What is the Law of Attraction? Open your eyes to a world of endless possibilities

In simple terms, the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we focus on.

It is believed that regardless of age, nationality or religious beliefs, we are all subject to the laws that govern the Universe, including the Law of Attraction.

Important! The Law of Attraction of the Universe uses the power of the mind to bring everything that is in our thoughts into reality.

Do you know how this works? Here are just a few examples >>> This is why our world is amazing and beautiful. Thanks to the Law of Attraction, anything you can imagine and hold in your mind can be achieved. And if you work diligently with your own thoughts, you will get everything you dream of.

What is the Law of Attraction?

The Infinite Law of Attraction is one of life's greatest mysteries.

Very few people are fully aware of the impact the Law of Attraction has on their daily lives. Whether we do it consciously or unconsciously, every second of our existence, we act as magnets, sending our thoughts and emotions out into space and attracting more of what we sent out. Unfortunately, many of us are still blind to the potential which is locked deep inside us. Consequently, it is all too easy to let our thoughts and emotions run wild and run our lives chaotically.

Most of us, every minute, unknowingly continue to send out wrong thoughts into the world and attract more unwanted emotions and events into our lives. And each of you, the day you discover that the Law of Attraction is working in your life, should celebrate this day as a big one. crucial moment! Once the power of gravity is understood and accepted by you, you will discover the source of inexhaustible benefits and reveal the biggest secret of the universe. Moreover, once you learn to effectively apply the Fa in your daily life, your future will become your own creation.

How to learn to attract what you want into life

The General Law is based on 3 principles, each of which needs to be worked out:

  1. Principle of Gravity : a person’s desires and expectations are converted into signals that are constantly broadcast into the Universe, attracting situations. Both cherished dreams and hidden fears can come true.
  2. Principle of Conscious Creation : man himself creates his own world. Activate the Law of Attraction through visualization. First you need to clearly define your desires - regular meditation will help with this. Creation sessions are another useful technique. Spend at least 10-15 minutes a day imagining your new life in the smallest details (for example, if you want to buy a house, you first need to see it, furnish it, imagine how you will feel in it).
  3. Principle of Permission : a person allows or does not allow desires to come true. Often people subconsciously resist their dreams and sabotage their success, because... consider themselves unworthy.

Desires and expectations are broadcast into the Universe.

Changing your own thinking is not easy - it requires daily practice, constant self-monitoring, and developing new habits.

History of the Law of Attraction

You may be surprised if I say that the Law of Attraction goes back thousands of years in history, but it really is.

Even Buddha in 3000 BC. said:

We are all the result of what we thought!

The first known document on the law of attraction can be traced back to 3000 BC. and is mentioned in the writings of Hermes Trismegistus. His famous work, The Emerald Tablet, speaks of the obvious connection between all that exists in the science of one unity. Philip Harris in his book Jesus Taught This Too: The Early Origins of the Law of Attraction writes: “Jesus by no means first introduced the concept of the law of attraction.” The author claims that the first mentions are found in Ancient Egypt and Babylon.

Other documents about this universal law can be found in the 7th century Hindu holy scriptures called the Upanishads. And again the force of attraction is mentioned in the 19th century by historians such as Anquetil Duperron and such masters as Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.

In the 20th century, such popular American authors wrote about the Law of Attraction as:

  • William Walter Atkinson - Thought Vibration and the Law of Attraction in the Mental World (1906)
  • Ernst Holmes - Basic Ideas of the Science of Mind (1926)
  • Raymond Halliwell - Working with the Law (1949)

In the early 1990s, information about the Law of Attraction became widely available through the books of Jerry and Esther Hicks.

Since 2000, many articles and books have been published about the Law of Attraction, and thousands and thousands of people have experienced its appeal.

The law of attraction has always existed, and will exist as long as the Universe exists.

Acceleration of gravity

In order to mathematically correctly and beautifully arrive at the acceleration of free fall, we must first introduce the concept of gravity.

Gravity is the force with which the Earth attracts all bodies.


F = mg

F - gravity [N]

m —body weight [kg]

g —gravitational acceleration [m/s2]

On planet Earth g = 9.8 m/s2, but more on this a little later.

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