What interesting things can you tell a girl on a date and in correspondence?

Hello! My name is Igor Lapin, I am a professional pickup trainer. This time let's cover a topic like stories for girls. What can you tell your loved one? Which story can work, and which one may turn out to be superfluous and ruin the relationship? Finding topics for communication with a lady is the key to a successful pickup and building relationships. If you can’t put two words together, then you shouldn’t hope that the girl will do it for you. Rather, she will simply spit on a boring person and go to someone else. If you don’t shine with intelligence, then take care of learning something relevant about the world. At least tell us about the reproduction of frogs, the main thing is that it is exciting. We can definitely say that it will be better than awkward silence!

To simplify, I will divide the stories that you can tell a girl into several types:

  • funny incidents from life;
  • adventures and travel;
  • educational stories (space, nature and much more);
  • mystical stories;
  • stories about exes and sexual experiences (things that should not be told).

Of course, you can come up with topics ad infinitum, but there is not much point in this.
It is enough to select at least a few points and enrich your brain with valuable information. My advice: look for something that interests you. If you talk without inspiration and enthusiasm, then it will be of no use.

About her

The first thing guys should talk about with the fairer sex is her. Her life, interests, studies, family, friends. You can discuss whatever the girl wants.

Start the meeting by asking about your friend’s mood, her well-being. This is a good sign for a girl; she will understand that you are not indifferent to you. If a woman complains about lack of sleep, fatigue, or boredom, ask about the reasons for her dissatisfaction. So slowly but surely a fascinating conversation will begin.

Interesting fact! The more a guy asks a girl about her, the more she thinks he likes her. If a guy talks only about himself, without even being interested in the opinion of his interlocutor, the lower his chances of getting into a relationship.

A few clever tricks

There are often awkward pauses in the conversation of new acquaintances, causing mutual embarrassment and confusion. Win-win phrases like: “I’m so glad we met! Just think, what a lucky coincidence! Now everyone could run about their own business, but we sit together, smile, tell stories...” Another successful way out of the situation is to say a few nice words and compliments to the girl. This should be done in such a way as to encourage the lady to talk about herself. For example: “You have such beautiful blue eyes! Mom, probably?” or “What an infectious laugh! It seems to me that you are a very cheerful person. Is not it?". Such speech “tricks” will cover the hanging silence and melt the ice in the lady’s heart.

Another trick is called “look around.” If you can’t find a topic for conversation, it’s enough to just look around the nearby territory. It is possible that an elegant wedding procession will bring back memories of the wedding ceremony of one of the friends, which ended in a collective brawl with the participation of the groom. And the waitress who approaches the table, looking like two peas in a pod like one of the Hollywood stars, will encourage discussion of famous foreign actors. A little observation, coupled with developed associative thinking, will help eliminate pauses and hesitations in the conversation.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that natural behavior is the key to relaxed communication with a representative of the fair sex. A sense of humor also plays an important role in this regard, the demonstration of which perfectly defuses the situation. As for the choice of topics for conversation, they can be very diverse. Cinema, music, gadgets, fashion, the Internet - these integral components of our lives will be excellent reasons for discussion. It would be useful to take the girl to talk about herself, during which the young man will be able to learn a lot of interesting things, and, if possible, even identify some common ground. Developing the topic of common interests and preferences will be the best “hook” for continuing acquaintance.

About Me

In addition to the woman’s questions and her answers, the conversation should include the man’s stories. But it is necessary to observe the limits of decency, to share not everything, but only interesting facts.

So, what can you tell a girl about yourself, what topics are best to cover:

  • Success at work, in education, in sports.
  • Future plans.
  • Trips.
  • Funny stories in which we ourselves participated.
  • Family, friends.
  • Neutral description of a former relationship.
  • Views on love, money, happiness, family in the future, children.
  • Weaknesses, bad habits.

You shouldn’t get too carried away with the topic of breakup in past relationships or betrayal; keep silent about the fact that your ex was very beautiful, smart and sexually attractive. Spend more time on funny stories from school and university life, and interest them in discussions about the future.

A little psychology! When talking, men are guided by logic, women by images. Take this into account when communicating with women: add more colorful information to stories about yourself, alternate the presentation of material to create a positive image of your interlocutor in your imagination.

Taboos: topics that should not be discussed

Under no circumstances, never in your life, use stories to tell a girl, remembering your ex-ladies.
You don't want her to start feeling awkward or, worse, start talking about her boyfriends! In general, don't bring up topics that you wouldn't want to hear from her. This is a simple and important rule. Hi, friend! Especially for you, I have prepared the course “Student. Natural seduction" for only 1490 rubles! Follow the link and order ->

Never ask how many boyfriends a woman has had. First of all, it will never bring you satisfaction unless she is an unkissed virgin. You should also beware of such conversations, because a similar question will definitely come back. It's thin ice, buddy. You must understand this. So, now, point by point, what stories are not suitable for girls to tell:

  • Stories about exes. Except for some childish love. It's usually very nice and no one will judge you. It was so long ago that it is no longer true at all.
  • Diseases. If you have suffered some terrible diseases, although not contagious at the moment, this may scare away the lady. What if she is afraid of giving birth to defective children? Women always think about the future. You can talk about a minor soreness, but even that is not cool.
  • Failures in life. You can calmly talk about some minor failures, such as getting a bad mark on an exam at school. But it’s better not to doubt your candidacy for the post of lover. Ladies love those who are determined and purposeful; no one needs losers.
  • Don't reveal your life plans.
    Firstly, they may not coincide with the girl’s plans. In the future, you will be able to adjust your life together and make compromises, but if you make it known at the very beginning about some goals that are interfering with it, this could be harmful. Secondly, if you like to plan everything down to the smallest detail, from the number of children to the place of residence, then don’t talk about it. Many girls hate planners.

Interesting Facts

It’s easy for a guy to keep a girl’s interest if he knows a lot of interesting and educational things. And you don’t need to be a “nerd” at school to do this.

Find legends about landmarks, cool facts about historical figures, and rare poems by famous poets online. Read educational articles more often, memorize the information and share it with your beloved. Remember original stories during the conversation, insert them into the topic, the interlocutor will probably be impressed.

Features of different countries and cultures

This topic is more of an encyclopedic nature , unless your work involves constant business trips.

Surely you know about something unusual, which is completely normal for other nations, but strange in Russia . Do you have a favorite country that you have always dreamed of going to? Read more about it, find out local traditions and customs, and share this information with your girl.

Surely she also has a corner of the country that she would really like to visit, and then she will be happy to share her thoughts. This topic is not exclusive, and therefore is suitable for a first date or even for getting to know each other.


A universal topic for communication between a guy and a girl. Go to her profile on VK, look at her likes, bookmarks, film distribution groups, or ask in correspondence in advance what films she prefers to go to with her friends.

The conversation about the last part of the acclaimed trilogy can drag on for a long time. Discuss your favorite actors, directors, screenwriters, fantasize about what the next part will be about.

Wikipedia is a source of useful information

“Do you like Wikipedia?” - this phrase can be an excellent continuation of a conversation if all the popular topics have already been raised and there is an awkward silence.

All you need to do is look at the main page - it contains selected interesting facts about everything in the world. Women like men who excel at something. Can't boast of ideal physical data? Why not show that you are smarter than others? You can, on occasion, amaze her by telling her a few interesting facts about Peter the Great, Australian platypuses or the moons of Jupiter.

Ideal for communicating on the Internet, for example on VK. It’s enough to just end the conversation and Google any topic of interest.

The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the girl may think that you are a nerd.


Describing a hobby if you are truly passionate about it is very simple. Start by telling us how it all started. For example, you received a T-shirt with the signatures of your favorite football players as a gift and now you collect such exclusive items.

On a note! But teach your hobby to be original. The interlocutor will definitely get tired of hearing about rims on cars, silver bolts, rivets. Think about what interesting things you can tell a girl about your hobby, describe examples of famous people who are interested in the same thing.

Travel and adventure

Who doesn’t like to listen to stories about distant countries or long journeys around their homeland?
This is one of the best topics for conversation. Of course, if you have such experience. And if there is one, then there’s probably enough to remember! Don’t brag about your vacation in expensive hotels and how you got high in the company of Thai ladyboys. It’s better to tell us how you got out of difficult situations, for example:

  1. They didn’t give me a visa at the airport upon arrival and I had to go all the way to the top management of the migration service to resolve the issue.
  2. How you lost your passport or had your things stolen, and then everything was miraculously found.
  3. You can talk about strange Asian food made from larvae and insects.
  4. How to find a language with foreigners and more.

Stick to one important point: in every story, you are first a victim, and then you get out and turn into a hero.
Let the girl know that you are very resourceful and know a way out of any difficult situation!


If there is a pause during a date, remember any funny story and tell it. Speak emotionally to make your interlocutor laugh out loud. This way you can relieve tension and establish contact faster.

The following topics are suitable for interesting stories:

  • Funny antics from school life (about teachers, friends, yourself).
  • About animals. For example, how a cat stole a stick of sausage in a store and brought it home.
  • Situations on the way (on the train, on the plane).

During the story, it is important to maintain the thread of the conversation with emotions. Gesture, make faces, parade the participants in the situation.

What to do with awkward pauses

Lengthy pauses and awkward silence are quite normal if the meeting is the first, but it is always awkward - not only for you, but also for your companion. At this point, both of you will try to find a way to continue the dialogue, but, most likely, nothing will work out due to excitement.

Ideally, it is you who “save” the situation. After all, a man sets the direction, and a woman only picks it up. But there is nothing wrong with a girl “pulling the blanket” over herself and starting to “steer” the conversation.

Of course, awkward pauses on your part can be attributed to normal excitement. But it’s best to prepare for the date and think about how you can “spice up” the dialogue after the awkward silence. The phrase “It’s nice to be silent with you” is not appropriate here. This scenario is more suitable for cases when you have already been in a relationship for several years.

If an awkward situation does occur, it is very important that your companion does not get nervous or feel guilty. Think: after all, these unpleasant emotions will be associated with you. A negative first impression is unlikely to become the “foundation” of a future happy relationship. Make sure the girl is comfortable.

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Humor relieves the situation. Use short jokes on the topic of conversation to lift the girl's mood. Also, with the help of funny stories or poems, you can hint to the cutie about her attractiveness.

-I want to get married! -On whom? Choose the one with whom you can live well. -No, I’ll marry someone I can’t live without.

-My wife picked mushrooms, picked them and washed them herself. I sent it to my relatives. -And what? -Now we have no relatives

Dialogue of lovers. Guy: We were at the cinema. We were at the theater. We were at the club. Where else will we go? Girl: At the registry office...

If she's bored

It is quite easy to understand that a girl is bored by monotonous answers, an distracted gaze and loss of interest in the interlocutor.

So that the lady doesn't get bored:

  1. it is worth paying attention to topics that interest her;
  2. conduct a dialogue, even telling a story;
  3. be sure to add humor to your statements;
  4. Don’t get hung up on yourself or talking about a narrow topic about your work or hobby.

Reference! It’s boring with those guys who don’t take the initiative, talk about their own achievements at every opportunity, or those who are on a “different wavelength.”

A girl will never be bored by the stories of a guy who has a certain amount of knowledge, hobbies and a sense of humor.

Rules for communicating with a girl

What interesting things to tell your girlfriend on a date have already been decided, now pay attention to some features of the dialogue structure:

  • A guy must be able to listen.

Do not interrupt your friend when she talks about her secrets, do not be distracted by phone calls, communication with other people, food, drinks.

  • Reaction to words, story.

Simply listening is not enough. The girl will want to know your attitude to the story, your opinion, maybe your advice. And at the same time, she will check whether you listened to her carefully.

  • After the woman speaks, it is better for the man to pick up the topic and continue the dialogue with a similar story from his own life.
  • You don't need a lot of flattery and compliments.
  • Answer your interlocutor’s questions quickly and truthfully.

Wait a few minutes to answer; you shouldn’t reveal all the ins and outs on the first date.

Funny incidents from life

What story should you tell a girl without embarrassing yourself? Everything here is very individual and depends on the character, sense of humor and other characteristics of the young lady. The simplest and most accessible option is to talk about yourself as a child.
Who can judge a person for childhood mistakes? That's right - no one!

Remember what situations happened to you at a young age. How you crap yourself in kindergarten and the like. It will most likely be funny and sweet without making you question your masculinity. After all, you have grown up a long time ago and are no longer that little kid in dirty pants.

Hi, friend! Especially for you, I have prepared a course “Schoolboy. Basics of Pickup" for only 490 rubles! Follow the link and order —> For example, I often tell a story about a friend of mine from childhood who wore ragged pants with the inscription “I’m a sucker.” When asked why he calls himself a sucker, the boy answered: “The sucker is the one who reads, not me.” Usually everyone laughs at this story, because it shows naive childish logic.

Or another story: once my friend and I were building a hut out of some boards from the trash heap, and we found a bucket with some glitter. We decided to decorate our home and sprinkled everything there with these things. How could we know that this is some kind of glass wool crap? Then they itched all day and couldn’t wash themselves off.

I think you get the point. Just remember your childhood and you will probably remember stupid but interesting stories that you can tell a girl.

What to talk about in VK correspondence

Chatting and meeting people online is much easier than in real life. But guys are still scratching their heads about what they can tell a girl about themselves in correspondence. We offer the following topic options so that your interlocutor can like you:

  • Recent impressions of a vacation, meeting celebrities, reading a book. Show the girl a photo of your trip, send her the latest album of your favorite singer.
  • Plans for the evening, next vacation. Hint that you can invite her with you.
  • Favorite places in the city, in the world. At the same time, ask your interlocutor about her preferences.
  • About interesting work, educational project. Tell us what you are doing and what results you expect.

Ask questions on any neutral topics, but be sure to write a compliment to the girl, ask how she is doing. Make jokes during the conversation. But don’t write anything vulgar; such jokes and phrases repel young people.

Interesting mystical stories for a girl

Create an atmosphere, light a candle and share strange experiences from your life, if any.
For example, one of my friends encountered either a ghost or a poltergeist at home. One day a guy was sitting at home and reading a book on a mystical theme. Suddenly, something fell on the table, 3 meters from him. The friend simply continued reading, when suddenly there was some movement on the table again. He dropped the book and walked close to the table. There was only a small notebook lying there, which suddenly jumped up about 10 centimeters. The hair on his head stood on end, and the guy ran out of the room. Then he fell asleep for six months only with the light on, because he felt someone’s presence...

Such stories touch the hidden strings of the soul and make you tremble before the unknown. Typically, girls respond by beginning to emotionally recall similar situations from their lives.


On one amazing island lived a tribe of Indians, among whom there was one beautiful and cheerful girl. Her name was Ai. One day the woman stopped smiling and became sad and sad. And the reason for this was Avitira, a guy who came to the island of Paqueta to fish.

He did not pay attention to Ai, because she yearned and shed bitter tears for the young man. She stopped going out into the street, she kept sitting by the window and singing sad songs about love.

The girl began to go out early in the morning to a high cliff to look at Avitira, who was getting into his boat and sailing away to his favorite island.

Aya’s tears were so bitter that they burned through the drops of the cliff, and the songs were so sad that they echoed from the grotto throughout the entire area.

One day a guy lay down in a rock grotto to rest and heard enchanting songs. They enchanted him, and he began to come to listen to them every day.

Once the young man wanted to drink, he pressed his lips to the water flowing down the walls, but it turned out to be Ai’s bitter tears. Then his heart was filled with strong love for the girl, and they began to live together happily ever after.

Since then, there has been a rumor that the water flows to this day and whoever drinks it will fall in love with Ai forever.

How to behave when communicating

How to communicate with a girl? Let us recall the basic rules that must be followed during a conversation.

  1. Enjoy the meeting.
    But remember, falsehood immediately catches your eye. Tune in to a wave of positivity, smile more often;
  2. Learn to maintain a conversation and show interest in the girl;
  3. Don’t interrupt, know how to listen to the end;
  4. Do not overload your chosen one with questions.
    Everything should be in moderation;
  5. Don't answer in monosyllables.
    Don't just say “yes” or “no.” Try to provide as much information as possible;
  6. But the main thing is don’t avoid communication. Practice constantly. You will become sociable and easily carry on a conversation.

What interesting things can you tell a girl?

Tell a funny story about yourself if she's bored

If you suspect that your interlocutor is starting to get bored in your company, of course, you should try to cheer her up. Surely some funny stories have happened in your life - tell your girl about them. If you can’t remember anything similar, then the story of your friend or acquaintance will do. In general, your goal is to make the girl laugh so that communication flows easier.

Tell us about your hobby

Nothing funny comes to mind? Then think about your hobby - something that interests you now or seriously fascinated you in your childhood. If in this case, you can’t tell the girl anything, then, most likely, you are not a very good interlocutor, and this urgently needs to be changed. In order for you to have something to tell other people about, you need to expand your horizons, learn about something new, and visit new places. What interesting hobbies can you have? If you are not sure that you want to make something with your own hands, then you can opt for travel - these can be trips over short distances. In general, such a hobby may not be too expensive if you study the issue thoroughly. At the same time, you will always have something to tell your interlocutors, and you can also show interesting photos, telling their story. Many people love traveling, and such conversations really excite them.

"Enchanted Woman"

She lived on the same lake Swan. She did not communicate with other birds, but always swam by herself. And then one day a fisherman came to the lake. He was fishing and saw a beautiful white bird. He liked the bird so much that he married her.

The man built a house over the water, and he and Swan began to live there for a long time and peacefully. But one day the fisherman wanted to go to his hometown, because he was homesick for his family and friends. The bird felt a bad feeling and began to persuade the guy to stay home. But he did not listen to her and left, but returned with his friends.

They drank and decided to hunt poor Swan. And the fisherman was so drunk that he fell into oblivion. And when he woke up, he did not see his bird. There was only a girl lying there with an arrow in her chest. The man then realized that his wife was bewitched. From then on he began to feel sad and live alone in the forest.

In medias res (start from the middle)

Literally from Latin this expression is translated as “in the middle of the matter.” Start the story with the central episode - before you begin to explain how you got here.

You immediately throw the audience into the most exciting part of the story - people will be intrigued and will be very attentive to understand what is really going on.

But be careful not to reveal all the facts at once. Try to hint at something strange or unexpected—something that requires more explanation. Give your audience just enough information to keep them hooked, so they can go back and get the full picture of the story.

This is only suitable for short stories, because if you drag it out too long, your audience will quickly become frustrated and lose interest.

The technique is good because it grabs attention from the very beginning and keeps you in suspense, and also allows you to focus people's attention on a turning point in the story.


A story that its author began with a very unusual fact.


Or an action-packed action movie from Beeline about the “Internet Forever” tariff.

These topics will interest anyone

To avoid asking too many questions, it is better to learn to ask the right ones. Then the girl will take over the entire conversation, all you have to do is nod your head.

What is interesting to one interlocutor may not be interesting to another. Simple psychological topics may not be useful at all.

  1. All questions about her. There are many of them and we won’t describe them. Just be interested in her, her life. Ladies simply love to talk about themselves to their beloved, about their virtues and achievements. You can start with the following questions: “What are your hobbies?” How do you spend your time?;
  2. The girl will tell you about her preferences and then the ground for conversation opens up for you. If she is engaged in creativity, then ask questions like: How did you start doing this”, “Are there any achievements in this area”. The choice of question depends on what type of creativity the interlocutor is interested in. If your companion is interested in fitness, then support her, give compliments and ask simple questions, such as: “Is it difficult”, “Which center do you go to”, What type of fitness? If she does Pilates. Ask her: “What is this?”, “What is the essence? And so on".

If the topic has exhausted itself, you need to find another one. First, remember what she said earlier. From this information the question may arise again.

Examine her, perhaps something in her appearance will prompt new thoughts.

You're trying to figure out how to come up with a topic, but everything is easier.

What to talk about with a girl on VK?

If your head is empty, start asking these standard questions:

  • How do you see your life in 5-10 years?
  • What would you spend a million dollars or rubles on? Before asking such a question, start a conversation about material things, just don't ask how much she gets.
  • What alcoholic drinks do you like?
  • Did you truly love? If you like her and are planning a serious relationship.
  • Do people often meet you on the street?
  • What places do you like to go to?
  • Do you like to go to clubs?
  • Tell us about the most fun day of your life?
  • Which resort would you like to go to?
  • What music do you like best? Which performers?
  • What is your favorite movie or actor? This is a good way to go to the movies.
  • What do you do in your free time?
  • What is more important to you: friends or boyfriend?
  • How many friends do you have?
  • What time of year do you like best?
  • How much time do you spend on social networks?
  • How old were you when you first fell in love?
  • Do you believe in horoscopes, in fate?
  • What country would you like to live in?
  • Can you swim?
  • What did you want to become as a child?
  • What flowers do you like?
  • Would you like to go skydiving?
  • What character traits are important to you in a young man?
  • What is more important: a person’s appearance or his inner world?
  • Have you performed on stage?

They are good on the Internet; these topics for communicating with a girl on VK pop up all the time. This is the art of conversation. Consider the girl’s age, evaluate her behavior and manners and draw conclusions based on this, take into account her social status.

We are adding to the list of interesting topics:

  • Biography.
  • Plans for the future and her dreams.
  • Music.
  • Literature.
  • Movie.
  • Art.
  • Sport.
  • Food.
  • Trips.
  • Hobby.

The ability to speak beautifully with women is a sign of a true man

Of course, if you know how to communicate with the opposite sex, you have a sense of tact and humor - your chance of winning the girl you like increases. This skill is very important to develop. Many girls note that it happens that at the first glance at a particular young man, they do not feel any special feelings for him, but when they start communicating with him, they radically change their point of view. Although, it is important to note that the sign of a real man is not only to speak beautifully, but also to do it! If all your positive aspects mainly come down to the ability to conduct conversations, then this can quickly bore your chosen one.

Specifics of communication on social networks

Many men prefer to meet and communicate on social networks, since here it is easier to write first and easier to find an interesting topic for communication. You can carefully consider your words, and the woman on the other side of the monitor will not see that the young man is wildly embarrassed or blushes at her every word. In addition, representatives of the fair sex more often agree to virtual communication, since it can always be ended if the guy is not liked.

But not everyone can win over a woman through virtual correspondence. Basically, such communication is seen as a way to pass the time. It ends quickly, but you need to keep her interested for a long time. To do this, remember a number of rules:


How to hug your girlfriend correctly: rules of good manners

  1. Don't be intrusive. If a lady is not in the mood to communicate with you, there is no need to be importunate, put pressure on her, or bombard her with messages. Try writing a little later.
  2. Be creative and original. To the hackneyed phrase “Hi, how are you?” the chosen one may not answer. Carefully study the page of your interlocutor and choose a suitable topic. Did you see a photo from Thailand? Start a conversation about travel.
  3. To get a girl to like you on VK, you don’t need to try to be always online. You may get the impression that you have no other interests or activities besides social networks.
  4. Don't bog down with questions. If you know how to start a conversation with an unfamiliar girl on social media. networks, and you can’t wait to talk to her, then learn to restrain yourself. Remember that your communication is not an interrogation, but a conversation.
  5. Know how to make someone laugh. If the interlocutor smiles more often while reading your messages, then she will have only positive emotions towards you.

Don't bother with messages. The dialogue should be measured so that understatement and intrigue remain.


Each interlocutor can speak on the same topic. During the dialogue, you may remember some other moments that you would like to share. It is best to communicate with a guy in an informal setting in nature, for example, go to the park and feed the ducks or squirrels. This will serve as an additional reason for discussion and obtaining general impressions.

It is important not to tell a young man about your ex-boyfriends, much less compare old and new relationships out loud, especially if you have far-reaching plans for your interlocutor. Excessive frank information can give rise to insecurity or jealousy of the past in a person, which after some time will unknowingly lead to frequent quarrels.

"Wish Fulfilled"

There was one bright star in the sky who really wanted to fulfill good wishes. But she was so far away that no one thought anything about her. This made our star sad and became dimmer.

The month laughed at our star, boasting that it was big and many people admired it every day, and that it also illuminates the roads for wanderers at night, which means it brings a lot of benefits, unlike such a small star.

One day the little girl saw a sad girl on the ground, yearning for her beloved. He once left for another kingdom and disappeared.

Then the star began to ask her friends how they could make people’s wishes come true. “To do this, you need to fall into the abyss and die,” the other luminaries answered her.

And then one night our little star gathered and threw herself into the abyss. And while she was falling, the girl made her cherished wish. The star performed it and died, bringing great joy to man.

The next morning the girl's betrothed arrived, and there was no limit to her happiness.

Examples of humorous phrases for all occasions

When communicating with a girl, you can use interesting phrases on occasion. Here are some examples of statements by Mikhail Zhvanetsky:

  • There is always a place for heroic deeds in life. You just need to stay away from this place.
  • Anything can happen in life. But over the years it becomes less and less common.
  • Everything is going well, just passing by.
  • Let's argue about the taste of oysters with those who have eaten them.
  • Good always defeats evil, which means whoever wins is good.
  • What roof doesn't like driving fast?

How to find the right topic in a specific situation

If you are struggling with how to find a topic to talk with a girl, then the main advice is to try to find out what is bothering her at the moment.

For example, you can prepare a “speech” about new comedies, and she will be worried about some incident at home, failure at school or at work. Therefore, always listen carefully to what they tell you, catch hints, guess what the woman wants.

If you manage to get into your partner’s mood, she will appreciate it and will not forget.

A short story for your girlfriend before bed

There lived a girl named Fairy. She was once picking strawberries in the forest and met a prince. They looked into each other's eyes and fell in love.

The king got angry when he found out about this and put the Fairy in the tallest tower of the kingdom. He said that he would only release the girl if the prince married the princess.

The young man stole his beloved and they ran away into the forest, but suddenly they heard a chase. They then asked the nymphs for help. The nymphs told them to throw themselves from a high mountain - they did so. The horsemen galloped up, looked over the cliff and saw only dead bodies, and then they left with nothing.

Suddenly the bodies disappeared, and in their place two flowers appeared, in the buds of which there were two little men - a prince and a fairy. Since then, they have lived in that forest and fulfilled the wishes of the wanderers they met.

List of questions that can be discussed during a walk

When going for a walk, do not miss the opportunity to learn as much as possible about your friend. In this case, you will better understand how close this person is to you, you will recognize her essence.

Topics for conversation with a girl on a walk should be light and relaxed. For example, you can discuss:

  • dreams;
  • life experience;
  • hobbies;
  • pets;
  • friends;
  • hometown;
  • favorite music.

You can just rollerblade


Once a peasant’s daughter fell ill. He called the celestial being to heal her. Since then, the guy became a frequent guest of the peasant, drinking, eating with him and relaxing.

The celestial realized that it was good to have a lot of money, and now began to sell his medicines and treat people for coins. They found out about this in heaven and scolded him, deprived him of his magical powers and sent him to live on earth.

Then the celestial inhabitant settled near the river bank and began to cultivate the land to feed himself. He took a peasant's daughter as his wife, and they began to live together, giving birth to many children.

Many people began to come to that area, and a village grew there. The land here was considered very lucky, because a celestial inhabitant settled here.

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