The best professions for different temperaments: choleric people

Confidence in the chosen profession does not come to us immediately; it is often necessary to spend more than one hour soul-searching in order to finally find answers to the questions “who should I be?” and “where to go?” Adukar advises you to determine your type of temperament and find out how comfortable you will feel in a particular area. The choice of profession must be correct.

From birth, a person develops individual characteristics, the totality of which is called temperament. There are four types of temperament: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic. The answer to the question by what criteria all people are divided into these four types is very simple: everything depends on a certain ratio of such qualities of the nervous system as strength, balance and mobility.

The types of temperament are easy to understand from the example of the main characters of the cartoon “Madagascar”: Alex the lion is choleric, Marty the zebra is sanguine, Gloria the hippopotamus is phlegmatic, Melman the giraffe is melancholic

You can determine your temperament using the descriptions below. Most likely, it will be difficult to settle on one option, since people of “pure” temperament types are extremely rare, so write down two at once. The first of them will be the leading one, the second one will be the additional one.


  1. Cholerics. What are they?
  2. Strengths and weaknesses of choleric people
  3. The best professions and areas of activity for choleric people

Probably, absolutely everyone wants to have a great job that pays well, has opportunities for career growth, and in general everything is great. But not everyone understands that in order to successfully decide on a profession, you must, first of all, closely engage in self-knowledge and understand what interests you most, what your inclinations and psychological characteristics are. One of the basic determining functions in choosing a field of activity is determining a person’s temperament.

As you know, in society it is customary to divide people into four types - sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic. Some are more active, others less. In general, the structure for determining these characteristics is quite simple. However, there are many subtleties behind each of them, and if you recognize them, you can open many doors for yourself. That is why we have prepared for you several materials about which areas of activity are suitable for each type. Here we will open all doors for choleric people.


Strong, balanced, agile type. Lively and inquisitive, flexible and dynamic, a sanguine person is not used to accumulating grievances and experiencing failures for a long time. He does not lose heart and always looks for a way out of the current situation. Active and sociable sanguine people love new experiences, they are friendly, friendly and easily get along with people.

“+”: journalist, waiter, economist, lawyer, teacher and a number of other professions for which communication skills and leadership ability are important. It is believed that of all four types, the sanguine person is the most versatile; many professions are suitable for him.

“-”: dispatcher, jeweler and other professions where there is no constant change of activity.

Cholerics. What are they?

Choleric is characterized as an active, impulsive, hot-tempered and assertive type of person. Choleric people have poor control over their emotions and are often aggressive. This is an extremely strong personality type and its potential is immediately noticeable - in appearance, gait, facial expressions. Cholerics quickly light up, but also cool down just as quickly. In a company, these people are often the leaders and the main ringleaders.

By the way! Such famous people as Oprah Winfrey, Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Peter I and many others were and are choleric people.

Study and preparation for exams

If you are melancholic, then you need the mood to study effectively. To successfully master the material, pay special attention to organizing your time and space. Nothing should bother you: neither the uncomfortable cut of your clothes, nor obsessive thoughts about some exciting situation. If you consciously work on your mindset, you will be able to study the necessary material for quite a long time. When trying to assimilate new information, focus on the most important judgments and build logical chains in your mind. The more you analyze the information, the better you will remember it. When preparing for an exam, do not perceive it as an ordeal and do not dwell on possible difficulties and unfavorable scenarios. Look for support within yourself, but in the most difficult times, do not be afraid to ask your loved ones to support you.

Strengths and weaknesses of choleric people

the positive traits of choleric people in a professional environment :

  1. Determination.
  2. Independence.
  3. Persistence.
  4. Passion for overcoming obstacles.
  5. Ability to be easily included in the process.

Thanks to their expressiveness, choleric people most often achieve success in business.

The following qualities are considered to be interfering in some areas:

  1. Hot temper.
  2. Impatient for submission.
  3. Lack of punctuality.

How can a choleric person control emotions?

People with weak self-control find it more difficult to restrain themselves. This is a necessary skill if you do not want to quarrel with everyone around you in a short time. Most people remember anger and resentment better than the positive aspects of your personality. Therefore, be at least Mother Teresa in terms of virtue, people will remember those moments when you scolded them for innocent offenses.

Why are choleric people aggressive?

In essence, they are no more evil than the same melancholic people, they simply do not know how to restrain their negativity. They do not want to offend their interlocutor; this happens unconsciously. In turn, not all people are ready to tolerate constant anger directed at them.

5 steps to calm for choleric people

There is no need to justify your aggressiveness and defiant behavior with your temperament. Remember: you are capable of change, of overcoming yourself. Start small:

  1. Learn to accept a different point of view. You don't know everything in the world and you can't always be right.
  2. Make more phlegmatic friends. Looking at their endurance, you will unconsciously copy their behavior.
  3. Try not to raise your tone in conversation. Learn to speak calmly and measuredly. When you feel like you’re about to break down: catch your breath, take a breath.
  4. Meditate. People with such a temperament need self-reflection more than anyone else.
  5. Express your emotions correctly: direct them into sports, competitive activities. This will help you control yourself better in everyday life.

The best professions and areas of activity for choleric people

For choleric people , the most suitable professions a reporter, entrepreneur, director, investigator, TV presenter, sales manager, advertising and public relations specialist.

You should not choose areas of activity that require the same actions, a high level of endurance and patience. Boredom and monotony are your main enemies at work. So, do not choose areas related to document management, editing any materials and making items, the creation of which will require painstakingness and patience.

Representatives of this type of temperament pay a lot of attention to the result. These are often perfectionists who are constantly nervous about the results of their work. To maintain performance at the proper level, a choleric person needs constant emotional nourishment from the work, maintaining interest in work and new ideas. It is best if the choleric person works according to the project system, when an employee is given the opportunity to complete some large task from start to finish. An even more successful option would be the condition that the specialist himself will be able to determine the methods for performing tasks and the schedule of work to be completed.

That's all! We hope that our material helped you. Plus, we bring to your attention three more materials that will tell you which professions are best suited for sanguine, melancholic and phlegmatic people . We wish you good luck and more patience, our efficient but slightly hot-tempered friends!

Famous sanguine people

These sanguine people were chosen by their profession and brought them world fame and glory:

  • Napoleon Bonaparte,
  • A. I. Herzen,
  • Pierre Beaumarchais.

Listen: maybe she will call you too. But more often than not, young people do not hear the call of their innate talents and calling. Therefore, they are forced to devote all their efforts to finding themselves.

Well, if your inner voice was silent when you entered your university, and then it turned out that you were having problems with your studies, don’t be upset. Student service will help you get through this path to the end. And then you have to choose whether to continue following the beaten path or radically change the type of activity.

Professions that help people

Professions that help people

For a melancholic temperament, it is especially important to be needed by people. He is ready to sincerely help those in need. For him, this desire is expressed in professions:

  • psychologist;
  • tutor;
  • teacher;
  • nurse;
  • nanny;
  • nurse;
  • Social worker;
  • clergyman;
  • trust service worker.

What professions are suitable? What is strictly contraindicated?

These are very stress-resistant workers who know how to quickly restore their strength. Cholerics are considered natural-born leaders, so they can easily occupy almost any leadership position. Gambling people who prefer active recreation.

From the above, we can conclude that professions related to communication are most suitable for choleric people. He will make an excellent journalist, designer, and businessman. In addition to these specialties, you can add any professions with a free schedule. Where responsibility and energy are needed, choleric people will perform best. Optimal professions for this type of personality: coach, director, cook, electrician, surgeon, geologist, pilot, actor, investigator, driver.

A choleric person cannot choose a specialty where he needs to do the same work day after day. Such professions include accountant, document specialist, librarian, factory worker, and so on.

Business qualities of a choleric person

Therefore, a choleric boss will be strict, but he will be the best.
Choleric people have one feature that sets them apart from the rest: they are less susceptible to stress than others. They may succumb to momentary panic if a tense situation arises at work. But after a short time they will regain their strength and will again be eager to fight.

Choleric people make excellent leaders. They manage work processes and people easily and efficiently.

Choleric and difficulties

If difficulties come his way, he does not retreat from them, like most other people. On the contrary, a sense of excitement grows in him, because the desire for risk is in his blood.

However, despite the love of active pastime, choleric workers often overestimate their strength.

If at first he was full of energy, then pretty soon he feels empty and unable to complete the task.

Choleric and others

A competent leader knows how temperament influences the choice of profession. Therefore, it is not news to him that choleric people are very emotional and impulsive in communication. Sometimes you can notice straightforwardness and even aggression behind them. But at the same time, they are always open, thanks to which they always gather a crowd of people around.

Cholerics have a large social circle. But most of his contacts are superficial.

Choleric people love to be leaders not only at work, but also in informal company

They play the role of ringleader well. This is easy to notice by the fast, sometimes confused, always emotionally charged speech, rich in facial expressions and gestures.

Choleric and performance

If you give a choleric person a lot of monotonous work, he will quickly get tired and lose interest in it. This is why it is so important to know which professions suit different types of temperament.

Such workers make decisions quickly, but soon afterwards they often regret them and change their position.

Mood has a huge impact on the performance of a choleric person. And for effective work, it is important to capture a good mood, which often changes.

Cholerics and study

Studying is hard, especially if the subject being studied is boring.
In this case, the choleric person simply cannot force himself to study through force. But this does not mean that studying is contraindicated for such people. You just need to properly organize your study time, making yourself as interested in the material as possible. How to do it?

  1. Use different ways to perceive the material: after reading, watch educational films on the topic you are studying, look at infographics, and so on.
  2. Ask classmates to explain particularly difficult material.
  3. Alternate study with rest. Breathe fresh air as often as possible and do simple physical exercises.

Using as many perceptual channels as possible ensures successful learning.

When preparing for exams, it is better for choleric people to study information in separate semantic blocks. The method of searching for clues in the material will help you quickly reproduce all the material in your memory.

By the way! You don’t have to break yourself if you can’t concentrate when writing a coursework or test. For our readers there is now a 10% discount on any type of work that causes such difficulties in you.

Advantages and disadvantages of melancholic people

Melancholic people are very humane towards others. Their strengths include such qualities as empathy, loyalty and responsibility. They are ready to help in any situation and support a friend in case of failure. These are the most faithful friends who will not turn away from their loved ones under any circumstances. Melancholic people are ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of fulfilling the promise they made; they are very responsible in every deed and word.

What is characteristic of melancholic people

Among the weaknesses of this temperament is low stress resistance. Melancholic people take everything too personally. Any stress or anxiety can cause headaches, worries, insomnia, and a nervous breakdown. Moreover, melancholic people are often subject to depression, from which it is difficult to get out.

Melancholic people can be too demanding. After analyzing the situation, they may set the bar too high, which is almost impossible to achieve. Such requirements can lead to imbalance: quarrels and troubles in the team.

External signs of choleric

Each type of temperament can most likely be determined by external signs. This is often used by employers when hiring. What reveals choleric people? First of all this:

  • a wiry, thin body that seems very fragile;
  • very thin wrists and ankles;
  • the chest is flat and has a rib angle;
  • the forehead is smooth, but narrows upward;
  • the skull is ovoid or oval in shape;
  • the chin is most often pointed;
  • nose with a hump or hooked;
  • swan neck and pronounced Adam's apple;
  • narrow thin feet.

Profession journalist, reporter, guide

Profession journalist

In addition to communication, sanguine people are characterized by mobility. He cannot stay in one place for a long time. Perseverance is not his thing. Working as a journalist, guide and other similar professions requires stamina and energy. What a sanguine person has in abundance. He can be on the road for a long time, and then still conduct interviews. Talk about sights or some interesting events.

Who are melancholic people?

Temperament is what a person is born with and goes through all the obstacles assigned to him throughout his entire journey. It is temperament that determines a person’s attitude towards loved ones, work, study and life in general. The melancholic type of temperament is characterized by calmness, silence and isolation. People with this character have a sharp mind, carefully analyze the situation, weigh the pros and cons. They are often drawn to art: music, literature, philosophy, etc.

Melancholic people themselves are very sensitive natures, easily wounded, so they should not be overloaded with work. They do not tolerate fuss and noise.

Types of nervous activity according to Pavlov

Ivan Pavlovich Pavlov created a classification of types of higher nervous activity. It is based on the properties of nervous processes. There are three of them: strength, balance, mobility.

According to the classification of I.P. Pavlov, the following can be said about each type of temperament:

  • Choleric. The processes of excitation predominate over the processes of inhibition. The main property is imbalance. The change of processes in nervous activity is difficult, excitation is predominant.
  • Sanguine. The processes of excitation and inhibition are approximately the same. The change in processes of nervous activity is rapid.
  • Phlegmatic person. Inhibition processes prevail over excitation processes. Changing processes is difficult.
  • Melancholic. The processes of excitation and inhibition are very weak. Their change proceeds slowly.

What professions can a melancholic person choose if his temperament type is weak? Some may say that this is impossible. And he will be wrong. But more on that later. Now we should talk about the main names of temperament according to Pavlov.

Mask of laughter

Temperament is also associated with the physical qualities of a person.

Temperament is also associated with the physical qualities of a person. Sanguine people, as a rule, have a picnic build, they tend to be overweight, and in their facial muscles the muscles that raise the corners of the mouth are genetically better developed. When the situation is clearly cheerful, the sanguine person laughs. The more often he laughs, the more these muscles develop. A sanguine person is already an optimist, but in the process of life he becomes even more optimistic: when the situation is emotionally uncertain, most likely, the corners of his lips will be raised up. At the same time, as studies have shown, mood actually improves. Based on the theory of James Lange, indicating the connection between emotions and muscles, the Americans put forward the thesis: “Keep a smile.”

Melancholic people who are prone to depressive reactions have genetically more developed facial muscles that pull the corners of the mouth down. This is why melancholic people become even more melancholic throughout their lives. Phlegmatic and choleric people have a horizontal mouth line.

Start your education with the “mask of laughter” exercise. It is performed in front of a mirror. Inhale slowly. The corners of the mouth rise upward as much as possible, the eyes squint, the mouth opens slightly, exposing the teeth. Hold your breath. Now exhale quickly and relax your facial muscles. This exercise should be done as often as possible, preferably in combination with other exercises to strengthen the facial muscles.

List of successful specialties

In order not to get confused once again, it is better to make a list of professions for choleric people, which reveal these people from the best sides. These include:

  • actor;
  • diplomat;
  • surgeon;
  • journalist;
  • correspondent;
  • pilot;
  • merchandiser;
  • supplier;
  • businessman;
  • driver;
  • director;
  • cook;
  • electrician;
  • manager;
  • investigator.

Choleric in relationships

A typical extrovert is about a choleric person. It is easy for them to establish contacts with people and match them with their area of ​​interest. But this is at the first stage of the relationship. Because if a person with such a temperament frankly doesn’t like you, he doesn’t intend to tolerate your shortcomings for long. This trouble especially arises in relationships between boss and subordinate, teacher and student, and parent and child.

How can a choleric person communicate with a phlegmatic, melancholic, or sanguine person?

There will be no problems with sanguine people: they are non-offensive extroverts. With others it is more difficult: phlegmatic people can sometimes irritate with their slowness, and melancholic people can be compared to a punching bag for choleric people. It is important to be discreet in any communication.

So, how can a choleric woman not accidentally offend a person:

  • Praise for success.
  • Criticize gently, without harsh words, to the point.
  • Don't raise your voice.
  • Be more often interested in people's positions, their views and interests.

If you want something specific from a person, don’t expect him to figure it out on his own. Speak directly, but without getting personal. This way you will avoid omissions and disappointments.

Private entrepreneur and businessman

Private entrepreneur and businessman

It is worth mentioning separately about the choleric entrepreneur and businessman. A private entrepreneur works for himself. There is a lot of stress in his work. After it you need to recover quickly.

A businessman often has to act in a state of uncertainty. Entrepreneurial activity involves a lot of communication with people. Making quick decisions on non-standard and complex problems. All this is the element of choleric people.

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