How to understand that a man is interested in you: 9 signs and how to recognize them.

Men are very afraid to show their feelings and hide them carefully. Then how to understand a man's interest? Of course, there are gentlemen who, at the very first meeting, can tell how a girl wounded him to the very heart, how he suffers, and cannot live without such a wife. Happens. But very rarely. Most often, a man will hide his predisposition until the last moment. And all because he is afraid of rejection. This is when a person is indifferent, you can hear anything from him and not even pay attention to it, but when a person is dear, then it’s scary to hear from him not only the wrong word, but even a different intonation.

That is why girls will have to guess for themselves how their chosen one treats them. And we will tell them how to understand that a man is in love, but is hiding his feelings.

The expression on his face

An attentive girl will feel a man’s interest in her by minor changes in his face:

  • Light blush . Reddening of the cheeks indicates the guy's interest and possible shyness.
  • Smile . It is impossible to “pull” a sincere, joyful and happy smile onto yourself. It is a sign of good attitude, friendly disposition, sympathy.
  • Slightly raised eyebrows . This facial gesture indicates the interlocutor’s interest and concentration.
  • Lips . When he sees the object of passion, a man involuntarily opens his lips.

And if men don’t pay attention to you, I’ll tell you in this article.

He is interested in your life

“Thanks to the distance that has arisen between you, quarrels and resentments are gradually erased. He is no longer annoyed by what he left the relationship from. When he thinks about you, only the best moments are pictured, explains interpersonal coach James Bauer. - Be careful, all this is still very far from the desire to return you. Rather, he experiences discomfort from the fact that he ceases to understand himself. In psychology, this phenomenon is called the transition from dysfunctional relationships to neutral ones.”

Language of the body

If a girl is attractive to a man, then he will want to look favorably in front of her. He will show his feelings with gestures:

  1. Posture . Next to an interesting girl, the guy becomes poised, spreads his shoulders, and sucks in his stomach. These movements are unconscious.
  2. Trying to look perfect . During a conversation, an interested man smooths his hair, straightens the collar of his shirt or other clothing, and fiddles with buttons. With these gestures, he sends a signal that he wants to look the best in front of the girl.
  3. Accidental touches . Random light touches indicate the companion's interest. He can touch the lady during a conversation, help her stand up, or offer his hand.
  4. Open pose . Is the guy sitting with his hands behind his head or on his hips, exposing his chest area? He clearly wants to impress you.
  5. Hidden hugs . When talking, guys often put their hand on the back of a girl's chair. Sometimes they take an open position, put their hand on the railing or lean against the wall. This is how they demonstrate a subconscious desire to hug a woman.

Article on the topic: how to understand that a guy likes you by correspondence.

He repeated your gestures

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There is technology that allows you to track the so-called principles of interpersonal communication. It's called neurolinguistic programming

. Many consider this direction to be pseudoscientific, but the fact is that a number of the principles of this technology work quite well in practice.

In particular, it was noticed that one person in the process of communication

often begins to copy some gestures of another person.

This behavior can often be observed among old friends, colleagues, married couples, and so on. According to experts, the fact that one person involuntarily repeats gestures

another, may indicate, for example, that the first person considers the interlocutor interesting, falling subconsciously under his influence.

For example, if you crossed your arms, then your interlocutor can do the same; crossed your legs - your counterpart can also repeat this movement. Lean back in your chair - the person who is talking to you

, can also lean back in his chair. If your new acquaintance demonstrated similar behavior during your date, then this may indicate that he was at least interested in you. At the very least, he liked you.

His gaze and the distance between you

Pay attention to the eyes of your interlocutor. A man holds his gaze longer on a woman he likes. At the same time, he should not be dissatisfied or critical. The eyes of a guy in love look with warmth. You can read in them that everything is fine in the girl. His pupils are usually dilated.

If he looks appraisingly and his pupils remain narrow, then he is in thought. The guy is still looking at you.

Not all men are brave and decisive. Some guys hide their gaze and avoid direct eye contact. He is interested, but shy.

An interested guy comes as close as possible, moves to the edge of the chair to be closer, tilts his head towards the girl. A man will try to catch every word, look, smile.

Very interesting article: How to meet a guy.

Glances, so greedily, so timidly caught...3

Yes, the eternal sign of a man’s love is glances. More than one poem has been written about them, and not in vain. No matter how much a young man in love hides his feelings, his gaze will definitely give him away. Well, he can’t help but look at the object of his desire! And when a young lady catches the eye of the same man every now and then, there is no doubt that he is simply in love with her.

He really listens to you

A man is not distracted by his mobile phone and conversations with other people.
If someone calls him, he invites the interlocutor to reschedule the conversation. The gentleman maintains the topic of conversation not with banal phrases, but shows sincere interest, asks counter or clarifying questions. He jokes and laughs at your jokes.

For example, he will express his opinion on the topic of the dialogue, remember an incident from life, etc.

An interested man looks a girl in the eyes, does not sit with an absent look. He may move slightly closer to the interlocutor.

When communicating, he makes jokes and tries to be cheerful and funny.

Attention! If the interlocutor yawns, this often indicates his inner excitement and high interest. Don't be offended and don't think that the guy is bored with you.

And if you don’t know what to write to the man you like, then I told you everything in detail HERE.

Random encounters

Your meetings have become increasingly casual. Sometimes you notice him in the store or he started working out at the same gym where you do your training. Even if he says that these meetings are random, then more often this is not the case, since a man in love increasingly wants to be close to the object of his adoration.

Having familiarized yourself with all the signs, you can now correctly assess his actions and draw the right conclusions. And all we can do is wish you happiness and sincere love.

He compliments you

It is believed that only women use hints in conversation. Men also resort to veiled phrases. A guy usually gives compliments in order to win over a girl and express his attitude towards her.

A truly interested young man rarely says rote and standard phrases instead of compliments. A real compliment surprises with its spontaneity and surprise. Don't be surprised if a guy says that you have the same beautiful eyes as his dog.

Signs of a man's attention to a woman

Now you know how a man’s interest in a woman is expressed, although there can be many signs of attention. These include gifts, an invitation to sit in a cafe, and just a call during illness. The young man shows his devotion and willingness to be useful when he accompanies her home, taking care of the girl’s safety.

Of course, one should not confuse simple good manners with passion. Everything manifests itself individually. The main thing to remember is that girls are able to instantly calculate and evaluate the necessary information. 40 seconds are enough to accurately determine whether she likes a guy or not, whether he is married or single, well-groomed or sloppy, and whether he might be interested in her.

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And in order to win the heart of a young lady, you need not only to show signs of attention to her person, but also to have a whole set of advantages. At the same time, every girl appreciates care, love, respect, and understanding in her man.

He asks you personal questions

Over time, light conversations with a man may fade into the background. He may begin to become interested in more personal matters. This category includes information about relationships, family, and material values.

Firstly, this is a sign that the guy has become more confident and is no longer shy.

Secondly, he adapts your answers to his worldview and life situation. He sees you as a possible partner in a relationship, and not just a friend or a good conversationalist.

If a guy is comfortable with you, he won’t keep silent either. He will tell about his childhood memories, youthful dreams, about pranks at school, about his parents.

You will learn how to quickly meet a guy on VK in this article.

Man showing initiative

Signs of a man's interest in a woman will become obvious to you if you discover the nuances of male behavior and psychology.

Expression of interest:

  1. The guy fixes his gaze on your person for more than 8 seconds, and then sharply looks away so as not to give himself away.
  2. Offers friendly help and asks about business, mood, plans.
  3. Makes you laugh by telling jokes and funny incidents from your own life experience.
  4. Seeks meetings based on common hobbies. Maybe sign up for yoga just because they can see you there again.

a) tells you jokes; b) begins to share your hobby


Verbal communication is easy to control, but the world of gestures is controlled by the subconscious. The human body gives unconscious signals. An attentive interlocutor can decipher them.

Touch means a lot in the interaction between a man and a woman. What can they tell you?

  • Pat on the back. The guy sees you as a friend, a great conversationalist, and expresses his approval.
  • Handshake. An invitation to light flirting.
  • Distance violation. The guy likes you, but he is still embarrassed to say it openly.
  • Holds your hand. Symbol of romance, close relationships.
  • Touching feet. A man enjoys your company. Perhaps he would like intimacy with you.
  • Patting on the back. A sign of deep sympathy and tenderness.
  • Embrace. A sign of strong feelings, a desire to continue the relationship.
  • Long hugs. The guy doesn't want to break up with you.
  • Forehead touch. He is embarrassed to express his feelings in words, but is ready for a serious relationship.
  • Hugs from the back. A man wants to protect you, make you less vulnerable.
  • Close, strong hugs. A hint of intimacy.

There are no ideal relationships. If a woman is indifferent to a man

A woman wants to meet a prince who will carry her in his arms, shower her with gifts and bestow his attention. A completely understandable desire. Of course, we want to have a beautiful, smart, interesting person nearby. Only few people understand that they don’t become princes. Princes are raised. I bring to your attention Anetta Orlova’s book “The Man of Your Dreams. Find, attract, tame."

We often see ideal couples in which people seem to be made for each other, everything is good and wonderful for them. But this is just the surface. Every relationship has its own problems, it’s just that some people know how to negotiate and cope with difficulties, while others don’t.

It is much more difficult for a man to approach a woman with a problem. Therefore, your task is to sense any change in his mood. But you shouldn’t be too intrusive and immediately try to sort things out because of any little thing. Learn to be insightful and wise.

Hint to your husband that he can come to you with any of his problems, if something doesn’t suit him, let him tell you directly about it. But you must promise both him and yourself that you will not react too violently to his words.

If he asks you for variety in bed, then don’t immediately swear and scream, blaming him. Remember, the marital bed should not be cold, because sex is often the cause of discord in the family.

If he says something about your cooking skills, again, don't overreact. Listen carefully to the complaint, ask what way out he sees from this situation, think for yourself what you can change and look for a compromise. This is the only way you can maintain a healthy relationship for many years.

He fulfills small requests and comes to the rescue in difficult situations

Sympathy and love include in a man the desire to be a noble knight. This applies not only to banal rules of decency like helping with a heavy bag and holding the door. He tries to show concern for you - treat you to coffee, pick up a fallen object, suggest something.

If there are any doubts about his feelings, then give the guy a little test. Say that your phone is malfunctioning, your keys are lost, or you don’t know which soccer ball to buy your brother.

An interested man will try to help.

Openness and sentimentality

Most women do not trust men who say beautiful, heart-warming words. But psychologists have noticed that men in love are really open in their feelings and sentimental.

So, if you notice the manifestation of such feelings in your chosen one, do not rush to draw negative conclusions, since it is quite possible that these feelings are sincere.

He introduces you to his friends and family

This indicates the seriousness of his intentions. Such a gesture of trust cannot be missed. A pleasant impression and successful acquaintance with friends will raise your status in his eyes.

Sometimes this can be regarded as a show, but there is nothing wrong with that. It's much worse if he doesn't tell his friends about you at all.

It is generally accepted that if a man introduces a girl to his parents, then he is serious about her.

Rather, it depends on the perception of the man himself. Perhaps his parents are simply very hospitable, always happy to see his friends and comrades, ready to treat them and pay attention. Maybe the parents themselves insisted on coming to visit with the girl. That is, acquaintance is a simple formality.

For some guys, introducing a girl to his family is considered a serious step. With this event he wants to demonstrate the importance in his life. He wouldn't bring an ordinary girlfriend into the house. If a guy belongs to this category of people, perhaps he will soon propose marriage.

Several original ways to meet a man right on the street


Why don't guys come up to meet each other? List of main reasons.


Some interesting ways to start a conversation with a stranger


He tried to impress you

Men almost always and everywhere try to impress the lady they like. Think back to when you were still in kindergarten! Did you have such a street fan around your age

, who likes to ride in front of you on his tricycle, driving around the yard back and forth and doing not the safest pirouettes?

Older male representatives behave in approximately the same way, demonstrating various techniques aimed at causing surprise or, God forbid, admiration in the lady. Try to remember what exactly it was about

your new acquaintance said when the conversation directly related to his personality (after all, you couldn’t talk only about your person all the time?).


Perhaps he was talking about how he managed to make a dizzying career? Or about how fast (reliable/rare/powerful) his car is? Did he speak with enthusiasm about what goals he pursues in life?

, what does he dream about? And were these goals lofty, noble, or simply very attractive from an ordinary everyday point of view?

The fact is that men, having met a representative of the fair sex whom they liked, try to appear before her in a good light (women, by the way, behave the same way). Talking about your achievements

or plans for the future, he will “show off” his best qualities, carefully disguising what may raise doubts about his positive image.

How to behave if you notice a man is interested

It's nice to know that a young man likes you. It's especially exciting if you have the same feelings. How to behave with him?

  • Be confident, men like that.
  • Love yourself, don't doubt your own attractiveness.
  • Look to the future, not the past. Don't compare a guy to your exes.
  • Respond with a warm attitude on your part. Don't miss the opportunity to chat with him and flirt.
  • Try to stand a little closer to him than usual.
  • Try to spend time alone with him. It will be easier for you to talk about feelings.
  • Smile, look into his eyes, touch him casually.
  • Respond to his flirting in real or virtual communication.
  • Don't be afraid to be yourself, be playful, funny, slightly childish. In the eyes of a guy, this will make you even more attractive.
  • Don't pretend to be someone you are not. The deception will still be revealed.
  • Unobtrusively invite him to spend time together. For example, go to the cinema to see a new film if you two are interested in it.
  • Give him compliments sometimes.
  • Don't speak negatively about his friends and acquaintances. They may not be ideal, but they are no less dear to him.
  • Sometimes you have to become helpless, shy or forgetful so that he can show you care and feel like a real man. But don't overdo it!
  • Is the guy acting very modest and hesitant? Hint to him about your feelings if you are sure of mutual sympathy.
  • Work on yourself, develop, become better, take care of yourself.

Attention! Before starting a relationship, figure out whether you really like the man. There is no need to reciprocate if it doesn't really exist. This is unfair.


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Touching is one of the key moments of any flirting. Of course, we are not talking about vulgar manifestations, passionate embraces

and kisses. But even on the first date, a man may, as if by chance, touch your elbow or shoulder.

He may, as if by accident, remove a strand of hair that is bothering you from your face, or gently cover your palm

with his palm, as if supporting you during the conversation, agreeing with you or calming you down.

However, there are usually no accidents in this situation.

Any such touch, even fleeting, indicates that the man subconsciously wants to be closer to you. By the way, if his random touches are quite frivolous in nature

(he tries to kiss you on the first date, touches your knee, hugs your waist), then his goal is most likely not a serious acquaintance, but a desire to get you into bed today.

Keep in mind that touching may also be absent because your new acquaintance may be very shy

. However, this does not change the fact that he might like you a lot.

If a guy is not interested (his behavior)

A few sure signs that a girl is indifferent to a guy:

  • You yourself initiate communication with him. This happens all the time. Even a very shy guy can overcome himself.
  • Rarely responds to messages or ignores them.
  • Communicates indifferently, reluctantly, strives to end the conversation quickly, answers inappropriately.
  • Talks on banal and abstract topics. Doesn't share what's important to him.
  • Smiles strained or does not smile at all.
  • Does not invite you to meetings and does not agree to your invitations.
  • May cancel plans or fail to show up for a meeting without warning.
  • Discusses other girls in your presence.
  • Stands or sits in a closed position, does not allow anyone into his personal space.
  • Doesn't introduce him to friends, acquaintances, or parents.
  • Refers to being busy when asking for help.

Do you want to get his attention?


An ex-boyfriend may periodically flash into your life so that you bite your elbows, seeing that he has blossomed without you like a May daffodil: a new girl, a new car, a new house, a new job, etc. Guys who initiate a breakup are especially often guilty of this. with whom the girls became. Men's pride is very vulnerable, and after such abuse it requires rehabilitation. And nothing restores self-esteem better than wiping your ex’s nose. Let her envy and gnaw not only her elbows, but also her knees and heels, realizing what a cool pepper she threw.

Revenge is a cold dish, so the guy will serve it in doses, especially since great success is not a quick thing. He can disappear, appear, and disappear again, only to reappear in your life with new victories. A guy will tease you about his success, get close to you so you can touch them and feel how much you've missed. Then he will leave again for a long time, leaving you with the hope that perhaps, when you earn his favor and love, he will think about taking you in as a yard dog. Why yard? Yes, because you ruined your breed when you abandoned him.

Question answer

A man helped me with a report at work. Does this mean he likes me?

Perhaps he helped out of politeness. Pay attention to his further behavior, your communication, voice, facial expressions.

The guy doesn't write to me or like me on social networks. Doesn't he like me anymore?

If a guy spends a lot of time with you outside the Internet, it means he just doesn’t like to communicate virtually. No real communication? Most likely, he doesn't care about you.

I'm being courted by a guy I don't like. What to do?

Don’t come up with excuses like “I’m busy right now” or “I have a lot of work to do.” The guy will hope that time will appear. It's better to have an honest conversation with him and tactfully tell him that you don't see him as a soul mate. Don't be rude to him, don't humiliate him!

How can I tell if a guy doesn't like me?

Does not show initiative, does not support communication, is reluctant to engage in dialogue, and constantly refers to being busy.

Is it possible to understand that a stranger liked me?

An interested stranger usually does the following:

  • He looks at the girl furtively.
  • Try to catch her eye as often as possible.
  • Smiles when we meet.
  • Will try to find it on social networks.
  • He is interested in the object of his affection from mutual acquaintances.
  • He gets embarrassed and makes awkward movements.

The guy got to know me easily, says a lot of compliments, and behaves cheerfully and relaxed in company. What does it mean?

Most likely, in front of you is an ordinary womanizer who is flattered by female attention. Try to be alone with him and observe his behavior.

My boyfriend didn't answer my message. Has he got another one?

If this happened once, then most likely there was a good reason for it (problems with communication, being busy, just got tired and forgot). Does this happen regularly? Think about his behavior.

A guy in love, even if he is very busy, will always find 2 minutes for a phone call or message.

He agreed with you

What did you tell your new friend on your first date? Have you told him about any conflict situations in which you showed an unshakable position? And how he commented

your story? If a man takes your side, quite actively supporting your position with additional arguments, then he most likely likes you. If, on the contrary, he condemned your position, the chances of a second date are very low.

Jacob Lund

It’s a good sign if a man nodded actively during your story, often saying something like “yes, yes, exactly!”

"I totally agree with you!"
“That’s what I think”
and the like.

Did he support your views on life, did he share your tastes related, for example, to music or cinema? It may well be that he does not like the same films and the same music as you - time will tell.

if you continue to communicate. But if on the first date a man made it clear that he has the same tastes as you, then you must have a second date!

If this is a work colleague

A person spends a lot of time at work. If the team is diverse, then sympathies may arise between employees. How do male colleagues show interest?

  • Tries to be in the woman's field of vision.
  • Strives to be closer (sit next to her at a meeting, share a table with a girl during lunch, invites her for tea during a break).
  • Initiates a conversation, asks questions, is interested in the lady’s opinion.
  • He looks tenderly, carefully, studying.
  • Smiles when meeting, is in high spirits.
  • Tries to casually touch.
  • When addressing an object of sympathy, the voice becomes more tender, deep, and sensual.
  • Carefully selects words during a conversation (short pauses indicate this).
  • Notices changes in appearance and success at work. Never misses an opportunity to give a compliment.
  • Offers his help.
  • Is active on social networks.
  • He tenses up and frowns if other men approach the object of his passion.
  • Tries to learn more about the girl, her tastes, habits.

Besides work, you can meet your soul mate anywhere. In this article I will talk about the most unusual places to meet.

A man in love: signs in psychology (non-verbal sympathy)


  • A man who feels sympathy usually, when the chosen object of attention appears, involuntarily draws in his stomach and straightens his shoulders wide, wanting to look as fit as possible.
  • When talking, the man's body and the direction of his shoes are turned towards the woman.
  • The man quietly carefully examines the woman. At the same time, you can hear how hard he inhales the air and observe his flared nostrils.

If a man is in love with a woman, what other behavioral signs does he exhibit?

  • Under the influence of feelings, a man often changes, and some changes can be noticed. He strives to be the center of attention, and all his charm, stories and funny stories are always intended for the object of his affection.
  • Wanting to attract a woman’s attention, a man begins to actively gesticulate.
  • He expresses his consent and tries to support his beloved woman in everything, encouraging her actions. And this is a fairly strong indicator of his interest.
  • He always tries to help, especially after a woman accidentally mentions some of her problems.
  • He tries to question the woman and listen to her carefully.
  • All his questions clearly indicate that he is serious and is trying to understand how suitable his chosen one is for him.
  • A man in love also quite often begins to show some kind of social activity on the Internet, mainly on the woman’s page. He writes various comments under her posts, leaves her private messages, likes her and supports her in every possible way.

How can you tell if a man is interested in a woman but is hiding it?

It happens that a guy is in love with a girl, but does not admit it. He is afraid of rejection, ridicule, is not ready for a new relationship, has not overcome shyness. This behavior makes the girl doubt: “Maybe everything seems to me?” How to understand his feelings?

  • The one who hides sympathy is afraid of being recognized. The guy hides his eyes and behaves insecurely.
  • Keeps his hands in his pockets.
  • The young man carefully monitors hygiene and is responsible in his choice of clothing.
  • His mood often changes.
  • There is tension and nervousness in the voice.
  • He does not ask direct questions about his personal life and likes, so as not to declassify himself. Tries to find out this information indirectly.
  • Can indulge in rudeness, ridicule, sarcasm (this is typical for schoolchildren and young men).
  • At the mention of you, he suddenly becomes awkward and irritable.
  • He pointedly ignores your presence.
  • He tries to avoid touching, but still reaches out to you.

Here you will find out where and how to meet a man for a serious relationship.

Always nearby

Yes, if a man likes a girl, he will try to always be with her. Of course, this is not always within his capabilities - there is still work, home life, study, but at the first opportunity, a young man in love will be nearby. Because he is attracted to his beloved person, he does not have the strength to be far away, not to see her, not to hear, not to know what she is doing now.

Therefore, if some absent-minded young man is constantly with you, pay attention to him, maybe this is the person who is ready to pluck a star from the sky for you?

He suggests starting all over again

This scenario is not guaranteed, but it is possible. If you have endured the role of observer, and the other half has honestly walked the inner path that led to a conscious desire to return, then... no, this is still far from a happy ending. This should not be a continuation of the story from the previous note, but a fundamentally different relationship.

It's good if you switch roles. If at first your partner left and left you no choice, now you decide whether to be together. The worst reason for returning is the partner's desire to restore a sense of stability that has been lost. In this case, the internal conflict will never be resolved, which will lead to a series of separations and returns.

It takes a conversation, and often more than one, to understand at what point and what exactly broke in the relationship. It is important to learn to hear each other and take mutual responsibility for what happened.

Suffers from narcissism

Some men remind their ex-girlfriends of themselves for the reason that they love praise and want to gain attention. They try to get the ex-darling to think about the previous relationship and want to return it or repeat it. Narcissism is a serious mental disorder triggered by childhood trauma. This condition needs to be worked through with a specialist. As for the girl, she should not pay attention to this young man. It is better to immerse yourself in a new hobby, it could also be another relationship.

Ex's narcissism is the reason for his stalking

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