How to get rid of shame: advice from psychologists

The concept of conscience includes a person’s internal assessment of his own behavior for compliance with moral principles and norms. This is a kind of analysis of one’s actions and thoughts from a critical point of view.

To varying degrees of development, a sense of conscience is inherent in every person. This confirms that the moral component is an integral part of a full-fledged personality. As Leo Tolstoy said:

Conscience is the memory of society, assimilated by an individual

Possessing this quality allows a person to put himself in the place of others and respect their feelings and experiences. Conscience is formed on the basis of knowledge acquired by a person about moral standards. Based on this knowledge, ideas about good and evil, bad and good are formed.

There are several components that the concept of conscience includes:

  • the ability to honestly and objectively evaluate one’s actions, feelings, thoughts,
  • own internal rules, formed on the basis of the moral norms of society,
  • a sense of responsibility for every action taken and word spoken,
  • the ability to control oneself and restrain oneself within the framework of generally accepted rules.

How does a person feel guilty?

From childhood, every person is instilled with moral and moral principles that are accepted in society. Without this, it is impossible to imagine normal socialization of the individual. When an action, word or thought diverges from these rules laid down from an early age, a feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself inevitably appears.

You can read: A complete list of human feelings and emotions

A person finds it difficult to bear the fact that he could not live up to his inner beliefs. A negative assessment of one’s behavior and worry about the consequences are called guilt. Thus, the appearance of guilt is directly related to the fact that a person deeply regrets what he has done.

Reason for appearance

Many people are familiar with the feeling of pressure felt in the soul, a stream of endless thoughts, informing that the job is done and the situation can no longer be corrected. If this state of affairs drags on and a person does not take any action to correct what he has done, then after mental anguish comes a feeling of guilt, giving way to depression. In this case, it is absolutely unimportant whether the individual is really so seriously guilty. It is important how the individual evaluates his own actions.

Remorse is a process in which a person becomes a judge of his own personality. However, such a court, just like a trial in real life, is not always fair, but its significant difference is its integrity.

The feeling of guilt is often quite dangerous for an individual, because he, consumed by this feeling, destroys his own personality. A prolonged and persistent feeling of guilt brings discomfort and causes harm not only to the individual himself, but also to those around him. This is the main problem with remorse.

Below are the most common reasons that give rise to pangs of conscience, namely:

- deception;

– causing undeserved offense to loved ones;

– ignoring requests, orders, instructions, instructions related to work activities;

– thoughtless statements of an offensive nature, uttered in a fit of anger;

– disclosure of entrusted secrets;

– inappropriate behavior due to the influence of alcoholic intoxication, for example, at a corporate party;

– committing acts that contradict a person’s existing moral principles;

– secrets from a marriage partner or parents;

– events that gave rise to tragic consequences (for example, injuries, death).

The above list is just the most common reasons, but there are also a huge number of factors that cause mental anguish. After all, each person has an individual threshold of conscientiousness.

What are the main forms of guilt?

In psychology, it is customary to distinguish three main forms of guilt.

Reasonable guilt

It arises when a perfect act really diametrically diverges from the norms of morality and morality. A person pays for a past mistake with worries and anxiety.

This is a kind of vaccination against similar actions in the future. A person realizes that he did something wrong, that it caused pain or harm to someone, and begins to regret what he did. In this way he receives atonement for his negative behavior.

Existential guilt

To better understand its essence, you can divide this form into 3 options.

1. A person regrets what he did not do in his life. This is due to unrealized potential, missed opportunities, unwillingness or fear to change the future. From time to time, such sensations arise in every person and ideally they should become an impetus for active actions to improve the existing reality.

2. A person regrets that he spends little time with his family or loved ones. This can also be expressed in experiences associated with a lack of mutual understanding. In this case, you need to realize that relatives cannot stay nearby all your life. In any case, they will be forced to spend some time separately, but this is not a tragedy.

3. A person regrets that he does not understand the Divine plan. He is depressed by the withdrawal into routine and daily bustle and the inability to fully understand the meaning of his existence and the principles of building the world.

Unreasonable guilt

Regardless of what actually happened, a person cultivates a feeling of guilt inside. He shifts responsibility for other people's actions onto himself, exaggerates his own mistakes, is embarrassed to be happy, to stand out, to attract attention. Often it is this form of guilt that turns into neurotic disorders, which must be dealt with under the supervision of specialists.

More information about the types of guilt in the video:

How to get rid of remorse

How often, after committing any act, a person feels remorse, he is troubled by the pangs of conscience, and is gnawing at a feeling of guilt. Often such torments have a reason, but it also often happens that they overcome a person for no reason. At the same time, some individuals have learned to cope with this very well, while for others it can plunge them into a whirlpool of depression. That’s why it’s so important to learn to overcome feelings of remorse.

Finding out the reasons that gave rise to it and changing your attitude towards the situation that caused mental anguish will help you cope with this scourge.

Having done something unseemly, you should not immediately classify yourself as a “bad” person. It must be remembered that every human subject makes mistakes. Therefore, one should fully accept what happened, and not just its individual aspect, and analyze the reason that led to these unseemly actions. It is also important to remember the time when mental torment appeared and soberly consider whether there is actually some guilt or not. If a conscious analysis leads to the fact that the basis of the experience is only an illusion, then it will become much easier to overcome.

If the conclusions led to the realization of the insignificance of guilt, then it is necessary to understand that this has already happened and there are no reasons for self-torture. You need to learn from what happened and determine your future behavior in similar situations, but torturing yourself is not constructive.

In addition, there are at least two ways out of any supposedly “hopeless” situation. Hence, those suffering from “bullying” of conscience are faced with the following prospect: either continue to suffer further, or take at least some action to correct the situation.

Since conscience is the ability of people to determine their own moral standards, boundaries of morality, rules of behavior and the ability to control their compliance, the best way out is sincere repentance and, as a result, an apology to the injured party.

Why are people tormented by their conscience?

If conscience is a tool for self-control and evaluation of one’s actions, then it is precisely it that helps a person realize that one of the actions he has committed does not correspond to his concept of morality. The individual arranges a trial of himself and pronounces a sentence on himself. In this case, it all depends on character traits. Someone, even having committed an objectively negative act, will not worry about this for long and his moral torment will quickly fade away.

Others, on the contrary, tend to dramatize. They deliberately screw themselves up and mentally inflate the scale of their mistake. Moral torment gradually develops into depression and a feeling of self-hatred.

What does the concept of “conscience” mean?

There are 3 approaches to the concept of conscience:

  • religious,
  • psychological,
  • philistine.

They differ in motives and meaning attached to this word. It is necessary to become more familiar with all three meanings.

Decoding the concept

From the point of view of religion, conscience is the presence of God or a particle of the Universe in a person. Many religions attribute conscience to the spiritual “instincts” of a person. It is he who helps distinguish good from bad. In religion, synonyms for the word “conscience” are heart and soul.

From a psychological point of view, conscience is a person’s critical consideration of his actions and thoughts. Each individual has his own criteria that cannot be crossed. Very often society has a great influence on conscience.

From a common point of view, conscience is an inner voice that prohibits doing bad and wrong. The stronger a person’s will, the more the seeds of conscience sprout in him.

Conscience is a human volitional mechanism that forms moral and moral principles. This quality refrains him from bad deeds (theft, lies, hypocrisy). Conscience fosters moral principles and makes spiritual preparation for the temptations of the outside world.

When a person goes against his formed beliefs, he begins to be tormented by remorse. His internal controller “eats” him and forces him to admit what he has done.

The development of conscience is determined by the collective life of human individuals and the formation of intelligence. This is a noticeable difference between humans and all other species of living organisms. They have a great achievement - they are endowed with the ability to think. Animals don't feel remorse because they don't have one. They live according to the laws of the herd or pack, and all their actions are determined by instincts.

What does it mean to “act according to your conscience”?

To act according to conscience is to behave in accordance with the moral principles accepted in society. However, in addition to the public, a person has a personal self-awareness. Before committing an act, he considers it from the perspective of both personal and social consciousness. That is why sometimes the boundaries can move apart. One person may consider some action unacceptable, but for another it will become the norm.

An example would be a person who drinks constantly. He appears drunk in public places, seeing nothing wrong with it. In contrast, the average individual will be very embarrassed and ashamed to remember going to the store while drunk. The same example applies to noisy teenagers swearing in public places. This is normal for them, and a well-mannered adult would be ashamed to behave this way.

Based on this, we can understand that each person is primarily guided by his own value system. A person will not cause a feeling of shame in another if their life guidelines do not coincide.

It's time to understand the concept of an "unscrupulous person." How should one behave in order to fall within the framework of this definition? What moral principles should we follow?

Who is an unscrupulous person?

Unscrupulous person – having distinctively bad qualities of internal morality. He acts badly towards others without even thinking about the harm he causes. Unscrupulous people have no internal limitations, paying no attention to the inconvenience of others.

Distinctive signs of an unscrupulous person:

  • Excessive selfishness. Such an individual thinks only about himself, acting to the detriment of those around him.
  • Lies, attempts to shield oneself. An unscrupulous person does not see the offense in lying and tries to avoid deserved punishment.
  • Searching for your benefit. Such a person will not miss the opportunity to receive material benefits undeservedly.
  • Hypocrisy. Unscrupulous people will not express negative opinions about the person they want. Selfish goals make them fawn and fawn.

Are shame and conscience the same thing?

Let us remember that moment when in childhood we blushed because we had to listen to our parents’ reproaches about yet another prank. At those moments, my face instantly turned red. We were ashamed. We regretted our actions at the moment - here and now. Most often, this happened under pressure from other people who, trying to teach us reason, shamed us.

What came next? Never mind! We completely forgot about all the problems and scoldings of our parents. There was no trace of negative feelings left. The discomfort went away quite quickly. After all, as you know, we are ashamed in front of other people, but ashamed in front of ourselves. In the case of the parents, a mistake was made. The adults simply shamed me instead of explaining. Perhaps if they had sorted everything out in detail, we would not only feel shame, but also a conscience. And we would not do anything like this in the future.

Based on this, you can find a number of differences between these two concepts. You usually feel ashamed immediately after what you have done. A person tries to correct himself with an apology. He does everything to resolve the situation, after which calmness or even pride sets in. Repentance comes unnoticed and sometimes even unexpectedly. Sometimes a person begins to suffer from pangs of conscience because of a situation that happened a week ago. Why is this happening?

As already mentioned, it is society that forces the individual to admit his guilt. According to the rules of etiquette, he apologizes and forgets about the problem, since the brain was given a signal - “hang up.” Forgiveness for us plays the role of complacency: after all, there are no complaints. Remorse appears only when the brain either “did not understand” that there was an apology and forgiveness, or they really did not follow.

What to do if your conscience is tormented by nonsense

From early childhood, parents try to instill a sense of conscience in their children. Because of diligence and “overreaching”, adults are guided not only by it. An excessive sense of guilt and fear of condemnation develops in children's minds. It is difficult for a person with such a set to refuse help and support to the people around him. He is driven not by an inner desire to help, but by an exaggerated conscience and a sense of shame.

Very often, an individual understands that he is worried and “gnawing” at himself because of nonsense, but he cannot help himself. A person is controlled by an overly educated and shameful part of the mind. How to help yourself in this situation? Here's the plan:

  • Recognize the problem.
  • Analyze your behavior.
  • Remove negative emotions from yourself.
  • Return to a normal state of mind.

Firstly, a person who is tormented by nonsense must realize the scale of the tragedy. He needs to clearly understand that this is not a serious reason for mental suffering. Without awareness of the problem, there will be no competent healing from an exaggerated conscience.

Secondly, a person must evaluate his behavior from the outside. Maybe he was manipulated? Or is it used by several people, deliberately putting pressure on feelings of guilt? It is worth analyzing the problem by asking for help from a really close person. If necessary, you need to contact a psychologist and talk to him.

Thirdly, you need to fully realize your innocence in this situation. You need to order your conscience not to pay attention to the little things and move on with your life calmly. Very often, an effort of will helps to shift attention to other things. If this is not enough, you need to seek help from a competent specialist.

Fourthly, it’s worth asking yourself one simple question: “Why am I torturing myself?” Maybe the reason is self-punishment, and pangs of conscience are just an excuse? Understand yourself.

There is an alternative!

Article on the topic

Is envy not a vice? Why do we react to the successes of others? The feeling of guilt will not grow to enormous proportions and poison life if you know that it has an alternative. This is a sense of responsibility. For any word, action or inaction. There are no perfect people in the world, we all make mistakes, but we can also be responsible for them. Accept responsibility for the fact that because of you (even against your will) other people suffered, compensate for the damage, correct the situation, if possible, draw conclusions and move on without depriving yourself of strength and without tormenting yourself with self-recrimination. And of course, remember: it is impossible to be responsible for the well-being of other adults. Any messages from others in the spirit of “it’s because of you that I have...”, “if you do this, I will suffer”, causing you to feel guilty, should suggest that you are being manipulated and that there are no honest, respectful and equal relationships here there is no talk.

Why are women more often tormented by their conscience than men?

Women love to push themselves into limits, think about decency and demand ideal behavior from themselves. The beautiful half of humanity suffers much more often because of morals and principles. What is the problem of too strongly developed conscience in women?

Reasons for conscientiousness in women:

  • Emotionality.
  • Upbringing.
  • Social requirements.

Firstly, women have much more developed emotionality, unlike men. They may worry about a wrong look or word. By nature, they suffer more due to minor problems. For the most part, women listen to emotions without paying attention to dry facts.

Secondly, when raising women, much more demands are made than the stronger sex. They must be able to cook, wash, clean, speak and be silent. If a woman cannot become a good housewife, then the subconscious will reproach her. An internal conflict is created. Of course, not every nervous system can withstand such pressure.

Thirdly, society demands enormous, virtually impossible feats from women. A woman should give birth, look good, build a career and be an excellent housewife. But how to combine this is not clear. Society does not help solve the situation, but only aggravates it.

Anatomy of conscience or kill the slave within you

Are you sure that everything that is called good is definitely good for you?

Only 5% of people in society. In the sense of being able to think. There are even fewer people willing to do this. Think. In the sense of accepting and processing NEW information! And do not reject its arrival. And also finding it in unexpected places and thinking in categories, in the sense of determining what is useful and what is not. The remaining 95% are simply a value-minded electorate. That is, what they tell him is “good” he perceives as such, without thinking, does he need it? Here I am not discovering America - a well-known fact. I'm hinting at public opinion. For those who do not yet know how it is created, as well as those who are satisfied with everything in life, it is better not to read further, in view of the danger of a break in reality and subsequent possible neuropsychic disorders with attacks of rage at the author, beating the keyboard and monitors. So, in order.

An Olympic athlete is publicly insulted and slapped in the face by, let's say, the coach's boss. Right at the Olympic Games. Immediately after the competition, not yet rested. Because she didn’t bother to win him a medal, well, clearly, she left him without a bonus. That is, he has a motive. And she? She smeared snot on her beaten face and promised to write a complaint to the prosecutor's office. After. Upon return. Complaint. What is her motive? But he’s not there. Simply CONSCIOUS. And the boss is unscrupulous. That's why it hits.

Or this. The prime minister, the second person in the state, suggests that teachers go into business to earn money. Therefore, working at school is not really work, but rather entertainment, since you need to work in it for almost nothing. Well, unscrupulous? All agree? What about the teachers? They are CONSCIOUS, therefore, after this statement, there was not so much a strike demanding the resignation of such a prime minister, but there were no particularly threatening and official complaints about such an attitude towards education. We collected signatures through the roof on the Internet and that’s it, silence.

And one more striking example. There was once a video on the Internet about how Russians fought with Caucasians for what had already become a trivial and banal reason: an attempt to take revenge on someone who stood up for a girl, and there one aunt told how she ran among the fighters and called on Caucasians to their conscience, saying they also have children ! Because she has a CONSCIENCE! That's why she called. To her. Those who have a conscience, therefore, do not. Not at all. That's why they pester our girls.

Now the question. Would the athlete go against her conscience if she did not tolerate insults and humiliation, and would she slap the boor in response, or would she immediately send her to his destination? And the teachers, sent almost directly to the panel, would menacingly and passionately demand the same from the government? What if this lady, rushing between the fighters, took a drin and helped her men? And, most relishly, a test of “liceiness” and the ability to think - do the fighting men who stood up for their own HAVE A CONSCIENCE?

Those who are quick-witted, I hope, have already understood what I mean and know the correct answers. To spark the intrigue, I will give the correct answer to the last question: the fighting men who stood up for their own have NO CONSCIENCE! Kind of unexpected and ridiculous, right? It's difficult, I understand...

So, why conscience?

When I noticed that the people in their entirety were being brutally manipulated, and at the same time the people themselves were behaving quite “worthy” of a herd, I naturally began to look for the reason for what was happening. Oddly enough, the answer, in general, was found quite quickly. Moreover, I was not only surprised, I was shocked that the roots and methods of manipulators lie on the surface and are heard by everyone! It’s just so natural and familiar to everyone that no one pays attention to it. This is what is called euphemism - the substitution of concepts from negative to acceptable, and in the best case, to positive and respectable. Tolerance alone is worth it! But this is a remake, although directly related to the topic, the devil lies in the more “ancient” details that have already been sewn into “folk” culture. First of all, naturally, I compared the worldview and mentality of the ordinary people with their antagonists, “exploiters and exploited”, according to the established national value scale, the authorities and all those who put themselves above the people with the people themselves, and literally immediately, against the backdrop of generally accepted moral -moral qualities, stuck in the isolation and super-value of such a concept as conscience. For some reason, people consider it the basis of the exclusively Russian mentality and its distinctive feature. And at the same time, at least at this stage of history, the exceptional obedience of the people is striking - Russians are the most exploited and patient with violence and power, which led to their current deplorable situation. Further research, so to speak, led to the conclusion that it is the basis of this behavioral pattern, but not alone, but in conjunction with shame, which enhances the effect. The reference books give it some kind of vague description, which is understandable - psychology, like all other sciences, is put at the service of puppeteers, and it, positioned as a positive quality, is described as such. However, it is enough to think a little and try to experience it “in reality”, and its content becomes clear - this is just wounded pride. Of course, public opinion. In the sense of the society to which you belong. For example, aren’t those same unscrupulous oligarchs ashamed? It happens, it happens! They are ashamed to live... without luxury! Naturally in front of our own. Agree, a rather dubious basis for a noble feeling!

However, this couple did not explain the full depth of the tragedy; there was another factor that kept it among the masses. I searched for a long time, but it turned out to be modesty, which demotivates standing out from the masses and leaving the framework of public opinion. That is, blocking the path of individuality. “What do you need more than everyone else? Be more modest! A weight on the lid of the pot of consciousness, holding all the mental “brew” in it.

If this connection between a set of “highly moral” qualities and the social position of the bulk of the Russian people is not obvious to someone, then for me they exist only in this cause-and-effect pair. And if someone can logically describe the current situation by the action of other internal factors, then for God’s sake. Personally, I haven’t found any!

We won’t go into the etymology of the word conscience; that’s another topic. The message is still an informational concept, if it has anything to do with morality, it is indirect; I will only note that it clearly does not correspond to the meaning that our contemporaries put into it. And in the process of working on the topic, I discovered as many as THREE. Academic, scientific, given in explanatory dictionaries. Overvalued, paranoid, rushing to the masses with its apologists. And its basis, background, function in society, invisible to the naked eye. And speaking about conscience, I will have in mind its last two meanings. The first one is necessary as an argument.

Conscience. Everyone around only talks about her as a noble and necessary quality of a person. They appeal to it, call upon it, remind it to all and sundry, positioning it as a panacea for all ills. Is this really so and isn’t there a “Trojan horse” hiding in it, because those who possess it, for some reason, cannot influence reality in any way and always end up in life, at best, on the sidelines, at worst, forever exploited ? This definition has bothered me since childhood! It all started with the fact that I noticed that calls to her and, accordingly, imposed feelings on the part of adults were, as a rule, inappropriate and inadequate to the events. Instead of simply giving an assessment and explaining what the harm and negative result of any action is, demanding a promise to improve, or simply punishing them right away, they usually begin to put dull pressure on the psyche of someone who has already quite often realized the wrongness of his actions! An obvious situational manifestation of the relationship is not “teacher-student”, since we are talking about instilling correct behavior, but “judge-criminal” and building a hierarchy. By the way, I wouldn’t be surprised if in my first “Olympic” example, while insulting an athlete, the boss appealed to her conscience!!! I know why and why. Soon you will find out too. And the Prime Minister’s message to teachers in business is also essentially a call: “We don’t have money, have a conscience, get out of it yourself!” Noteworthy is also a very sharp, quite common expression in response to calls to conscience: “Where she was, the penis grew!” Moreover, on an intuitive level - these individuals clearly did not look into dictionaries in search of a definition of conscience, as, incidentally, no one explained it to them! For some reason, such an attitude is not observed in relation to other moral concepts. And most often it is mentioned by people who are clearly not on friendly terms with the law. Suspicion creeps in... However, this just confirms the lack of conscience among various kinds of scoundrels and criminals. But this is just one side of the coin, and not even a counterargument, but just a hint. I’ll make a reservation in advance because almost every apologist of classical public opinion will try to cite this as their argument! Yes, every criminal is unscrupulous, but it is conscience that creates the conditions for their comfortable existence! As for the unscrupulous victims of scoundrels, this is generally the end point - she will not want to behave like a victim, and at any moment, without batting an eye, she can make the criminal a victim - there will be no proactive and stopping action of the function of conscience! A conscientious victim usually weakly begs the rapist “please, don’t”, not realizing that this only turns him on, discovering with amazement in the process that the “magic” word is not so magical and doesn’t “work” at all! The thought that she must defend her honor (or even her life!) with all her might and by any means, showing the instinct of self-preservation, does not even arise in her brain!

The funny thing is that those who appeal to conscience do not bother to explain its meaning. However, unknown to them, ask anyone and the vast majority of the “conscientious” will “hang” on the answer! But at the same time, for some reason, everyone gets the same thing! How?! Yes, everything is very simple - the meaning is not in the meaning of the word, but in the form of presentation of the “material”! I'm not an expert in NLP, but its elements are clearly present here. And in moral pressure. Tell me, is it possible to hammer something noble into one’s head with reproaches like: “Aren’t you ashamed? We are trying, plowing like galley slaves, for the sake of your well-being, but you ungrateful person don’t appreciate it! Do you have a conscience?!”? And how to answer this?

Let's see what we should have according to official science:

Conscience in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:

Conscience is the concept of moral consciousness, internal conviction of what is good and evil, consciousness of moral responsibility for one’s behavior. Conscience is an expression of an individual’s ability to exercise moral self-control, independently formulate moral duties for himself, demand that he fulfill them, and make a self-assessment of his actions.

Directly political slogans! “Catch up and overtake...”, “Start and deepen...”. Beautiful in form, meaningless in meaning. What kind of morality is this? To whom is responsibility?

I'll try to decipher it myself. Well, what a life - everything on your own... The key phrase (somewhat schizophrenic) “ demand from yourself to fulfill them ” clearly indicates the FUNCTION of our conscience. References to the independence of the formulation of moral and ethical criteria are either untenable - they are determined by public opinion, or the individual will select a suitable community for them, which he will consider his own. Fortunately, variety allows. “ Consciousness of moral responsibility for one’s behavior ” - this is where one of our “dogs” is buried: responsibility is an act of CONSCIOUSNESS! That is, responsibility is always realized and therefore a person will bear responsibility only to that community or its members who are adequately responsible to themselves. Otherwise there is no point in it. And vice versa - a society that is irresponsible to the individual has no right to demand responsibility from her to itself! Fair? Yes. This is what I understand - conscience must be MUTUAL! Real conscience.

The meaning of the word Conscience according to Efremova:

Conscience - A sense of moral responsibility for one’s behavior and actions to oneself, the people around you and society.

The meaning of the word Conscience according to Ozhegov:

Conscience - A sense of moral responsibility for one’s behavior before other people and society.

Talented compilers! In terms of brevity. Here we are closer to the true meaning: our conscience is recorded in FEELING.

So what, that’s all?! So simple and banal? It feels like something is missing, right? Well, yes: where is this most “highly spiritual” and “highly moral” grain, so unanimously praised by the preachers of “the most human concept”? Why should it be THERE?

What, ordinary Islamic terrorists do not feel any responsibility towards their society and are not convinced of what is good and evil? Look how passionately they fight “evil”! Or are members of criminal gangs not aware of their responsibility to the gang? And how! Because the price for this is life! If members did not feel and bear responsibility, then the communities themselves would crumble instantly. It turns out that members of any society are conscientious?!

Another definition that makes the meaning more clear:

Conscience is the ability of an individual to independently formulate moral duties and exercise moral self-control, demand their fulfillment from himself and evaluate the actions he commits; one of the expressions of a person’s moral self-awareness. It manifests itself both in the form of rational awareness of the moral significance of the actions performed, and in the form of emotional experiences - feelings of guilt or “remorse”, that is, it links together the mind and emotions.

There is already a specific clue here: “remorse” in the form of a feeling of guilt.

And again mentions of independent formulations and assessments. Moreover, the source of moral criteria is again not indicated. An obvious loophole for manipulators. Oh, the creators of meaning are cunning, they are cunning! What prevents a conscious individual from adjusting his understanding of morality and evaluation of actions in order to avoid remorse? The described conscience allows. Ask anyone who appeals to conscience and what will they say? This is an obligation to follow COMMONLY ACCEPTED moral guidelines! Only this way and no other way! Manipulators generally have “universal human values” - but we know their value! If independence were allowed, then there would be no point in appealing to it - everyone would easily and naturally justify themselves by having their OWN views on society. Pluralism, motherfucker.

Appeals to conscience for conscious people are untenable, since responsibility is a concept of consciousness, while guilt is just a feeling. The feeling of guilt arises as a result of the recognition of the ACCIDENTALITY or UNCONSCIOUSNESS of the act that entailed the consequences, that is, their UNPREDICTABILITY. What kind of guilt (in the sense of feeling) can arise in the case of a conscious and deliberate action?! In this case, there is only RESPONSIBILITY..

And finally, the most unexpected definition - from Kabbalah (who said that conscience exists only in the Russian language?):

Conscience in Kabbalah is shame in front of people and oneself for one’s selfishness. The feeling of conscience, according to Kabbalah, characterizes the highest stage of development of human egoism . At this highest stage, according to the teachings of Kabbalah, egoism begins to feel the difference between itself and the property of absolute altruism, the so-called. Creator. Without directly sensing the Creator, a person compares himself with other people and with his moral criteria received through his upbringing. There is an opinion that separation from the Creator is the root of all suffering in the world, therefore conscience is the most nightmarish and painful experience for a person. And that is why we tend to obey the moral values ​​that our environment dictates to us, to live in accordance with the order of priorities established by it. Thus, conscience is inherent only at the “human level”, the development of egoism, when a creation is able to feel the properties and qualities of another, analyze and give a qualitative assessment of the difference in properties. If a person’s altruistic behavior is dictated only by his conscience, that is, determined by other people, and not by a person’s conscious desire to achieve similarity with the property of bestowal - the Creator, then, according to the adherents of Kabbalah, his behavior is social, but not yet spiritual.

Moreover, it is quite true, if you merge the religious dregs that describe what we are considering. Even the motive was “pictured” - altruistic behavior. But here’s an incident for the conscientious – the importance of conscience here is precisely downplayed relative to the spiritual! But social behavior is also characteristic of animals. And even cats experience guilt (remorse). I state this as a direct witness.

And what do we get from all this? And this is what we get: the so-called. conscience is simply a set of socially adaptive qualities necessary for an individual to live in society. And since there are societies with different moral principles, the adaptive sets are different. Consequently, the concept of conscience is either universal, and not absolute “highly spiritual”, and in this case it is no different from other moral criteria. Or, in the form in which its necessity is declared by its apologists, it is something else.

And then, fanfare and drum roll, where are the words DUTY or NECESSITY in the wording?!!! It turns out that society does not need a conscience? Well, at least the absence is not critical?! So why this breaking of copies around its presence in an individual?! The whole point is that the described mechanisms are NATURALLY FORMED and structurally integrated into society. In contrast to the generally accepted essence of conscience. Without training it will not arise on its own.

So, if remorse is already guilt, then it means that conscience is something that interferes or prevents it from appearing. So? We have thrown away consciousness, feelings remain. What is our strongest prohibiting and stopping feeling? FEAR! And if remorse is a feeling of guilt, then conscience itself is the fear of it!

And fear and guilt are the two most effective feelings for manipulation! And together they are a hell of a mixture!

Let us continue the search for the “highly spiritual” in our conscience. If there is none in it itself, then it is in what it appeals to. And it “refers” to folk, well, yes – generally accepted, “highly spiritual” moral foundations. And what are they expressed in? The latest survey showed that 80% of the population adhere to Christian values! This is where submission and suffering are elevated to the rank of godly and pious deeds and slavery and poverty are postulated as the “spiritual path”! And again we see a familiar pair at the basis of faith: fear of eternal torment in hell through “sinfulness” and innate guilt through “original sin” before God! And what Christians are conscientious preachers of shame and conscience, they have no equal!

Noticed another feature in the descriptions? There is not a word about individual rights, just duty! And in calls to it, it is precisely conscience that is opposed to the rights of the individual and replaced by it! And who has no rights? It’s the same story in Christianity, that’s why there are “servants of God”!

So it turns out that conscience, which is entrusted with the responsibility of bearing fear and guilt in an atheistic society, is the same religion for atheists! Calls to it are a desire to suppress someone else’s and an attempt to impose one’s will under the guise of “divine” and absolute truth, to replace responsibility for oneself with guilt and fear of “objective” laws, using one unpleasant property of consciousness: with a long and constant fixation of attention on something, something happens first it becomes addictive, and then there is a dependence on it! How simple and convenient: a working mechanism is taken and brought to the point of absurdity, causing paranoia. As in other “sciences” - economics, law, history...

So, constant and frequent, appropriate and not, reminders of the need to have a conscience only evoke a feeling of guilt, and abstract, global, all-encompassing guilt, and not specific, situational.:) Otherwise there would be no reproaches, but specific accusations. This is how the manipulation lever was wrapped in a beautiful and romantic wrapper of “remorse.” Hence the lack of explanations of the essence of conscience - they are not only unnecessary, but also contraindicated - the zombie program must be introduced into the subconscious on emotions, bypassing consciousness. The word itself is only a key, a command to trigger the feeling of guilt necessary for the manipulator, “sewn” into the consciousness by “education” with reproaches. Guilt is a feeling of emotional, psychological discomfort against the backdrop of fear of rejection by one’s society. As a rule, in front of foreign societies, and especially hostile ones, feelings of guilt do not arise. The feeling of global guilt imposed by conscience makes its bearer feel guilty and be responsible to ANY society! I still remember the starving children of Africa! And coupled with the sacralization and elevation of Christian sacrifice to the rank of virtue, it generates and cultivates a victim mentality among the people, which allows everyone to take advantage of Russians, without standing on ceremony with them, but calling for justice. Well, it’s also part of conscience! It’s just kind of one-sided - everything turns out in favor of strangers, the main thing is to pretend to be victims more realistically, and the victim will always support the victim.

Here is a real example from the Internet:

“On April 17, 2016, in the city of Yakutsk, a conflict occurred between Aslan Balaev and Victor Dodon.

Victor was beaten near the bar when he tried to protect a girl from Aslan Balaev.

As a result of the beating, Victor received a severe brain contusion, fractured skull bones, fell into a coma and actually became disabled. The suspect Aslan is still at large, and the victim’s relatives have reasonable suspicions that he can get away with it.

The victim’s mother contacted local media due to the inaction of the authorities. “Everything has been bought. The Balayevs’ brothers work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and law enforcement agencies. They say his relatives have connections at the top, in the government of Yakutia. They have a strong lawyer who defended the entire criminal world.”

The Head of the Chechen diaspora RUSLAN Mutaev spoke about the conflict:

“Maria, you are the same as your son, unscrupulous , if it’s scary to live in Yakutia, return to where your roots come from. Your athlete lost, now everyone owes you a bow? You are trying to cause unrest in Yakutsk, to raise an anti-Vainakh rebellion, your paratrooper fell out of that place ”….

What a passage with which the “shepherd” puts the “flock” in its place, huh?! A clear example, almost a classic of the genre...

So maybe that’s why there is no such area in international relations where Russia and the Russians are not accused of anything? Maybe it’s the conscientious ones who are guilty of the current situation, feeding it with their excessive attention and downright pride and joy for her - the victim complex seeks and finds confirmation for itself? What kind of counterclaims or ignorance are there - there’s such relish here, let’s do more!!! Their sympathy is even reduced to compassion, because rejoicing is either a sin or shameless... By the way, it is very likely that it is the lack of the ability to rejoice, coupled with shame and greed, that underlies envy.

It seems that in this way, indeed, someone is pouring out their karma on us, taking advantage of this.

As a zombie, the program has a characteristic property - in response to its denial, it causes reflexive aggression of its carrier towards the opponent. Just the ferocity with which conscientious people defend their views, shamelessly trying to impose them on their opponents, should arouse suspicion! It’s strange that no one notices this incident, even the unscrupulous! However, this is a clear indicator of the intellectual level of our society. As well as moral - a conscientious boor is perceived quite naturally!

For example, “opuses”, just one of the many “dialogues” with similar ones under the nickname YAROKOD on Midgard-info. And some of the most harmless:

“….The creature doesn’t even have a thought anymore… —…The animal really believes…. —… this is when a son of a bitch, being an animal, looks like a defender…. -’s known here even without evil farts... “...evil little bastard...”

And as the apotheosis of the monologue (I have a funny dog ​​on my avatar):

“….In front of a scamp who has degenerated into a dog and who has lost the slightest idea of ​​conscience ...”

What a temperamental champion of public opinion! Apparently he has a very evil conscience - if he doesn’t stand up for her like that, he’ll bite her to death! :)

Do you know what the responsibility of conscientious people to society is? In compliance with the laws existing in it. In the legal sense. And calls for the obligation to comply with them. Because guilt and responsibility have been brought into the legal field by manipulators. From the culture of the people. In order to be responsible not before the people, but before the law. Read to yourself. That’s why such “conscientious” louts appear because, in principle, they don’t break laws, but at the same time they rely on public opinion.

Hence the lack of independence of the conscientious, their dependence on officialdom. They are forced to compare any of their own thoughts with public opinion and evaluate from the point of view of law, and even if they don’t find anything seditious in it, they still keep it to themselves - you never know, what if they misunderstand?! Fear is like that, prudent. Fear of condemnation, public guilt, being “bad”, that is, we again return to shame - wounded pride. Moreover, it is precisely in the eyes of others, in the depths of consciousness, understanding that it would be more correct to show one’s will, but this would be “arrogance,” and “public opinion” requires one to be modest! Thus, conscience suppresses any initiative! Here it is, herd socialization in all its glory!

One of the most common tricks of conscientious people who make various concessions in a situation when something is unfairly demanded of them is the message “I don’t want to spoil the relationship.” Well, yes, relationships in which you are already, as a rule, a victim, a “sheep”, a “horse” for the other side (that is, they are no longer normal), the conscientious ones don’t want to spoil in any way! For them, the image of “integrity” (of course, exclusively in their own understanding, the other side doesn’t care about it - she craves something else) in the eyes of others is much more important than the quality of life of their own and their loved ones! Here it is, a “Klondike” of altruism and self-sacrifice for the joy of social parasites!

Another example from life. One granny offered her niece to look after her elderly, bedridden sister in exchange for her one-room apartment after death. The niece agreed and for five months, until the death of her ward, she regularly and conscientiously looked after her; by the way, at the time she “took office” she had not been washed for about a year! And then a rather unexpected story happened: instead of keeping the apartment for herself, as agreed, the niece sold it and divided the money in half, giving half to her aunt! Moreover, according to her own admission, no one objected to the implementation of the agreement. It just seemed to her that the relationship with her aunt had become more strained (?!). Everything would have been fine and this story would have passed my attention if it weren’t for the phrase of our heroine, said by my friend, who told this story, justifying her act: “We are all CONSCIOUS!” It's funny, isn't it - it turns out that breaking an agreement is conscientious!!! Moreover, she has a 16-year-old daughter, for whom a separate apartment would not hurt in the near future and with whom, apparently, the mother is not afraid of a strained relationship...

Any moral concept can be easily and simply described from the point of view of not only rationality, but also actually physics, and, in principle, for a reasonable person there is no need for an emotional guard in the form of conscience. As a rule, conscience arises in those who are afraid of condemnation, both external and internal, for fear of losing spiritual comfort, the one that society brought up and imposed on them, that is, in those who are “up to their ears” in society and cannot see without it personal life. Of course, a conscientious person in this case does not even think about personal rights. And, of course, it goes without saying that one must apply various qualities in life in accordance with circumstances and rationality, and not stupidly follow mental attitudes, no matter how “valuable” and “highly spiritual” they may seem to their bearers! Her conscience is good only among her own people, over a cup of tea in a peaceful environment. In relation to opponents and enemies, it should not exist in principle - they are not going to be responsible to you, that’s why they are! The enemy imposed his will on us because he slipped “humanity” towards the enemy into the conscientious mentality, thereby protecting HIMSELF in case of defeat, and taking full advantage of this, without suffering either humanity or conscience towards us!

Hence the conclusion follows - conscience, such as it was imposed on us, is not something from the field of morality and morality. This is an unconscious, reflexive law-abidingness elevated to a cult, based on fear and a constant feeling of possible guilt for violating generally accepted norms of behavior. And building on this basis your responsibility to your superiors in the hierarchy. A good slave is a responsible slave. And independent in self-regulation. To a certain extent, it is inherent even in animals. That is the basis of herding. A good basis for “high spirituality”! However, for church sheep it’s even a compliment! In contrast to responsibility, when the subject can consciously make decisions regarding both members of society and its entirety, and justify their actions and motives. And in HUMAN society, rationality is required only to maintain social order (hierarchy) within the existing framework for unconscious individuals at the animal level. Moreover, these should include not only obvious asocial types, but also infantile ones, those who simply do not want to take responsibility for their lives on their own and CONSCIOUSLY trust its power, delegating their rights to it and, in principle, voluntarily becoming its slave. In this case, society simply needs to take responsibility for their lives - we already know that true conscience is MUTUAL! For managers, in moments of emerging need, it is essentially a shackle that fetters decision-making that does not comply with generally accepted norms but requires implementation for the benefit of the same society. They need such a quality as responsibility. That's what they are called - responsible persons. But modern society cannot hold them accountable - it is conscientious... In general, conscience is a property of the OBJECT of society and society. The subject, in a viable and sustainable social order, must have such a quality as responsibility.

It's time to answer the questions using the examples at the beginning of the article. Yes, all other actions and deeds of our “heroes” will be beyond the bounds of conscience! That is, unscrupulous! Because they are illegal. That’s why the men who FAIRLY stood up for their own are also UNCONSCIENCED! And understand the obvious truth: the children of those with whom they had to fight will grow up to be just as “clinging” and revengeful, the conscientious ones are not able to!

Have you ever wondered why irresponsibility flourishes around us? Yes, because everyone around whom it affects is CONSCIOUS! So the next time you are reminded not about responsibility but about conscience, know that they are stupidly trying to manipulate you and you can safely answer what you think about the place where it should be!

To get out of this situation, it is necessary to give a new, specific formulation of a meaningful conscience, voicing the RIGHTS of an individual that leaves no room for speculation, which can be considered “highly spiritual.” And convey it to everyone! Something like:

Awareness of the need in society for complementary moral principles towards loyal individuals and the formation on this basis of an adequate attitude towards others...

Or simpler:

Adequate attitude towards an adequate society. sapienti sat.

And the old definitions should be designated according to their content: social-adaptive reflex. Sotsadref is a “euphonious” name! So let them appeal to him as much as they want! :)

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