How to get a Scorpio man back after a breakup: advice from psychologists

Scorpio is a strong, decisive, impulsive, self-confident person who loves to control and dominate. He has no doubts. He is not used to feeling sorry for himself and looking back at the past. Representatives of this zodiac sign do not stand on ceremony even with those closest to them, do not become limp themselves and do not allow others to do so.

Scorpios have a complex character and do not want to change under any circumstances. They choose their life partner for a long time and carefully. Scorpios do not like change; if such a person has decided to leave his soulmate, then restoring the relationship is a task of increased complexity.

If he doesn't want to communicate

If Scorpio categorically does not want to communicate, you should not bother him, cut off the phone and keep watch under the house. Representatives of this sign hate annoying women. They have their own personal space, which they jealously guard.

It makes no sense to starve such a fortress. You will only waste your time, energy and your chances of an indulgence. If you can’t act directly, you’ll have to be more sophisticated.

The best solution in such a situation is a “random” meeting, but the stakes will be too high. This will likely be your last chance, so you will have to prepare carefully to be fully prepared.

Wear a seductive outfit to the meeting, be mysterious because Scorpios love intrigue, and show him what he's missing. A sexy woman is the best bait for a sign representative, since they can only lose their heads in bed.

If he has another

It is almost impossible to regain the affection of a Scorpio man if he already has a new woman. This is one of those hopeless options when even persistence will not help.

There is only one tiny chance if a woman plays on one weakness of the representatives of this zodiac sign. Scorpios spend their entire lives looking for their ideal.

If he leaves one woman for another, then the second one more meets his criteria. You can show a man that you are the best option by adapting yourself to his requirements. But is Scorpio worth such sacrifices?

How to avoid repeating mistakes?

To prevent a Scorpio man from wanting to leave, you need to follow simple rules for maintaining a good relationship:

  • Listen to the robot’s opinion more often and do not interrupt him. The man will appreciate it.
  • Do not cheat. Scorpio is sensitive to hypocrisy and lies.
  • Don't change. Having stumbled once, a girl will lose a man’s trust forever.
  • Don't lose your dignity and stay sexy.

If she left him

Scorpio's love is a heavy burden that not every woman can bear. He shows his feelings in a rather unique way, so it is not surprising that the chosen one’s cup of patience sometimes becomes overflowing. If you acted on impulse and made the decision to break up, this would greatly hurt Scorpio's pride.

He never allows himself to be manipulated by others and will not become an “errand boy” who will return after he is called back. Here, a woman’s chances of restoring the relationship are approximately 50/50. You will have to repent, admit your own wrongness, ask for forgiveness and withstand the moral torture that the vengeful Scorpio will certainly prepare.

What are the reasons for a quarrel?

Basically, these are personal experiences, as well as partnerships. During the candy-bouquet period, a man appears before his chosen one in the best possible way. Unfortunately, very often a Scorpio man changes in marriage: a gentle, romantic one becomes a partner who does not tolerate sentimentality. Even a casual glance from his woman at his rival makes him jealous.

Representatives of the stronger sex often resort to violence. Living in such an atmosphere is extremely difficult. Therefore, periodically, willy-nilly, you will have to sort things out, then rack your brains on how to make peace with your Scorpio husband.

What not to do

The operation to return Scorpio requires maximum delicacy from a woman. It's like walking through a minefield. Just one wrong step and the fragile bridge that you managed to build for the truce will be instantly destroyed.

Try not to make these mistakes:

  • No tears or hysterics. Scorpios hate it when women try to push for pity.
  • During reconciliation, do not remember the negative traits of his character. This will only strengthen his confidence that the decision to break up was the most correct one in this situation.
  • Don't continue an argument that you weren't able to resolve during the breakup. One must agree with his opinion. If you are trying to get him back, then he is right and you are wrong.
  • Don't make false promises. Scorpios hate empty talkers.
  • Don't try to put pressure on him. He must make the decision himself. Pressure will only push a man away.

The most important thing is to control yourself and be as sincere as possible. Scorpios have well-developed intuition. They sense falsehood, so it makes no sense to lie to them.

How to get a Scorpio man back: advice from a psychologist

Scorpio is an emotional person, driven by passions.

How to control his feelings and direct them in the right direction:

  • It's better not to disturb him while he recovers from the quarrel. Scorpio, at the mercy of emotions, will listen to them, not you. Give him time.
  • A man should be surrounded with care and attention whenever possible. It's better not to overdo it - it seems suspicious.
  • You cannot bend under him - he will not appreciate the breadth of such a gesture.
  • Deny the accusations while the man cools down. He will remember any dubious grimace and will strengthen his opinion of your imperfection and evil intent.

The most optimal behavior strategy is to be offended at the first sign of conflict and give your loved one the opportunity to resolve the situation himself. If he doesn't do this, it means the connection was initially less strong than you thought.


We have compiled a table in which representatives of each zodiac sign can find the best way to regain the interest of a Scorpio man.

Zodiac signHow to get Scorpio back
AriesYou need to learn to keep your emotions in check. Your impulsiveness exhausts Scorpio, so when reuniting you need to trust a cool mind.
TaurusReproaches, pathological jealousy, excessive stubbornness - these traits ruin relationships with Scorpio. Try to become softer and more compliant.
TwinsA rich imagination can play a cruel joke on you. Although your intentions are sincere, Scorpio may feel false due to Gemini's habit of fantasizing. Get back to reality and stop embellishing the facts.
CancerScorpios don't like your touchiness and suspiciousness. Constant tears, complaints about life and quarrels out of nowhere destroy relationships. Try to become more confident in yourself.
a lionThe king of beasts will have to step on his own pride and hand over the throne to Scorpio. There is no other option to restore the relationship between two dominant signs.
VirgoTo get Scorpio back, you will have to completely change yourself. Commercialism, stinginess and pedantry - these are your traits that drive Scorpio crazy.
ScalesYou doubt too often. To return Scorpio, you need to gather all your will and determination into a fist. He will appreciate this impulse.
ScorpionYou are so similar that you cannot get along together. Someone will have to give in and give in sooner or later. If you want to get your man back, then you need to compromise.
SagittariusYour temper does not allow Scorpio to discern a sensual and seductive woman behind the image of a grumpy wife. Be a little softer and more restrained.
CapricornGive up your stubbornness and replace it with flexibility. Showing tenderness that is unusual for you will win his heart.
AquariusYou spent too little time on Scorpio. If you want to get him back, then show him that he is at the top of your list of priorities.
FishStop holding yourself back, awaken the dormant spirit of adventurism within yourself. Scorpio lacked bright emotions in your relationship, so give them to him.

How to hold

Scorpio is a strong personality, his girlfriend should be like that too. Don't be frank about your shortcomings and weaknesses. The partner needs to constantly prove compliance with his requests. You will have to come to terms with this, as well as with the limitation of your rights as a couple. Having connected your life with this person, you need to be ready to live by his laws.

Women who can intuitively sense their partner’s mood will be able to keep such a man. It’s not worth arguing with him in high tones, but you can occasionally gracefully put him in his place. Scorpios do not value resigned young ladies without their own opinions.

Scorpio men are complex and contradictory natures. It is not easy to be in love with them; conflict situations can often arise. But you can avoid them and get your man back after a breakup with the help of simple recommendations.


Is it possible to bring back a Scorpio man with magic? If you believe in it, then why not try it. Magicians recommend first trying to win back a man’s love on your own. If this doesn't work, you should resort to love spells. You can return Scorpio's love in different ways. White magic uses prayers to reunite loving hearts.

Return conspiracy

Rituals of black magic pursue other goals. With their help, you can force a person to return even if he does not have strong feelings for the woman. Black magic has no moral prohibitions. Love spells are made using the personal belongings of the man who needs to be returned. Conspiracies are carried out on various items of clothing, food, salt, water, salt.

Is it possible to return

After breaking up with a partner, it seems that the old world has disappeared. But a way out can be found. The question is not so relevant if the desire of a man and a woman to separate is balanced and mutual. But if the girl is sure that her feelings have not faded away, then she should try to return her beloved. Astrologers and psychologists will tell you how to do this.

If a man was born under the sign of Scorpio, he will not want to return of his own free will. By breaking off a love affair, these people try to burn all bridges. Scorpio's final decision is very difficult to change. But there are strategies that work on these stubborn people too. The main thing is determination and planning.

Secret technique

Apologies and flattery won't work unless the woman is sincere. Scorpio can be returned by preparing a provocation for him. This will be a very risky move, but this is the line of behavior that usually works with most men.

Be cool and try to gracefully manipulate his instinct as a hunter, who wakes up at the sight of prey ready to slip through his fingers.

The woman must demonstrate to him that she is not interested in continuing the relationship. No regrets, sad thoughts or tears. Show him that you feel much better without him. You have begun a new life in which there is no place for Scorpio.

This is a method of psychological manipulation when a well-fed person becomes hungry at the sight of a dish that someone else is about to eat. It only works on proud and self-confident people who love to possess others. Scorpios fall into this category. The most interesting thing is that while preparing for this provocation, a woman can really forget about the man himself and her plans to return him. Such a psychological method can help her move past past relationships and begin to move on.

Scorpio is considered one of the most mysterious signs of the zodiac. He knows how to charm women using natural charisma, and his love can drive you crazy, so it’s really difficult to forget such a man. Before you start trying to get your ex back, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. Relationships with Scorpio are passionate, vibrant, emotional, but they take a lot of energy and strength. Is your supply sufficient to always feed them?

Stage one. Confusion

When Scorpio realizes that something is going wrong in his relationship, it doesn’t even occur to him to tear and throw, quietly merge, re-educate or violently disappear.

At first he doesn’t notice anything for a long, long time, and when he can no longer stubbornly turn away from the facts, he begins to be perplexed.

His bewilderment is this: he does not believe that something bad or causing him harm is happening. In his Scorpio world, everything is usually arranged as well as possible. And his union too. Therefore, a priori, nothing bad or unforeseen can happen there.

However, it happens. Scorpio notices once, notices twice, and on the 89th he quietly sits in a corner and thinks. It is difficult for him to admit to himself that he feels bad. Just like Capricorn. And he doesn't admit it. He prefers to think that he either imagined it, or he made a mistake, or he simply did not understand something.

And only by that unconscious cowardice and timidity, which is completely unusual for this sign and which ultimately does not allow him to clearly tell his partner that something is going wrong, can one determine that - yes: Scorpio is hiding lies to himself behind bewilderment.

And when he admits to himself this lie and reluctantly admits: yes, it seems that something not very good is happening, then this first stage ends. And the second one begins.

Stage two. Quiet questions

This stage is quite short. There, having overcome some strange internal embarrassment, Scorpio begins to ask his partner quiet questions. These are, rather, not even questions, but a quiet pronunciation of facts with a slightly raised intonation at the end, which makes the phrase incomplete. Scorpio expects the partner to finish the sentence himself, explaining what is really going on.

...You came late yesterday... ...I called and wrote to you, but you didn’t answer all day... ...Some girls called you at home again... ...You didn’t wish me a Happy New Year... ...We went to bed yesterday without you.... ...No dinner again...You spent almost all our money... Etc.

In fact, Scorpio quietly denotes already quite grandiose and gaping failures in relationships. Didn’t show up for dinner, the girls called, there’s a hole in the budget, the children are asking “where’s daddy,” there aren’t even small signs of attention and respect - all this actually lasts for a very long time, the partner had time to fix it, Scorpio had time to somehow explain everything to yourself, but nothing changes and there are no explanations - so, probably, you need to ask.

Well... The partner usually reacts aggressively to such things. And it’s true: they poked his nose into something unpleasant, and he thought that no one noticed, since they were silent and it was convenient, but then the convenience ended.

Scorpio will remain silent in response to aggression. Explanations, if any, will be taken into account. This is a very fair and strong sign of the Zodiac and there is enough inner nobility in it to give the relationship some time. After all, now his loved one knows that Scorpio noticed something, and that means he will take action and fix everything, because he also values ​​relationships.

Stage three. Yearning

If nothing changes, Scorpio falls into terrible melancholy. He sinks into depression, his eyes become sad, he doesn’t particularly know how to make a scandal and doesn’t like to, but out of this depression he continues to watch his partner. The time for questions is over. The time has begun to say out loud to oneself those unpleasant things that have long been happening in the Scorpio union. At first he doesn’t voice these things to outsiders, but he finds some place for himself where he manages to come to his senses a little and lick his wounds.

Scorpio begins to leave often or go where he feels good. Parents, boyfriend or girlfriend, brother or sister - all these people during this period see Scorpio in their home more often than ever before. He comes, sits, smiles, brushes off anxious questions and says “let’s talk about you.”

He doesn't want to return home. But he's coming back.

Stage four. Liberty

If at this time the partner remains deaf and blind to what is happening, Scorpio gives himself internal permission to become free from obligations. This does not mean that he will go for walks left and right. This means that Scorpio relieves himself of the obligation to continue building a cozy, calm and happy world for his union. He, unnoticed by his partner, internally leaves the common territory, without declaring or indicating this in any way.

In other words, despite the ongoing sadness and mourning of a union that was once very necessary, Scorpio allows himself to be happy outside of the usual partnership. He can increasingly be seen rejoicing in something that his companion no longer has the slightest idea about and will never have. Scorpio no longer shares anything with him. He does not hide, but simply keeps silent, rightly believing that a person who does nothing to warm up or change relationships does not need to know more about his Scorpio life.

Flying back and forth through the living space, now free from previous tears, disappointments and expectations, Scorpio inevitably meets a person with whom he simply turns out to be a hundred times better than in his previous union. And even if he doesn’t meet you, it doesn’t matter anymore. Scorpio compared and understood: Scorpio is better off without his former partner, no matter how much he is still loved. And what is better and worse, Scorpio knows like no other sign of the Zodiac: he understands himself very clearly and clearly sees his inner life.

Stage five. Choice

This is the most difficult stage on the path of a parting Scorpio. At this stage, he sheds tears, imagining how his former lover or beloved will live without him. But somewhere inside he already knows for sure: he will leave. And he won't return. Scorpios are more likely than other signs to leave once and for all. At this stage, he becomes as affectionate towards his partner as before. Imagine the fright of a person who is hugged, kissed, caressed and immediately then goes somewhere to the window or under the blanket and there they roar or lie silently with a stony face. Scorpio is silent about “what happened.” Basically, something terrible happened: he is forced to choose between his partner and himself, and he chooses himself. “Like the last egoist, bastard, etc.,” adds an unknown voice in Scorpio’s head, and the second unknown person inside exultantly inhales fresh air and spreads his wings.

At this stage, a cake is created in Scorpio’s soul: one cake is imbued with pity for the partner, mercy and melancholy, the second with a sober look at things, the understanding that nothing can be changed; and both of these cakes are filled with a firm decision to finish everything.

Stage six. Guilt. End

It’s better not to see how Scorpio collects things for himself or his former loved one. This is grief, melancholy and guilt. Guilt in front of someone who for years could remain deaf and blind to even the smallest requests of Scorpio, grief from the fact that you are hurting a person who has been hurting you for years, melancholy from the fact that nothing, nothing at all worked out. Shedding tears, pity, a downcast look - Scorpio trudges foot by foot into a new life.

Give him a little time and he will allow himself to be happy again, take a deep breath, live in a new way, never looking back, awkwardly and crumpledly explaining to his friends why they separated, being tactful even if his ex is throwing mud at him. He will not return and will try to keep contacts with his past life to a minimum.

The only thing he will try to do is never be offended by his ex again, don’t remember him badly, forgive him for everything. If possible. (c) Y. Rubleva

Source: xn—-etbhjbchkvbebdbf6aza0c2d6g.xn--p1ai

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