Why do people believe in the boomerang law, which, in fact, does not exist? Explanation

Before reaping the fruits of justice, you need to plant its seeds into the soil of your actions.

Hatred and anger are boomerangs that sooner or later return to where they were launched from.


An aphorism is a boomerang once launched, which returns to many minds.


We always get for ourselves what we wish for others (a consequence of the boomerang law of human relationships).


In this world you cannot “spit” at another without hitting yourself. Anyone who spits simply does not know that he has to wipe himself off from his own “saliva.”


In this world you cannot “spit” at another without hitting yourself. Anyone who spits simply does not know that he has to wipe himself off from his own “saliva.”


When you go too far, remember, You didn’t invent the boomerang. And he has his own laws, And neither the throne nor the rank


If you are betrayed, do not do the same in return, because you will lower yourself to the same insignificant level. Life itself will do it for you.


Hatred and anger are boomerangs that sooner or later return to where they were launched from.


Don’t poison your soul because of those who hurt you. Today they are “on horseback”, and tomorrow they will drown in their own shit.


When you go too far, remember, You didn’t invent the boomerang. And he has his own laws, And neither the throne nor the rank


  • A corollary from the universal law of the boomerang of relationships: if we don’t want to do anything for others, why do we expect others to treat us well.


Not a single person who destroys someone else's life will emerge unsullied in his own destiny.


I'm not looking for revenge because the karma bus always arrives on time. Is it wise to bite a snake that has bitten you? Fuad Viento


you can’t throw it away from your heart, it flies like a boomerang, it returns again, it hits harder


  • The Law of Attraction is not a game, it is a law! Create good things where you are, do good things to those who raised you!


Sooner or later, everyone sits down at the banquet table of the consequences of their actions. Robert Louis Stevenson


Whatever you say or do will come back to you on the wings of a fateful boomerang, with a vengeance. The main thing is to use your dexterity in time.


How people treat you is their karma, and how you react is yours. Wayne Dyer


The only way to leave negative karma behind is to consciously behave differently. Lama Ole Nydahl


When you feed the poor, consider that you have fed yourself. This is the nature of this thing: what we give will return to us. John Chrysostom


  • If you have a good memory, developed imagination and honesty with yourself, you realize the absolute inevitability of the past. Mikhail Weller


Not a woman, but a boomerang. You leave her, and next Saturday she’s right there and doesn’t ask for bread.


If karma really exists, then judging by what is happening to me, in a past life I was one of the horsemen of the apocalypse.


I'm feeling lucky this week. What about the cyclist you hit? I'm talking about my karma, not his!


A new restaurant “Karma” has opened. there is no menu. They just give you what you deserve.


  • Of course, it hurts when it’s not mutual, but it hurts much more when it’s mutual, but not destined to be


True love does not require reciprocity, and those who want to receive a reward for their love are wasting their time.


Karma teaches: everything that happens to me comes from me. And so I can get whatever I want by giving it to someone else first.


Karma means everything you do, say or think. Or, if it’s more convenient for you, you can stop at the definition “Everything that I do.”


I know you will one day ask me: “The most important thing in life is love?” I will answer: “No, the main thing is reciprocity.”


  • ANCIENT WISDOM Your problems are your path. Geshe Potova, Tibetan teacher, 1027–1105. n. e.


Every time you make a decision, you have no idea whether it will work or not.


It is true that at fifty you can rarely count on reciprocity in love, but it is no less true that at this age you can have a lot of it for fifty gold pieces


The one who loves me takes away my freedom. What would fascinate me if I loved God is that God does not reciprocate my feelings


ANCIENT WISDOM The boundary between you and me is illusory. Master Shantideva, 700 AD e.


  • There is no other way to properly interact with other people than to help them succeed.


ANCIENT WISDOM The first law of karma says: “Whatever you want from life, you must first give to someone else.” Je Tsongkhapa (1357–1419), teacher of the first Dalai Lama


As it is said in the books of Tibetan sages: “He who sows corn will certainly reap hay.”


The first law of karma says: “Whatever you want in life, you must first give to someone else.”


There are times when you need to be brave and be honest with yourself: what I'm doing isn't working.


If what you do sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, then it's not working. Stop doing what doesn't work.


And the only thing that stands between success and failure is your ability to quickly identify problems and close the escape valve.


Forget about yourself, do something for others, and then everything will start working. And tell me honestly, haven’t you ever hoped that this is how our world would work?


Find someone who needs real help with a similar project and lead them to success.

Short statuses about boomerang

When you sting me cruelly, I will not respond in kind, I am stronger! But I will understand the essence from this lesson And you will go into the memory of past days


I will forgive you and even pity you, And I will let you go from my heart with ease. It is much harder to live with resentment. I’d rather treat my loved ones with happiness


Any action you take is a boomerang. What you launch will come back. But remember that often the return force is greater than the launch force


You launched a boomerang, but I, alas, didn’t dodge. There was a bruise on my soul, but still I smiled


And she clenched her teeth harder, Even though she wanted to howl from the blow. And that makes it even more painful that she only remained silent in response to you.


Don’t do evil, it will be worse for you. He doesn’t care what rank you are! It will certainly overtake you, like a boomerang launched by you.


Life usually brings those who do nasty things to people to their knees and makes them cry bitter tears. Be careful not to get burned by doing bad things to people, evil comes back like a boomerang.


It’s wrong if you think that you won’t find any kind people, while considering yourself to be kind in any way. Everything will come back! What you give is good to you, And evil will not be any different to the evil one!


Souls now suffer from negativity innately. Good people can be counted by name. We respond to anger with the same return, but after that we also get angry and cry.


Why? Because there are lessons from heaven. We are often angry and cruel. If we extinguished the negativity with kindness, then without a doubt we would live happily ever after


It is a very terrible revenge directly for the person who is obsessed with it. It sucks out all the energy, slows down the growth process, and doesn’t allow you to move back and enjoy life. A person continually returns to a situation when he was hurt, picks at his mental wounds and does not allow them to heal.

A weak hope for the boomerang law allows you to “stay afloat”, but this raft is very weak and is not able to carry it ashore or get to the place of your dreams. You have to constantly get wet, suffer and think about how to survive. Resentment and thirst for revenge are destructive feelings that negatively affect not only the mood and psyche, but also cause irreparable harm to health.

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Boomerang Law. Karma.

The Boomerang Law is a rule or principle: everything that you give comes back to you.


If you throw something into the world around you, it will definitely come back. Good or bad.


But there is always a time delay. And boomerangs have the property that they may arrive from a different direction than where you sent them, but they return.


What goes around comes around. As it comes back, so will it respond. What is hello, so is the answer. Don't dig a hole for someone else - you yourself will fall into it.


And this principle works both ways. For both good and evil. For both plus and minus. For both creation and destruction.


It is much better to drive along the highway, enjoying the views around, delicious buns in roadside cafes and a pleasant conversation with an interesting fellow traveler.


These are: his words spoken to someone, his actions, his thoughts and emotions. They fly away from the one who released them. They fly, but after some time they return to their owner.


That's all there is to the boomerang law. Let's look at what happens with another concept of karma.

Life is like a big supermarket: take what you want, but don’t forget the checkout in front, you have to pay for everything.


What goes around comes around? This simple saying can simply explain the meaning of karma.


Your current life is a balance of boomerangs that you threw before. If you want to improve, throw more good boomerangs.

According to the law of karma: each person is entirely responsible for his situation today.


Karma is not a punishment. It's just a natural process, a law of the Universe, that boomerangs come back.

Is it possible to change fate? Yes, and it’s easy, although not without difficulty. What and how should I do for this?


To understand what exactly is lacking in your actions, analyze your life: what do you lack, in what area do you lack luck?


And how long will it take to do these good things? Until things improve in this area.


Until you fire enough good boomerangs and you start getting them back. And, this is magic, but the state of affairs will completely unfold, everything will just be fine.


The more good we do in our lives, the more good we “sow” around us, the better, more prosperous and happier our lives will be.


And vice versa, the more bad we do, the more negativity radiates from us, the stronger the troubles and problems that arise on our life path.


You should not take revenge, no matter how hard it is for you. The Universe itself will deal with this person. It is impossible to do harm to another and not for that.


Sometimes you can turn the other cheek - in this case, the offender himself is asking for a more severe and difficult outcome for him.

There is also a law of conservation of energy in physics, the essence of which is that energy does not disappear anywhere, but only transforms into another form.

Every thought, whether positive or negative, has energy. And in life, that which has great energy is realized.

He who does not return anger with anger saves both himself and the other. Ancient India


By being offended by a person or situation, each time you send a powerful negative destructive impulse, which will result in destructive negative events in your life.

We are all living magnets and fill our lives with certain events and people. And what lies inside us will sooner or later come out and become our reality.

The secret to using the law of attraction: think about what you want and ignore, don't think about what you don't want.


But if you don’t plan, don’t create good things, then without energy the law of attraction won’t work.


Move away from the source of negative information. Change the topic of conversation to something positive. Don't pay attention to nasty things in conversation. Just ignore it.


Those who use the Law of Attraction from a positive approach are called lucky ones.


If you help a person, then goodness can be expected from anywhere. It’s just important not to get hung up on waiting for the “reward”, the return of the boomerang.


It is also interesting that the “return” will most likely occur from another person, not from the one to whom you sent the boomerang, and under other circumstances.

There is a boomerang law. The boomerang, thrown with force by you, without regard to title or rank, will return to us as if home.


As it comes back, it will respond, Everything will come back like an echo: everything will move towards us like a boomerang, God’s punishment will find us everywhere.


You will receive everything in full measure, Everything that you measure to others, you will bear yourself. And you will be the first to be punished. What you sow, you get, you reap.


As we walk along the road of life, What we give to whom in this life, What we offended openly or mentally - On the way we will receive it our way.


Answer from Vixxxa [newbie] Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you’ll end up in it yourself. As it comes around, it will respond.

This collection includes quotes about the boomerang of life to understand the essence of what is happening. And here is the first saying: The principle of an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. Mahatma Gandhi


Imagine that in a city where more than five million people are constantly moving, you can be alone, completely Waiting for a miracle


There are as many types of love as there are people, and as many as there are days in their lives. Mary Calderon


Experience is priceless, the only bad thing is that you have to pay for it with your own youth.


It is wise to water the wheel of friendship with the oil of polite politeness. Gabriel Colette


If a person did not fall in love until he was forty, then it is better for him not to fall in love after that. B. Shaw


You are so eager to judge the shortcomings of others, start with your own and won’t get to others.


If you fail you will be disappointed; If you give up, you are doomed. Beverly Hills


We want to be the source of all the joys or, if this is not possible, all the misfortunes of the one we love. J. Labruyère.


A person should always be happy; If happiness ends, look where you went wrong. Lev Tolstoy


Each new day is like taking a match out of the box of life: you have to burn it to the ground, but be careful not to burn the precious reserve of the remaining days.


The Universe knows what will be better. Sooner or later she will bring us together with the right people and separate us from the unnecessary ones. - Buddha.


You can only be consoled when you understand that life is in the content, and not in the vessel. Tolstoy L. N.


Life is arranged so devilishly skillfully that without knowing how to hate, it is impossible to sincerely love. M. Gorky


A woman only believes the word “love” when it is said quietly and simply. Ya Galan


We don’t get a short life, we make it that way; We are not poor in life, but we use it wastefully. Life is long if you use it skillfully. Seneca the Younger


It is much easier to show wisdom in the affairs of others than in your own. Francois de La Rochefoucauld


Judging by the covers of countless women's magazines, two subjects are of particular interest to women: 1) why men are such pigs; 2) how to attract men. Dave Barry


Nothing can be returned. Nothing can be fixed. Otherwise we would all be saints. Life didn't mean to make us perfect. Anyone who is perfect belongs in a museum.


You can talk about happiness for five minutes, no more. There is nothing to say here except that you are happy. And people talk about misfortune all night long.


Life doesn't have to give us what we expect. We must take what she gives and be grateful to her husband for the fact that this is so, and not worse.


And in joy and sorrow, no matter what the stress, keep your brains, tongue and weight under control!


Life is so broad and multifaceted that in it a person will almost always find his fill of everything he feels a strong and true need to look for. N. Chernyshevsky


Every love is true and beautiful in its own way, as long as it is in the heart and not in the head.


It’s better to be a good person who swears than a quiet, well-mannered creature. Faina Ranevskaya


If someone appears ready to move mountains, others will surely follow him, ready to break his neck. M. Zhvanetsky

If everything in the world is meaningless, said Alice, what's stopping you from inventing some meaning? Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland"


The smartest heads are not in the government. If they were there, private business would lure them away. Ronald Reagan, US President

Waste of energy and wasted time

The wife was always waiting for retribution for the pain caused to her. She tried in every possible way to reassure herself that the boomerang law existed and was about to start working. However, nothing happened, and the woman felt it was unfair. Coming to this conclusion in adulthood, she realized that she had wasted her life on the useless hope of revenge.

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She threw all her strength and energy into waiting, tried to collect all the information about her husband’s new family, looked for photos on the networks and waited for confirmation that the deceiver repented of what he had done. So a lot of time has passed, my personal life is not settled, my youth is gone, there is no hope for better changes.

Think - then do

Statuses about boomerang are written by people who have already encountered situations where what goes around comes around. And before they do, they think and encourage others to think.

  1. Do not scatter evil, it is very faithful and devoted, and always returns to its owners.
  2. Everything that’s yours will definitely come back to you, so is it worth letting evil go?
  3. Good returns a hundredfold, and evil returns straight to the forehead.
  4. To my question “What fool came up with this boomerang?” The answer was short and laconic: “You yourself are a fool like no other.”
  5. “Share your smile, and it will come back to you again and again” - this applies not only to a smile.
  6. Everything comes back - both bright and negative. Therefore, along the road of life, launching warmth, care, kindness. Otherwise, in old age, evil, deception and betrayal will come to you.
  7. The boomerang law applies in relationships and even at work. You smiled at your boss, and he gave you a bonus.
  8. Even your countless riches will not force you to unfurl a boomerang.
  9. When I’m angry, everything negative just sticks to me - is the boomerang law really working?
  10. An interesting boomerang law – it always hits the mark.
  11. My daughter was so surprised when she launched the boomerang and it returned straight into her hands. “Does this happen, dad?” she asked. “That’s the only way it happens.”
  12. Launch only boomerangs of goodness and light, otherwise it will hurt.
  13. When you start to get angry, remember that it doesn’t go far from its owner.
  14. If you want happiness to come, constantly launch boomerangs of goodness.
  15. Boomerang doesn't care what motivated you when you wished harm on others.
  16. Boomerang is such a thing, launch it and wait quietly...
  17. Even if you run away, the boomerang flies - hold it!
  18. No one has ever escaped from a boomerang. I bought myself a boomerang, decided to try it and launched it. Yes, they’re not lying – he flew in and hit me in the neck.

How does it work

We have already figured out that everything good sent into the world around us returns to a person as good. And vice versa: the evil done boomerangs in the form of failures and other negativity.

But you should not assume that the effect will be manifested with mirror accuracy. Still, this is not a mathematical formula. Firstly, retribution may not come immediately, but after months and even years. Secondly, the form can be any. For example, if a thief commits a theft, it is far from certain that he will be robbed in the future.

It is also naive to think that you can quickly improve your well-being by feeding eight stray cats and taking the old lady across the road three times. That's not how it works. A good deed must come from the heart and be done selflessly. Otherwise, it turns out not to be retribution, but barter, when you do something only for the purpose of obtaining benefits.

The boomerang rule can apply to both material and intangible values, for example, emotions, experience, development, knowledge. So, if you once helped a needy person in deed or word, in the future complete strangers can help solve your problem, suggest the right path or give valuable advice.

Same with negativity. If you were suddenly yelled at by a manager, rude to a conductor, or deceived in a store, do not rush to blame people, but rather think about whether similar actions have been noticed in you recently.

Forward movement

You should never expect that evil will return to the offender. If you leave home in a bad mood, there is a risk of ruining it for everyone around you and returning home in an even worse mood (troubles will be attracted, and there will be little to please you). You need to treat resentment in the same way. If the abandoned woman accepted and let go of the situation, she would take care of her personal life and create a second family. Instead, she spent all her energy on revenge (and not with her own hands). Therefore, you need to fight your negative feelings and emotions, abandon the philosophy of the boomerang law in its negative understanding. You need to move forward and hope that your forgiveness today will return to you in the form of happiness in all areas of your life.

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