8 signs by which you can recognize a good person

Photo: Khanbua.Sil, shutterstock (09/07/2019) Psychologists believe that the first impression of a person is formed during the first 8-10 seconds of communication. If the interlocutor made a favorable impression, you can get to know him better by finding out his attitude to certain things and observing his behavior a little. What should you pay special attention to in order to recognize a good person? The answer is in the article!

Good people are loved

Does your interlocutor complain that no one loves or understands him? Perhaps this is true. But we can say with a high degree of confidence that the reason for this dislike is in the person himself. The lack of friends and strained relationships with close relatives are not a sign of a complex, subtle nature, but of a bad character and inability to compromise.

If you communicate with a teenager, it is possible that he really believes that no one loves him. This is due to the fact that during puberty people often conflict with others, proving the right to their own point of view. At the same time, the teenager is loved by his parents, with whom he has temporarily lost understanding. For adults to complain about the dislike of others means admitting immaturity and inability to communicate.

He uses persuasion

The third feature on this list flows smoothly from the previous one. These signs are related to each other by a dialogic maneuver - the favorite technique of a “good person”. If in the previous case the manipulator besieged the potential victim with requests, then here he reaches a new level, successfully using persuasion tactics. Be careful, because even if the hypocrite has not yet mastered this technique, he thinks that you are in his pocket. Persuasion in tandem with pressure can be a powerful and dangerous weapon, especially when an inexperienced victim gets in the way. If you are one of those who are pathologically afraid of saying “no” to other people, then the manipulator has also found his client in you. Even if you don't plan to surrender to the mercy of the winner, you will do it because you don't have enough courage. How to cope if you are besieged by an insidious and calculating schemer? Use common sense and a win-win countermeasure - the ability to say “no” in a tough manner.

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Live environmentally consciously

Environmental awareness is a sign of a developed, mature personality that cares not only about itself, but also about the future of humanity. Signs such as separate waste collection, waste paper collection and refusal of anything that can harm the environment indicate a good person. The environmental consciousness of such people is not a tribute to fashion, but a consequence of their love for nature.

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About original thinking

Why be unconventional at all? To stop being categorized as people who are gray and mediocre. If they like it, then let them! But when a person has a desire to change, to become a little more unusual, this is a “bell”.

Why do you need original thinking? Because it's an engine. Standard thinking relaxes the brain and leads to degradation. A person does not develop, does not receive food for thought, does not leave his comfort zone. Some even live “automatically.”

Regardless, the path to originality and broad thinking is through diversity, new experiences, creativity, and even risk-taking. To become one of these people, you will have to learn to break your usual routine, do what you have never had to do, read, develop.

In fact, everything is very simple - you just need to act. It's just that many people are lazy. Well, it's an individual matter. But whoever wants to, will start. If there is a desire, strength and opportunities will appear.

Make mistakes

Even the best person can make mistakes. Open, conscious people with a developed personality admit that they were wrong and can ask for forgiveness. Persons who are at a lower stage of development will prove to the last that they are not to blame for anything.

A good person, having made a mistake, for example, offending someone, will look for the reason in himself. This will allow you to gain experience that will become the impetus for positive changes. Therefore, with such a person you will not often quarrel over trifles. After all, your friend would prefer to discuss everything and honestly admit that he was wrong.

Manifestations of unusualness

The exclusivity, uniqueness and rarity of a person are manifested at all levels. This includes physiology, biology, spirituality, morality, and psychology.

But in this context, a unique person is one who perceives the information that surrounds him through his own unique prism. This is influenced by his inherent views, attitudes, motives, needs, expectations, etc. All of the above from his youth influences the development of the uniqueness of his spiritual and psychological world.

Where does this uniqueness come from in a person, what factors influence its formation? Surely many will say that education and training play a role here. But this is a very controversial statement. The beginning of the formation of originality is laid by the individual’s craving for self-knowledge - his emotions, feelings, personal attitude towards the world. And of course, inner strength. Without it, you won’t be able to make yourself a person with a capital P.

Talk about themselves

Good people have nothing to hide. They easily talk about themselves, their hobbies, and do not try to look mysterious. However, they do not expect the same openness from others. If you want to keep secrets to yourself, the other person will not insist that you open up. Most likely, you won't want to hide personal information from him.

It is not difficult to recognize a good person. He may differ from generally accepted standards in appearance, for example, have tattoos or hair of an unusual color, or look like a “gray mouse.” But intuition and knowledge of psychology will help you understand who you are dealing with and decide whether it is worth getting to know each other better.

They use forced eye contact

For many of us, an open gaze is a sign of trust. We are used to associating this gesture with an open, friendly person who has nothing to hide. Many hypocrites who pretend to be good are well aware of this psychological trick, so they will try to confuse you. They will try to stare at you with an unpleasant, prickly gaze for so long that you can guess their hidden purpose. As you might expect, they use our interpretation of body language to their advantage, but they do so in a clumsy, arrogant, and unnatural manner. They took this friendly psychological effect, but added negative traits to it. Stay away from a person whose prickly gaze is layered with other eccentric behavior traits. Listen to your inner voice and logic.

Personality characteristics

Words that characterize a person</p>

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