The power of the subconscious. How to get a response from the subconscious

Dr. Bradley Nelson says muscle testing allows us to access information stored in our subconscious mind. He has complete trust in the wisdom of the body and is confident that through muscle testing it is able to convey its inner knowledge to us.

Every person can learn to talk to the body and receive answers from it, and every person has the power to help their body heal. You don't have to have a medical degree, you just need a desire to learn. Before I teach you how to retrieve information from the subconscious, you need to understand one basic principle: all living organisms, no matter how primitive or highly organized, respond to positive and negative stimulation. For example, the stem and leaves of plants reach towards sunlight and avoid shade. In the same way, an amoeba living in an aquarium will move towards illuminated areas and move away from shaded areas. If you drop a little substance poisonous to the amoeba into the aquarium, it will move away from it towards clean water.

At the subconscious level, the human body behaves in exactly the same way. In general, your body moves in the direction of “good” stimuli and avoids “bad” objects and thoughts. This happens throughout your life, even if you are not aware of it. If you can calm your conscious mind and talk to your body, you will realize that your subconscious mind is quite capable of speaking to you.

Are you ready to hear the voice of your subconscious?

Working techniques for obtaining answers from the depths of the subconscious

To obtain accurate answers stored in the subconscious, scientists have developed many techniques. Here are 3 of the most common and effective ones.

Technique "Stream of Thoughts"

Set aside an hour and a half of free time, retire to your room. Write your question down on paper. Focus on it and mentally appeal to the subconscious with a request for an answer. Next, you need to write down all the information that your unconscious mind gives you until it runs out

At the same time, it is important not to get distracted, not to stop, not to analyze the written answers and not to try to construct phrases in the form of long sentences

When you finish writing down your answers, take a break for half an hour. Then re-read what you managed to capture. Try to make sense of the information. You may come across separate words that are in no way related to each other. From the first time, few people manage to understand in which words the answer to the question is hidden. Therefore, you should postpone recording for a few days. After a couple of days, when you read the words again, the meaning of the recorded information will become clear. You will be able to see the connection between individual phrases and find the correct answer.

A question addressed specifically to the subconscious

The technique is performed before bedtime. Mentally ask your subconscious to take on some form and position itself opposite you. Your consciousness can draw anyone, for example, a neighbor, an animal, a best friend, or a complete stranger. The resulting image will become your counterpart.

Then you need to agree with your figurative interlocutor exactly how he will give you the answers “No” and “Yes”. This could be anything: sensations in the body, certain sounds or images that arise in the head. For example, if the answer is “Yes,” then a tingling sensation occurs in the right hand, and if “No,” then in the left.

Now ask your question and wait for an answer. If no signals are received after the question, it means that the unconscious part of your mind is not ready to give an answer right now.

Address this question to the subconscious until you hear the answer. This may happen in an hour or several days. But, in any case, you will be able to find the answer. Experts consider the advantage of this technique to be high efficiency. But there is also a minus: the inability to ask a question that requires a detailed answer.


Take a thin thread, it should be the length of your forearm. You will also need any weight that can be tied to one end of the thread. This could be, for example, a button, ring or bead. Then lay out a white sheet of paper on the table. Take the thread with the weight in your hand, rest your elbow on the tabletop and hold your pendulum motionless over the sheet.

Ask the pendulum two test questions. Let's say you are a young girl. Ask him: “Am I a girl?” Now look carefully in which direction the thread swings. The amplitude of the swing should be sufficient for you to accurately determine the direction that means the answer is “Yes”. Then ask a question to which the answer is definitely negative, for example, ask: “Am I a man?” Also keep track of the direction that the answer “No” would mean. After completing the preparatory steps, you can begin to address the issues that really concern you.


Today we will do a dive while sitting on the floor. Try sitting in a lotus or half-lotus position, whatever feels comfortable for you. If this is a completely unacceptable asana for you, then please sit on a chair and do this practice in the same way.

What does this practice allow you to do?

Firstly, we will try to go deeper into the alpha state and find contact with our unconscious there, we will ask questions about what the answer “yes” and the answer “no” look like and listen to our body.

Let me remind you that we have three perception systems and the most important thing is to learn to hear at least one. The advanced level is when you learn to see pictures, visuals, hear what your unconscious tells you and navigate your body. That is, in some part of the body your unconscious will somehow respond.

For example, you will ask a question about what a “yes” answer looks like. We will observe this as relaxed as possible, and you will be led in some direction, your head will turn somehow, your finger will begin to twitch, or you will feel some kind of pulsation, vibration in your knee. Everything needs to be paid attention to. The most important thing is to understand how your body signals a “yes” answer.

We will then ask a question about what the answer “no” would look like. And in the same way you will monitor what is happening in the body. It often happens that for a minute your unconscious mind does not react in any way with your body and does not show what the answer “yes” looks like when you later ask questions.

For example, whether to meet you or not. You sat down, closed your eyes, did this practice: first, stop the internal dialogue, then we come into contact with our unconscious, listen. If within a minute you receive a “yes” answer, then you immediately know that you are good to go. If you don’t have any sensations, no response within 1-2 minutes, then you understand that it’s probably better not to go. But you can repeat this practice after another 5-10 minutes.

So, the answer “yes” is always clear in the form of a reaction from a certain part of the body. But the answer “no” can simply give complete silence. That is, you ask and listen. If within a minute there is no answer “yes” and no answer “no” has come either, perhaps your unconscious mind will also imply that the answer “no” does not look like anything. That is, the reaction occurs only to the answer “yes”.

What questions can be addressed to the unconscious?

You can contact us with any questions that require “yes” or “no” answers. But, of course, in such a basic practice, your unconscious will not say “go there at such and such time, there is such and such an amount of money, and if you find yourself there, you will take this money for yourself.”

Or “or there will be that man here and there who will look like this.” Of course, in basic practices it is impossible to hear, feel, know, and therefore you begin to interact with your unconscious, asking a question and receiving “yes” or “no” answers.

So, let's get ready for practice. Sit in a way that is comfortable for you. The fingers can lie completely freely in any mudra. I usually do “yin and yang” - I put my fingers together like this and they intersect. But it is not important. You can just put your fingers. This can be done if you sit in the lotus or half-lotus position. You can sit like this.

If you are sitting on a chair, you can also close your thumb and index finger in mudra and place them on your knees and simply relax your palms.

Let's start alpha diving

We do the alpha dive as usual. Close your eyes, place your tongue on the roof of your mouth to close the channels and direct your eyes a little closer to the bridge of your nose, but this should not cause you discomfort. Your body should be as relaxed as possible; you just need to keep your spine vertical. Do not do this practice lying down. Most likely, you will not feel the answers or they will not come.

Sit down, eyes closed, place your tongue anywhere on the roof of your mouth. We are sitting now, completely relaxed, keeping our spine vertical, the top of our head directed towards the ceiling. Take a long breath, long exhale, as you feel comfortable and in this practice we breathe only through the nose. If someone can't breathe through their nose, just shake their head to the sides.

So, long inhale, long exhale. Long breath, long breath. And you continue to inhale long and exhale long. Now I will ask you to take a long breath and exhale one more time. Open your eyes briefly. Look around, realize where you are and close again. Now please straighten your breathing, remove your tongue from the roof of your mouth, straighten your eyes. You can relax your jaw a little to make it more comfortable.

Sit and observe, feel your body, listen to me. Now relax as much as possible, release all the muscles in your body so that there is no tension, so that you can hear and catch the slightest sensation when your unconscious answers your questions.

Now we turn to our unconscious.


“Dear unconscious, please make contact in the way that is optimal for you. Dear unconscious, please make contact in the way that is optimal for you.”

Now relax as much as possible and listen. Maybe it will make contact actively through the body. We are not yet asking questions about what the “yes” and “no” answers will look like. We are simply observing how it can make itself felt.

Please observe how this will happen, how your unconscious will make contact. Stay in this state for a while. It's just a good, pleasant state. At the same time, your body may already be filled with energy. When we plunge into the alpha state, energy flows automatically begin to work in us.

Now, regardless of how your unconscious came into contact, and whether it came out at all, ask it a question:

“Dear unconscious, please show me what the answer “yes” will look like.

And now relax as much as possible. Firstly, we feel with our body any vibrations, any changes, any sensations in the body: this is what the answer “yes” will look like to any question that you subsequently ask him. Let’s see what the answer “yes” will look like.

Stay in this state. We don’t block anything on purpose, we are as relaxed as possible, we don’t do anything special, we breathe normally, we just observe what and where manifested itself in the body, how the body, for example, begins to move on its own. That is, we are now receiving an answer from the unconscious what the answer “yes” will look like.

Firstly, we listen to what comes in phrases - these are our thoughts, because the first phrase is correct. Or it will be sensations in the body. Still, more often than not, the unconscious responds with the body. Watch. Maybe somewhere it itched, swirled, swirled, pulsated. Maybe the body is swaying from side to side, back and forth, or the head is spinning in some unusual way.

Now thank the unconscious, say:

“Thank you, dear unconscious”

Regardless of whether you heard or not. Now just stay in silence. We completely stop the internal dialogue.

If a thought goes on, we don’t continue it. Relax as much as possible.

And ask the question again:

“Dear unconscious, please show me again what the answer “yes” will look like.

Relax, listen through your body. Be attentive to any changes in your body.

Most likely, if you received an answer the first time, then the second time you received absolutely the same feeling as confirmation.

Now give thanks and say:

“Dear unconscious, thank you, I understand.”

And now we turn to him again:

“Dear unconscious, please show me what the answer “no” will look like.

And we also listen. Now just sit in complete silence and see if they show you what the answer “no” looks like. We just observe as much as possible. Maybe you will have pictures, maybe you will hear phrases from the unconscious. Maybe you will still feel with your body what the answer “no” looks like.

If suddenly you need a little more time, pause me, stay in this state, watch, listen.

Now we say:

“Thank you, dear unconscious.”

And just be in silence, without analyzing anything, without developing any themes, just relax.

Let us ask the question again:

“Dear unconscious, please show me once again what the answer “no” will look like.”

And we listen with our bodies, we listen with our ears, we watch the visuals. These are only your sensations, these are only your answers, your unconscious. Watch.

Now give thanks and say:

“Dear unconscious, thank you.”

Open your eyes a little and leave the practice completely.

Firstly, now your state has changed a lot, since we have plunged into the alpha state, energy flows are starting to work well and you most likely feel full, somehow you have begun to feel your body differently and you like it. Someone felt it through the body for the first time, someone saw some pictures for the first time.

If you do this practice every day, then I have a request for you - for the first 3-5 days, do not ask any more questions in order to improve your quality, so that you clearly understand that this is how your unconscious answers you “yes”, and this is how your unconscious answers you “no” or if it is silent, it also means “no”.

Once you have practiced for 4-5 days, maybe you even need 7 days, to evoke exactly these sensations every day, to undoubtedly understand that this is how your unconscious voices itself to you, that this is what “yes” looks like, this is what “no” looks like and you understand him.

And then, when you have practiced for a certain number of days, you can ask questions of interest. For example, today you were invited somewhere and you can first start not with whether you should go there or not, but, for example, ask the question: “Will my meeting go well? Yes or no?".

At what point should I ask this question? Once you master this practice, it will be very easy for you. You will close your eyes on your own, immerse yourself in the alpha state. Before each time, you still need to once again receive confirmation from the unconscious.

Greet him, ask him to get in touch, then ask:

“Dear unconscious, please show me what the answer “yes” will look like today.

Listen, wait, thank. Then you ask what a “no” would look like today. You also waited for the answer, looked, thanked and then asked your one question: Dear unconscious, will my meeting go well today?” You wait and get a “yes or no” answer.

For the first 2-3 weeks, practice with one question, and then you can ask additional questions, and you can have a whole dialogue. For example, when asked whether your meeting will go well, the unconscious will answer you in the negative. Then you ask: “If I wear a different dress, will my meeting go well?” - it will say “yes.”

In principle, as many people there are as many ways of communication. Everyone chooses what is more suitable for themselves. Personally, I like finger signals, mental and figurative communication. This allows me to communicate with the subconscious even in transport - no one notices anything.

And don't be afraid to go crazy. We've all been crazy for a long time now.

Is it normal for people to create illnesses for themselves, cause pain and suffering to themselves and others, and live with all this just because they do not want to take responsibility for their own lives? There is no bad or good subconscious. It is always ready to communicate with you if you sincerely want it. The subconscious mind always takes care of you, but it does it in its own way, based on the experience of your entire personal history, that is, in the way you yourself taught it. Therefore, trust your inner mind, and it will do everything in the best possible way.

The subconscious functions in the same way for everyone, regardless of education and intellectual level, be it a scientist or a fireman. I would even say that it is much easier for the latter to do this, since an academic degree often contributes to an increased sense of self-importance, which prevents a person from noticing simple and amazing things. Let me mention once again that a person is a holistic person. And, turning to your subconscious, you simply strive to unravel the incomprehensible mystery that is man himself!

Finger signals

The previous methods are based on the fact that you invite your subconscious to choose a method for communication. But sometimes it is easier to offer the subconscious a sign language: be it finger movements or a pendulum.

The simplest sign language would be to raise one finger or another: for example, raising the index finger on the right hand to answer “yes” (if you are right-handed) and raising the index finger on the left hand to answer “no”. Raising both fingers at the same time to answer “I don’t know” and holding the fingers still - “I don’t want to answer.”

As you understand, this division is purely arbitrary, and you can establish the sign language yourself. Finger movements should be unconscious and automatic.

Don't try to move your fingers consciously. Just don’t interfere with your subconscious, trust it completely.

Questions must be asked clearly and unambiguously - after all, the subconscious understands everything literally.

I want to warn you right away - there are no people who cannot communicate with the subconscious and there are no bad subconscious minds. If you don't succeed in one way, try another.

I advise you to try all the methods. Maybe you will like one more. The result will definitely come if you intend to get the answer from the depths of your mind.

Now let's try it. Sit in a soft, comfortable chair or lie down on the sofa. Let your hands lie freely and nothing interferes with them. Immediately agree with the subconscious which signal will correspond to this or that answer.

Now, mentally or out loud, turn inside yourself and ask this question:

“Is my subconscious ready to communicate with me? If “yes,” raise the index finger on your right hand with unconscious movements; if “no” - on the left hand.”

Don't try to guess the answer - just wait patiently. After a few seconds, you will feel a slight itching, tingling or numbness in a certain area.

This means that the muscles have received a subconscious signal, tensed and are about to begin to raise a finger. Another second, and the tip of the finger slowly, trembling slightly, moves upward.

The finger can complete its movement by rising quite high, or perhaps only slightly lifting off the surface. Once you have received and realized the answer, thank your subconscious mind and put your finger down.

If you get the answer “no,” then this only means that there are some obstacles to communication, which I have already mentioned: poor health or mood, unfavorable external environment, fear of communication, mistrust of oneself. Remove any obstacles and try again.

Pendulum method

To master this method, you will need a small lucite ball suspended on a thread, 20 centimeters long. Instead of a ball, you can use a wedding ring or a simple nut. Now place your elbow on the table and pinch the end of the thread between your thumb and forefinger. The ball will begin to swing freely.

Rock it forward - backward, left - right, clockwise and counterclockwise. This is necessary so that the subconscious mind determines which muscles are involved in these movements.

After this, stop the ball and turn to the subconscious mind:

“Subconscious mind, choose one pendulum movement out of four possible ones, which you will later use to answer “yes”, and demonstrate this movement to me.”

Wait for the answer and keep your eyes on the pendulum. Try to “hypnotize” the ball. Within a few seconds the pendulum begins to move. Sometimes you need more time to “build up”. The range of movements may vary. As a rule, it is large enough for the answer to be clear.

Having received the answer, stop the pendulum, thank the subconscious and ask it to choose another movement from the remaining three for the answer “no”.

Then ask them to choose the appropriate motions for the “I don’t know” and “I don’t want to answer” responses. This is an old, proven method, which has always been given a certain amount of mysticism. The sight of a “living” pendulum that meaningfully responds to questions is simply mesmerizing.

However, there is nothing supernatural about this. It’s just that the subconscious is capable of making decisions, thinking and taking control of certain muscle groups on its own. It is only important to trust your subconscious mind.

How to ask questions

The way the question is asked is very important to the communication process. To achieve perfection in this, you will need certain knowledge and experience. My examples from practice and your personal attempts will help you acquire them. Since the subconscious mind takes everything literally, the questions should be clear, simple and unambiguous. Say exactly what you really want to say.

First, I recommend writing down the questions and answers on a piece of paper. If you get an unusual answer, it may mean you asked the wrong question. Try to formulate the question differently. The subconscious always gives honest answers (unless you are a notorious liar, of course).

What I really want to warn you against is trying to look into the future. This is an area that needs to be handled very carefully. This is what we create for ourselves.

It is important to understand a few things and always keep them in mind

  • You need to believe in your success. Faith is the most important aspect in any practice.
  • You must always sincerely thank your subconscious. This is a great motivating factor that improves communication!
  • The subconscious is your closest and most faithful friend, which will always understand and help. You need to feel it. With practice, this feeling of love and trust will appear.
  • Your subconscious is you. Be completely free during communication. Feel free to ask any question. There should be no tension during the dialogue. The subconscious is your devoted friend.

You will always have a friend who will understand you perfectly.

Moreover, setting up this contact will contribute to your spiritual growth, the development of psychic abilities and the development of creative potential.

Having a close connection with your subconscious, you will begin to live in confidence, in harmony with yourself and nature, because your subconscious will always indicate and suggest how to act in the best way.

We do not recommend starting work with the subconscious immediately before bed, in the dead of night, or even in the dark unless absolutely necessary. It is also not recommended to begin work on establishing contacts with the subconscious when you are short of time, in a bad mood, in a painful state, or if you experience an internal reluctance to do this at a given moment in time, regardless of the reasons. When starting to work with your subconscious, be internally prepared for significant positive changes in your life and allocate the appropriate time for this.

What questions can you ask your subconscious?

Experts in communicating with the subconscious mind do not recommend loading your mind with too many questions; 3-4 a day will be enough. Ask only questions that concern you personally. The answer to the question must be meaningful; the subconscious will most often not answer idle questions. Consider the responses of the subconscious when planning further actions. If you simply ask and do not use the answer in any way, then such communication is essentially useless and the subconscious may stop answering questions

After communication, always mentally thank your subconscious - this is very important, as it can increase the effectiveness of subsequent sessions of communication with the subconscious

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Abilities of the subconscious system

The subconscious is often compared to a computer into which certain types of programs can be inserted. This is how inner conviction and regeneration of thought occurs. As for the formation of human habits, their regeneration occurs due to the repeated repetition of certain formulations. Having formed certain psychological habits, a person begins to gradually move towards the goal. In this process, he acquires certain beliefs, new views, exactly what he needs to perceive the environment in a new role. The subconscious system regenerates certain tasks through visual and mental images. It is these aspects that are necessary for a person to receive such a mindset for success.

Simple technique

How to get an answer from the subconscious quickly, without a shaman's drum, a dinosaur's eye and a peacock feather? This particular method is based on muscle contraction using the vestibular apparatus to communicate with the subconscious.

Step-by-step instructions for calibrating the subconscious:

  1. Stand up straight. Straighten your shoulders and back. Place your feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Close eyes.
  3. Silently or out loud, ask your subconscious, “What does yes mean to you?”
  4. Relax your leg muscles and try not to maintain your balance.
  5. Within a few seconds, the body should lean back or forward.
  6. Your individual deflection angle will be the answer “yes” to your question.
  7. Stand up straight again and ask, “What does no mean to you?”
  8. Relax your body.
  9. Over time, your body will lean forward or backward (it varies from person to person).
  10. If this does not happen, then you need to try to repeat the question again and again until the subconscious mind tells you where the “yes” is and where the “no” is.

To test your subconscious, you can ask it questions to which you know the answer. If the subconscious mind answers “yes” to a necessary and well-known question with the movement of the body, then you can ask another question.

There is only one drawback to this technique. The subconscious needs to be offered a huge number of options, constantly going through them. But the accuracy of the answers is quite high. And every time it will only increase.

Subconscious. How to get answers to your questions.

- This is not an answer.

- No, that's the answer. It's just not what you want to hear.

It often happens that a person is tormented by some question, the answer to which does not come in any way, and this causes a feeling of “suspense”, “unresolvedness”, which is burdensome in every way and generally spoils life.

Conversations with your best friend, with loved ones, with your parents do not bring you closer to what is important and necessary; on the contrary, the diverse opinions of family and friends confuse you, impose restrictions and the inability to hear your own inner voice.

Day after day passes, the issue remains unresolved and is by no means less relevant. And it happens that a decision needs to be made very quickly, there is more than enough information to make it, but you are always afraid of making a mistake if you choose one of the options. It always seems that another choice would probably be better if you knew the answer for sure.

People are often faced with life choices or unresolved questions, weigh the pros and cons, and still have doubts about the answer.

How can you get answers to your questions literally out of thin air?

We all know that the human mind is divided into conscious and unconscious parts. According to scientists, ninety percent of our behavior, our way of life, our reactions, beliefs, decision-making, and formation of intentions are determined by the subconscious part, not controlled by consciousness, not understood by consciousness, not visible to consciousness.

The subconscious is an area of ​​the human psyche responsible for storing and processing incoming information, orientation in the external world, unconditioned reflexes, as well as intuition, for storing information about the Family, experienced emotions and feelings. In fact, the subconscious is a huge database that stores everything that happened in a person’s life, from the moment of conception to the present day, and also stores and processes information from the Family.

The subconscious constantly receives various kinds of information from the outside, which it correlates with what is already available, and, in general, the answers to the questions that a person is tormented by are already in his subconscious; you just need to talk to your subconscious and bring the answer to the conscious level.

Of course, there are techniques for asking questions to your subconscious, and therefore the Universe, and receiving answers to them.

Each technique can be used as needed, although the results of using the techniques are mixed.

So, the techniques themselves:

  1. Question on paper.

This technique can be used in two versions, as an express method, or as a long experiment (you can read how I did the experiment with desires here).

Its essence is that the question of interest is written down on paper. Next, you receive answers from the subconscious.

With the express method:

It is necessary to allocate an hour or two of time so that there are no distractions, no one interferes, and there are no extraneous sounds. Take a notepad and write down a question of interest on a blank sheet of paper. Focus on it and mentally ask your subconscious to answer this question. Write down what comes from the subconscious, that is, the actual answers, until they dry up. Do not analyze, do not re-read, do not stop and do not try to write in sentences or some kind of bookish phrases. Write it as it is. As soon as there is nothing left to write, you need to put the pen down and switch to something else. Re-read. Here you can see various words that seem to be unrelated in meaning, the names of feelings and emotions, just scattered words. For example, I came across the words: “Jacket”, “Winter”, “Fish”, “Boat”, “Sad”, “Never” in response to a specific question.

Leave them in this notebook for at least a day, come back after a while, and you will see the answer to your question.

Pros : low in time, high effect for express questions

Cons : incorrect interpretation is possible when many unrelated words do not want to add up to the overall picture.

In a long-term experiment:

This method is more effective in a long-term experiment; its duration should be at least 14 days, and preferably 21 days or a month.

So, we do the same thing, write down the question on paper, below we write five possible answers to this question, the ones that come to mind.

The next day we repeat, read the question and write five possible answers, and so on until the end of the experiment. We do not re-read previous answers.

At the end of the allotted time, re-read your question and re-read all the answers. I think you will see for yourself that the answer to your question has been found.

This method is good when you need to make a fundamental decision that you just don’t want to make for various reasons. For example, a decision to change a partner, a job, move to another city, or the question of how to find your own business.

By forcing the subconscious to search for an answer for a long time, you seem to digest all possible scenarios, only bypassing the conscious mind, and at the end you get the safest answer to your question. By safety we mean that this decision will be the most environmentally friendly for you at a given level of awareness, that is, the best at a given time and in given circumstances.

Pros : high efficiency, environmental friendliness

Cons : takes a long time, not effective for “quick” questions

  1. Question personally to the subconscious

The essence of the technique is to ask the subconscious question personally. In general, V.V. Sinelnikov wrote a lot about this. in your books, if you wish, you can find this technique in the original source.

But briefly I will outline the meaning of the technique. To get answers to your questions, you mentally ask questions to your subconscious mind. Through the adopted signaling system, you can get an answer to any question.

Usually this technique is performed before bed, and it is advisable that no one touches you for at least half an hour. So, you go to bed and imagine what your interlocutor might look like. Better yet, directly contact your counterpart and ask to show up. The image can be anything. Your subconscious will appear before you and then you can even ask it to tell you its name.

Next, you need to agree with it on how it will signal to you the answers “Yes” and “No”. This could be a visual image, sensations in the body, sound signals, or some other signs that the subconscious is answering you. Agree with him which signal will be the answer “Yes” and which “No”.

Next, ask your question and “hear” the answer. It may turn out that nothing happens and there are no signals. This means your subconscious is not ready to answer your question.

Question your subconscious mind until you feel the answer has been found. This may happen the first time, or you may hear an answer in a week or two. But in any case you will receive an answer. Answers to vague or open-ended questions are difficult to discern. If you ask whether you should move to another city, the answer may be “Yes” or “No”. But if you ask, “What is my purpose?” then you will still get the answer, but it will be difficult to interpret it and generally understand what the subconscious meant. Nevertheless, the yes-no answers received in this way from the subconscious were on point.

Pros: high efficiency, environmental friendliness

Cons: the ability to receive answers to closed-type questions, such as “Should I go or not?”, “Should I change jobs or not?” Answers to open-ended or vague questions are difficult to interpret.

  1. Pendulum

The technique is as follows. We take a thread and tie a weight to one end. A button, a bead, a shark's tooth, a dragon's eye - it doesn't matter, you need a load that would allow the thread to be in a strictly vertical position. The thread should not be longer than your forearm.

Next, take a sheet of paper, place it on the table, place your elbow on the table, preferably so that the hand rests on something and is motionless. Next, we ask a question to which you know the answer, like “Am I a woman?” Let's see in which direction the pendulum begins to move. It should swing at a sufficient amplitude so that you can accurately see the direction. Accordingly, if you are a woman, then this direction will be the answer “Yes”. Next, we ask a question to which you know the answer, and that answer is “No.” For women, you can “Am I a man?” The pendulum will begin to deviate along the trajectory corresponding to the answer “No”. Then we find out the answer “I don’t know” in the same way.

Once you have established your alarm system, ask the Universe what interests you.

In response, the pendulum will begin to swing and you will see the answer.

At one time, I worked with this technique for a long time, all the time afraid that I was breathing on the pendulum or that my hand was trembling, and because of this it was swinging somehow wrong. Later I became convinced that this was not the case, but this technique did not take root with me. Once I asked the same question with manic persistence, several times a day, and the pendulum always showed the answer “Yes” to it. But in reality this moment never came. Perhaps I was very nervous, or really wanted to get the answer “Yes,” which created interference and thus “knocked down” the pendulum, as if forcing it to move in the direction I wanted.

But, nevertheless, this technique is quite easy to use, and also provides answers to closed-ended questions.

Pros : the technique is easy to use, does not require long preparations or time

Disadvantages: the reliability of the answers may be distorted if you are not in a state of balance, but really want some answer; closed questions

  1. Question "in your pocket"

The technique is also simple to perform, but requires care. You ask a question to the Universe and, as it were, put it “in your pocket.” Go with him to work, for a walk or to the store, do household chores, sleep, read, go to fitness, in general, go about your everyday life. The question lies in your pocket, you remember this and try to record the signs that the Universe sends. This could be billboards with some kind of advertising, a song, perhaps a movie, something else that will give you the answer to your question. There is no need to specifically look for these signs, because you risk distorting the answer of the Universe. But it is also necessary to keep your eyes and ears open.

The answer, as always, comes, but your attentiveness and ability not to adjust what you want to what you actually have play an important role here.

Pros: simplicity

Cons: possible misinterpretation, distortion of signs

  1. Questions in a dream

For me, this technique turned out to be the most complex and controversial, but, nevertheless, it has a right to exist.

Before going to bed, you need to prepare paper and a pen and put it close to the bed so that you don’t have to get up to write down the answers. We ask the question that interests you at night. You need to formulate it clearly, do not ask leading questions, vague questions or questions for the sake of a joke.

Write it down on paper before you fall asleep, then give yourself this attitude. That you will wake up and REMEMBER the answers that come to your question at night. If you wake up at night, then you need to quickly write down everything that happens on the prepared paper and calmly go back to sleep. In the morning you will read the answer to your question.

Unfortunately, this technique caused me a lot of difficulties due to the fact that I often wake up at night. Therefore, everything that I wrote down as answers to my questions looked more like nonsense and nonsense than real answers. I’m not familiar with this technique, but I know that this method is very effective and gives excellent results.

Pros: good results after training

Disadvantages: the technique is complex, unclear answers to the questions asked.

Of course, I have not described all the techniques for asking questions of the universe and receiving answers, but if you apply the above techniques together, then no question will remain unanswered.


I would like to end with a quote

Don't ask yourself too many questions. This is centipede syndrome. The centipede was asked in what order it moved its legs, and it could no longer walk.—Roman Polanski.


PPSPS I have a mini guide describing the technique of making wishes come true, which you can download and save to your phone, computer, print and read at a convenient time -

Find your own advisor

There are many variations of this exercise, but they all start from the basic idea of ​​having an imaginary conversation between your conscious mind and your subconscious self. In the evening, before you go to bed, imagine that you are sitting at the table opposite your advisor. You can imagine him in the form of several people - as you wish

It is important to draw your wise essence in your mind in as much detail as possible. You can "invite" a deceased grandparent, a popular celebrity, someone you admire, or just an imaginary being

Realize that this person's wisdom goes beyond your imagination and he can answer all your questions. Being close to your wise advisor, tune in internally to dialogue, and when you are ready, ask him to answer the question that bothers you. Sometimes the answer to a question may be completely unexpected and may surprise you greatly.

Listen very carefully, because at this time your subconscious is trying to tell you something important

If you continue to do this exercise regularly, you will soon find that your wise adviser takes on more and more definite features in your eyes, and it becomes easier for you to communicate with him. When this happens, you will open the door to your subconscious and inner wisdom.

Always be in the Mood

- This is not an answer.

- No, that's the answer. It's just not what you want to hear.

It often happens that a person is tormented by some question, the answer to which does not come in any way, and this causes a feeling of “suspense”, “unresolvedness”, which is burdensome in every way and generally spoils life.

Conversations with your best friend, with loved ones, with your parents do not bring you closer to what is important and necessary; on the contrary, the diverse opinions of family and friends confuse you, impose restrictions and the inability to hear your own inner voice.

Day after day passes, the issue remains unresolved and is by no means less relevant. And it happens that a decision needs to be made very quickly, there is more than enough information to make it, but you are always afraid of making a mistake if you choose one of the options. It always seems that another choice would probably be better if you knew the answer for sure.

People are often faced with life choices or unresolved questions, weigh the pros and cons, and still have doubts about the answer.

How can you get answers to your questions literally out of thin air?

We all know that the human mind is divided into conscious and unconscious parts. According to scientists, ninety percent of our behavior, our way of life, our reactions, beliefs, decision-making, and formation of intentions are determined by the subconscious part, not controlled by consciousness, not understood by consciousness, not visible to consciousness.

The subconscious is an area of ​​the human psyche responsible for storing and processing incoming information, orientation in the external world, unconditioned reflexes, as well as intuition, for storing information about the Family, experienced emotions and feelings. In fact, the subconscious is a huge database that stores everything that happened in a person’s life, from the moment of conception to the present day, and also stores and processes information from the Family.

The subconscious constantly receives various kinds of information from the outside, which it correlates with what is already available, and, in general, the answers to the questions that a person is tormented by are already in his subconscious; you just need to talk to your subconscious and bring the answer to the conscious level.

Of course, there are techniques for asking questions to your subconscious, and therefore the Universe, and receiving answers to them.

Each technique can be used as needed, although the results of using the techniques are mixed.

So, the techniques themselves:

This technique can be used in two versions, as an express method, or as a long-term experiment.

Its essence is that the question of interest is written down on paper. Next, you receive answers from the subconscious.

With the express method:

It is necessary to allocate an hour or two of time so that there are no distractions, no one interferes, and there are no extraneous sounds. Take a notepad and write down a question of interest on a blank sheet of paper. Focus on it and mentally ask your subconscious to answer this question. Write down what comes from the subconscious, that is, the actual answers, until they dry up. Do not analyze, do not re-read, do not stop and do not try to write in sentences or some kind of bookish phrases. Write it as it is. As soon as there is nothing left to write, you need to put the pen down and switch to something else. Re-read. Here you can see various words that seem to be unrelated in meaning, the names of feelings and emotions, just scattered words. For example, I came across the words: “Jacket”, “Winter”, “Fish”, “Boat”, “Sad”, “Never” in response to a specific question.

Leave them in this notebook for at least a day, come back after a while, and you will see the answer to your question.

Pros: low in time, high effect for express questions

Disadvantages: incorrect interpretation is possible when many unrelated words do not want to add up to the overall picture.

In a long-term experiment:

This method is more effective in a long-term experiment; its duration should be at least 14 days, and preferably 21 days or a month.

So, we do the same thing, write down the question on paper, below we write five possible answers to this question, the ones that come to mind.

The next day we repeat, read the question and write five possible answers, and so on until the end of the experiment. We do not re-read previous answers.

At the end of the allotted time, re-read your question and re-read all the answers. I think you will see for yourself that the answer to your question has been found.

This method is good when you need to make a fundamental decision that you just don’t want to make for various reasons. For example, a decision to change a partner, a job, move to another city, or the question of how to find your own business.

By forcing the subconscious to search for an answer for a long time, you seem to digest all possible scenarios, only bypassing the conscious mind, and at the end you get the safest answer to your question. By safety we mean that this decision will be the most environmentally friendly for you at a given level of awareness, that is, the best at a given time and in given circumstances.

Pros: high efficiency, environmental friendliness

Cons: takes a long time, not effective for “quick” questions

The essence of the technique is to ask the subconscious question personally. In general, V.V. Sinelnikov wrote a lot about this. in your books, if you wish, you can find this technique in the original source.

But briefly I will outline the meaning of the technique. To get answers to your questions, you mentally ask questions to your subconscious mind. Through the adopted signaling system, you can get an answer to any question.

Usually this technique is performed before bed, and it is advisable that no one touches you for at least half an hour. So, you go to bed and imagine what your interlocutor might look like. Better yet, directly contact your counterpart and ask to show up. The image can be anything. Your subconscious will appear before you and then you can even ask it to tell you its name.

Next, you need to agree with it on how it will signal to you the answers “Yes” and “No”. This could be a visual image, sensations in the body, sound signals, or some other signs that the subconscious is answering you. Agree with him which signal will be the answer “Yes” and which “No”.

Next, ask your question and “hear” the answer. It may turn out that nothing happens and there are no signals. This means your subconscious is not ready to answer your question.

Question your subconscious mind until you feel the answer has been found. This may happen the first time, or you may hear an answer in a week or two. But in any case you will receive an answer. Answers to vague or open-ended questions are difficult to discern. If you ask whether you should move to another city, the answer may be “Yes” or “No”. But if you ask, “What is my purpose?” then you will still get the answer, but it will be difficult to interpret it and generally understand what the subconscious meant. Nevertheless, the yes-no answers received in this way from the subconscious were on point.

Pros: high efficiency, environmental friendliness

Cons: the ability to receive answers to closed-type questions, such as “Should I go or not?”, “Should I change jobs or not?” Answers to open-ended or vague questions are difficult to interpret.

The technique is as follows. We take a thread and tie a weight to one end. A button, a bead, a shark's tooth, a dragon's eye - it doesn't matter, you need a load that would allow the thread to be in a strictly vertical position. The thread should not be longer than your forearm.

Next, take a sheet of paper, place it on the table, place your elbow on the table, preferably so that the hand rests on something and is motionless. Next, we ask a question to which you know the answer, like “Am I a woman?” Let's see in which direction the pendulum begins to move. It should swing at a sufficient amplitude so that you can accurately see the direction. Accordingly, if you are a woman, then this direction will be the answer “Yes”. Next, we ask a question to which you know the answer, and that answer is “No.” For women, you can “Am I a man?” The pendulum will begin to deviate along the trajectory corresponding to the answer “No”. Then we find out the answer “I don’t know” in the same way.

Once you have established your alarm system, ask the Universe what interests you.

In response, the pendulum will begin to swing and you will see the answer.

At one time, I worked with this technique for a long time, all the time afraid that I was breathing on the pendulum or that my hand was trembling, and because of this it was swinging somehow wrong. Later I became convinced that this was not the case, but this technique did not take root with me. Once I asked the same question with manic persistence, several times a day, and the pendulum always showed the answer “Yes” to it. But in reality this moment never came. Perhaps I was very nervous, or really wanted to get the answer “Yes,” which created interference and thus “knocked down” the pendulum, as if forcing it to move in the direction I wanted.

But, nevertheless, this technique is quite easy to use, and also provides answers to closed-ended questions.

Pros: the technique is easy to use, does not require long preparations or time

Disadvantages: the reliability of the answers may be distorted if you are not in a state of balance, but really want some answer; closed questions

The technique is also simple to perform, but requires care. You ask a question to the Universe and, as it were, put it “in your pocket.” Go with him to work, for a walk or to the store, do household chores, sleep, read, go to fitness, in general, go about your everyday life. The question lies in your pocket, you remember this and try to record the signs that the Universe sends. This could be billboards with some kind of advertising, a song, perhaps a movie, something else that will give you the answer to your question. There is no need to specifically look for these signs, because you risk distorting the answer of the Universe. But it is also necessary to keep your eyes and ears open.

The answer, as always, comes, but your attentiveness and ability not to adjust what you want to what you actually have play an important role here.

Pros: simplicity

Cons: possible misinterpretation, distortion of signs

For me, this technique turned out to be the most complex and controversial, but, nevertheless, it has a right to exist.

Before going to bed, you need to prepare paper and a pen and put it close to the bed so that you don’t have to get up to write down the answers. We ask the question that interests you at night. You need to formulate it clearly, do not ask leading questions, vague questions or questions for the sake of a joke.

Write it down on paper before you fall asleep, then give yourself this attitude. That you will wake up and REMEMBER the answers that come to your question at night. If you wake up at night, then you need to quickly write down everything that happens on the prepared paper and calmly go back to sleep. In the morning you will read the answer to your question.

Unfortunately, this technique caused me a lot of difficulties due to the fact that I often wake up at night. Therefore, everything that I wrote down as answers to my questions looked more like nonsense and nonsense than real answers. I’m not familiar with this technique, but I know that this method is very effective and gives excellent results.

Pros: good results after training

Disadvantages: the technique is complex, unclear answers to the questions asked.

Of course, I have not described all the techniques for asking questions of the universe and receiving answers, but if you apply the above techniques together, then no question will remain unanswered.

Author: Olga Tsybakina

The power of the subconscious and human capabilities

The subconscious has enormous power and influence on life. Those who do not know how to manage it will face serious problems. This is because actions and thoughts depend on the subconscious.

The attitudes and programs of the subconscious are influenced by several factors:

  1. Upbringing. This refers to the knowledge laid down not only by parents, but also by kindergarten teachers and teachers. Words become firmly embedded in a child's brain. In the future, it will be difficult for him to cope with the complexes and fears instilled in childhood. A qualified psychologist can help.
  2. Mass media. Hundreds of images flash on TV screens, in printed publications and glossy magazines every day. They act on the subconscious unnoticed and very subtly. It is not for nothing that the media is considered an excellent way to quietly control large numbers of people, forcing them to do what is needed. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully filter media data. This will help you look at yourself and what is happening around you differently.
  3. Relatives, friends, acquaintances, colleagues. These people also influence the subconscious. A good example is bad company during adolescence. First, a person starts smoking and drinking alcohol just to get into it. However, later it seems to him that he wants to behave this way himself.
  4. Acquired skills and habits. Actions repeated several times over a certain period of time and in the same situations become habitual and program the subconscious. A person performs them “automatically”. An example would be ice skating or skiing. First, the coach tells the beginner how to properly place his feet, brake or accelerate. Afterwards, practical classes begin. After several training sessions, a person masters the program and performs the movements automatically, without outside prompting. The brain is not involved here, everything happens on an unconscious level.
  5. Manipulation. Some people know how to control the subconscious of others. They successfully use these techniques. One of them is provocations, inducing emotions.

In order to use the powers of the subconscious, you need to find out what influences it and how. Only after this can you program it in your own way.

We are creating new programs. (Part 2)

After you have taken a few minutes to erase and let go of the program that is interfering with your happiness (we talked about this in the first part, read here ), after you have forgiven yourself, begin to form and record a new image in your subconscious and a new habit.

If you don’t go through a new version of how you behave in similar situations in your subconscious for several days, or better yet, several months, you won’t be able to change anything through external efforts.

Give yourself time, tell yourself that you are giving yourself 2-3 months and during this time you are not making any external efforts to change the situation. You are only erasing previous programs from your subconscious, forgiving yourself and visualizing a new image of your behavior in relationships with men.

Let's look at an example, and then I will describe in more detail an exercise aimed at creating a new image.

An example from personal experience. Then I was working on the “always right in an argument with a man” program. I noticed in myself that I like to notice the moments when, in my opinion, my husband made a mistake, reprimand him for everything and defend his innocence. Well, don’t just feed him bread, but let him feel so right and right, and make him feel guilty.

After I tracked similar behavior in my mother, for several days I erased this program from myself, at the same time asking forgiveness from my loved one for such behavior (read about how to properly practice forgiveness in the article “The Power of Forgiveness. How to become happy, and How to keep love in the family?" ).

When the time came to form a new image of myself and my behavior, I thought about what kind of image this is? Well, how would I like to react in those situations when my husband is really wrong or mistaken in something?

After much thought, I began to imagine how my husband came home and, for example, did not fulfill some promise. And I imagined that instead of the usual behavior, when I would definitely tell him everything, I hug him completely calmly, say that I am glad that he is in my life, and that the promise can be fulfilled tomorrow.

Sometimes I imagined myself calmly asking why I couldn’t do what I promised?

Sometimes I imagined myself even saying that it was great that he didn’t have time to do what he promised, since I had already changed my mind, or it was even better for us that he delayed fulfilling his promise.

Do you know what's most amazing? I liked visualizing my new self so much, I liked the image of such a calm, cheerful and confident woman so much that I was so carried away by my studies that I actually stopped reacting to some of my husband’s mistakes. I began to understand and accept that we are all human, and we all make mistakes. And also to see that unforeseen situations often arise in life, which sometimes prevent you from fulfilling your promise.

But that's not the point. The fact is that after a while I began to notice that my husband somehow miraculously began to fulfill almost all the promises he made! It was at that moment when I stopped demanding this from him, when I stopped expecting something and being offended, that he began to change. And besides, to change exactly in the direction that I had come to terms with and in which I imagined that I was behaving differently than before. To learn how to make a man change, read the article “How to change a man’s behavior?” . Now let's go back to the exercise itself and see how exactly to visualize and form a new life program?

The most important thing where an obstacle may arise is precisely in a new way of behavior. After all, if you didn’t have an example of a happy relationship in childhood, if you didn’t have before your eyes an example of a happy woman and how she behaves in relationships with men, where does such an image come from?

So the first and most important point in the exercise of forming a new program will be the collection of information.

What does “collection of information” mean? The collection of information should include correctly asked questions to your subconscious, a set of necessary photo images, a description of your desired behavior, observation of happy married couples on the street, at work, in parks and similar places, and the actual visualization and living of the desired image.

By the way, until the moment I began to rewrite parental programs and form a new image of happy relationships, I had never seen happy married couples. It seemed to me that everyone lives, plus or minus, the same way, i.e. they quarrel, swear, constantly sort things out about who is right and who is wrong, and at best they maintain the appearance of a normal relationship. As soon as I began to form a new way of relating to men, I not only began to notice happy hugging couples on the street (most importantly, not young people, but older men and women), but also in my environment with my husband, friends appeared who were happy in marriage.

But let's look at each point separately.

First. Correctly asked questions to the subconscious.

Whether you know it or not, whether you believe it or not, reality does not change, your subconscious contains the answers to all your questions. And if you start asking him them in a relaxed state, then sooner or later the answer will come to you in one form or another. Sometimes in the form of a wonderful movie, sometimes through a book, sometimes through a conversation overheard, sometimes through friends and acquaintances, and sometimes in a dream or while walking. It doesn’t matter how he comes, what matters is that he will definitely come. Believe it and download your subconscious. Let it work, and not be lazy, lying on the stove. As they say, work, work, the sun is still high. That's what the subconscious is for, to give you answers to your questions. But don’t be lazy either, ask and ask, ask and ask.

You need to ask questions in a relaxed state, also in silence and solitude, preferably after you have worked and released the parental program. And in such moments, when there is nothing superfluous in your head, when you have cleared yourself of someone else’s program, when you are relaxed and your mind is calm, start asking the subconscious what you want to know.

If you are forming a new way of behavior with men, ask:

- What kind of woman do I want to be? How would I like to behave to be happy?

- What kind of woman should I become for a man to love and respect me, so that he strives to spend as much time as possible with me? Would you hurry home in the evening, look after me and help me, be attentive and sensitive?

Ask about the look you are working on. Ask about what a happy, beloved and loving woman should be like?

Sometimes readers ask me to clearly tell them what kind of woman should be. How to flirt, how to become feminine, how to find happiness with a man. But no matter how much I want, no matter how hard I try to describe it, in any case, such answers are unlikely to help you. The fact is that every woman has her own desires and preferences, her own character and temperament, her own purpose and her own type of man. And I can’t give one recipe for everyone.

And the most important thing is that you don’t need my answers. You know the answers to your questions yourself. Just don't be lazy. Of course, if you don’t feel like it and you are overcome by mother laziness, then of course. In this case, it will seem to you that a wizard will fly in and give answers to all your questions, and after that you will immediately begin to apply them in your life, and everything will change for you like magic.

But, fortunately, this does not happen, otherwise everyone would have degenerated long ago, become fat and doing nothing but calling a wizard to make their wish come true again.

So get to work. Work with your subconscious yourself, and believe me, it will definitely give you the answer. The image that you will ask him about.

The main thing is not just ask questions, but, as I already wrote, in a relaxed, calm state. And don't forget to write down these questions. Be sure to keep a Class Diary in which you will record your work. Prescribe the desired image and record the changes taking place in life and in relationships with men.

Write down questions in this Diary aimed at creating a new program. Write down everything that you want to shape in yourself and in your life.

Once the answers start coming, write them down too.

You don't need to rely only on memory. Today it seems to you that “I will never, under any circumstances, forget this,” but in a couple of months everything will be forgotten and will not go away.

After you ask and write down the necessary questions to your subconscious, move on to the second point.

Second. Collection of photo images. Everything seems to be clear here, I wrote about this in detail in the article “Visualization of desires, or a happy family and the image of joy in family relationships.” But let’s still define what a photo image is. This is an image of what you want to become and what kind of relationships with men you want to see in your life. These should be photographs that evoke certain associations in you.

Basically, why do you need photos like these? But we have already told you that what you saw in your childhood is formed in your subconscious. And now you need to collect photo images of what you want to see in your life and look at them every day.

And don’t just watch and do nothing else. In this case they are unlikely to work. You definitely need to close your eyes for at least two or three minutes and let this bright image into yourself, into your body and into your subconscious. Close your eyes and literally for two or three minutes be the happy woman you see in the photo image.

You can get such images anywhere. One of my clients wrote to me that she goes to the library and takes out glossy magazines there. You can download the photos on the Internet and print them on a color printer, paste your image there. You can even draw it yourself if your soul asks for it.

But the main thing is to form these images in a separate folder or paste them into a notebook. And don’t just paste it, but be sure to sign it at the bottom. For example, under a happy, hugging couple, you can write that you and your husband are celebrating the tenth anniversary of your happy family life in the Holiday House.

Third. Communicate more with happy families and avoid those who constantly quarrel and criticize each other. Notice happy and loving married couples around you, fix this image in your subconscious.

Our environment greatly influences both us and the quality of our lives. If you watch every day, and God forbid, participate in quarrels of other married couples (no matter your parents or friends), taking one side or another, then you can hardly talk about happiness in your personal life. When should you care about your personal happiness if you tirelessly participate in the lives of other people? Plus, a negative opinion towards men is very contagious, and even if everything is relatively normal between you and your husband, no, no, and the opinion of your mother or friend will influence your relationship with your partner.

Negativity has the ability to stick to human consciousness very strongly. And in order to get rid of it, to form your own opinion and shape your happiness, try to stay away from people who constantly quarrel, swear and blame each other.

How many times have my husband and I noticed that if we talk to a married couple who don’t seem to quarrel, but are constantly trying to pull us each to their side, as if accidentally blaming each other, how on the way home we will definitely also quarrel over some nothing.

And how positively communication with our friends who are happy in their family life affects our relationships. After communicating with them, we feel that we are not alone in this world, that happiness in the family is so great, and how good it is that our friends are happy too. We just communicate, and we don’t need to take sides or build a protective barrier against negativity.

And how much tenderness you will feel for your man when you see an older man and woman supporting each other on the street.

And how much love and gratitude you will feel when an elderly couple passes by you, where you feel love and tenderness for each other.

Try to notice love and mutual respect as often as possible and avoid communicating with those people who do not strive for a happy family life.

As often as possible, replay in your head the happiness you saw, the mutual love and support. Remember that whatever you focus your thoughts on tends to manifest itself in your life.

Fourth. The visualization itself . After you have collected photo images, after you have asked questions to your subconscious and written down all the answers that came to you, after you have absorbed the energy of love and respect from the happy people around you, you are ready to form your new , happy life. You are ready to form a new, more effective program.

You will also need privacy and silence. You will also need to relax and stop the flow of thoughts. Then open your Diary and read the entries you made. Then open a notebook or folder with photographs of happy men and women, and perhaps with photographs with your image pasted in, look at them carefully for a few minutes, then close your eyes and imagine that all this is happening in your life.

Imagine how you want to see yourself and your relationship. If you are currently erasing criticism and dissatisfaction from yourself, then you can imagine the following. Let's say you are walking with your loved one along the edge of the sea, he tells you something with rapture, and you listen carefully. Sometimes you laugh, ruffle his hair and tell him how much you love him and are proud of him. Talk about how great he is, that you appreciate everything he does for you and your family.

Live the scene as if it were already happening. Imagine further that your loved one picks you up in his arms, spins you around and tells you that it’s so great that you accept him and never scold or criticize him, especially when something doesn’t work out for him. He spins you around and says that you are the best, most wonderful woman in the world and that he will do everything in his power to make your family happy and prosperous.

Visualize an image of happiness and how you want to be. The main thing is not just visualize, but try to understand with your whole body, with your whole soul that this is already happening. Feel with every cell the love and tenderness for your man. Feel how much you believe in him and support him. You need to see yourself from the outside, not at all as you were before, but joyful, kind, radiating light and acceptance. Also see how happy your man is with you, how he constantly strives to go home early from work, how he tries in every possible way to make your life easier, provide for your family, and bring some innovations and improvements. I wrote in great detail about how to rewrite the parental script in the book “What Happy Women Are Silent About. Or How to make a man get off the couch .

Imagine and live the image of yourself that you want to be. Concentrate on one thing and imagine this image for 10-15 minutes.

After visualization, when you feel that the image begins to dissolve and it becomes more and more difficult for you to keep it in your consciousness, let it go. Feel how it becomes lighter and weightless, release it into the Universe with the words: “I ask you, Life, help me fulfill my desire, help me form a new habit. But I understand that it will be what’s best for me and for everyone, and I’ll accept everything as it comes.”

Then stretch, yawn sweetly and tell yourself how great you are! You really are already doing great. Just by purchasing and reading this book, you are already halfway to changes in yourself and in life. You are already great for simply existing in this world. You are great because you are not trying to change other people, but have begun to change yourself and your erroneous programs and beliefs. Well, what a young man you are!

If you still have questions, you can get advice from the author of articles and books, A. Guy. Click on the link to find out more.

Article protected by copyright and related rights. When using or reprinting material, an active link to the women's website is required! Good luck to you, Anastasia Gai

Control your subconscious automatically

I wish I could tune the subconscious so that it eliminates negative aspects from our mental space. Type: stress, fears, anger, irritability, bad habits, limiting beliefs, negative thinking and other mental garbage. And in the meantime, Dmitry Leushkin created a whole system that makes it possible to turn this idea into reality. The system is called Turbo-Suslik. And don’t be fooled by the frivolous name.

The system uses the idle huge resource of the subconscious to eliminate mental garbage. The advantage of this method is that the subconscious mind does most of the work automatically while you go about your daily activities. Simplicity is the sister of talent and this is very suitable for this system. It is easy to use and accessible to everyone. All that is required is the ability to read and write. All that remains is to read the prepared instructions to the subconscious and get results. Download the Turbo-Suslik system.

Don't forget that you are the creator of your reality and everything comes from thoughts. Everything you have inside and outside is the result of work done (usually done unconsciously). Clean up your inner world and you will be amazed at how healthy you can live.

Working with the subconscious - Rules and secrets

Working with the subconscious is interesting and educational. In its process, you will discover some secrets of the subconscious that have so far remained unsolved for you. Working with the subconscious will make you smarter, more successful, it will teach you to enjoy life and accept it as it is. The task of both consciousness and subconscious is the same - to ensure survival and success. Rational thinking provides it. But the irrational can cost a person his life if, say, he mistakes a red traffic light for the call of an angel. Where does irrational thinking come from? Most often it arises due to superficial understanding and inability to work with the subconscious. The man picked up scraps of knowledge. They formed a monstrous mess of guesses, fairy tales and misunderstandings in his head, and then, when he tries to use all this in life, this mess falls on him with failures and disappointments.

Working with the subconscious, rule one. No empty words!

First, let's learn the main rule of working with the subconscious: never use dummy words! They mean nothing, and each person understands them differently. Examples of dummy words: karma, charisma, aura...

The subconscious does not like empty words. Let's compare two phrases:

  1. Etheric radiations are the emanation of charisma into the aura.
  2. You jumped out of the scalding sauna and are about to jump into the icy pool.

Which of these phrases did your subconscious respond to? What should you expect in both cases, what should you expect? Dummy words seem to clog your head with cotton wool, and all subconscious activity is stopped at the root. They said “transcendent existence”, the tongue tied itself in a knot, and the subconscious fell into a stupor. So what's next? Specific and clear words give the subconscious precise commands, and it will not let you down.

The more specific you think, the more powerful your intellect.

If the task seems difficult, it means that the task contains a lot of dummy words. Remove them and the problem will be solved by itself. Chess is the simplest illustration. For someone who doesn’t know how to play, the words “queen”, “stalemate”, “zugzwang” are empty words. For him they are meaningless. The beginner uses these words, but does it rationally. But mastery begins with mastering the concepts of “attack,” “defense,” and “fight for the center.” World-class masters are already working with the concepts of strategy and tactics, which are not yet available to modern computers. And the computer did not beat Kasparov in the usual sense of the word (since grandmaster consultants cannot give programmers the level of Kasparov’s strategy), but beat him with a quick search of options.

But if a beginner asks Kasparov what the secret of his game is, the answer he will hear is only a set of dummy words. Although, if Kasparov is patient, he can tell everything in simple words. Hence the first practical advice for working with the subconscious: if someone expresses themselves cleverly and incomprehensibly, repeat the same thing in simple words - as a rule, everything will be clear and obvious.

So, let's remember. An intelligent person never uses words whose meaning is not clear to him. He never reads books in which the author does not clarify the meaning of the terms used. Never talks to people who do not understand the meaning of the terms they use.

Check how dummy words affect your memory. Repeat without looking the two phrases that I gave as an example. As you can see, memory doesn’t like dummy words either. Therefore, the secret of a good memory also lies in a simple phrase: no dummy words!

A Guide to Taming Dummy Words

Dummy words can be useful or harmful. Harmful empty words are used to demonstrate that a person is smarter than everyone else. Useful dummy words are used in the work of masters of their craft, so such dummy words need to be tamed. Once tamed, the dummy word turns into a little furry friend that makes you a little smarter.

To tame a dummy word, you need to know that it is always based on a simple everyday situation. This is what needs to be found and presented in detail. Let's tame such a useful dummy word as frustration.

You are walking down the street and feel hungry. But you have an orange. You are peeling an amazing smelling, juicy fruit. Your mouth is watering. Sweet juice flows down your fingers. And suddenly the already peeled orange slips out of your hands and falls into the dirt. And you stand in complete prostration (bewilderment). So: FRUIT + PROSTRATION = FRUSTRATION. The dummy word has been tamed! Now let's look at the encyclopedic dictionary.

Frustration (from Latin frustratio - deception, failure) is a psychological state. It arises in a situation of disappointment, failure to achieve any goal or need that is significant for a person. It manifests itself in oppressive tension, anxiety, and a feeling of hopelessness. The reaction to frustration may be withdrawal into the world of dreams and fantasies, aggressive behavior, etc.

Oh, how often people experience this same frustration! Take a look around. It feels like there is nothing but frustration all around. But we will not go into the world of dreams and fantasies. If we need to do something, but it just doesn’t work out, we turn to the subconscious.

Working with the subconscious, rule two. If you can’t cope on your own, ask your subconscious.

Let’s remember the following rule of working with the subconscious: if you can’t cope on your own, ask the subconscious for help. The number of things that the subconscious mind can do at the same time is practically unlimited.

More on the blog: 20 ideas that change the usual train of thought

Why can a driver calmly listen to news on the radio? Because: the eyes follow the road; tongue - for candy; the left leg is responsible for traction; right foot - for gas and brake; left hand - behind the steering wheel and headlights; right hand - behind the gear shift lever and the companion’s knee.

But how does this work? Surely there is no room in the mind for such diverse activities? And it is not necessary. Everything is controlled by the subconscious. How can you force the subconscious to think? And it's very simple. You need to mentally imagine the action that the subconscious should take in response to the necessary information.

Let's say you're about to give a public speech and you're nervous. This is quite natural. After all, you need to simultaneously keep the thought in your head, choose your words, and behave decently. That's it, the consciousness is overloaded. Are we panicking? No! Let us remember the rule: if you can’t cope on your own, ask your subconscious for help.

In advance and in turn, you need to rehearse how to: stay on stage (walk, sit, stand, dodge tomatoes); select words (pronounce any text on a random topic); select thoughts (express your thoughts on the topic of the report to your neighbor in the elevator). Actually, that's all. The subconscious mind remembers 90% of the information it receives (and you only 10%). Therefore, the “trained” subconscious mind will take care of your performance and will do everything right at the right moment.

And when you read a book, the subconscious can independently search the text for facts and ideas for your report (edge ​​vision technique). To do this, before you start reading, clearly tell your subconscious (that is, mentally formulate) what exactly you need for the report. And calmly read. The eye will automatically pick out the right places.

Working with the subconscious, rule three, chess.

Let's consider the third rule of working with the subconscious. All chess players know this rule well, and it goes like this: if you touch a piece, move. The next paragraph is boring. Do not read.

When we are about to do something, the so-called Walter wave appears in the frontal lobes of the brain. This is a special type of brain activity, which is subjectively perceived as readiness for action. If the action takes place, then Walter's wave subsides. But if the action is not completed, then Walter’s wave persists and is subjectively perceived as “something is needed.” These waves can accumulate, leading to a state of, “Oh my God, when will this all end?”

What prevents you from enjoying life the most are small but constant failures. Called - no, stepped on - a puddle, bit - sour, kissed - turned into a frog. You spend all your time in bed with your beloved. And everything would be fine if the beloved was not called Depression.

The main cause of depression is not related to fires, accidents and natural disasters. It arises from repeated situations: a tie is lost, soap has slipped away, the cat was the first to try your sandwich. Consciously, you can console yourself as much as you like, but you feel far from at ease. Who's stopping you? And this is our old friend - the subconscious. The whole problem is that the subconscious mind received the command to “eat a sandwich,” so it prepared saliva, gastric juice, and a cheerful mood, but all in vain!

When circumstances prevent you from fulfilling your plans, the subconscious becomes very “upset.” And here we remember the chess rule of working with the subconscious: “If you touch a piece, move.” That is, every action you take must be completely completed. Open your mouth - speak, swing - hit, run - jump, jump - say "gop".

Working with the subconscious, rule four. Be ready for any success.

The application of the previous rule of working with the subconscious has one subtlety. In life, it is not always possible to do everything the way you wanted. He swung and missed, ran and slipped. The offender ran away, and after the fight we began to wave our fists. Waving for a long time. For the rest of my life. Why? But because the subconscious is waiting for the result. But there is still no result. So it spins these thoughts like a boring barrel organ.

To avoid getting into such a situation, you need to anticipate possible scenarios in advance. And be prepared for any option. When inviting a girl to dance, be prepared for the fact that she will give birth to eighteen children, and then run away from you to an Arab sheikh. Then you will accept her refusal to dance with joy. You went to the cinema and the tickets ran out. But you have foreseen this, so you go to the zoo without any frustration. And then there was a strike and all the animals were released from their cages. But you are ready for this, so you pick up a baby elephant to ride it to work. As soon as you are about to do something, immediately think about what you will do if circumstances change. And when they change, act on your plan. As a result, life will not be able to drive you into a dead end. You will always have an emergency exit.

This rule of working with the subconscious will save you from an unpleasant situation when you are so obsessed with your goal that you begin to worry that you will not achieve it. And you think not about how to achieve the goal, but about what will happen if you fail. That is, in fact, you switch the attention of the subconscious to failure. And the subconscious obediently remembers this picture as a goal. And, rest assured, the subconscious is guaranteed to provide you with complete and final failure.

More on the blog: 7 secrets of positive thinking

It's easy to avoid thinking about failure. To do this, you need to work with the subconscious and make any development of events part of your plan. Then you will completely calmly accept any outcome. You won't worry about it, but focus on doing the best part of the plan. This ability must be brought to automaticity. Each plan has a “What if not...” section, so you take each action to its logical conclusion. Then the subconscious will automatically be freed from failures.

To do this, when setting a task, immediately give an alternative: - Distribute it among the residents of our housing office! - What if?.. - And if they don’t take it, we’ll turn off the gas!

Life always gives us a lot of opportunities. If we focus on one, we may miss others that are much better. When hunting a crane, be prepared to grab a flying tit by the tail. There is no need to rest your forehead against the wall. When looking for a tie, immediately think about how you will look on the podium without a tie (and at the same time without pants, if they have also disappeared somewhere). Then every action will have a subconscious completion. And the subconscious will always be clear and ready to work.

Working with the subconscious, rule five. Don't be a puppet.

Now let's get acquainted with the last rule of working with the subconscious. It is the most important because it deals with the irrationality of the subconscious. People are amazingly, monstrously irrational. Even those who consider themselves advanced. Of the most striking examples, I can remember a smoking psychologist who is trying to quit smoking.

A smoking psychologist is nonsense in itself, because smoking is an addiction. If he frees others from addiction, then why can’t he help himself? And the answer is simple. He quits smoking consciously, and his desire to smoke subconsciously. But a powerful subconscious is much stronger than a weak consciousness. It thinks many times faster and controls all the feelings and reactions of the body as a whole.

Therefore, the subconscious will quickly explain why you need to smoke: - This is solid (subconscious program of a teenager). — For me personally, this is not very harmful (reaction to anti-nicotine propaganda). - I can quit at any time (subconscious reaction of an adult). - I want to!!! (body reaction)

And here we discover the main rule of working with the subconscious: if you do not control the subconscious, then it controls you. Every day a person becomes convinced of the stupidity, uselessness and worthlessness of many ceremonies, traditions and rituals. But they always follow them. Why? But because he is commanded by the subconscious. And the person obediently dances to the orchestra of pipes of the “crazed” subconscious.

Every day the adult aunt begins with reading the horoscope. Because, as a foolish teenager, she heard that horoscopes control our lives. And she continues to believe this, already becoming an adult. She just can’t figure out that the horoscope needs to be read not BEFORE, but AFTER, and compared with what actually happened. Then draw conclusions and forget about this bad and very dangerous habit forever. Because reading a horoscope programs the subconscious to do what is written in it. And then the rule works: if you don’t control the subconscious, then it controls you. And if the horoscope says that you are having a bad day, then the subconscious will find thousands of ways to ruin it.

Millions of people read various esoteric literature and believe that tomorrow dumplings will begin to jump into their mouths. They think that they will discover something so wonderful and amazing in their subconscious. Forgetting that all miracles must be well prepared. When the Lord said: “Let there be light!”, the wires were already connected. There is nothing in the subconscious that was not previously in the conscious. What you can do consciously, you can also successfully (and many times faster) do subconsciously. But the subconscious mind works 24 hours a day - at full capacity and without breaks for lunch.

Therefore, if you want to live successfully and beautifully, and not constantly cling to life, then first develop your abilities, and then transfer these abilities to the subconscious. We’ll find out how to do this a little later, but for now let’s confirm the basic rules of working with the subconscious: 1. No empty words! Use only understandable words. 2. If you can’t cope on your own, ask your subconscious for help. If you feel overwhelmed, take a break and tune your subconscious mind to achieve your goal. 3. If you touch a figure, move. Once you have made a decision, act immediately. 4. Be prepared for any success. When setting a task, immediately think through possible options for behavior. 5. Don't be a puppet! If you do not control the subconscious, then it controls you.

Therefore, if you do not want to become an alcoholic, workaholic or other holic, learn to work with the subconscious. Apply these rules of working with the subconscious in your life, and many problems will be solved faster and more pleasantly.


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How to get the right answers from the subconscious

The human mind is divided into two parts - conscious and unconscious. Almost all decisions made, intentions, internal beliefs, aspirations, reactions, behavior and lifestyle in general are controlled by the unconscious part of the mind. It is hidden from the conscious part, not visible and not understandable to it.

The subconscious is a huge repository of information relating to everything that happened in a person’s life (from the moment of birth to the present second). The unconscious part constantly receives various information from the outside, which it correlates with existing information. Therefore, we can safely say that the answer to any question is already in the subconscious of every person. To receive it, you only need to talk to the unconscious part, bringing the answer to the level of consciousness.

Answers from the universe in the subconscious

The possibilities of our being are limitless. Our brain is a biocomputer that we use very poorly. How to get an answer from the subconscious? Many books have been written about the phenomenal capabilities of the brain. Despite the fact that we have not consciously learned to use even a third of our brains, this does not mean that these “uncontrollable” percentages do nothing. Our subconscious is able to use the capabilities of our brain to the fullest. It is in the subconscious that deep knowledge of past incarnations and archetypes of the human unconscious are stored. When you ask yourself a question, the subconscious mind already begins the process of finding an answer to it. However, in reality it is not so simple.

There are several important conditions to receive a response from the universe. The main one is time. The subconscious needs a certain amount of time (second, day, month and even more). Immediately after forming an intention, the subconscious begins the search process. How quickly a solution is found and whether an answer will be given at all depends only on the strength of the intention, which in turn depends on the level of development of consciousness. And here the second condition comes into force - “acceptance of the answer.” By acceptance or awareness, I mean that it is important to see, to perceive the answer. You can get an answer from the subconscious both in reality and in a dream, in the form of images. The outstanding psychiatrist Carl Jung wrote a lot about this in his books, in particular his famous phrase - “He who looks outside sleeps, and he who looks inside wakes up.”

How to get a response from the subconscious

Be conscious. Man, like other inhabitants of the universe, are connected with each other by a certain spiritual connection; we are part of the universe. By launching an impulse, we can get an answer to our “request”. We don’t even suspect how many “requests” we send to the universe, that our thoughts and emotions are reflected and influence us and the world around us

Quality is important, not quantity. That is why it is very important to learn to constantly be conscious

Practice meditation. Our brain is divided into right and left hemispheres. The left side is the area of ​​mental activity, while the right side is the abode of creativity and the unconscious. In modern humans, the left hemisphere operates at a higher frequency than the right. The essence of this meditation is to inhibit the left hemisphere by stopping the internal dialogue, which leads to balanced work of both hemispheres. In this way, we open our consciousness to internal transformation and, therefore, acceptance of answers.

Build personal power.

To receive answers from the subconscious, the conscious mind must be ready to accept them. Our thoughts are living entities (Sufis call them elementals) that have their own purpose. The speed of completing a task depends on personal strength. That is why the ancient Mages, possessing enormous personal power, could influence reality with one Intention in a very short period of time, and some of them instantly.

Train your body and mind.

The body is a temple, a vessel for the spirit. Physical condition affects the psyche, just as consciousness affects the body. Love your body, exercise physically and train your mind (memory, imagination, speed of thinking). It is advisable to engage in energy practices: hatha yoga, qigong or tensegrity. I personally recommend Hermes gymnastics or Tibetan yoga Eye of Renaissance.

Feelings and physical sensations

Sometimes the signs that a person receives while awake are more tangible than dreams. When making an important decision, we may experience various physical sensations, such as an unpleasant tingling sensation, a feeling of warmth, a light breath or touch. At the level of feelings, some describe a sudden wave of anxiety or, conversely, a surge of joy and inspiration.

When something like this happens to you, acknowledge it and thank the Universe for the hint. In the future, when choosing one solution from several, try to concentrate on the physical sensations.

Mentally make a choice and imagine the situation and possible consequences in detail. At the same time, do not forget to note the reaction of the body and the emotions that the imaginary picture evokes. Sometimes physical impulses and emotional outbursts speak louder than words.

  • Pros: allows you to better “hear” the body and become aware of hidden emotions
  • Cons: may cause a strong psychosomatic reaction in impressionable people

The desire to act.

After applying the above techniques, you may have an irresistible desire to act, achieve goals and set new ones. After all, you will no longer be tied by an invisible rope consisting of your negative attitudes.

That's probably all I wanted to write in this article. I suggest you hit your negative attitudes with the help of the proposed techniques, unless of course you are afraid. Your life can change greatly for the better after implementing these technologies. I believe these techniques are some of the best tools in the world for changing your thinking.

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Ps I have developed a detailed step-by-step plan for working with the subconscious, which allows you to change your life in the shortest possible time! To take advantage of this opportunity, click on the link:

Become a wizard

Using this technique, you work with the subconscious, which will answer the questions you are interested in “yes” or “no”. The range of applications of such technology is simply limitless. For example, with the help of this technique you can successfully pass any tests at work or school. Understand whether you should trust your colleagues or business partners. It will be much easier to choose.

Everything ingenious always lies on the surface. After a little training, everyone will be able to use it in practice. It is based on the principle of a pendulum, but without using it. The human body itself is a large pendulum. We cannot communicate directly with our subconscious, but we can do so through reflex phenomena.

Concentration of the subconscious

Not every person knows how to control the subconscious, although many have heard about it more than once. Not everyone understands its nature and methods of use. Its power is limitless, and scientists have long proven this. If a person has learned to control his own subconscious, it means he has received additional vital energy that will help him later. Having learned to control his own subconscious, he can direct his life in the direction that he needs.

There is a wonderful book “Techniques for controlling the subconscious mind” (Murphy Joseph). The author reveals in it the secrets of such a thing as “mental treatment”. This term has several interpretations. Firstly, by changing his subconscious, a person can change his essence. The author says that all people’s problems lie in unfulfilled desires. A person is deeply worried about the fact that he did not achieve results, his plans did not come true. In this case, you should not count on life in harmony. Secondly, mental treatment also means improving a person’s physical health.

How quickly will Vadim Zeland’s “Glass of Water” technique work?

How soon can you expect your wish to come true using the “Glass of Water” method by Vadim Zeland?

You can be sure that the Universe heard you immediately and your wish is on its way. It can be fulfilled immediately, or it can happen after some time. It all depends on how much you allow yourself to be healthy, rich, harmonious and successful. An insurmountable obstacle to achieving what we want is the lack of belief that we really deserve what we want.

Is it possible to somehow influence the speed of making a dream come true? Yes!

According to the creator of the “Glass of Water” technique, Vadim Zeland, you can speed up the fulfillment of what you want by adding to your request the statement “I easily reach my goal” or “My desires come true quickly.”

However, you should not want something too much, creating an inflated importance of the desire. You can find out what it is and why it is dangerous in this article.

And remember - everything has its time: an apple tree cannot produce a harvest in winter. Wish from the heart, be sure that you deserve what you want, do not let go of your intention, but do not overestimate its importance. Then everything you have in mind will certainly come true.

Glass of water: how does it work?

Of course, more inquisitive minds will not be satisfied with a simple description of the “Glass of Water” technique. “How and why does it work?” - that’s what worries many.

Good question! Researchers' opinions on this matter are divided. Psychology-oriented scientists believe that when you drink water with your eyes closed, your brain goes into an excited state. Your defense mechanisms are on alert, trying to determine what is happening - “what did your body swallow?” This opens the mind to effective programming.

Hermes is a famous name in ancient Greek and ancient Egyptian history, with both competing cultures proclaiming Hermes a god and jealously guarding his teachings. And some terms associated with his name are still used today, for example, “hermetically sealed.”

According to one of the teachings of Hermes, in order to achieve your goals and make fateful decisions, you should, holding a cup of wine in your hand, mentally draw these goals or decisions in it. In his opinion, the wine then drunk conveyed these goals and decisions to every cell of the human brain and body.

Some modern scientists see some truth in the teachings of Hermes. The fact is that through this ritual, the wine is, as it were, “programmed”, serving as a reminder for the right half of the brain to continue searching for the information necessary to solve the problem, regardless of whether the person is awake or asleep.

The late Olga Worrell, a spiritual healer, spent much of her last years collaborating with prestigious research institutions. During the experiments, it turned out that she was able, by holding water in her palms, to change its spectrographic characteristics, that is, to actually influence the molecular structure.

And remember the grandmothers who cast a spell on water! They whisper some prayers or special words to her, and the person recovers.

You can improve the water technique a little by using lemon juice.

Squeeze a few drops of lemon juice into a glass of water. Hold the glass with the index fingers of both hands, slightly spreading the other fingers. There is an opinion that this way the “Glass of Water” technique works more effectively.

Lemon juice when added to water makes it more of an electrolyte. This means that water begins to conduct energy better - this is exactly how old models of electric batteries worked.

The energy of your thoughts, the energy of your consciousness is transferred to the water through your fingers. Holding the glass with one hand is great, holding the glass with two hands is even better, and spreading your fingers apart allows even more energy to flow into the water.

Keep this in mind when you practice!

PS And I will soon give you a super useful online master class on materializing desires. Choose a convenient time and book your place >>>

P.P.S. Use the Glass of Water technique for only one task at a time. When the answer comes or what you want comes true, you can use this technique again - to solve another problem.

The beliefs in your subconscious create your reality.

The #1 law of your consciousness that governs your health, wealth and happiness. The universe is governed by laws. Success is governed by law. Your subconscious is also governed by law. The law of your subconscious is your beliefs. Many books on self-development and motivation write about the power of beliefs.

The main message they are trying to convey to the reader is essentially expressed by Napoleon Gil: “What your mind is capable of comprehending and believing, that it is capable of achieving.”

Strictly speaking, the statement “what your mind can comprehend and believe, that it can achieve” should be converted into “what your conscious mind can comprehend and what your subconscious mind believes, you can achieve.” This is the power of your subconscious. Here's the reason why this is so. The forces of your subconscious act as a magnet.

The subconscious mind attracts what resonates with its beliefs. Simply put, if you have a certain belief in your subconscious mind, then your subconscious mind will vibrate according to that belief (belief) and will attract events and people into your life that resonate or align with that belief. This is the Universal Law of Vibration and Attraction.

These laws of the Universe exist whether you believe in them or not, just like the law of gravity. Let me repeat. This law affects you whether you believe in it or not. If in your subconscious there is a belief that life is hard, then, of course, it will be so. You will encounter people and events that will make your life difficult. If your subconscious mind believes that making money is difficult, then it will be so. You will only be drawn to opportunities that require superhuman effort to earn a dime! Let me play with words a little and repeat the previous paragraph. If your life is difficult, it is because in your subconscious you are convinced that life is hard.

If you have problems with making money, the reason for this is that there is a belief in your subconscious that making money is difficult. There is no other reason! There is no reason to blame other people because your life is difficult or your financial situation is not what you would like. The message I am trying to convey to you is this: “The beliefs in your subconscious mind create your reality” - you have probably come across this idea before, because... Many of the best self-help books, in one form or another, show this connection - beliefs and the reality around us.

Most people do exactly the opposite. They use their minds to pursue and achieve results, which often leads to stress and anxiety. This is the difference in using the power of your consciousness and subconscious.

Here's a good analogy for what the subconscious mind is:

Your subconscious mind is like the hard drive of your computer, and what you see on the display screen is the reality of your life. Ask yourself: “Where does the information that appears on the computer display come from?” It comes from the hard drive, doesn't it? If the computer screen reflects your reality, then where should reality come from? From the above analogy it follows that it must arise in your subconscious.

This means that the reality of the life you are living at the moment is actually a reflection of the beliefs and beliefs from your subconscious. Many people change from one job to another, realizing that they face the same problems everywhere. What they don't understand is that instead of changing external circumstances, they should change their internal beliefs. By changing their beliefs and convictions, they will be attracted to new people, new jobs; the world around them will change according to the new beliefs in their subconscious.

How can you find out about the beliefs that are in your subconscious, about what it believes? The answer is quite simple. Just look at your reality! Your reality is the mirror of your life, it reflects your inner beliefs and convictions. If you consistently and constantly use your reality to guide the process of reprogramming beliefs in your subconscious mind, then I guarantee that your life will never be the same. published

PS And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! econet

June 4, 2019


Yakov Pyatnitskov From managers to coaches - how to find a calling and start living it. Believes that everyone has something to share with the world and helps to reveal it. Traveler, incorrigible optimist.


We are so accustomed to trusting the wisdom of others that we have forgotten that the source of this wisdom lies within ourselves. You just need to remember how to use it.

Once, while still working at a corporation, I read an article that talked about an unusual way to analyze life. You just had to sit down and do nothing for two hours, thinking about the important areas in your life.

Something in that article hooked me then, although I thought that it would be difficult for me to find two free hours to “just think.” The irony was that by being honest with myself, I could have saved months or even years. This was the classic problem of people who are busy climbing ladders and don't take the time to check where the ladder is placed.

Several years passed, I changed jobs and began to organize my day myself, when I accidentally remembered this technique and decided to try it. Turning off all notifications and closing my eyes, I sat down at the table and began to think about the questions that were facing me at that moment. The mind wandered, but I brought it back and asked questions again. An hour passed like that.

The result was answers that seemed to come out of nowhere. These were not phrases I read or someone said, but words that fit my situation perfectly like a tailored suit.

These answers may seem to make little sense, but they are there - for me.

Where did they come from?

I don't know. Maybe from the depths of the subconscious. Maybe it was just a projection of my mind. But that doesn't matter. The main thing is that it worked.

Fishing and the subconscious

We know about the power of the subconscious, but we rarely use it, immersed in thinking and busy solving pressing problems.

But in vain. It is believed that many great discoveries were made as a result of insight rather than hard work, and our mind is not even the tip of the iceberg, but only a tiny part of it. Scientists estimate that the ability of the conscious or rational mind to process information is only 200 bits per second, while the subconscious is 11 million.

If you've ever had an unexpected idea while walking or jogging, then you know what I mean. Many outstanding people from Aristotle to Tchaikovsky and Leo Tolstoy went for a walk every day to think calmly and give the brain the opportunity to connect something new from known thoughts. Some of them even went to special lengths for the sake of silence.

Thomas Edison, the inventor of the electric light bulb, went fishing almost every day, although he was a terrible fisherman. In all his years he had not caught a single fish.

When asked why he continues to fish if it doesn't produce results, Edison said, "I can't catch fish because I don't use bait." A surprised “Why?!” followed. He answered simply: “Because when I fish without bait, I am not bothered by people or fish. And this is the best time when I can calmly think.”

Times have changed, the pace of life has increased and not many of us can now find an hour for a walk every day. Even when we are walking, we usually have a phone in our pocket. We have practically no time left when we can be alone with ourselves.

Answers from within or wisdom from others?

Why then don’t we take the time to think if it’s so important?

For me, it was my habit of looking externally for answers - in books, blogs and other people's words. From the age of twenty, when I became acquainted with the first books on self-development, I lived by the words of others and for any problem that arose in my life, I first looked for a book that would give an answer. It turned out that I exchanged my wisdom for the wisdom of others and believed that it would be better suited to my situation.

And it worked, because now you can find many opinions on any issue. The only problem is that the solution that helped the author of the book does not necessarily suit everyone. This also does not mean that the author can reproduce exactly the chain of thought that led him to the answer described in the book (not to mention the chances for us to find ourselves in the same life situation, mood, state of mind and a dozen other important but difficult to reproduce variables ).

And even if the discoveries came to him intuitively, then by reproducing them on paper, the author misses the most important element of insight, which can only be experienced and not repeated by following the “five steps” or “ten tips.”

I remember attending a Tony Robbins seminar in London two years ago. For four days we jumped, danced, laughed and even cried after particularly powerful moments.

“There are many of us, but he is alone.” A project to build a “better self.”

We also worked hard: setting goals for our lives, reconsidering our beliefs and fears, and “rebuilding ourselves.” These days we lived with a level of energy that was something new for most of us and we wanted to take it with us into our normal lives. Tony Robbins was the epitome of confidence, charisma and strength, and I wanted to be like him, probably like many of us.

But a week passed after the seminar ended and little by little we returned to our old selves. For a while I tried to follow the techniques I learned, but I soon gave up. I thought I failed the “become Tony Robbins” project, but now I understand that it was doomed to fail from the beginning.

I didn't realize that Tony Robbins became what he became by not simply following others' "how to be successful" advice, but by doing what felt true to him. All truly successful people have achieved success not through imitation, but through following their true self.

Now I know that this is why, among all these WHAT and HOW strategies, I was missing some important piece of WHY. It was as if I was memorizing the material, but I didn’t have enough knowledge to understand it. The changes were mechanical, not organic, coming from deep within.

I remember an episode from the book “Siddhartha” by Hermann Hesse, where the main character goes in search of truth with his friend Govinda. On the way, they manage to meet Buddha and hear his teachings. Govinda decides to stay and become a monk, believing in the power and beauty of this teaching, but after spending a sleepless night and struggling with doubts, Siddhartha still decides to leave. At dawn, having accidentally met the Buddha, he gets a chance to explain his reason and turns to him with the words: “Your teaching is impeccable, but the most important thing that made you Perfect you cannot convey. This knowledge is indescribable, it comes from within.”

Illumination or insight is like a flash of lightning in the sky: bright, fleeting and difficult to describe. Try to describe the beauty of lightning to a person who has never seen it, and you will understand what I mean.

How to stop asking and start listening

I'm not saying that each of us needs to strive for enlightenment. But the years while I lived by the wisdom of others, jumping from technology to technology, from book to book, left me with an even greater hunger inside. The more I knew, the more I felt like the next book I read would finally change me. I was looking for a new technique, a “magic pill” that would help me find myself, I was afraid of making mistakes and I thought that books could teach me how to live my life in the best possible way. But I replaced experience with knowledge, not understanding that some things in life cannot be learned, they can only be experienced.

Quote on Twitter

The people I admired became that way not by following the advice of others, but by listening to themselves.

It took me my entire life to realize that true answers can only be found within. But once you feel it, there's no going back. It’s like with a bicycle - once you learn it, you’ll never forget it.

When I started out as a coach, I helped people solve problems they had, like starting to exercise or changing jobs. It worked, but it didn’t change anything fundamentally in their lives. The place of one problem was taken by another, because deep down people remained the same.

Now the only thing I do is help them look deep enough to find the answers that are perfect for that person. To return to the suit analogy, I used to alter a client's finished dress with mechanical alterations, but now I carefully measure a person to make a bespoke suit.

The irony is that by advising you to stop looking outside for answers and look inward, I would be going against my very principle of not following the advice of others.

I don't know your situation. And maybe you need to continue to look outside for answers in order to realize for yourself that this is not your path. So don't listen to me (or anyone else), but try to trust your intuition more than self-help books.

The beauty is that each of us has our own “dedicated line” with God or the Universe, we just rarely use it.

How to get answers from the subconscious

1. Think about what issue or problem you want to solve. 2. Turn off all notifications, choose a time when you won't be disturbed, and grab a piece of paper and a pen. 3. Close your eyes and ask yourself questions: “What should I do next?”, “What is my next step?”, “What do I need to know?” The mind will be distracted, this is normal. Come back to these or any other questions that come to your mind.

The subconscious is nonlinear, which means that an unexpected answer or thought on a completely different topic may come to you. Write it down if you think it is important, close your eyes again and go back to the questions.

That's all my technique.

Something else might work for you. Just follow the feeling and experiment.

Does this mean that we should not learn from others and read books? Of course not. But you should not blindly follow the wisdom of others, forgetting that the source of this wisdom is also contained within you.

Self-development #Questions #Awareness 

How the subconscious influences our lives

Under normal conditions, it is difficult to get into the subconscious, because it is located deep inside. It's even more difficult to manage. But at the same time, it completely controls life, acting in accordance with the laid down programs.

Most of the attitudes come from childhood. The subconscious remembers the most vivid and emotional moments. And they are not necessarily good. This could be fear and disappointment, severe resentment or anger. Together with them, memories of something good are stored there.

Emotions manifested in identical situations are combined into groups. At the same time, the subconscious mind remembers the situation in which the person experienced them. The most vivid and frequent experiences become habitual.

At some point, a person realizes that for comfort he does not have enough experienced good and bad emotions. As a result, his life becomes boring and gray. Interest in what is happening around disappears and dissatisfaction is increasingly felt. Many people understand this and are trying to fix it. However, in the subconscious they feel more than good.

It will not be possible to add bright colors to life and radically change it until the programs embedded in the subconscious in childhood and adolescence change.

How to learn to hear your subconscious?

Human consciousness is often characterized as limited madness. The human subconscious is like unlimited madness, suppressed by consciousness. The subconscious mind does not think intelligently, it cannot be heard. It can draw our attention to something, hold our gaze, bring back memories or provide dreams. But you won’t be able to hear animal nature, just as you can’t hear something reasonable in the rumbling of a well-fed belly.

The subconscious is the instincts to which the consciousness feeds food that it cannot digest. But you should not open the way to the subconscious without control. It is older than consciousness and stronger than it.

The subconscious often sends us signals in borderline states - before sleep or immediately upon awakening. And also in moments of peace, relaxation, meditation. You need to stay in silence more often to hear something inside yourself. Because it is difficult for our subconscious to reach us and “shout over” TV, music, advertising and a bunch of everything else that clogs our attention.

How to work with the subconscious

How the human subconscious works is not fully understood; the brain is fraught with many mysteries. The entire evolutionary basket of ancestors throughout the history of mankind is embedded in the psyche, so certain mechanisms emerging from the depths of the subconscious are not always clear. Today, psychologists use different methods (each has its own advantages and disadvantages):

  • hypnosis;
  • NLP techniques;
  • trance techniques;
  • holotropic breathing;
  • method of affirmations;
  • visualization.

How to remove fear from the subconscious?

Fear can turn out to be both a person’s ally - an instinct that encourages you to flee from danger, or completely groundless, so all people periodically ask themselves the question: how to remove anxiety and fear from the subconscious? This is always an individual process and if the fear is deep-seated, it is better to consult a specialist; minor anxieties and fears can be removed by following the following recommendations:

  • mentally replay the situation that causes fear with a positive attitude for several days (if you are afraid of riding the elevator, imagine it several times in detail and imagine yourself calm and balanced)
  • face fear face to face (start doing something that previously caused fear, for example, jumping with a parachute if you are afraid of heights);

Working with the subconscious – elaborating attitudes

Negative attitudes in the subconscious often nullify all a person’s efforts to overcome a problem or strive for success. Against his will, a person often mentally creates a bunch of problems where there are essentially none. But besides the destructive power of the subconscious, there is also a creative one, and it is within the power of a person to realize this and begin to think constructively, influencing the subconscious. The step-by-step “Positive Attitude” technique can help with this:

  1. Take responsibility for your actions, problems, despondency. Take a piece of paper and write down all your negative attitudes and problems, starting with I (I chose this low-paying job, partner).
  2. Ask yourself for forgiveness.
  3. Replace a negative thought with a positive one that has the opposite meaning (I am unworthy→ I am worthy, I have no strength→ I am full of energy) and repeat it as an affirmation for 3 months.

How does the subconscious mind work during sleep?

The human subconscious never sleeps; there is even a statement from experts that during a dream the subconscious is more active than in a waking state. The brain processes the information received during the day, analyzes it with past similar experiences and can produce disturbing dreams if a negative experience in a similar situation has surfaced in the subconscious, so the subconscious mind tries to warn the person: “don’t go there!”, “You can’t deal with this person!” " Sometimes the subconscious gives prophetic dreams; how this happens is a mystery to scientists.

There are useful practices that allow you to effectively rebuild your subconscious during sleep:

  • affirmations said before falling asleep in a state of alpha rhythm reconfigure the brain to a wave of healing and introduce the desired attitude into the subconscious;
  • visualization – working with the subconscious before going to bed, in a relaxed state, visualize in the smallest detail your desire as already fulfilled.

Vadim Zeland's "Glass of Water" technique

Like Jose Silva’s method, Vadim Zeland’s “Glass of Water” technique properly tunes the subconscious to receive answers to tormenting questions. But, in addition, it can be used as a method that helps fulfill cherished desires.

Everything will definitely work out if your desires truly come from the heart and reflect your true needs. The Universe already has all the resources to give you what you want. It is only important to ask correctly. The “Glass of Water” method, which was proposed by Vadim Zeland, is very simple and effective. You will not be required to have superpowers or possess any secret knowledge. All you need is a glass of water, a piece of paper and your desire.

Who is the “Glass of Water” technique
by Vadim Zeland
? Before moving directly to the “Glass of Water” technique according to Zeeland, let’s figure out in what cases you can use it.

So, this method is for you if:

  • You just can’t find a way out of an unpleasant situation, you can’t help but feel like you’re running in a vicious circle;
  • You can’t get out of a state of sadness, apathy, depression, you don’t want to do anything, and you don’t have the strength to solve pressing problems;
  • You want to start a new business, but you are afraid for the result;
  • You have difficulties in your personal life;
  • Children create a lot of problems and troubles for you, you don’t know how to establish relationships with them;
  • You have health problems that cannot be solved with the help of doctors;
  • You have low energy levels;
  • You want to get an answer to a question that concerns you.

In all these cases, the “Glass of Water” method according to Zealand will help you. But this is far from a complete list. Perhaps you have your own request. Vadim Zeland's technique is universal - it can change any area of ​​your life.

Main question and answer

The most important question you can ask yourself is related to the purpose of our stay here. How to get an answer from the subconscious to the question who am I? What is my purpose in this life? There can be only one answer; the purpose of human life is development through gaining the necessary experience. What kind of experience is needed depends on the individual. You just need to listen to your spiritual heart. On this subject, there is a powerful quote from The Teachings of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda - “Does this path have a heart? If there is, then this is a good way; if not, then it is of no use. One path makes traveling along it joyful: no matter how much you wander, you and your path are inseparable. The other way will make you curse your life. One path gives you strength, the other destroys you.” What's stopping you?

Let's highlight those things that you shouldn't do. First of all, it is not the best option to go for advice from a friend, acquaintances, parents, etc. Because people project the situation onto themselves, and therefore give a subjective answer based on their personal experience. Perception is different, and each person looks at the same object from different angles. The current world is a huge lump of information that is twisted in such a way that without proper preparation it cannot be unraveled even an inch. The truth should be sought only in ourselves, and therefore any answers are within us. And the answer itself can come both from within and from without.

Genuine mystical teachings encourage us to look deep into ourselves and accept our fears. This is a hard lesson. The better you learn to listen to yourself, the more clearly you will see the world in which we live. Learn to listen to your silence

The answer to any question can be found within yourself, the main thing is to have the patience to wait for it and attention will notice it

Question form

It is believed that the subconscious contains not only the experience of a particular person, but also the memories of ancestors, otherwise this is called genetic memory.

Some esotericists even believe that the entire information field of the earth fits deep into each of us, which causes many discrepancies when accessing a huge “database”.

The question must be formulated as succinctly and unambiguously as possible. For example, if you need to find out how a relationship with a certain person will develop, you should not wonder if there will be a wedding and when. It's better to just ask if this is your man.

It is not recommended to find out about specific events in the future, because this segment of time is variable. It is better to perceive the subconscious not as a predictor, but as a valuable adviser.

Free writing

This is a technique that allows you to tap into your subconscious thoughts and emotions. For greater efficiency, try writing in the morning as soon as you wake up. Then you will be more likely to use impressions from your dreams. Write as quickly as you can without thinking about what you want to write. Don't pay attention to grammar, spelling or any other normal things your mind tells you when you write

The only important thing is to write down what is in your head. The results may surprise you

Practice for a week - many people have found that this technique becomes an indispensable tool for self-awareness and the ability to penetrate the deeper layers of their personality.

The key to the subconscious

Intuition Tips

© Dan Cho/Getty Images

It often seems to us that intuition is some kind of mystical force that guides us along the right path. In fact, intuition is nothing more than the last word of our subconscious

, which made conclusions based on the information received and sensations from the senses.

When you intuitively understand something, you are simply translating the signals that your subconscious mind sends. Although it seems to you that the intuition prompt came out of nowhere, it is only because you were not aware of all the work going on in your psyche beneath the surface.

Many of our decisions are made subconsciously without us giving it much thought. When our instinct tells us something, it means that our subconscious requires confirmation from our consciousness.

This often occurs in a situation where an event may seriously affect our life or there is a conflict between different areas of our brain.

Random thoughts

© MangoStar_Studio/Getty Images Pro

Has it ever happened to you that you were walking down the street and suddenly a memory of your childhood friend appeared in your head? Or you suddenly started thinking about learning how to play chess while being busy with important things at work.

Our imagination never stops working, but most of the time we don't give importance to the thoughts running through our minds throughout the day because they don't affect us emotionally. However, from time to time, random thoughts burst into this continuous stream, seemingly out of nowhere, and capture our attention.

Sometimes these thoughts don't mean much, but if they are persistent, they are most likely trying to tell us something. Most often it is a hidden feeling that you suppress, or a desire to do something or see someone.


To determine whether a random thought has any meaning, pay attention to your emotions. Do you accept the thought with indifference, or does it affect you emotionally? If the latter, ask yourself what this thought is trying to tell you.


© Stergo/pixabay

When we go to bed, our consciousness turns off. We stop thinking consciously, do not respond to external stimuli, and enter a state of sleep.

The ancients considered dreams to be visions sent from above. They believed that if you see recurring dreams day after day, then a guardian angel is trying to contact you to warn you of upcoming events.

We now know that in dreams, our subconscious is trying to convey signals that we continue to ignore. While awake, we often do not pay attention to small clues, and therefore the subconscious tries to convey them to us in dreams.

These could be unfulfilled desires or a warning about your health.

. The subconscious mind is simply trying to make you aware of something that you need to pay attention to on an emotional or physical level. Don't ignore these signals.

Physical symptoms

© Valeria Ushakova

Dreams are not the only way our subconscious mind tries to communicate with us. Sometimes our body becomes a conductor of our deepest signals.

Just think: we breathe, digest food, deliver nutrients to every cell in our body, make very precise movements - all without conscious control.

Our intestines are especially susceptible

to any changes in our mental state, and any disruptions in its functioning may indicate emotional problems that you cannot work through.

Skin is also a mirror of our subconscious

, reacting with acne, rashes and spots to internal discomfort and irritation.

When you experience these symptoms, your subconscious wants to pay attention to the stress you are experiencing so that you can take action to eliminate it.

Painful sensations

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As you know, any pain is rooted in our general mental state. Pain that occurs in various parts of our body can indicate emotional and mental problems that you do not want to face.

Therefore, any changes in the functions of the body carry a message from our subconscious. These may include chronic back pain, headaches, bloating, neck and shoulder pain, fatigue and anxiety.

  • For example, knee pain

    indicates stubbornness and lack of flexibility, as well as internal fears.

  • Gum problems

    often reflect your indecision, and
    lower back pain
    indicates fear of the future.

  • Headaches and neck pain

    often caused by stress, an internal state of confusion and overwhelm, although consciously you may feel calm and balanced.

Of course, not all symptoms originate in the subconscious. They are often associated with structural problems in the muscles, nerves and bones.

However, sometimes discomfort and unpleasant sensations occur even when you have no underlying diseases. When something like this happens, the likely source of your condition is underlying mental anxiety.

Fatigue and yawning

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When you feel like you are physically broken, your psyche plays an important role in this. Fatigue and exhaustion, even if you get enough sleep, are a sign that some things need your attention.

Often when we feel tired and constantly yawn, we want to avoid problems and painful experiences.

in our life. Ultimately, this leads to emotional and mental exhaustion to such an extent that no rest can help us.

Thus, your subconscious is trying to tell you that you need to solve some very important problems.

Moreover, it works overtime to find a solution for you, which makes you feel deprived of energy. Deal with what's bothering you and you'll find your strength again.

Lack of free will

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Have you ever experienced a time when you want to do something, but you don't have the willpower to do it? Free will can be explained as the mental state required to fulfill your deepest desires.

In fact, desire alone is not enough, and it will not lead you to fulfill your dream. It is free will that drives our aspirations and desires. When you want to become someone or create something, you need strong free will to carry out your plans.

Therefore, when you feel like you are doing something against your own free will, your subconscious mind is trying to get through to you so that you take care of your mental health.

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