What is hypocrisy and how to get rid of it: the meaning of the word, examples, ways to combat it


Duplicity is a term that defines the character of a person who supposedly thinks one thing, but does and says another.

Two-faced people deliberately hide and conceal their own feelings and emotions, and deliberately carry out their immoral acts under the nobility of “good deeds.” A characteristic feature of such people is the fear of showing themselves sincere, just so as not to be rejected by society. They are able to “put on masks” of the person they want to become in order to achieve a good opinion of themselves among others.

It’s rare that you can immediately recognize a two-faced person. Most often this manifests itself over time in the process of communication and work. The worst thing is when he ingratiates himself, becomes your close friend, and then, at an unexpected moment, lets you down. After all, getting used to communicating with one person, in our opinion, noble, another lives in his soul and with bad intentions. Alas, it is almost impossible to avoid this.

First of all, you need to understand that two-faced people become due to certain factors: lack of any upbringing in childhood, deep loneliness from an early age, lack of real friends and attracting their attention for a while, dissatisfaction at work, etc. In order to avoid negativity from others, it is easier for them to pretend to be friendly, always understanding, the “life of the party”, who love them that way. Such people flirt so much that they begin to pretend even to themselves.

How to become a hypocrite - bad advice

Hypocrisy is more of a negative personality trait that is condemned in society. It's important to know how a true hypocrite behaves and use this guide as motivation to never do that:

  1. Make high demands on everyone except your loved one.
  2. Never miss an opportunity to criticize others, especially if no one asks for it.
  3. If you help, then by all means demand something in return.
  4. Do everything to attract attention to your own person. Exaggerating your own importance and boasting about your achievements is a must.
  5. Communicate politely and ethically only with those people in whose hands power is concentrated. You can talk to simple people in a dismissive tone.
  6. In a conversation, always turn the focus on yourself, and do not let others speak.
  7. Regularly pretend to be a victim and demonstratively suffer, trying to evoke a feeling of pity in others.
  8. Don’t forget to flatter people to their faces, and talk nasty things about them behind their backs, spill other people’s secrets.


  1. a two-faced person develops a mental disorder over time, which leads to depression;
  2. forced to carefully hide his true face, hide his feelings;
  3. stops communicating with his friends because of their mistrust;
  4. the constant betrayal and lies of a two-faced person disgusts those around him;
  5. inability to “keep your mouth shut.”

It is worth noting that each of us can become a two-faced person. Not for the sake of achieving quick success at work, but also for the sake of saving the people close to us. Once we resort to a certain deceit on our part, we can get used to this role so much that it will be difficult for us to take off the “mask”.

It would be great if all people used duplicity only for good intentions or for self-defense. This does not always happen, and you need to be prepared for this in advance. Such people have no remorse, no feelings of guilt before anyone. Flattery and sycophancy become so deeply ingrained in their behavior that it becomes a distinctive character trait, i.e. their “calling card”.

A two-faced person is an individual whose soul and mind are not what he shows to people. Humanity has known about duplicity since ancient times. The ancient peoples had a two-faced god Janus, who occupied an important place in the Roman pantheon. He was depicted with two faces, facing the past and the future. Janus was a highly respected deity. The duplicity of God had a positive meaning. Classical psychology speaks of the duality and ambivalence of man. We can learn about the phenomenon of hypocrisy, as a synonym for duplicity, thanks to modern research. It should be noted that the term duplicity is more of a subjective and philosophical concept.

Duality of nature - is it good or bad?

There is an angel and a devil in each of us. But for some, the angelic principle outweighs, for others, the devilish. And actions are taken accordingly. And there are people in whom both natures coexist very organically, manifesting first one and then the other. These are also called “two-faced Januses.” Most often, they can be calculated by observing behavior in different companies. In some places they are downright good boys and girls, and in others they are almost ready-made bandits. Moreover, there is an opinion that supposedly such a split personality is not so bad, since there is adaptation to different types of living environment. How do you feel about such dual people?

Duplicity and personality

Personality is a set of certain qualities of an individual. Based on the semantics of the word, two-faced - having two faces. To understand how duplicity is formed, let’s touch on the concept of personality structure. Jung and Freud said that personality consists of the conscious, the unconscious and the collective unconscious. All complexes belong to the category of the unconscious; it can be assumed that duplicity too, since it is formed due to internal conflicts, fears and contradictions. Personal conflict occurs only within the individual; it is associated with the human psyche. Such conflict is the basis for changes in personality.


Having two faces, faces.

Containing two contradictory principles.


, two-faced, two-faced; two-faced, two-faced, two-faced (book). Having two faces, containing some kind of duality. Two-faced truth.

Two-Faced Janus

a two-faced person [named after an ancient Roman deity who was depicted with two different faces facing in opposite directions].

2) portable, book. Containing two contradictory properties, beginnings.

I am afraid of my two-faced soul and carefully bury my devilish and wild image in this sacred armor (Blok).

3) portable, book. Two-faced.

I believe you, Myron. some men are two-faced and hypocritical. You are not like that (Gladkov).

double-minded, crooked (obsolete), hypocritical, insincere

Formed by adding two (the case form of the dual number of two) and liki, which goes back to the common Slavic * likъ with a possible senior meaning. 'cheek'.

Two-faced and two-faced coincide in the meaning of 'double-minded', 'insincere'. Two-faced behavior.

◊ Two-faced Janus. About a two-faced, hypocritical person. ● After the name of the ancient Roman deity, depicted with two faces, with a youthful and an old one, facing in opposite directions.

Containing two contradictory properties, beginnings.

I'm afraid of my two-faced soul. Blok, I love tall cathedrals.

about a two-faced, hypocritical person (after the name of the ancient Roman deity, depicted with two faces, with a youthful and an old one, facing in opposite directions).



two-faced, two-faced, two-faced, two-faced, two-faced, two-faced, two-faced, two-faced, two-faced, two-faced, two-faced, two-faced, two-faced, two-faced, two-faced, two-faced, two-faced

adj., number of synonyms: 11

about a cunning, resourceful, two-faced person, a swindler

book Two-faced person

Book Contempt. Two-faced, unreliable person.

Thus, a “two-faced Janus” person will “remain for centuries” if he does not understand, does not feel that the path to inner freedom and harmony lies through and through the destruction of everything that he secretly or openly believes in, which is the reason for his duality, his slavery and admiration for shameful reality (M. Gorky. About the tapeworm).

From Latin: Janus bifrons (Janus bifrons).

Allegorically: insincere, two-faced, hypocritical person (disapproved).

Book An insincere, two-faced person. SHZF 2001, 62; BTS, 242; Janin 2003, 95. In Roman mythology, the god of time Janus

depicted with two faces. FSRY, 542; BMS 1998, 652.


Duplicity, lies, pretense, hypocrisy

The phenomenon of duplicity has similarities with hypocrisy, lies and pretense. Paul Ekman, in his book The Psychology of Lying, explores the reasons for behavior involving lying. Author Fr. But in all likelihood, a lie is committed by a person with a greater degree of awareness than duplicity, which is a change of masks. It is much more difficult to recognize. Certain factors can give away a lie: voice, gaze, features of the vegetative-vascular system. With duplicity, everything is more complicated.

Pretense is a lack of sincerity and is similar to lying. Pretense is a more harmless concept than duplicity. The reason for pretending can be fear or shyness. Duplicity often presupposes a goal.

Duplicity and hypocrisy are character traits. Hypocrisy is characteristic even of the animal world (animals often use it as a defense). In our society, hypocritical behavior is common; modern psychology no longer considers it as unambiguously negative. Duplicity is the device of a hypocrite.

A distinctive sign of duplicity is the belief of others that a two-faced person is himself. It's hard not to believe this, because it really is true. But soon such a person will become completely different, and he will be himself again.

General rules

Work even a little, but every day, so that virtues become “habits of the heart.”

Don't strive for absolute perfection.

Trust your intuition.

Avoid extremes. Strive for the golden mean between deficiency and excess of virtue.

Enjoy; work on your chosen program with humor and optimism.

How do two-faced people behave and how to recognize a two-faced person?

Alas, it is almost impossible to recognize a two-faced person right away.
Such an individual is most likely not who he appears to be, although this is difficult to understand. Here only time will be an assistant. Often, revealing duplicity can be a blow to a relationship. But we must realize: a lot depends on our expectations, because often people idealize others, wishful thinking. A two-faced person is predominantly an alienated person, lonely deep inside. But such behavior can be a social defense. Researchers of human psychology note: everyone has an individual way of adapting to life in society and their own method of achieving goals. Two-faced people are sure that others don’t care about the truth. They don't care about other people's interests. Therefore, they can, for example, at work present themselves as a person leading a healthy lifestyle, but in an informal setting they abuse smoking and junk food. They do not consider this course of action bad, because they need it to maintain a certain image.

Familiar female behavior can be seen when a girl finds out that her friend is telling others about her something that is different from what she personally says. Surprisingly, it should be noted that this trait is inherent in nature. Therefore, you should not be too afraid of talking behind your back. People have always said and will say about each other, unfortunately, not always pleasant and truthful things.

Duplicity to the rescue. What are the dangers of duplicity?

Two-faced people have existed at all times. Probably each of us has met them. Is it possible to understand a hypocrite?

In fact, the expectation of ideal behavior even from the most trusted people is not always justified; people tend to change. Perhaps we shouldn't look at duplicity one-sidedly. This trait can be used for good purposes, such as protection. If a person is faced with an attacker, becoming fearless, even if he feels creepy, can be very helpful. And sometimes you need to protect yourself from negative communication.

But since frequent two-faced behavior, which has become a habit, is based on internal conflicts, fears and is associated with the psyche, the hypocrite often experiences depression and similar disorders. Having started pretending once, having gotten used to it, a person will be forced to do it again. And having learned about such a character trait, loved ones may want to break off the relationship altogether.

Is a hypocrite happy? It's difficult to give a definite answer. Yes, duality is inherent in us by nature, and duplicity should be treated calmly. However, duplicity can be excessive; such a trait poisons life. But it is always within our power to understand the essence of our behavior and make life so that it becomes harmonious, full of trust and mutual understanding.

To summarize, we can say that we can talk about duplicity endlessly. Human personality is multifaceted. Duplicity, like duality, exists in every person. But some people often use it in their lives, while others do not. So, this trait can be harmless or not. It is difficult to determine the norms for the harmlessness of duplicity; everyone can only make a choice for themselves.

The request "Hypocrite" redirects here; for the film, see Hypocrite (film).


- a moral quality consisting in the fact that obviously immoral actions (committed for the sake of selfish interests, for base motives and in the name of inhumane goals) are attributed with pseudo-moral meaning, sublime motives and humane goals [1].

Hypocrisy in ethics

According to Igor Kon, hypocrisy is “a negative moral quality, consisting in the fact that obviously immoral actions (committed for the sake of selfish interests) are attributed with pseudo-moral meaning, lofty motives and humane goals. This concept characterizes a way of action from the point of view of the relationship between its actual social and moral meaning and the meaning that they are trying to give it. Hypocrisy is the opposite of honesty and sincerity - qualities in which a person’s awareness and open expression of the true meaning of his actions is manifested”[2].

What is ambivalence

The word “ambivalence” means any duality, ambiguity. Coexistence of polar phenomena and states. In psychology and psychiatry, ambivalence is the splitting and duality of a person’s attitude towards something; in particular, this is the duality of experience, when the same object or phenomenon evokes two opposing feelings in a person at the same time.

The term “ambivalence” was introduced into psychiatry by the Swiss scientist Eugen Bleuler. This is the scientist who coined the terms “schizophrenia” and autism. It is not difficult to imagine how this researcher felt about ambivalence. Indeed, he considered it the main sign of schizophrenia, or at least schizoidity. The term “schizophrenia” itself means “split of the mind,” which is close in meaning to the word “ambivalence” and applied to thinking and the psyche.

Cultural hypocrisy

According to Sigmund Freud, cultural hypocrisy is a special condition maintained by society due to its inherent feelings of insecurity and the need to protect its apparent lability by prohibiting criticism and discussion. It arises due to the fact that society demands the implementation of a high ideal of morality from each of its members, without caring how difficult it is. At the same time, it is not so rich and organized that it can reward everyone to the extent of their refusal to satisfy their instincts. So it leaves it to the individual himself to decide how he can obtain sufficient compensation for the sacrifice made in order to maintain peace of mind. In general, he is forced to live psychologically beyond his capabilities, because unsatisfied drives make him feel the demands of culture as constant oppression[3].

General rules

Work even a little, but every day, so that virtues become “habits of the heart.”

Don't strive for absolute perfection.

Trust your intuition.

Avoid extremes. Strive for the golden mean between deficiency and excess of virtue.

Enjoy; work on your chosen program with humor and optimism.

A Study of Hypocrisy

The feeling of inconvenience, discomfort and anxiety that people experience when their true and declared emotions do not coincide formed the basis of the theory of cognitive dissonance developed [4] by American psychologist Leon Festinger on the basis of psychological experiments. The book of the same name[5] brought Festinger international fame. The law derived by Festinger in this book states that two elements of thinking are in a dissonant relationship if one of them implies a contradiction with the other, and this prompts the person to behave in a way that reduces the dissonance.

. Ways to overcome dissonance have been experimentally studied and described by Festinger in this book and in subsequent works: “Containing and Reinforcing Factors: The Psychology of Under-Reinforcement” (Stanford, 1962), “Conflicts, Resolution and Dissonance”[6].

In their present works, Western researchers often focus specifically on the phenomenon of moral hypocrisy, which in a broad sense means any deviation from moral standards, in particular, regardless of whether they were publicly expressed or not. At the same time, Western scientists identify three forms of moral hypocrisy: moral duplicity

moral weakness
double standards

Moral duplicity

Moral duplicity is also called moral deception, which is “the motivation to appear moral while avoiding, if possible, the costs of being truly moral.”[7] Hypocrisy in this case is purely interpersonal in nature, since deceptive moral statements or actions are public and directed at a specific person or audience that he represents. Stanford University researchers Benoit Monin and Anna Merritt thus define moral duplicity as a form of interpersonal deception that involves publicly broadcasting some morality for reasons unrelated to the morality itself. Scientists have also found that behavioral inconsistency is not always associated with malicious intent - sometimes people are simply unable to follow the moral standards that they have voiced publicly[8]. Thus, an example of moral duplicity is the charitable policy of the American tobacco company Philip Morris International in 1999, when it donated over $60 million to charity itself, while the cost of advertising the moral character of the company amounted to $108 million.

Moral weakness

Moral weakness is a simple form of moral hypocrisy that involves a person's inability to live up to moral values. Interestingly, there are studies that refute the existence of any correlation between specific moral values ​​and the level of moral weakness[9]. Often people explain their own deviation from certain moral values ​​in terms of the greater relevance and significance of other moral values ​​at a particular point in time. For example, unfair behavior towards loved ones can be explained by concern for them[10]. Also, this form of moral hypocrisy, in contrast to moral duplicity or double standards, is for the most part not interpersonal, but intrapersonal in nature[11].

Double standards

Northeastern University researchers Piercarlo Valdesolo and David DeSteno define double standards as a form of moral hypocrisy in which one's own moral failings or the moral failings of a group with which one identifies are judged less negatively than those of others.[12] Scientists have found that emotions are closely related to the level of double standards: guilt reduces it, and anger, on the contrary, increases it[13]. However, the causal basis for the inclusion of double standards mechanisms is most likely to be a fundamental attribution error: when assessing the moral transgressions of others, people tend to attribute to them the corresponding personality traits (immorality, immorality, etc.); when it comes to assessing their own moral transgressions, people base their judgments on external rather than internal attribution, explaining their behavior no longer by the presence of dispositions, but by the situation, external circumstances.

Main types of duality

The aforementioned Bleuler identified three types of ambivalence


Social ambivalence is also sometimes highlighted. It is caused by the fact that a person’s social status in different situations (at work, in the family) can be different. Also, social ambivalence can mean that a person fluctuates between heterogeneous, contradictory cultural values ​​and social attitudes.

For example, a person can live according to the laws of the secular world and at the same time attend church and participate in rituals. Often people themselves point out their social ambivalence, calling themselves, for example, “Orthodox atheists.”

Another psychotherapist, Sigmund Freud, understood the concept of “ambivalence” somewhat differently. In it, he saw the simultaneous existence in a person of two opposing initial drives, the main ones being two drives - the drive to life and the drive to death.

Attitude to hypocrisy in religions


Hypocrisy is the sin of double-mindedness, a spiritual illness of the human soul, subject to confession in the sacrament of confession, which helps the human soul to receive healing from the Lord. “Hypocrisy is based on lies, and the father of lies is the devil. The life of a hypocrite cannot be a life in God; it is always controlled by an evil inclination. A kingdom that is divided within itself cannot stand.” A hypocritical, double-minded person lives two lives. One of them is visible to others, the other is internal, hidden.

In the New Testament, a hypocrite is considered:

  1. A person who does something with the intention that people will see (see Matt. 6:1).


Main article: Munafiq
In Islam, hypocrites are called munafiq

, and hypocrisy is
. Munafik outwardly shows himself to be a devout Muslim, but is not a believer. The first mention of hypocrites was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad at the very end of the Meccan period of his life. The signs of hypocrites are manifested either in beliefs or in actions.

Islam considers hypocrisy to be a worse sin than unbelief[14]. According to the Koran, after death, hypocrites will forever remain in the lowest (most painful) level of hell[15]. Wandering between faith and unbelief, hypocrites engage in intrigue and create turmoil around themselves. They can perform actions that comply with Sharia, but they do it for show[14]. Hypocrites have difficulty getting up to pray[16], take false oaths, trying to turn others away from religion[17]. They spread false rumors among believers[18]; they laugh at the signs of Allah[19]; act only in accordance with their personal interests[20]; in battle they run away from enemies, and in case of victory they try to get their share of the spoils of war[21].

Hypocrisy in actions occurs when there is some similarity between people’s actions and the actions of hypocrites. At the same time, it cannot be argued that hypocrisy has penetrated the beliefs of such people[14]. According to legend, the Prophet Muhammad said: “There are three signs of a person’s hypocrisy: when talking to someone, he lies, he does not keep his promises, and he does not keep intact what other people have entrusted to him.”[22] The likelihood that hypocrisy in some actions can become a conviction for the people who commit them is great. A Muslim who feels signs of this type of hypocrisy needs to repent and urgently take measures to correct himself[14]. The Koran says: “Woe to those who pray, who are careless in their prayers, who are hypocrites” (107:4-6).


Hypocrisy in Judaism is a negative and obscene act. Examples can be found in the Torah, Talmud and Halacha: “וַיִּשְׂנְאוּ אֹתוֹ וְלֹא יָכְלוּ דַּבְּרוֹ לְשָׁלֹם” [1, about the brothers Joseph says “and they would hate him and could not put up with him.” Rashi explains: “mouth and heart are at odds.” The Gemara in Berachot forbids a hypocrite from studying in the Beit Midrash. The prayer book, according to Psalm Avot: “A God-fearing person openly acknowledges the truth and speaks the truth in his heart.”

Therapy or treatment options

If signs of a disorder are identified and a person is interested in eliminating the symptoms, hypnosis sessions with a psychotherapist with his constant persuasion can be quite effective. However, the basis on the path to recovery is recognition, recognition to oneself like: “The events that influenced my disorder happened in reality. This was part of my life, my experience. And I admit it." Only by coming to terms with this fact, accepting it as a lived experience, does a person gradually change his attitude towards this event, and it ceases to play such an important role in his reality.

Now the primary task becomes an agreement between subpersonalities that the fact is recognized, there is no longer a need to hide it, to attribute the ownership of this event to their alter egos, and here the process of psychosynthesis begins, described by the Italian psychologist, psychotherapist Roberto Assagioli, that is, a gradual return to a state of personal integrity.

If you are interested in this topic, we suggest listening to a mini-lecture by Veronica Stepanova, a clinical psychologist who shares her experience on her YouTube channel:

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  1. ↑The first explanatory Big Encyclopedic Dictionary. - St. Petersburg, M.: Ripol-Norint, 2006. - P. 967. - 4000 copies. — ISBN 5-7711-0207-5.
  2. Kon I.
    “Dictionary of Ethics”
    . "National Encyclopedia of Philosophy" (1981). Archived from the original on April 17, 2013.
  3. Golovin S. Yu.
    “Dictionary of a practical psychologist”
    . "National Encyclopedia of Psychology" (1998). Access date: October 21, 2007.
  4. ↑Hypocrisy: how to calm your conscience (Festinger Experiments)
  5. ↑Festinger, 1962.
  6. ↑Festinger, 1964.
  7. ↑Why Don't Moral People Act Morally? Motivational Considerations by C. Daniel Batson and Elizabeth R. Thompson (2001)
  8. ↑Moral Hypocrisy, Moral Inconsistency, and the Struggle for Moral Integrity by Benoît Monin and Anna Merritt (2012)
  9. ↑The Immoral Assumption Effect: Moralization Drives Negative Trait Attributions by Peter Meindl, Kate M. Johnson, and Jesse Graham (2014) (unspecified)
    (unavailable link). Retrieved March 16, 2022. Archived June 27, 2022.
  10. ↑The dark side of creativity: original thinkers can be more dishonest by Gino, F., & Ariely, D. (2012) (unspecified)
    (unavailable link). Retrieved March 16, 2022. Archived June 27, 2022.
  11. ↑When Values ​​and Behavior Conflict: Moral Pluralism and Intrapersonal Moral Hypocrisy by Jesse Graham, Peter Meindl, Spassena Koleva, Ravi Iyer, and Kate M. Johnson (2015) ( unspecified)
    (unavailable link). Retrieved March 16, 2022. Archived June 27, 2022.
  12. ↑Moral hypocrisy: Social groups and the flexibility of virtue by Valdesolo, P., & DeSteno, D. (2007)
  13. ↑Effects of anger, guilt, and envy on moral hypocrisy by Polman, E., & Ruttan, R.L. (2012)
  14. 1234
    Ali-zade, 2007.
  15. ↑an-Nisa 4:145
  16. ↑an-Nisa 4:142, 143
  17. ↑ al-Mujadilah 58:14
  18. ↑Al-Ahzab 33:60, 61
  19. ↑an-Nisa 4:140
  20. ↑al-'Ankabut 29:10, 11
  21. ↑an-Nisa 4:141
  22. at-Tirmidhi.
    Iman, hadith No. 14 // Jami at-Tirmidhi.


  • Leon Festinger.
    A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance. - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1962. - 291 p. — ISBN 0804709114.
  • Leon Festinger.
    Conflict, Decision, and Dissonance. - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1964. - T. 3. - 163 p. — ISBN 0804702055.
  • Alizadeh, A. A.
    551 // Islamic encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Ansar, 2007. - S. Munafik.
  • Hypocrisy // Biblical Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nikephoros. - M., 1891-1892.
  • Hypocrisy // Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron. - St. Petersburg, 1908-1913.
Biblical · Great Catalan · Jewish Brockhaus and Efron · Catholic (1997—…)
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This page was last edited on January 26, 2022 at 09:59 pm.
InterpretationHypocrisy, duplicityHypocrisy, duplicityHypocrisy is the tribute of respect that vice pays to virtue. François La Rochefoucauld A hypocrite is a person who... but who is not a hypocrite? Don Marchier We are so used to pretending to others that in the end we begin to pretend to ourselves. François La Rochefoucauld I hope you are not leading a double life, pretending to be dissolute when you are actually virtuous. That would be hypocrisy. Oscar Wilde Hypocrite: A man who killed both his parents and pleads for leniency on the grounds that he is an orphan. Abraham Lincoln You are right, he is not two-faced; but his one face is so disgusting! Charles Percy Snow The masquerade is organized so that everyone can show their face. Ivan Ivanyuk Come to your senses! By tearing off the mask, you will only rip the skin off his face. Karol Izhikowski If you wear a mask for too long, facial wrinkles will be imprinted on it. Leszek Kumor The most rosy life is that of chameleons. Wojciech Bartoszewski A chameleon pinned to a wall cannot be distinguished from a wall. Dominik Opolski When a chameleon is in power, the surroundings change colors. Stanislav Jerzy Lec (Source: “The Big Book of Aphorisms.” Dushenko K.V. Ed. 5th, revised. - M.: EKSMO-Press Publishing House, 2001.) Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms. Academician. 2011.

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  • hypocrisy - deceit, falsehood; insincerity, Tartuffism, Jesuitism, duplicity, duality, Jesuitism, flattery, hypocriticism, falsehood, pharisaism, double-dealing, pretense, double-mindedness, hypocrisy, slyness, slyness, doublethink, hypocrisy, comedy ... Dictionary of synonyms
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  • DUPLICITY - DUPLICITY, duplicity, plural. no, cf. (book). Hypocrisy, double-mindedness. He showed exceptional duplicity in this matter. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • DUPLICITY - DUPLICITY, I, cf. Hypocrisy, insincerity. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
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  • hypocrisy - I. HYPOCRISY HYPOCRISY, double-mindedness, duplicity, duplicity, duplicity, deceitfulness, hypocrisy, insincerity, falsehood, falsehood, hypocrisy, hypocrisy, outdated. hypocriticism, outdated crookedness, bookishness Tartufism HYPOCRITE, Jesuit,... ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech
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  • The economy is a lie. Past, present and future of the Russian economy, Nikita Krichevsky. Is an economic model built on lies and hypocrisy sustainable? What are politicians and economists bashfully silent about? Why doesn’t foreign experience take root in Russian conditions? What is the essence... Read more Buy for 189 rubles e-book

Interpretation Translation DUPLICITY DUPLICITY DUPLICITY , duplicity, plural.
no, female (book). distracted noun cduplicitous; duplicity. He is characterized by duplicity. Duplicity of character. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary.
D.N. Ushakov.1935-1940. Synonyms

See what “DUPLICITY” is in other dictionaries:

  • duplicity - duplicity ... Spelling dictionary-reference book
  • duplicity - hypocrisy, pretense, hypocrisy, insincerity, double-mindedness, double-mindedness, hypocrisy, deceit, falsehood, pharisaism, tartuism, Jesuitism, duplicity, duplicity, crookedness, double-dealing, hypocriticism, falsity, pretense, duplicity... ... Dictionary of synonyms
  • duplicity - TWO-FACED, oh, oh; chen, chna. Hypocritical, insincere. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • Duplicity - f. distracted noun according to adj. two-faced I 2. Explanatory dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova
  • duplicity - duplicity, duplicity, duplicity, duplicity, duplicity, duplicity, duplicity, duplicity, duplicity, duplicity, duplicity, duplicity, duplicity (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words
  • duplicity - duplicity, and ... Russian spelling dictionary
  • duplicity - (3 g), R., D., Pr. duplicity ... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language
  • duplicity - Syn: see deceit, see falsehood... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary
  • duplicity - and; and. = Duplicity ... Encyclopedic Dictionary
  • duplicity - and; and. = duplicity... Dictionary of many expressions


  • Album. The Wall, Mary Roberts Rinehart. The most remarkable thing about the novels The Album and the Wall by the American writer M.R. Rinehart is that the reader, finding himself in a world of terrible, mysterious and ingenious situations, until the end... Read more Buy for 288 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Album. The Wall, Mary Roberts Rinehart. The most remarkable thing about the novels “The Album” and “The Wall” by the American writer M.R. Rinehart is that the reader, finding himself in a world of terrible, mysterious and ingenious situations, until the end... Read more Buy for 220 rubles
  • Women and deceit. Always be on your guard, Jaromir Sotnikov. Women's vices such as greed, hypocrisy, duplicity, and others can irritate men, cause misunderstanding or cause some other inconvenience, but they do not directly... Read more Buy for 68 rubles e-book

Sources used:

  • https://psychologyc.ru/dvulichnyj-chelovek-pochemu-on-takoj/
  • https://moy-karapuzik.ru/dvulichnyj-chelovek/
  • https://wiki2.org/ru/hypocrisy
  • https://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/aphorism/239/hypocrisy
  • https://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/ushakov/785494
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