How to find out your SOUL MATE? How can you not be mistaken that this is exactly the person?

A person with a soul mate always becomes special and unique for us. Such a person is noticeably different from everyone else, and brings a lot of positive emotions to those with whom he has a spiritual relationship. Many people dream of finding a loved one.

In order not to pass by such a personality and not lose it, it is worth finding out who can be called a person with a kindred soul, how to find him among a huge number of other people.

A person with a kindred spirit - who is this?

According to esotericists, a soul mate is felt well on an intuitive level. This is a person with whom you were familiar in past incarnations, a person who gave you warmth, spiritual comfort, joy from sincere communication and true love.

The symbol of the soul in astrology is the Moon. People in whose natal charts the Moons are in conjunction, in the same sign or in the same element, experience kinship of souls. In personal relationships, there is a 100% sign that a meeting of “two halves” has occurred, when the male Sun is in conjunction with the female Moon and at the same time the female Sun is in conjunction with the male Moon. Karmic aspects are also important. Especially if one person's Sun, Moon or Venus is conjunct another person's South Node.

According to religious theory, in the other world some souls unite as one. This happens before they acquire physical bodies. Meeting in reality, these entities feel harmony and strong sympathy for each other. The spiritual principles of such people unite, and a common oversoul is formed.

From the point of view of psychologists, a soulmate understands his soul mate perfectly, does not criticize his shortcomings, and is always ready to provide any support. With such a person you feel comfortable in complete silence, so no words are required. He wants to give your attention, care, and never let go.

A soul mate, or a karmically close person, can come into our lives unexpectedly, and then at some point leave it. In some cases, these people appear to help us solve certain problems, and then disappear, leaving the brightest memories of themselves.


  • What it is?

This is the person with whom you connect on the deepest spiritual level. You can communicate a lot and not get tired of each other, you have a lot in common, you can share with him everything that worries you. Together you grow spiritually and undergo deep transformations.

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How to find your soul mate and why?

Finding your soul mate seems to be the same thing as finding your soul mate. But this is far from true. You can ask the Universe for such a person or just wait. Usually you can meet 1-3 kindred spirits along the way. These people can become your best friends and teachers.

  • My experience

As a child, I always had the feeling that I should have a twin sister. One day I wrote down in detail my desire - to find a twin who will be the same as me, who will understand me. And a year later a new girl came to our class. We were similar in everything, from appearance, names, tastes in music and clothing, to our deepest aspirations. There have been many funny and even creepy coincidences in our lives, starting from childhood. From the outside - we could come to school on Monday in the same clothes, which, without saying a word, we bought on the weekend. We even read each other's thoughts.

But due to the false accusation of one person, our communication stopped. I believed that I had been betrayed. After 10 years, we had a warm conversation with her, and it turned out that then we were both deceived. And the most interesting thing is that all this time, while we were not communicating, our lives ran parallel, there were many coincidences and similar lines.

Astrology really works! With the help of this knowledge, you can harmonize your personal life: find a suitable partner, get married, improve your relationship with your husband, save your marriage, remove the blocks that prevent you from being a happy woman. The students of the Lakshmi-Ameya Institute were convinced of this by their own example:

Venera Fattakhova worked on her weak qualities and reunited her family after a difficult divorce:

“Before I started studying at Lakshmi, I had a very difficult period. Everything in my life was falling apart, it seemed to me that I was living wrong, that I deserved more. I had a lot of grievances.

Naturally, all this affected my family. At that time, my husband and I had already been divorced for a year, and we were, one might say, enemies. The divorce happened “as expected”: huge resentments against each other, insults, division of property, etc. I was left alone with three children.

I began to look for answers to my questions - why did this happen, what did I do wrong, what was my fault...

There is a very powerful Karmadel project in Lakmshi. It was after participating in it that my family was reunited, my husband returned, and now we are one! We are happy, we live in harmony, he fully supports me.”

Thanks to new knowledge, Anastasia Spiridonova was able to harmonize her relationship with her husband:

“I needed to improve my relationship with my husband - we had a period when we simply didn’t talk at all for six months, despite the fact that we lived in the same apartment and already had two children. I began to work on myself, and astrology in this regard helped in this regard: I began to understand my husband much better, his character, actions, his life principles.

It became clear to me why the knowledge that I had before did not work in my situation. Our conflicts with my husband became different - I began to treat them differently. Now I know why my husband reacts this way to this or that situation.

When you know astrology, how the planets stand in a person’s chart, why he behaves this way and what will happen next, it is much easier for you to harmoniously build relationships with him.”

Olga Egorova was able to work on her qualities and removed blocks in relationships with men:

Types of Soul Mates

The soul close to you may belong to one of 5 main types:

  • Twin.
    Such a person thinks the same way as you. Next to him you feel incredibly at ease. You can talk with your spiritual twin for hours.
  • Healing power.
    Appears at the moment when you especially need it. Such a person perfectly heals your wounds and often teaches an important lesson.
  • Real love.
    You are ready to spend your whole life with this person. Unusual feelings arise between you. The connection with such a soul becomes inextricable.
  • Destructive force.
    This person is like a hurricane and overturns all your previous ideas. He makes a special contribution to your destiny that will remain there forever.
  • Stranger.
    Meeting with this type of soul mate can be fleeting. At the same time, you feel that you have always known this person. Your communication may be short, but unforgettable and unlike anything else.

Twin flames

  • What it is?

Twin flames are literally one soul divided into 2 bodies (usually male and female, but there are other variations). While siblings and soul mates can have platonic relationships and friendships, the main characteristic of twin flames is an incredible love attraction. These are ideal partners who are mirrors of each other. Their meeting is sudden, love and hate are all-consuming, and the connection is deeply spiritual. The meeting of twin flames necessarily affects the lives of both, and more often, it simply turns everything familiar upside down. As a result, such partners reach a new level of self-knowledge and unconditional love.

How to find twin flames and by what signs can you identify them?

Such a connection is the rarest on earth. Most of us will never experience a twin flame meeting. But there is nothing to worry about, because such events are the result of harsh karma, which leads a person to big changes. If you have not yet met such a partner, you now have a different task in life.

  • My experience

I have never had a twin flame meeting in my life. But recently I met a person who told me about such an experience. By all indications, he and his spiritual teacher are twin flames. But this phenomenon is so rare and incomprehensible that it can only be fully experienced from within, as one of the twin flames. This couple is not together, but this person feels a deep spiritual connection. He feels that the teacher is leading him to spiritual growth through great mental pain.

I suggest you read 11 signs of a twin flame meeting. Perhaps you will meet half of your soul already in this incarnation.

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Tell us in the comments if you have had similar cases?

How to find your soulmate

Meeting a soul mate is a huge success, one of the happiest moments in our earthly life. To find a like-minded person, follow a few tips:

  1. Talk to your Guardian Angel, ask for a meeting with your soul mate. At the same time, constantly pay attention to signals (dreams, events occurring in reality). They will become tips on the way to making your desire come true.
  2. Try to fight your shortcomings, step over your own ego, and get rid of everything superficial. The chances of meeting a karmically close person increase when you become yourself.
  3. Listen to your inner intuition. She will tell you which direction to move in and help you find the one you are missing.
  4. Look at the world around you positively, with love. Sincerely believe in your strength and that you deserve true happiness.
  5. Understand yourself. If you don’t understand yourself, then the other person won’t understand you, and the question of how to find a soul mate will remain open. Dig within yourself and decide what you really want. Your revelations will remain with you, so be extremely sincere.
  6. Don't be afraid of change. Realize your dreams, which for some reason are still dreams. Have you always wanted to travel abroad? So go!
  7. Follow your destiny, and it will show you the right path on which you will meet that very person. Don't be afraid to live!

  8. Listen to your intuition, and it will lead you to the place where you wanted to go in your soul, and to the person you have always dreamed of.
  9. Don't ignore the signs of fate that will lead you to your person. For example, it could be a song that plays over and over again.
  10. Mentally visualize the fateful meeting. Do this regularly and your dream will definitely come true.

Thu, 12 Aug 2022 10:22:42 +0300

Kalinina Natalya

Do you understand each other

Most often, without asking clarifying questions, you understand what the person wants to say. In most romantic or friendly relationships, a system of gestures and signs develops over the years, facilitated by close communication. But some come into our lives already prepared and correctly interpret what we want to convey. And this simplifies everything very much, since you don’t have to waste time on explanations.

However, you should not expect telepathy sessions from anyone.

If you need something, say so. This is much better than expecting accomplishments from a person, and then being offended that he did not understand you.

Your quarrels are not the end of the world

You, like everyone else, argue and quarrel, but at the same time you make up quickly enough. Firstly, you value each other enough to not let contradictions ruin your relationship. Secondly, you recognize each other’s right to different opinions. Thirdly, even in the heat of a quarrel, you restrain yourself from hitting the most sensitive pain points.

Thanks to this, the clarification of relationships does not end with cracks in them, you simply step over the conflict and move on.

Four types of your people

Writer Elizabeth Gilbert says:

Soul mates are the most important people we meet on our life's journey. After all, they are the ones who destroy all the walls and force you to awaken. But live with them forever? Oh no. It hurts too much. A soul mate comes into life to reveal another part of yourself... and leave.

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This is who the people sent to us by fate can be:

1. Healers. They appear in difficult moments of life and help unconditionally, without demanding anything in return. Later, when you analyze your experience, you realize that it was impossible to do without this person. But over time, the relationship fades. And they are no longer restored. It's simple: mission accomplished. The main thing is to learn the lesson received from the healer.

2. Guests from the past. These are loved ones, close people or true friends from our past incarnations. When you meet them, you feel as if you have known them all your life. This type of soulmate helps us grow and develop. But communication hardly implies intimacy. Since the meeting has a different mission - to teach us important things. By the way, physical attraction does not arise in these relationships. That case when they say: “Just a friend.” Such people should be appreciated and friendship maintained. They will tell us our true purpose and help us become the best version of ourselves.

3. Relatives by karma. A rather painful relationship if a person does not know how to pacify his egoism. It is important to work on these relationships and overcome suffering. In communication, there is a feeling that these people are reincarnations of our own soul. Relationships will be successful if there is unconditional love.

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4. "Twins." They meet us to teach us how to overcome emotional and spiritual barriers that hinder our growth and development. You can communicate with them for hours, and your soulmates will continue any phrase in their own words. The thought comes to mind that they know more about us than we do ourselves. The main thing in a relationship is to always be honest.

Great feeling

Communication with a spiritually close person gives a feeling of inner harmony, comfort, and relieves negative thoughts. It seems that this is an old acquaintance to whom you can tell everything about yourself and ask him about everything too. Moreover, this is not necessarily a representative of the opposite sex or a peer. Soulmates can also be people of the same gender or with a large age difference.

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Become whole and find something whole

Become a whole person, an individual, instead of wasting valuable time looking for a soul mate that you don’t need. Ask yourself, do you really dream of being dependent on someone else? Perhaps you want someone to be completely dependent on you, not allowing you to live your unique life? Why not instead dream of an equal union of two whole individuals?

People who consider themselves to be someone's other half cannot live without their other half for long. They are prone to anxiety and hate being alone. They exhaust their partners with their jealousy, constantly try to control them, and smother them with unnecessary care. Such people can be compared to small children who are afraid of losing sight of their mother for a long time.

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Halves often separate because they are always not completely sure of their choice. The union of two whole people has a much greater chance of long-term existence.

The opinion of the Orthodox Church

The search for a soul mate will be crowned with success if a person has accepted Christ into his heart. Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich) considers the kinship of souls to be a rare, mysterious and invaluable phenomenon that requires God's help and certain conditions. What does a representative of the Orthodox Church advise?

Metropolitan Anthony says that a soul who loves and seeks God will become a kindred spirit. In this endeavor, people will be able to unite. The only thing that matters is the mutual relationship to Christ. Both people must let the Savior into their hearts. Then they will be able to know true joy and gain hope of meeting in eternity.

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First meeting

Having met a soul mate, a person experiences unusual emotions. If you don’t get lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and get to know your person, changes for the better will begin to happen in your life. Everyday life will be filled with interesting and eventful events, new values ​​and goals will appear. And there will be a feeling that heaven sent us this person to teach us something important, to teach us an important lesson.

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