The art of negotiation: basic rules. How to negotiate with people?

People must learn to hear each other, accept the other’s position and be able to negotiate. Otherwise, human life will turn into an endless stream of quarrels and conflicts. Of course, they happen in any family or society, but you need to learn how to effectively resolve controversial issues through dialogue, in order to reach a compromise. A solution that suits both sides of the conflict is the result of the art of negotiation. Coming to a compromise is sometimes more difficult than solving a problem unilaterally. This is a vicious circle that aggravates the consequences of the crisis rather than eliminating the cause.

The art of negotiation

From an early age, a person has to find himself in conflict situations. Already during children's games in the yard, he realizes that not all his peers think like him, and the point of view on the same actions is different. Soon the understanding comes that it is better to resolve controversial situations calmly. In this article we will look at several rules on how to negotiate with people diplomatically, without offending others or humiliating yourself.

What unites politicians, businessmen, successful people and artists? This is the ability to speak clearly and convincingly. It can be noted that not a single journalist with his piquant questions could put any of them in an awkward position; they always carefully get out of the situation and turn out to be “winners”. The trump card of their victories is the correctly chosen words, metaphors, emotions, phrases and gestures. This is mastery of psychological techniques and words. The ability to negotiate is an art that needs to be mastered. Therefore, public people are excellent diplomats, they easily find an approach to any person, know how to build a constructive dialogue, and easily resolve disagreements that arise. The average person has a lot to learn from them.

Causes of children's inability to negotiate

To determine effective ways to overcome children's inability to negotiate, it is important to understand the reasons for the child's incorrect behavior towards other children. Most of them lie in the psychological characteristics of younger schoolchildren

First of all, their emotional instability affects them, which is as follows.

  • The habitual model of behavior is based on the formula “I want - I don’t want, I like it - I don’t like it.”
  • Most children's actions depend on their mood, which they do not yet know how to control.
  • In a conflict situation, a student most often commits actions under the influence of angry impulses.
  • The child does not have the “Should” attitude, so the discord between his internal state and generally accepted norms of behavior is reflected.

By the beginning of the school period, the child is psychologically ready to manage his emotions, but does not know how to do this. Therefore, another reason for conflicts in children is not their inability to establish contacts, but their lack of experience in social communication. This is especially pronounced in a “home child” who has not previously attended kindergarten.

This is precisely why children do not strive to negotiate themselves, but rush to seek help from adults. Sometimes the child does not even realize that he can solve the problem himself and find a way to interact.

It is also necessary to take into account that at this age children are fixated only on their feelings and they have almost no sense of empathy. They do not want to give in to another simply because they do not understand his desires and the fact that he also has his own interests.

There are other reasons for children’s inability to negotiate. This may be a consequence of improper family upbringing, in which the parents never tried to seek compromises with the child, but only presented him with a series of demands. In some cases, negative social experiences gained in the preschool period have an effect. If a child has experienced aggressive pressure from his peers for some time, this may affect his character and behavior pattern.

The reasons for inability to negotiate can be identified by conducting diagnostic tests, questioning parents, and interviewing teachers. In rare cases, to solve the problem of increased conflict in a child, the help of a psychologist will be needed. Most often, it is enough to conduct a system of collective or group classes on the topic “Learning to negotiate.”


Disputes and conflict situations arise everywhere: at school, at work, in the family, on the street, at the institute and in various public places. And the more effectively the dispute is resolved, the more your authority in the eyes of others will increase. What does “effective art of negotiation” mean? By definition, this is a successful result of negotiations between two or three parties, during which a compromise is found. In turn, a compromise is voluntary and mutual concessions by all parties to the conflict on a friendly note. The phrase “agree” implies a mutually beneficial solution. And if it is found, it means that people have come to a mutually beneficial option, that is, they have agreed.

Time is of the essence

Timing is often the key factor that determines whether you have the ability to close a deal successfully.

Bargaining over temporary conditions should be done with as much care and caution as over money. If you rush through the negotiation process, people will think that you are not serious about the contract price. If you take your time and carefully consider each step, your partners will understand that you take every dollar you spend seriously.

Even if you understand that you will ultimately accept the proposed terms, still take time to think about the proposal so that after concluding the contract, your partners will be satisfied with the result achieved. Responding too quickly is somewhat disrespectful, as if the negotiation means nothing to you.

As the deadline approaches, the party more interested in the deal will increasingly make concessions. That's why the chance of getting a discount on a gym membership is much higher in December than in January, when people rush to fulfill their New Year's resolutions.

If you are the one with a deadline, try to maintain control over the flow of the conversation. Find a way to slow down the pace of the conversation, say that you need to talk with other suppliers and buyers in order to provoke FOMO, that is, the fear of missing out on something valuable, in the other party.

Understand, hear, listen and insist

Surely many managers, sitting at the negotiating table, sincerely want to find a solution that suits everyone. But the attempts fail because in the first minutes it becomes clear that it is simply impossible to reach an agreement. And, unfortunately, they are not trying to resume the dialogue again.

How to master the art of negotiation? The rules developed by experts will help you get out of any situation. Endurance, patience, self-control and focus on what is most important are fundamental factors on the path to compromise.

A good example is politicians or large businessmen who conduct long-term negotiations with partners or competitors. Most often, negotiations end on a positive note.

Territory of agreement

This territory, like any other, must be protected. This security device is the small word “yes.” The interlocutors need to agree among themselves, and this can be done even without a psychologist. You must be in a good mood because you must take the initiative. You should not be tired, you should be smarter, more far-sighted, more cunning and more talkative. First you need to start a conversation. And the topic of conversation should not remain neutral. On the contrary, the topic should affect each of the interlocutors. How to find such a topic, you ask? The weather will be perfect. You, as the initiator, characterize her condition, and your interlocutor agrees, and that’s it! Both interlocutors are already in the territory of agreement.

Way to success

For a successful dialogue, all round table participants must:

  • listen carefully to your interlocutor without interrupting, even if his arguments are absurd;
  • show respect to your interlocutor;
  • do not allow aggression, pressure, persistence towards the opponent;
  • celebrate merits and achievements;
  • speak calmly, confidently without emotions, use arguments, facts, provide evidence;
  • reach a compromise diplomatically.

This is the art of negotiating; the rules of correct communication are always useful in life.

Of course, it is impossible to list all the nuances; there is a special science in this regard - social science. These are just the basics, without which effective negotiations will not take place.

The art of negotiation in the form of a poster

Many people are upset by a quarrel with a friend. What to do in such situations? How to achieve mutual understanding next time, avoiding conflict? In this case, experts recommend developing your own rule “The Art of Negotiation”; the poster will be a good guide in this matter. Everyone has seen the cartoon about Carlson, who called himself “the tamer of the housewife.” He was able to win over the most harmful Freken Bock. Sometimes it is useful to imagine yourself in the form of this hero and write a memo for communicating with any person. Remember the bitter resentment, explain to yourself why this resentment arose. The main thing is to be honest, because no one gets offended by bad weather or a stone they tripped over. You need to create your own recipe for avoiding offense.

  1. What prevents you from understanding a person?
  2. What feelings are neutral?
  3. What helps you understand others?

In this way, the art of negotiation will become more clear. A poster hung in the room will help in this matter.

Pay attention to body language

When you're trying to negotiate something with someone, it's helpful to pay attention to changes in the other person's body language. This will give valuable clues about what he is thinking or feeling. If he begins to frown, wrinkle his forehead, or cross his arms, this may be a sign of disagreement with your words.

Also be aware of your own body language and facial expressions. They must be neutral. Keep your arms at your sides, maintain eye contact, and smile casually if appropriate.

Communication process

Communication is an integral part of the successful functioning of many professions, the specificity of which is communicating with people. Uniqueness lies in the ability to listen, understand others and perceive the information received. The purpose of communication is the relative balance of the parties, in which their goals, thoughts, interests are defended, but as a result of which the parties come to a certain agreement. In fact, you can always come to an agreement with everyone - with the seller, the buyer, the employee, the partner, the boss. Why is the ability to negotiate called an art? The fact is that in ordinary life, not all people write poetry, play the piano, draw, dance or sing. Talent is inherent in every person, in some it is more pronounced, in others it is weaker. And the opportunity for development allows you to improve your inclinations and become a true professional in your field. Not everyone is gifted with the art of negotiating; the rules of mutual agreement will allow you to develop this quality. Certain methods, courses, and trainings will be an excellent “self-teacher.”

Negotiation methods

In official management psychology, there are 4 methods of negotiation. It is not necessary to use only one method in the negotiation process; you can combine it. Let's look at each of them in detail.

Method 1. Variational

This method can be used in the process of preparing for a conversation. Its essence is to distribute the expected result into:

  • ideal;
  • optimal (besides, it is necessary to identify not so important nuances that can be neglected);
  • forced within the expected time frame;
  • an opponent's proposal that must be rejected.

You should think about all of these options in advance, and plan the strategies that will be used in each of them.

Method 2. Compromise

Compromise is considered one of the most important points in the discussion process. The point is that opponents are ready to sacrifice certain nuances, taking into account the interests of the parties. As a result of this approach, instead of the original requirements, new ones are formulated.

It should be said that there are some difficulties in the compromise method. Firstly, a solution reached by compromise is a conditional agreement, since it may require greater competence and authority of the participants in the process. Secondly, the psychological aspect plays a big role. That is, in order to reach a consensus, both (or three, etc.) parties should show patience and endurance.

Method 3: Balancing

When balancing, each opponent carefully studies and analyzes the counterarguments put forward. This method will be relevant in 2 cases:

  1. In preparation for modeling possible ways of development of events.
  2. When you need to “play for time” (if a person does not want to take risks or does not have enough authority).

The method is used in the decisive (turning) phase, in which the participant presents clear arguments to the counterparty.

Method 4: Integration

The most appropriate integration method will be in a situation of positional bargaining, when the opponent insists on narrow departmental interests. In this case, your goal is to convince your partner (or opponent) of the need to take into account social relationships, since they promise mutual benefit.

The Art of Diplomacy

Valuable diplomacy skills are needed everywhere. Any manager or manager should master this art perfectly. This does not mean that other employees will not benefit from this quality. The art of negotiating diplomatically is highly valued in our time. The ability to conduct a correct dialogue with employees, suppliers, exporters, and consumers is necessary in any job. By understanding this mechanism and applying it in practice, you can take a leading position.

Unfortunately, in difficult situations a person either gives up immediately or attacks his opponent. This is the peculiarity of people - they do things without thinking. In order not to complicate the situation, good preparation is necessary, which begins with the question “What do I want to achieve as a result, what am I striving for?” Once the goal is determined, it is necessary to analyze and compare, then adjust judgment and plans for the future and be “combat ready” again. This is the art of negotiation. Social studies, as an academic subject that brings together many social sciences, will teach you to improvise when there is absolutely no time to prepare.

What then?

So, the negotiations took place. You shook hands and agreed (we will not now consider cases when an agreement was not reached). So what's now?

  1. Don’t sign an agreement right away, don’t start new projects - take a short time out to think about everything again . Listen to your intuition - it will help you understand whether you should start doing business with this partner. Use word of mouth - make inquiries about the person. But don’t delay it too much - the fuse may burn out, and your partner may change his mind. Two or three days is enough!
  2. Write an email to your interlocutor, thanking you for the meeting, reiterating the main points, and expressing your desire to begin cooperation as soon as possible. Just in case, write down the numbers that were discussed during the negotiations (the amount of investments, the number of units of goods, and so on) - what if the interlocutor understood something wrong? If suddenly he doesn’t answer, wait a day or two and remind him again. If there is silence again, it is better to retreat than to impose. Anything can happen: your interlocutor could change his mind.
  3. When you start working together, keep your promises. It’s not in vain that you took notes: pick them up periodically and do not deviate from the given course. Do not violate the agreement - otherwise rumors in the business environment... and so on.

An ordinary example

For example, an experienced employee decided to quit, citing the fact that he was no longer satisfied with the work schedule and pay. An unexpected statement needs to be responded to urgently, but in such a way that the interests of the manager are respected, because you don’t want to lose a valuable employee. Finding and training a new person may take a lot of time and money, but the arguments of the person leaving are also understandable. How to act in this situation and not make a mistake? The art of negotiation will teach you this.

If the boss is unable to find a solution in such a simple situation, then he is unlikely to cope with complex tasks. Most likely, a short-sighted manager will not stop the employee and try to find a solution. But it is a compromise in this situation that can be most beneficial for both parties. And there are many such examples. What is the essence of the agreement process? Let's try to figure it out.

Transparency is speed

It might be surprising to you to think, why would anyone willingly give up their own preferences? Of course, sometimes this happens due to lack of experience or excessive naivety. Sometimes they are simply trying to please you or improve relationships, but more often than not, even this move has a rational explanation.

Experienced sales managers know firsthand that “time kills deals”: ​​the longer negotiations last, the higher the chances that the parties will not reach an agreement.

Delays happen for various reasons, and in some cases, deliberately delaying negotiations is a manipulative tactical move made in order to extract a more comfortable price. However, every second of delay increases the risk that the other side will simply abandon the negotiations.

As long as both parties are honest with each other, as long as they are open about what their goals are and what the outcome of the negotiations will be more convenient for them, deals tend to close fairly quickly.

This method is effective if you are aiming to build a relationship with your partner for a long period, as it builds trust in you. This will have a positive impact not only on your relationship with one person or company, but also on your reputation.

Follow this approach when negotiating less important deals where you can afford to agree to “good enough” terms. The reputation you build from small transactions will become invaluable when you move on to larger negotiations with the same person you interacted with before.

If someone has said yes to you in the past, they are more likely to say yes again in the future. This is all more like a kind of trick: first you work with a person on minor projects, and then, when you earn his trust, move on to larger ones.

It happens that for one side a deal seems like a mere trifle, but for the other it seems like a matter of life and death. An international corporation cares little about contracts worth tens of thousands of dollars, while for small firms this is a fortune.

Therefore, when you are not too concerned about the terms of the deal, you can remain as transparent as possible to speed up the contract signing process. You may lose a little money, but you will gain more valuable loyalty and appreciation that will definitely pay dividends in the future.

Arrangement process

The first thing that happens in such a situation is a conflict of interests. Personal interests are known. But in order to objectively assess the situation, you need to set your priorities correctly, and this is quite simple to do. It all depends on the task that the person has set for himself, what goal he is pursuing, how much does he need it? In addition, it is necessary to understand the interests of the opponent, otherwise a compromise cannot be achieved. If the motive of the opposite side is not clear, and interests are hidden, a simple way is to visually change places, imagine yourself in the place of your interlocutor and think about what problems he might have, what worries him, and so on. And by talking with mutual friends, you can understand the situation as a whole and get additional information that will help you make the right decision.

All of the above helps you understand how to negotiate correctly, get out of difficult situations and find a compromise diplomatically.

Artem Ginevsky

Director of the Investment Technologies Laboratory
“In general, so-called soft skills have always been popular. But at a certain point they received their name and definition; Soft skills training became popular after Carnegie’s early work. We see a logical and natural process: along with the development of certain areas and professions, there is a demand for professionals with skills corresponding to these areas. Thus, today’s popular creative class professions require imagination, innovative thinking, and the ability to work under time pressure with creative people. And for management professions, for example, you need the ability to work in a team, competently build communication with colleagues, and be a leader. Now these soft skills are the most popular and in demand.

The demand for soft skills creates supply in the additional education market: various schools, courses, coaches and consultants appear. State educational institutions have much less flexibility than small private centers, so it is more difficult for universities to adapt to the new needs of students. Students understand their gaps in education already at their places of work; specialists go to various additional education organizations to fill them.

“The creative class professions that are popular today require imagination, innovative thinking, and the ability to work under time pressure with creative people.”

In the financial industry, soft skills are also very important. I would highlight the following: structured consciousness, analytical thinking, speed of reaction, the ability to see the whole picture, self-organization. An investor is driven by two main feelings: fear (losing his savings) and greed (the desire to earn even more). The ability to keep both of these feelings under control is also a kind of soft skill that a person needs to work in financial markets. At the company, we talk about soft skills with our listeners as an “add-on” after they understand and understand the theoretical part. In order to develop the necessary soft skills, we advise you to constantly learn new things, read professional literature and literature on personal growth. Learning different behavioral things comes from practice by learning soft skills from professionals in your field.”

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