Third Eye: 5 Signs You Can See the Future

Preparation for the process

First of all, you need to decide why you want to learn how to see the future. Motives must be positive. The next thing is daily practice. Nothing happens right away, it has to be training every day. If you don't take the process of acquiring this new skill seriously, you shouldn't expect a good result. However, you should not be upset if the ability to see the future does not appear in you after a week of training; some time must pass. For this process, choose a place where you feel comfortable, so that no one will distract you.

Video lessons on how to learn to recognize the future

Wonderful question, isn't it? Millions of people want to know what the future holds for them! Someone turns over the pages of a horoscope every day, hoping to see the inscription: “ Today you will become a millionaire.”

“, others use a more professional level and go to Baba Vara, who rolls eggs for your money, plucks her beard, casting spells, tells fortunes on her feet, or sits on a dragon and brews a potion... She is ready to do anything as long as she gets paid...

The worst thing is that these people always have clients who are very happy to pay for guesses about their future. I recently heard that there is a man in Africa to whom people from all over the country come to hear his predictions. This man uses goat entrails to guess the weather for the next day... Not a bad way to have fun and earn money for the next goat.

I hope you have already realized how absurd the above methods are. Today I will share with you a secret, thanks to which you yourself can predict your future.

The thing is that those thoughts, actions, reactions to the events that happened in your life led you to where you are today. The way you think is instantly reflected in your results. You can remember this simple formula:

M + D (+/-) = P
Thought + Action (positive or negative) = Result

Where do thoughts come from? The formation of a person’s personality is influenced by his environment: who he communicates with, where he lives, what he sees, what he hears, what he does. New information, new knowledge, new communication - push for the emergence of new thoughts and ideas. For example, after completing my training or talking with me, new ideas and thoughts will be born in your head, because... the information that I will present to you will be positive, which means your thoughts will be positive.

If you watch the news on TV every day and feed on the information that comes from the mouths of correspondents, you will receive corresponding thoughts.

Once you have a bright thought or idea, write it down urgently, because... it has been proven that it will stay in your head for exactly 37 seconds, after which it will leave without a trace. I am sure that you have noticed more than once how a good thought comes in the evening, which is simply impossible to remember in the morning.

The next step is ACTION.

If you have written down your thought or idea, you have 72 hours to implement it. After the expiration of the term, you will only have a good memory of the fact that you once had a wonderful thought or idea.

Action (+)

is a positive action aimed at a positive result.

Action (-)

is an inaction or negative action that will lead to undesirable results.

The most interesting thing is that you yourself have the right to decide how to act: positively or negatively, which means that 100% responsibility for all your actions lies with you! I recommend that you do positive things that are aimed at building you and this world. Do not under any circumstances do actions that are contrary to the laws of the country in which you live and that violate the Commandments of God.

By receiving a thought and acting, you instantly get the result in the form of where you are today, what you have, what you feel and experience... Don’t like it? You can change everything!

When life hands you a lemon, don't complain—make lemonade out of it.

Napoleon Hill

As you can see, a lot depends on our thoughts, which are formed by our environment. Surround yourself with positivity: read inspiring literature, communicate with good and positive people, do good deeds and get the desired result.

There is no need to go to fortune tellers and psychics - watch your thoughts and actions today, which will determine where you will be tomorrow!

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Do you want to become Vanga, do you want to master the gift of Wolf Messing, do you have the intention of learning to predict the future like Nostradamus? How to predict the future? You always want to know what awaits you ahead. After all, the ability to predict the future will help you avoid stepping on a rake, putting in a straw, and in general, it can save someone’s life. Predicting the future is a gift. But how to learn this? Let's find out now.

How to enter a trance?

To obtain mystical visions and necessary information from the past or future, ancient yogis and mystics used an altered state of consciousness or trance.
In this section, we will consider a simple classical method of gradually entering a trance state to extract information from the subconscious and foresee the future. Lie down on a hard surface or bed. Do not use pillows and try to keep your back straight. You can also sit in a comfortable chair. Loosen tight clothing. Relax!

Stage 1

While in a comfortable, relaxed position, begin to monitor your breathing. Don't control the breathing process, just monitor it. As you inhale, repeat SO-O-O-O, and as you exhale, repeat HAM-M-M-M. This is an ancient yogic Mantra for tracking the breath. Gradually monitoring your breathing, you will feel that breathing occurs on its own and you no longer need to say SO-HAM to yourself. This means that you are in the first stage of trance. Your thoughts and worries should disappear at this stage.

Stage 2

Now, continuing to breathe in your natural rhythm, use your will to stop even the slightest movements of your body and muscles. Begin the relaxation phase. Starting from the head, face and neck muscles and gradually to the feet, relax each muscle. Pass your attention over each individual muscle and mentally say “my eyelids relax, relax, my eyes relax, relax, my shoulders relax, relax, etc.” So go through your entire body from head to toe. Repeat the process three or four times. Go through the body again and again until you feel numbness and insensibility throughout the body. It is also possible that you will feel the state of falling into the abyss. Don’t be alarmed, if this comes, it means you are relaxed enough to move to the next level.

Stage 3

When you have balanced your breathing and are sufficiently relaxed, begin to repeat the mantra Ommmmm, Ommmmmm to yourself, while counting Om-one, Om-two, Om-three, and so on. When your mind settles into the attentive repetition of the mantra and any thoughts disappear, this means you have entered the third stage of trance. While concentrating on the mantra, remain in a relaxed state.

Stage 4

At the fourth stage, you continue to repeat the sacred mantra Om, while you need to clearly imagine the shining disk of the sun in the area between your eyebrows. While repeating the mantra, visualize a bright solar disk, look at it until you see a clear image of the sun, as if you were seeing it in reality. It may be quite difficult at first, but with practice it will come. Daily exercise before bed can greatly speed up this process. Then let go of the process of visualization and repetition of the mantra and simply remain in the silence of your consciousness, stopping any thoughts.

How to use the trance state?

When the fourth stage of trance has been achieved, you can imagine any person or object in the place of the Sun, and replace the mantra with a question that interests you. By concentrating in this way, you will receive an answer in the form of sound, words or image. This technique is applicable to any research and questions. The subconscious knows everything!

How to find out what will happen to you on a certain day?

Many clairvoyants use the method of entering the borderline states between sleep and wakefulness. When you go to bed, relax and try to watch how you fall asleep. As you fall asleep, pay close attention to what is happening to your consciousness and how it is changing. This is difficult to do, but with daily attempts you will definitely succeed. When you learn to recognize the intermediate state, try to fall asleep with the question that interests you, constantly repeating it in your mind. Ask a question and go to sleep. When you fall into a borderline state, you may receive an answer in the form of a vision, awareness or word. If it doesn't work the first time, try again; as a rule, it succeeds after three or four attempts. If you want to find out what will happen to you in the future, go to sleep, saying to yourself the exact date and year that interests you. The same applies to the past. If the question is related to a person, clearly imagine his image.

How to see a prophetic dream?

The method is similar to the previous one, only at the moment of falling asleep, think concentratedly, “I will fall asleep, and I will have a dream about...”. Substitute any question that interests you and you may see a prophetic dream with the answer to your question. If you don't succeed on the first try, try again.

The fastest way to develop clairvoyance

  • Your eyes are a psychic monitor!

Your eyes, namely the back of the eyelids, are your own psychic monitor, on which you can see everything you want. These could be events from the distant past or the upcoming future. They can apply both to you personally and to other people.

You can see other planets and travel in space.

Where to begin?

Every day before going to bed, when you have already gone to bed, carefully examine the unclear marks, lines and bizarre shapes on the back of the eyelids. That is, with your eyes closed, you peer at what you see in front of you, on the back of your eyelids. By the same principle as when working with tools.

This exercise can be done at any free time, the main thing is that you are in a calm state and not in a hurry.

  • Master the state of complete stillness!

When the body is completely motionless, the internal movement of energy begins. It flows to the brain and awakens the nerve centers responsible for paranormal perception.

To successfully complete this exercise, master a state of complete rest and immobility. To do this, in your free time, sit in a comfortable chair or lie down with a straight back and without a pillow. Relax. Practice muscle control in your body. Do not allow yourself the slightest movement, even in the smallest part of your body. Keep each muscle completely still, let only your breathing work. Control everything else, but without unnecessary tension. You just have to be relaxed, calm and still. For the first time, try to sit for at least five minutes, then you can increase the time daily. For example, one minute every day. Remember that gradualism is the key to success in any endeavor.

  • Master the state of attentive observation!

So, let's start mastering the most important exercise. Sit down, enter a state of complete stillness, let breathing become the only movement. Relax and close your eyes. Carefully look at everything you see on the back of your eyelids. This is called hypnographic imagery. Look with your eyes closed as if you were sitting in a movie theater waiting to watch a movie, looking carefully at a blank screen. In a couple of minutes you will see vague outlines and unclear shapes, lines, stains and “clouds”. Track every movement or shape that appears before your eyes. Watch her very carefully, observing her changes, how and where she moves. Gradually you will enter a state of light hypnotic sleep, from which it is easy to escape with any sudden movement of the body. Look further, but without tension, your state should be contemplative. After about 15 minutes, if you do not fall asleep, you will begin to see clearer images and forms. Then even clearer outlines. Practice every day until you achieve a very clear picture. The exercise is considered successful when you begin to see as if you were seeing in reality. At first you will see black and white images, then you can see color ones. While performing the exercise, you can concentrate on any object or event. You can ask questions to your subconscious and receive answers. To achieve real results, you need to practice this technique for a month, at least 15 minutes a day. After some time, you will develop the gift of clairvoyance so much that you will be able to see and enter this state, instantly receiving answers to all your questions.

The main principle of this exercise is to practice and watch carefully! Success comes to those who know how to wait patiently and follow all the instructions in this manual.

How to use Clairvoyance in practice

Take a clean sheet of white paper, a white ceiling or wall will also work, relax. It is necessary that a lot of light falls on this background; place your palm on paper or a light, well-lit background, it can even be your computer monitor with a blank white screen. You can open any word processing program and just open a new, clean white document. Or the sky. So, point your palm at a light background, so that your arm is extended in front of you and your fingers are spread apart. Contemplate your palm or one of your fingers, do not blink or move your gaze. After some time, you will see the energy shell of your hand within 5-10 minutes (in the form of a transparent glow around the palm). If you train every day, after 30 days you will begin to see the aura of all people and objects in color.

How to conduct energy diagnostics of the biofield and diseases?

Place the patient or friend in front of you against a white or light background; a full-length photograph is also suitable. The person should be at such a distance that you can easily see him in full height. The photograph may be at arm's length from your eyes. Look intently, with an absent-minded gaze, at the navel area of ​​the person you are studying. First, you can try it on someone close to you. As a rule, everyone is impressed! Look with a steady, unblinking gaze for 10 to 15 minutes. As you practice, this time should decrease automatically. After some contemplation, you will see a transparent shell around the human body, pay attention to its shade. This means a lot in diagnosis. If the colors are light, this is a good sign; if the colors are dark and cloudy, it means the person is sick. You may not see the colors the first time; this requires practice. Take a close look at the shell (aura) of this person. Study its width and size. Look further with an absent-minded gaze. After some time, if a person is sick with something or has a predisposition to illness, you will see dark spots, like gray or black fog, on various parts of his body. Know that these are places of energy holes in your patient’s biofield. This means that you need to pay attention to these areas of the body and patch up energy holes. Unfortunately, this topic is not included in our guide. These techniques are well known to professional healers.

How to see through walls and over long distances and look inside people?

There is an ancient exercise with which Indian yogis develop through-vision. Sit in front of a wall on a chair or cross-legged. The wall should be at arm's length from your eyes. Relax as much as possible and enter a light trance state. Concentrate on any point on the wall, and the point should be slightly above eye level, approximately at the level of the “third eye”. Look at her carefully for 15 minutes, try not to blink or shift your gaze. It comes with practice. After that, leave the point and try to look at the wall with an absent-minded gaze, without concentrating on anything. Take in the entire wall at once. So watch 15 minutes. Then stop distracted vision and imagine an imaginary point behind the wall. Look as if you were looking at some object on the horizon, look into the distance, as if through a wall. And so on for 15 minutes. Do this exercise day after day. Your ability will develop, and you will see through the wall, you will be able to look at long distances. If you look at any person with this look, he will fall under your influence.

How to see events of the past, present and future on your “psychic monitor”?

Here we use the technique described in the chapter “The fastest way to develop Clairvoyance.” Enter a state of stillness and attentive observation, and then ask questions and enjoy the colorful pictures coming from the cosmic subconscious.

How to read the intentions of others?

Suppose you want to find out about the intention of a person. Sit or lie down, relax completely, enter the 4th stage of trance. When entering a trance state, do not forget about the previous steps, although with practice you will not need them. Replace the visual image of the Sun with the image of this person, and the mantra with his name. This way you will learn about his intentions and thoughts. The only condition is complete concentration on the image of the name and qualities of the person. It is necessary to completely identify with it, to feel it. Forget about logic and questions. Just become him and you will understand everything. To understand another, you need to be silent, stop thinking and disappear yourself. Let your consciousness be completely filled with it alone. Soon you will no longer need to go into trance. You can do this anywhere and anytime.

How to find out the true attitude of other people towards you?

  • Just like in the previous version, you just need to identify with him and look at yourself through his eyes.
  • How to find hidden treasures, lost things or missing people?

This ability is developed mainly in people with developed Clairvoyance. First you need to master the previous techniques. In order to discover deposits of minerals and precious metals, treasures and hidden treasures, you need to enter a state of deep trance. In a state of trance or in an intermediate state between sleep and wakefulness regarding the location of the person of interest. Immediately or after several attempts, you will definitely be able to get at least some information. But don't rush, work on it for a few more days and learn more. Clarify and double-check yourself. Your visions may not always coincide with reality. Sometimes it is a projection of subconscious memory or imagination. Be adequate in the perception of your visions. The main rule: if you did an experiment, check whether your information corresponds to reality. Only then, by gaining experience and making mistakes, can you learn to distinguish true from false.

How to see angels, spirits and beings of the astral world and get help from them?

This is an ancient magical method that allows you to see spirits and gain an unusual experience of communicating with otherworldly forces and inhabitants of the astral world. Among them may be spirits, ghosts, magical creatures made of ethereal matter, gnomes, goblins, salamanders, fairies, and angels. The technique allows you to see them, but hearing spirits is more difficult and here you will need to engage in another practice for developing Clairaudience for some time.

The exercise must be done at 12 o'clock at night or so, this is a magical time for calling dark entities, but morning is the right time for calling angels and other light beings of the subtle world.

To conduct the experiment, you need a secluded dark room, two large, clean mirrors, approximately 1.5 meters high and 50 cm wide, although other sizes are possible, but it is best to work with large mirrors. You will also need 2 wax or paraffin candles, but wax candles, such as church candles, are most suitable. You will also need chalk or charcoal for drawing and some sweets, for example, cookies or candies, just make sure that they do not contain eggs, they must be lean and vegetarian (you can check the composition when purchasing), they cannot be eaten before experiment, nor after it, the food then needs to be buried under a tree. And the last thing you need is a clean sheet or fabric of white or light color.

Place the mirrors facing each other at a distance of 30 cm, so that a long tunnel with darkness at the end is formed. It is advisable to achieve an even tunnel; if this does not work, make a stand or support that will hold the mirrors strictly opposite each other.

  • Light the candles and place them between the mirrors at the edges, so that a long path of lights is formed in the tunnel.
  • Turn off the lights, place a mat on the floor in front of the mirrors, or sit on a chair if the mirrors are installed on some elevated surface.
  • Draw as even a circle around yourself as possible, using chalk or charcoal.
  • Place sweets between the mirrors in a clean plate that has never been eaten from.

Start looking into the mirror tunnel from above the mirrors. Peer with a steady, unblinking gaze straight at the end of the tunnel, where the lights connect into one point. If your eyes are tired and you want to blink, try squinting. Thus, having blurred the pupils, you can then open your eyes again.

  • After about 5 - 7 minutes, if you look without blinking, the image in the mirrors will be covered with a mystical fog, this is the first stage of magical visions.
  • Peer further, and you will begin to see incomprehensible shapes and outlines, as if flowing from one to another. This is the second stage of astral vision.
  • In the final stage, you will see the shadows of long-dead people, spirits or other astral beings. Don’t be afraid and offer them food, “accept this offering from me and carry out my order, do this and that for me.”
  • If a creature from the subtle world takes on too distinct outlines and comes very close to you, be careful, because it may come out of the looking glass and materialize. Place a sheet over the mirrors and stop the experiment.
  • Clean everything up and bury the food in the ground. If the exercise was not successful the first time, do not be discouraged, try again in a couple of days, spirits look closely at a person and are not always ready to come at your first request.
  • This exercise is not recommended for the faint of heart, people with a sick psyche and heart, or too often, as you can fall under the influence of the spirit world. Take it as a game and a mystical experience, then it will become very favorable for your overall esoteric development.
  • I highly recommend giving it to others to try, people are very impressed by such things, although some are scared, be especially careful with these, observe the principle of non-harm.

Look into the future

  • Choose the same time to study. For example, perform the activities daily at 10 pm. No one should interfere during the training process.
  • Having concentrated, we will begin to mentally analyze the past day. Let's remember what information could have helped yesterday if it had been known in advance. For example, it rained yesterday and, if you had known about it, you would have armed yourself with an umbrella in advance.
  • Now imagine that you are in yesterday and already have all the necessary useful information about it. You must try to feel all this with your heart, scroll through the images, tastes, smells, sensations in your head.
  • Feel what it's like to know a few steps ahead, live with confidence in this information and understand that it came from the future.
  • Repeat the exercise for several days, observing all conditions. This will form a channel for receiving information.
  • When it opens (usually this feeling comes intuitively), try to work with information not for yesterday, but for today: mentally ask for an answer to the question of what will happen tomorrow if you take specific actions today. For example, how will your tomorrow change if you read a specific book today or throw away a specific item. It is quite obvious that information from the future will seem false or incomplete at first. But with each exercise the result will be better and better until the communication channel is completely formed. In the end, you will succeed in nothing less than seeing your future.

Ancient numerology

Numerology is a very ancient science. And it is a complex predictive system. Few people know that its founder was the mathematician Pythagoras. He lived in the 6th-5th centuries BC. And in those days, people of science were at the same time predictors. Pythagoras took as a basis the metaphysical relationship between human life and nature and developed a special mathematical system that allows one to predict the path of life and determine the character of a person through mathematical operations with his date of birth. The Pythagorean system was largely built on the religious and philosophical views of Pythagoras himself and the idea of ​​​​the rebirth of the soul. And although the Pythagorean system was more cumbersome and confusing, modern numerologists, in a simplified version, use it. And I must say, in experienced hands, it gives excellent results.

Advice from psychics on how to develop the ability to see the future

  1. Dream.
    Some people, even those who do not have supernatural powers, manage to see the future in a dream.
    And you, perhaps, can remember several dreams, fragments of which came true after some time. How can we make this skill stop being spontaneous? It’s all very simple - try to “program” yourself for a prophetic dream in the evening
    . This means that you need to instruct yourself to see the events of tomorrow in a dream, for example. Of course, you won't succeed the first time. This skill will require regular training. Don’t forget that our thoughts are material; before going to bed, always set yourself up for the positive.
  2. Card reading
    . One of the oldest ways to look into the future is card fortune telling. Tarot cards or ordinary playing cards, which have special human energy, can answer a question of interest or tell you what awaits you in the future. We described several simple but effective fortune telling on cards in one of the previous articles.
  3. Meditation
    The practice of meditation has its roots in ancient Eastern culture. She teaches us how to “scan” ourselves – our thoughts, actions, desires. At the same time, the person completely relaxes, gradually going deeper into his consciousness. There are several meditative practices that reveal a person’s spiritual potential
    , transform his consciousness and thus develop supernatural abilities. Meditations should be performed regularly, and it is recommended to go to nature or other secluded places where you can calmly be alone with yourself.
  4. Fire and candles
    For this type of prediction, ordinary wax candles are suitable. The main thing is that the atmosphere is most suitable: evening (preferably during the New Year holidays), or midnight, absolute silence. Take 2 candles and a glass of clean cold water. Light one candle, cut a small part from the second, put it in a spoon and melt it over the lit candle. Pour the melted wax into a glass of water
    . The resulting figure will tell about the future and its events. For example, a wreath and crown promise success, a cross or a snake - illness and failure. The flower means success in love relationships, the stars mean career advancement.

Psychic advice. Learning to take the necessary information from the subject

In order to understand how to learn to see the future, experienced psychics advise us several exercises.
Each item contains a certain piece of information that will help us understand certain situations. Ask a friend to place something small in a matchbox (a button, cotton wool, a pea). Clear your brain of unnecessary thoughts, take a box and place it in your fist. Imagine that you and a matchbox are connected by a channel through which information is transmitted, first from it to you, and then vice versa. Please note that the first sensations will be the most correct. It’s not a fact that everything will work out right away, but after several trainings you will be able to recognize different objects by analyzing your feelings. This exercise is very similar to how we tried to connect with yesterday, getting the necessary information from it. Only here you need to correctly feel the features of the object, which will be transmitted as sensations through the established channel between you and the box.

Video lessons on how to learn to recognize the future

Colin Wilson, in his book on the occult, talks about a man living in India who walked along a muddy path to the river every day to swim. One day, returning home, he noticed that in one place his footprints were moving to the side: for some reason, at a certain moment, he began to walk along the other side of the road. He couldn't understand why. Why exactly at this moment did he switch sides? He stopped and began to examine the tracks. Suddenly he noticed huge tiger tracks in the bushes. They were exactly in the place where he would have passed if he had not crossed to the other side. Most likely, subconsciously he sensed danger and walked around the tiger, saving his life. Coincidence or predictive power? You too can develop your psychic abilities and apply them in life.

Is it possible to develop superpowers on your own at home?

Every person has a hidden ability to predict the future, but only a small part uses their gift. You've probably encountered such a phenomenon as deja vu. You are experiencing some moment, but you clearly realize that this has already happened before, although this is the first time such a situation has occurred.

Scientists cannot explain this phenomenon in any way, and only assume that this is due to the peculiarities of the brain. But in fact, the person saw the future, but forgot about it, and only at the moment of its fulfillment began to remember.

Sometimes people during déjà vu can predict events a fraction of a second in advance. For example, what the interlocutor will answer or who will enter the room. But these are only the first steps in mastering his gift, and a true seer can consciously look into a certain moment in the future and remember what he saw.

Developing your abilities can take quite a long time, especially if you have been denying your powers for a long time. Practice exercises and techniques to learn how to predict the future.

Will exponential growth ever stop?

In practice, exponential growth cannot last forever, but it can continue for quite a long time. A sustainable exponential trend consists of a series of successive S-shaped technology life cycle curves.

Each such curve consists of three stages of growth - initial slow growth, sharp rapid growth and leveling off when the technologies have already been sufficiently developed. These curves overlap each other. When the development of one technology slows down, the development of another accelerates. Moreover, each time it takes less and less time to achieve higher levels of productivity.

Kurzweil names five technological milestones in the 20th century:

  • electromechanics;
  • relay;
  • radio tubes;
  • discrete transistors;
  • integrated circuits.

When one technology exhausted its capabilities, it was replaced by the next.

Why is it important to learn to think exponentially?

Our linear thinking brain can give us a lot of trouble. Linear thinking causes not only individuals, but businesses and governments to be caught off guard by factors that evolve exponentially.

Large companies are losing money due to unexpected competitors, and we all worry that our future will spin out of control. Exponential thinking will help you get rid of these worries and face the future fully armed.

The desire to know your future, the name of your spouse, the number of children is the most natural desire of a woman. Many scientists, prophets, and astrologers tried to foresee events that will happen tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in two, three days, at least in a year. Great prophecies have often come true. They predicted natural disasters and the disappearance of civilizations. But the words of the prophets were not and are not specific. Is there a reliable way to find out your future?

most true and accurate? Such methods include fortune telling on cards, on coffee grounds, and on a mirror. More effective methods have not yet been invented.

Whichever method is how to find out your future?

, was not chosen, the main thing is to guess at night. This or that result of fortune telling, according to experts, can inspire a person and thereby encourage him to realize his future. Numerology is the science of numbers, which is based on the teachings of the Pythagoreans. Using nine digits, a specific code is created. According to numerology, each letter in the alphabet has its own serial number. You can tell your destiny by your name. For example, the name Anna is calculated as follows: 1+15+15+1=32=3+2=5. Now you just have to look at the table of the meanings of the numbers.

Is it possible to change your destiny?

What is fate? Is it possible to change it? After all, it is unfair if one person gets a happy fate, and another “not so much.” There are three main opinions:

1. The fate of a person is predetermined by higher powers. A person is born with a given destiny program. It’s just not given to him to know his fate in advance...

2. The fate of a person is largely determined in advance. A person is limited in choosing the main path. He can only make small adjustments.

3. There is no destiny at all. Every person is free in his choice. Whatever choice he makes, this is how his life will be.

Which of these versions is correct is up to you to decide. And I will just give a short excursion into the history of predictions.

Our distant ancestors lived in much worse conditions than you and I. They lived in nature, hunted, farmed, and raised livestock. They had no idea why thunder rumbles, why a volcano erupts. Why does it rain all summer one year, and another year there is a terrible drought? Their lives depended on the whims of nature. Unable to explain all this, our distant pagan ancestors worshiped gods. Wanting to appease the gods, they offered them sacrifices and asked the gods for leniency. After all, the lives of many people depended on whether the year would be fruitful or not. However, people began to notice. Often, no matter how much they asked the gods for mercy, no matter what sacrifices they made to the gods, nothing worked out for them! Drought came to their lands, and the enemy unexpectedly came with war.

Why is this happening? What have we done to deserve the wrath of the gods? People began to think. And wanting to know the “plans of the gods,” they began to predict the future. The history of the first predictive systems has survived to this day.

Best answers


1. If a person is a Buddhist, this does not mean that he is a psychic. It's different. 2. There are VERY few magicians, but there are A LOT of “magicians.” 3. This is most likely not acquired, it is innate. You can’t just take it, study for a month and become a telepath or even a psychic. And it’s not even a matter of month or year. The thing is, this is not usually taught. And in any case, no one will teach mere mortals (well, unless of course he himself is not a mere mortal). Have I answered your question?


this is not a gift to be given to others

Anna Parsanyan:

They say that all people have this ability, you just need to be able to use this gift, but not everyone can do this.

Astronomy and prediction in research

Astronomy has produced some remarkable examples of predictions in science, mostly based on the laws of motion proposed by Newton. One of the best examples is the discovery of the planet Neptune, which simultaneously demonstrates the mastery of the work of Newton and other astronomers. The discovery of this planet showed that Newton's thoughts were largely correct, and Einstein's theory of relativity explained physics even at such distant distances from Earth.

Uranus is a planet in the solar system, the seventh most distant from the Sun.

The planet Uranus, discovered by William Herschel in 1781, had made almost a complete revolution around the Sun by 1846. Excited astronomers realized by looking at star charts that its orbit was irregular and did not match Newton's prediction. They predicted that the only possible explanation for this was that the planet was under the influence of another large planet further away exerting a gravitational pull. In England and France, astronomers set out to predict the position of this new planet and then find it.

The planet was discovered by two astronomers: Urbain Le Verrier in Paris and John Coach Adams in Cambridge. Le Verrier takes credit for being the first to announce the discovery. The discovery of Uranus perfectly demonstrates the power of prediction in scientific research.

How to see the future in a dream

Decoding of dreams has been done for a long time, but dreams are still a little-studied state. But it has been proven that dreams can predict the future. Is it possible to look into your future and how to see the dream you want to see and learn to manage it? This is quite possible, subject to certain conditions.

It's no secret that the brain continues to intensively process information received during the day, even when a person is sleeping

. Some scientists, for example, Nichols Born and Dmitry Mendeleev, found solutions to their scientific works in a dream.

All information received during the day is rethought during sleep. That is why people who have learned to build a channel between the past and the present can predict their future in a dream.

You can develop the gift of seeing the future in your dreams if you learn to trust the voice of your intuition. In order for this to happen, you need the right preparation. You need to clearly understand and say: I want to know my future and then proceed to the stages of preparation.

How to find out your future

So, we have considered the following options:

  • Make a plan, thinking through all the details
  • Fortune telling (on coffee grounds, tea leaves, beans, cards, pendulum)
  • Ask for signs from the Higher Powers of the Universe
  • Contact a psychic, fortune teller, numerologist, astrologer, etc.
  • Use the practice “Alternative future planning”

Some can be used even daily, even in the smallest situations. Others are suitable for making serious decisions and fateful choices.

Now you know how you can look into your future and, based on the information and feelings received, make the best decision on which path to choose. I believe that everyone will find an option to their liking


If you want to master the alternative planning method, then come study at Ir!

How can you see the future if you do not have any supernatural powers? But sometimes we so want to know all the most key moments of life in order to be prepared for something and not make mistakes. We would like to introduce you to a very unusual technique that helps lift the curtain of secrecy.

Guess a strong card

Damasio and Beshara used a device that measured physiological responses using two electrodes attached to the subject's fingertip. The first emits a weak electrical signal, the second picks up the impulse passing through the skin. The stronger the excitement, the better the conductivity, since under stress the hands sweat. On the contrary, the more calm a person is, the worse the current flows. Each participant in the experiments was given a certain amount of money and asked to blindly choose one card from a deck. Small ones meant a loss, large ones brought a win. Of course, no one, including the experimenters, knew in advance which card the subject would draw. But the researchers noted a strange phenomenon: most often, when a player drew a losing card, immediately before making a decision, the device recorded a strong electrothermal reaction. That is, without any ability to predict a loss using logic, the player’s nervous system became excited and reacted by sending an “alarm signal.”

“This means that the unconscious directs our behavior before consciousness,” the researchers commented on their results. “Moreover, the mechanism involved in this experiment differs from other reactions.”

Fortune telling by mirror and comb

Fortune telling by mirror and comb is not only a way to find out your future

, but also . It is necessary to prepare the following equipment: a mirror with a leg and candles, the number of which must be even. You need to wait until midnight and sit in front of the mirror. Exactly at 12 o'clock, with candles lit, you need to say the phrase: Betrothed, show yourself. The shadow or face of the future husband should appear in the depths of the reflection. You can't look at him for long. You should immediately extinguish the candles and turn away or cover the mirror. According to ancient belief, anyone who fails to close the mirror in time will be dragged to another world. After all, a mirror, like a surface of water, opens the gate to the other world. A safer method is fortune telling with a comb. A comb is placed under the head and the following is said: Betrothed, come and comb.

For this you will need a porcelain bowl or cup, 2 tbsp. spoons of coarse coffee, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of finely ground coffee. After the coffee is brewed, it is poured into the cup. You need to wait 3-5 minutes for the coffee to infuse. The fortuneteller drinks it. Sediment remains at the bottom. The cup rotates clockwise, then suddenly turns upside down and back again. Information should be looked for in the stains of grounds on the walls of the bowl. They are the ones who talk about the future. Spots lying below, on the bottom and at the bottom of the walls, speak of the past. You need to take a closer look at the spots and compare the meaning with the association that arises.

Technique technique

Let's learn how to see the future using this technique. If you change the movement of blood in the capillaries, this will lead to the formation of a picture on the inside of the eyelid.

How you can see the future:

  1. First you need to increase blood circulation in the body
  2. You need to do any physical activity: exercise, running, fast walking, jumping rope, push-ups, etc. Pay attention to your pulse. It should increase, as should your sweating.
  3. You should experience slight physical fatigue.
  4. After strength training, you can sit or lie down.
  5. Close your eyes and ask any question. Let’s say: “What awaits me tomorrow/in the next week/month?”
  6. Gently run your hand over your closed eyes from top to bottom, slightly pressing on the eyelid from the outside.
  7. Symbols, phrases or images will appear on the dark internal screen for a split second.

This great way to see your future is your prediction! Have time to notice it, as it disappears almost immediately. You can sketch or write down the information in your notebook.

Our subconscious speaks to us through these symbols, and with its help we can see our future. I don’t want to now list all the symbols that usually appear, so that they don’t get deposited in your subcortex, otherwise you will see exactly them. Each person has their own individual picture.

Each time you will do better and better. The pictures will become more colorful and voluminous. And you will learn to interact with your subconscious and hear it better.

It all depends on the degree of your enlightenment. Some people see a red or white-blue symbol, while others can see whole pictures of their future, as if they were watching a movie in 3D. Practice is key here.

The future is just around the corner

If you don’t know how to see the future at home, then a simple technique will help you. Only a small number of people know how to do this technique from birth. But any ability can always be developed to a high level.

The essence is quite simple: a person closes his eyes and some symbol appears on the inside of the eyelid that describes his near future. Then all that remains is to decipher the secret message.

When a person closes his eyes, he sees a dark screen, also called the inner screen, as well as red and blue spots. This happens due to the fact that we see our eyelid from the inside, how the blood moves in the capillaries.

Prophetic dreams

There are several exercises that help you understand how to see the future in a dream and give an answer to an exciting question.

  • Preparations for a prophetic dream are carried out long before sunset. To tune into the communication channel during the day, focus several times on the upcoming future or on the problem that needs to be solved with the help of sleep. Ask yourself questions about the upcoming future, such as “what will I be doing in 10 days?” or “what will change in my environment in 10 days” and so on. Thanks to such questions, our unconscious is tuned to reasoning about the future.
  • In parallel with preparing the unconscious, try to consciously guess the very near future. For example, what movie or program is on a specific channel. Or who should make the phone call.
  • Before you go to bed, write a letter addressed to your future self. In it you can ask for advice, inquire about what awaits after a specific period of time (for example, the same 10 days), and help solve a long-standing problem. You can, on the contrary, write a letter as if from the future to your yesterday self. Imagine yourself in the past, imagine that it is the present, and you are a person from the future who already knows what awaits you. Give yourself only useful advice in your letter - you know exactly what you should have done 10 days ago.
  • When the letter is written, put it in an envelope, write your address and put it under your pillow. You can compose a message electronically and send it to yourself in the evening before bed. You can replace the letter by imagining that you are talking with your guardian angel: you will need to concentrate and accurately state the problem in words, ask a question of interest. If a person believes in the power of prayer, then before talking with an angel you can read one of them. This acts as an element of meditation and helps to focus on communicating with the spiritual principle.
  • Keep a dream diary, which will record questions asked before going to bed and subsequent dreams. Ideally, write down your dreams at any time of the night if you unexpectedly wake up and remember the dream.
  • As a rule, dreams do not provide a completely ideal picture of the future. They contain allegorical images. For example, if in a dream renovations are underway or you are moving, then in real life, most likely, serious changes await you.

Sleep is one of the most mysterious and little-studied human states. Scientists have not yet come to a consensus on how dreams arise and why people dream. However, the fact remains that dreams can predict events that will happen in the dreamer’s life, and there is a lot of evidence of this in history. Is it possible to make this process manageable, and how to see the future in a dream?

Useful tips and general recommendations for beginners

There are simple rules for communicating with the subconscious and higher powers when you are trying to learn something about the future. You must follow them if you want an answer to your question, otherwise you will be ignored or given a false clue.

  1. Ask open-ended questions. You will not be able to get an accurate and specific “yes” or “no” answer.
  2. You must open your mind and clear yourself of doubt. Only in a state of complete faith and determination can one expect positive results from these techniques. Doubts, skepticism, mistrust will block your thoughts, and you will not find the answer to your question.
  3. Choose comfortable techniques that suit you and that you can handle. Beginners often choose the candle method or dream interpretation, because... they are considered the simplest and most accessible methods. Tarot cards or meditation require many weeks of practice before you get the first result.
  4. Do not interfere in the fate of another person by warning him about upcoming events. People can only change their own destiny if they change or find another way out.

Do not make hasty decisions, guided by the omen. Be careful and plan your steps ahead, taking into account all the factors. In some cases, a person must go through an unpleasant period in life in order to realize something and learn something new. Change your future only as a last resort.

You shouldn't look into the future for the sake of idle curiosity. Knowing what awaits you will change your behavior, which can affect the fate of other people. Be prepared for a long and productive study to master the skill of foresight. Use it only for good, and not for selfish purposes - the Universe prevents any harmful intrusion into planned events.

How to develop the ability to see the future

Let's start by trying to go back to yesterday. We analyze it, collecting important information that could be useful. For example, if you were sure that it would suddenly rain, you would take an umbrella with you and stay dry. We begin to collect all yesterday's information. You definitely need to concentrate and not pay attention to anything unnecessary. If the process does not work out, stop, rest, or start it the next day.

Go ahead. Let's imagine that you still managed to concentrate. Try to take the necessary data from the past day and send it to yourself in the present moment. We convey information not just with sentences, but with images, tastes, smells, feelings

This is important in order to remember your feelings and use them to determine some situation, but in the future

Next, we imagine ourselves yesterday and feel the process of how information flows from yesterday to today. You receive the parts and send them. We repeat this technique until you clearly feel the established channel for transmitting information. At the end of the day, analyze yourself today, remember what you thought and felt at certain moments. If you succeed in this exercise, then you can move on to the next one.

When the connection with the channel from the past is established, try to analyze the change in your feelings when you receive this or that information. We can understand how to see the future only by correctly establishing a connection with all our channels connecting both past and present life. To do this, you need to control your thought process. For example, you have a choice to make and you feel nervous, afraid or unsure, and you end up making the wrong decision. Remember which sensation was the main one among the others, and the next time you feel it, you will know that it is a signal of a wrong choice.

Predictions of the Delphic oracle

According to ancient Greek mythology, the Delphic oracle was founded by Apollo himself in his temple at Delphi. An oracle is a divination that was customary to be carried out once a year in honor of the holiday of Apollo himself. Later, the oracle began to be held monthly. A special priestess, the Pythia, was a servant of the temple, she was chaste and devoted to Apollo. Before the prediction, Pythia performed a ritual, put on a wreath of laurel branches, went down to a special source and entered a trance. It must be said that the Pythia’s predictions were fragmentary and very incomprehensible. They were interpreted by special priests trained in this matter. Contemporaries often say that the Delphic oracle was pure superstition. Predictions most often concerned the fate of rulers and the fate of the state. And these predictions were made supposedly in favor of the rulers, in order to stroke their pride. However, quite often, the prophecies of the Pythia turned out to be surprisingly accurate. For example, the Pythia predicted a great future for Alexander the Great, that he would become a great commander and conquer half the world. And so it happened. Moreover, the Pythia gave instructions to Alexander the Great when and how to go on a military campaign in order to be successful. Those. The Pythia not only made predictions, but also gave advice. If the first predictions of the Delphic oracle, when it appeared in Greece, were vague and often erroneous. The latter ones are surprisingly accurate. The oracle developed into a complex predictive system. Questions were asked in a certain way, the answers were interpreted by the priests according to a special system. The Delphic Oracle remains a legend today. And no wonder. It existed for 20 centuries!

Fortune telling by mirror and comb

Fortune telling by mirror and comb is not only a way to find out your future

. It is necessary to prepare the following equipment: a mirror with a leg and candles, the number of which must be even. You need to wait until midnight and sit in front of the mirror. Exactly at 12 o'clock, with candles lit, you need to say the phrase: Betrothed, show yourself. The shadow or face of the future husband should appear in the depths of the reflection. You can't look at him for long. You should immediately extinguish the candles and turn away or cover the mirror. According to ancient belief, anyone who fails to close the mirror in time will be dragged to another world. After all, a mirror, like a surface of water, opens the gate to the other world. A safer method is fortune telling with a comb. A comb is placed under the head and the following is said: Betrothed, come and comb.

For this you will need a porcelain bowl or cup, 2 tbsp. spoons of coarse coffee, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of finely ground coffee. After the coffee is brewed, it is poured into the cup. You need to wait 3-5 minutes for the coffee to infuse. The fortuneteller drinks it. Sediment remains at the bottom. The cup rotates clockwise, then suddenly turns upside down and back again. Information should be looked for in the stains of grounds on the walls of the bowl. They are the ones who talk about the future. Spots lying below, on the bottom and at the bottom of the walls, speak of the past. You need to take a closer look at the spots and compare the meaning with the association that arises.

How to prepare for the future

What, for example, might the next five years look like? One of the usual ways to predict is to remember the past five years and imagine that future events will continue to develop at the same speed. But now this will no longer work, because the very speed of development is changing. Chances are that what you thought would happen in the next five years will happen in three years.

What is important for exponential thinking is not so much any special planning skills (you already know how to plan), but the ability to calculate time correctly. And to do this, we must not forget that our brain tends to think linearly and adjust its plans to the exponential future.

How to develop the ability to see the future

Let's start by trying to go back to yesterday. We analyze it, collecting important information that could be useful. For example, if you were sure that it would suddenly rain, you would take an umbrella with you and stay dry. We begin to collect all yesterday's information. You definitely need to concentrate and not pay attention to anything unnecessary. If the process does not work out, stop, rest, or start it the next day.

Go ahead. Let's imagine that you still managed to concentrate. Try to take the necessary data from the past day and send it to yourself in the present moment. We convey information not just through sentences, but through images, tastes, smells, and feelings.

This is important in order to remember your feelings and use them to determine some situation, but in the future.

Next, we imagine ourselves yesterday and feel the process of how information flows from yesterday to today. You receive the parts and send them. We repeat this technique until you clearly feel the established channel for transmitting information. At the end of the day, analyze yourself today, remember what you thought and felt at certain moments. If you succeed in this exercise, then you can move on to the next one.

When the connection with the channel from the past is established, try to analyze the change in your feelings when you receive this or that information. We can understand how to see the future only by correctly establishing a connection with all our channels connecting both past and present life. To do this, you need to control your thought process. For example, you have a choice to make and you feel nervous, afraid or unsure, and you end up making the wrong decision. Remember which sensation was the main one among the others, and the next time you feel it, you will know that it is a signal of a wrong choice.

How the future is predicted

A person's ability to imagine something is largely a product of his life experience.
We will be able to imagine movement in space because we do it. We can imagine movement in time, because our whole life passes in this movement. It is much more difficult to imagine movements not of the physical body, not of objects, but of consciousness. At the same time, into an area that also does not seem to have physical coordinates, into a certain field of absolute knowledge, which mystics often designate with the words “reality of the highest plane” (the information field of the earth). To bring this concept closer to the concepts available to us, we can imagine this body of information as filling the entire space of our world, just as it can be filled with radiation or radio waves. Although there are no less reasons to talk about a certain point completely devoid of volume.

Moreover, both definitions will be true. The difference between them is only in the description, i.e. in how this reality is perceived by us. Such reality permeates our world and at the same time lies outside its space. Some clairvoyants and soothsayers mention entering this “reality” in moments of insight.

Card reading

For fortune telling, you need to take a deck of cards, only a new one. There are countless options for fortune telling. But for beginners it is advisable to use the simplest fortune telling. You need to take a full deck and shuffle it. One card is taken from the middle and a queen or king of the same suit is selected. If fate is predicted for a woman, then a lady is chosen. If the fortune is told to a man or a man, then the king is chosen accordingly. The queen is placed on the table and surrounded by 9 cards, which are removed from the top of the deck. It is from these cards that the future is predicted. Below are the meanings of the possible cards drawn.

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