70 Great Questions to Ask a Girl When Texting to Improve Communication and Relationships

What questions can you ask to improve communication?

Below are interesting questions for a girl that you can ask during correspondence to start or improve contact.


Interesting questions during correspondence should be used to establish first contact with a girl. These are topics that will be of interest to almost anyone.

  1. What weather do you like best?
  2. What pranks did you get up to as a child?
  3. Where would you like to go?
  4. Where have you managed to travel?
  5. What's your favorite movie? Why?
  6. What do you think of [latest famous movie/series]?
  7. Are there any pets? How do you have fun with them?
  8. What is your favorite book? Why?
  9. What did you do yesterday?
  10. What crazy fantasies have you ever had?
  11. What country would you like to live in? Why?
  12. How many pairs of shoes do you have? Which one is your favorite?
  13. Are there any outfits you haven't worn? Why didn't you wear it?
  14. What are you planning to do on vacation?
  15. What cartoons do you watch?
  16. How do you celebrate March 8? New Year? Birthday?

Here are some questions you can ask a girl by correspondence. A month would not be enough to discuss all of them in detail. But what happens next is even more interesting.

It pays to think carefully about how to start a conversation.

About love

You can ask a girl questions about love when corresponding with her only if you already know each other well. In this case, they will create a romantic atmosphere. In all other cases, they will only arouse suspicion: “Why is he asking about this?”

Remember that talking about love arouses certain feelings in a girl and she involuntarily transfers them to you.

  1. Do you dream of falling in love?
  2. What do you like about guys?
  3. What qualities do you look for in a guy? And if the young man were rich, which of the listed qualities could be removed from the list?
  4. What's the most extreme thing you've ever done for someone you love?
  5. Do you like to dominate a man, or should this guy have leadership qualities?
  6. Are you very jealous?
  7. Do you fall in love often?
  8. How do you distinguish between falling in love and love based on your inner feelings?
  9. Would you like to get married or is it too early?

Questions like “Are you very jealous?” or “How do you handle breaking up with your boyfriend?” questions cannot be asked, as they evoke negative memories and experiences. We don't need this.


Here are some cool questions to ask a girl when texting to lift her spirits.

  1. Would you like to become a man? What would you do if you were him?
  2. What are the silliest items in your purse?
  3. What's the worst purchase you've made?
  4. What was your nickname at school?
  5. What things do you think people will find strange in 50 years?
  6. Do you talk to pets?
  7. How would you react if a girl approached you on the street to meet you?

With a catch

Interesting questions to a girl via correspondence with a trick will not only lift her spirits, but also tell her a lot about her interlocutor.

  1. What is more important for a girl: to be erudite or beautiful?
  2. Brains or looks?
  3. How will you test your man's fidelity?
  4. Would you go on vacation to a desert island?
  5. What is more important: career or love?


Funny questions to a girl in correspondence will make communication more fun and improve relationships.

  1. Where can I buy rat-flavored cat food?
  2. What funny nicknames would you give to all your colleagues and boss?
  3. I sowed something smart, kind and eternal next to your house, didn’t you think?
  4. We, men, go to stadiums to watch football, but why don’t women go to Mexico to watch TV series?
  5. Why do the registry office ask for a reason during divorce, but not during registration?
  6. How can you call the weather without offending Mother Nature?
  7. Why is it that the higher the streamlining of a woman’s shape, the higher her resistance, because according to the laws of physics it should be the other way around?

To get to know her better

If you want to ask questions to a girl by correspondence in order to get to know her better, then you yourself need to be savvy in terms of psychology.

  1. What professions do you like, where would you like to try yourself?
  2. Are there many C grades on your certificate? What about fives?
  3. What are you dreaming about?
  4. Are your memories of school good or bad?
  5. What sports do you do?
  6. What is your hobby?
  7. Do you quarrel with your parents?
  8. How do you like your boss?
  9. Do you have conflicts with colleagues at work?
  10. Do you like to cook? What's your favorite dish?
  11. What is your difference from other girls?
  12. Would you like to jump with a parachute?
  13. Are you happy in life?
  14. What are the main values ​​in your life? Name the top 10.
  15. When did you demonstrate leadership qualities?

To make her think

If you want to talk about serious topics, then there are questions for the girl when corresponding, so that she thinks about it.

  1. What is the most vivid memory of your life?
  2. What did you dream of becoming as a child?
  3. Why are sewer manholes round?
  4. Why are girls afraid of mice and cockroaches?
  5. If you had to live in a fantasy or science fiction world, which world would you choose? And what hero? What would you do?
  6. What do you think is the stupidest trend in modern culture?

To make her fall in love

Falling in love appears when a girl begins to focus on how wonderful and sexy you are. Therefore, questions to a girl when corresponding, so that she falls in love, should lead in this direction.

  1. What do you like about me?
  2. What would you do for me?
  3. What kind of date would you prefer with me?
  4. What would you give me?
  5. How would you confess your love to me?

Of course, such questions can be asked when good contact has already been established with the girl.

If you have nothing to ask on a date: what should you talk about to keep the conversation going?

When the conversation has reached a dead end, you need to break up the awkward pause with a joke: “Who would you like to bribe so that the topics of conversation never end?” The phrase will defuse the situation and make the interlocutor smile. If the girl turns out to be a big prude and she doesn’t have an answer to the question, you need to ask about her plans for the future.

Universal topics for maintaining a conversation - travel (where you would like to spend your holidays), favorite vacation spots, books, films, happy memories from your school/student years, why you chose your profession.

The main thing is not to make the girl blush by asking about past relationships that didn’t work out, or about something secret and intimate (chronic illnesses, skeletons in the closet).

If the interlocutor is open enough, perhaps she will talk about her cherished dream.

On a date, you can fantasize: “What century would you like to live in and why? Where would you spend a million?” You can’t let a girl get bored, otherwise the second date may not happen.

How to better attract a girl's interest

Girls evaluate us, not at all the way we evaluate them. We, first of all, pay attention to appearance, well-groomedness; for some people, intelligence is important. Girls judge the opposite sex on a different principle.

An important role in assessment is played by:

  1. Appearance. Therefore, you need good photos in your account.
  2. The ability to joke. Everyone loves people with a sense of humor.
  3. Sociability. You must be able to develop and maintain dialogue.
  4. Popularity. The more friends and the more active the account, the higher the interest in you will be.

When choosing what question to interest a girl via correspondence, you need to take into account several features of online contact:

  1. If you want to make a girl fall in love with you, then you need to take her out on a date. The problem is that it is difficult to achieve deep love on the Internet, since there is no non-verbal communication and physical contact.
  2. Another problem is that a girl will always have a large choice of guys. This makes it difficult for her to find any specific man, so it is necessary to ask original questions.

Romantic questions5

  • Which love story that actually happened do you think is the best?
  • What do you think the best romantic trip looks like?

  • What nickname would you affectionately call me?
  • What do you think the perfect romantic gift should look like?
  • What was it about me that first attracted you?
  • What did you think of me when you saw me for the first time?
  • Do you prefer a good hug or a good kiss?
  • What does your ideal date look like?
  • What makes you happiest in a relationship?
  • Name your favorite romantic song.
  • Would you like a big, luxurious wedding or a small and modest one?
  • How did you feel when we first kissed?
  • What is your idea of ​​a perfect honeymoon?
  • Tell me what you find attractive? Just let it be something you haven’t told anyone about yet.
  • Which kisses do you like more: passionate or tender?
  • Guess what I like most about you.
  • How do you prefer a guy to show his feelings?
  • Do you like hearing how beautiful you are?
  • In a relationship, do you value conversations or sex more?
  • What was the most romantic date you were taken on?

Vulgar questions

Vulgar questions to a girl that can be asked during correspondence in order to improve contact deserve special attention. Many people think that this is possible, but there is one catch. These questions cause sexual arousal, but it is not at all a fact that it will be associated specifically with you (maybe with another guy). Therefore, they should be asked only on a date, when there is already a chance of taking the girl home.

Another point is that it is better not to ask the girl how it was or how she wants it. It is advisable to ask questions about how she relates to this or that phenomenon. Why is that? The fact is that you cannot predict in advance whether a girl will consider it rude if you ask her about her own preferences in sex. But the question can be softened by framing it in a more “neutral” form.

  1. How do you feel about oral sex?
  2. Do you think it's normal for a girl to fake an orgasm? Is this fair to your partner?
  3. Do you think men sometimes fake orgasms?
  4. Do you think lesbian sex is normal?
  5. Do you like hairy or smooth?
  6. What porn do you think is the best?
  7. How do you feel about nudists and nudist beaches?
  8. Is it true that girls love to walk around the house naked?

Original answers

To remain silent in response to a common question is indecent; muttering “will go” is impolite; to begin long discussions means to be considered a bore. It would be neutral and detached to say “thank you, everything is fine”, “thank you, everything is fine.” You don’t always want to tell how things really are.

This is where something original, monosyllabic, funny, rhymed or in the form of prose, sometimes sharp, discouraging the desire to question further, comes in handy:

  • great, can't wait;
  • as they say in Odessa - I don’t want to upset you, but everything is fine;
  • I will answer: everything is as usual, I live like in a fairy tale, gentlemen, sometimes everything is good, sometimes everything is great - such are my affairs;
  • why ask - we live in the same country;
  • like in number nine on the freeway;
  • like the morning after New Year's Eve;
  • warm, light and flies don’t bite;
  • stunning;
  • flies would definitely appreciate it;
  • like when fishing - it bites, but it’s a small thing;
  • things are going great, but no one knows where;
  • everything covered in chocolate is sticky and brown;
  • in order, though in a random way;
  • like raw salt - I don’t get enough sleep;
  • like dill - all in a bunch;
  • not very good, but also “x”;
  • like a kolobok - the left and right are the same;
  • Life is hard without valerian.

What can you ask

There are some simple tips on what questions to ask a girl when texting:

  1. It is necessary to exclude topics that are difficult to develop. For example, it is better not to talk about the weather, of course, unless something abnormal happens.
  2. It is advisable to avoid controversial hot topics (politics, religion). However, you can ask one question to find out the person’s general attitude. And if it turns out that you adhere to one party/confession, then you can develop the topic further.
  3. If you ask questions, they should be such that they cannot be answered with a simple “yes” or “no” answer.

The last but important rule is that you cannot simply ask questions, that is, “arrange an interrogation.” It is also necessary to comment, express your own point of view, and it is even useful to voice an opposing opinion in order to initiate a discussion.

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