15 Sure Signs That You Have Great Friends

Incredible facts

An old saying goes: “Surround yourself with people you want to be like.”

It’s easy to guess that, often, the environment of successful people consists of equally successful people, and optimists establish relationships with equally optimistic people.

How to understand who exactly could potentially become your best friend?

In this article, we will draw your attention to 15 clear signs that “your” person is next to you.

Best Friend Qualities

1. They listen to you

Everyone has unpleasant situations in life, from which it is difficult to find a way out on their own. It is at such moments that true friends come to the rescue, listening to you and supporting you morally. What’s important is that a good friend doesn’t just listen, but tells you whether you’re right or wrong. As a rule, the advice of loved ones is very practical.

2. They care about you

As the well-known proverb says, a friend is a friend in need. This is actually the honest truth, because real friends do not regret wasting their time on you. They know that you will also come to their aid, because your relationship is valuable and important both for them and for you. If a friend finds out that you urgently need help, he will be where you need it at the right time.

3. You are offered suitable entertainment

There is nothing wrong with relaxing with friends without any reason. The difference between your closest friends and ordinary acquaintances is that a friend knows exactly where and how to spend the evening so that you remember it for the rest of your life. At the same time, you don’t have to do anything illegal, because relaxing with your best friends can relieve stress and significantly improve your mood both in a nightclub and on a modest picnic.

4. A friend knows when enough is enough.

Any party, any gatherings and events end sooner or later. However, not all people are able to soberly assess their condition and realize when it is time to return home. If at this moment there are no loved ones near the person, the vacation can end in tears.

True friends know exactly the limits of your capabilities and are always ready to “insure” you. It would not be amiss to mention that if your best friends are next to you, even if you are drunk, you will be taken home safe and sound.

What is love

It is very difficult to talk about love from a scientific perspective. But without science, it will be impossible to deal with feelings. For everyone, love is characterized by its own judgments. But in any case, it has 3 defining characteristics that are connected by common features for each individual case.

Initially, the feeling is associated with the degree of frankness. The existing trust between partners is a complex psychological process that is determined by common views and feelings. During love there is no fear of the manifestation of the true “I”. On the contrary, under the influence of this wonderful feeling you are motivated to express yourself. You are ready to be yourself and are happy to show your real self.

The next important factor is physical attraction. You look at your partner, and you like him madly, regardless of his external characteristics. This form of communication is only appropriate in romantic relationships. We can say that attraction fuels feelings that stimulate mutual embodiment of sympathy in your partner.

And the final, but no less important factor is loyalty. A real desire to share your time with your partner is a very important point in a love relationship. Also, there is such a nuance that the couple does not break up when they encounter difficulties. On the contrary, it becomes stronger, helping each other overcome them. No one else from the environment is perceived by them as an object of desire.

How to recognize a true friend

5. Communication is good for you.

Even if a person is your best friend, you do not have to agree with his position or opinion, because it is worth remembering that all people, even the closest ones, are completely different. At the same time, it is still worth sometimes listening to the advice of friends, because sometimes they know you even better than you yourself.

Such communication can enrich you with invaluable experience, open your eyes to your shortcomings, and maybe even to hidden talents that you had not noticed before.

6. You are supported

A good friend will support you in any endeavor if he sees that it makes you truly happy. Your actions may not be to his liking, but if you are truly passionate and your ideas do not harm anyone, a true friend will definitely understand this.

If there is a person next to you whom you truly trust, you can be sure that even a bad streak will not darken your life. After all, as long as such a person is nearby, you are not afraid of thunderstorms or snowfalls, and this must be appreciated.

7. They tell you the truth

True friends will not lie to you if they really value your relationship. Exceptions include questions: “What do I look like?” and “Does this dress make me look fat?” After all, if you feel comfortable in this dress, your friend will not upset you.

However, when it comes to a real lie, a good friend will not be able to fall for it. He will do this with great reluctance and on very rare occasions. Basically, true friends avoid lying because your relationship is important to them.

8. They care about you

People tend to care about loved ones, and friends are no exception. If your best friend doesn't hear from you for a long time, he will definitely worry about you, because you mean a lot to him.

At the same time, it’s worth remembering that sometimes people are busy, sick or just tired, so if a friend doesn’t call you or doesn’t write to you for a while, this doesn’t mean that he has completely forgotten about you.

Your tastes may not be the same, but you compromise

For example, your friend loves documentaries, but you are in the mood to watch a light comedy in the evening. Real friends won't fight over this. Most likely, they will decide to watch both films in the evening.

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Signs of a good friend

9. Friends know when you need to be alone.

Every person has periods in life when he wants to retire and be alone with himself. Work, family or health problems can put pressure on a person, and he will want to devote some time only to himself.

True friends understand instantly when the moment comes that requires him to leave you alone for a while. You can be sure that they will be there for you the moment you need it again, and will also understand when you need to unwind.

10. You don't have to always reciprocate.

In true friendship, no one forces anyone to do anything. Your desire to help and support must be sincere. Only then will there be no hypocrisy in friendship, and balance will be maintained for many years.

If you are going through a difficult period in your life, and you are simply not capable of the same emotions as your friends, they will definitely understand this and wait for the moment when you are “on track” again.

11. You can call at any time

Before starting this point, it is worth placing some restrictions on the phrase “at any time.” Undoubtedly, if something extraordinary happened, your friend will not judge you for calling you at night, but, on the contrary, will listen to you and help you.

However, you should not abuse your friendship, because your loved ones are ordinary people who have their own lives and their own needs. You should not call a person at three in the morning or six in the morning without a good reason. If, of course, you really value your friendship.

Types of friendship in psychology

Friendship can be situational:

  • Business friendship. A common cause and goal can unite, unite and make friends.
  • Friendship in the office. With constant contacts during working hours, the formation of more trusting and close relationships between colleagues is inevitable.

For children, women and men, being friends is good for your health.

Here are some examples of what friendship can be:

► Children's room. Touching, naive, with common games, with first friends. Growing up begins with it: the child learns to share, help, and be attentive.

► Youth. A person grows and becomes more selective in relationships, attachments appear, friends acquire a separate status. Friendship helps self-affirmation. There is a division - boys are friends with boys, girls - with girls.

It has been proven that friendly relationships that began as students more often remain so throughout life than school friendships.

► Women's. It has been said a lot that there are no real female friendships, and that often the end of these friendships is a man. Nevertheless, there are a huge number of examples of devoted, long-term female friendships.

► Men's. Since ancient times, men have united in order to get food together or resist enemies. A man needs friendship, which is based on trust and mutual assistance. Remember, as an example, the friendship of the musketeers from Dumas’s novel, based on support, mutual protection, and common resolution of issues.

It is believed that the signs of true friendship between men and women differ: for a woman, the emotional component is important in relationships with her friends, for men - a commonality of interests, goals and objectives. It is important for a woman to talk it out with her friends; as a result, a stress-reducing and calming hormone is produced - oxytocin.

It is curious that psychologists advise women to be friends evenly, which is why in the film “Sex and the City” four friends always communicate comfortably, the “third wheel” situation is excluded.

► Friendship between a man and a woman. Here opinions are divided. Some experts claim that such relationships are possible, others categorically deny the existence of friendship between a woman and a man. According to the latter, in the overwhelming majority of cases, a man sees a woman as a potential love partner. It happens that one of the friends is in love and becomes friends, hoping for reciprocity. Indeed, alliances that grow out of friendship are not uncommon and are considered strong.

The following types of friendship can be distinguished by role forms:

✔️ Compassionate people. Helpers in difficult situations who can provide moral support can replace each other as a psychotherapist.

✔️ Comrades. They are engaged in a common cause, a project, and have similar interests.

✔️ Interlocutors. They are mutually interested in communication, have a lot in common that can be discussed, are united by a high degree of mutual understanding, and are attracted by the opportunity to be heard.

✔️ Alter ego. Friends are united by similarity on a subconscious level, the desire to complement and be similar to each other.

✔️ Ideal. In a relationship, one of the friends acts as an ideal, a role model, motivates to become better, to learn something.

✔️ Recharging. One of the friends “recharges” and energetically feeds the other, inspires and restores the joy of life.

Psychologists have identified the basic laws of friendship, according to which opposites do not attract; very rarely are those who can be defined as “different” people long friends. Scientists from Darmouth College in Hanover have proven that friendships are often formed in accordance with the psychological type of personality. For example, introverts are mostly friends with introverts, and extroverts are friends with extroverts.

The rules of friendship involve an emotional exchange, the result of which is a decrease in the severity of stress, relief of tension, the emergence of confidence and a positive attitude. With frequent communication with friends, the level of progesterone in the human body increases, this leads to psychological relaxation and a decrease in stress levels.

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