What to do on the weekend? 15 examples of how to spend a weekend fun and usefully

Greetings, friends!

Sometimes we get caught up in routine, and then life becomes monotonous and comes down to two aspects: work and home rest. And when the desire arises to spend time meaningfully, it is not always possible to figure out how to spend the weekend profitably. We offer you 30 ready-made ideas, divided into three groups for convenience:

  1. Active pastime.
  2. Useful things.
  3. Entertainment.

Choose any option from the list, and you definitely won’t regret the time spent. Begin!

Go bowling

Bowling is a sport that can be learned in just one Saturday evening. In addition, it allows you to spend time between shots at the bar with a couple of cocktails. Experts assure: a little alcohol does not harm the accuracy of the throw, but, on the contrary, allows the player to relax and be confident in his victory. And this is half the success!

In general, a bowling evening is a great occasion to meet up with friends. You can play together too. In addition, on Saturday at the bowling club you can meet other vacationers and invite them to play as a team against a team. By the way, many bowling clubs have promotions on Saturdays where payment is made not for 1 hour, but for the whole night, and you can save a lot.

Cheer for “ours”

You can choose any sporting event that the organizers plan to hold on Saturday evening: football, hockey, boxing, basketball. The main thing is to choose what the whole company likes. Next, all that remains is to choose “ours” (unless, of course, you have decided on your favorite team or athlete in advance) and root for them all evening.

Scientists claim that the active expression of emotions by fans at sporting events contributes to the active production of adrenaline, which is in little demand in ordinary life. Even if it happens just once a week - for example, on a Saturday evening - it helps reduce your daily stress levels.

Plan a vacation

Even if the vacation is in a couple of months, planning it needs to be taken seriously. Dedicate one of your Saturday evenings to a detailed discussion of all the nuances of your trip. As a result, you can be sure that you will not waste time on vacation searching for acceptable accommodation, a competent tour guide, inexpensive food, etc. Also, during the planning process, you may realize that going to the place you originally wanted to go is not suitable for you, and find a better option.

How to make a plan for the weekend to spend it usefully?

Often, at the end of a day off, we feel annoyed and disappointed that we didn’t manage to do anything and didn’t really rest. Psychologists assure that you can have a good weekend only by planning it in advance. This is useful for two reasons:

  • Creating a schedule will allow you not to waste time and save you from unnecessary fuss.
  • During this process, we experience joy in anticipation of the upcoming event, thereby prolonging the pleasant moments.

Tips for making a plan:

  • Write a general list of what you dream about. Surely it will contain desires that are not difficult to fulfill in the near future. If possible, add items from this list to your weekend plan .
  • Think about pleasant events that happened in the past: hiking in the mountains, kayaking, visiting a water park. Perhaps they should be repeated and added to the schedule for the coming Saturday.
  • Include at least one outdoor activity your weekend plan
  • Don't overload the list . Weekends are, first of all, relaxation. Plan no more than five main tasks. This way you will have time for unplanned events and relaxation.

Once you have thought through and created a schedule, stick to it throughout the day off.

Part 2. Useful things


When a long-awaited book appears on sale, it makes sense to “clear” the day off to read it. Make sure that there is not a single unfinished task left that prevents you from concentrating. Secluded in a cozy, quiet environment and without any distractions, you can enjoy reading to the maximum.

Putting things in order

It is not necessary to do a general cleaning; it is enough to focus all your efforts on one room or a separate part of the interior. Wash the curtains, wash the windows, vacuum the sofas and armchairs, thoroughly clean the shower walls, throw out the old refrigerator, rearrange the furniture in one room. There are many little things that will not take much effort and time, but will significantly improve the atmosphere in the house.

Making a photo album

Digital photos will never be a complete replacement for traditional paper photos. Therefore, many people print out successful photographs on special paper. You can make an album for storing them yourself over a weekend, giving it maximum individuality.

Revision of documents

Each of us has a lot of important papers: a passport, other personal documents, agreements with the bank and other organizations, documents for an apartment, etc. Some of them become outdated, taking up space and making it difficult to find the documents you need. Take a day to check and put all documents in order.

Make a list of goals

Surely in your thoughts there is an abstract list of goals that you would like to achieve in the near future. It's time to put it on paper. This will allow you to structure and specify your goals, making it much easier to achieve them.

Taking care of your health

Surely you want to improve your physical fitness. Perhaps you are planning to change something in your own body, get rid of bad habits or develop useful ones. The coming weekend is a great reason to start working on yourself: sign up for a gym, yoga, or a swimming pool. Or conduct a full health check.

Cleaning up your computer

People tend to accumulate useful information, which is why the hard drive on the computer gradually becomes full, and it becomes more and more difficult to find anything. At the same time, a significant part of the information becomes outdated, and it is quite possible to delete it or move it to the archive. It would also be a good idea to tidy up installed programs by uninstalling unused ones.

Learn something new

A great way to spend your weekend usefully is to learn a new useful skill or valuable knowledge. Choose an area that is important to you at a given time and study it deeply. For example: start learning speed reading, or develop memory.

Grocery shopping for the week

Going to the grocery store takes up a significant amount of time. This process can be easily optimized by purchasing a whole week's worth of groceries at one time. To do this, you need to make a list and allocate a few hours of time on your day off. And you can buy perishable products from the store next to your entrance, wasting no more than 5 minutes.


This is a special place, quiet, calm and very cozy. You can really spend your weekend here usefully. Modern libraries store not only books, but also collections of digital content on CDs and DVDs. You can just come here with a laptop to work in silence.

Time management tips and techniques

It is not necessary to live according to a schedule, but it is necessary to understand, when you wake up, what goals you are pursuing today. Write down your productive day plan on paper. What's the best way to do this?

  • Keep a diary and write down what you have to do every day.
  • You can write down your main goals on a piece of paper and hang it where you often go: in the bedroom, above your desk or in the kitchen.
  • Use the five finger rule. Mentally attach a goal and your actions for each day to each finger. In the morning, look at your hand and remember what needs to be done today. Plan an approximate time for this. In the evening, look at your hand and remember if you have done everything. You can always move up your bedtime by an hour to do something useful for your life. You can forget your diary or lose it, but your hands will always be with you.

Spontaneity is good, but if you have a plan for the day, you will feel protected. Try planning the next day.

Go on a bar crawl

If you don't want to become too much of a health advocate, go on a bar crawl on Saturday. In the evening, gather a group of friends and go. The idea of ​​this “tour” is simple - you go to a bar, have one drink (don’t forget to have a snack!) and go to the next drinking establishment.

The main thing in this event is to follow safety precautions. There must be an alcohol-resistant comrade in your company who can tell all his friends “enough” when enough is enough. This way, a fun Saturday night won't turn into a gloomy, hungover Sunday.

How to prepare for Monday?

Often, at the end of Sunday, we get upset at the thought of having to go to work on Monday. To prepare for Monday , develop a few simple but useful habits:

  • Before the weekend starts, finish all routine or not-so-pleasant tasks at work. Resist the urge to put them off until Monday.
  • Take the time to create a plan for the next week. Rank them in order of priority. Decide what you will do on Monday morning. Making such a list will help you get rid of anxiety and put your thoughts in order.
  • On Sunday, prepare in advance the clothes you are going to wear on Monday. Better yet, plan your wardrobe for every day of the week.
  • Preparing for Monday is best done in the morning. Then you will devote the rest of the day and evening to relaxation, and not to a tedious routine.
  • Eat a balanced, healthy meal on Sunday. It is better to have large feasts on Friday or Saturday. Otherwise, on Monday morning your body's energy will be spent on digesting food, and you will feel sluggish. Also, avoid drinking alcohol the night before. Alcohol leads to dehydration of our body. For this reason, concentration is significantly reduced. You need to drink more water.

Getting ready for Monday

  • Focus your attention on the positive things that can happen at work, instead of thinking about the unpleasant need to go there. After all, you are looking forward to meeting pleasant people, listening to an audiobook on the way to the office, and the opportunity to share news with colleagues.
  • Remember what you achieved last week. This will inspire you to new feats.
  • Get a good night's sleep before Monday. Don't stay up late at the computer or with friends. Avoiding alcohol, having a light dinner, and exercising during the day will help improve your sleep quality.
  • Make Sunday a day of fun. Plan more interesting events on your last weekend. This will take your mind off the upcoming work week and allow you to start it in a good mood.
  • In cases where work does not bring you pleasure at all, think about how you can improve the situation. Remember the beginning of your professional career, when you happily got down to business. Reflect on what has changed since then and how to fix it.

These simple rules, without interfering with your rest, will allow you to get rid of stress on Monday and make the whole work week productive.

Disconnect from all work moments

How to spend Sunday evening so that Monday is productive Photo: Depositphotos
Weekends are our personal time. Especially on Sunday evening, when we are getting ready for the upcoming weekly “race”. It is important that during these hours no one bothers about work or spoils the mood with bad news - otherwise the whole week will be difficult, and not just Monday.

Minimize the likelihood of business calls - turn off your phone or put it on silent mode. Leave social networks - if you want, they can get it there too. Don't look through business email - do it tomorrow during working hours.

Have fun at the water park

Remember the saying: “Sun, air and water are our best friends”? If you can’t get out to hot countries in the middle of winter, then a water park on a Saturday evening can easily replace them. The water in the pools is very warm, even warmer than at sea. And the slides may be inferior to those that can be built in open space, but still, riding them is a pleasure for both adults and children.

In addition, most water parks offer additional services - sauna, massage, cafe. So you can spend 4–5 o’clock on Saturday evening in the water park very intensely.


A little trip

There are probably famous sights or simply interesting historical places in the vicinity of your city. You can spend a weekend outside the city, relax and at the same time study the history of your native land a little better.

Movie night

Get together with your friends, grab some snacks and spend the evening watching movies. Sometimes even “lazy” time is beneficial, helping to unload the brain. At the same time, it is important to completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere and not feel guilty for doing nothing.


This children's form of pastime is great for adults too. There is an amusement park in almost every city, even a small one. However, many adults have never visited it even once in their lives. Right now!

Going to a pizzeria

Pizza is a very deep and versatile dish, and each establishment prepares it differently. Go with your friends or family to an Italian pizzeria and appreciate the taste of an original dish. Despite the fact that this dish is high in calories, a rare visit to a pizzeria will definitely not make you worse.

Board game

When choosing how to spend your weekend, be sure to consider this option for spending time. If you're not a fan of board games, maybe you just haven't tried them. The most famous is Monopoly, but today there are thousands of board games on sale in a variety of genres.


This type of recreation is at the same time active, useful and entertaining. You can enroll in a dance school or attend an open class. Dancing is a great way to spend time on the weekend, bringing benefits and pleasure. In addition, this is a good opportunity to meet interesting people.


If you have never played Mafia, you have missed a lot. This is a truly addictive game that has millions of followers around the world. There is a club for playing mafia in almost every city, you just need to search on the Internet. Of course, deciding to go to an unfamiliar place is not so easy, but believe me, it’s worth it. By the way, to understand all the rules of the game, 10-15 minutes are usually enough, so don’t worry about it.

Music lessons

It is believed that playing any musical instrument increases IQ by several points and makes a person more attractive to the opposite sex. These arguments alone are enough to make music on the weekends. Buy a guitar, accordion or ukulele (a popular four-string instrument) and learn to play with numerous tutorials on YouTube.

Bike ride

This is a great way to spend a weekend with health and mood benefits. Cycling uses almost all muscles, providing a good workout for the entire body. If you don’t have your own bike, it doesn’t matter; you can rent a bike in almost any city.

Interesting events in the city

If the list offered is not enough for you, study posters and special sites with announcements of upcoming events. Surely next weekend your city will host interesting concerts and other events that are worth attending.

Let's sum it up

In an interview, founder Bill Gates said that 20 years ago he would have enjoyed spending the weekend at work. But now he has become wiser and devotes his free days to his family.

On the personal pages on social networks of many celebrities you can find happy family photos. If they manage to carve out a weekend for their family and loved ones, then it’s a sin to blame ordinary people for lack of time.

Family weekends start with the desire to spend time together. Each point in the schedule of Saturday and Sunday can become bright, unforgettable, and most importantly, a common memory.


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