but I’m ready to write to you again and again.
  52. I want to treat you to a delicious dinner and, if you allow, an equally delicious breakfast in bed.
  53. I would like to offer my courageous hand to support you on your walk this evening.
  54. I think you too are very bored in this gray crowd. I suggest you go somewhere from here. For example, in a cafe.
  55. I’ve been looking for a cafe for a long time where I can invite a special girl like you. And today I found it. Reward me with your presence and smile.
  56. I want to invite you for a cup of coffee with very serious intentions.
  57. How about casual flirtation with commitment?
  58. Next year I'm running for president. Leave your number - I want to tell you the details of my election program.
  59. The creator of the Internet needs to erect a monument. Without him, I would never have met a girl like you.
  60. And how can you call the Internet a time waster if you meet girls like you there?
  61. You spend a lot of time online. It's bad for your health. Let's get divorced in real life?
  62. You can’t spoil such beautiful eyes by sitting at the monitor for a long time! Let's go to a cafe.
  63. From your profile I learned that you love Italian cuisine. Unfortunately, it is impossible to enjoy the taste of food on the Internet. I want to treat you in real life.
  64. If you print out all the compliments you deserve, the planet will be left without a forest. Let's get acquainted, beauty.
  65. Today I promised my hamster that I would meet the most beautiful girl on the site.
  66. Let me make you happy. But first, let's get acquainted.
  67. Amazing style. Are you a stylist or an innate sense of taste?
  68. Don't you have a spare heart? Mine was just stolen.
  69. You're so beautiful that I forgot everything I knew about pickup.
  70. And where were you all my old life?
  71. I'll drown in your eyes, okay? (Eduard Asadov).
  72. I have never seen such beautiful ones (Sergei Yesenin).
  73. Seeing you, I realized that I needed to cancel all plans for this evening.
  74. I have an excellent vacancy for a trip to a cafe. Will you respond?
  75. While you are a mystery to me, I am ready to guess your secrets, secrets and desires.
  76. Can you tell me the way to your heart or at least to your phone number?
  77. I am a distributor of happiness. Do you want me to give you all the happiness that I have, for free?
  78. I suggest changing. You will give me all the sadness that is frozen in your eyes. And I give you all my joy.
  79. A stunning girl like you must have a stunning font. I'm right?
  80. Lead me out of the labyrinth of loneliness, beautiful stranger.
  81. There are things that cannot exist without each other - day and night, river and riverbed, you and me.
  82. You have a good taste. True, some accessories are missing. But I can fix it.
  83. I wonder if your inner world is as beautiful as your appearance?
  84. The form is impeccable. What about the content?
  85. You know, you fit perfectly into the interior of my life.
  86. You are probably often invited to the registry office? But you can start with a cafe.
  87. What a stunning dress in this photo. True, it will look much better on the back of a chair in my bedroom.
  88. I know exactly where our communication will lead. But let's not rush. The candy-bouquet period has not been cancelled.
  89. I suggest you play the next game. You tell me your number. I will call you. And then, holding hands, we will go have dinner.
  90. If you don't answer me, I won't be able to sleep all night. Will you not be tormented by remorse?
  91. What feat must I accomplish for you to agree to have coffee with me? For your sake I am ready to be Hercules.
  92. I saw you on the street today. Everyone walked with gloomy faces, but you smiled. What were you thinking at that moment?
  93. From now on, I cannot imagine my life without you.
  94. What do you think, beauty, what do I ask you now?
  95. I have a problem that only you can solve. The thing is, I don't have time to spend hours on the site, but I don't want to lose you. Would you mind leaving your phone number?
  96. You have beautiful wrists. Previously, these were considered a sign of aristocracy.
  97. Would you mind taking me to a restaurant this evening? I'm very afraid of the dark.
  98. I don't want to fill your pretty head with all this pickup truck nonsense. Let's just get to know each other.
  99. There are a lot of original phrases running through your head, but I don’t want to fool you. Maybe we can do without beautiful but meaningless words? My name is Ivan. I like you.

Preparing for dating: a few important rules

Shy men, who are afraid to meet the opposite sex and feel awkward in the company of a girl they don’t know well, believe that it is much easier to start communicating by correspondence than in person. However, they are mistaken.

In real life, a guy can impress a young lady with his natural abilities, charm him with his voice or refined manners. And for her to want to communicate with an unfamiliar young man on the Internet, it is necessary to do serious preliminary work: analyze her profile and collect information about the girl.

Get information about the girl

To understand where to start a conversation with a girl on VKontakte, you should carefully study her profile. If the page is closed, then the man should send his chosen one a friend request. To prevent the lady from rejecting the request, it is advisable for the guy to open his profile. She will look through his information about himself, make sure that he is not just another seller of cosmetics or clothing, does not offer work on the Internet, and will approve the application.

Further actions:

  1. Get acquainted with information about interests and hobbies. Perhaps she likes the same films or music groups. Similar hobbies will help start the first conversation.
  2. View the communities the girl has joined. Groups can tell a lot about her preferences. It may turn out that she likes black humor and classic poems.
  3. Study the list of her friends. Perhaps the guy will find his acquaintances among them. Then there will be a reason to ask the girl about them.

It is not necessary to start your acquaintance with a message. You can comment beautifully on her photos or leave a witty note under her post.

At first, it is advisable to observe how often she appears on the Internet, how much time she spends on the site, so that at the right moment she can send a message and wait for a response.

Explore your profile

Women carefully make new acquaintances on the Internet. It is important for them that a potential partner does not hide information about himself. Therefore, before you start communicating with a girl on VK, you should put your own page in order. A correctly compiled profile should not scare away the lady or arouse her suspicions. To do this you need:

  1. Fill in information about yourself. Indicate your worldview, life priorities, attitude towards alcohol and smoking. Fill in the fields about hobbies, favorite films, books and music. Just a few lines can interest a lady. Seeing similar interests, she will be more willing to respond to the first message. You should not hide your date of birth. Young ladies interested in astrology will be curious to read the horoscope about a mysterious admirer.
  2. Photographs play a big role. It is better to upload high-quality images with minimal processing to the site. A portrait and full-length photo must be present. You can add footage taken on exciting trips, sports activities, college or school. Photos with your best friends will also come in handy.
  3. Do not join groups with questionable names or content. It is recommended to leave communities associated with hobbies, films, and music. Comedy groups are welcome.

It is better to provide truthful information on dating sites. If you manage to charm the object of your sympathy, then communication from the virtual world can move into reality. And seeing in person a young man who is completely different in character and interests, the girl will be disappointed.

What to write to a girl if she answered: we are moving towards the goal

If they answered you, well done. And you are also a “chatterologist” if you don’t get a contact in the first row of correspondence. While her attention is focused on you, take the number and invite her on a date. For example, for a horse ride. Cinema and cafes are popular but disastrous date options. You won’t be able to socialize at the movies, and kissing places aren’t for you yet. The cafe can drain your bank card because you never know what kind of truffles she likes. And by the way, you will never know if, on the laurels of your first success (“answered!”), you begin to surf the expanses of web correspondence. Remember about the “friend zone”, in which there are always vacancies. So that you never end up there, look at the article Top 12 places for a first date so that she will be surprised.

Platitudes and cliches

Pretty women receive dozens of messages from guys, so they will send the next banal message to spam without remorse. But you shouldn’t be too original, so as not to look strange in the eyes of your interlocutor and not spoil the atmosphere of communication from the first minutes. Balance is important. A woman should see that the phrases are intended for her personally, and not copied on the Internet from past correspondence. It is important to focus on some personal qualities and use original compliments. Examples of phrases that will never interest you:

  • Hello! How are you?
  • What are you doing?
  • Hello! And you're beautiful.

If you start correspondence with banal phrases like “Does your mother need a son-in-law?”, then you may not wait for a response from the woman you like. Therefore, the words for the first messages must be chosen very carefully.

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