Misandry - what is it, a lifestyle of strong women or a pathological state of the psyche?

In the modern world, the feminism movement, which has branches, is gaining increasing popularity. Misandry is a concept in psychology that means a sharply negative attitude towards men. This behavior is not accepted in society. Women suffering from misandry cannot build a full-fledged family.

Misandry sufferers

Do all men become objects of hatred or do such strong emotions manifest themselves only in relation to some individuals? It's not always the same.

We found out what misandry is. But what causes it, and who suffers from its manifestations? In this case, it is not the men themselves who suffer more, but the women who are overwhelmed by emotions. Men build relationships with those who do not hate them, and ignore man-haters. But women with pathological aggression suffer alone.

Misandry is a phenomenon that is worth fighting, at least for the sake of your personal happiness. Teenage girls, especially impressionable girls, can find themselves in this state. Hatred can appear in women as a result of difficult situations associated with men. Family violence, moral pressure, physical violence, personal development in a marginal environment - all this can provoke misandry.

This does not mean that all women who find themselves in difficult situations will certainly come to this state. If competent psychological assistance was provided during a problem period, then pathological deviations in the psyche do not occur.

Misandry - reasons

Many factors can provoke hatred towards men. They are mainly associated with violence that a woman suffered in childhood or adulthood. The psychological causes of misandry are hysteria and androphobia (fear of the stronger half of humanity, without hatred and disgust). In young men, mental illness causes a spirit of unhealthy competition. A boy brought up in patriarchy, but not sharing its views, feels guilty, considering himself bad. The main reasons for the development of misandry:

  • upbringing in a strict patriarchy;
  • rejection of character traits characteristic of men (leadership, aggression, self-confidence);
  • violence in family;
  • aversion to male secondary sexual characteristics;
  • harassment, rape;
  • betrayal or disappointment in a marriage or relationship;
  • physical or moral dominance by male representatives;
  • constant negativity towards the father from the mother.


I think the basis of misanthropy is the mechanism of projection. Moreover, it is not so much a projection of one’s shortcomings onto society, but rather a negative attitude and unforgiven grievances towards loved ones from childhood.

What kind of upbringing precedes misanthropy:

  • contradictory educational positions of parents;
  • conditions of increased moral responsibility;
  • emotional coldness, the need to beg for love;
  • tense relationships between parents;
  • antisocial family lifestyle, addictions;
  • violence, punishment.

The family is a micromodel of society. If a child does not feel safe in it, then a persistent negative attitude towards the whole world is formed, an attitude that it is not safe in it either. The first maternal attachment, the child’s trust in the mother, plays an important role. If he cannot trust her, then the baby has every chance of growing up to be a misanthrope. Most often, the phrase “I hate people”, “I hate drunks”, etc. means one person. Unfortunately, often one of the parents.

Other causes of misanthropy:

  1. Non-acceptance of oneself, which follows from the first reason. A person does not like something about himself, and his psyche, with the help of the protective mechanism of projection, transforms this into non-acceptance of others.
  2. Misanthropy can be a conscious choice of a person. Then it is caused by the individual’s excessive sensitivity, heightened sense of justice, and fatigue from communication. More precisely, this reason is characterized by the aphorism of the German publicist Heinrich Heine: “The more people I know, the more I like animals.”
  3. In rare cases, misanthropy is a defensive reaction of aggression and devaluation. If a person cannot build relationships due to complexes, low self-esteem, and other barriers, then he says that in fact he does not need anyone. It’s easier than admitting that society doesn’t accept you and you don’t know how to communicate.

Even more rarely, misanthropy becomes the result of overcompensation. For example, a person who is in love decides to fight his shortcoming in this way.


Misogyny is not a congenital pathology; it is not inherited. Sometimes women do not understand why they feel antipathy towards men. There are those who clearly know the reasons for this phenomenon.

Childhood trauma

In dysfunctional families, husbands often humiliate and beat their wives. The child becomes an involuntary witness to conflicts. A girl who grows up in such a family projects the situation onto herself and her future.

Her father becomes the standard of male behavior for her. The only man in a girl’s life, who by the very fact of his existence should love the baby, always mocks her mother, sometimes at herself, or leaves the family. And now the child thinks that any man she has to live with will be the same. She prefers not to get involved with the opposite sex, internal antipathy grows and strengthens.


According to statistics, the number of men convicted of rape is 0.5% of the total number of offenses. Of these, 4-5% are called “random” or “street”. Such crimes are considered to be instigated by the victim. The victims report the incident to the police.

More than 9,000 people have gotten rid of their psychological problems using this technique.

It turns out that 95% of victims experience domestic violence. Such rapes are rarely reported. And if they report, the case does not always go to court. It often happens that after an incident a girl turns into a houseplant. If the victim still manages to come to her senses, then there is a high probability that she will become a supporter of misandry.

In countries professing Islam, violence against a woman is not considered a criminal offense at all.

Victims of violence are accused of provoking a man to rape. This concept is called victim blaming. On August 22, 2014, a note was published on the Progorod.ru forum about two young men accused of gang rape. The girl voluntarily came to visit one of the guys, drank with them, and then what happened happened. In the comments to the post, most users blamed the victim for the incident.

The very fact of rape, whether it is domestic or not, forever undermines the mental state of a woman. Girls subjected to victim blaming are acutely worried about what happened. A feeling of disgust and hatred towards men develops, because it was the male representative who became the cause of undermined psychological health.

Deception and betrayal

When the novel just begins, what is happening seems like a fairy tale. A man gives flowers, reads poetry in the rain, love is born and a family is created. Everyday life breaks the idyll in a couple. There is a separation. Painfully experiencing a breakup, the girl becomes withdrawn towards men. It seems to her that any man who appears again in life will also leave her.

50% of marriages break up in the first year of marriage. Families struggle with pregnancy. Abandoned women perceive what happened even more acutely.

In the US state of Michigan, a boy was killed by his own mother. During the interrogation, the woman was asked why she got rid of the child so cruelly. She justified it this way: “He was born a boy, and I hate men.”


Feminism has been a buzzword lately. More and more women want to be involved in this movement. However, they do not fully understand what this status means. They just like to be independent. The consequence of such misunderstanding is misandry.

Mila Levchuk, a guru of family relationships, author of the lecture “How to become a plus woman,” has become a controversial person on the Internet. In her lessons, she says that a woman’s true destiny is to be a man’s inspiration, his muse. She believes that a man who is not able to satisfy all women’s whims is not worthy of the title “real”.

Under the influence of such words, girls divorced their “unworthy” husbands en masse. They walked towards a bright future, confident that there they would definitely meet a “real man.” Women remained alone for a long time and blamed men for everything - their ex-husbands, who did not live up to their expectations.

In popular social networks (Instagram, Vkontakte), debates about the harassment of women do not stop. Pregnant women are not given a seat in transport, the government does not offer benefits and various privileges to mothers, women with small children or of childbearing age are hardly hired. And men are to blame for everything.

If in the portrait of such a mother lies a woman abandoned by her father, and subsequently by her husband, this explosive mixture is concentrated misandry. A girl who has experienced so much humiliation and pain from a man is sure that there is no reason to love the stronger sex, they need to be destroyed and hated.

Is it possible for men to hate men?

Everything is clear with women; sometimes they actually have reasons to hate some men due to certain life circumstances. But does male misandry exist? In men, hatred manifests itself somewhat differently. Such men make very strict demands on all members of their gender and also evaluate themselves personally according to very high criteria.

They blame themselves for not conforming to the male gender role. More attention is paid to the problems of women, their position is accepted in disputes, whatever it may be, and violence against oneself or other men is perceived as something ordinary or even funny, unworthy of attention.

Male misandry manifests itself in putting the interests of women first, hypersensitivity to their suffering is manifested, and the suffering of men remains unattended. The slogan “A woman is always right” works in their subconscious. Now there are men who accept the position of feminists and voluntarily initiate restrictions on men’s rights to please women.

Why does it happen?

Our prejudices are our enemies. However, they do not appear out of the blue. There are many reasons for their occurrence. The reasons can be completely different for both men and women. Let's consider the issue in more detail.

Among women

Female misandry can arise if fertile soil is prepared for it. To understand this issue, we will rely on some factors.

First of all, this destructive feeling can be caused by improper upbringing . If a girl’s mother treated her father with hostility, she told her that men could easily humiliate and offend a woman. At the same time, she emphasized that men cannot be trusted, as they will definitely deceive. This direction in education discourages interest in the opposite sex. And this is fraught with consequences.

Another important point that can definitely provoke misandry is violent actions. This negativity has ever been suffered by a representative of the fairer sex from a man. In this case, the desire to experience intimacy with a representative of the stronger sex in most cases completely disappears. Hatred takes its place.

If a woman is overly receptive, she may suffer from misandry.

For such persons, even the most insignificant events become almost a sensation. In addition, this character trait has a huge impact on how a woman perceives certain events.

At times, aloofness may be observed in her behavior . It appears as a result of a certain tension caused by certain events. The closeness of such a personality contributes to the emergence of various phobias and psychological barriers.

If both parents treat their daughter or son with indifference and threaten them with punishment, then the child will grow up to be a person with serious psychological problems. It will seem to him that the surrounding society is rigid.

A feeling of personal insecurity will lead to a person becoming detached from other people. Negative manifestations will affect relationships. In addition, such an individual will not believe in his own prospects, and thereby lose luck.

As a result, the individual will become unsociable and withdrawn . And when a person develops such traits in his character, he becomes very cruel and may begin to hate everything around him.

A very developed intellect contributes to the fact that a person begins to think and reflect a lot. If a woman is endowed with this property of consciousness, she automatically begins to look at men “under a magnifying glass.” Such a person is able to discern the smallest character traits and shortcomings in her partner.

This factor promotes reflection on the behavior of other people. And also such a person analyzes his own actions and the actions of strangers. Then proud notes appear in behavior. And such manifestations are a direct path to the development of misandry.

Every person strives to achieve some goal. If you fail to achieve it, complete life dissatisfaction occurs. Then the woman begins to feel that nothing will happen in her life.

As a result of the onset of depression, a person withdraws into himself and ceases to be interested in the world around him.

Often in this case the thought comes to mind to blame someone for your failures. A person acts this way on an instinctive level in order to justify the current situation.

Misandry can occur as a result of spiritual emptiness. Then a person begins to suffer from an incorrect perception of the world around him. As a result, he stops communicating with people and becomes indifferent to everything that happens.

Such a person lacks all the incentives for further advancement in life, and the desire for social interaction is lost. In order not to completely fall into a negative state, she begins to look for a way out. And finds him in complete solitude.

In men

It should not be surprising that men can also suffer from the manifestation described above. True, it occurs in representatives of the stronger sex much less often than in women.

Moreover, misandry in men is expressed in a special way: it manifests itself in increased demands on the male sex. In addition, a male representative welcomes violence against his own kind and strongly supports the female position. For him, women's experiences are very important. Therefore, such subjects support the feminist movement.

In other words, under such circumstances, some distortion of male consciousness occurs. This condition is quite expressive in nature, and can arise for a number of reasons.

First of all, misandry can be caused by rivalry, which is based on negative factors. Unhealthy rivalry can manifest itself not only when communicating with peers, but also within the family circle.

For example: parents praise one child all the time, but scold the other all the time and give him an example of a more successful brother or sister. In this case, misandry can completely take over the fragile consciousness of an undeservedly offended child.

If there was a very strict patriarchy in the family, then the boy may develop misandry in the future.

Violence from parents can also have a negative effect on the further development of the child's consciousness.

If a boy has experienced harassment from an adult man.

If the mother treated the boy's father with great negativity. She kept saying: men are not capable of anything, and only troubles come from them. As a result, the young man absorbed this information and, over time, brought it to life in a unique way.

If an event occurred in childhood that caused an aversion to secondary sexual characteristics.

If a man has experienced betrayal.

If the subject has an aversion to male character traits, such as dominance, self-confidence, competition.


Misandry is formed from the Greek misos

(μῖσος, "hatred") and
(ἀνήρ, gene ἀνδρός; "Man").
Use of the word can be found as far back as the nineteenth century, including 1871 use in The Spectator
It appeared in the Merriam-Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary
(11th ed.) in 1952. The translation from the French "
" into the German "
" (Hatred of men) is recorded in 1803 as misandry paralleling the form 'misogyny'.
A term with a similar but distinct meaning to Androphobia
, which represents the fear of men.
Writer Helen Pluckrose argues that Androphobia
is a more favorable term in cases where the aversion to men stems from feelings of fear.

Misogyny - what is it?

Misogyny is hatred of women, antipathy, misogyny (Dictionary of Foreign Terms of the Russian Language).

The term misogyny in Russia and other countries has been discussed relatively recently, but it has existed in culture for a long time.

Misogynists have started to emerge due to the predominantly patriarchal culture in society. Women were assigned the role of a powerless being who should be behind a man, hence the hatred.

In feminist movements

Academic Alice Echols, in her 1989 book Daring To Be Bad: Radical Feminism in America, 1967-1975

, argued that radical feminist Valerie Solanas, best known for her attempted assassination of Andy Warhol in 1968, exhibited an extreme degree of misandry compared to other radical feminists of the time in her tract
SCUM Manifesto
. Echols stated:

Andrea Dworkin's critique of the biological determinist strand in radical feminism that, in 1977, she found "with increasing frequency in feminist circles" echoes the views of Valeria Solanas that men are biologically inferior to women and are aggressive by nature, requiring gendercide to ensure the emergence of " new Ubermensch


The author of Bell Hooks discussed the issue of "man-hating" in the early period of women's liberation as a reaction to patriarchal oppression and women who had bad experiences with men in non-feminist social movements. She also criticized separatist strands of feminism as "reactionary" for promoting the notion that men are inherently immoral, inferior, and unable to help end sexist oppression or benefit from feminism. In Feminism for everyone

, Intercepts laments that feminists who criticize the masculine bias of the early women's movement never received mainstream media attention, and that "our theoretical work by demonizing people as the enemy did not change the perspective of women who were anti-men." Hooks suggested that earlier this demonization had led to an unnecessary split between the men's movement as well as the women's movement.

Although Hooks does not name individual separatist theorists, Mary Daly's utopian vision of a world in which men and heterosexual women were eliminated is a prime example of this trend. Daly argued that sexual equality between men and women did not exist and that women, because of their superior abilities, should exclude men. However, later, in an interview, Daly argued: "If life is to survive on this planet, there must be decontamination of the Earth. I think this will be accompanied by an evolutionary process that will lead to a sharp decline in the male population."

Paul Nathanson and Katherine K. Young have argued that "ideological feminism" as opposed to "egalitarian feminism" has imposed misandry on culture. Their 2001 book, The Spread of Misandry, analyzed "pop cultural values ​​and productions since the 1990s" from films to greeting cards for what they considered to be pervasive messages of hatred towards men

Legalizing Misandry (2005), the second in the series, gave similar attention to laws in North America.

Wendy McElroy, an individualist feminist, wrote in 2001 that some feminists have "redefined the look of the opposite-sex movement" as "hot anger toward men seems to have turned into cold hatred." She argued that it is a misandrist position to consider men, as a class, to be irreformable or rapists.

In a 2016 article, author and journalist Cathy Young described the "current cycle of misandry" in feminism. This cycle, she explains, includes the use of the term "mansplaining" and other neologisms using "man" as a derogatory prefix. The term "mansplaining", according to feminist Rebecca Solnit, was coined shortly after its appearance in 2008 from her essay Man Explain Things to Me


The extremes of sexism

Sexism is gender discrimination. The term implies the humiliation of a person based on gender. There is also the concept of anti-sexism, which means fighting against any manifestation of gender discrimination.

Since the term was coined by feminists, it was long believed that sexism only applied to women who were captured by the following stereotypes:

  • a woman driving is a danger to society;
  • the only right places for a girl are the maternity hospital and the kitchen;
  • woman is the weaker sex;
  • girls cannot work where a sharp mind is needed;
  • a woman should always be beautiful and bring a good mood.

Gradually, stereotypes against women developed into open humiliation. This is how misogyny was introduced to the world.

Misogyny is hatred towards women. It manifests itself in a negative attitude towards the female sex in general or towards individual psychological and physical characteristics.

During antiquity, the ancient Greeks had the right to sell their women. Even then, some peoples had misogynistic attitudes. A woman could be disposed of like a thing. Such treatment forced female representatives to take extreme measures. Girls used violence against men and killed them. It was important for women to dominate the stronger sex, infringing on their rights and freedom.

It turns out that misandry and misogyny are two extreme positions of sexism. They are similar in that both of these concepts carry hatred. In the eyes of those who spread discrimination, machismo and feminine characteristics, gender is a sufficient reason for humiliation.

further reading

  • Baumeister, Roy F. (2010), Is There Anything Good About Men?
    How Cultures Flourish Exploiting Men , New York; Oxford University Press.
  • Benatar, D. (2012), The Second Sexism: Discrimination Against Men and Boys
    , Malden; Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Hooks, Bell., (2005), The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity and Love
    , New York; Washington Square Press.
  • Sommers, Christina Hoff (1995). Who stole feminism?
    How Women Are Devoted Women . Simon & Schuster. ISBN 978-0-684-80156-8.
  • Farrell, Warren (2001). The Myth of Male Power: Why Men Disposable Sex
    . Berkley Trade. ISBN 978-0-425-18144-7.
  • Ferguson, Francis; Bloch, R. Howard (1989). Misogyny, misandry and misanthropy
    . Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-06546-8.
  • Levine, Judith (1992). My enemy, my love: misanthropy and ambivalence in women's lives
    . Da Capo Press. ISBN 978-1-56025-568-0.
  • McNamara, JR (2006), Media and Masculine Identity: The Making and Remaking of Men
    , Palgrave Macmillan; NY.
  • McElra, Wendy (2001). Sexual Correctness: A Gender-Feminist Attack on the Status of Women
    . Harper. Paperback New York: McFarland & Company. ISBN 978-0-7864-1144-3.
  • Synnott, Anthony (2009), Rethinking Men: Heroes, Villains and Victims
    , Ashgate Publishing. ISBN.
  • Smith, William A., Yosso, Tara J., Solorzano, Daniel G. (2007), "Racial Strokes and Black Misandry on Historically White Campuses: Toward a Critical Accountability Race in Educational Administration", Educational Administration Quarterly
    , vol. 43 No. 5, pp. 559-585.
  • Schwartz, Howard (2003). Riot Primitive: An Inquiry into the Roots of Political Correctness
    (revised ed.). Operational Publishers. ISBN 978-0-7658-0537-9.
  • Vilar, Esther. Manipulated People
    . New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1972.

Psychological defense reaction

In order to somehow compensate for her own pain, a woman is forced to turn on the mechanisms of aggression. Sometimes this results in self-torture and accusation. Others prefer to take revenge on men by putting them in an awkward position and demonstrating inappropriate, ugly behavior.

No matter how much a woman wants to change, she first needs to go through a long rehabilitation process and sort out her own feelings. There's no rush here. Any sudden movements are fraught with new complications and conditions from which it is very difficult to get out.

Misogyny - reasons

Scientists believe that the prerequisites for the occurrence of a hated condition may appear during intrauterine development. Under the influence of hormones, tendencies towards hostile behavior are likely to develop. The following factors aggravate and intensify the pathology:

  • poor connection with the mother on a sensory-emotional level;
  • cruel treatment of a child by female relatives;
  • upbringing in conditions of permissiveness and spoiling;
  • copying the father's behavior (internal misogyny in girls);
  • imitation of one's idol;
  • bullying and ridicule from peers;
  • unrequited love or breakup with a girl;
  • fiasco in sexual relationships;
  • the cult of patriarchy that has developed in society;
  • stereotypes about gender inequality.

Misogyny in women

Women’s hostility towards the weaker sex is called “internal misogyny.”

The hallmarks of this condition include:

  • assessment of women's actions from a man's point of view;
  • criticism and humiliation of women;
  • lack of girlfriends.

Female misogyny is often caused by the following reasons:

  • envy of beautiful and rich women;
  • jealousy of another lady;
  • phobias;
  • mental illness.

The disorder is a consequence of life attitudes that come from childhood. Thus, the mother of her daughter may constantly criticize and belittle other women, praising the male sex.

Girls who suffer from misogyny seek social approval and thrive in male society, which they consider privileged. They often behave “like a boy” and adopt male behavior patterns and condemn the actions of the women around them.

Prejudices directed against one's own gender cause division of professions and interests. At the same time, an atmosphere of constant competition develops.

You must be able to distinguish a negative attitude towards a specific person from hostility towards all women. If there is a mental disorder, it is necessary to learn introspection and often show compassion rather than judgment. It is important to confront not only your own, but also other people’s misogyny in order to find spiritual harmony and improve relationships with others.

Hatred towards men

The word “feminism” comes up quite often; almost everyone understands what this concept means.

Feminism is a socio-political movement in which women fight for equality with men. They want to be equal in all areas. Very often, women who, to put it mildly, did not like the stronger sex, became members of the organization. When negativity directed towards men gains momentum, then misandry is fully manifested. This concept consists of two ancient Greek words that are translated as “hate” and “man.”

Can such a concept be attributed to pathological manifestations? Quite possible. The very definition of misandry sounds like dislike, hatred, deep-rooted prejudice towards all men. This is a feeling of hatred that can manifest itself in a pathological form.

Pathological forms include lesbianism, conversion and dissociative disorders (formerly called hysteria). The pathological manifestation of misandry may be one of the signs of paranoia.

Definition of the concept

Misandry (from Greek μῖσος hatred and ἀνήρ man, emphasis on the last “and”) - dislike of the male sex, hatred, discrimination against men based on gender.

Manifestations of discrimination

The signs of a man-hater are essentially symptoms of misandry. These include mistrust, embarrassment, hysteria, and prejudice. Murder and violence against men are considered to be the most striking manifestations of the disease.


An implicit sign of misandry that a woman cannot determine on her own is doubt in a man’s words and actions. When the credit of trust is undermined at least once, the woman begins to suspect the man of all sins. If he came home late or did not call at the appointed time, the girl loses peace and sleep. It begins to seem to her that he no longer loves her, and that now he is spending time with someone else.

Unnecessary embarrassment

A feeling that a woman may experience in the presence of a man. She avoids eye contact with the opposite sex and protests against physical contact.


Misandry manifests itself more strongly when a woman falls into hysteria in the company of a man. Panic attacks and anxiety begin, she may suddenly scream at the young man and even use physical force.


Showing misandry, female bosses do not hire men. Even the fact that they violate the labor code does not stop them. There are areas in the labor market that are designed for women. For example, men have problems finding employment as accountants or educators.

At the end of 2022, a cafe appeared in St. Petersburg where men are not allowed. There is an opinion that its founder simply played on the “hype”, attracting attention and customers to the establishment. Although at the presentation of the restaurant the girl said that she wanted to create a space in which women would be free from harassment.

In 2015, a video about male lawlessness, “Misandry. A film about androcide (destruction of men).” The director of the film was Roman Alexandrov. The film was not shown in theaters because it did not receive enough funding. The viewers of the film were men. And many of them admitted that the film has a lot in common with the truth. On the Kinopoisk website the film was given 3 stars.

The film talks about misandry as the main problem of modern men. According to the author of the picture, androcide is a cancerous tumor on the body of a healthy society. The consequence of this state of affairs may be the complete degeneration of the nation.

On February 7, 2022, the Russian representative office of Reebok launched an advertisement with the slogan “Change from the needle of male approval to a male face.” Feminists reacted calmly to the advertisement and turned the incident into humor. Radical feminists felt that the slogans offended their feelings and were very unhappy.

Correction of misanthropy

Correcting misanthropy implies the development of philanthropy. Philanthropy is unconditional love for people, help to everyone who asks, support. Philanthropists also see the imperfection of the world, but they want and try to somehow improve it, change it, correct it.

Options for philanthropic behavior:

  • charity;
  • creation of a fund, a center for helping people in need, a shelter;
  • social project for landscaping and construction of a children's playground;
  • scientific research in the field of medicine, education;
  • technical invention.

Philanthropy is not the same as charity or donations. Philanthropy is not limited to monetary assistance. This is a broader concept. First of all, it implies social support, guidance, assistance in realizing the wrongness of the chosen path, drawing up a new life plan and its implementation.

An example of philanthropy: a person realizes that there are many street children in his village, young people have nothing to do, and therefore they behave like hooligans, drink, and attack passers-by for fun. Then a citizen comes up with the idea of ​​organizing a leisure center for young people. He makes inquiries, gets acquainted with the interests of children, negotiates with the administration, organizations and institutions, finds like-minded people, together they create a unique and interesting complex for the development and employment of youth.

The misanthrope would simply say another “fuck, I hate you” and try not to run into an antisocial group on the street. The philanthropist will try to solve the problem, thereby protecting himself and others, and helping young people with socialization.

This is the main difference between a misanthrope and a philanthropist:

  • one sees a problem, but tries not to face it, pretends that it will not affect him;
  • the other sees the problem and tries to solve it.

It is important not to go to the extreme of philanthropy, so as not to be disappointed in case of failure. One person cannot always make a significant contribution to society; it is not always possible to find like-minded people, especially at the beginning of one’s career

The main thing is not to lose faith in yourself. It is better to start activities by joining the ranks of already known prosocial organizations.

And of course, it is important to remember the causes of misanthropy. It may be worth contacting a psychoanalyst to find and tear out the roots of such thinking.

Or you can try talking to yourself, especially since the lack of social contacts greatly contributes to self-knowledge.

Misogyny in men

There are several criteria that help divide misogynists into two classes:

  1. Active. All their behavior shows hatred of the opposite sex. At the same time, they do not hide their feelings and try to spread ideas to the masses.
  2. Hidden. Misogynists try to hide their real feelings and prostrate themselves in front of young ladies, although they hate them. Because of their fear, they cannot openly fight with women. At the beginning of a relationship, such men are very courteous with the young lady, but over time their attitude comes out. Surprisingly, this type of misogynist is the most dangerous.

In men, signs of the disorder appear as follows:

  • all human actions are aimed at humiliating the weaker sex;
  • the patient spreads his hatred to all surrounding women, and not to a specific person;
  • misogynists deify the male image;
  • misogynists never recognize the successes and victories of women;
  • they avoid female company or feel awkward in the presence of women.

In relation to women, a man often shows self-centeredness and insolence. He does not allow a lady to be better than him and becomes furious if she surpasses him in something. Such a person cannot exist in a family where the spouse earns many times more.

A misogynist often forces a girl
to have sex and thinks only about his own pleasure.
He can disappear from the life of his chosen one without explaining the reasons, and then calmly appear again as if nothing had happened. In family life, such men are tough tyrants and do not perceive a woman as their equal. They are characterized by polygamy, but they do not accept cheating on the part of a girl.

Misogynists are a potential threat to society. First of all, they are bad husbands and can make their spouse’s life a living hell. At the same time, the misogynist does not repent after causing psychological or physical violence. Men prone to this disorder may overuse their power in leadership positions.

It is necessary to send the misogynist for a consultation with a male psychotherapist. A specialist will help change the patient’s inner world and dispel incorrect beliefs.

Treatments for the disorder include:

  • taking medications;
  • relaxation techniques;
  • cognitive and behavioral therapy.

Asymmetry with misogyny

Sociologist Alan Johnson argues in The Knot of Sex: Unmasking Our Patriarchal Legacy that accusations of misanthropy have been used to suppress feminists and shift attention to men, reinforcing the masculine at the center of culture. Johnson argues that the culture does not offer a comparable anti-male ideology to misogyny and that "people often confuse men as men with men as the dominant and favored category of people" and that "the reality of the oppression of women, male privilege, and men's performance of both, is not surprising that every woman should have moments when she is offended or even hates “people.” Mark A

Ouellette argues in the International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinity that "misandry lacks the systemic, transhistoric, institutionalized and legislated antipathy of misogyny"; In his view, suggesting a parallel between misogyny and misandry oversimplifies the relationship of gender and power.

Marc A. Ouellette states in the International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinity

that "misandry lacks the systemic, transhistoric, institutionalized and legislative antipathy of misogyny"; In his view, suggesting a parallel between misogyny and misandry oversimplifies the relationship of gender and power.

Anthropologist David D. Gilmore also argues that misogyny is an "almost universal phenomenon" and that there is no male equivalent to misogyny, further advocating that manifestations of perceived misandry are not "hatred of the traditional masculine role of men" and "the culture of masculinity." He argues that misandry is "different from intensively ad feminam

an aspect of misogyny that does not target women no matter what they believe or do."

How to deal with misandry

Women who want to change their negative attitudes towards men can try various treatments:

  • behavioral therapy, in combination with medication;
  • psychotherapy;
  • cognitive therapy;
  • relaxation techniques;
  • taking medications.

Prejudices poison life, especially if they are directed towards the opposite sex, with whom you need to communicate every day. Discrimination against men does not lead to anything good, so it should not be underestimated.

Misandry is a strong prejudice against men. Sometimes it has a complex psychological basis and may be associated with an unconscious fear imposed by older female representatives, which took root in childhood, that is, during the girl’s puberty.

Misogyny does not necessarily have to manifest itself as hatred of men; it can give symptoms such as:

  • awkwardness in male society;
  • excessive shyness towards men;
  • avoidance of the company of men;
  • avoiding eye contact with men;
  • secrecy;
  • anxious state.

Often, man-hating leads to unconscious tendencies and to LESBIANITY

27.12.2018 | 14:44

A court in the Khabarovsk Territory sentenced a woman who dismembered her 42-year-old son to 1 year and 11 months of restriction of freedom without isolation from society, according to the website of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia.

In August, a woman hit her son on the head with a frying pan during another quarrel, after which she wounded him with a knife. The man died from his injuries, after which the woman dismembered the body with a grinder and put the remains into bags.

“On the evening of August 27, 2022, she took the packages out of the house with the aim of destroying them. Neighbors reported the woman’s suspicious actions to law enforcement agencies,” the Investigative Committee reported.

The woman was detained at the entrance with bags. She confessed and actively cooperated with the investigation.

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However, the term " misogyny " dates back to Ancient Greece, many centuries before modern views on life emerged. It translates as "disgust towards women." Both men and women suffer from this disorder. They differ from other people in their misogyny, and they treat the stronger sex normally.

This concept has a synonym – misandry. It manifests itself as a negative attitude towards men. Misogyny is difficult to control and interferes with normal life. People who hate men see everything associated with the stronger sex as a threat.

Misogyny and misandry are a consequence of sexism - gender discrimination. Both phenomena are considered painful states of the soul and are characterized by mental disorders.

Often misogynists do not admit that they have this feature, because the desire to harm the weaker sex sits deep in the subconscious. Even the people around you cannot always understand that the person next to you is a misogynist.

Most often, this condition is observed in impulsive and impressionable men.

In literature

Ancient Greek literature

Classics professor Froma Zeitlin of Princeton University discussed misandry in his article entitled "Patterns of Sex in Aeschylean Drama: Seven Against Thebes and the Danaid Trilogy". She writes:


Literary critic Harold Bloom argued that although the word misandry is relatively unheard of in literature, it is not difficult to find implicit, even explicit, misandry. In connection with the works of Shakespeare, Bloom argued: "I can't think of one instance of misogyny then I would say that misandry is a strong element. Shakespeare makes it quite clear that women in general should marry down and that men are narcissistic and not to be trusted and so on. Overall, he gives us a darker vision of human men than that of human women."

Modern literature

Racial misandry occurs in both "high" and "low" culture and literature. For example, African-American men are often disparagingly portrayed as either infantile or eroticized and hyper-masculine, depending on prevailing cultural stereotypes.

Mainstream feminist critic Christina Hoff Sommers described Eve Ensler's play The Vagina Monologues

as misandric is that "there are no men worthy of admiration... the play presents the Slicker's gallery of male brutes, sadists, child molesters, genital mutilators, gangs of rapists and hateful little boys" which she finds in step with the reality that "most people are not cattle. They are not oppressors."

Julie M. Thompson, a feminist author, links misandry to people's envy, specifically "penis envy", a term coined by Sigmund Freud in 1908, in his theory of female sexual development. Nancy Kahn has discussed the "misandric impulse" in relation to the work of Toni Morrison.

In his book, Gender and Judaism: Transforming Tradition

Harry Broad, professor of philosophy and humanities in the department of philosophy and religion at the University of Northern Iowa, writes:

History of feminism

In the 1830s in the United States, women advocated for the emancipation of their rights in society. They wanted to have the right to vote, protection from violence, get an education, and engage in politics. The first person to speak out for women's rights in America was Abigail Smith Adams. Her famous quote - “We will never submit to laws in which we did not participate, and to an authority that does not represent our interests” - has gone down in history.

In Europe, feminism began to develop only in 1918, when women received the right to vote. This was followed by permission to study at universities and stand at the machine in production. At the same time, the first supporters of reverse racism appeared

When women suppressed disenfranchisement, they did not escape discrimination. They continued to be discriminated against, despite the letter of the law. Then feminists came up with the concept of sexism. It clearly reflected what was happening - women earned less than men, household chores were their only prerogative. Oppressed and dissatisfied with their position, they began to hate men as representatives of the sex.

Modern feminism has lost its historical significance. Instead of fighting for rights, feminists call for the destruction of men as a biological species and use violence against them. The law is often on the side of girls, so they feel impunity and superiority. Hypertrophied feminism is called misandry.

How to get rid of misandry?

You need to accept the problem and understand that it will not be possible to solve it without the help of specialists. Quick and effective results in therapy can be achieved by using all known methods in combination. By studying what misandry is, psychology becomes the first method of treating it. Among the main methods of therapy are:

  1. Behavioral psychotherapy
    . The patient answers the psychologist's questions to identify the problem. Gradually incorporates life skills designed to change a woman’s behavior. For example, if a girl, while communicating with a man, fell into hysterics, she should control the situation and, in the moment before the breakdown, calm down and continue communication. Therapy allows the patient to become his own psychologist.
  2. Cognitive therapy
    . The goal of treatment is for the patient to become aware of how his thoughts affect his emotions and behavior. It is necessary to identify uncontrollable negative aspects and observe them.

Treatment of misandry

To procreate and create a traditional family, women need to treat misandry.
Otherwise, loneliness awaits them, since no man will tolerate regular humiliation and insults. A prerequisite for successful treatment is awareness of the problem, and not attempts to hide feelings or avoid troubles. The problem of misandry arises as a result of severe personality trauma. The first step in treatment is to establish normal relationships with the father or brothers.

Communication between men and women - what is the difference?

Who is a misanthrope

Misanthropy literally translates as misanthropy. A misanthrope is a person who despises society and avoids social contacts.

The term “society” in this case is used in a broad sense, meaning the entire human race, rules and norms of behavior, traditions and culture, religion, and other global elements. The misanthrope is irritated by the established foundations and way of human life. Even more, he dislikes human weaknesses, mistakes, and inaccuracies. He opposes this and strives to stand out. That is why among misanthropes there are many cynics, egocentrics, and egoists.

As a rule, they are not distinguished by empathy. The sensuality of people, according to the misanthrope, leads to mistakes and prevents them from working productively and thinking soberly. In order not to feel, misanthropes deliberately kill this part of themselves, because they are mentally healthy, and therefore experience the same emotions as other people.

Not all misanthropes manage to turn into an insensitive creature. The majority retain their weaknesses and vices. Therefore, sometimes hatred spreads to oneself. The misanthrope does not forgive mistakes either to himself or to other people.

Oddly enough, such a person makes a couple of reliable friends. He experiences warmer feelings towards them, and can even forgive character flaws and weaknesses. But the misanthrope does not like new acquaintances. Being friends with a misanthrope is like being chosen. They consider themselves and their close circle to be unique, and other people - a gray mass.

What are the dangers of misogyny?

The main danger is that the person with the problem is confident in the correctness of his behavior. Where misogyny leads can be traced through the example of family relationships. In the conditions of tyranny that develops in the family of a misogonist, a woman is forced to get used to the image of a victim. The more the sufferer lives in it, the stronger the psychological attachment she becomes to her tormentor. Sometimes you have to gather all your spiritual strength, enlist the support of relatives and call for help from law enforcement agencies in order to get out from under the power of a misogonist.


So, it is important to remember three distinctive features of a misanthrope: non-acceptance of humanity as a species, social norms and rules, opposition to society, including in aggressive forms, the ability to build friendly and close relationships with several people. Misanthropes are unsociable, but this is not a pathology, like sociopathy, for example

Misanthropes experience all the same feelings as other healthy people. They know how to empathize and sympathize, live according to the law and according to their conscience, they know how to control themselves

Misanthropes are unsociable, but this is not a pathology, like sociopathy, for example. Misanthropes experience all the same feelings as other healthy people. They know how to empathize and sympathize, live according to the law and according to their conscience, and know how to control themselves.

No matter how much a misanthrope hates people, he cannot live outside of society. After all, he needs something and someone to despise. That’s why a misanthrope needs news, stories, events, publications. Sometimes he himself does not understand how attached to society he is.

How to deal with such people

If a woman in her close circle recognizes a misogynist, then she should behave:

  1. Show empathy. Most likely, this person had serious psychological trauma. He will never be able to fully enjoy love and communication with women.
  2. Communicate kindly and politely, do not get into arguments. You shouldn’t stubbornly prove your point of view to such a man. It is much better to remain neutral and try to avoid sharp corners.
  3. Keep some distance. If a work colleague or close relative shows misogyny, then it is better to limit communication with him and maintain psychological distance.
  4. Don't commit yourself to a relationship with a woman hater. It is very difficult to build a relationship with a man who dislikes the female sex. It is almost impossible to please him, and trying to re-educate someone is a thankless task and almost always a failure.
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