How to move to live in another city and organize everything correctly?

In the life of every person, sooner or later there comes a moment when the realization comes that it is time to change something. Most often, already at a young age, we begin to dream about breaking out of the usual boundaries of our comfort zone and trying to build a life in a completely new place with different orders, infrastructure and rhythm of life.

Some people planning a vacation in 2022 do not rule out staying at the sunny resort forever, while others dream of conquering a new city and starting their journey there from scratch. People exchange provinces for megacities, enroll in universities, look for more suitable jobs, or simply one day grab all their belongings and set off for a new life.

There are also those who remain in place, and then throughout their entire lives, whether happy or not, they always turn back to that very moment when they could not take a chance with the thoughts: “what would have happened if...?” Situations are different and everyone makes decisions based on their own feelings or reasoning.

But for those who still decide to take a desperate step and choose a new place of residence, there comes a time when you need to think through as much as possible how to move to live in another city. Where to start is necessary, and what can be taken care of later, what to take with you into the future, and what can be left in the past or completely thrown away. It is for such people that this article has tried to cover all the issues related to moving to an unfamiliar place.

How to decide to move?

Analyze what motivates you - emotions or logic. To do this, write down the pros and cons of the solution on a piece of paper. Think about what you gain and what you lose by changing your place of residence.

. To decide to move to another city, you need strong arguments in favor. For example:

  • You have been offered a new job, with career prospects that do not and will not exist in your current place of residence.
  • You live in a city where specialists of your profile are not in demand or are paid very little.
  • There are no good schools, universities and, accordingly, no opportunity to give children a decent education and a start in life.
  • There are no prospects, everyone is leaving where you live now.
  • Others significant


Perhaps not all your family and friends will support you. Be prepared for this and remember that it is your choice and life. Deciding to move to another city is not easy - it involves global changes and the unknown. But sometimes changing your place of residence is the only option to grow professionally and financially, to improve the life of yourself and your family.

New region

Moving to another region is always due to the desire to change the usual way of life and touch your dream. Many residents of the northern regions decide to say goodbye to constant frosts forever and find themselves on the shores of a warm sea. Southern residents who dream of a real winter are happy to travel to the tall cedars of the taiga and the clear water of mountain rivers. In this case, it is necessary to study the climate of the destination in detail, since theoretical ideas may not provide a complete picture of real life.

In addition, vacation is significantly different from permanent residence. Having pleasant memories of several excellent days of your vacation, you can plunge into some problems that you had no idea about. But if this is your dream, feel free to hit the road. Avoiding a hateful routine will be beneficial not only for mental balance, but also for physical well-being.

Pros and cons of changing residence

Change often opens up new opportunities, but it also has a downside.

pros Minuses
  • The opportunity to choose a more suitable environment for oneself (someone moves from a small town to the capital, someone moves from a city to a village, etc.)
  • Prospects for getting something that is not available at your old place of residence. For example, sometimes you need to go to another city to get a higher education or a well-paid job.
  • The opportunity to live in a more comfortable climate.
  • Monetary and emotional costs.
  • Temporary household inconveniences.
  • Change of climate and time zones.
  • Separation from family and friends.

A good reason to move will outweigh the negatives. We have long been planning to change our place of residence to be closer to our eldest daughter. Therefore, they were not afraid to move to another city - there was a clear understanding of why this was being done. When you describe for yourself the advantages and disadvantages of a decision, you will logically justify the need for change. And there will be fewer emotions.

Collecting information about the city

Disorientation is a condition that affects almost all migrants. However, the feeling of panic, confusion and irritation can be significantly minimized by finding out in advance all the features of living in the city chosen for moving. First of all, it is necessary to collect as much information as possible regarding the streets and bus stops of the locality, the presence or absence of industrial and other types of enterprises, educational institutions, medical centers, etc.

In addition, any sane person, before leaving his native land once and for all, will find out what the demographic situation is in a city that is still foreign to him, how high the crime rate is in it, what is the opinion of the local population about the performance of law enforcement officers and officials of their official duties. Only after collecting this basic information and carefully analyzing it can you safely proceed to the next stage.

How to persuade relatives (husband, wife, parents)?

We didn’t have to persuade each other - we left closer to the children. Both dreamed of living closer to the sea, changing their lifestyle and work. But it happens that you need to persuade your husband or wife to move to another city. In this case, you should calmly and respectfully present your arguments. You may need to return to the conversation several times.

We had a question with our parents. After our departure (thousands of kilometers away), my husband’s mother would have been left without relatives in a small town. Of course, we wanted to persuade my mother to move to another city together. The pros and cons were given. There were more advantages. The arguments in favor were as follows:

  • She won't be left alone.
  • The eldest granddaughter has lived here for a long time.
  • My son in Moscow, who used to come once every 4 years, will also be closer.
  • The youngest grandson is 11 years old, for him moving is an emotional event. Grandma will support when mom and dad go to work, and the child goes to an unfamiliar school.
  • A mild climate and a more developed healthcare system in the new region.

The husband's mother accepted the arguments and agreed. We took care of the costs and affairs (selling the house, paperwork, transporting things, buying tickets, organizing the trip), and everything went well.

Why do people move?

Moving can be very different: from a country abroad, from a large city to a province and vice versa, from one city to another.

The reasons are also very varied. Some of us simply cannot imagine our lives without changes and new vivid impressions, which makes them literally break away from their usual place from time to time. Probably this desire for renewal is an integral character trait of this category of people.

For some, the former small town has become cramped and does not allow them to realize their plans and projects. Some people were tired of constantly seeing the same views in the yard at home and at work; they wanted more sun, better ecology, fruits, and to be closer to the sea. They leave without analysis or thought to go to their loved one. Or you just wanted to radically change the situation, start life from scratch. You never know...

Often, the basis of such moves is consciously (or subconsciously) the desire to improve one’s life and make it more convenient, comfortable, more meaningful and richer. Although in practice this may not happen. Especially if the move occurs spontaneously, at random, without prior thorough preparation and if there is no understanding of what the person expects and wants to get from this move.

For some, the priority is the opportunity to earn more and make a career. For others, the climate or communication with loved ones, the opportunity to provide a good education for children, the level of medical care, etc. are important.

As for our family, the question of the advisability of moving was discussed for a long time. Almost two years passed from the moment the idea of ​​moving to its implementation took place. The decision matured gradually, in heated family disputes with arguments and reasons for and against. The difficulty was that it was necessary to take into account not only the general interests of the family, but also the needs and wishes of everyone living in the apartment.

As a result, all family members agreed to move and search for new housing. Along the way, at the same time, many sites and forums were read, studied, studied, prices in new buildings and on the secondary market in the city planned for relocation were analyzed and compared.

How to prepare for moving?

Important things to do:

  • Check if the documents are in order. Change your driver's license or foreign passport if it is time to do so.
  • If you do not have a foreign passport, it is advisable to apply for and receive one, including for children (validity at the main place of residence - 1 month), if you move and it is impossible to immediately register at your new place of residence, valid for up to 3 months.
  • If something is lost or personal data has changed (SNILS, INN, etc.) - change or restore.
  • Take all documents with you: identification, education, certificates, certificates, awards, etc.
  • When looking for a job in a new place of residence, you can prepare and send out a resume in advance indicating the time of arrival. And having already moved to live in another city, go through interviews. You can also find remote work without being tied to your place of residence or master a profession that allows you to earn money via the Internet.
  • Collect medical cards from the clinic (at the reception desk, write an application addressed to the chief physician and receive a card).
  • Get your real estate documents in order. In case of sale they will be needed. If you are not going to sell, it is better to make a power of attorney for disposal, delivery and possible sale.
  • Pay utilities, pay off debts.
  • If you quit your job, write a statement at least two weeks before your planned departure. Notify the accounting and administrative departments so that they prepare the papers to be handed over to your receiver. Check that the entry in the work book is correct. At the same time as your employment notice, you will be given a dismissal order, a certificate for accruing sick leave and unemployment benefits, and a 2-NDFL certificate and character reference.
  • Take a reference and an extract with grades from school (for school-age children).
  • Make a certificate of no criminal record (through the MFC or your personal account at State Services).

As you can see, in order to prepare for moving to another city, you need to get things in order. And only then – sort things out and distribute unnecessary items. You will get to things at the packing stage.


This is the main question, the answer to which will make it clear whether you are ready to move or not.
Of course, the Internet is full of stories of how people with 10 thousand rubles in their pockets and one suitcase boarded a train, in another city lived on a mattress in an abandoned building, and then achieved greatness. And for some reason everyone pays attention to the happy ending, but forgets about the enormous difficulties at the beginning. Money is important, especially if you are used to living in comfort. They will help solve most problems that you may encounter. It also happens that job searches take longer. Then savings will allow you not to grab the first offer that comes your way, but to approach your choice more meaningfully. Therefore, it is better to first calculate how much money you will need, save a little more than this amount, and then move.

At a minimum, you need to have money for these purposes:

  • Buying tickets and transporting things.
  • Housing rent: estimated monthly rent multiplied by three. In the best case, you will find an apartment without outside help and additional expenses. In the worst case, you will have to pay the owner for the first and last months or make a deposit, and also give up to 100% of the rent to the realtor. And it is better to have enough money for the second option.
  • Rent temporary housing while you look for permanent housing. There are not many chances that you will go to a rented apartment from the train station or from the airport.
  • Household arrangement. Your new apartment may not have familiar things, or you may feel the need to replace them. Even if we are talking about a toilet brush and a shower curtain, this is still an expense.
  • Daily expenses - groceries, cleaning supplies, travel on public transport. It's good to have at least three months' supply.
  • Airbag - you never know what can happen.

It’s good if there is an opportunity to save on something. For example, relatives or friends are ready to shelter you while you are looking for an apartment - minus one expense item. But when making calculations, it is still better not to take the minimum numbers. Moving is already a huge stress. And if there is constantly not enough money even for the necessary things, life can turn into sheer suffering.

How to organize a move?

Try to write everything down. You will need to do a lot of things in parallel and not miss anything. The following tips will help you properly organize your move to another city:

  • Make a to-do list. Cross out the completed items and add the necessary ones.
  • If you are traveling by train or plane, buy tickets in advance - you will save a lot.
  • Sort things into 2 categories. The first ones are those that you will take on the road and that will be needed on site at first. The second ones are those that will need to be sent by a transport company. It’s worth taking warm clothes with you (not in your luggage, but in your hand luggage) even in summer.
  • Dress in layers. If it gets hot, you can take off your windbreaker and sweatshirt and stay in a T-shirt.
  • Think over a list of medications needed during the trip and adjusted for your family members.
  • If you have children with you, take food that can be stored without refrigeration. Children are unpredictable. It is unknown when they will want to eat and how they will react to store-bought food.
  • If you are flying with transfers, make sure that they are not tiring. We could not find such a flight. Therefore, we included in the trip a visit to relatives in Yekaterinburg. The trip turned out to be longer, but more comfortable and joyful.
  • To move quickly, set a departure date for another city. This will help you clearly plan the things that need to be resolved before leaving.
  • If there is no housing where you are moving, book a hostel, hotel or rented apartment in advance.

Search for rental housing

In the first version of the plan, this item was missing, because it was planned to immediately move into a finished apartment with finishing touches. But since the move to our own home was postponed, the need arose for rented housing for this time. This means it was necessary to allocate the required amount to pay for it. In addition, it was necessary to find an apartment before the final move, preferably without furniture or with a minimum amount of it (because I had a lot of my things).

Everything worked out well here; a suitable option was found in a house that was located directly opposite our house under construction. A realtor who had previously looked for housing for us to buy helped. I consider it advisable to address this issue specifically to professionals. Having a fairly large database, they will help you realistically assess the market and guide you on prices.

This gave us a great opportunity to watch every day how our house was being built, which is what we did for 5 months of agonizing wait. And later, when moving from rented housing to our own, it turned out to be very convenient. We moved almost all the things ourselves from entrance to entrance. Only the largest and heaviest items were left with the movers.

How to send things to another city?

Some take with them only money, documents and clothes for the first time. Some transport everything from furniture to souvenirs. We decided to move to another city with our things. Here's an algorithm on how to do it.

1. Choose a company that will send your items. There are many companies and individuals offering such services. Read reviews and compare rates. Identify one or more “candidates,” contact them, ask questions. Based on how the communication goes, it will be clear with whom it is better to conclude an agreement.

2. Pack your things. Pack everything in accordance with the requirements of the transport company. Send the company representative a photo of the first boxes assembled. Let him see if you are doing the right thing. Each package must be numbered and what is contained there must be written down.

Here's how it was for us:

  • We chose two companies and submitted an application. In one they did not answer, in the second they called back and answered the questions in detail. We turned to the second one.
  • We agreed on a deadline for submitting an application. We received a contract, a cost estimate, and requirements for packing things.
  • When we found out the specific departure date, we contacted the company again. The manager called back, who was then constantly in touch: from the beginning of the journey of our things to unloading.
  • Things were packed in boxes and bags. Each one was numbered and included in a list indicating what was in each package. This list was given to the driver who picked up the cargo. Each box and bag was additionally wrapped in film.

Items arrived without damage, including computers and dishes.


The idea that you need to collect all the important documents that you have and take them with you is obvious. But we will talk about how important it is to review the validity period of documents that need to be changed periodically. These are both passports - domestic and foreign, and a driver's license.

Of course, now you can change these documents anywhere. But it is not a fact that you will quickly be able to obtain registration in a new city. And its absence means completely different deadlines for issuing passports. Domestic will be done for 30 days instead of 10, foreign - three months, not one. It's even more difficult with a driver's license. They make them everywhere in the same amount of time. But for this you need certificates from a psychiatrist and narcologist, which are issued at the place of registration. So replacing a document may result in an unplanned trip to your homeland.

If you do this before moving, you will choose the easiest path with the least amount of problems.

What is the first thing you need to do in a new place?

  • Register at your new place of residence. Go to the management company (some have migration department employees) or to the MFC with your passport, birth certificate and documents for residential premises. If the premises do not belong to you, then its owners must come with you. If you decide to check out when moving to another city, then register in the new place no later than 7 days so that there is no fine. But it’s easier not to be discharged, because when you register in a new place, you will be discharged automatically.
  • Attach yourself to a clinic. Go to the registration desk and find out what is needed for this. Usually an application is written addressed to the head physician.
  • If you moved to another city with a child, choose a school or kindergarten. Take the documents (preferably with registration) and go to the administration. Find out if there are free places and whether you can place your child there. If your child has attended extracurricular activities, ask if there are any at the new school.

Separate accommodation

A reasonable solution to change your life status is to move to a new apartment. Very often, several generations have to live in the same room. If there are many people in a family, each of them has a lack of personal space. This slows down the natural process of self-realization. The older generation is forced to endure the new habits of young people, and the younger generation (for example, newlyweds) do not have the opportunity to live a full life as a newly formed family. They still have to feel like children and be under the control of “adults.” Renting a separate home or buying an apartment with a mortgage will help here. There, young people will fully feel like they are in charge, and the elderly will be able to enjoy the benefits of living in old age (no one will interfere).

Useful tips

2 more sketches from our story: transporting a snail on an airplane and an estimate (how much it cost us to move to another city).

How to transport Achatina

We took a large snail (Achatina) with us. No rules or recommendations for transporting such animals were found. It was assumed that there might be difficulties during inspection at the airport. We bought a plastic container with holes and put the snail in it. The container was placed in a backpack. During the inspection, no questions arose, and the pet flew away safely with us.

How much did it cost to change your place of residence?

Our family moved not just to another city, but to another region - from the Altai Territory to the Kaliningrad Region. Three adults and one child 11 years old plus luggage.

1 Car from your place of residence to the railway station (360 km.) 6000
2 Train tickets Barnaul – Ekaterinburg 25397
3 Airplane tickets Ekaterinburg – Kaliningrad (with luggage) 35122
4 Sending things by transport company (3 cubic meters) 48000
Total: 114519

Plus the cost of food, clothing, taxis and other expenses. If you count everything, it turns out to be about the same amount as large expenses.

We hope our experience will be useful to readers. When moving, the main thing is accounting and planning. The peace of mind at the end of this marathon depends on how well you plan everything.

Author: Articles from readers (KadrofID: 10782) Added: 10/17/2021 at 19:33

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