How to find out if your wife is cheating? 16 signs and 3 sure ways to find out the truth

The article will tell men how to detect signs of female infidelity and accurately determine the infidelity of their spouse.

It is equally unpleasant for both women and men to find themselves in the role of a deceived spouse. However, if male infidelities are actively discussed, and wives do not hesitate to share details of love affairs “on the side” of their unfaithful “halves,” then deceived men often try to hide the real situation in the family from prying eyes until the last moment.

Possible reasons for female infidelity

If a man doubts his wife’s fidelity, he will have to watch her for a while and only then draw conclusions.

Are there 100% signs that your wife is cheating?

Yes, if there is another man in your bed next to her.
In other cases, everything, alas, is not so obvious. Let's say more - if the infidelity was one-time and accidental, then it is almost impossible to find out that the wife cheated.

But if she started an affair on the side, and it has been going on for some time, that’s a different matter. We have collected for you the first signs that may be warning signs of adultery for your other half.

And for each they remembered a logical explanation that had nothing to do with betrayal. Therefore, read, compare, but do not rush to draw conclusions.

Folk signs

When a married woman has a lover, she begins to change. At the same time, many men may point blank not notice obvious things, continuing to blindly believe in a happy fairy tale called “The Ideal Family.”

At the initial stage of the investigation, folk signs will help. So our great-grandfathers could easily identify female infidelity by a simple sign - the wife began to mention the name of another man too often. She can compare him with you, praise him, or, on the contrary, scold his behavior, thereby trying to abstract herself from the internal unpleasant feeling of betrayal.

One of the signs of folk wisdom is her long and thoughtful gaze. If your wife suddenly begins to sit for a long time and look at one point with a worried look, this may indicate that she is trying to find the right words to confess her sin. But you cannot take this sign as a basis, because thoughtfulness in itself is not a sign of betrayal.

Three sure ways to find out that a wife has cheated on her husband

Do you want to detect your wife’s infidelity with 100% accuracy, and no or/ands suit you? Well, here are three ways that will give you the answer.

Good old surveillance

Follow her movements yourself or hire a detective. In the first case, you will have to sacrifice time, in the second, money. And in both - with pride.

Call on technology for help

Hack the password on her accounts, take her dirty panties to the laboratory, or take your wife to take a lie detector test. All these options will not only give you the exact answer, but will almost certainly lead to divorce. Because, regardless of whether your spouse cheated or not, your behavior will anger her, and maybe even scare her.

How can you tell infidelity by looking at your underpants?

Undoubtedly, there are many ways to find out that a wife is cheating on her husband. However, when considering the issue, you simply can’t go far. Pay attention to your wife's panties to determine her infidelity (or, conversely, fidelity).

  • The wife has in her arsenal panties that are so sexy and at the same time uncomfortable that she wears them only for sex scenes. She used to wear these panties to seduce you, but she hasn't done that for a long time. If you see that your wife is putting on such panties again, and not when you go to bed, or new underwear of a similar type has appeared in her wardrobe, then be wary.
  • My wife actually started buying new underwear. Moreover, she puts it on not before having sex with you, but before leaving for work or meeting with friends, as she says. It’s even worse if the wife hides such purchases.
  • You smell men's perfume on your wife's clothes. Of course, he could stay with her if she uses public transport. However, if you constantly hear the same smell, then it can no longer be a coincidence.
  • After arriving home, the wife immediately goes to the shower. If this phenomenon does not occur in the summer, when she can simply go for a swim to wash off the sweat and dirt, then you need to think about whether she is trying to remove all the smells and traces of another man in this way. However, if her lover wears long-lasting perfume, then even a shower will not help hide his smell. If you smell masculine scents on your wife’s body, but she herself does not use masculine perfumes, then suspicion should increase.
  • Smell your wife's panties. Many men claim that the smell of sex cannot be confused with anything else. You can notice this smell on her panties, although sex does not imply their presence on her.
  • Think about why your wife buys sexy lingerie but doesn’t wear it to be intimate with you. If you haven’t had sex at all for a long time, then why does your wife make “sexual” purchases, but does not use them to seduce you?
  • Offer your wife sex almost immediately after she comes home, cleans herself up and relaxes. A woman who is already satisfied will certainly not overshadow herself with intimacy with a man who is no longer interesting to her.
  • Pay attention to your wife's body, especially places like her breasts, neck and bikini area. If you notice redness, bites, or hickeys there, then they obviously happened for a reason. Redness is possible if a woman sweats. However, bites from human teeth and hickeys certainly cannot be caused by clothing and heat.

Psychology. Why do women cheat on men?

Women's psychology is designed in such a way that betrayal occurs as a result of the emergence of feelings. As it happens, the one who is nearby becomes annoying, seems unpleasant, annoying. The forbidden man becomes a real treasure for her, which makes her inaccessible. If he still shows truly masculine qualities, the woman begins to fall in love. Such loves pass over time and bring disappointment. But for some time the woman is sure that this man is her only destiny.

What is the difference between male and female infidelity:

  1. feelings. For men, cheating is a physiological process; they do not need feelings to cheat. It’s different with women, the fact of physical contact is not so important to them, they cheat on their husbands only because they feel a feeling of falling in love;
  2. choice of partner. Male infidelities are characterized by less picky choices. Simply put, it is enough for them that their mistress is beautiful in appearance. Women don't cheat with just anyone. They take lovers from a list of worthy gentlemen;
  3. story after action. Men who take a mistress do not get divorced. This is not profitable for them - life at home is organized, there are bright emotions and new impressions on the side. Why change everything if everything is great? For women, a different approach is typical. If they are in love, then they try to break off the relationship with their already unloved husband and build new ones with their lover.

How to prevent female infidelity in the family?

Women's adventures occur when a new feeling arises. Therefore, if adultery has already occurred, it will be difficult for the spouse to return everything back and achieve the former idyll.

The woman will most likely be ready to break off the relationship and plunge headlong into new feelings. To be honest, few men are ready to forgive their beloved for betrayal.

The opinions of psychologists on this issue converge; it is better not to bring the situation to the extreme boiling point, and mutually start working on the relationship. There are different methods. But all psychologists agree on one aspect - if you leave family life as it is, with mutual claims and grievances, it is unlikely that you will be able to save the relationship.

Here are some basic tips for men that will help you establish contact with your beloved and significantly improve family ties without any visible effort:

  1. take time for your loved one. Undoubtedly, work is exhausting, and when you come home you want only one thing - to rest, so that no one will bother you. But if you spend a few minutes with your spouse - ask how she is doing, what new happened during the day - it will take a little time, but it will restore contact and soften the heart of your beloved;
  2. be more to her than a passport spouse. In order for a married woman to be as attached to her husband as possible - become her friend, father, lover - in general, she should receive all types of male help from you. If you can listen to her, give practical advice, nail a shelf, give affection and tenderness, she will not want to look for another gentleman on the side;
  3. quarrel. A family in which all claims are hushed up and swallowed by the parties will not live long. It is impossible to accumulate grievances without exploding one fine day. Therefore, all psychologists unanimously say: there is a problem - it needs to be solved. Speak out your grievances, try to find a solution through joint efforts. And remember that you also need to be able to quarrel. Ugly shouts, insults and obscene language will not lead to a solution to the issue;
  4. talk openly about the intimate side of life. Many couples are embarrassed to discuss their sexual problems with each other and what they like in bed. General dissatisfaction has a negative impact on relationships. Against this background, it seems quite strange that cheating with a stranger seems to many people to be a normal way out of the situation. Despite the fact that there were no attempts to talk to my other half. In practice, couples who dared to discuss intimate life discovered their partner in a new way, breathed bright colors into the relationship;
  5. Respect is the basis of relationships. Remember this, try to pay maximum attention to respect. If a person does not respect his loved one, then the marriage is doomed to failure. Listen to your wife, tell her that you expect the same from her;
  6. Do not plunge into the abyss of everyday problems. An established lifestyle sucks you in and deprives you of any desire to embark on adventures - that’s the problem. This reason leads, according to statistics, to a lot of divorces. Arranging a small surprise just like that is not difficult, but it’s so nice. Such moments are remembered best and improve the atmosphere between spouses;
  7. Don't be overly jealous. Unfounded suspicions, constant nagging and total control are not helpful for healthy family relationships. The woman will get tired of receiving accusations of non-existent treason, and will actually commit it.

Note! Female infidelity is an action that is preceded by a long preparatory period. Women’s move to the “left” is not made out of fleeting emotions; it is realized after a thorough analysis of the situation and many hours of painful thoughts.

Delays at work.

If your wife is not expected to move up the career ladder, and in recent years she has consistently returned from work at the same time, then you should suspect her of infidelity if she suddenly begins to stay late often and for a long time. Try asking where she disappears and look at her reaction:

  • Or the wife begins to make excuses, to compose various stories, putting on an angelic look, and the stories are full of details that are rather ill-considered.
  • Or the wife reacts aggressively and negatively to the fact that you ask her such a question and remains silent.
  1. Walking in an unknown direction.

Also notice how the wife explains her desire to leave the house unless she is going to work. Usually women want to tell where they are going and what they will do. If your wife hides the path of her walks, then perhaps she is hiding something. You can follow her to know where she goes.

What is convenient for a colleague lover?

Among the effective ways to satisfy spiritual and physical needs on the side, women choose:

  • affairs at work;
  • sexual relationship with a fan from the Internet;
  • cheating with a colleague on hobbies (tennis, dancing, gym);
  • intimacy with a friend, ex-boyfriend or best friend;
  • casual connection at a gala event.

Cheating on wives at work is the most popular type of female infidelity.

The famous theorist in the field of interpersonal relationships and effective psychoanalysis, Napoleon Hill, drew a sharp parallel between professional productivity and sexual satisfaction. He believed that sexual intercourse helps a person to function as intensely as possible spiritually and psychologically, thereby increasing his performance. The lack of a quality intimate life, on the contrary, prevents you from achieving personal growth and upsets the balance between productivity and creative impulses.

Through research, Hill came to the conclusion that these algorithms are known to people on an unconscious level. Being in a successful work environment, the unconscious will begin to look for ways to satisfy needs at a time. The target for this will be a physically attractive colleague.

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