Verbal communication: what it is, examples, types, meaning

Greetings, friends!

There are two main channels of communication between people: verbal and non-verbal. The first involves transmitting information through speech, the second - by all other available means. We have already discussed nonverbal communication, today we will talk about verbal communication. We will find out what it is, what it is like and what significance it has for us.

Verbal communication in psychology

The deaf and dumb also speak, but through gestures. You can speak out by changing your body position, facial expressions, and gaze. All these are methods of non-verbal contact.

Verbal communication is the transmission and reception of information through speech (it does not matter whether it is oral or written). Not all people understand sign language, but the sign system using words is accessible to most.

As a child, a person learns to communicate using speech as the most accessible and understandable way to express his desires and convey important information to his interlocutor. Phrases spoken out loud are more obvious than attempts to explain something with gestures. The power of words helps interlocutors hear and understand each other.

Formation of communication skills

Without verbal communication, a person feels locked in a “shell of loneliness.” The lack of communication skills will not give you the opportunity to explore the world, improve and reach certain heights.

Speech has a number of features that allow people to interact with each other. These characteristics highlight the importance of communication.

Components of verbal communication

GeneralEven when communicating at a distance (on the phone), you can get some information about the interlocutor from your voice, intonation, and spoken phrases: gender, approximate age, temperament, health status, etc.
PersonalAny conversation evokes emotions, setting up positive contact, or provokes indignation. With some you want to communicate, with others it is better to immediately interrupt the conversation
EmotionalCommunication is a way of self-expression, an opportunity for harmonious development. You can get information from books, textbooks, television. Mutual communication helps to receive emotions and find a response to one’s own feelings and thoughts.

The people around them have common preferences or different views on life - this does not prevent them from contacting each other. Speech helps build relationships (family, neighborhood, work) and is a tool for achieving one’s own goals.

How verbal communication is used

Verbal speech is called a sign system of communication, in which the meaning of the transmitted or received message is not lost. It is based on two principles:

  1. a set of words of a particular language (this is vocabulary);
  2. rules for creating speech units (syntax).

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In psychology, speech and thinking are inseparable, because the first is the form of existence of the second. When people communicate with each other, it happens according to this pattern:

  • the speaker mentally selects certain words;
  • using the rules of vocabulary and syntax, forms phrases from them;
  • only then says them out loud;
  • the interlocutor, having heard what was said, decodes the information for mental perception and creates his own images in his head.

Note! Even with clear transmission of information, distortions and semantic losses are possible, which amount to about 60%.

If the sentence was composed according to the rules of grammar, there will be no difficulties in communication. But only when people speak a language that each other understands.

How to reach your interlocutor

The same applies to written speech. To receive information from printed publications (or at least read SMS), a person must speak this language. To put your thoughts on paper (type text on a keyboard), you need not only to be able to speak, but also to write.

Spoken or written words help to analyze objects, events and phenomena, to find main and secondary signs in them. Naked, concrete facts are inherent in business speech. For emotional contact, verbal additional means are needed:

  • voice modulation, intonation, pauses, rhythm in oral speech;
  • the sweep of the handwriting and the angle of inclination, the force of pressure and the direction of the lines in the letter.

These expressive characteristics make it possible to understand how the correspondent himself feels about the message and the person with whom he is communicating.

Types of Verbal Communication

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Verbal means of communication are speech, which in action is divided into 2 types: “speaking-listening”, “writing-reading”. In other words, speech is divided into oral and written. Each of them, in turn, is divided into components.

Types of speech

DialogueCharacteristic is a consistent change in the roles of communicating individuals, whose speech has a certain meaning. By exchanging phrases, the interlocutors make it clear to each other that they understand the essence of what the recipient said
MonologueA prolonged statement by one person, uninterrupted by others (example - lecture, report, campaign speech, product presentation, etc.)
DirectCorrespondence in real time is carried out via SMS messages, exchange of notes in class, etc.
DeferredCommunication via paper or email

Written form of communication

There is another type of speech - dactyl, which is used by blind and deaf-mute people. The signs used in it are a manual alphabet that replaces the usual letters.

Oral and written speech are classified as external, the existence of which is unrealistic without internal speech. It is formed in a person’s head before the individual voices it or writes it.

Features of communications in men and women

As a result, nonverbal cues may be less clear and accurate, and may be misinterpreted. According to Western scientists, the reliability of a message received through nonverbal communication does not exceed sixty percent. At the same time, it is believed that women tend to focus their attention more strongly on non-verbal signals in communication situations, and this explains why they are rightfully considered better listeners than men. Men often focus their attention on words.

Based on this, we can conclude that the growth of interpersonal communications using e-mail and faxes is more beneficial for men, and the strengthening role of video conferencing can become an advantage for the female part of employees.

Language and its functions

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Language does more than just express people's thoughts and feelings. It is impossible to imagine any aspect of life where speech is not used.

Language functions

CommunicativeProvides interaction between people, allowing you to fully communicate with others like you
RechargeableThe ability to accumulate and store knowledge, passing it on to descendants (notebooks, notes, fiction and scientific literature)
CognitiveLanguage helps to gain knowledge from books, films, scientific treatises, lectures, etc.
ConstructiveMakes it possible to put a thought into an accessible, understandable, conscious form for others in the form of written or verbal expression
EthnicUnites people not only into groups of the same nationality. Through language communication is possible between peoples around the world
EmotionalUsing words you can convey your feelings and emotions to your interlocutor.

To successfully use the functions of language in one’s own life, a person must learn to communicate and build relationships. The ability to speak is influenced by knowledge of one’s own and foreign languages, rules of speech production, as well as the mental aspect. Some people are prevented from communicating by fear of contact with other individuals. Inaction only makes the situation worse.

Concept of effective communication

Just as with the definition of communication, it is important to understand one fundamental thesis: successful communication and effective communication are different things.

Simply put, successful is a completed communication (regardless of how the communication ended), and effective is a completed communication act, when certain goals are achieved as a result of interaction.

A specialized set of effective communication skills is essential for effective communication. And we are talking not only about the ease of establishing contact and the ability to maintain any conversation, no matter what slums it leads to - here we need specific abilities that are usually classified as syntonic communication skills.

Syntons are psychologically positive elements of communication, a kind of emotional stroking that helps establish contact and promote mutual understanding.

From this point of view, effective communication is the highest level of communication, during which dry facts are not conveyed. Here, the feelings and emotions of a person are mainly involved in order to achieve the expected result from him. The communicator is required not only to be able to understand the goals and motives of the interlocutor, but also to be able to play on his worries.

There is also such a thing as ineffective communication - this is extremely unpleasant communication that brings misunderstanding, confrontation and disagreement, which can lead not only to ordinary quarrels, but also to deep (irreconcilable) conflicts with uncompensated consequences.

Rules of Verbal Communication

To achieve the desired result in the development of relationships, you should take into account some points and put them into practice:

  • it is necessary to show goodwill and respect for the interlocutor;
  • do not impose your point of view on the issues under discussion and tactfully avoid “sharp corners”;
  • maintain logic in statements and consistency in conversation;
  • build a conversation on short remarks and the optimal amount of information;
  • present truthful information relevant to the subject of conversation;
  • take into account in communication the nationality, social status and attitude of the interlocutor to the subculture.

Learn to communicate

In dialogue, it is important to maintain the order of statements. A person who interrupts the speaker for no reason emphasizes with such behavior the low level of his own speech culture.

How to Make Verbal Communication Effective

Thanks to communication, people coexist in this world, achieving certain heights in life. In order for communications to give positive results, and for others to want to communicate with a specific person, it is necessary to adhere to a number of principles:

  • With your attention and interest, evoke a strong desire in your opponent to communicate.
  • Evaluate people and events sincerely and honestly.
  • Don't complain, judge or criticize.
  • Show interest in your interlocutor, talk about things that are important to him.
  • Learn not only to clearly express your thoughts, but also to listen carefully to your opponent’s speech.

Important! A thought poorly expressed can be misinterpreted. But inattentive listening also distorts the meaning of the information received. The ability to speak and listen are two components of communicative communication.

Interest in the interlocutor

  • It is important not only what is said, but also how the words are pronounced. For the interlocutor, emotions and paraverbal signals (articulation, speed, tonality and accompanying sounds) present in speech can mean more than the spoken phrases.

There are people who can think clearly, but are not able to formulate phrases in oral speech. Others speak well, but have difficulty putting words into written form. Or vice versa - they present it beautifully on paper, but are tongue-tied in oral communication.

To achieve harmony in all types of verbal speech, you need to improve your abilities, overcoming psychological barriers.

Verbalization of feelings

What is verbal communication if not a way to use words to express the whole gamut of experienced emotions for a closed person, incapable and unaccustomed to expressing feelings through affection? He can only express all the pent-up love, or jealousy, or even anger through words, and there is nothing wrong with that - sometimes the situation requires an explanation, and someone who does not know how to verbalize what is happening in his head may end up in a very sad situation .

Verbal communication allows you to establish communication not only with the help of the words themselves, but also by changing the tone of voice, volume, and speed of speech. When expressing emotions, an experienced interlocutor can hear the essence behind the words, recognize a lie by the too fast pace of words spoken, the slightest hesitation and slips of the tongue.

The ability to communicate using verbal communication is invaluable in our time, it helps not only in work, but also in improving family relationships, and mastering the skill of high-quality oral speech can significantly improve your life.

What do languages ​​have in common?

A person uses two types of communication in life. Nonverbal language is not the prerogative of the deaf and dumb. It can be called an external manifestation of brain activity. Before even starting to pronounce phrases out loud, an individual can involuntarily hint about the course of his thoughts through facial expressions, body posture, and gaze.

But the interlocutor may misinterpret such signals, or the individual may deliberately distort the information conveyed by body language. To understand a partner and obtain more complete information, verbal contact is also required for analysis.

Nonverbal and verbal means of communication carry certain information transmitted to the interlocutor and are a way of organizing feedback. At the same time, body language can complement the verbal message, strengthening it, or, conversely, contradict what was said.

Intonation, timbre and rhythm of the voice are elements of non-verbal language. At the same time, these characteristics are a component of verbal communication. With their help, it is easy to change the meaning of a spoken phrase. But other signs of the body, if not controlled, will unconsciously “debunk” the falsity of the statement.

Verbal speech and body language in harmony

To prevent communication from boring your partner, both languages ​​must be balanced. Monotony, unemotional speech, and excessive gestures interfere with the perception of information and can alienate the interlocutor.

Misunderstandings not only lead to disappointment in relationships, but also to serious conflicts. This manifests itself at any level: in family, business, business communication, thereby complicating life. Having learned to master body and verbal language, bringing both types of communication into harmony, a person will achieve great success in any field.

Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication occurs through body language. This concept includes distance between people, touching and postures. Much attention is paid to facial expressions and gestures. It is important to pay attention to the fact that this form of communication is less conscious. Most people are unable to take complete control of their own body. That is why movements of the eyes and lips can make it clear to the interlocutor about the veracity of the speaker’s words.

Gestures serve as the main complement to the verbal transmission of information. This means that in certain cases, gestures can completely replace words. Movements of the arms, shoulders, body and head are manifestations of gesticulation. In human psychology, gestures are classified into the following categories:

  1. Communicative - gestures with which a person greets or says goodbye to another person, attracts attention, asks a question or denies something. There are more than several dozen varieties of communicative gestures.
  2. Modal - gestures that evaluate and express relationships. This category includes approving gestures, gestures demonstrating trust or distrust in the words of the interlocutor.
  3. Descriptive - such gestures acquire meaning only in conjunction with speech.
  4. Facial expressions are the movement of facial muscles that reflect a person’s emotions. It should be noted that for representatives of different cultures, facial gestures are universal. People exhibit emotions such as anger, joy and sadness equally all over the world. According to scientists, it is almost impossible to completely control your gaze and facial expressions.

There is a special classification for the look. During business communication, people concentrate their gaze on the forehead of the interlocutor. This action uniquely emphasizes the seriousness of the reigning atmosphere. Social gaze – directed towards the nose area. It is this look that allows you to create an atmosphere of ease during communication. An intimate gaze is directed towards the neck of the interlocutor. Such a look can demonstrate an interest in closer communication.

The peculiarities of verbal communication are such that some views can be assessed in two ways. A sideways glance can mean both interest in the interlocutor’s words and express hostility. This is why it is very important to be able to decipher additional emotions. A smile and raised eyebrows can be an expression of interest in the conversation. The downturned corners of the lips and a frowning forehead clearly demonstrate a critical attitude towards the interlocutor.

Conversation is a way of exchanging information between people and making connections

Nonverbal means of communication include pantomime. The position of the interlocutor’s body in space can clearly demonstrate the person’s attitude to the situation that has arisen. There are two specific types of postures: closed and open. The first pose involves crossed arms or legs, which clearly indicates an attempt to isolate oneself from communication. An open posture, on the contrary, indicates a readiness to continue the conversation.

A person's style of movement can say as much about a person as their speech. The amplitude, rhythm and dynamics of a step are a reflection of the human soul. A confident person walks easily, and each step pushes his body off the ground, as if springs were attached to his legs. To a person who knows how to understand body language, a person’s gait can tell about the character, age and mood of its owner.

Posture, like gait, is regulated by reflexes. It is with the help of posture that you can understand the mood of your interlocutor, since it clearly demonstrates his sense of the world. To some extent, poor posture can cause a repulsive effect. In order to achieve effective and fruitful communication, you should learn to adopt the correct position of your back and neck. You should also pay attention to gross motor skills of the body. Increased fussiness, nervous and crumpled movements not only irritate the people around you, but also clearly demonstrate your lack of confidence in yourself and your words. That is why you should keep your body under strict control during important conversations.

Touching can be regarded as an attempt to invade the personal space of the interlocutor. The appropriateness of touch depends on how our speech sounds. Business etiquette only includes a handshake. Other forms of touching in such a situation are unacceptable. Psychologists say that there are three forms of a handshake:

  1. Dominant - your hand rests on top, but is directed downwards.
  2. Submissive - your hand goes from below.
  3. Equal - the palm is directed with the edge towards the ground.

The distance between people clearly demonstrates the degree of trust between them. There is a certain number of zones, each of which has its own characteristics. The intimate intersubjective zone is about half a meter and only close people communicate in this zone. The personal zone does not exceed one and a half meters. Informal conversation takes place in this area. The social zone varies from one and a half to three and a half meters. In this zone, formal relations between employees of a certain enterprise are carried out. There is also a public intersubjective zone, where the distance between interlocutors is more than three and a half meters.

In human society, communication can be carried out by both verbal and non-verbal means.

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