10 ways to spend time at home with benefit and pleasure

What to do in spring? If the desire to fill every day with something special is your thing, then be sure to take a look at our calendar of creativity and comfort, where changing dates brings new exciting tasks. And today we will offer 10 more ideas for those who prefer to spend time at home - and do it fun, creatively, for the benefit of the soul and business. Join us and share your options in the comments!

The first method: creative and handicraft

Of course, we couldn’t start with something else.:) Moreover, time flies unnoticed while pursuing your favorite hobby, and the process itself brings great pleasure, relaxes and lifts your spirits. 8 ways to improve your health through crafts >

Do you want to try something new and unusual? Take the test to find out which exotic art form you should definitely try - and be sure to try it! Another day to be creative: 14 workshops to try something new >

What to do at home in your free time to earn money

Free time does not appear so often, so many people prefer to spend it lying on the couch. This is also an option, but it is more useful to use your time to earn money.

“I already work,” you say. If you have enough money in your wallet for all your “wants”, proceed to the next section. Otherwise, why not put an extra few thousand, and perhaps tens of thousands of tenge in your pocket?

Here's what you can do on the Internet to make money:

  • Remote work on the Internet.

Freelancing is one of the best ways to earn money in your free time. This concept includes an extensive list of professions:

  1. A copywriter is a specialist who makes money by creating texts for websites, blogs, online stores and communities on social networks. The main orders are for informational and advertising content.
  2. The translator receives money for translating texts from a foreign language. Specialists with knowledge of English, Chinese, German and Arabic are in demand. The level of earnings depends on the amount of work performed.
  3. A web designer develops visual elements for websites. The most popular order is creating a logo. You must be able to draw and know graphic editors.

Other specialists also work remotely: teachers, editors, programmers, call center workers, etc. The level of payment depends on qualifications, experience and the ability to sell their services.

  • Earning money on the site.

To create a website, you don't need to be a programmer. Simply select a template and connect it to a free content management system (CMS). Entrust the design of the blog to a designer, and the writing of articles to a copywriter.

You can do everything yourself, but it will require more time to work and master basic skills.

To make money on a site, you need to increase its popularity. The more people visit the resource, the more earnings from advertising. You can do the promotion yourself or entrust it to a marketing agency. It's not cheap, but the chances of getting your site to the top are much higher.

  • Hobby is business.

Don't know what to do at home? The ideal option is a favorite activity that brings not only pleasure, but also money. Those who like to create dresses, sew stuffed animals or paint can sell their creations for a good price.

Fifth method: cinematographic

Everything here is even simpler than with music: watch a good movie! Or TV series. Or spring films from our selection. Or make movies and cartoons yourself, with the whole family. We even have a master class on shooting an animated film. How to make a cartoon yourself at home >

Finding a good job

You can use your free time to find a good job. If you have a good job, then you can look at much better options to increase your financial wealth. Remember that it is always possible to find a good job, the main thing is to search for it correctly and constantly analyze new offers from employers. Thus, your free time will be spent with maximum benefit.

Sixth method: educational

Don't get bored - study! Moreover, at the Masters Fair there are many opportunities for this:

  • see photo and video lessons on interesting topics here >
  • sign up for upcoming webinars at the Academy of the Masters Fair to participate online. Schedule >
  • work at your own pace: purchase recordings of past classes or watch lessons from a selection of free webinars >

Reading books

In your free time, you can read books of completely different genres and directions. A book is an excellent tool with which you can discover a completely new world and take something new and useful from there. Also, reading is one of the excellent ways of self-development and self-knowledge. With the help of the book, you will be able to develop your imagination much faster, since in the process of reading, you will be immersed in a certain world that was previously unknown to you. While reading, you will be able to feel the atmosphere of that time, put yourself in the shoes of the main characters or characters, etc.

Remember that almost any book is a secret key to completely new knowledge. That is why, with the help of reading, you can spend your time with maximum benefit.

Eighth method: cultural and entertainment

Visit a museum without leaving home? Yes Easy! Now many institutions around the world have a collection of open video materials, or, simply put, virtual excursions. Thus, just recently a five-hour film-walk through the Hermitage was released: inspiring footage takes the viewer to the luxurious halls of the Winter Palace and introduces impressive works of art. View >

10th method. Listening to audiobooks or podcasts

Nowadays, almost everyone has a smartphone that allows them to listen to audiobooks or other useful recordings while traveling on public transport.

If you think that you need to focus on upcoming matters, then you are somewhat mistaken. Modern people have very little time to expand their horizons and obtain useful information, so listening to such recordings while traveling will allow you to get acquainted with books that you could always read. This method is also ideal for self-education and advanced training, since you can not only listen, but also read specialized literature and undergo training.

Ninth method: cleansing

In the literal sense of the word, because order in the house means order in the thoughts and soul.:) Of course, if you prefer to reign over chaos, then so be it. But in any case, it’s worth checking whether it’s time to get rid of unnecessary and simply harmful things that have accumulated in the house. And sorting and arranging creative materials is truly a meditative activity!

18 household items that you didn’t even know had an expiration date > A selection of products for organization and order in the house > How to hang pictures: useful infographics from the Masters Fair > Bobbins and organizers for floss from the Masters Fair >

Leisure - sports.

Many people choose sports as a useful leisure activity. Indeed, there are many advantages to sports. In their free time, sports are usually practiced at an amateur level. For example, run at the stadium, go to the pool, skate or bike, play volleyball, basketball, football as a team.

Manual workers believe that they are already involved in sports. This is partly true. Sports involve all muscle groups more efficiently and gradually develop elasticity and firmness. Work is often monotonous movements that overload one muscle group.

Pros .

1 Strengthening the immune system.

2 Slender figure. Spending your free time in a cafe with a pie or cake will not make you slimmer.

3 Strengthening the muscular and musculoskeletal systems. Sitting on the couch in front of the TV or computer will not make you physically stronger.

4 Cleansing the lymphatic system (through sweat).

5 Development of strong-willed qualities. You are great if you don’t just complain about being overweight, but are actually fighting overweight.

6 Good friends. Among athletes, such qualities as endurance, patience and the ability to work in a team are often found, which makes athletes wonderful friends outside the arena.

7 Reputation. People see you playing sports and not hanging out at a bar with a drink.

However, sports also have contraindications and possible side effects.


1 Risk to life.

Therefore, at the beginning of the subheading about sports, fairly safe sports were listed, such as running and swimming in the pool.

However, some sports may be contraindicated for some. Diseases of the heart, joints and respiratory system impose individual restrictions on sports activities and this cannot be ignored.

Also worth noting. that some species are cruel and dangerous in themselves. These sports are not listed here, because everyone is able to assess the risk of leisure for themselves personally.

To understand the risk of a sport, you can look at the statistics of accidents and injuries for a given sport .

The risk can also be judged by the athlete's equipment . Often a safe sport requires no expense at all other than sneakers or a swimsuit. If, in your free time, you are looking for more reliable equipment, and then you also take courses on preparing for emergency situations, then the high risk is obvious.

Of course, there is risk everywhere. However, what do you want - to get adrenaline and take risks? Show others what you are capable of? As a rule, achieving heights in sports requires years of training and dangerous sports do not give you glory for nothing.

If you get seriously injured during sports, then this is not the best leisure activity, you will agree.

Sport should improve health, not cripple.

2 Spirit of sport.

Competitiveness can quickly develop in a team sport.

Also, violent sports do not develop softness of character and politeness, but rather toughness.

The desire to win in competitions can lead to various dishonesties. What is the point of buying victory, knowing that you did not achieve it yourself and your free time did not develop morality in you, but, on the contrary, dulled your conscience.

Reason #1: You'll start thinking more creatively.

People tend to believe that brainstorming is a great way to stimulate creativity. However, science shows that people cope better with difficulties when they are alone. According to research by a Yale University team, a group in which everyone wrote down their thoughts in solitude and without interacting with other people had more creative ideas than a group that followed the brainstorming method. Loneliness gives a person the opportunity to hear himself and his ideas without having to prove their importance and correctness to others. In this way, you can begin to generate completely different ways to solve your everyday problems.

In short: if you've secretly dreamed of going to Iceland, Bangkok or Lake Constance, then it's easy. Good stomach feeling and most of the wandering around in luggage is great, but it doesn't hurt to have a solid plan in your bag, as a single trip is a small difference from a double or group trip. But since you really have to make all the decisions alone, it saves time and energy to clarify some important key points.

Packaging is also important; after all, you can't quickly fill someone else's suitcase with a hairdryer or take up a few socks. Luckily Anne-Catherine has a few in stock, so you can start without overcrowding and still be perfectly equipped for the weekend. What Works In My Own Experience: Rolling clothes rather than folding saves real space, extra fabric bags are often lifesavers needing a quick “I have to get all the gear together” at the beach.

Reason No. 2. You will be less susceptible to depression.

Solitude is an important way to replenish your energy. Without this, a person feels more stressed due to endless busyness and the huge amount of information that he receives every day. By spending time alone, you get to know yourself better and become less susceptible to the onslaught of other people's expectations and desires. A study conducted by Reed Larson found that depressed teenagers feel significant relief from depression when they are left alone. Additionally, teens who enjoy spending time alone are less likely to experience mental health and psychological problems than their more sociable peers.

2nd method. Try practicing meditation

For most people, this process is maximally linked to external paraphernalia, such as special rooms, relaxing music, loose clothing or a rug. However, if we turn to the origins of this concept, it becomes clear that meditation is the liberation of the mind from external influences, a kind of brain reboot, getting rid of the paraphernalia of the external world. This method is a logical continuation of the previous one. If you notice that complete distraction has a beneficial effect on your well-being and the effectiveness of your activities throughout the day, then switching to the practice of meditation may give even more productive results.


Don't talk about how you don't have time. You have exactly the same amount of time as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Pasteur, Helen Keller, Albert Einstein had.

Jackson Brown

I really like this aphorism. Few people realize that we all have the same number of hours in a day. We see people who run in the morning or manage to complete overtime and wonder: how do they do it?

It's very simple: these people made certain sacrifices. You must understand that the goal of developing a skill or achieving good results in something must inevitably crowd out other things from your schedule.

There are students who sit on their smartphones during lectures, and there are those who listen carefully to the teacher. There are those who sleep at seven in the morning and those who meditate. There are those whose Friday evening ends with a party at the club, and those who at this time are working on a new project.

Don't fool yourself. In fact, the phrase “I will start learning English” sounds like “I will start learning English instead of spending time on the computer.”

Always immediately indicate what you will have to give up in order to achieve your intended results. And keep reminding yourself that it's worth it.

4th method. Use the time to brainstorm

The ability to abstract yourself from everything that is happening around you, focus on what is really important to you, and think about priority tasks - this is the potential that you need to make the most of while commuting. Every morning, when your brain is not yet loaded with everyday tasks, when you have not yet gotten tired and have not started dreaming of rest, you should just relax and allow your brain to come to the only correct solution to the tasks at hand.

Brainstorming allows you to focus your attention on what really matters, not just about work, but about your life in general.

What to do if you have a lot of free time

A large amount of free time should be occupied with deep hobbies. If a man doesn’t know how to entertain himself and still has a lot of free time, he can try his hand at fishing. There are a lot of advantages in this business: privacy, nature, fresh air, male company, and fresh food on the table. This type of holiday is relevant even in winter.


Women on maternity leave often suffer from the fact that their work life has been replaced by crying babies and diapers, and self-realization has reached a dead end. For such girls, there is an opportunity to master knitting from wool - and the child can always create a new wardrobe item, and his free time, while the baby is sleeping, will be occupied with a quiet activity.

Work on your goals

“Every minute you spend moving your life forward is an investment in the future that you won’t regret. Your days should go in such a way that before you go to bed you can look back on your day and say: “Even if this is my last day, I did everything right.”

This doesn't mean you have to live every day like it's your last. But it is important to spend your time wisely. If you take pride in how you spend your days, you won't be in danger of living a life filled with regrets.

Photo: Unsplash Source: https://dariusforoux.com/blog/

6th method. Analyze your daily routine

During intensive work in the office, people often simply do not have time to optimize the sequence of tasks, set priorities correctly, and thereby increase their efficiency and effectiveness. That is why a trip by transport is the ideal moment to plan your day, identify tasks and draw up a plan for their implementation. This fairly simple method will allow you to get into a working mood and come to work with a clear focus on results.

5th method. Find the optimal route

Maximum use of travel time does not mean that travel time can be unreasonably increased. It's worth experimenting with your route a little to figure out which way to get to work or school is best for you. For example, if you drive your own car or walk, you should pay attention to the ability to get there not only along the main streets, but also along small alleys. This will allow you to avoid heavy city traffic, choose a more scenic route, save yourself from being stuck in traffic jams and, ultimately, reduce travel time.


Don't be fooled by your calendar. There are only as many days in a year as you can use. Thus, one person’s year has only seven days, another’s year has 365.

Charles Richards

American pentathlete

Control your time. In order to have 24 hours in your day, and not two, three or five, you must clearly understand what you are spending them on.

There are people who in the evening say: “Well, another day has flown by unnoticed.” And there are those who spend this evening usefully, for example, reading books, only because it was planned in advance.

Keep a diary, use notes, put crosses on your hand. You only realize the value of time when you start noticing it. Don't let your time fly by, catch it and make it work for you.

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