How to choose a good psychotherapist and not end up broke

11/23/20195 minutes read 637

Finding a good therapist can be a lot like finding a loved one. Sometimes you have to open up and be awkward a few times during your first meetings with people who are unfortunately not a good fit before you find the one. Unfortunately, a psychologist does not have sizes like clothes and shoes, and there is no one who fits everyone.

But we have prepared a checklist for you, using which you can quickly and easily find the ideal psychologist for yourself.

How to choose a good psychologist

Necessary qualities of a good psychologist. Many people who choose a therapist feel more comfortable with someone who is similar to them in some way. For example, it is easier for a woman to open up to a female therapist, especially in matters of intergender communication. She would be embarrassed to talk to a man about sex, dating, the peculiarities of her physiology, and the like.

In addition, a person of a certain nationality, nationality, living in a specific society may prefer “his” therapist, since he can better understand the peculiarities of life in a certain place, mentality, orders, way of life and customs. A religious person may want to associate with someone who shares his beliefs and values.

Psychologist's advice Make a list of necessary qualities for your future psychotherapist. And think about what qualities are not so important to you.


How to choose a therapist based on his qualifications? Psychotherapists spend years and years on their training. Ask him about his education.

  • Does he have a diploma in higher psychological education, or perhaps he defended his PhD thesis?
  • Where exactly did he receive his diploma, in what educational institution, in Moscow or in another city or country?
  • Does he have a certificate of qualification? In what method does it work? Which psychotherapeutic school does he belong to?

No, these are not idle questions, education is a tool with which a given specialist will make your life better, or not. Quality education is one of the answers to the question of how to choose a good psychologist. Each Helppoint psychologist has at least a higher education in psychology and 3 years of work experience.

If you ask a psychologist about education, and he has nothing to hide, and at best, has something to brag about, he will be happy to answer all your questions and clarify unclear points. If this is not the case, this is unlikely to be your person.

Which specialist should I contact in this or that case?


A psychologist is a specialist who has received a bachelor's or master's degree in psychology.
Has no medical education. Therefore, he has no right to make diagnoses or prescribe treatment. He is a generalist and conducts private practice through consulting. Psychological counseling is a branch of applied psychology whose task is to help mentally healthy people. Distinctive features:

  • wide scope of application (all types of interpersonal relationships, problems associated with any activity);
  • a huge range of methods and tools;
  • emphasis on the client’s activity and independence;
  • awakening “dormant” resources;
  • short-term (on average 5-7 consultations).

The main task of a psychologist is to create conditions for a mentally healthy client in which he will solve all his problems and improve relationships with others.

A consulting psychologist is chosen when help is needed in solving any problems and situations that cause discomfort.

Clinical psychologists work in health and social care settings. They are trained at special faculties of medical or multidisciplinary universities. They are well versed in anatomy, physiology and pharmaceuticals. They conduct psychological examinations, prescribe medication, and engage in psychocorrection. But they do not work with severe mental illnesses (clinical depression, schizophrenia).


A psychotherapist is a psychiatrist (has a higher medical education) who has undergone retraining in psychotherapy. He has extensive knowledge about the human psyche, the structure of the body and its functioning. Uses both medicinal and non-medicinal methods in practice.

Distinctive features of psychotherapy:

  • patients - people with neurotic disorders or borderline conditions;
  • narrow range of models used;
  • the main therapeutic factor is the interpersonal relationship between the client and the therapist;
  • long-term (hundreds of meetings over several years).

The task of a psychotherapist is the correction of destructive mental processes and neuroticism (deformations) of the personality.

What cases does the psychotherapist work with: neurasthenia, severe phobias, chronic depression, paranoid states.


A psychiatrist is a specialist who has received a higher medical education and completed an internship in psychiatry. Engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of severe mental disorders (dementia, psychosis, schizophrenia). Has the right to place patients in a hospital for compulsory treatment and recognize them as disabled.

The main task is to study and diagnose mental illness, develop treatment methods and ways to rehabilitate patients.

A psychiatrist is consulted when it is necessary to confirm or refute the presence of a serious mental disorder.

What type of therapy does he practice?

How to choose the type of psychotherapy? There are many different types of therapy. One of the most common and actually works is CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy, but other types of therapy may be effective for you depending on what you like and what results you want to achieve.

There is, for example, a rather rare type of therapy for our country called EMDP (Eye Movement and Processing Desensitization), which helps well with PTSD (post-traumatic syndrome).

Many people find it very helpful to work with the body, then a psychologist who works in a body-oriented approach will be right for you. If you feel that something is hidden in you, something sits in your subconscious like a thorn, but is not realized and you cannot examine it on your own, perhaps psychoanalysis or constellations will suit you.

In general, talk to a psychologist, ask him about the approach he uses and discuss how he can help you deal with your particular problem.

The availability of psychological services on the market plays a cruel joke on us - choosing a specialist turns into a lottery. How to avoid running into a scammer or amateur, what to check and ask, what features to pay attention to, and how to end up with the best and most effective psychologist/coach/trainer for you?

We give the floor to the professionals.

Natalya Piskunova , dance and movement therapy coach, psychologist

In my experience, when choosing a specialist in the helping profession, some people first of all pay attention to his credentials: diplomas, schools to which he belongs, communities to which he belongs. This is not bad, but you must remember that a psychologist is a person who will literally have to pour out his soul, so his personal qualities are important.

On the other hand, there are now quite a lot of specialists who do not have the appropriate education (only pedagogical instead of psychological, for example, and without knowledge of the basics of counseling) and do not undergo supervision in one form or another, or even oppose it. So I wouldn’t completely dismiss the “education and professional activity” point.

Important points to pay attention to when choosing a psychologist:

  • Education - psychological or medical, but not separate courses for a couple of months. Although additional training will only be a plus.
  • Supervision. That is, where, to whom and how often does the specialist himself turn for training and consultations. A less important criterion, in my opinion, is just time - it doesn't have to be weekly, but consistency is still important.
  • The method with which the psychologist works. Unless you yourself are in the mood for, for example, a physical therapist, make sure that the specialist uses an integrated approach. Or study information about the features of the method, if the specialist clearly indicates one, and take a closer look at how close it is to you. Now there is enough information on the Internet to understand the very basics of how the cognitive-behavioral approach differs from classical psychoanalysis, for example (read our article about schools and methods -). You can clarify this point with the psychologist himself.
  • Personality. You must have common core values. This can be studied on the specialist’s website and social networks: what and how he writes, speaks, and how he communicates with others.
  • Personal feelings. How comfortable are you from communicating with a specialist: from his image on the Internet, from personal communication when you called or wrote to him, how clearly and understandably, easily and pleasantly he communicates with you.

Important organizational points to consider:

  • Format of work (in person or remotely, individually or in a group).
  • Price. From-to-to order - how much you feel you are willing to pay. There may be a slight deviation, but you may not be able to afford an amount 3 times larger (or even less), not so much financially as psychologically.
  • Test consultation. If you are satisfied with the previous points, clarify the terms of communication (so that the psychologist does not insist on purchasing several meetings at once). Occasionally, depending on the approach, you can negotiate a shorter time or a special price for the first time.

What is less worth paying attention to, in my opinion:

  • On reviews, although they are worth reading. If this is not a review from someone close to you whom you trust, then most likely his words will not give you anything. In addition, more often, due to confidentiality, reviews are posted about the seminar, and if you want to come for a consultation, these are different formats.

Dinara Tairova , psychologist, gestalt therapist

Deciding to seek help from a psychologist is already a big step. But how to choose a suitable specialist? I offer my recommendations.

1. Education. Not courses, not completed trainings, but higher psychological education. Why is this so important? Studying at a university is not only about gaining theoretical knowledge, but also a period when a specialist’s worldview is formed.

Now there are many specialists who have received additional education in coaching, gestalt therapy, constellations, without formal psychological education. For me, this is not only a lack of base, but also a matter of trust. If you call yourself a psychologist, but in reality you are not, why lie? If it is important for you to simply get help, whether it is a psychologist or not, be prepared for the fact that the specialist will not be competent in all topics.

2. Specialization. Find out which methods and with what problems. See how close this or that approach is to you.

For example, Gestalt therapy focuses on awareness of the moment “here and now”, on feelings, needs, and contact between the therapist and the client. In psychoanalysis, attention is focused on the past, the client takes a passive position.

Regarding the topic: narrow specialization does not always guarantee a good result. In my practice, I encounter the fact that a person comes with one request, and at the same time another arises. The fact that I work with a wide range of topics allows me to help the client as effectively as possible.

3. A psychologist’s website is his business card. When getting to know him, imagine that you came to this specialist’s office. How are you feeling? How interested are you, okay? Do you feel like you can trust this person and that he can help you solve your problem? If you see a dry description, a photograph of a psychologist and ways to contact him, many questions will be incomprehensible. On the contrary, a live story about yourself, the topics the psychologist works with, articles, videos will help you form a realistic picture of a specialist.

4. First meeting. It is she, and not communication by e-mail or telephone, who will show whether this psychologist is right for you or not.

Some excitement and tension at the beginning of communication is quite natural. However, pay attention to how comfortable you are with this person.

A psychologist is right for you if:

  • you feel understood;
  • you develop trust in this person, a feeling of security in his presence;
  • the psychologist clearly explains the cause of your problem and how it can be solved;
  • he calmly answers questions about personal therapy and supervision;
  • at the end of the first meeting you have greater clarity about your problem and, most importantly, hope that it can be solved.

It’s better to run away from a specialist if:

  • No matter how many times you answer questions, you feel misunderstood;
  • you get the feeling that the psychologist is not just asking you questions, but leading you to some conclusion;
  • you catch a judgmental or appraising look on yourself;
  • Everything seems to be fine: diplomas, work experience, and favorable reviews, but when you come to the office, something constantly confuses you. Perhaps the specialist is incongruent (that is, his words are at odds with his real feelings), and you read this nonverbally;
  • you are promised an instant solution to the problem;
  • the price for a session can be either inadequately inflated or underestimated. In the first case, the psychologist manipulates the client (unconsciously the person will trust too quickly and strive to complete all the exercises and tasks - after all, he paid that much money!). If a psychologist works cheaply or even invites the client to evaluate his work himself, such a specialist plays the “rescuer” and wants to increase his self-esteem at the expense of others;
  • When asked about personal therapy or supervision, the psychologist gets lost, hesitates, or even says that he doesn’t need it.

5. An important point, which for me is one of the key criteria of professionalism, is how the psychologist handles boundaries .

  • Does he often reschedule or cancel meetings at the last minute?
  • Can he drag out the session longer?
  • Does he easily agree to changes (discounts, rescheduling, etc.)?
  • Does he strive to become friends with you outside of sessions?
  • Does he make personal requests to you using your profession or connections?
  • Does he respect your desire to complete work with him or insists on mandatory continuation?

I focus on boundaries because the psychologist works with his personality. Unconsciously, he may satisfy his needs at the expense of clients.

In psychotherapy, the consequences are much more serious, since the work is done with the psyche, and the client is initially in a more defenseless position. Yes, there is an ethical and professional code of psychologists, but, unfortunately, it is not always observed.

When choosing a psychologist, the most relevant advice is “trust, but verify!” Ask questions, share your fears and doubts, trust your feelings! Remember that a psychologist is an expert in his profession, and only you are the expert in your life. This means that only you can decide who you will entrust the most valuable to.

Marina Fomina , personal effectiveness consultant, psychologist, coach

Each person, when choosing a psychologist, will still find “the one.” Exactly the one that suits him. Since psychotherapy is a two-way process, and even if the psychologist maintains unclouded purity, the client will still see something of himself in him.

Here are some criteria:

1. He had problems, he solved them and is ready to work on his other problems.

Take a closer look at a psychologist or coach. If he offers you to solve your problem, but he himself is bad in this area, draw conclusions. If he is unable to help himself or find someone who will help him, it is unlikely that his help will be so valuable to you.

The specialist himself must be sufficiently developed, but he is a person who still has areas of growth. Look how aware he is of this. His willingness to work with himself is also an important criterion.

2. He has a good education and continues to study.

This point causes a lot of controversy. There are examples of non-professionals with a prestigious diploma and specialists with a diploma from a secondary university. Here, think about what a good education means to you personally.

If a specialist himself has stopped in his development, then this is a reason to doubt his professionalism. Advanced training is one of the desirable conditions. However, there is a risk of falling into a person who is constantly, non-stop learning. Such “eternal students” simply do not have internal criteria for their own professionalism and often suffer from self-doubt, increasing their self-esteem with endless courses.

3. He knows how to laugh and is not afraid to be imperfect.

Just don't laugh! It is important. After all, both coaching and psychotherapy are the interaction of two living people. And a sense of humor is precisely what makes us alive in many ways.

People often go into this area, driven by their own vulnerability, in order to patch up their holes, putting on the mask of the strong. Recognizing one’s own imperfections is an indicator of a person’s inner strength, the degree of his maturity and the degree of personal elaboration.

4. It defines the goal of therapy or helps the client determine it.

The specialist clearly knows how to lead the client to determine the goal of interaction. If you are being led around the bush for several sessions, then this is something to think about.

5. He accepts the word “no” if a person does not want to be helped.

This criterion applies to professional rescuers who strive to do good at any cost. A good specialist, having offered you his help, will not put pressure on you if you don’t need it. A specialist does not work without a request.

Maria Segal , family and individual psychologist

To choose a suitable psychologist, you need to pay attention to the following:

1. Professional education: education in the specialty “psychologist”, as well as additional education is desirable. This is a basic criterion in order not to end up with home-grown specialists.

2. Consulting topics: does the specialist work specifically on your topic? Typically, psychologists work with a wide range of needs, but there are still topics in which they specialize. For example, a family psychologist, relationship psychologist, addiction psychologist, crisis psychologist, etc.

3. Personal sympathy and trust: at the first consultation, you can feel for yourself how pleasant the specialist is to you personally and how much you trust him. Undoubtedly, this is a subjective feeling, but it is crucial, since with a psychologist you will have to open your soul. And you shouldn’t do this with a person who doesn’t inspire your trust and affection from the very beginning.

4. Result of the meeting: after one or two meetings you can already feel some result. It is unlikely that there will be any major changes, but at least an understanding of yourself, others and the situation as a whole, as well as emotional relief, will serve as signals that you have chosen the right psychologist for you.

Yana Denisova , psychologist, family psychotherapist

Very often clients say that they chose me as their psychologist because they were impressed by my image. This approach cannot be called simplistic: a photograph says a lot about a person, in any case, you can immediately feel whether the person evokes empathy and a desire to trust. If this is present, the choice is half made.

Then you should see if this psychologist has a specialization in the direction you need. Of course, to some extent, all psychologists are universal, but the necessary specialization is another undeniable advantage.

When you first contact a psychologist, be it online communication or a phone call, try to capture your feelings: does the specialist make you feel good about yourself, does he inspire confidence, do you want to continue the conversation or do you want to hang up the phone as soon as possible? Don’t be lazy to read reviews about the specialist; of course, they can be edited, but it’s still possible to catch the general mood.

I would also recommend paying attention to the cost of the consultation. Effective work cannot be cheap: a true professional usually invests quite a lot in his training and development, undergoes personal therapy and constant supervision (analysis of complex cases among colleagues). Of course, such a specialist will set an adequate price for his work. If the price for a consultation is lower than the market average, think about why? Usually, beginner psychologists and coaches without experience set a low price.

From the editor

Read two more parts of expert advice on choosing a psychologist here: and.

Perhaps you have encountered a situation: you chose a psychologist based on enthusiastic reviews from friends about his work, the first meeting went satisfactorily, but continued communication does not bring the result you need. Psychologist and coach Alena Dronova : .

According to the famous Austrian psychologist and psychiatrist Alfred Adler, all life's troubles, for which people usually turn to a psychologist, are interconnected, and in general they can be reduced to three key problems. You can learn about these key problems and their origins from the review of the book “Individual Psychology as a Path to Human Knowledge and Self-Knowledge” :.

How long has he been practicing?

Choice by experience. The first impulse will send you to a good, experienced psychotherapist who has seen a lot of things. And this really seems and is logical. He has dealt with a lot of clients, he knows exactly what works and what doesn’t, he knows his capabilities and will not make false promises, after all, adults have a wealth of life experience, which is also a good help in work related to people.

However, this does not mean that you should completely abandon the idea of ​​​​working with a young specialist. If you are young yourself, you may find it easier to connect with someone your own age.

And in general, the success of psychotherapy is greatly influenced by this invisible connection, which is either established or not. And this does not always depend on the experience of the psychologist.

Look for those who undergo regular supervision

Psychotherapists themselves go to psychotherapists. As we noted above, their working tool is their own consciousness and personality. But from time to time the settings get lost, and then calibration is needed.

There comes a time when a psychotherapist or psychologist goes to his supervisor. This process is called supervision.

They do this for two purposes: to get an additional opinion on cases from their practice and to get advice on personal problems. Supervision is important because it allows the specialist to “reset to zero” and not unconsciously blame his problems on clients.

The frequency of supervision varies from person to person. Different schools of psychotherapy recommend conducting them from once a month to once a year. In Russia, this practice is not enshrined in regulations. Therefore, it is impossible to oblige a psychotherapist to undergo supervision.

Pay attention to the specialist's membership in various organizations. Some of them require their representatives to undergo supervision. The easiest way is to openly ask the specialist you have chosen if he undergoes this procedure. By his reaction you can understand his attitude towards his work. Avoid those who say they don't need supervision.

What problems does it work with?

How to determine what kind of psychotherapist to look for? If you know exactly what problem you need to deal with, for example, you need psychological support while you are undergoing treatment for a specific disease: depression, mental disorder, cancer, postpartum depression, then you are better off finding a psychologist who has experience working specifically with your problem.

This is really important because you need someone who will help you quickly and knows how to give you the best. Think about it this way - if you had a heart problem, you wouldn't go to the eye doctor, right?

Are you satisfied with the cost of the consultation?

How to choose the cost of a consultation? You may have a voluntary health insurance policy that covers the cost of the psychologist you choose. Seeing a therapist regularly is not cheap, and may require multiple sessions to be successful.

This is definitely valuable and important, you can really change your life. Investing in yourself is the most rewarding investment of all. But you probably don't want these investments to require more than half of your monthly income. And add financial problems to the worries.

The price of psychotherapy should be tangible, but not prohibitive. Fortunately, online platforms have emerged that provide you with the services of good psychologists at an affordable price. Online consultation is much cheaper than face-to-face meetings.

Transport accessibility

How to choose a psychologist in Moscow or any other city? Perhaps this is not the main question, but still.

  • How convenient is it for you to reach your psychologist?
  • Psychotherapy often requires significant time and regular meetings. Can you maintain this regularity if you have to spend more than an hour each way on the way to the psychologist?
  • And in winter, when it’s cold and you don’t want to go anywhere?
  • And in the summer, when it’s warm and you want to take a walk and relax, and not stand in a traffic jam or shake in a minibus?

Unfortunately, this inconvenience can outweigh all other advantages, and you will interrupt your work.

Platforms like Helppoint completely eliminate this problem. Your online psychologist is available to you 24/7 in Moscow, St. Petersburg and wherever you are.

How to choose the right psychologist?

To choose the right therapist you need to answer one question - “do you feel like this is “your” person?”

  • Do you feel that it is easy for you to talk?
  • No awkwardness, no feeling of foreignness?

That same connection will, of course, not arise immediately, if at all. This takes time. But even the first meeting is indicative. If you feel that this is not your thing at all, you should not force yourself, even if it is a very experienced and knowledgeable therapist. The fact is that psychologists are taught to establish rapport (this very connection with a person), they are taught non-judgmental perception.

In an ideal world, a good psychologist should be able to please almost everyone. And if he really doesn’t suit you, then either he’s not a very good specialist, or he’s really not “your” person - it happens.

Sergey Savelyev

Sergei Savelyev is a Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, has been involved in brain research for more than 30 years, has numerous monographs, publications, and gives lectures on radio and television. The list of scientific regalia is impressive and gives weight and authority to his statements. However, the professor is sharply criticized by the scientific community and is a nominee for the “Honorary Academician” anti-prize of VRAL for promoting pseudoscientific ideas. The scientific and educational portal has repeatedly published a detailed analysis of errors and blunders in Savelyev’s publications. His public appearances are also discussed in detail and quite correctly in scientific video blogs.

Sergey Savelyev, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor

Rabkor correspondents wrote about the rhetoric and style of his radical reasoning.

“The cerebral cortex of a man contains about 11 billion nerve cells, and that of a woman - about 9, that is, 2 billion less. And women have very few neurons in the associative areas: a man has approximately a billion neurons there, and a woman has 300 million. And these are very important areas, they are involved in the processes of memorization, learning and thinking, and the results of their activity make up what is usually called intelligence. And there is no way to compensate for this shortcoming. Even if you hire a hundred teachers, the woman will not become smarter. If there is no substrate, then there is nothing to teach.”

“That is, our frontal areas did not arise in order to think - God forbid, what kind of mathematics do Neanderthals have, I beg you, it’s funny to even discuss, even a drunken anthropologist would not think of such a thing. Of course not, they arose and formed in them of enormous size, even larger than they are now, due to the fact that the frontal areas have inhibitory functions, that is, they inhibit aggressive behavior. Most animals that surround us do not have such areas. And even you cannot take away a delicious sugar bone from your beloved dog; she will most likely bite you for it. Why - because she doesn’t have such brakes, and you can take away a sugar bone from your mother-in-law, that is, she won’t bite you faster. Why - because it has large frontal areas."

Despite the barrage of criticism, Savelyev still appears on the radio and publishes.

Do you feel trust?

One of the issues related to how to choose the right specialist is trust. Of course, if this is your question, “I don’t trust anyone,” the answer is no. Otherwise, there should be a feeling of trust and security. It will be finally installed later.

But, if you feel apprehension, mistrust, anxiety around the person who is supposed to help you, you probably do not need to choose him and it would be wiser to continue your search.

Don't be fooled by advertising - explore your options

The most reliable guide remains word of mouth. Pay attention to specialists who are recommended to you by friends and acquaintances.

In addition, having chosen the type of specialist, determine what level of education you would like to see from him. Research which psychology departments are the most reputable in your area.

Browse several search engine pages. Look for those who work in a location convenient to you. Write down the prices of their services and the length of the sessions. This will allow you to set your own spending limits. So as not to worry at the reception that you are overpaying.

Are you giving him a chance?

It takes some time to choose the right one. With all that we said above, you should not make hasty conclusions and cut from the shoulder. If overall everything is good, but something is a little wrong, give your relationship a chance. Therapy, like any other human relationship, rarely works out and goes smoothly from the first minute. To make the right choice, it takes time for you to get used to the person, open up completely, and be able to trust.

The advantage of therapy is that you don't have to adjust - your therapist will do it for both of you. You just need to give yourself and your psychologist a chance. You will not feel better after the first session and everything will not change as if by magic - changes take time. But if enough time has passed and nothing happens, then, apparently, it’s worth breaking up and rethinking how to choose the right psychologist. Find someone who will be “your” therapist.

This can be frustrating and time-consuming, taking up a lot of your energy. But you shouldn’t go to the first psychologist you come across, whom a friend recommended to you. When choosing, check our checklist, and you will definitely find a specialist who will do the best he can for you.

But, if you want to make your search easier and not think about anything other than the upcoming work and its successful completion, entrust this choice to us. We have already selected good, experienced and qualified psychologists and we have already solved the question of how to get to a psychologist in a metropolis like Moscow or any other city, for this you only need a computer (phone, tablet) and the Internet.

After you complete the questionnaire, we will match you with the most suitable psychologist who has experience working specifically with your problem. The selection of your therapist is based on the data you left when completing the questionnaire and on the data left by our specialists. The system automatically selects the most suitable psychologist for you. We have set a single and low price for consultations.

The only question that remains is compatibility, which, unfortunately, we cannot influence, but we can change your psychologist at any time, and the problem of how to do this so as not to experience awkwardness should no longer worry you. With Helppoint, finding a psychologist has become simpler and easier than ever.

Author: Editorial staff of the portal

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Feeling comfortable

When choosing a psychologist, be sure to listen to your inner feelings. Without a sense of comfort, the success of consultations is reduced to zero. This is the basis, the foundation on which all work will subsequently be built. No matter how professional the specialist is, if you feel discomfort in his company, this is not “your” psychologist.

Meeting location

The environment greatly influences the effectiveness of psychological consultations. It should be comfortable, calm, help you relax and relieve stress. The design is in calm colors, without “flashy” decorative elements. It is also not allowed to have the psychologist’s personal belongings (photos of the family).

Compliance with professional ethics

A code of ethics is a set of rules that every psychologist must follow. This includes: competence, non-disclosure of information, non-discrimination, non-harm, respect for the honor and dignity of clients. If a specialist seems rude to you or his behavior is unacceptable to you, do not continue working with him. Find another psychologist and start all over again.

A psychologist should not give advice or specific instructions

The greatest benefit comes from those truths that a person has come to on his own. The psychologist guides, helps to look at the problem from the other side or find other options for developing the situation, and eliminates restrictions. But a person makes any decision independently.

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