Removing negative programs from the subconscious: the most effective methods

Hello, dear reader, I am glad to welcome you to the reality of yoga! In this article I will cover such an important topic as working with the subconscious. Proverb:

A smart person won't climb a mountain, a smart person will walk around a mountain

just about those who understand how difficult and stupid it is to change without taking into account the power of the subconscious in our lives.

So, what is stored in the subconscious, how to make changes leading to happiness as harmonious and effective as possible, which yoga method for working with the subconscious is the most effective and why?

Connection with higher powers

One of the important parts of the training, during which the practitioner is cleared of blocks, beliefs and attitudes. The actions are:

  • Try to mentally turn to the Higher powers and ask yourself for positive energy to improve your life and health.
  • Read the mantras. Concretize the negative energy that bothers you from within in the form of a clot of black fog or a terrible monster.
  • Try to mentally get rid of this negativity. The rays of the sun cut through the black fog or the monster is “pierced” by a fiery sword.
  • Feel the freedom from such purification phenomena. Try to catch a state of lightness, healing. Secure the effect of such hypnosis. Imagine that your body is an empty vessel, not yet loaded with anything.
  • Mentally begin to fill this clean vessel with a pleasant and positive substance (the subconscious mind will indicate the desired visual image).
  • When you achieve a state of complete harmony, as well as mental peace, you need to subconsciously thank the Higher Powers for their help - emotionally and sincerely.
  • The final action will be complete relaxation in a quiet, cozy environment. The meditation can be considered completed.

Safety precautions

Violation of safety regulations entails administrative or criminal penalties, depending on the severity of the consequences.

In the process of purifying the subconscious, “purified” qualities emerge from the heart area into Anahata (heart energy center) in the form of clots of dense energy. From Anahata, fears “fall” down, cleansing from them occurs through the legs. Aggression is removed from the body through Sahasrara (top of the head). At these moments, a surge of corresponding emotions is possible. The most severe case is an outburst of aggression. What to do? Especially if you are at work at this moment. Spit in the boss's face? Send the chief accountant to take a walk along Piterskaya Street, stopping at the bathhouse and other hot spots? Or suppress the emotions that flared up in yourself? Of course, neither one nor the other, nor the third.

Take several bags of coarse salt with you to work. At home, pour a couple of tablespoons of salt into a napkin and wrap it carefully. The bag is ready. Make a few, just in case, and take them to work. If aggression flares up during a conversation with your boss, then wait until the end of the audience and then lock yourself in your office or toilet, hold a small bag of salt between your palms and in a quiet whisper say everything you want to say, without being shy in expressions and emotions. You can also yell if you are sure that no one can hear you. Salt is very good at drawing out aggression and fears that have been released from the subconscious and temporarily wandering around the body. As soon as the anger passes, hide the ends in water: throw the bag into the toilet and flush it with water. That's it - you are an angel in the flesh again.

You can do the same at home. But there are other ways. For example, a bottle of water (I found this technique on the Internet and used it successfully). Take a plastic bottle (not necessarily a large one, even 0.3 liters will do), fill it with water, close the lid tightly, write on it the name of the one whom you currently want to wipe off the face of the earth (for example, director Vasily, or sister Vasilisa, or mother-in-law Anfisa) and run to a secluded place where no one will disturb you. Sit on the floor and tell the bottle everything you would like to say to the person whose name is imprinted on it with a marker the color of your anger. You can also hit the bottle with a loud slap or two (just don’t get hurt, please). When you calm down, pour the water from the bottle into the toilet, and the bottle itself into the trash; there is no need to reuse it. Another good remedy for cleansing surfaced emotions is a salt bath. I didn’t spare salt for myself, threw in four drops, dissolved it, and then dived. Oh good! You can take the most common salt, but coarse.

During the cleansing process, as I wrote above, clots of compacted energy emerge from the area of ​​the heart. People who are sensitive to their body can easily feel their movement. Before these clots leave the body, they can partially block one chakra or another, which can lead to pain and illness in various parts of the body. These pains usually go away within a day or two. If this happens to you, then act according to the situation: either just wait a day or two, or take medications, they will not harm or interfere with the cleansing process. I had a lot of pain: my joints, my head, my gall bladder, my kidneys, my spleen, my fingers and toes (although most of these pains and painful sensations had never bothered me before).

What does the program provide?

Meditation, which involves cleansing the subconscious, will allow you to get the maximum effect from regular spiritual practice:

  • removes bad mood;
  • teaches you not to pay attention to the influences of resentment, anger and irritation;
  • “cleanses” karma and aura of negative blockages and beliefs that interfere with internal development and the formation of a successful personality;
  • provides a state of happiness, peace, harmony, without requiring its borrowing from external sources;
  • develops intuition;
  • creates long-lasting cleansing energy radiation;
  • teaches you to give love, positivity and gratitude to the world around you, which returns in the form of all kinds of benefits.

Reasons for the appearance of negative programs in the human biofield

There may be several reasons for the appearance of negatively destructive programs, as well as their types: the introduction of someone else’s program (infection or targeted influence of “replanting”), creation by the person himself due to character, incorrect behavior, commission of actions, as well as inherited ones (these include negative programs of the kind). There is another type of negative programs that we bring with us from past lives. They are called karmic.

How negative programs work

The objects of a negatively destructive energy information program can be: people, relationships between people, animals, plants, material wealth, family, premises, vehicles. Most often in practice you come across 3 main programs:

  1. A negative program for the destruction of a person’s physical body (damage to health), including complete destruction - death (this could be suicide, an unexplained fast-moving illness). Damage to impotence and childlessness, the emergence of alcoholism, drug addiction are also classified as this type of program.
  2. A program that destroys the social side of life. The result of this impact is: problems at work, career destruction, job loss, dislike of people around, persecution, bullying, problems with communication up to complete loneliness, loss of family happiness and well-being, this also includes the crown of celibacy, the “Black Widow” damage.
  3. Negative programs for the destruction of material wealth. They are expressed in losses of small and large things: loss of money, material assets, deprivation of a business or loss of its success, theft, breakage or destruction of valuable items, loss of wealth up to poverty. Recently, programs have often been implemented for misfortune: car accidents, fires,

The essence of a negative program is a clot of energy that acts as a kind of blocker of positive energies on the one hand and replacing them with alien energies of destructive action on the other. They work according to a clear pattern. Initially, a person loses any opportunity to naturally restore his vitality and the lost type of energy. Then a series of misfortunes or one big disaster occurs. Depending on the type of programs, there are long-term, one-time and repeated ones.

The introduction of alien programs occurs through holes in the human biofield. Depending on where the sample was received, a person experiences certain symptoms. For example, if the program was implemented at level 1 of the Muladhara chakra, then the person experiences a loss of physical strength, weakness, and deterioration in his material condition. Sometimes even he gets sick: headaches appear like a cold, dry cough, runny nose, aching joints.

When there is a breakdown at the level of the 2nd chakra of Svadhisthana, apathy, lack of desire to do something, loss of creative powers, disturbances in sexual life, cystitis, strange aches in the lower back and inexplicable pain in this area of ​​the back may appear. Also, victims of the introduction of destructive love lapel programs (namely, it is on this chakra that they settle and are directed) experience difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex, frequent quarrels, separations, irritability towards the once loved one.

More information about what happens when negative action programs are introduced into a person’s biofield, the mechanism of their action and elimination can be found in other blog articles, and also on the pages of the site you will find methods on how to remove a negative program, how to detect damage and destructive programs in your biofield . To request specialist help, write to:

Timely identification and cleansing of negative programs is inextricably linked with the restoration of the biofield and the functioning of the chakras

This is an important condition for returning to normal life without the influence of alien destructive energies. After purification and elimination of the negative program, a person’s natural flow of energies is restored, he gets rid of the negative consequences of the programs: health is restored, mood improves, psychological strength appears to realize various desires, a bright taste of life, joy and happiness returns

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Who is it suitable for?

The practice will be useful for everyone without exception.

Even if at first glance you do not have any problems, it is important to understand that everyone has “baggage” of unpleasant attitudes and memories accumulated over the years. Thoughts regularly swirl in my head: “Nothing is working out for me,” “I’ll never build a family,” “I’m not worthy...”

The list goes on and on.

Emotional blocks that are harmless at the initial stage can develop into serious physical and mental illnesses, or simply seriously poison life.

Cleansing the subconscious is the best prevention, guaranteeing a harmonious state. It allows you to quickly find a solution in difficult situations.


“Grabbing myself by the pigtail, I pulled upward with all my might and without much difficulty pulled both myself and my horse out of the swamp” ( from the adventures of Baron Munchausen


Well, that's probably all. As you can see, I am not Susanin. He brought you out of the wilds. Now some of you will run away from this dense forest of my letters, and some of you will want to walk this path on your own. These latter will then also be divided into two groups. Some will join the first ones who immediately ran away, and the rest will go through this path over and over again, day after day. It is for this latter purpose that this entire text was written. Good luck to you, my distant comrade! Who, besides yourself, can pull you out of the swamp you created? If you have any questions about the technique itself or about the topics I have touched upon, then write to me, I will be happy to answer as soon as possible.

Hypers, haters, detractors, trolls and others with similar desires to convict me of incompetence, illiteracy and immodesty, please do not bother me. I agree with you in advance.

We unknowingly interfere with the implementation of our plans

For example, we have important but not very pleasant work ahead of us. Instead of getting rid of it quickly, we COMPLETELY CONSCIOUSLY find thousands of reasons and explanations WHY WE DIDN’T DO IT. And immediately a heap of urgent matters is revealed, postponing the work until the very time when the “roasted rooster” begins to sharpen its beak...

Many people decide to start a new life on Monday. We ASSURE OURSELVES that from Monday we will definitely START A NEW LIFE: we will go in for sports, quit smoking, give up beer/candy/favorite cakes (favorite drugs). But Monday comes, and the implementation of the plans is again postponed to the future. And often, “that same Monday” NEVER COMES...

Sometimes the body so actively resists actions or events that potentially pose a threat that a person may even get sick. Surely, some people are familiar with the situation when, before an important meeting, the temperature suddenly rises and the head splits. You can no longer go anywhere, do nothing.

The destructive work of our subconscious. Negative programs

It's all because of negative internal attitudes that block our efforts and erect obstacles on the path to success. Attitudes predispose a person to the same reactions and actions in repeated life situations. And, as the years pass, this “baggage” in the subconscious, which we drag along with us, becomes stronger and is replenished with new negative experiences.

During childhood, the formation of negative attitudes is facilitated by errors in upbringing. When critical comments are made to a child in the form of categorical generalizing judgments, such as “you’re always late,” “you’re good for nothing,” “your work is terrible,” “stupid,” etc., subconscious attitudes are formed that deny any possibility of success. and programming appropriate behavior patterns.

I call them negative programs.

Most often, negative programs in our country concern such pressing topics as health and money (there is also sex, but everything is simpler with it, and therefore I will not write about it).

For example, for people who have learned from childhood a prejudice against wealth, believing that it is synonymous with dishonesty, a negative attitude will subconsciously prevent them from achieving financial success.

A kind of psychological ban on wealth will be triggered.

Remember, rich people even in fairy tales appear as “dishonest deceivers.” And not to mention the “hated bourgeoisie” whom our valiant people defeated in the heyday of communism.

We have perfectly learned what is good and what is bad. Public morality took care of this at a very opportune time, introducing into our heads the idea of ​​what we need to be and what we shouldn’t be.

Can an honest person be rich?

Think about why such manipulation was created.

The same goes for health. We have been very cleverly programmed into what diseases we SHOULD get, and at what age THIS WILL HAPPEN.

You are sitting with the letter “Zu”! Your back is bound to hurt!

That is why, if we want to improve our health and get rich, we must overcome negative internal attitudes.

To prevent harmful attitudes from ruining our lives, we first need to identify and understand them. After all, as you know, in order to defeat the enemy, you must first detect him.

After all, sometimes we don’t even suspect that we are PROGRAMMED FOR FAILURE.

Let's imagine such a common life situation. A beautiful and smart girl is chronically unlucky with men. She considers herself a failure, but does not think about what exactly is preventing her from organizing her personal life. And the point, perhaps, is a subconscious attitude that forms confidence in failure in advance, and disappointment does not keep itself waiting.

But, even if the presence of a blocking attitude is conscious, often we DO NOT WANT to admit it to ourselves. Indeed, it is easier to blame evil fate or fatal bad luck for failures than to try to break down psychological barriers to success.

How to identify negative programs in yourself?

The problem is that there can be many internal complexes and obstacles; they are often so closely intertwined that only a good shrink can unravel this tangle of contradictions.

I recommend turning to specialists in such matters: trainers and coaches, or, as a last resort, practicing psychologists (“dismiss the armchair” and “room” psychologists right away, I’ll tell you from personal experience, often such guys cannot restore order in their lives). But it’s great to teach others how to live)

However, you can try to solve the problem yourself. To do this, you need to master several simple psychotechnic techniques. I will help you with this.


“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...”

This is what is written in the Gospel. But it is not written there that before the word there was a thought, and before the thought there was pre-thought, or intention. Any of our actions begins with an intention, and, as a rule, this intention is born in the subconscious. This is probably true in 99.99% of cases. The subconscious rules the conscious mind. If we have generated the intention to cleanse our subconscious of something that we do not like, then at the level of consciousness we ask a simple question: “How? How? Using what technology? There are many answers: various types of techniques are offered by a large number of psychologists and esotericists. Pay the money - and voila! The truth is, voila, you may not have enough money or patience/intention. Where can I find a free one?

equipment with no less efficiency than many paid ones?

I asked myself this question several years ago. And I didn’t find it... Or rather, I found it, but they didn’t suit me for various reasons. I didn’t have the opportunity to pay, by my standards, a lot of money, but I really needed to start clearing my subconscious, because then thunder had already struck in my life, and cancer was whistling on the mountain, and for many Thursdays in a row it was raining like crazy. buckets, and even a roasted rooster pecked me in the butt. But in my luggage there was a seminar by Mark Ifraimov “The Code of Life”, at which he gave an individual arrangement technique, in which two people participate: directly the one who is doing the arrangement, and the coach leading the arrangement.

I decided to take this technique and exclude the trainer from it, replacing him with an ordinary esoteric pendulum, with the help of which I went through the chain of arrangement. I will not describe the entire evolutionary chain of transformation of the almost classical constellation to the technique that I use now. I will immediately present the technique in its final form. At the same time, I expect that you are familiar with the technique of classical arrangement. But even if you are not familiar with it, the technique I suggest will work for you too. So:

“All my ancestors, from whom I inherited... (here we insert our quality(s) that we want to get rid of)... I am not you, and you are not me. But I carry these qualities within me. I return them to you, and in return I give you a place in my heart and my love!”

Next we turn on our imagination. This is how I imagined it.

  • I inhaled, then bowed to my ancestors and exhaled slowly; at the moment of bowing, a black oily clot fell out of my head, which, upon contact with the surface, disintegrated into a large number of small black balls. These balls rolled left and right along two grooves. My paternal ancestors stand along one groove, and my maternal ancestors along the other. And they (the ancestors) with cheerful exclamations like: “Oh, here’s my ball!” or “That one is mine, give it to me!” etc. - they take all the balls apart. After that, I checked whether the flow of love from my ancestors went along one and the other branch. Feeling the flow of love, I straightened up (I did all these actions mentally). At this point, the arrangement with one quality chosen by me, or with a group of identical qualities, is almost complete.

It is no coincidence that I called this technique an esoteric solo arrangement. Why solo is already clear. Why esoteric? Because psychology, for example, does not rely on faith in God, does not resort to His help, the help of His Heavenly companions, does not rely on the concepts of chakras, energy channels, energies themselves, etc. This technique was suggested to me by my Heavenly mentors ( someone calls them guardian angels, but this is not entirely correct). And this technique works solely thanks to their (Heavenly mentors) help. It works very effectively, but more on that later.

Now we need to complete the arrangement. Having uttered the formula I gave above, we actually turned to the Divine powers for help in cleansing our subconscious. But just taking it is not good. You need to give something in return. Necessarily! Therefore, after completing the ritual of distributing the balls, you need to say: “I love You!” (7 times) and then: “Thank you!” (also 7 times). We direct these words to the Lord Jesus Christ.

I started using this technique a couple of years ago. Now I'm using a modified version of it. The results are obvious to me. Among the sudden and unobvious results, for example, the following: weight loss by 13 kg over 11 months without any changes in diet (I almost always have sweet tea with cookies, jam or halva for dinner, sometimes a cake instead of cookies; fears disappear from the subconscious, and weight decreases on its own); strengthening nails. My nails have become very strong. As I read from Louise Hay, nails symbolize our vulnerability or security when interacting with the flow of life. Again, there were fewer fears in the subconscious, the feeling of comfort and security in the face of the vicissitudes of fate increased, and so the nails became harder.

I will not convince anyone of the effectiveness of this technique. If anyone is interested, check it out. The result will definitely come, but not quickly.

The filling of the subconscious with various qualities occurred over the course of many, many, many of our incarnations, plus the qualities received from our ancestors through DNA, plus the imposition of some qualities of our ancestors on our own identical qualities, which leads to a significant increase in the influence of these qualities on our lives - all this can be weakened and removed from the subconscious, but only by constant consistent work over a sufficiently long period of time. It is different for everyone, because we all have different starting conditions. I, for example, took up this technique when it became obvious to me, very, very obvious, so obvious that even I understood and felt at the level of consciousness, but only when I approached the critical line (real deadline) how strong the program was in me self-destruction. I hope that most of you will not have to climb out of the same hole that I climbed (and climbed) out of. Then the results will come faster. Faith and patience will help you with this. As you have seen, the technique itself is very simple. But there is one (or maybe more than one) “but”...

How to remove negative attitudes. Part 2. A course towards positivity

Once you have written down all your limiting beliefs, take a RED pen or marker and write the opposite statements in the blank spaces. Let go of your imagination completely. You are now shaping your future life, so don't be afraid to think big.

Important! Don't use "not" in positive statements. If you write with a pencil “I am poor”, then with a red pen you should write “I am rich” and not “I am not poor”

Remember that the brain does not perceive the particle “not”.

On the last page, write a heartfelt message to God, the Universe, or whoever or what you believe in. Thank you for your help, love and support. The message can be completed in any way you like, write from the heart. I usually use the formula “In the name of all living things on Earth.”

The second stage went faster. I completely filled my notebook with positive affirmations in about an hour.

Ways to clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts

Photo by Jerald Pacheco Famoleras: Pexels
Psychologists give effective recommendations for clearing the mind of thought flow.

  • Learn to meditate

Meditation is the best way to clear your head. To do this, there is no need to leave the house or perform any actions. Take a breath, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. During meditation, the mind is commanded to stay in the present moment and eliminate thoughts from the past.

  • Write down your thoughts on paper

This simple method is a variant of self-analysis.

To complete this you will need a piece of paper and a pen. Sit down and write down without interruption, without thinking about everything that has accumulated in your head.

After you finish, analyze what you wrote. In this way, you can not only get rid of thoughts in your head, but also learn a lot of new things about yourself.

  • Don't read or listen to the news

Reading news on the Internet or listening to it on TV does not provide any practical benefit. At this time, we are implementing a habit that comes from antiquity: in order to survive, we need to be aware of all events.

Today's news has nothing to do with survival, but carries a lot of negativity. Get rid of this habit, and you will immediately notice that life has become much easier. If you are afraid of missing something important, then believe me, if it happens, you will know about it.

  • Learn to think positively

The brain cannot be empty of thoughts for a long time. These processes occur in our head seven days a week. If you have gotten rid of negative thoughts through meditation, then it is time to bring positive ideas into your head.

For positive thinking, the affirmation method is great, during which you need to repeat positive statements to yourself:

How to clear your brain of garbage and bad thoughts?

  • I love me.
  • I deserve better.
  • I love life.
  • I'm happy.
  • My life is beautiful.

Psychologists have noticed that the more often we utter the same thought, the faster it becomes our belief. With the help of affirmation, you do not focus on the negative side of life, you turn your mind in a positive direction.

How to remove negative attitudes. Part 3. Elimination and replacement

For the next 3 days you need to read the ENTIRE notebook in the morning and evening. Read all the notes - both pencil and red. This process takes me about 15 minutes. Depending on your handwriting, it may take you a little less or more time.

As you read, pay attention to how you feel. On pencil notes you may feel rejected, but on red notes you may feel inspired.

You may not want to read negative attitudes at all, but you should be patient for 3 days. During this time, your brain will “reformat” your beliefs, replacing the usual gloomy thoughts with positive ones, which you wrote with a red pen.

The longest, but also the most joyful stage remains. After 3 days, take an eraser and erase all negative beliefs. You will only have positive phrases written in red ink. And then you need to read the entire notebook every morning and evening for the next few months. Optimally - six months, more is possible. Each reading will take you 5-10 minutes.

When you leaf through your notebook and read positive statements, phrases about gratitude, love and happiness, you will feel a surge of strength and joy

But the most important thing is that your consciousness and subconscious will begin to rebuild. New neural connections are formed in the brain, you will begin to think differently

When your thinking changes, your actions will change. Make your new decisions with gratitude, don't try to hold on to old patterns. Changing your habitual behavior will bring real changes in your life.

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Possible difficulties in work, where would we be without them?

In the process of working through negative attitudes, some troubles and difficulties arise; it is important that you are prepared for them. 1) Influence of the environment

1) The influence of the environment.

In fact, by changing our attitudes we change our behavior, and by changing behavior we can count on better results in all areas of life. But here a problem arises - our entire environment, all our relatives and acquaintances, work colleagues have not changed their attitudes and continue to act as before. The positive impact of work can be “overwritten” due to constant communication with the old environment. How to solve this problem: try to actively participate in the formation of your social circle, look for people who will lift you up and avoid people who negatively influence you.

2) Bad mood.

I’ll say right away that you may not have the most pleasant feelings, especially because of BSFF. This is due to a very simple process: you change your worldview, but physically remain in the same conditions as you were. It turns out that within yourself you have already gone beyond these boundaries, you are ready to change, but the changes have not yet occurred. This can be compared to conditionally moving to a worse apartment or if you change from a Mercedes to a Zaporozhets. Those. In your settings, you are already ready for a Mercedes, but physically you are still in a Zaporozhets. This feeling lasts maybe 1-2 days, then it goes away. You should REJOICE about it, this means that the result has been achieved, you are moving in the right direction and positive changes should happen in your life very soon.

3) Kickbacks.

The world is structured in such a way that everything in it goes in cycles: day follows night, winter follows summer, and suddenly, after a huge breakthrough in any business, there may be a time of stagnation or a slight rollback. This is normal and needs to be understood. The most important thing is that during a rollback (and this applies to all areas of life, not just work with the subconscious) to understand what is happening and not stop working. Perhaps you need to take a short break so that your body can stabilize and gain strength for the next “jump”. The most important thing is not to give up what you started and not to give up, and the result will not keep you waiting.

Beginning No. 2. Our song is good, start over

In the classic arrangement, we ourselves choose the life situation or quality that we want to get rid of. Upon completion of the arrangement, it turns out that we pulled one out of the pit of multi-colored balls (from our subconscious). Most likely, a small, even small ball, having passed through one chain of ancestors. But in order to more completely get rid of any quality using the classical arrangement method, you need to make at least four of them, going through the chains: I am mother - grandmother, I am mother - grandfather, I am father - grandmother, I am father - grandfather.

This is already more effective. But even four balls of the same color pulled out at random from the pit of the subconscious are unlikely to completely solve our problem. I won’t comment on this, because it’s been a long time, and I already feel like I’ve said a lot, and I still want to say a lot.

Where to start cleansing using the method I suggested? How to make it most effective? What qualities should you cleanse yourself of first? I don't know, and none of us know. Is there anyone who knows? Yes - these are our Heavenly mentors. They see through not only us as a physical body, but also our subconscious. You need to turn to them for help, and they will tell you what qualities you need to start cleansing with. And then, under their guidance, the pit of the subconscious will be cleared gradually, starting with the upper balls, gradually deepening and moving towards larger and larger ones, which will give more and more powerful results. How to contact them? Using the most ordinary esoteric pendulum. I think everyone knows what it is, but just in case, at the end of the text there will be an appendix on how to select and initiate a pendulum.

What will mislead you

When the end of work with your subconscious comes, you need to feel it. There will be practically no illusions in your head. Most likely, in the process of working with the TS, you will awaken and discover a new dimension of consciousness in yourself, hitherto unknown to you. Don’t try to explain to people how you feel, people won’t understand you, and they’ll also think you’re crazy.

There may be such a glitch that there is a lot of rubbish in your subconscious, and you think that everything there has already been cleared, that is, not everything is so simple. This happens at the initial stage of work.

I also warn you against fooling around, there will come a stage when you will have no garbage, and you will need to see it, and not continue to believe that there is something else in the subconscious that needs to be removed when there is nothing there anymore. This happens at the final stage of work.

Be alert to these issues.

Why it's worth a try

Photo by Raamin ka on Unsplash
It often happens that the root of his problems are blocks and ingrained negative attitudes. Since working with a specialist requires both time and material costs, not everyone can afford it. And it is precisely in such cases that such important and valuable information related to self-help comes to the rescue.

We, of course, will not give you a 100% guarantee that you will be able to work through negative attitudes and blocks in the subconscious on your own, but the most valuable thing this article will give you is the opportunity to take the first step towards such important work.

And moreover, this will allow you to assess your own strengths: are you able to “eliminate” them yourself, or is it better to seek professional help.

But let’s not be unfounded, and let’s proceed to the analysis in order and in detail.

Turbo-Suslik TS

The author switched to this technique only after 3 months of working with BSFF, and then only intermittently. TS is a more advanced system of working with the subconscious and there is the opportunity to work as manually, that is, to manually write down problems on a piece of paper or in a notepad on your computer and process each problem one by one, which is quite tedious and time-consuming, or to work automatically, which allows all of these push problems into the automation machine and process them in one gulp.

The author worked with the TS for about 1 year; personally, this time was enough for him to cleanse himself of all the rubbish.

What TS saved the author from:

  • the author forgot what pity is;
  • increased self-confidence;
  • sobriety and balance appeared;
  • the strength of spirit has increased incredibly;
  • found my girlfriend;
  • family relationships have improved significantly;
  • improved relationship with money;
  • And much more.

You can read the book review about the Turbo-Suslik system. The book is first on the list. In it you can read about how this system works wonders in the lives of people who painstakingly work on it.

It is important to understand that TS does not give you anything, but only clears you of everything that bothers you, that is, it helps to reveal a person’s inner strengths. Every person can do anything, there are simply colossal possibilities and abilities hidden inside him, it’s just the garbage in the subconscious that prevents him from revealing it, this garbage constantly gets from the subconscious into the consciousness, and you get lost in it, these illusions clutter your consciousness and prevent you from being effective in life

Every person can do anything, there are simply colossal possibilities and abilities hidden inside him, it’s just the garbage in the subconscious that prevents him from revealing it, this garbage constantly gets from the subconscious into the consciousness, and you get lost in it, these illusions clutter your consciousness and prevent you from being effective in life.

Link to the Turbo-Suslik system.

The pit as a prototype of the subconscious

“And they fell into a pit, and the pit was deep, and they saw no way to get out of it” (I don’t remember where).

How does the subconscious work? In what way/manner is the subconscious stuffed/filled with qualities that we want to cleanse ourselves of? Let's imagine a hole as deep as a three-story house, i.e. ten meters, and six meters wide/diameter. An impressive hole... Now let's imagine that it is filled with balloons, which some of us inflate on holidays, for children's birthdays or when opening a new store. For simplicity, let these balls be without helium, i.e. they cannot fly out of the pit on their own. Now let’s imagine (now for the sake of complexity, or rather, for greater realism) that these balls have many colors and sizes, but among them there are a certain number of balls of the same color and some balls are the same in size. But there is no order in the pit. The red balls don't lie

in the pit on top there is one large layer, in which on the very surface there are small red balls, below them are medium-sized red ones, and under them are large red ones. There is no color ordering, no monochromatic layers. In terms of color, all the balls are mixed like ingredients in a vinaigrette, but in terms of size there is a certain system. In the upper part there are multi-colored small balls, under them there is a layer of balls slightly larger in diameter, but also of completely different colors, and the deeper, the larger the diameter of the balls, and at the very bottom there are very large balls, but also of different colors.

This is what our subconscious looks like, in which balls are qualities, each quality has its own color, and the size of the ball is the degree of influence of this quality on our life. Any quality we possess has come to us from various sources. We ourselves, during our many incarnations, have manifested it many, many times in various forms, our parents passed on their similar qualities to us through DNA, and through it we received these qualities from our numerous ancestors. And this essentially same quality, in various variants of its manifestation and received by us from the above-mentioned sources, is a set of same-colored balls in the pit of our subconscious.

How it works

Negative attitudes in the subconscious can and should be removed, or rather, replaced with positive ones. The technique described above works for three reasons.

The reason is energetic: you attract events that match your vibrations

People, places and objects have different vibration levels. This is what lowers vibrations: anger, malice, swearing, alcohol and drug use, antisocial behavior, crime, judging other people, negative thinking.

Events come into a person’s life that correspond to him in vibration. If a person has predominant low vibrations, troubles happen to him more often. If there are more high vibrations in the aura, a person meets kind people more often, good events happen to him

Therefore, for self-development it is important to increase the level of vibrations - first in thoughts, and then in actions

The reason is neurophysiological: neural connections can be rebuilt

Neurons are little computing machines in your brain. Neural connections are formed between them, each of which stores a belief or habit. Neural connections are formed through a series of repetitions of certain actions or thoughts. Any fixed connection is recorded in the brain, and positive or negative attitudes are firmly fixed in the subconscious.

But neural connections can be changed. If a person gets over himself and instead of brushing his teeth in the morning drinks a glass of whiskey, over time he will get used to it. And if another person truly believes that there are good and kind women in the world, he will begin to see them around him and will communicate with them differently.

The reason is psychological: a person acts according to the principle of consistency

A number of psychological studies have confirmed that it is very important for a person to be consistent. If he has declared something about himself, he will try to adhere to this behavior tactics always and everywhere

Consistency is valued in society, and also allows you to minimize the time spent thinking about how to act in a given situation.

And if a practitioner reads positive affirmations for six months, over time he will begin to feel positive, rich and happy. These characteristics will be recorded in his internal personal list, and he will begin to behave according to his new status.

Friends, have you tried to fight negative attitudes? What do you think of this method? Would you like to try it?

It's time for change! At Lakshmi-Ameya Institute you will gain knowledge that will help you improve your life and the lives of your loved ones. Interested in details? Then write directly to the founder of the institute, Sergei Kapustin. To do this, copy the code word “BLOG ARTICLE” into your private messages.

Because resonance

Are you confused yet? Have you stopped reading yet? Then I am very grateful to you! Why? Because resonance! Because I would really like this information to resonate with you, and you would begin to apply the technique I propose and get an impressive result. We've probably already walked halfway, but there's jungle ahead again, although quite passable.

Why did our grandparents become husband and wife? Why did our dad and mom meet and get married? Why did we appear in this particular family, and not in the family of a rich neighbor (or a happy neighbor; or in the wealthy and happy family of our school friend, whom it is so pleasant to visit)? Because it's resonance. People with a similar set of qualities meet and become a family. Cerberus and Psyche will not become husband and wife, Medusa the Gorgon and Achilles will also not be able to start a family, but Cerberus and the Gorgon are more realistic, and they would have a Basilisk, fortunately, these are all mythical characters. This is exactly what happens in life - we start a family only with a partner whose qualities resonate with ours, and we get children with an identical set of qualities. And our circle of close contacts consists of people with whom we resonate with our main qualities, or they resonate with us.

There are no coincidences and there cannot be. Belief in chance is disbelief in God. A classic example is a tyrant and a victim in one family. What do they have in common? It would seem that these qualities are opposite. In fact, fear binds them and attracts them to each other! It is precisely this that is the common quality for these two, seemingly incomparable, manifestations of it.

A small digression.

The information I share may seem controversial or completely incorrect or unacceptable to someone. After all, each of us has our own life experience and a set of knowledge, which for us are fundamental and the only correct one, because, relying on them, like a wanderer on a staff, we pave a well-worn path for ourselves in the flow of life. I will not argue with any of my opponents, I will not impose my point of view on anyone, I will not convince anyone of anything. But if you have already read to this paragraph, then please go to the end of the entire text, discard everything that you did not like, and use the technique, if, of course, you want. The result will be, despite possible disagreement with some part of my beliefs.

Ways to identify negative programs


Mentally imagine the area of ​​your life in which you are facing the greatest difficulties and work through them. This will allow us to figure out what unconscious fears are preventing us from putting things in order in this area.

Let's look at an example of one of the most common financial problems today.

Sit back comfortably. Take a deep breath. Relax.

Start imagining.

Imagine that you have become the owner of a lot of money.


Now think about what problems wealth will bring you. And write down everything that comes to mind: envy, which you will certainly feel; worsening relationships with friends and girlfriends; possible danger to your loved ones; maybe they will even want to rob you, etc. Then think about whether the unpleasant consequences that your subconscious mind warns you about are really that bad. Try to mentally write a positive scenario of your actions, imagine in detail how you cope with the difficulties that arise.

Environment analysis.

To identify psychological attitudes, it is useful to look around and try to understand what stereotypes of thinking are characteristic of our environment. Because, most likely, they are inherent in us.

The influence of the environment on a person: family, friends, neighbors is very great. Often people who constantly communicate with each other develop similar internal attitudes, identical programs. Therefore, if you find stereotypical ideas and prejudices among your loved ones and friends, perhaps these same harmful attitudes are interfering with your life.

Analysis of authority, media, films, books.

And one more exercise.

We analyze on paper our favorite movie characters, favorite book heroes, a fictional self (who you like to be in your dreams), authorities (those you would like to be like). Such an analysis will answer important questions: with whom we tend to identify ourselves, what type of behavior is a role model.

Most likely, you will find certain psychological attitudes or thought patterns in your favorite “heroes”. And, therefore, you will be ready to identify negative programs and overcome them in your subconscious.


Get your analysis in WRITING. Go through three exercises and write everything down on sheets of paper (if you really started working on yourself, there may be a lot of sheets - and that’s normal).

At the same time, write everything down as it is! Write curse words if necessary. Don't hold back.

Don't be fooled!

Write down all negative attitudes! Because right now, you will receive a technique that will allow you to CHANGE your LIFE.

Contents of the subconscious: cleansing of unnecessary qualities

If you continue reading, and the information given above is not rejected by you, then we need to come to some common denominator, to the same understanding and perception of some points, concepts and actual details (in which there is no devil), which I was silent about in chapter. 1, with the goal that the technique brings you the maximum and fastest result.

What is the subconscious filled with? There are many terms: subprograms, subpersonalities, negative emotions, qualities, etc., etc.: “ call it what you want: for some it’s just flying weather, but this is a farewell to love.” I call the contents of the subconscious qualities, i.e. the subconscious is filled with some qualities. Which ones? Different! How about more specifics? Here are the nuances... Some call the qualities that he decided to get rid of negative, some call them negative, some inharmonious, some destroy his life... I think there are other options. I will not discuss the pros and cons of various names here. I will give my system of measures and weights. It's very simple. There are qualities that help us achieve the highest goal of any person, namely, getting closer to God: sincere, natural and unconditional love for Him, for Him first and foremost; but there are qualities that distance us from this highest goal of ours and from love for Him... That’s all, simple and clear. Thus, we need to cleanse the subconscious of the qualities due to which “conducts of love” occur, due to which we move away from unconditional love for Him, for ourselves and for everything that comes into our lives.

In a classic constellation (I will write in the first person and greatly simplify the technique itself), I take some quality or life situation and, with the help of constellations, follow the chain of ancestors to find the reason for the emergence of this quality or situation, and find it by its consequence - the cessation of the flow love in some tribe of my ancestors on the paternal or maternal side. Those. the most important thing is to find that ancestor on whom the flow of ancestral love stopped, and it was not the love of the genus that reached me, but a quality or situation that I now want to get rid of. Smart? Yes!!! Effective? Conducting constellations say: YES!!! Are they deceiving? No! But again there are nuances...

Three techniques

Let's look at three tools aimed at working through certain problems.

Technique for releasing grievances

Close your eyes, take a comfortable position

Focus on your own body, move it from your feet to the very top of your head. Keep your body relaxed, feel how with each deep breath pure white light enters you, and with a smooth, full exhalation, gray light comes out. Without opening your eyes, feel how your body becomes soft, warm, pliable, like melted wax

Now, imagine a candle emitting a bright, warm light. You smoothly bring it to your head, neck, chest, stomach, navel, knees. Take a closer look at the candle flame. As it approaches certain parts of the body, it begins to emit black smoke. This is the very place where resentment lives. Relive it again. Imagine how the flame of a candle melts it, it flows out of your warm, waxy body, soot and fumes are gradually replaced by the bright warm flame of a burning candle. Explore your entire body, from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. There will be places that will require more time to explore. Pay attention to them. Experience in full all those unpleasant emotions that poisoned you, and then imagine that the places from which they came were filled with bright, warm candle light. Open your eyes, smile.

You might be interested in the “Forgiveness” meditation from Artem Tolokonin.

Technique for clearing past relationships

Meditation practice that focuses on hygiene of body and soul

After it, it is important to take a shower and spend several hours in peace and quiet.

Closing your eyes, take a comfortable position. Observe your breathing. It should be smooth, deep, soft

Walk through your entire body with your inner gaze, relaxing every muscle. When you achieve relaxation, bring your attention to your heart. All emotions live there: anger and resentment, love and happiness, delight and disappointment, admiration and disgust.

It's time to put things in order. Throw away what is no longer needed, what slows down our movement. Think about a person whose relationship has come to an end. You are still connected to him by many multi-colored threads. Each thread is an emotion you experienced in relation to this person. Consider them, relive them and feel them again. Some of them are very dense, some are very thin, almost transparent. Pay attention to your strongest emotions. It's time to break the strings that bind you. Start with the thinnest ones, gradually moving to the strongest ones. Take them out of your heart, you don't need them anymore. Not a single string should tie you down. A sign of complete liberation will be the fact that you can sincerely wish happiness to your ex-partner.

Techniques for removing barriers to a happy future

The purpose of the practice is to cleanse yourself from destructive programs and create a happy future. Before you start meditating, write down the five to seven most important goals in your life.

Important! Your goals should be aimed solely at benefiting you personally or those around you. It is strictly forbidden to use meditation to harm, otherwise the greatly enhanced effect will return to you

  1. The body is in a comfortable position, eyes are closed. Free your mind from wandering thoughts. Feel inner peace.
  2. Imagine yourself having achieved your cherished goal. What emotions are you experiencing? Do you have any doubts that you will achieve what you want? Or the feeling of awkwardness from owning an object? Highlight the most vivid of the “inhibiting” experiences. These may be thoughts like: “I don’t deserve this”, “I’m not handsome enough, talented enough, etc.”, “I don’t have enough strength.”
  3. Imagine your internal blocks as thunderclouds blocking the path to your cherished goals. Now imagine a bright beam of light and the wind, which combine to disperse the dark clouds. Not a trace remained of previous beliefs.

Do all three steps for each goal. Work on each goal on the list individually.

Meditation “Cleansing from negative programs and creating a successful future” frees you from internal blocks and allows you to gain self-confidence. By devoting time to practice every day, you get rid of negative thought patterns, form positive thinking, which in turn qualitatively changes your life.

Resonance and its essence (esoteric physics lesson for beginners)

You've probably heard a phrase like: “This story/news/information has caused a wide public outcry.” That is, something shook up a large part of society. Translated from Greek, resonance is response (one of the meanings). The phenomenon of resonance is studied (or was studied in my time) in the school physics curriculum. Its essence is that if you take some kind of wave (for ease of understanding, let it be a sea wave) and connect it with exactly the same (having the same width and height) another wave, then in the end we will get a wave with a height of two times greater than the height of the original waves. There was a resonance. The first wave responded to the “message” from the second wave.

Examples. Let's take a piece of colored glass. Let it be green. And we will begin to look through it at what is around us. Let it be in the summer. We will see that the leaves on the trees and the grass in the front garden have their own green color, even a little more saturated than their real color. And all the other colors faded, faded and changed. Blue is no longer blue, red is not quite red, and yellow is not yellow at all. This is an example of resonance. If we look at the world through a green filter, then we receive a response only from green objects, if through a red filter, then from red ones, etc.

Another example. TV. It has a channel switching unit consisting of various oscillating circuits. This channel switching unit receives signals (waves) from all channels picked up by the antenna. But when choosing a specific channel, with the help of an oscillating circuit we see on the screen a picture of only the channel that we have chosen, and not the entire host of channels available to the TV and antenna. Those. the oscillating circuit “took the green glass and received a response only from the “green” channel,” ignoring all other “color” channels. You can put it another way: we took a green piece of glass and chose the “green” channel, well, for example, because we are gnawed by green melancholy. And it’s true that if we are sad, then the jokes of “Distorted Mirror” or Comedy Women will not suit us, but melodrama will be just right... I understand that I have become like Susanin and led you into the wilds. But, unlike this hero, the jungle is not at all impassable, and a way out will be found, and even very simply, but a little later...

Best techniques

You can achieve a similar state right now with the help of meditation aimed at the power of the subconscious, and using other techniques. There are many of them, each practitioner can choose the most acceptable option.


Anger and resentment greatly destroy the body and personality. A person needs to learn to let go of these negative emotions. Long-term grievances lead to chronic diseases and mental instability. With the help of training, you can remove this extra burden and completely free your consciousness, eliminating information that destroys it. Recommended:

  • practice exercises for 40 minutes;
  • take a comfortable body position;
  • keep your eyes closed;
  • imagine the person closest to you, remembering everything about him from the first moment of meeting him;
  • remember when you offended each other, saying words of forgiveness after each such situation.

It is advisable to do such a cleansing of negativity every day with only one person, and only when the result has already been achieved can you move on to another

When doing exercises, it is important to learn to listen to your feelings. It is undeniable that after training you can notice new positive changes in feelings, new thoughts, as well as some physical signs

The latter phenomena may include tingling in the legs, tremors in the body, burning, and a feeling of warmth. Sometimes after practice there is a desire to cry - in this case you cannot restrain yourself. It is important to free yourself from these negative energies in a timely manner, not to carry them with you, so that a new healing power, a desire to live and create, inspiring others, appears.


This exercise is equivalent to the previous training:

close your eyes; take two breaths as deeply as possible; imagine that a bright, warm ball has formed from inside you; it smoothly moves from the head through the neck and shoulders to the upper limbs, filling the internal organs right down to the joints on the legs; there is a feeling of warmth and relaxation anywhere; feel your thoughts slow down; direct your attention deep into yourself; simultaneously count down from ten to zero; direct the subconscious mind to awaken after completing the technique; when you leave the house, release the accumulated tension by shaking off your legs one by one; With these movements, a person gets rid of failures, pathologies, negative experiences and negative thoughts.

Afterwards, try to imagine the situation that happened in the smallest detail: how you got dressed, left the house, went to the garbage disposal, shook your limbs near it, throwing off all the accumulated negativity. Visualize its appearance - black clumps, a dark mass, flowing down or scattering to the sides when shaken and moving into the trash can. After completing the actions, take a few deep breaths, and then open your eyes. Be sure to leave the house where you cannot be seen to vigorously shake the limbs.


It has long been known that most problems are brought in by us from childhood. Certain attitudes of elders, bad experiences, fears of parents, bitter childhood experiences - they can greatly hinder you from becoming healthy and happy. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a full-fledged family with truly loving parents. Although even with this way of life, one unpleasant phrase accidentally thrown at a child is enough to cause him deep trauma, deeply settling in the child’s subconscious. since the intensity of resentment and psychological pain causes an inability to cope adequately with such feelings, such a state will be repressed for a long time for the self-preservation of the baby’s consciousness.

There is a method that helps heal hidden childhood resentment. To do this, you need to divide a sheet of paper into two equal columns. On the left, write down all the phrases that come to mind, which in childhood brought pain, a feeling of disappointment, strong fear and long-term resentment. These may include nicknames from classmates, offensive characteristics, and parental calls during quarrels directed at you. On the right side of each phrase, write an absolutely opposite and certainly positive statement, which is a mantra.

Your father could have told you as a child that you wouldn’t be anything good because you weren’t fit for anything. Write on the right the following hypnosis mantra from meditation, which is necessary for high-quality cleansing of the subconscious: “I am quite successful, all the things I undertake work out. I have a lot of energy to achieve my goals.”

Shift your focus to the positive

It is impossible to control your thoughts. Scientists have calculated that the average person has about 2,700 thoughts per hour. It is impossible to control such a flow. To become calm, you do not need to completely control your thinking.

Don't try to block your thoughts. This will do the opposite. Instead of controlling and blocking after a negative thought, make a positive argument. “Yes, I’m getting a divorce tomorrow, but I’m ready for a happy life without my ex-partner.” This way you shift your attention to the positive.

  • Complete one task at a time

Women tend to chase “several birds with one stone” at once. As a result, not the best stream of thoughts appears in our head. It multiplies there and confuses us. To avoid this, focus on one task at a time. After completing it, move on to another.

  • Make a list of expectations

David Allen, the creator of the time management method, recommends keeping a list of expectations, where you write down all the things that you won’t need to scroll through your head while you work. This list contains everything you expect on a particular day. After all, keeping all this in your head is quite tiring.

Add it to your wish list whether you are waiting for a letter, where you need to go, what to say to your colleagues or husband. In general, everything that your head is usually occupied with. This way you stop thinking about what is necessary, your brain is freed up for something useful.

Review your list every day so you don't miss anything. Add it to your schedule to review your waiting list. This helps you focus on what is important and free your mind from unnecessary thoughts.

  • White screen

This is an excellent exercise for “unloading the brain” and improving sleep. Before going to bed, close your eyes and imagine a white screen in front of you. It will immediately be filled with different pictures and thoughts. “Clean” it, fill it with white. If you do this exercise every day, then in addition to mental hygiene, you will receive inspiration.

Distance yourself from thoughts

Most often, we are disturbed by thoughts of the life we ​​have lived: past conflicts, mistakes. Our consciousness replays all this over and over again. Sit up straight, relax, focus on your breathing, focus on the sounds. Perceive the sounds that surround you. Feel how some thoughts crowd out others.

After 5 minutes, switch to your thoughts. Try to follow your thoughts as if they were a foreign object or event. Catch the analogy: thoughts arise on their own and disappear just like sounds.

Observe your thoughts as if from the outside, as if you were watching a movie, at the clouds floating across the sky. Notice the emotions that trigger the thoughts, but don't try to change anything. Automatic observation of thoughts reduces their activity.

  • Go for a walk

Take 15-20 minutes and go for a walk. Walk at a calm pace, concentrate on your breathing. Breathe calmly and deeply, the diaphragm should be completely relaxed. Nothing should occupy your thoughts except exhalation and inhalation.

With this simple exercise you can get rid of the tension that arises inside you. Look at the landscape. After a few minutes, you realize that the obsessive thoughts have left your head.

  • Notice the space between thoughts

Start watching not your thoughts, but the space between them, the silence that separates them. It's like you're standing on a busy highway and looking not at an endless stream of cars, but at the gaps between them. In fact, this road is permanent. Feel the real thing. After you feel it, you will experience peace and joy.

  • Focus on the pleasant

Any thoughts can be eliminated by focusing on pleasant sensations for you. Disconnect from external stimuli. Music is an indispensable assistant here. There is no point in recommending anything. Music has its own impact on every person.

Scarlett Method

If you just can’t calm down after a conversation, the problem is not solved, your head is not free from thoughts, then remember what Scarlett, the well-known heroine of the novel “Gone with the Wind,” did.

Scarlett's favorite expression is “I'll think about it tomorrow.” Do the same. Your brain will help you put off solving the issue until tomorrow. It will be clearest in the morning. As they say, we need to sleep with it, in the morning the subconscious helps us make an important decision.

  • Understand the Origin of Thought

Intrusive thoughts usually cling to those moments that matter most to us. This is worry about children, parents, work, reputation. If some kind of obsession arises, then, as a rule, it goes against your values. The result is an unwanted image that leads to fear.

Understand your moral values, establish the nature of your thoughts. Then you will realize why they bother you and make you worry. You will receive an adjustment in your worldview, environmental conditions will improve, and your behavior will change.

As soon as you notice a stream of obsessive, active thoughts, be sure to work on eliminating them. Of course, there are many more ways to help you get rid of this problem. But the techniques listed in this article will help solve the issue of freeing your head from the mental stream.

Conclusions on the topic How to cleanse the subconscious:

  • start getting acquainted with working on the subconscious with the help of BSFF;
  • work with BSFF for no more than two or three months, then move on to Turbo Suslik;
  • Turbo-Suslik will take you at least a year and a maximum of 2-3 years of work;
  • you need to work every day and be prepared for painstaking work;
  • you should believe in what you are doing
    and do it with ease, and not force yourself;
  • you need to stop in time and stop seeing garbage where it no longer exists;
  • Don’t tell people what you do, otherwise you’ll hurt yourself, especially at the very beginning, especially those closest to you.


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“Plowing like Papa Carlo”: cleansing the subconscious - a painstaking but effective practice

If any of you decide to use the method I propose to cleanse the subconscious, then he will really have to work like Papa Carlo, but in a figurative sense. In the sense that there will be no quick results. The technique itself is simple, but it takes a long time to apply. Just imagine that you are really Papa Carlo and intend to make Pinocchio. And you already have such a rather heavy log, round in cross-section and with bark. But you only have sandpaper as a tool. In itself, shuffling sandpaper along a log is not difficult, but Pinocchio will not work out soon.

Perhaps I just don’t know all the proposed modern methods of cleansing the subconscious, but of those that I know, NONE gives faster results, especially for those who, like me a couple of years ago, live under the invisible control of such a quality of the subconscious as a program of self-destruction and accompanying qualities, such as indifference and apathy. Until I approached my real deadline, my almost mortal point, I had no idea that it was precisely these qualities that were leading me through life. These qualities come close to death; even hatred and aggressiveness are much further from death than apathy. Therefore, without knowing what qualities lead you through life, I immediately set you up for simple but long-term work on yourself. And it's worth it!

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