10 undeniable signs that a man is ready for a serious relationship

“Is the man serious or is this just a game of love?” is one of the most common questions among women.

Men are not afraid of relationships, they are afraid of bad relationships.

They date one, then another, until they find the one with whom they feel better than anyone else. And before they know it, they can't imagine life without her.

Are you sure this is your story?

Let's talk about how to understand that a man is serious. There are special signs that will tell you whether you should waste your time on this person.

He wants to be close to you

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Men are pretty simple creatures. If he feels good being around you, he will want to spend a lot more time around you.

When a guy is committed to a serious relationship and plans to see you, he will not passively wait, but will take some action.

You can be yourself

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An important part of a good relationship is that you can just be yourself. No masks and no pretense.

Most of the time we live behind a mask, trying to appear better than we are.

He is completely open and trusts you. Men are very different from women in this regard. Therefore, when he opens up to you, it means that his intentions are more than serious.

Steps to conquering a guy

Girls in love should smile at their chosen one more often, listen to him carefully, and be interested in his inner world. It is important to be sincere, but remain a mystery. Smile more

An affectionate smile, intended only for the chosen one, will seduce him more than overt sexuality. Especially in a crowded place, a guy will like that the girl smiles only at him. In a large company, he will feel a connection with the girl and trust her.

Listen carefully

Whatever your lover talks about, it is important to listen to him with interest. You cannot interrupt, even if he says predictable things. The guy will appreciate this trait.

Laugh with him

The sincere simultaneous laughter of two people unites them. It's a good sign if the girl and her boyfriend have a similar sense of humor. And if he himself is trying to cheer up the girl, it’s worth supporting him with your laughter. This flatters the stronger sex. It is worth considering that outright pretense will be visible.

Praise him

Men love to show off their achievements to ladies. This “spilling dust” is part of the mating games. He can be proud of his car, his career growth, and the books he has read. Delight in a girl's eyes motivates a man. At such moments, an ordinary guy seems like a superhero, capable of coping with any difficulty. Compliments and sincere attention from a girl “inspire” men. You should not be skeptical around your lover, even if his dreams sound implausible.

Accept gifts

It is important to appreciate the gifts of your chosen one and not take them for granted. A man likes to see a woman's delight and gratitude. Let even a small gift from him become a holiday. He will also appreciate non-trivial or simply sincere gifts from his beloved (scarf, poem, convenient thing for the car). He will be flattered by the concern.

Be interested in his hobbies

It is worth asking your loved one about childhood, school adventures, and favorite toys. He must mentally relive his best moments while being next to the girl he likes. This recommendation is suitable for both the initial stages of a relationship and for a mature couple. Indifference leads to separation even after 20 years of living together. It is worth studying the young man’s hobbies: get acquainted with a couple of his favorite books and films. It is better to invite him to enjoy these works together.

Keep it a mystery

Guys lose interest in the “open book” that is always there. You shouldn’t open up right away and be intrusive. A slight understatement excites men.

Don't push or control!

Containment of feelings is considered a basic male trait. Men rarely take out their emotions on their family. Work troubles or other problems make a guy withdrawn. Typical reaction of girls: just shut down and beat yourself up; arrange an interrogation. Both options tire a man. He has an additional problem. It is better to let him go through a difficult moment without disturbing him. When the situation improves, you can unobtrusively ask about what happened.

And if a man decides to open up, you shouldn’t ask questions or criticize his decisions. It is better to support your partner with words and affection. Giving advice is not recommended (unless he asks). A woman’s attempts to assert herself and instructive intonations will be perceived aggressively by her partner.

A woman's need to constantly see her partner often leads to a breakup. He should have his own hobbies outside of the relationship. You should not try on the role of your partner’s mother (constantly calling, asking about his diet, reminding him to take medications). Such dependence frightens men; even the woman they love quickly gets bored. It’s better to pursue your own interests and discuss each other’s achievements in the evening.


The ideal girl through the eyes of a man – perfection in the details

Be punctual

Guys lose their positive mood after a couple of hours of waiting. The stereotype that a lady should be slightly late is outdated. You should respect your partner’s time, he will appreciate it.

Don't advertise it to your friends

Guys are afraid of their companions, who tell their friends all the secrets of their personal lives. The girlfriends' experiences will still be different from those of other couples. It is worth dealing with difficulties without strangers.

Become his type of girl

You can try to become a lady of “his type”. It is necessary to analyze the types of his online girlfriends and real acquaintances. These can be noisy, bright and athletic women or quiet, vulnerable girls. There is no point in playing these traits - your partner will notice the falseness. But you can cultivate some positive qualities in yourself. Or you can simply change the external image.

Be yourself no matter what!

For the sake of a declaration of love, you should not remake your personality. The desire to be comfortable is not valued by anyone. Constant play will tire both the girl and the partner. It's worth accepting your imperfections. Loving yourself and emphasizing your “highlights” makes a lady more attractive. Love for small flaws brings each other closer.

Feminine behavior

Guys like to look at their chosen one in a feminine outfit. They are sure that a girl looks more elegant and sexier in skirts, dresses and high heels. Makeup should correspond to the girl’s age (cosmetics often age a woman). Guys like the "natural" look.

For guys, the concept of “femininity” also means a refusal to curse, competent, calm speech, and the absence of habits that are harmful to health. Most men will only like a swearing lady with a cigarette as a friend. If it’s hard to give up dangerous habits, you should hide them at least in the first meetings.

The look of a feminine lady is seductive, intriguing, slightly cunning. It’s better not to look “point-blank”, but to smile and give the man a short, warm look.

Take the first step!

According to studies of the psychology of men in love, the stronger sex sometimes expects the first step from the chosen one. You can go to the guy’s favorite place and approach him. You can “accidentally” bump into a stranger you like, get confused, smile tenderly and say: “I thought we knew each other.” After a negative answer, you need to smile timidly and introduce yourself. You can arrange the return of a “lost” small item (pen, lighter). You need to ask, smiling, whether this item belongs to him. At the same time, it is important to look stunning.

The importance of gait and posture

With a graceful gait, only the legs move. The hips move smoothly up and down rather than left and right. You should step on your entire foot, and not mince on your toes or rest on your heels. After each step, your knees should be fully straightened. These are the components of an easy gait. It creates the impression of elegance and grace.

Be useful to each other

Let the girl have something that her lover will need: support, experience, valuable information, skills, things. If your chosen one has a cold, you can pack a mini first aid kit (basic medications, napkins) into your purse. We need to offer him a remedy if he needs it. This is a good reason to get acquainted or get closer.

He will also want to be useful. You need to allow the guy to help himself and thank him affectionately. Men like to feel important.

He makes plans for the future

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And these are not some ephemeral, but very real plans.

Future plans not only include planning a vacation or getting tickets to a concert next summer, but can also refer to such big decisions as moving in together.

When a guy is ready for marriage, he will freely and openly discuss the future with you. And confirm your words with concrete actions.


A woman should be wary if a man, hiding behind his polygamy, continues to pursue other beauties at the same time. He tries to seduce your friends, actively corresponds on social networks, and hangs out on a dating site. If he sings songs about open relationships without obligations, run away from him without looking back. “Darling, don’t be angry, you’re the only one I have, you know. You are a woman - you should feel! Why these dramas with scenes of jealousy? This is why I don’t want a serious relationship/move in together/get married! You’re already putting handcuffs on me, but what will happen next?” And the chosen one often weakens from such speeches, succumbing to manipulation, which ultimately, unfortunately, dooms her to a sad future.

Men are a little different in terms of showing emotions, so they are unlikely to sing ballads in your honor. And by the way, you should be wary if he sings everyday standard compliments, writhing in front of you like a tempting snake. There is nothing criminal in pleasant words, of course, but a companion in love will not resort to cliched words. He will see something special, something that characterizes only you. Snow White (for her love of apples), Mona Lisa (for her passion for art), Carrot (for her vegetarianism), Bun (for her ability to bake).

When a man has serious intentions, the main sign of this is frankness. When a partner opens up to you, talks about past relationships, personal stories, the topic of his family, it means you have become the one for him. If during the dialogue the topic of your joint union or children comes up, the wedding is not far off.

Note! If a man talks for a long time or often about past relationships and a previous passion, gets angry at her, condemns her, complains - it means that he has not yet let go of that love. When emotions are still alive there, a happy future will not come here!

If a man is introverted and is used to keeping his feelings to himself, warm glances and open poses will tell everything for him. Well, there are people who don’t like to talk, just deal with it! But he is always open in your direction, and this is the main thing.

He values ​​your opinion

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Ultimately, a guy proposes because he understands that his world will be a better place with you.

How to understand that a man wants a serious relationship? Just make sure you're someone he can trust.

He comes to you for advice or your opinion on something, and he actually listens to what you tell him.

How do you feel?

Your own feelings decide whether you will be with this person. A guy may be sincere, friendly and caring, but you will not find sympathy and a response in his heart. Psychologists say that in such a situation, falling in love comes with time. But in practice it appears in one out of twenty-three cases.

If you have spent enough time with your partner, you understand that being with him is easy and pleasant, then it is worth developing this alliance. In the future, these relations claim to be serious.

He wants to propose to you

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This means that he actually wants to propose. This means that marriage is exactly the format of relationship that he has been striving for all his life.

This is where most women go wrong. They choose a guy who clearly doesn't know what he wants. And then they hope that he will somehow change his mind.

How do men's feelings arise?

Every man is an individual. But most feelings develop in stages:

  • emotional interest: a woman is attracted by her appearance (beauty, posture, gait);
  • intellectual interest: desire to study the personality of the chosen one (tastes, hobbies);
  • spiritual interest (feeling of kinship, relaxed communication).

Often feelings do not go through all stages and remain at the first levels. Such a relationship is a short affair. In girls, feelings develop differently: from intellectual interest to spiritual attraction, and the last stage is physical attraction. At the same time, both sexes ultimately value all types of intimacy. Without them, partners feel empty and useless. And they begin to seek support and understanding from others.

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