15 signs when a man is probably not lying when he says “I love you”

In this article we will tell you:
  1. 9 signs that a man really loves you
  2. 9 signs that a man is only talking about love
  3. Options for a man's response to his declaration of love
  4. 5 ways to express the feelings of a man in love
  5. Should you tell the first man you love him?
  6. 7 reasons why a man says he loves but doesn’t marry
  7. 7 reasons why a man loves but says he wants to break up

A man says he loves him – how should you react to this, especially considering that the circumstances can be very different? For example, a young man assures his chosen one of his strong feelings, but does not want to get married yet. Or the opposite situation: a husband and wife live together, but the spouse suddenly decides to leave, although he seems to continue to love.

Be that as it may, there is always a reason for everything, as well as methods to find out the truth, even if not one hundred percent. Knowing how to apply these methods and basic knowledge of psychology in practice, a woman will be able to protect herself from many mistakes and life disappointments.

Options for a man's response to his declaration of love

A declaration of love is a serious step, on which the future lives of both people sometimes depend. Even deep and lasting relationships can be destroyed in one moment if you react incorrectly to such a confession. Although, by and large, there are only two answers to it.

The first is consent: confess your love in return if it is mutual and equally strong for both of you. Such a moment can become one of the happiest in life. Just be sincere and allow your feelings to come through—there's no need for complicated explanations.

The second is refusal in one form or another. The man says that he loves, but you are practically indifferent to him, or you are not ready to connect your life with him. This is a difficult situation. You are very embarrassed, you don’t want to hurt and offend the guy with a refusal. The main thing is to be delicate, not to jump off the handle and not to reassure a person solely out of politeness.

A categorical refusal or automatic consent is a bad option when you yourself have not yet figured out your feelings and are hesitant. You will have to answer for your choice in the future.

If the confession stunned you and unsettled you with its suddenness, say that you were somewhat discouraged, had no idea about your partner’s feelings and you need time to think and make a decision. However, if you just want to get rid of this person (both romantically and in any other way), you can refuse categorically.

Non-reciprocal love causes a lot of suffering and can push the lover to take revenge. Even fully grown and adequate men can behave rashly and aggressively, being at the mercy of emotions and having lost all hopes. Keep this in mind and behave very gently and carefully, so that, on the one hand, you do not offend, and on the other hand, close this topic once and for all, so that the guy does not waste time on vain attempts to win your heart.

A declaration of love may come from a person who is generally disgusting to you and with whom you definitely do not want any romance. However, you should not give free rein to anger, disgust and other negative emotions. If a man says that he loves, it is enough to answer that you do not have mutual feelings, they will not appear in the future and the interlocutor has nothing to count on. In this way you will get rid of an unwanted admirer.

The most difficult situation is when a man says that he loves you, but you yourself do not understand what you feel for him: it seems that there are some warm feelings, reminiscent of falling in love, but not strong enough. It’s better to say it honestly, without fear of offending and rejection: explain what stops you and causes doubts. If there are any external circumstances that impede mutual love, report them. In such cases, only a frank conversation works well, and if the lover is really interested in you, he will be able to listen and discuss the situation.

The worst thing is to respond with empty cliched phrases like “Of course, I love MYSELF too!”, “Thank you for the compliment!”, “I’m glad for you,” etc. They hit the pride of a man who has been gathering strength for a long time. to open up to you, and was actually humiliated in the report.

Difference between adoration and love

When in a romantic setting he says the word adore instead of love, the girl does not know how to interpret this. Such behavior can be considered recognition, but women are fixated that it should sound a certain way, so they wait for a template phrase. There is a difference in the two terms, but in the eyes of a young man it is insignificant. In addition, it is easier to communicate adoration, since “I love” evokes associations with marriage and vows of eternal love. If the young man said something different from what the chosen one expected, you should try to accept even such words with gratitude.

The phrase expresses momentary feelings that the young man tried to express openly and honestly. Thank him with a kiss or hug.

Should you tell the first man that you love him: advice from a psychologist

Every girl dreams of being loved, the most important and the most desirable for her chosen one. But guys are not very willing to admit their feelings and say beautiful words. Sometimes a woman has to take the initiative into her own hands. But how to confess your love correctly, so as not to ruin everything? And should a woman in love do this at all, or is it better to continue to wait for the first step from him?

Here are some recommendations from psychologists.

  1. Don't rush into confession . If you are not mentally ready to open up to a man, then do not force yourself to do it. Just continue to communicate with your loved one, provide him with care and attention.
  2. Don't push your feelings. The stereotypical image of men as hunters and conquerors has good reason. Guys really prefer to act independently and win an award, and if it goes to their hands without any effort, they may lose interest. To some extent, this is also true for women: a spineless and submissive partner who agrees to do anything for the sake of a relationship ceases to be attractive to a lady.

    If your crush isn't ready to make serious moves yet, don't try to force him to do so. A man doesn't say he loves you? Don’t beg for love, take a roundabout route: let him have the feeling that it is he who is pursuing you (and achieving success in this field), and not you running after him.

  3. The setting and the moment matter . It’s better to say that you love a man in private, choosing a good moment and a comfortable, calm environment where you won’t be disturbed.
  4. Consider your confession . After all, you can talk about your feelings in completely different ways: timidly mumble, announce in a businesslike tone while running, talk for a long time and passionately, or hug, blurt out “I love you” and run away. All this makes a different impression on a man. Even the tone, volume and pace of speech play a role!
  5. Be prepared for any answer . How might your lover react when he learns that your feelings for him go beyond friendship? Reciprocate, take you into his arms and say that he could not even dream of such happiness? Or show indifference, reject, ridicule? In any case, you must be prepared for any outcome: the struggle for love, and the end of the relationship in order to find a more promising partner.
  6. Immediately let him know that you are ready to accept his refusal and will treat him with understanding if the man’s heart does not have the same feelings as in yours . This is necessary so that the person relaxes and does not feel pressure on himself. Calmly ask how he sees your future relationship, what his overall plans for life and intentions are. And then decide whether it suits you or not.

If you doubt whether to tell a man that you love him, don’t be afraid to admit it! Perhaps your feelings are mutual, and recognition will give the relationship an impetus for further development. In any case, the man will be flattered and appreciate your courage, even if it comes as a surprise to him. If everything goes well, you will be proud that you decided to take the first step despite all the worries and fears.

Secrets of reading between the lines

With strong and deep feelings everything is clear. But what should single women do who are ready for a relationship, but are afraid of deception? Tricks of the psychology of emotions to help!

How to distinguish love from sympathy?

Sympathy is the feeling that precedes love. It may never develop into something more. The sympathy has specific reasons: I liked the look, the smile hooked me, the amazing gait sunk into my soul. Falling in love does not look for reasons, it looks for ways to attract attention and be as close to the object as possible. Love is a deep feeling of strong affection based on the coincidence of views, attitudes, and goals.

How not to miss your boss in love?

Interest at work is not uncommon. Adults make acquaintances and spend a lot of time among co-workers. The boss's crush is not much different from the crush of any other colleague. But recognizing it and not confusing it with a good attitude can be difficult.

  • flirting - this usually does not happen in a simple work atmosphere;
  • communication on topics not related to work: calls, messages on social networks. The boss doesn’t have much time to just take an interest in the affairs of employees during non-working hours;
  • nonverbal manifestations. If your boss is trying to straighten your hair, there should be no doubt;
  • gifts, compliments, special trust, inflated promises.

In itself, each of the signs may simply be a leadership style. Even an invitation to coffee on a weekend can be just an invitation. But the combination of signs is a reason to analyze the situation and draw conclusions.

How to recognize a ladies' man?

To avoid falling for the bait of a heartthrob, you need to be vigilant. Usually such relationships do not lead to anything good, leaving only regret about wasted time and pain in the heart.

Lovelaces have excessive self-confidence, they are ready to shower you with flowers and gifts, and promise mountains of gold. But all topics usually come down to intimacy, and such men are not allowed into their personal lives. They don’t introduce them to their loved ones or friends. They do not like visiting new romantic places, choosing proven cafeterias or cinemas for dates. Their speech is replete with compliments similar to movie phrases.

Sincerity is what distinguishes true love from the desire to pass the time by getting yours.

Nickname as a way of showing male tenderness

The problem of why young men sometimes come up with nicknames for girls is one that women all over the world ask. Psychologists who study related aspects of human consciousness and subconscious will help explain this fact.

When a man constantly uses the same expression in relation to the woman he likes, doctors talk about requesting the necessary resource. With the help of a gentle word, the young man tries to convey to his partner what he lacks in the relationship:

  • nicknames “beloved”, “tender” will tell about an insufficiently reverent attitude in the physical aspect;
  • “golden”, “precious” indicate selfish intentions;
  • the word “bunny,” depending on the subtext of the animal’s perception, speaks of a lack of sex or an excess of tactile tenderness.

Also, young people who have a negative relationship with their parents or who have no physical contact (hugs, kisses) may show excess tenderness through words. In this case, the nickname options vary, new ideas appear periodically, there is no one word or phrase. Thanks to this, the young man exposes his love into a more tangible feeling. If the girl likes it, then the relationship does not suffer. Otherwise, you can make an attempt and replace the verbal form with physical caresses, touches, kisses.


These are the most common variations of nicknames in the early stages of a romantic relationship. They are most often used by young couples, but sometimes persist into adulthood.

Bunny or hare

Very often, such men turn out to be insecure and withdrawn people. There is no need to expect dizzying surprises, warm confessions, or serenades under the window from him. He is incapable of serious actions. Because of their insecurity, such men often find themselves in ridiculous and shameful situations.


If a man says “swallow,” it means he is confident in the feelings of his other half. This relationship is serious for them.


A cowardly man calls his lady “Bird”. He wants to show himself as an experienced gentleman who has had more than one woman, and then suddenly turns into a faithful companion. This happens not because of his high moral principles, but because of cowardice. At the slightest hint of a woman’s infidelity, he will want to take revenge on her. Although, with all its disadvantages, there is also a plus: such men are very good at lovemaking.


Cheerful and unpredictable representatives of the stronger sex call women “Sunshine”. “My sunshine,” a guy says when he experiences tender, sincere feelings for a girl. He wants to get to know her better, and deep down he hopes that she will become a good companion in the future.

Pussy, kitty and kitty

Men who call their women such nicknames do not pay attention to the little things in everyday life. These are very loving suitors. The intimate side of life is very important for them. You shouldn’t expect loud words with confessions or sincere feelings from him. Mutual satisfaction in bed is the only goal of such a relationship.


Such a man is very assertive and wants to get to know his chosen one faster. Although, with all his enthusiasm, he does not value relationships too much. These are superficial representatives of the stronger sex who only need fun in life.

Chanterelle, little fox, fox

The attention of such a man was completely absorbed by his chosen one. He longs for her company and tries with all his might to keep her. However, he expects the same from her.


A man feels complete intimacy with his woman, although sometimes he is not averse to teasing her a little. You can expect sharp jokes from him, but the guy does not want to offend his beloved, but is only trying to defuse the situation.

Maybe he is hiding his feelings?

If a man is afraid that his feelings are not reciprocated or for other reasons hides the true state of affairs, then the task becomes more complicated. Some guys still give some signs, while others are able to show aggression and avoid the object of their adoration.

It's a paradox, but many people behave this way. Remember how boys used to pull their pigtails when they were kids? This also works with mature men. If a man from your environment is constantly trying to hurt you, take a closer look. Perhaps he is sleeping and sees you together.

In how to understand that a guy loves you, but hides his feelings, you have to rely on intuition. Often it is the inner voice that will tell the truth about a man better than anyone else.

How to check if a guy loves you

According to psychologists, observation and analysis will help ensure the sincerity of feelings and the seriousness of the intentions of a hidden and shy partner.

Thus, a loving man is periodically prone to romantic impulses, delighting and surprising his chosen one with a sudden candlelit dinner, rose petals and a walk on a yacht under the starry sky.

The guy supports the girl he cares about in her endeavors, but at the same time tries to protect his beloved as much as possible from shocks and stress.

A loving partner, regardless of the environment, kisses his chosen one on the lips, and not on the forehead or cheek.

If a girl gets sick, the guy surrounds her with double care and support, not at all indignant about the effort expended or absenteeism from work.

A sincerely loving man does everything possible for the happiness and comfort of a woman, often sacrificing his own principles.

Of course, there are also situations when a partner demonstrates love and affection only in private, being completely lost not only in front of strangers, but also in friendly company.

In this case, do not think that the guy is insincere and frivolous, he is simply not used to showing off his feelings.

Be patient and analyze the guy’s behavior at home to make sure his intentions are serious.


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