How to find out that a wife is cheating on her husband: signs and test. How to spot your wife's infidelity: 15 first signs of a lover's appearance

How to recognize your wife’s infidelity by signs and signals without ruining the relationship? What if, in fact, your beloved does not have a second man, and you are simply making a mess, ruining the life of the whole family? Or maybe, on the contrary, you risk being branded a cuckold, and remembering this betrayal for many days? In this article, you will learn specific signs of infidelity, by which you will definitely understand that it is time to clarify something in a relationship, and what to do is extremely undesirable.

How does a woman who cheats behave?

There are many signs that indicate a wife’s infidelity. Most often, the behavior of the other half changes. She now hides with her phone all the time, and communication on social networks is hidden.

Regarding behavior, it may not change, but most often the woman feels desired again. She can change her wardrobe, go on a diet. Most often, a representative of the fair sex can shirk doing housework. She prefers to spend more time on herself. Therefore, more and more often the spouse will be left without a tasty dinner.

How does a woman who cheats behave?

What to do next

Before you do anything else, you need to decide if you want to save your marriage. Are you ready to leave your wife or is your marriage worth fighting for?

Give yourself time to think. We recommend that you talk to a psychologist who can help you understand your emotions and tell you what steps to take next.

Testing your wife's fidelity

and all the secrets of your soulmate on social networks in the

How to determine your wife's infidelity by menstruation?

It is difficult to determine from the dates whether a woman has a lover or not, but there is still a possibility. If your lover is taking hormonal contraceptives, there may be cases of opening a new package in order to delay her period. It is during this period that the wife will go to a friend or stay late at work.

According to statistics, about 50% of all infidelity occurs during the period of ovulation or immediately after menstruation. Therefore, be vigilant during this period. The most interesting thing is that about 11% of all children are not born from the legal father who is indicated on the certificate. Most often this happens when a woman's vagina contains the sperm of two men, one from her lover and the other from her husband.

How to determine your wife's infidelity by menstruation?

Main reasons

As a rule, a woman is pushed to take a desperate step by long-term problems in family relationships for which solutions cannot be found. It is worth looking at the situation as detachedly and objectively as possible in order to understand exactly what disagreements caused the betrayal:

  • Revenge. Often a woman starts an affair to take revenge for similar behavior on the part of her husband. This step out of resentment and despair adds problems to a family already bursting at the seams; instead of the expected feeling of satisfaction, the woman begins to feel guilty.
  • Coldness and indifference. The beginning of a relationship is often accompanied by romantic advances, beautiful deeds and gallant behavior on the part of the man.
    But, feeling that a woman has been “conquered,” you can relax, stop complimenting her, help with household chores less often, and show your negative qualities. You will take her attention and care for granted. A woman who is constantly in need of proof of love will look for it on the side, with the man who will remind her of all the delights of the “candy-bouquet” period.
  • Dissatisfaction with sex. Problems in your intimate life can cause your wife to cheat on you.
    Boredom and monotony in bed, treating sex as a duty, reproaches and bullying regarding her appearance and actions from a man can force a woman to go in search of another sexual partner. Perhaps you do not accept any type of sex that your spouse enjoys, or you have stopped taking care of your appearance and hygiene. Another possible reason: fear of talking about your sexual fantasies for fear of being misunderstood. In these cases, the woman will look for a lover who will fulfill her erotic dreams.
  • Low self-esteem. The desire to catch admiring glances and flirt with other men is an attempt to increase the self-esteem of a woman who feels undervalued, ugly and unsexy in a relationship. By giving a few compliments, a guy can earn her attention and favor. Sometimes the matter is not limited to simple flirting, and attempts to convince yourself and others of your own beauty lead to full-fledged betrayal.
  • Routine. The monotony and lack of romance in family relationships can bore even the most patient wife.
    The birth of children, the burden of daily hassle and constant stress fall on a woman’s shoulders. Many couples experience a crisis when partners reach the age of 40. It is then that internal dissatisfaction reaches its peak, and emotional intimacy gradually fades away. If you do not add passion and unpredictability to family life, a woman will begin to look for variety with another partner.
  • Quarreling. Misunderstandings and conflicts are a natural part of a relationship in which both partners strive to get their point across.
    But one thing is arguments during which you come to a compromise, and another thing is constant quarrels accompanied by mutual insults, insults, raised voices and hysterics. Any person in family life wants peace, and one day a woman will go to a place where she will feel calm and peace, and not eternal tension.
  • Jealousy. Constant groundless accusations of infidelity can push a wife to cheat. Not receiving the required degree of trust from you, she will wonder whether it is worth remaining faithful to a man who does not value it. The opposite situation is also possible: an overly jealous wife, noticing signs of your potential betrayal in everything, may decide to take a retaliatory step.

In many cases, cheating on your wife can be prevented if you pay enough attention to her, respect her experiences and problems, and calmly discuss misunderstandings that arise between you in a timely manner.

How can you tell if your wife is cheating by looking at her panties?

The easiest way is to take your lover's panties to the laboratory. Within 72 hours after sexual intercourse, the laboratory will be able to determine the presence of lubricant or seminal fluid of another man on the panties.

Of course, not all men will do such an act, so the fact of purchasing new panties should be alarming. If you see new lingerie, corsets, stockings and panties in your beloved wife’s nightstand, but she doesn’t wear them for you, you should think about possible betrayal.

How can you tell if your wife is cheating by looking at her panties?

If your wife cheated, how can you tell by her body?

There are several signs of cheating:

  • Bruises. They may appear on the thighs, abdomen, arms or chest. In a fit of passion, lovers may not control themselves, or the wife may decide to experiment in bed.
  • Irritation. It can be observed on the face when lovers kiss. Men's stubble irritates delicate women's skin.
  • Smell. It could be the smell of a man's perfume or cologne. In addition, a sweat odor may occur.

If your wife cheated, how can you tell by her body?

Is thrush a sign of an unfaithful wife?

No, if you get thrush after having sex again, you shouldn’t immediately blame your wife for infidelity. Very often, candidiasis occurs after taking antibiotics, using synthetic underwear and hypothermia. Thrush is not a sign of infidelity.

Is thrush a sign of an unfaithful wife?

Statistics: how often do wives cheat on their husbands, and girls cheat on guys?

Now you can find disappointing statistics that infidelity occurs in 70% of married couples. But there is no unity among women's and men's sites regarding gender data in this regard. If on sites for the stronger half, the figures for female infidelity are often underestimated, then on ladies' resources it is indicated that over 75% of men are unfaithful in marriage. Should you rely on such statistics? Most likely no. In addition, you need to understand the reason for each individual betrayal. You can be a good husband and an exemplary father, but the statistics can be spoiled by domestic tyrants, drunks and outright womanizers, for whom cheating is not a sin, but a way of salvation for a humiliated wife.

Sexual signs of wife's infidelity

Changes in sex:

  • Your wife asks you for some innovations. This could be a change in position or the use of some sex toys.
  • Coldness during intimacy. The wife does not want sex, but does not refuse. During lovemaking she looks indifferent.
  • Denies intimacy. The wife says she has a headache or is tired. He tries in every possible way to avoid sex.

Sexual signs of wife's infidelity

Physiological signs of female infidelity

There are also physiological signs of betrayal. Just don’t be constantly jealous and find fault with your wife. Jealousy can do more harm than betrayal.

Signs of betrayal:

  • My wife comes home straight from work and runs to the shower. Most likely, she is hiding something. It could be the smell or traces of sex.
  • There is wool or threads on the clothes. If you don’t have a cat at home, and your wife doesn’t wear a black down jacket, but there are black threads or fluff on her blouse, then you should suspect something is wrong.
  • The smell of cleanliness. If your wife comes home from work and smells like shampoo or shower gel, be wary. Especially if there is no shower at work.
  • Abrasions, bruises. Often after sex, bites, hickeys, and scratches may remain on the body.
  • Shabby hairstyle. Smeared cosmetics and a mess on your head can indicate betrayal. You can often see arrows on tights.

Physiological signs of female infidelity

Of course, you should be careful and not try to sort things out. In addition, constant suspicions can destroy a family even without betrayal.

Why is she unfaithful?

  1. Passion. Sudden, merciless. A woman forgets about everything, is ready to give up her family, her usual way of life for the sake of a dubious spark. The feeling of dissatisfaction, irritability, the desire to cut off previous ties or, conversely, a deep feeling of guilt worsens.
  2. Retribution. Repay rudeness, disrespect or betrayal in the same coin. As they say, to spite my enemies I will sell the goat so that the children do not drink milk. Let the scoundrel know how painful it is. It is characteristic of inexperienced young individuals, as well as individuals with low self-esteem.
  3. Backup option. Especially unpleasant. Every man strives to be the first, the main thing for a lady. The prospect of constant competition may amuse the fair sex, but will not arouse much enthusiasm in the spouse.
  4. Compensation. Making up for a deficiency and a subconscious attempt to cause jealousy and attract attention.
  5. Sex. Banal lust, the search for new sensations, which for some reasons cannot be realized in a marital relationship.
  6. Boredom. Thirst for experiments, variety, changes in life, plus an excess of free time.
  7. Increased importance in your own eyes. Often, in the heat of a quarrel, we make reproaches like “Who needs you, besides me?” Sound familiar? Low self-esteem, the desire to assert oneself, plays a bad joke, pushing a woman to test the truth of this statement in practice.
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