How the law of attraction works and 5 steps to getting what you want

Incredible facts

When you understand the law of attraction and begin to put it into practice, you will begin to notice amazing changes that will happen in your life.

What is the law of attraction?

In simple words, the law of attraction states that your thoughts and feelings attract events that arise in your life.

. Thus, positive thoughts and feelings bring positive experiences into your life, and negative ones bring negative events. In a broad sense, you create all the experiences you have.

It is quite difficult to imagine that you yourself are the creator of all the events that happen in your life. What about illness, unhappy relationships, wars, crime and poverty? Proponents of this theory believe that all of these experiences resonate with your “frequency.”

What is the basis of this law?

The essence of the law of gravity. Answer the question: what do you want?

The law of attraction is one of the natural laws of the universe. The remaining laws sound like the Law of Faith, the Law of Expectations, the Law of Reason.

But let's return to the law of attraction of thoughts. Its essence is extremely simple and literally duplicates the words of my grandmother: everything in a person’s life is determined by his thoughts. They are a living magnet that attracts all events to themselves.

Thoughts are the power that is given to us at birth. But most of us don't even think about it. Because we basically don’t pay attention to how we think. We think about what to say, what to write, but we rarely think: “Did I think correctly?”

The influence of the power of thought is underestimated, although even science adheres to the fact that attraction is a physical process.

The law of attraction has several important consequences, which are also the essence of the power of thought: everything we value increases. Everything we focus on as much as possible gets stronger.

A simple example: are you happy? Happiness will increase. Are you sad? The sadness will increase along with your thoughts about it.

To learn how to attract good things into your life, you need to understand one important thing - what you really want.

Have you ever seriously thought about this question? 90% of us think they know what they want. But this is not true at all. We release our desires into space without even understanding whether we are formulating them correctly.

So, choose a time, be alone with yourself and think about what you really want. Think carefully, consider what you would like to remember in old age. Write these goals down on a blank sheet of paper and begin your journey towards making them a reality. At the same time, do not forget that if you focus on your goals, you will only enhance their speedy implementation.

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How to understand what you want from life

How to learn to attract what you want into your life: 5 useful practices

By learning to subconsciously attract what you want, you can get whatever you want. Simple practices will help you make your life brighter and make all your dreams come true.

Every person has a cherished dream, but many do not know how to approach it. When we make a wish, we already at a subconscious level believe in its fulfillment. We fight, we wait, and we put in all the effort necessary to get what we want, but when it doesn't happen, we give up. Why are our wishes not fulfilled? Surely you have asked this question more than once. To get closer to your dreams, you first need to find out why our dreams do not come true.

Why don't wishes come true?

Before you begin practices to fulfill your desires, you need to figure out why some of them cannot be fulfilled despite all your efforts. The website team will tell you about the main obstacles that may arise on your path to your dream.

Incorrectly formulated desire. The most important and common mistake is the incorrect formulation of desire. Of course, when we voice our dream, we first of all imagine the result, but this is not the most important thing. At this point you should describe your desire in detail. For example, if you want to buy a new house, you need to imagine it down to the smallest detail, otherwise you won’t be able to realize your dream for a very long time.

Desire is connected to your past. The dream should concern only your future. If you dream of correcting the mistakes that happened to you earlier and waste your internal energy on worries, then your desire will not come true. Focus on the future and let go of the past, and everything you want will appear in your life.

You are not ready to fulfill your desire. Before you make a wish, think about whether you are ready for it to come true. You must be sure that you are ready to accept your desire and start a new life, only in this case you will get results.

Your dream is impossible. Unfortunately, our dreams cannot always come true, especially if they are far from reality. It is important to remember that the Universe is not capable of creating miracles, therefore, in order to achieve what you want, you do not need to confuse realistic dreams with sky-high fantasies.

Inaction. Making a wish is not difficult, but getting the result is much more difficult. To do this, you need to make an effort on your part. If you're dreaming of traveling, you don't have to wait for tickets to fall out of the sky. Start working harder, learn to save and save money, and then soon you will be able to get closer to your dream.

Useful practices for getting what you want

If you have already found the reason why your desire is not coming true and got rid of it, then it’s time to start realizing your dream. To do this, use simple but effective practices.

Formulate your dream correctly. To get what you want, learn to correctly formulate and express your thoughts. For example, if you want to get your hands on something, you must describe it in detail and even imagine that you are already holding it in your hands. This will help you get closer to your dream on a subconscious level and make it a reality in the near future.

Create a collage. Sometimes you just need to paint a picture of your life in which all your dreams have already been fulfilled. To do this, you can create a collage yourself. Look through newspapers and magazines and cut out pictures from them that depict what you want to achieve. Post them on whatman paper, and draw yourself or place your photo in the center of the composition. Look at your collage every day, and then your expectations will become less painful, and your wishes will soon come true.

Visualize your desires. According to psychologists, in order for desires to come true, it is important to imagine them in your mind. To do this, retire to a quiet, deserted place. Think about your dream, imagine it as clearly as if it had already come true. Repeat this practice at least several times a week, and the result will certainly please you.

Work on your fears. Each of us is afraid of something, and sometimes it is because of this that we cannot change our lives for the better. Fears scare away our desires, preventing them from being fulfilled. They keep us from moving on and getting closer to our dreams. It is necessary to fight fears and not be afraid of new changes. Only by gaining courage and self-confidence can you attract what you want and achieve success.

Manage your emotions. When we want to get something, we most often say the phrases “I want” or “I dream,” but we cannot rely entirely on the power of words: your feelings also play a huge role in this process. When you imagine your dreams, you need to be in a good mood, as if everything you wanted to achieve is already in your life. Don’t forget that the Universe reacts not so much to our words as to our emotions, so you need to learn to suppress internal negativity, otherwise the path to your dream will be long and full of obstacles.

Our ancestors knew about the extraordinary power and capabilities of amulets. With their help, you can not only attract luck and money into your life, but also realize your dreams. We wish you success and good mood,

Impact with the power of thought: how to attract positive energy into your life

  1. The most important thing is positive and pure thinking. Find something to be happy about and something to thank the Universe for. Believe me, soon negative events will completely leave your life forever.
  2. Visualize! The more clearly we imagine our desires, as if they were happening in reality, the more signals we send into space.
  3. Decide on the values ​​in your life. If you find it difficult to set goals right away, understand what you value most. And from there, move towards setting goals.
  4. Be grateful. Influencing with the power of thought works for those who know how to give thanks. Remember that you have something that many do not have. Find something to be grateful for and say thank you to the Universe every day.
  5. Approve. Use ready-made affirmations or come up with your own. Powerful statements and influence with the power of thought are the ideal alliance for making dreams come true.
  6. Learn to let go. Look at your life from the outside and think, is it possible that something or someone is stopping you from moving towards your goals? Let go of everything in your life that is pulling you back, and you will immediately begin to move forward.

How to formulate it correctly?

When you think about what you want to achieve or what gift you hope for from life, it is important to formulate your desire in the present tense. Realistically assess your strengths and set deadlines that are not too far removed from reality.

Another rule is to do without the particle “not”. The subconscious mind works in such a way that it simply does not take it into account, so be careful in your wording.

It is better not to share your plans with others. By telling your relatives and friends about your wishes, you only waste precious energy and gradually devalue your dream. It’s much more pleasant to talk about achievements later than to discuss plans.

The power of thought helps even those who are racking their brains on how to attract a person. Imagine your meeting in detail, formulate an affirmation that clearly expresses your desire. Repeat it regularly.

At the same time, imagine how an invisible line passes between you. Your tender feelings and kind thoughts will probably not go unanswered, and the sympathy will be mutual if you take action.

Show your sympathy openly - do something good and useful for the person you like, support him with a kind word at the right time.

Think about how to help him, what useful resources you can share with him.

What attitudes put a barrier between you and the Universe?

Why is it important to set realistic goals for yourself and understand your values ​​correctly? The fact is that influencing with the power of thought will work if you do not demand abundance.

It is the wrong attitude that can become a barrier between you and the Universe. Do you feel like you're not rich enough? Although in fact you are a very wealthy person. Do you want to travel more? Although you have already visited 5 new countries over the past year. Such things should not be asked from the Universe.

Appreciate what you have and focus on what you really need very much. It is important that your thoughts are positive and do not harm anyone. Then there will be no barriers between you and the Universe to fulfill your dreams.

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Determination, action and tenacity

Many people want to increase their income, create a strong family, and find close friends. Anyone who is willing to work hard and daily on themselves will get what they want. Decide what experiences and events you want to attract, visualize, formulate a clear, extremely understandable thought. Reread what you wrote every day.

Take action! Write gratitude diaries, learn the secrets of formulating desires, shift your focus. Write a wish list and visualize them every day for a few minutes. Let this experience become a habit.

You may encounter difficulties. The most common problem is self-sabotage. The mind refuses to do something whose results it is not sure of. You go to work every day knowing that you will get paid for it. Working on the power of attraction does not imply payment in the form to which we are accustomed. Without seeing the result incarnate, you can begin to find thousands of excuses, begin to doubt the great power of thought. No matter how much you want to give up everything and return to your previous lifestyle, don’t stop. Continue to visualize, monitor thoughts and feelings, persistently and daily. Until you get the result. This way you will learn the secrets of interacting with the Universe.

Cultivate the determination to have what you want. If any thought or idea has arisen in your head, you have the resources to achieve it.

Let's consolidate the result

Try it now. What would you like? State your wish. Imagine that you already have it. Feel this state. Stay in it for a while.

Now return to the present and set a date when what you want will be realized. And the final step is to find a picture that would suit you for visualization. It is advisable that the picture is often before your eyes.

Mentally imagining your desires helps to unwind your imagination and come to your true desires. And not imposed by advertising, social networks and others.

Gradually, this practice will happen automatically, and the desired people, events and things will “randomly” come into your life.

Well, remember that if there are situations in your life that you cannot understand, the flow of emotions and feelings does not allow you to understand what is happening to you, and those around you do not understand anything - you have your psychologist who is always happy to see you help.

Boomerang effect

Have you heard of the boomerang effect? The boomerang law is a rule according to which a person gets back everything that he gives.

This cosmic principle has been well known to people at all times. It is repeatedly reflected in folk sayings and proverbs: “What you sow, so shall you reap”, “As it comes around, so it will respond”, “Whatever the greeting is, such is the answer”, “Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you will fall into it yourself.”

This universal principle works both in the positive (creation) and negative (destruction) directions. The more good you do in your life, the more goodness you sow around you, the more prosperous and happier your life will be.

The boomerang effect is also notable for the fact that it works not only in relation to human actions, but also thoughts. At the energetic level, thoughts equal actions. If you think badly of someone, it means that you have already committed a negative action towards that person.

By allowing yourself a negative thought, a person has already committed a bad act.

According to the boomerang law, this act will return to the person in the form of a problem.

How to attract the circumstances you need so that everything turns out favorably

Ask yourself: “How can I feel happy right now?”

Go and do it

what you want and love.

One simple action will lift your mood!

It is wrong to think that you can only be happy when you create the life of your dreams. This does not work. The reverse order is needed.

First of all, enjoy life

, focus on the positive, no matter what is happening around you.

This will raise your vibration and help you attract the right events and people who will be willing to help you achieve your goals.

Clear the path to your dream

Free yourself from fears, resentments, negative beliefs. Learn from those situations that keep you from moving forward.

Let go of the past

Remove all energy blocks so that the desired life circumstances manifest themselves. This inner work will allow you to create the life you want.

Don't hold back. Focus only on what you want

. Put feelings into the picture.

Ask yourself how you will feel when you get what you want. Feelings are an important part of attraction.

Believe in yourself

Feel like you are already living the life of your dreams! The thought image already exists in your mind, so unless you block it with mistrust and fear, it can manifest into your physical reality.

Relax and let go

Teach yourself to create the reality you deserve

It may not be easy at first, but gradually you will get the hang of it.

Each person has his own choice. Do you like living in the familiar world?

But others simply take it and change their lives the way they need.

To create the life you want

, you must take responsibility for your thoughts, otherwise you will not be able to expect meaningful changes. You will simply repeat the same behavior patterns in new cities, jobs, or relationships.

How much do our ideas about life mean: our personal ideas, collective and group ideas, historically established ideas of a number of generations, embedded in us over the years?

You receive your world, first of all, from your parents - this is what you took on faith, without even trying to check it.

Is this really true or not?

What was the world like for your parents, a holiday or hard labor? That’s what he most likely became for you too.

In order to change this process that has been laid down over the years, start really working on yourself and see how your world changes

, will sparkle with new colors.

This will take courage, but by accepting this responsibility, you allow yourself to create the life you want.

How your energy affects others

Do you know how your energy affects others?

If you project your negative energy onto people, they will be less likely to help you or give you what you need.

This is extremely difficult, if not impossible. Your destructive thoughts create a negative energy barrier around you, and attract even more negativity and cause a decrease in your energy.

You can see this effect in your daily life.

When someone is angry and demands something from you, what will you do?


You are likely to take a defensive position.

You are much less inclined to help a bad person than a person who has approached with kindness and love.

You think you can create the life you want

by oneself? You are wrong.

Although some things can be achieved by you alone, the great goals of life always require outside help and cooperation with others.

There is such a law in the world - the kind of person you are, you attract such people to yourself.

What reasons could there be for this phenomenon?

You attract exactly the kind of people who reflect who you are. Otherwise, you would simply stop communicating with them.

What conclusion follows from the above?

If you want to attract a certain category of people to you, you yourself need to become

a person similar to them.

How to become a successful person?

A successful person allows only successful people into his life. You just need to become such a person yourself, to believe that you yourself are worthy

only the best.

Cultivate in yourself the same qualities and characteristics that attract you in other people.

And then the people you need will become interested in you, because they will see you as a like-minded person.

Therefore, become the same person as the people you are interested in, so that they themselves become interested in you.

What is important to always remember?

Remember you are not alone

in this world, that there are a lot of bright and sympathetic people around who are ready to help you.

Ask, and you will soon see events begin to happen in your life that will give you solutions to problems on the way to your goal


Is it necessary to say “no” for others in advance?

I would like to reflect on another important point that prevents many from attracting good events and people into their lives.

Because you are afraid of appearing needy, stupid, or shy?

Are you afraid of rejection, afraid of hearing the word “no,” afraid of feeling hurt?

The saddest thing is that you yourself program the refusal in advance, saying “no” for others, before you hear the real answer.

Never say “no” for other people until they themselves have said it to you.

Often you so realistically imagine the scene of your failure and the expected refusal, you play it out in your imagination so clearly and vividly that you no longer need to go and find out anything.

You asked yourself and answered yourself, the request died within you without ever seeing the light of day.

Why is this all happening?

Yes because life pays

exactly as much as you ask, the price you set for yourself.

Remember: looking back, did you find yourself thinking about missed opportunities?

Has it ever occurred to you that five, ten, fifteen years ago life could have given you a much greater reward

than the one you assigned to yourself then?

Now do you understand more why you had situations of failure in your life?

And even if you overcame yourself and decided to take some step, weren’t you surprised that the result exactly corresponded to your expectations?

Since you have already programmed it for yourself in advance, betting on refusal and failure.

But at the same time, someone else suddenly achieves completely different results with the same opportunities as you.

This is because each of you is constantly creating your own reality.


The realization of thoughts occurs, to a greater extent, unconsciously. Your life experience consists of the embodiment of thought forms.

Don't worry, it's not that serious. There is no power in single thoughts, so if you once thought about something bad, it’s okay.

The main thing is not to fill your thoughts with energy, constantly replaying them in your mind that you are not worthy of good things, that you are not up to it, and that in general, you are a loser who can’t do anything.

How to formulate a request correctly

How to act when making a request to acquire everything you need to make your dreams come true


  1. Ask as if you are confident that you will get what you want.
  2. The request should be made with positive expectation.
  3. Never start asking with the expectation of refusal.
  4. When formulating your request, be clear and specific.
  5. Ask repeatedly, be persistent, don't give up.
  6. Make a list of things you want but don't dare ask for.

Know that a request spoken out loud tends to gain even greater power.

Do you doubt “will it help or not”, “why”, “should it, shouldn’t”? do it at least once to feel how it works.

. Take it and do it right now!

Each of you has your own path in life, your own circumstances and obstacles.

You will need time and patience to get everything you dream of.

In fact, it is not so difficult to learn how to attract good events, circumstances and the right people into your life.

Remember that your positive attitude will subconsciously attract to you the right people, situations and resources necessary to achieve your plans.

It is clear that you will need time and patience in order to achieve the standard of living you strive for.

Many great people have achieved their goal by failing at the beginning. This is worth remembering as you begin your journey to a successful new life.

Whatever you want, believe that it will happen.


You will meet people with whom you will feel comfortable and interested in communicating.

You will come across the books you need, meetings will occur that will change your reality for the better.

Be open to everything new, live in joy and many good and interesting things will come into your life.

Method number 4. Draw what you want

I always draw and make pictures of my desires. I’m not an artist, but when drawing my desire, I think through every detail, every little thing. In the process of drawing, energy is already released for its implementation. For me this is a great way to make my dreams come true. I also make pictures in Photoshop, select everything down to the smallest detail, sometimes it takes several days to compile a picture of one desire. It is important that everything turns out as realistic as possible. I install similar pictures on the screensavers of my favorite gadgets.

This is how my car, trips, favorite dresses, apartment, and many other desires came true.

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