How to deal with depression in women: advice from a psychotherapist

A bad mood can occur in anyone. But if periods of blues drag on, apathy and powerlessness are observed against their background, well-being worsens, and we can talk about the development of depression. And women, due to the characteristics of their bodies, are especially prone to this disease.

Why does the disease occur? How is depression treated in women? And how to deal with it yourself? , a psychiatrist and psychotherapist at the MEDSI clinic on Leninsky Prospekt, answers these questions .

Causes of depression in women

Depression is a multifaceted disease; it manifests itself in multiple disorders both at the cellular level and in the functioning of organs and systems. Today it is included by the World Health Organization in the international classification of diseases. Psychiatrists around the world deal with its manifestations every day, and in their work they use generally accepted standards of treatment. But the causes of depression have not yet been fully established. Why it haunts some people throughout their lives, while others never manifest it, is not known for sure.

However, it is clear that hormones play an important role in its development. When the production of biologically active substances responsible for mood, emotions, and performance is disrupted, depression can occur. Hormones are of particular importance in this process:

  • serotonin;
  • dopamine;
  • norepinephrine.

They are called neurotransmitters, that is, substances that affect the functioning of the nervous system. In recent years, research has established the influence on a person’s mental state of other biologically active substances: melatonin, glucocorticoid hormones, even factors of the immune system. Science has yet to figure out which of this list comes first.

But today we can say for sure that depression occurs more often in women than in men. And the reason for this is the strong subordination of the female body to hormones. At certain points in life, hormonal fluctuations occur in the body, and then the risk of developing depression in women increases. Doctors identify three most dangerous periods:

  • adolescence;
  • postpartum period;
  • menopause.

“The debut of a depressive disorder can take place after childbirth,” comments psychiatrist Christina Wirth. — The reason for this is a hormonal shock in the body. Depression often develops in women after 50 years of age due to hormonal changes. During these periods, you need to be especially attentive to your condition and well-being.”

Tried really hard to be good

Looking back, the women acknowledged that during the period when they became depressed, they structured their lives by adapting to the expectations of others.
They were trying to live up to an ideal that they had internalized and that they believed others expected them to achieve. Each of them tried to be a good daughter, mother, wife, sister or friend. Satisfying the expectations of others was an important goal for them; it gave their lives meaning.

Often for a long time these women did not realize that this activity was, first of all, tiresome and hopeless. If, despite their best efforts, at some point they realized that they could not achieve their ambitious goals, they blamed themselves. Here are the words of one of these women: “I don’t have the strength to be what I should be. I am a bad mother, I do not correspond to the image of a mother that I have in my head. I don’t have enough skills or resources for this.”

Signs of depression in women

Doctors distinguish between major and minor symptoms of depression. The first group includes decreased energy, worsening mood, and the inability to enjoy things that always brought joy before.

Against this background, other signs may appear. A woman may notice that she is unable to concentrate on a conversation or remember important information. Self-esteem decreases, thoughts of personal or professional failure arise. Ideas of guilt may arise in relation to someone close to you, and life seems lost and hopeless.

Relatives may also notice changes in the behavior of the mother and spouse. A symptom of depression is loss of appetite when a woman refuses to eat or, conversely, begins to eat too much. Sleep and its quality are disturbed: insomnia causes difficulty waking up in the morning, and lethargy and apathy plague you throughout the day. There is a strong decline in relationships with a partner: sexual desire is lost, and in moments of intimacy the woman does not experience pleasure.

“The symptoms of depression in women after 30, 40, 50 years are the same,” says psychiatrist Christina Wirth. “Only the thoughts that come during depression change.”


The first sign of mental health problems should be a decrease in mood and a constant loss of strength. Other symptoms, more or less pronounced, may also be observed.

In this case, you should consult a specialist or check for signs of depression using a test. For diagnosis, doctors use scales, the most famous of which is the Aaron Beck scale. It can also be used for self-diagnosis.

“Today, scales for determining depression are available on the Internet,” comments Christina Wirth. “You can take a test online and determine if you have depression.”

Treatment of depression in women

To treat depressive disorders, doctors use the following methods:

  • pharmacological - with the use of drugs;
  • psychotherapeutic - establishing deep personal contact between the doctor and the patient, correction of thoughts and behavior.

For mild cases of the disorder, psychotherapy may be sufficient. For moderate and severe cases, you cannot do without medications, which are prescribed by a doctor taking into account the severity of the condition. Some drugs can be used for outpatient treatment, when a woman undergoes a course at home. Others require hospital treatment, and their use in medical practice is strictly controlled.

“First of all, psychotherapy is used to treat depression,” says psychiatrist Christina Wirth. — Today, the best results are shown by cognitive behavioral therapy, its different types and their combinations. Medicines have side effects, so doctors prescribe them only if they cannot be avoided.”

Medicines to treat depression

The choice of medications is determined by the degree of depressive disorder. For treatment on an outpatient basis and for mild cases of the disorder, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or two neurotransmitters at once are used: serotonin and norepinephrine.

To understand the principle of their action, you need to delve a little deeper into the anatomy. From school years we remember that nerve cells, called neurons, have processes. Along these processes, nerve impulses are transmitted from one neuron to another, and along with them, neurotransmitters, for example, serotonin or norepinephrine, are transferred.

When everything is in order with the production of neurotransmitters, the nervous system has enough of these substances to trigger bioelectric reactions. And they, in turn, are needed for healthy emotions, energy and well-being. When there are not enough substances, one of the processes natural to a healthy body begins to harm. The fact is that neurons do not use neurotransmitters to their full potential. Often, serotonin, which “settles” on a neighboring cell, does not have time to be used and, with the help of a special protein, is returned back to the parent cell and destroyed.

Drugs used in psychiatry to treat depression from the group of selective serotonin or norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors block the very protein that sends neurotransmitters “for disposal.” Thanks to this, the concentration of neurotransmitters in the intercellular space increases, they become more or less sufficient for the functioning of the nervous system, which improves the patient’s well-being.

“More complex antidepressant drugs block an enzyme that destroys neurotransmitters,” says psychiatrist Christina Wirth. “But they also have more side effects, so they are not used for mild depression. Drugs from the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are recognized as the gold standard of modern treatment of mental disorders.”

But it happens that these medications do not help. Then the doctor may decide to prescribe other drugs. For example, mood stabilizers, which are called “mood stabilizers,” or antipsychotic drugs in small doses, which are used in the treatment of schizophrenic disorders and hallucinations. It is important to understand that the choice of medication depends on the patient’s condition, and if it is possible not to use “heavy artillery,” the doctor will not prescribe such drugs.

“Antidepressants have side effects,” continues Christina Wirth. - They affect the body as a whole. Drowsiness or, conversely, agitation may develop. The patient may be bothered by nausea, dry mouth, menstrual irregularities, even allergic reactions. But drugs from the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are the safest and best tolerated.”

The disadvantage of these funds can be considered prolonged action. They have a cumulative effect and begin to work no earlier than after 2-6 weeks. The World Health Organization recommends taking them for six months. If the condition improves, after 6 months the doctor may decide to complete the course of medication.


To avoid depression, it is recommended to take preventive measures, especially in the autumn-winter period or during chronic diseases

  1. Down with negative information! You need to watch less TV and read news. It’s best to download several interesting audiobooks or lessons on personal growth to your phone.
  2. Relax and have fun! You don't have to relax on the couch. You can go with friends to a cafe, restaurant, club, cinema or have a house party.
  3. Eat right and exercise! Proper nutrition is the key to health and good mood. It is best to choose high-quality, low-fat, healthy products. You can take some personal training sessions at the gym and ask the trainer to create a healthy nutrition plan for at least a week.
  4. Take time for yourself! At least once a month you need to set aside time for yourself. You can go for a manicure, a massage, or go shopping.
  5. Surround yourself with beauty and pleasure! To make your home feel comfortable and pleasant, you can place scented candles, an aroma lamp in a visible place, hang new curtains, or cover the bed with a soft and fluffy blanket.
The best gifts you need:
  • To a man
  • To a woman
  • To a girl
  • To the boy

How can a woman get out of depression without medication?

When the doctor does not see the need to use medications, cognitive behavioral therapy helps restore mental health. Its task is to increase a woman’s energy potential and return her to her former activity.

During treatment, the patient receives tasks from the doctor - to do a little more every day than yesterday. The “load” is increased gradually, and it often takes weeks or months to return to normal everyday skills. But under the guidance of a specialist, the therapy works and helps women cope with depression without medication.

“We need to introduce pleasure into life,” notes psychiatrist Christina Wirth, “everything that made us happy before. You should not expect a woman to take the initiative herself and remember some activities that are pleasant for her. Most likely, in a depressed state there will be no such desires. Therefore, actions must be mechanical, mandatory. If a woman previously liked to read, she should read daily. Let it be a little - just a couple of pages or 15 minutes, but every day.”

Relatives can help bring happiness back into the life of a mother or spouse. The specialist warns that it is dangerous to demand that a woman pull herself together, get out of bed, and go about her usual activities. All this will not work, and the lack of support from relatives will only worsen the condition. It is important to remember that depression is not laziness or a momentary blues, it is a disease that cannot be cured by taking a pill. It disrupts the state of the body, seriously affects well-being, and changes natural processes in the body. It takes time to restore mental health, but the help and patience of loved ones will become a necessary support for a woman on the path to recovery.

How to support a girl from a distance

How to support a girl in difficult times from a distance? If you receive messages from her: “Damn, this happened here!”, “I’m so sad!” — these SMS messages are more dangerous than they seem. Sad phrases like: “Have pity on me” or “Tell me something good” are only harbingers.

What follows is a real test of strength. Fail to pass it, and the consequences will fall like an avalanche. Someone will be left without warm hugs, and someone will get a notable scandal. Women are like that, just give them a reason, and then separation is not far away.

How to respond to these incomprehensible remarks? What should you say or do to make her feel loved and protected?

Here is a short course of magic phrases and the right actions that will help you earn the trust of a young lady.

Why is it important to know how to provide psychological first aid?

Life is an unpredictable thing: either the girl is away for a session, or the guy is on a business trip. And both need to visit out-of-town relatives periodically. Situations where someone is away alone somewhere are inevitable.

It's always nice to meet after even a short separation. However, communicating at a distance is difficult. Long conversations on the phone are conducive to frank questions. But how to calm a girl down in a difficult situation?

When you are nearby, there are no problems: you hugged, kissed and the threat was over. As a last resort, you can always feed them. After kilometers, the usual schemes do not work.

Those men who were able to lend their shoulder while far away win in the long run. At first glance, nothing may change, but the girl’s subcortex is imprinted: “ideal guy level 80.”

And one more bonus. Anyone who was able to neutralize a suffering woman will be able to come to an agreement even with terrorists. Level up your skill!

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