Signs in our lives: how to send a request to the Universe and receive an answer

The Universe constantly communicates with us, guiding or warning us about something with the help of its messages. But it’s offensively often that we ignore the signs in our lives, through ignorance or disbelief, missing out on unique chances to choose the best option out of all possible. And dialogue doesn’t work until something happens that changes our lives...

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My story: the first lucky sign

I realized that my prayers were being answered in 2010. It was a difficult time. Overnight, my mother became very ill, and both elderly relatives and growing sons needed attention. There wasn't enough money. At work they accommodated me, allowing me to combine two positions, one of which I had to learn from scratch. All this “de-energized” me so much that my acquaintances did not recognize me when I met, and I seemed like a pale shadow to myself.

Then, being in a crisis on all fronts, I literally came across Alexander Sviyash’s book “What to do when everything is not the way you want” in the store. I knew nothing about the signs in our lives, so I still remember my shock at this unexpected consonance. It was just in time and, of course, not at all by chance: tired of the trials, I desperately needed support and was already internally ready to accept advice from above.

And help was not slow to arrive. Those days, weeks, months became turning points. Devouring Sviyash’s books one after another, and then discovering Vadim Zeland’s transurfing, at the age of 40, I learned to get along with the world, to be in touch with it, to see the signs sent by the Universe and even to ask for the fulfillment of desires.

(By the way, you can find a list of excellent books about the power of thought on the TOP 100 books about the power of thought page)

What has changed since then? It became exciting and reliable. There were no obstacles along the way, but dead ends. Circumstances and health have improved. Dreams are increasingly coming true, clues are appearing, solutions are being found. They come upon request or “on their own” - through events, objects, phenomena, through people. However, we must take into account: some of them are clear to the point of transparency, others require reflection.

Obvious and hidden signs in our lives

Sometimes we ask for a sign from above without even knowing it. Thus, by focusing our whole being on solving a problem, we form an intention - a strong internal message. The mental energy that is generated in this case returns in the form of an answer to our, even if unspoken, questions.

Suppose you are preoccupied with money problems, day and night scrolling through ways out of the situation. You don’t even think about the signs of the Universe. But then a colleague returning from vacation unexpectedly gives you a souvenir notebook in the form of a wad of money. The card receives a recalculation of utilities - in your favor. And the long-awaited, albeit small, lottery win is the icing on the cake.

This is how synchronicity manifests itself - a magnificent tool of the Universe, which organizes a chain of “talking” events around you.

These messages from above are not at all random signs in life, they make it clear: abundance is close, the right course has been chosen! And if after this you see a job advertisement that “hooks” you, this is most likely your chance to improve your financial affairs.

But the messages are not always so obvious. For example, you are thinking about buying a new car and constantly see commercials about new car products on TV. But even without your thoughts, advertising is being “run” around the clock... How to understand - signs of the Universe or a coincidence? This is where expert advice comes in handy.

Super-powerful hypnotic spiral technique

Step 1. Self-tuning and energy cleansing

1. The practitioner takes a comfortable body position and relaxes. 2. Takes a deep breath, imagining that a golden stream of cosmic energies is entering his head.

3. With an exhalation, he releases all the negativity from himself (you can imagine how a dark stream of energies emerges from the feet, which is directed into the earth and completely dissolves in it).

There should be at least five such inhalations and exhalations. After which the practitioner can open his eyes

Step 2. Harmonization of the room

Harmonizing the room in which the exercise will be performed helps the practitioner better tune in to the information flow.

How to learn to see the signs of the Universe

To learn to see and understand the signs of the Universe, it is important to stay in the present moment as often as possible, keeping your mind and heart open. Many authors have written about this.

American metaphysician Adriana Calabrese dedicated an entire book to signs from above, collecting all the available information about them in a detailed guide - “How to learn to see the signs of fate.” In her opinion, to receive a hint from the Universe it is necessary:

1) ask a question to the Universe;

2) get an answer;

3) trust in higher wisdom.

It would seem so simple! But already at the first stage, many of us make fatal mistakes that do not allow us to see the signs of fate and destroy the dialogue with the universe.

Trying to figure out how to make a request to the Universe to get an answer, I used practical recommendations from the Calabrese system. And it worked!

Today I want to share this experience with you. After reading the article, you too will be able to correctly request a sign from above and receive clear instructions regarding your problem.

But before we move on to how to correctly formulate requests to the Universe, I recommend downloading the mini-book by Elizaveta Volkova.

More than 7,000 people have learned to make their wishes come true with the help of this information >>>

What if there are too few questions?

If you get fewer than 7 questions, then think again. There may be other areas of your life that need attention. Still nothing comes to mind? Then turn to your loved ones for advice. It is not necessary to tell them about the ritual, especially if they are skeptical about esotericism. All you have to do is ask them: what changes do they think will help you improve your life? Sometimes big things are seen from a distance, and this conversation will help you look at the situation from the outside. Perhaps you yourself do not notice some problems.

The right request to the Universe

So, in order to be sure of the Universe’s answer, you can ask in writing for some of your own, personal sign. It's okay to add a time frame to your request to speed up the process a little.

Here is an example of how to correctly make a request to the Universe, from Calabrese’s book:

Within 24 hours (36 hours, 48 ​​hours, a week, etc.) show me a sign in the form of _____________, which is favorable (unfavourable) ____________ for me. I thank you for this, Universe. And indeed it is!

For example, one of my requests to the Universe sounded like this:

Within 24 hours, show me a sign in the form of a Christmas tree garland that it will be favorable for me to meet this person. I thank you, Universe, and it really is!

I must say that it was early autumn, however, literally a few hours later than the specified date, I saw an advertisement for New Year's decor on TV. The planned meeting then went well.

And to complete the picture, here are a few more rules on how to ask for a sign from the Universe:

  • You cannot request a sign that could harm someone;
  • to avoid spiritual manipulation, avoid including the names of specific people in your request to the Universe;
  • as a sign, ask for something that does not often appear in your daily life in order to recognize it more confidently;
  • do not request more than one character at a time;
  • Before asking for a new sign, wait until the previous one appears;
  • wait at least one day before asking the Universe for a new sign.

How to ask the Universe for a sign

Since any communication with higher powers requires extreme concentration, Adriana recommends performing special rituals: reading a request to the Universe in a specially organized space, using an altar and meditation. In this very personal action, you can use anything that helps you tune in correctly: pebbles, candles, figurines, crystals. If this kind of thing inspires you, then you can really enjoy arranging your altar.

However, experience shows that sometimes holding such ceremonies for some reason is impossible. Don’t let this stop you: you can ask for a sign from the Universe without them. In this case, a short affirmation will help you. It will confirm your intention and eliminate the mistrust and fear that interfere with contact with higher powers.

I am open, ready and willing to receive the sign of the Universe for my highest good and everything that has to do with it. The divine sign comes to me in a kind and loving way, it is very clear and understandable. I'm grateful for that. And indeed it is!

Try to remember: probably “miracles” have already happened in life, confirming that you are loved and protected. And if your thoughts are pure, there is nothing to be afraid of! Declare it to the Universe with the statement above.

On the subject: Three signs that your wish will soon come true

Top 10 technicians

1.Invisible partner

This technique is easy, and is suitable for those for whom it is important to make a decision quickly, within one evening; it will only be possible to get an answer by asking closed questions. This means that what you hear or feel will be monosyllabic, only “yes” or “no,” because you can track a more detailed version, but it will be almost impossible to decipher correctly.

So, before going to bed, taking care in advance that no one or nothing will disturb you, close your eyes and imagine your interlocutor with whom you will communicate. It can be anything and anyone, even to the point that it will have its own name, which you may well be interested in. Agree with your interlocutor on how you will receive answers, maybe it will be his head nods, or maybe, with a positive option, you will feel warmth in your hands, and with a negative option, cold...

Just label the signaling system itself with it. Then you need to ask a question that concerns you. And listen, take a closer look. If nothing happens, ask again and again. In any case, you will find the answer, it’s just that some people need more time to establish contact, up to several weeks, while others succeed the first time.

2. “In your pocket”

It requires attentiveness and the ability to notice even the smallest details, with the help of which it will be possible to decipher the message. The essence of this technique is that you formulate your request, and, as it were, “put it in your pocket,” and from that moment on, follow all the signs that the Universe sends. For example, a snippet of a song, an inscription on a billboard during a traffic jam, and similar nuances that you notice. This way, you will feel like you finally have the information you need.

To develop mindfulness, I recommend reading my article “Top 10 ways to increase your mindfulness that will help absolutely anyone.”

3. "Book"

A very simple, but sometimes very informative way. Think about an issue that concerns you and choose a book. Say it mentally and, with your eyes closed, open the book and place your finger anywhere on the page. Then open your eyes and read. Or another option, tell us in advance the page number, which paragraph and which side to start reading from. What you read is sometimes incomprehensible, don’t be discouraged; in this case, sometimes an insight occurs quite unexpectedly when everything becomes clear. This method can be used no more than three times in a row during the day.

4. “In a dream”

Prepare a sheet of paper with a pen near your bed. Form a clear question that you are seriously concerned about and write it on paper. Then, closing your eyes, set yourself that you will remember absolutely all the answers that come in your dream. If you wake up at night, you will immediately write them out, and in the morning you will read them and understand their essence.

5. “A glass of water and sleep”

There are few similarities with the previous technique, but here water is used as a conductor of information. Fill a full glass of clean drinking water. Before going to bed, closing your eyes and mentally saying what interests you, drink half of it in slow sips. Then go to bed, and in the morning, as soon as you wake up, drink the remaining half.

This method can be used no more than three times for the same topic. You will receive important information in a dream, or in the form of a random awareness, which is called insight, when suddenly an understanding of what is happening or an exciting event comes, even if at that moment we were not thinking about it.

6. "Pendulum"

You need to take a thread no longer than your forearm. We tie any weight to one end, the main thing is that it is weighty, for example, a bead or a button. We put a sheet of paper on the table, place our elbow and find a support for the hand, because it must be motionless, because how can you control it, this pendulum, if your hand sways on its own? Then we begin to study the signals, that is, we determine which side of the sheet contains “yes”, “no” and “I don’t know”. And this is easy to do by asking a question out loud, the answer to which is obvious to you.

For example, “My name is Evgeniy?”, and look in which direction your pendulum has swung, this area will symbolize “yes”, if that is really your name. Then you need to ask the opposite, some random name, to find out where the "no" area is. Having tested the reliability of the pendulum’s answers several times, ask what directly interests you, so that the subconscious has the opportunity to answer you closed, that is: “yes,” “no,” “I don’t know.”

7. "Intent"

To do this, you will need at least 10 minutes in a calm environment, so that no one disturbs or distracts you. Concentrate all your attention deep into yourself, breathe slowly, preferably from your stomach. When you feel that the thoughts in your head have begun to slow down and you have reached a relaxed state, say a question to yourself, then clearly formulate the intention that you will soon receive an answer to it. Try to feel this confidence that nothing else will happen. Then breathe in and out slowly, and when you are ready, open your eyes and go back to what you were doing.


A very effective and useful exercise when you contemplate the flame of a candle, I wrote about it in an article at this link. You just need to modify it a little; during normal contemplation, there should be no thoughts in your head, but in the process of establishing contact with the subconscious, you should first concentrate on what interests you, and only then look at the candle. In this state, it will be much easier for the subconscious to reach you, and for you to hear it.

How to perform this technique correctly, read the article so that I don’t repeat myself here. By the way, periodic practice will allow you not only to develop your intuition and gain access to information of the kind, but also to improve your health, increase your resistance to stress, and develop attentiveness...

9. "Bridge"

A very interesting method, with its help we will try to establish contact between the conscious and subconscious. Take a piece of paper and a pen, focus on your question, and when the whirlwind of thoughts in your head subsides, ask it out loud, and then simply write down everything that comes to mind. It could just be a set of individual words, maybe whole phrases... The main thing is, don’t try to interpret and re-read them right away, let the mental flow flow, recording it on paper. And when you feel that everything is done, start decoding.

10. "Plot"

When performing it, it is important to observe the images that appear before your eyes, without trying to modify them with the power of thought. To do this, you should sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes and think about what worries you, saying to yourself: “When I count to 20, I will receive the necessary information.” Then let go of the situation and just count slowly, preferably from 20 to 1. Various pictures will appear in front of you, there will be a lot of thoughts. Your task is simply to observe, imagining that you are in the cinema, watching a short film with a twisted plot, the idea of ​​which you will try to understand after the end.

How to understand the signs of the Universe

From personal experience: if you are focused on the appearance of a sign and are waiting for it, then at the right moment you will clearly understand - this is it! Probably, intuition kicks in first, and then rapid logical processing takes place, and an insight dawns on you: yes, everything matches!

All that is needed to receive a sign from the Universe and “decipher it” is to be more receptive to the environment than usual:

1. Pay attention to real objects if you wish for them as a sign.

2. Notice when something uncharacteristic of your normal life happens—meetings, events, phenomena.

3. Be prepared to meet signs sent by the Universe in familiar places and things: bookstores, newspaper headlines, advertising banners, inscriptions and drawings, in musical compositions, in television shows, movies, and simply in the conversations of passers-by.

One of the most memorable signs is the slogan “Everything will work out!” from a popular brand - I received it on the subway. He simply “jumped” into my eyes, although none of my fellow travelers even looked in his direction. It’s interesting that I’ve never seen this phrase in advertising before or since.

1. Try to analyze your dreams - an excellent source for broadcasting a sign. Be it vivid images or vague sensations upon awakening - if they “don’t let go” of you, then they may well be the answer to your request.

2. Don't ignore strong feelings or sudden urges: intuition can lead you to your sign. Suppose, while going for a run, you suddenly realize that you urgently need to look... at a flower shop. And there - voila - someone left a newspaper with an ad already circled. How can one not understand that the Universe is giving a sign?

Let's summarize. Higher powers have many ways to “deliver” a sign to you in the form of, for example, a blooming cactus. A real living flower; a drawing on a mug or someone's T-shirt; invitation to a cactus exhibition; picture on the calendar; toy; a phrase from a passer-by: “Can you imagine, my cactus has bloomed”; crossword question; a poem, story or song heard on the way to work. These are not all options - the Universe is in complete order with imagination and a sense of humor.

And don’t let the potential volume of incoming information scare you. Just record what “catches” and knocks on your subconscious. And soon you will understand how to see the signs of the Universe. The main thing is to believe that the answer is already on the way.

“What if I want to know about my future?”

With the help of a “hypnotic spiral” you can find out about your own future or the future of another person... Just imagine what opportunities this opens up!

But that is not all! It has been observed that this technique helps to obtain even blocked information that could not be found out before!! This is how some practitioners were able to find out when and where they would meet their soul mate, although they had not previously received an answer to this question. Surely you have already imagined what benefits you can gain by developing this superpower!

How to stop doubting the reality of a sign

Believing that the signs in our lives are real is perhaps the most difficult thing. After all, rituals are rituals, but you need a tangible result! It's great when you get it instantly. And if not?

Allow me some advice from a practitioner. Don’t get hung up on time; use your willpower to reduce the importance. Don’t worry or worry about how to quickly receive a sign from the Universe. Do whatever you want to do, but not automatically, as is often the case, but “keep your ears to the ground” so as not to miss the message.

As an option, do a meditation on reducing importance or repeat an affirmation, for example, from the arsenal of Adriana Calabrese:

I trust the Universe to always act for my highest good. And indeed it is!

The care of the Universe is expressed precisely in ensuring that everything arrives on time. Therefore, you should not constantly push it, breaking the established contact.

How soon will the answer come?

As a rule, the necessary information emerges in the mind almost immediately after performing the technique. Sometimes the answers may come a little later, in the form of intuitive insights or subconscious memory. The speed depends on the experience of the practitioner, on his desire to receive information and on his ability to work in altered states of consciousness (alpha or theta). To significantly enhance the effect and receive information faster, it is recommended to perform preliminary settings. It allows you to harmonize your own energy and the energy background of the room.

Received a sign from the Universe - act!

“Up there” are always ready to help us. This must be appreciated - having received a message from the Universe, accept it with gratitude and follow the advice. By ignoring it, you seem to express distrust or dissatisfaction, and in the future you will begin to receive real reasons for this. After all, no one has repealed the law on energy exchange.

So, having received and deciphered the signs sent by the Universe, act according to them! This rule is also true when the message arrives unexpectedly, without a request. More often this is a warning or, conversely, approval of actions.

If you ignore the sign: as it happened to me

I remember many years ago, rushing to the military unit to take the oath to my son, I almost brought myself and my loved ones to a nervous breakdown when the taxi we called seemed to sink into the water. We were hopelessly late for the event, but other options to get to the place also disappeared one after another. Now I understand that this was a clear signal to take my time and slow down a little, since, as it turned out a little later, the oath was postponed to another day. And if at that moment I had thought about the signs in our lives, I would have calmed down and avoided such an outburst of negativity.

What to do if the sign does not appear

It happens that no matter how involved you are, the sign never appears. But this does not mean that you were not answered. The answer is simply “no.”

What to do in this case? Don't burn bridges. Wait. Perhaps try to formulate your request more clearly. Surely there will be hints from the Universe, signs regarding further actions. Either an alternative option or a more appropriate moment will appear.

The main thing is not to stop communicating with the Universe, but also not to go to the other extreme, endlessly “bombing” it with requests. Adriana Calabrese advises to use reasonable criticism and not to bring the situation to the point of absurdity, looking everywhere for signs supposedly sent by the Universe.

Indeed, often in this way we try to relieve ourselves of responsibility for making decisions. Clear prioritization will help here. Decide what is most important to you right now and ask for only one sign. By making several requests in a row, you will confuse yourself and receive the same vague answers.

On topic: 4 reasons why wishes don’t come true


The necessary information often comes to a person in a dream. But after waking up, it is not always possible to remember the dream or some of its details. Keep a notepad and pen close to your bed. In the evening, spend a few minutes formulating your question. Write it down and mentally ask the Universe to find the right solution.

And after waking up, immediately write down what you remember, especially bright, unusual details. Then try to decipher the dream taking into account the question asked. You will probably have to consult a dream book, but sometimes the answer that comes in a dream is obvious.

  • Pros: sometimes produces impressive results
  • Cons: answers are often vague, takes time to master

Signs in our lives are the first help of the Universe

When we turn to higher powers for support, we always receive it. And, perhaps, the first thing the Universe responds with is the signs in our lives.

If you are reading this text, then perhaps you want to “consult” with the Universe, but for some reason you don’t dare. However, the surest way to resolve any doubts is through action. Try it! Now you can use simple working tools to query the sign and interpret it.

Today you have a great opportunity to get your hands on 5 keys that will help you manage your reality and change it at your discretion.

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Or maybe you have your own experience of dialogue with the Universe that you could share? What if your story becomes an invaluable hint for someone, a long-awaited message? After all, we can never predict how signs will appear in our lives...

Other sounds

Other sounds around us are also the voices of the Universe. Children's laughter, music, a sudden clap of thunder can become clues if you give yourself such an attitude. Ask the Universe to voice its attitude towards the decision, and then listen.

Did a police siren sound or a familiar melody play somewhere? Analyze what this might mean in your case. With the help of external sounds, it is often possible to disconnect from the endless scrolling of a problem and find an acceptable solution.

  • Pros: simple and quick way to make a decision
  • Cons: you need to be critical when choosing a place and time

Main question and answer

The most important question you can ask yourself is related to the purpose of our stay here. How to get an answer from the subconscious to the question who am I? What is my purpose in this life? There can be only one answer; the purpose of human life is development through gaining the necessary experience. What kind of experience is needed depends on the individual. You just need to listen to your spiritual heart. On this subject, there is a powerful quote from The Teachings of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda - “Does this path have a heart? If there is, then this is a good way; if not, then it is of no use. One path makes traveling along it joyful: no matter how much you wander, you and your path are inseparable. The other way will make you curse your life. One path gives you strength, the other destroys you.”

Why don't we hear answers?

  • Sometimes it seems to us that the answers come late, so we don’t pay attention to them, or we don’t remember what we wanted at all. This is because our consciousness is very weak. Conduct an experiment, try to carefully follow the clock hand; for most, not even a minute will pass before their thoughts carry them along.
  • The second reason why we don’t hear ourselves is our inability to wait. Each person has his own rhythm of movement of the body and mind - this is the rhythm of life. And most of us live in the constant turmoil of a restless mind. The excuses of such people are pathetic, because their existence controls them, they are subject to any change from the outside. But we know that in order to become master of ourselves, our consciousness must determine existence to a greater extent.

Use of the term in science

For the first time in 1889, the term “subconscious” was introduced into use by the French psychologist and psychiatrist Pierre Janet, when writing one of his philosophical dissertations. Three years later, he gave this concept a more detailed description in his work “The Mental World of Hysterics.” The scientist argued that neuroses, psychoses and phobias arise as a result of the subconscious being loaded with negativity.

The famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, working on the theory of psychoanalysis, used this term mainly to refer to thoughts and feelings that are not approved by society and the person himself, and therefore repressed from consciousness into the realm of the unconscious. These included, for example, sexual desires, as well as impulses that the person was ashamed of for some reason.

Important ! The latest scientific research into the subconscious has shown that our actions depend approximately 80% on what information is stored in it. It turns out that we can consciously control our behavior by only 20%. The presence of positive subconscious programs helps us achieve success in business and in love. Whereas subconscious negativity, on the contrary, can make even the most talented and intelligent person a loser.

Possibilities of the subconscious

In 2022, a book was published that immediately became a bestseller, “The Subconscious Mind Can Do Anything,” written by Canadian personal growth coach John Kehoe. In his work, the author gives advice on how to develop brain power and achieve your life goals using the reserves of the subconscious. He claims that if you learn to create the necessary subconscious programs, you can achieve the following results:

  • raise your self-esteem;
  • get rid of the negative consequences of stress and childhood psychological trauma;
  • find a simple solution to complex life problems;
  • recover from many diseases;
  • achieve success in all areas of life.

The above prospects are far from the limit. Esotericists believe that working with the subconscious can provide secret knowledge, as well as reveal supernatural abilities in a person, such as clairaudience, clairvoyance, and telepathy. But in order to achieve such results, you need to work hard and hard on yourself, practicing special techniques that allow you to manage subconscious processes.

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