Soul mate: how to recognize such a person? 5 signs

FriendshipLoveSoulmatesexpert opinion

A person who understands us perfectly or without words at all. A man or woman with whom we can be real and open. The closest person, who is not necessarily your relative or chosen one. Who can be called a soul mate?

Source: DR

The good news is that each of us can meet several people during our lives whom we call soul mates. This knowledge is inspiring, because it is so important and great to know that someone in the whole world will be your complete reflection, continuation and advisor. The bad news is that we might not always recognize such a person. So, once we meet, we pass by. Psychologist Tobie Nathan described the signs of a truly soul mate: take a close look at your old and new acquaintances.

Instant recognition

You have just met, but at first glance it is clear to you that this particular person can become your closest and dearest. You think the same, feel the world the same. Moreover, your age difference can be decades. Or were you even born on the same day? You may find that you have the same things, books, or dreams in common.

Some details of your past may be the same. But the most important thing, true and basic, is that both of you are instantly attracted by a magnet. Even if you are thousands of kilometers apart. And it is absolutely impossible to separate, and the question of a personal meeting is just a matter of time. And you both know that there is no such time as “never.”

What are soulmates

Each person puts his own meaning into this phrase. There are several definitions of the concept from different points of view:

  • Religion claims that some souls unite in heaven long before acquiring a physical body on Earth. When they meet in reality, strong sympathy and harmony instantly arises between them. Their spiritual principles unite, and one oversoul is formed for two people.
  • Esotericism claims that a person feels such a connection intuitively: in past incarnations he was familiar with these people, received love, positivity, and joy from communication from them. The theory of reincarnation describes in detail the concept of souls connected by family ties.
  • Psychologists say that a soul mate is a person who understands you well, is always ready to support you, and agree with your opinion. He will not necessarily be around all his life, he may appear to solve a certain problem and then leave.

Karmic connection

No matter how many reincarnations souls have, they are attracted to each other. Even if they do not meet in one life, they will definitely intersect in the next. People don't necessarily become lovers. A strong spiritual connection can be formed between parents and children, brothers and sisters, and friends. Related energies vibrate at the same frequency. Thanks to this, ideal partners understand each other perfectly and experience deep feelings of affection, love, and respect.

Karmic relationships can arise between people if they carry unresolved emotional problems from a past life. Unable to give an outlet to these states, the souls are attracted to each other in the next incarnation and get the opportunity to resolve the current issue. They try on old emotional roles and look for a different, more reasonable choice. A large age difference between a couple (5-15 years) indicates a strong karmic connection.

Soul kinship between a man and a woman

A family where a husband and wife are truly spiritually close people is rare. Meeting a soul mate who will become your loved one is not so easy. According to the theory of reincarnation, such a union is not always smooth, because people learn the same lesson of fate. If they overcome obstacles, their relationship becomes a reward, true happiness. A man and a woman experience not only passion, but also friendship, devotion, a deep spiritual connection, and a feeling of special closeness. A meeting with your soulmate must be earned through noble deeds and self-knowledge.

Frequent or very rare meetings

True soul mates can be neighbors for decades. They can be husband and wife, sisters or twin brothers. Or they can meet once every five years - and not feel the slightest embarrassment, because their metronomes are always tuned to each other and always sound in unison. Both of these extreme situations seem comfortable to you: a soulmate never bothers you so much as to tire you with their presence. A soul mate will never be so far away and for such a long time that you can forget about them. In case of temporary separation, you simply feel each other at a distance and communicate without words (sometimes without even knowing it).

How to find out your soul mate

There is always a chance to meet your person. If you're lucky, you'll feel it right away. The most beautiful thing in such relationships is absolute comfort, tranquility, no need to pretend, play, or pretend. You are mentally relaxed, not ashamed of your shortcomings, and can be trusted with your deepest secret. It’s as if you’ve known such a person for many years, even if you only talked for five minutes. Find out in more detail how to meet a soul mate and recognize her in a stream of people.

Internal sensations

The spiritual energy of your soulmate has a calming effect on you. With such a person you feel comfortable even in silence. You feel deep sympathy, interest, love for him. You want to give your loved one as much care, affection and warmth as possible; you happily give, and not just take. Next to a spiritual friend, you feel inspired, a desire to act, and irrepressible energy.

Emotional connection

From a psychological point of view, souls connected by family ties give each other only positive emotions. They bring joy, happiness, mirror the inner state at different periods of life - they sensitively take over the emotional background. If you believe in the existence of karmic soulmates, be prepared for a storm. They tear your heart, excite your blood, and force you to overcome difficulties. Life with them changes dramatically.

Common interests

Meeting a soul destined by heaven is a great happiness, because she has the same life values ​​as you. Principles, interests, hobbies - all this seems to have been written off from you. You have not one point of contact, but a large number in different areas of life. Together you develop and become better, overcome obstacles, share your best practices and sincerely rejoice for the success of your partner.

You can rejoice together

Does everyone remember the classic aphorism about joy, not compassion? It's very easy to feel sorry for someone else. But not everyone can feel sincere joy for another person. For financial or personal success, a wedding, a big win in the lottery or some other unexpected great happiness. A soul mate can honestly rejoice with you and for you.

Source: DR

A simple example. You are friends with a man and consider him your closest friend. He announces that he is getting married. How will you feel at this moment? A twinge of jealousy? Offense? Sadness? Sincere joy?

How to find your soul mate

There is no very strong attraction between people who are karmically close, so you should not hope that fate itself will bring you together. Opinions on how to meet your soul mate:

  • Psychologists recommend understanding emotions. It is worth understanding your inner world, feeling what you really want. By communicating with new people and showing your true self, you will find like-minded people, those individuals who are similar to you in many ways. Contact with a large number of people of different ages is important.
  • Religion calls to turn to your guardian angel, Archangel Hamail or an enlightened master. Discuss with him the desire to meet a loved one, then pay attention to dreams, signals and events. Guardian angels communicate with each other, so they can organize a meeting of souls connected by family ties.
  • You can meet a karmically close person when you become yourself and enter your element. He will burst into your life unexpectedly, and may cause pain and suffering in order to break the negative cycle of past reincarnations. If you can step over your Ego, you will find a happy relationship, unconditional love, and understanding.

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It's Me: 10 Signs You're Soul Mates

You can live under the same roof, drink coffee and tea together in the morning, while reading each other good jokes from your pages on social networks. Or, on the contrary, you live in different countries and even on different continents, meet once a month or even twice a year, but at the same time you do not lose this thread, a thin thread that holds you tightly, does not allow you to come to your senses for a long time at each meeting and seeming to get used to each other again.

Katya Medushevskaya

This thread is like an artery, it seems to nourish your relationship. It’s as if you are becoming very close thanks to her, family, as if you were born from the same parents. It's like you are twins or even twins, although there may be an age difference between you. But who looks at her in such a relationship?

These are called soul mates. The most important sign that you have met your soul mate is that you feel like you have known each other your whole life. And this feeling should be born spontaneously, it should be deep and not require explanation. As soon as you feel it, congratulations, you have your own mental twin, your own soul mate.

Do you want to find out if you have a soul mate? Let's check for other signs, after all, it doesn't hurt to remember your friends at least sometimes

This is my closest friend

One of the most important conditions for a relationship with a soul mate is friendship. You can be married to this person, you can be lovers - it doesn't matter. Let's put passion aside - you should be friends. The most important quality of friendship is respect. In love, especially in its early stages, respect is secondary. Therefore, as soon as you have reached the point of respect in your relationship with a guy, you can consider him as a candidate for the title of “soul mate”.

Emotional intimacy

You laugh at some jokes, but similar moments upset you. You don’t even have to explain a lot to each other, you just guess: he/she will like it. And you are never wrong in your predictions!

Do you have your own favorite routine?

In which you are not bored:) In general, one of the important signs of kindred spirits is comfortable silence together. If you have something to keep silent about with a person, and you don’t feel awkward, you’re not frantically looking for a topic of conversation to fill the silence, then most likely you have found your soul mate.

A soulmate doesn't ask for excuses, you don't need to explain anything to her, with her you finally become yourself.

You don't drink milk

Or you don’t put sugar in your tea, or you don’t drink whiskey, or you don’t like TV shows with laughter behind the scenes, or some other “or”. In any case, you should have the same likes and dislikes. Not necessarily everything - you can agree on one thing, but very significant, for example. But there are certainly similarities, delve into yourself and your friend who is aiming for the vacancy of a “soul mate”, look for how you are similar to him :)

How to explain this?

This relationship is different and difficult to explain. It's unlike any other relationship you've had. They are dissimilar precisely because of this inexplicability. You just feel each other on some deep level. At the level of the subtle body.

Are you comfortable with his/her friends?

Your soulmate is your mental twin, we've already decided that. Therefore, he chooses his friends from people with whom you would be friends. You feel comfortable with them, as if they were your friends. Listen, are you comfortable with your boyfriend's friends? If not, then maybe let him stay on the bench of loved ones for now, and not relatives?

Everyone can see it

People notice the connection between you. Again, don't confuse it with a romantic relationship. Kindred souls do not hide; it is as if some kind of magical light and warmth emanates from them. Everyone sees that there are people nearby who feel each other. In a word, such relationships are noticeable.

I can feel it

This is where intuition kicks in at full power. And if you don’t even know if you have intuition, then a relationship with a soul mate is the best platform for testing and checking it. If you intuitively feel that there is something wrong with this person, that he is not saying something, if you don’t need words or explanations, you feel everything, then your soul mate is next to you.

You are one

You complement each other, together you become something whole. This is the person you want to call first to brag about your achievements. You know that only this person knows how to support you, he shares your goals and inspires you. I want to meet my soul mate more often. You want to feel her physically, but if she is far away, then you communicate a lot online or by phone.

The best remedy for the north wind

Only your soulmate knows how to calm you down. She has a unique pill that helps get rid of anxiety, fear or stress. Your soulmate feels you better than others, and you listen to all her advice as if it were your own thoughts.

When someone tells you that every person has a soul mate, don't think about love. Most likely, this phrase refers to soul mates. We go through life in search not of a husband, but of our soul mate, with whom we will finally calm down and live, and not wander.

A soul mate is our inner grounding. And if you have such a person, give him a hug or call him and tell him how much you love him. And if not, it means that your soul mate is somewhere gaining experience to match you.

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