Advice on guys (phrases, expressions, quotes) and actions

As you know, women love with their ears, and pickup is the real science of seduction. Some people view pickup artists with ridicule and irony. However, their advice should be heeded. Pickup phrases help guys not only attract the attention of the desired person, but create the basis for continuing communication in any form you want.

The term “pickup” was introduced into Russia by Sergei Ogurtsov in 1995 as a study of the relationship between a man and a woman. Pickup phrases can have different contents: funny, smart, funny or serious. In each situation, you need to use a certain set of cues to hook a girl.

Nice phrases, compliments for guys

Hi, I've never stolen anything in my life. But I would take you away with pleasure.

Hey, you have such sad eyes in the photo. I think I know what you're missing. Me…

I have so many things to do. And I just can’t stop looking at your photo.

Hello, you probably have a lot of ladies in real life? Do you have your own fan club?

Now I know what to ask Santa Claus for this New Year. A sweet and charming boy like you.

I'm sure you can get any girl in the universe. But I still strongly recommend that you take a closer look at me.

Look away from the screen now. Fast! And look what's in your pockets. It seems that one of them contains my heart, which you stole.

I'm never the first to meet guys. But for your sake I’m ready to change my principles.

I like you more than ice cream and chocolate combined. Just kidding, of course. I forgot to add more nuts with condensed milk.

Such a piercing look at the photographs makes me blush even through the monitor. I’m afraid to imagine what will happen if we meet in person...

When is it appropriate to write to a guy first on social networks?

Equality in everything is the motto of many young couples. Therefore, there are no restrictions to making new acquaintances on the Internet. The main thing here is openness and desire. It is not recommended to write first when the guy has certain information about the status of his personal relationship indicated on his page (married, has a girlfriend).

Suggestions on guys: phrases for dating on social networks are provided below.

It is appropriate to write in the following cases:

  • when you really liked the guy’s appearance;
  • when the type of guy matches the type of girl;
  • when a guy left a like on a girl’s photo;
  • when he left a flattering comment or an emoji on a girl’s post;
  • when a guy left a request to add as a friend;
  • when the guy is in a location close to the girl;
  • when a guy studies, works in the same field, or is just next to a girl;
  • when the interests and hobbies indicated on the page coincide;
  • when a guy states in his status that he is free and open to new acquaintances and relationships.

In these cases, the opportunity to make not just an acquaintance increases, but also to establish and prolong relationships with a high probability of a serious and long-term outcome. Before writing first, you need to analyze the guy’s entire page with the specified information. Then you can start communicating more prepared. In addition, this will arouse great interest in the guy: the girl was not lazy, read about him and learned about his interests.

Favorable and unfavorable factors for the first tackle on guys are given in the table:

Main photo of the guy on social networksThe guy is alone in the photo or in the company of friends; fun and relaxed photos in nature, on vacation, while playing sports Photo with family (girlfriend or wife), photo with children of unknown relationship
Guy's status on social networksCheerful, encouraging communication and interaction; active life positions in the interests of Sad pessimistic statuses associated with problems in personal life
Time for communicationEvening nightMorning day
Day of the weekHolidays, weekendsWeekdays

Hitting guys with phrases from Tik Tok (not stupid)

Hello, my name is ***. But you can just call me “Married.”

And how can such a handsome guy’s wife (girlfriend) let him go online alone?

Hello, I have one request for you. Please introduce me first, otherwise I’m so shy...

Learned how to do Thai massage. But you need to practice on someone. Can you help me? Will you do a good deed?

Doesn't your mom need a daughter-in-law?

Please dispel the stereotypes of beautiful and dumb right now. Show off your wit or at least write something adequate.

Are your parents plastic surgeons by any chance? You have such a perfect face. Will you let me touch it somehow?

You have such a mysterious look. Will you reveal at least one of your secrets?

Hello, I want to ask you something. I have an important day tomorrow. Could you call me on the phone early in the morning so I don't oversleep?

Do you play the flute? Me neither. You see how much we have in common.

And here are some more tricks from Tik Tok...

What to say when meeting a girl

Instead of sitting on the Internet and looking for a utopian signature opener, after which everyone you meet will give you a phone number and more, I recommend that you just go out into the street, go up to the first girl you like and tell her what’s on your mind:

- Hello! I liked you. What is your name?

That's all! There is no need to invent anything complicated. Everything is simple to the point of disgrace, and therefore effective. If you express your feelings from the heart, you will kill several birds with one stone:

  1. You will relieve yourself of unnecessary anxiety, because you will directly say what you want;
  2. You will save your time that you would have spent on memorizing openers;
  3. You will increase your chances of winning a girl, since sincerity affects them more effectively than memorized phrases.

The difference between a memorized speech and one that comes from the heart is that while you can accidentally forget the first one, it is impossible to forget the second one. It flows straight from the heart as you express your sincere feelings. Usually girls appreciate such sincere and brave men. And the approach with an opener is more like some kind of joke or a pick-up artist’s training, especially if you pronounce it without the proper artistry.

By the way, often openers are not particularly original either. Most pick-up artists have necessarily read all the popular books on seduction or have undergone training from famous gurus, which means they have learned several “effective openers” that they teach. Imagine that you approach a girl with the phrase: “Hello! I'm conducting a sociological survey. Who do you think lies more often: men or women?” - and with the same phrase 2 days ago a pick-up artist like you approached her. It will no longer be possible to distinguish yourself by originality. In addition, girls often go to pick-up sites out of curiosity and know many of the openers. I'm not saying that this will necessarily have a bad effect on the outcome of the acquaintance, but girls just like sincerity more. You can say an opener, but you need to say it with all your heart. If you say it without emotion, like a robot, the result will be close to zero.

A few simple and effective phrases for meeting a girl:

  • Hello! I liked you. My name is (name). And you?
  • Hello! I was passing by here, but you are so beautiful. What are you doing here?
  • Hello girl! You are so pretty. Where are you going?
  • Hello! I haven't seen such pretty girls for a long time. What is your name?

Well, in that spirit. You can come up with your own version. The main thing is that the words you say come from the heart.

Evil and even vulgar phrases for a tackle from a girl

Did they give you heating? It's so hot in my house that I walk around naked all day. Even now I’m sitting and writing to you without panties.

Your photos are so hot. Even my underwear falls off.

Let's live together. I just warn you right away: the responsibilities are divided. I will fry the potatoes, and you will fry me. Agree?

I don't believe in horoscopes and other astrological nonsense. Because I know for sure: if I become cancer, then most likely our compatibility will be 500%.

Hello, I hope my message will cheer you up. And if not, then come visit, and I’ll give you not only that...

Hello, do you like business girls? I can do 70 things around the house: cook and 69.

Do you want me to fry you eggs every morning, and you fry me?

I'm hardly a gorgon jellyfish, but I know that when you look at me, something will still turn to stone.

You don't look like Meladze at all. But I can still gracefully enter your bachelor, sinful life.

Do you like to play cards? I don't mind if you lay me out on the table like a deck.

Will you be my personal sun? I would like you to roast me like this every day.

And here are the fat vulgarities...


To create the role of a tough guy, you can use vulgar hits on girls, some of which may even be too tough. We offer 30 dirty jokes that can be used online and in life.

  1. Glasses fit well on my face, but yours would fit better.
  2. Girl, you are very beautiful, and beautiful girls need to be multiplied.
  3. Do you like to sleep? Maybe we can sleep together?
  4. If your right leg was Thursday and your left leg was Saturday, then I would fly to you on Friday.
  5. I wanted to send you something sexy, but you are not in my gallery.
  6. Are you by any chance serving in the army? Because when I saw you, some part of me stood at attention.
  7. Let's save water. Shall we take a shower together?
  8. Even though you are not a deck of cards, I could still lay you out on the table.
  9. Guess the riddle: there are four legs, but they do not have the most beautiful girl in the world. The answer is my bed. Do you want to fix this?
  10. You are not ice, but you will definitely flow in my hands.
  11. Let's study physics and test the force of friction.
  12. You'll scream at me louder than a roller coaster.
  13. When I saw you, I remembered the school assignment from the board - I also want to take a photo and do it all at home.
  14. They say a girl needs 30 seconds to size up a guy. It takes me the same amount to cum. Maybe let's not waste a minute and combine these processes?
  15. Do you know what is the difference between you and the session? I'll be praised if I fail you.
  16. Let's do some math: add the bed, subtract the clothes, separate the legs, and multiply.
  17. Are your lips as sweet as they look from the outside?
  18. I'm not a music box, but you turned me on.
  19. Of course, I'm not a trampoline, but I'm sure you'd like to jump on me.
  20. Say your name so I can scream it at night.
  21. There must be a clock on my forehead because every time I see you, you turn me on.
  22. If you were stuck in a washing machine, I would be happy to help you get out.
  23. You're damn attractive in that dress, but I'd take it a step further.
  24. I saw you in my dreams, you did indecent things and promised to repeat it.
  25. I will hide all the chairs in the world so you can sit on my face.
  26. Are you, by any chance, a coffee mug? I just want you every morning.
  27. Of course, I’m not an elevator person, but I’d love to take you up and down.
  28. Your legs are like Oreos - the tastiest thing is in the middle.
  29. I'm not hinting at anything, but today I ate two pineapples.
  30. Do you want to try the Australian kiss? It's like French, but a little lower.

Funny and even crazy tackles with phrases and quotes

You have such beautiful hands... Especially the right one. Yes, the right one is definitely better. It is clear that she is more trained.

You're like a coronavirus. You make it hard for me to breathe...

You look like the guy from the bus station. Just as juicy, hot and daring.

Hello. I agree.

You're like mayonnaise. Everything is better with you.

You're certainly not a mojito. But I would repeat it.

Hello, I'm better than all the chocolates. My tenderness is off the charts, “Alenka”, seeing me, simply curled up in foil and smoked herself, “Nesquik” put balls, and “Kinder” realized that it was no longer a surprise. I'm so dangerous. Do you want me already?

Hello, I escaped from Paradise yesterday. Can I take refuge at your home? Preferably in your bed.

Hello, is “stealer of women’s hearts” your hobby or job?

I think I'm fat. But I know a great way to burn calories. Can you help?

You are greedy. Can not be so. You sleep with your body every night and don’t share it with anyone.

My sympathy for you is like diarrhea. I can't contain her.

Here - and even funnier...

General dating rules

When meeting a girl, be confident in yourself - that you can meet any woman you like, that you have the right to do so, that you have met before and were able to do it. If you haven’t met, then you will definitely succeed, because others have done it, and you are no worse than them.

It is useful to use the belief that girls like you. You can simply convince yourself of this as an indisputable fact, but it is better if you see evidence of this in real life. For example, you may notice how girls smile at you during conversations or look at you on the street. And this always happens, you just need to be observant. Try to do everything within reasonable limits in order to be attractive to women - go to the gym, educate yourself, watch your appearance and behavior, etc.

Important dating rules:

  1. Life is short, so meet absolutely everyone and everyone who catches your attention. Don’t look for excuses and far-fetched shortcomings from a woman. By not approaching the girl you like, you may be missing out on the chance for passionate sex tonight and a happy life in the future;
  2. Don't think while approaching. Don't try to find the best phrase for dating. If you like a girl, just tell her so;
  3. Don’t delay getting to know each other – save your time. In most cases, 1-3 minutes is enough to get a number from a girl’s phone or be refused;
  4. On vacation, a walk or at a club, it is useful to immediately turn an acquaintance into a date, that is, move with the girl to another place or start getting closer to her in the same place;
  5. If you like a girl, feel free to come up and tell her about it. Just say, “I liked you.”
  6. Close communication - take the phone number.

Cool and funny phrases for tackles

Do you know what you and a trampoline have in common? I'd love to jump on you two.

What kind of girls do you like? Whoa, whoa, take it easy! You're describing me exactly!

Let's enter adulthood together. How do you like my proposal?

Hey, if I were a Genie or a goldfish, think quickly, what wish would you make?

You are so similar to my first hubby... True, I have never been married before... But this is easy to fix. Can you help?

I'm sick. Bed rest is prescribed. Will you join?

If you were mine, I would quit drinking coffee. After all, you are just like him - strong, sweet and hot.

Do you like bad girls? I can get on your nerves for the rest of my life.

You have such strong hands in the photo. I immediately wanted to jump on them.

Your photos reminded me of a horror movie I recently watched. I hope, in addition to your good looks, you also have a sense of humor.

Shall we have some tea together this evening? At least virtually.

You're cool, I'm cool. Why aren't we together yet?


These cute attacks on girls will seem funny to everyone, but will not leave anyone indifferent.

  1. Can I send your photos to Santa so he knows what I want for New Year?
  2. I saw you in the Guinness Book of Records in the “Most Beautiful Girl” category.
  3. What kind of dragon does one have to kill to deserve such a princess?
  4. Are you by any chance a serial? Then why do I want to look at you for hours?
  5. I'm not a traffic light, but for you it's always green.
  6. I am looking for a job, is there any vacancy available for the CEO of your soul organization?
  7. Can you tell me what I can do to keep our toothbrushes side by side?
  8. I want to give you a kiss. If you don't like it, you can return it to me.
  9. If love were illegal, would you be my partner in this crime?
  10. Can you help me? I got lost in your eyes.
  11. A human heart costs 10 million rubles, but I will give mine to you for free.
  12. Girl, isn’t it your mood that has dropped? I can lift it.
  13. If your heart was a prison, then I would be a lifer.
  14. I am not a surgeon, but I can offer you my hand and my heart at any time.
  15. The whole world is engulfed in a virus, and only my thoughts are infected with you.
  16. All my previous loves were drafts, only you became a masterpiece.
  17. I will never play hide and seek with you because such beauty is impossible to find.
  18. Was it just an earthquake or did you rock my world?
  19. I was filling out my to-do list and ticked off kissing you. Shall we kiss or will I have to lie and check the box anyway?
  20. You must be very tired, because you had to walk kilometers in my thoughts.
  21. The doctor said that I have terrible vitamin deficiency, I don’t have enough vitamin “You”. Will you make it up?
  22. Are you, by any chance, related to the devil? Because damn, you are beautiful!
  23. Allow me to sit down next to you on the bench to guard your charm.
  24. Today I was told that I would meet the girl of my dreams, and it looks like the fortune came true!
  25. If I had to rate you on a scale from 1 to 10, I would give it a 9, because I am the one that you lack.
  26. It's very hot here, or is it because of you?
  27. When will you start paying rent, because you’ve been living in my head for days now.
  28. If I steal your heart, we can make a spare one in your tummy.
  29. I was looking for a synonym for the word “beautiful” in the dictionary and accidentally found your name there.
  30. If a tax on beauty were introduced, you would have been ruined long ago.

Use top tackles on girls in practice. They will help to attract attention and start a dialogue with an unfamiliar girl not only on VKontakte, but also in any other place.

Romantic and cute quotes for a guy

Hello, you must be very selective in girls. It’s interesting to look at the one that could turn the head of such a cutie.

My heartbeat quickens and my breath catches when I look at your photos. I really hope that you are a doctor and can help me.

I want to be your princess. For my sake, you don’t need to kill dragons and fight in tournaments. And you just need to kiss every day...

I'll probably file a complaint about your page here. Let them blacklist her and ban her. Like a drug that is addictive.

I want to grow old with you together. And die one day holding hands.

I have a tempting offer for you: I’ll cook you a delicious dinner this week, and you treat me to breakfast? Is it coming?

I want to brag about you to my friends. Every day.

I had an argument with my friend about you. She says that you are already busy with someone else, and I say that you will be mine. Can you help me win an argument?

Let's save our correspondence? And in old age we will read and remember how it all began for us.

It seems to me that our acquaintance is something that will turn my whole life upside down. But I'm not afraid...

You have such a cool selection of tracks. I couldn't pass by.

I will never forgive myself if I miss a guy like you...

I'm shocked. Just one look from you made my heart beat faster. This has never happened to me before.

Pickup Basics

There are no strict rules for tackles, but there are main principles formulated by the founder of the movement in Russia, Sergei Ogurtsov. Let's share the basic principles:

  • Confidence. Don't be intrusive, but be persistent. Remember the story of Shurygina from Malakhov’s program. So, the guys there were persistent, but not intrusive. In the end, we achieved our goal.
  • Ability to communicate. Perhaps the main feature of a good pickup artist. We mentioned intelligence earlier, and so, it is needed to maintain any topic that is interesting to the interlocutor. Talk about everything, she will appreciate it.
  • Don't get hung up on rejections. Experienced pick-up artists also fail. No luck with one, the next one will definitely respond.
  • Don't overdo it. A masterful pickup line is the line between a witty tackle and trolling.
  • Study behaviorism and kinesics. These are not dirty words, but the sciences of behavior and gestures. The reaction of the interlocutor is the main weapon of the pick-up artist, and the ability to distinguish her is a nuclear bomb. Pick-up tactics are always based on an analysis of the interlocutor’s reaction.
  • Get the girl into bed before the third date. This is the main principle of renting, since after the third meeting the relationship begins.

Follow these simple rules and become a pickup truck master. Real gurus trick a woman into sex even in correspondence; she goes on a date with a clear understanding that after the meeting it will be hot. Or maybe right on time.

One of my friends managed to sleep with a lady in the restroom of a restaurant, right during the first meeting, this is his hobby. He finds girls on dating sites, the same ones as in our rating. And those who doubt their abilities still turn to porn and write to girls “hello, how are you.”

Hitting on guys (phrases in VK are funny 21st century)

All your photos are almost flawless. “Almost” - because I’m not on them.

Or maybe we’ll forget everything and run away? Or should we stand under the lantern together?

I'm not cold as ice, but I dance and sing. Interested?

If we are together, don't think that everything will be easy. We will be judged and discussed like socks and sandals. But we won’t care: after all, we will feel good and comfortable together.

Hello, I didn't sleep all night thinking about you. I hope you too.

Even horoscopes talk about our ideal compatibility. And who are we - just mere mortals to argue with the stars.

I haven't seen such impressive biceps for a long time. Can you take a photo of your calves too? And abs. Walk like that!

Let's meet in the evening and take a walk. I understand that this is a big risk, because we don’t know each other. So take a knife with you. I'll take it too.

Am I by any chance the lost sock you've been looking for?

I have a gift. I can see the future. And I see that I am very similar to your future wife. No thanks, no need.

You are so beautiful, charming and sexy. Are we related by any chance???

Hello, let's go eat some shawarma.

Fight club of our time

Anyone who thinks that pickup begins from the moment you approach a girl and start talking to her is deeply mistaken. The pickup begins much earlier, from the moment you get into the society of young people, and your success will depend on how you position yourself in this society.

The most important thing: you need to be a confident person. There is no need to unceremoniously look at every girl passing by you and joyfully pat your friend on the shoulder: “Did you see what her legs are like?” You must be calm and confident in yourself, and it is this calmness and confidence that you will later pass on to those around you and the girls you approach.

A seminar for beginning pick-up artists begins with these or approximately these words. In other words, the fight club depicted in the film of the same name and described in the book of the same name has been in the making for a long time. Some guys teach others the wisdom of life. They teach you how to make everything work out. How to change yourself to achieve the main thing - sex. Because pickup is actually not about sex. This is about how to stop worrying and start living. This is personal growth training in its purest form.

A pickup truck is a colossal stimulus for the mental and intellectual development of an entire generation of young people in our country. To understand pickup methods, young people have to read dozens of books that under other circumstances they would not even pay attention to. In order to win the hearts of young ladies wholesale, they have to overcome themselves, formatting tasks to suit their needs.

At the same time, the pickup truck is a fashion that will pass as soon as the young ladies figure out the pickup trucks. The weakness of the pickup lies precisely in its strongest points - techniques based on NLP. So far everything is calm, but a thunderstorm is just around the corner. The reaction of the young ladies who understand that they are being manipulated will not be long in coming. The question is: will pickup artists have time to prepare for this?

Moving tackles to the right guy

It’s not enough to just say a nice phrase and interest a guy, you also need to competently move in the right direction with him so that he pays attention to the girl, especially if you’re meeting for the first time.

Tripped tackle

You notice a guy you like and want to hit up him. Just overtake him and pretend you stumbled. He will immediately begin to support you so that you do not fall. And off we go... He is your savior! Next, you can say words of gratitude mixed with compliments addressed to him.


On the street you accidentally met the guy you've dreamed of all your life. It’s time for you to get married and that means you need to follow him in order to find yourself with him in the zone of his interests. This could be, for example, a store that you entered after him. As soon as he begins to show interest in some thing, approach him and ask him to advise him on something that the store salesperson does not know, for example, about his opinion about the product and so on. Or come up with an unsuccessful story about purchasing such a product, and then everything will go like clockwork.

Hard (impudent) tackle

Did you like it? - Come up and hit him in the face with your hand and say: “You’re cruel, how could you do this?” etc. He, of course, will be taken aback, but then, when you say that you were mistaken, tell him a sad story (fiction) about how you were deceived by a similar scammer for a very tidy sum.

Blatant takeover

You have been following him or knowing him for several days now. You like everything about him: his figure, face, manner of movement, communication and the rest, you hope that your intuition will not let you down. Approach and tell him that there is information for him. Take him aside (preferably in a cafe) and begin an outright takeover - say to his face everything you need and want. This might work. (If not, you didn’t find anything, but you didn’t lose anything either!) If you think it’s shameful, you’re wrong, or maybe it’s Fate?!

Act according to the situation and in accordance with common interests!

How to seduce a girl

It’s easy to interest a woman, and even easier to get her into bed. When you understand this, you will remove them in batches. Ladies can still track the actions of an inexperienced pick-up artist, but never a dialogue constructed by a master. She thinks that she herself wanted you, but no, pick-up tricks led to this.

On dating sites and on the street

  • Spectacular exit. An unexpected appearance or an extraordinary phrase, in the case of correspondence.
  • First impression. Meeting glances and a smile when meeting. In the case of online communication, the correctly chosen topic of conversation. Before writing, carefully study the girl’s profile.
  • Caring and genuine interest. Show sincerity, imagine that the topic of conversation is really interesting to you. Offer all possible assistance in resolving any minor issues. But don’t even think about transferring money, he’s probably a scammer. In pursuit of erotic adventures, do not forget about safety.
  • Completion of the transaction (the girl does not know about it). Meeting anytime, anywhere, but on your terms. Gently lead your interlocutor to talk about her favorite place or leisure activity. Casually arrange a meeting there when she has already forgotten that she mentioned her love for evening walks on the embankment in the city center.

On social networks

Nothing complicated at all. Use the same tricks as on the dating site, you will be happy. After all, you already know how to not only frame correctly, but also organize cool dates, after which she will definitely give in.

The only difference between social networks and dating sites: the former have a lot of fake accounts. Perhaps you are flirting with a pimply young man who cheats guys out of money, hiding behind the page of a beautiful woman. We recommend choosing trusted sites. So the probability of removal will be higher.

Stupid tackles: your parents...

Not terrorists? Otherwise you look like a bomb.

Aliens? There is definitely no one on planet Earth like you.

Books? I would steal you from the library and never give you back.

Astronauts? Where did they get such an asterisk then?

If bakers? You are a sweet bun!

Artists? You are simply a work of art!

Gardeners? Where did they get such a beautiful flower from then?

Physicists? Looks like a successful experiment.

Pirates? Then you are their amazing treasure.

Pharmacists? Where did they get my medicine from then?

Here there is - even dumber...

What is the difference between a women's pickup and a men's?

Seeing a beautiful girl, a man does not always dare to approach and speak. A woman's pickup truck comes to the rescue. While a male pickup truck has only one goal - to seduce the largest number of women, a female pickup truck is more aimed at introducing the prospect of further development of a serious relationship.

Do not miss

  • Do not miss

    Be careful not to get caught! 12 signs of a pick-up artist

What you need to learn to attract men

  • Always be on top. Don’t divide your days into those when you are tired and not ready to meet people, and those when you are ready. Always be prepared, because, as Leonid Utesov sang: “Love will unexpectedly appear when you least expect it.”
  • Don't overdo it . Some ladies use the instructions in their own way. They begin to look at everyone everywhere and with a fatal gaze, and use all methods at once. We must not forget that there must be moderation in everything.
  • Change stereotypes. You need to be ready to take the initiative: not only men get acquainted first.
  • Be educated. Of course, you don’t need to learn all the laws of physics or know Russian history by heart (although that would be a plus). You need to be able to carry on a conversation and come up with a topic for discussion.
  • Cope with your complexes. And don’t dump them on the opposite sex when you first meet.

Methods and techniques

Pickup techniques and methods are quite simple. But it’s better for women to put pressure on “men’s weaknesses” and arrange everything so that the man considers himself the initiator of the acquaintance.

  1. "Cry for help." Every representative of the stronger sex wants to demonstrate their courage.
    This is why men are so willing to help. The reason for getting closer can be any problem (a broken computer or heel, a dead phone or a heavy bag). The most important thing is eyes full of despair, an open request for help and a grateful look as a reward.
  2. Hints . You can also “pick up” from a distance. Several glances thrown towards the man, as well as embarrassment at the moment when the gaze meets the man’s eyes. All this can be seasoned with a bored look. Show the object of seduction that you are not busy. Play with a pen or glass, look around the room thoughtfully, and lightly swing your leg. You can also smile slightly at the man if he is looking at you.
  3. Actor play . If a woman has acting talent, she is guaranteed success in a pickup truck. You can feign dizziness and, as if by chance, grab the shoulder of a handsome man, and then embarrassedly apologize, explaining your behavior as being unwell. You can act out a “meeting a friend” by deliberately identifying yourself and making contact with a stranger.
  4. Mirroring . If you are in close proximity to a man, try to mirror him. Change slightly and then reproduce his gestures, posture, and intonation. And if he discusses the topic of sports and football in a company, try to promote the topic of basketball or swimming in your circle. Such slight mirroring will attract a person's attention.

Nowadays, various trainings on women’s pickup are actively promoted online and offline. They are worth visiting not only for those who want to become a master of seduction, but also for those who are afraid of falling into the networks of pick-up artists.

Is it good or bad?

The female pickup truck has both positive and negative sides. Freedom of choice can be called a plus . After all, using proven seduction techniques, a woman can conquer the object of her affections herself, and not wait for someone to approach her.

Thus, a representative of the fair sex chooses based only on her interests, and not on the men who have shown activity.

Pickup is still about interaction with the opposite sex .

And in the process of interacting with men, a woman is charged with positive energy, raises her self-esteem and simply blossoms.

Therefore, a pickup is a great way to boost your mood and confidence, even if you don’t have long-term plans for the object of seduction .

The negative aspect of a pickup line is that a woman is obviously in a losing position in a relationship.

If a woman through a pickup meets a man who has only carnal interest in the fair sex, her heart can be hopelessly broken .

But many guys regard any signs of attention as a sexual message.


What is the sequence of actions:

  1. It is necessary to appear in the field of vision of a man. This needs to be done before you even start interacting. This way, the object of seduction will be able to switch his attention to you easily and without tension.
  2. The next step is invading your personal zone. Try to get closer to your “victim”, leaving a distance of half a meter. This area is carefully guarded and everyone tries to keep their distance. But if a guy doesn't move away, it means he's completely focused on you.
  3. Now openers or templates prepared in advance are used. Try to calculate the course of events and your chosen one’s reaction options so as not to get confused at the most crucial moment.

Basic rules

Before you start seducing, you need to study the basic rules of “hunting a male” and follow them unconditionally:

  1. Appearance. Appearance should be more than just stylish or attractive. It should be aimed at men. Restrained sexuality, the absence of awkward but fashionable elements in the image and total adherence to the rules of hygiene. Neat manicure, clean hair, ironed clothes, shiny shoes. A woman should shine.
  2. Mood . A negative attitude is reflected in our face and movements. Therefore, it is important to “catch the wave” before leaving the house. Your wrinkles on your forehead at a moment of thoughtfulness, pursed lips or clasped hands will scare men away, hinting at a bad mood.
  3. Inaccessibility .
    If a woman resembles an arrogant queen, men will admire her from afar. They will simply be afraid of being rejected and will prefer to start a conversation with more friendly and open people.
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