Human needs. What and how much do we really need?

What do people need?

To understand this issue, you first need to understand what you want. To do this, you need to take paper and pen and write everything down. If this task seems difficult, first imagine in your mind the picture of life in which you would be comfortable, the environment in which you want to live for the rest of your days. And then think about what kind of person you will become, how your attitude towards life will change, how the world will change, and most importantly, whether this will make you happier and more successful. After this training, you will understand what you want, you will set goals and, by solving them, move towards your main dream. After a large-scale vision of your future, it will be easy to figure out what people and you need first. To begin discussing the main issue, let's dive a little into theory.

For not answering an awkward question

You are asked questions, but it is your right to answer or ignore them. If the question seems tactless and incorrect, try to pretend that you didn’t hear it, again move the conversation to another topic or honestly say that you are not ready to discuss this with your interlocutor. If he continues to find out the reasons why you refuse to answer, choose to say goodbye to him.

People's needs and interests

Needs are those conditions and needs that a person needs for normal existence, to which all his activities are directed.

Classified as follows:

  1. Biological. A person needs them first of all. This includes everything that happens at the level of biological instincts: the need for food, drink, breathing, procreation, and so on.
  2. Social needs are related to communication. This is a human need in society, to play a certain social role in society, to realize oneself in it.
  3. Spiritual. They are expressed in the need for a person to acquire new knowledge and express himself in creativity. This is the need for friendship, understanding, compassion, empathy of other people.

All needs are closely interconnected. Because the satisfaction of some occurs through the realization of others. This can be clearly seen in the example of the pyramid of Maslow, an American psychologist. We'll come back to it later.

Interests are formed from human needs. Interest is an individual’s focus on objects that are significant to him, which is determined by the presence of specific needs. It is determined by the individual’s position in society, his personal qualities, worldview, and so on.

Here it is important not to confuse interest with attraction (an unconscious intention to perform any action), as well as with inclinations (predispositions to certain activities and talent (subsequent development of inclinations). Let's return to human needs according to Abraham Maslow.

How does a healthy physical condition affect success?

Good physical shape, as you know, is the key to the excellent functioning of our brain and body, therefore, people who have achieved success:

  • Usually, they practice getting up early - this is 5-6 in the morning. This is the period until the whole world wakes up - the most important and inspiring part of the day. As a rule, this is a good time for yoga, morning jogging and other activities to boost the body’s internal energy, an opportunity to get into a resourceful state;
  • adhere to self-discipline and daily routine;
  • understand that good health is the key to great achievements;
  • try to find time for proper rest and relaxation in order to avoid everyday stress and always be in a working and collected state;
  • have activities for the soul, hobbies that return vital and creative energy to them.

Maslow's pyramid

The classification of human needs with a description of their role in life falls into a seven-level pyramid. The beginning comes from the last, seventh step. Let's look at each in more detail:

  • The basis is physiological needs. This is hunger, thirst and so on.
  • Next comes the need for reliability and security, safety, self-confidence, courage, courage and others.
  • Fifth stage. Need for love. To be loved and accepted, to love yourself, to feel useful.
  • The fourth stage, like the previous one, consists of social needs. The need for praise, recognition of success, approval, and respect is sanctified here.
  • The third stage speaks of the need to comprehend the world around us, gain knowledge and skills.
  • The second is responsible for aesthetics, splendor, neatness, order, beauty.
  • Vertex. The need for self-expression and self-knowledge. It combines all the needs and desires listed below. Includes developing abilities, finding a life path and achieving goals.

Using the example of a pyramid, we can conclude what people need. The main thing is to correctly determine your goals and achieve them, choosing the right paths that do not harm yourself and others.

Is it possible to do without needs?

Of course, this is impossible. Yes, we can live without meeting social and spiritual needs. It will be very difficult. But you can’t do without physical ones. Because thanks to them we are alive and well.

Let's speculate, if we do not take into account the needs of the higher levels, what can happen? Try to deprive yourself of the feeling of love, not to seek sympathy, to eradicate compassion. What will your life be like? Boring, uninteresting, lacking initiative. Moreover, it can lead to depression and psychological imbalance.

Satisfaction of our needs begins from the lowest level and, gradually moving upward, we satisfy the higher ones. Need forces you to move forward, set goals and realize them. Without it, human development is unthinkable. But in order to reach the highest level, there are things that people simply need first of all, let's talk about them.


The foundation of a happy life, without which happiness and success cannot be imagined. Many people dream about it, but do not take care of themselves. It is necessary to monitor your physical and psychological condition. Lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, exercise. Improve yourself, read books, attend interesting trainings and courses. Fight laziness, which is harmful to health.


This is what we receive from loved ones. Why does a person need support? Let's figure it out:

  1. She makes us stronger. Let's say you are a successful person who has achieved his goal. You have a large business, and everything was going well until one moment. A crisis. Everything began to collapse like a house of cards, partners turned away, personnel fled. And then family and loved ones who have always believed in you come to the rescue. You can't give up! If you enlist strong support, wings will grow behind your back, and desire and ambition will help you overcome difficulties.
  2. Helps you realize your dream. Let's say a child draws well and wants to study to become a designer. But parents resist and force me to choose a cost-effective university. The child is unhappy and follows their lead. After graduating, he attends his least favorite job. What if they supported it? Everything would change, he could become a famous artist! Support works wonders. But remember: it's never too late to change everything in your life.
  3. Helps you grow, develop, and gives you a feeling of confidence.
  4. Allows you to create true friendship. When you find yourself in a difficult situation and expect help from a friend who let you down, help comes from where you don't expect. Such situations help to discern true friends.

You are not alone, troubles happen to everyone, look around, maybe someone needs your help.

Is all this really necessary?

I thought: today is Saturday. Where are the people this morning? “I won’t tell you for the whole of Odessa,” but I know that Saturday is shopping time... Auchan and other shopping centers, the horror of our life. And I don’t think of offending anyone. Naturally, I shop at Auchan myself when I’m in Moscow. But always, when I approach the checkout with relief, I think that I have been in a land of nightmares. Huge carts full of all sorts of things, a lot taken just because today it’s a ruble cheaper...

Is it really possible to eat, gobble up, devour, and absorb all this in a week? Or do they all have families of twenty people? Or are all those Saturday crowds getting ready for a wedding? Or...One of my first American impressions, almost fifteen years ago: giant carts in a supermarket, pushed by huge people, elephant people in extreme obesity. Not old, but buried under their own fat. An eerie impression as a symbol of consumer society. And I didn’t want to rejoice and admire the fact that “everything is there.”

Is this the main goal and happiness of life, its meaning, to have 20 shelves with toothbrushes? 50 shelves with toothpaste. And so on, and so on, and so on... We achieved this. Implemented. The meaning of an individual's life in a consumer society has been persistently imposed on us. The meaning is simple and clear. You live to buy. You are born to be bought (the list follows...). You grow and the list of things grows with you... You learn - wonderfully, the list grows. And now you are almost formed. You need to eat, and dress (no worse than others), and a car (of a certain brand), and a computer, and a mobile phone, and…. It's so good that you exist! After all, so many shopping centers and corporations need you, man!

You must throw away your life in the race for clothes, grub, prestigious brands of whatever they want to make prestigious for those who pull the strings of your desires. You don't need to be a thinker, a reader, a reasoner. You will waste the time allotted to you to earn money, which you must then spend on goods. Consume. Let in one hole, let out from another. Finally, the meaning of life emerged in all its simplicity. A person must be educated so that he develops the need to consume as much as possible!!! And note: after all, from all sides they are trying to turn people into primitive ruminants.

I look at photos of my aunts who raised me. Beautiful faces. Smart looking eyes…. They were deprived of much. Weekends were spent reading or walking in the park. In our life there were exhibitions, theaters, art galleries, river buses on the Moscow River, cinema... We remember a lot of things. But I tried to remember the shopping trips. So, for the whole day. To create a complete nightmare. This never happened. Can you imagine? It has never happened that they went to the store just like that. Spend time. Watch... Have fun... I ran for bread and milk. From first grade. What was heavier was brought by adults - in between... We had to stand in queues, that’s what happened. But this was considered a horror and a disadvantage of life. No one spent the day in the store willingly! I remember how they bought me a winter coat in the fifth grade. They came, chose and bought. They went to get a coat, chose it and left. Dot.

It was a pity for the time. So many joys and pleasures around! And these joys did not require terrible investments and enslavement at all. Walking is a joy. Lectures at the university, given by the best professors for free - come and visit... Museums... How easily we have allowed ourselves to be driven into the slavery of things! Understand, I’m not in favor of everyone walking around dressed ugly and colorless. I’m not for people eating something they don’t know. I am against poverty and scarcity. But I am for people to look around and look for other landmarks. Because our only life is worth devoting not to consumption for the sake of consumption, but to the search for needs - that is, the real meaning of human life.

And an example from Ariela Seph’s book “Born in the Ghetto.”

Before the war, her parents lived richly: her father was a famous doctor, her mother inherited a huge inheritance. But then the Germans came to Lithuania. “While my father was in prison, the Germans, accompanied by Lithuanians, broke into the apartment. (…) We arrived in two trucks with a list. Their list was quite accurate. Mom had something to take: all the property left by grandmother - paintings, silver, diamond necklaces bought at some exhibitions while traveling in Europe. All family values ​​went to her. (...)

Some German or Lithuanian put a gun to her pregnant mother’s stomach and demanded that she hand over everything on the list. Mom didn't resist. Everything was open, not locked. So they took everything, literally everything, including furniture. The trucks left, filled to the brim (...)

After the war, my mother became completely indifferent to things. I lost interest completely. She did not buy expensive furniture, dresses, or jewelry, although opportunities appeared for her. (...) She only had two or three dresses.”

I have noticed more than once that people who have gone through serious trials seem to be cleared of cravings for things. They see and understand other values ​​in life. There are so many of them that the things on this list become completely redundant.

It makes sense to look for these values ​​even when life, fortunately, is going well...

Let's talk about empathy

What does it mean to sympathize? This is the ability to understand the mental state of another person, his experiences and be able to perceive them. And empathy means not only listening, but also letting other people’s emotions pass through you. Does a person need sympathy? Yes. It works wonders, helps people get closer, find new and true friends, and promotes healing. Makes a person human.

We need to learn empathy; the more we show sincere attention to others, the better we will understand their position towards ourselves, and we will be able to change the attitude of other people towards others. When you sympathize, you cannot be intrusive.

Tips for showing empathy:

  • Don't forget about tact.
  • You shouldn't be too annoying, but you shouldn't remain indifferent either. You can call a friend in trouble and offer your help.
  • Never focus on the positive aspects of the shock you have suffered. Especially when it comes to the loss of a loved one.

There are no truisms on how to show humanity; it must come from the heart, from the depths of the soul.

Empathy and compassion

Do people need empathy and compassion? Of course yes. These qualities can manifest themselves throughout life. The terms have different meanings. The first is based on complete mutual understanding, a calm and attentive attitude towards the other person. You can show sympathy without being compassionate.

Compassion is the skill of seeing your own anxieties in the experiences of others. Why do people need compassion and empathy? So as not to be dry and insensitive, indifferent to everything.

Timeless business ideas for selling goods


There is a consistently high demand for food products. At the same time, this area opens up quite a wide scope for action, because you can easily find consumers for almost any type of food.

To launch a business as efficiently as possible with a small investment, you should choose a narrow niche and work strictly in it. This will allow us to cut out most of the competitors and pay enough attention to product quality, which will have a positive impact on the company’s reputation and will help attract regular customers.

A good solution would be to independently produce food and various dishes. For example, you could start making designer confectionery or smoking fish. Products can be sold in small wholesale to various stores or retail via the Internet or your own point of sale.

If you are planning to resell, you should pay attention to less common types of products and dishes. For example, you can sell goods that are exotic for local people, purchased in small wholesale from abroad, and set your own markup.

Clothes, shoes, accessories

This is another highly sought-after category of goods with a high level of profitability. Many entrepreneurs prefer to resell ready-made clothes purchased in bulk. However, in this case, due to the high level of competition, the volume of income risks not being particularly high.

It is recommended to offer products that are fashionable all over the world, but not particularly popular in Russia - this is a win-win option. You can also focus on low cost by purchasing products on large online platforms at huge discounts.

When opening your store, it is advisable to focus on one category of customers (women, men, children), offering them the widest possible range of goods for every taste. At the same time, it is worth selling either clothes or shoes and supplementing the assortment with appropriate accessories.

A very promising direction is the sale of handmade clothing and accessories. The high quality of the product determines its relatively high price. Unique items are now in great demand among many people of any age, so there will be no problems finding buyers.

Don't confuse compassion and pity

Pity is not a deep feeling. Moreover, it carries destructive power. Why do people who find themselves in a difficult situation do not want to be pitied? Because this emotion is based on the recognized inferiority of the object of pity, his inability to get out of trouble. It makes the other person feel like a victim of the circumstances in which he finds himself.

Compassion is a manifestation of generosity. And pity is an indicator of cowardice. If you are able to sympathize and empathize, then you have a kind heart in which love lives.

What does a person need first? Being human. Loving, kind, attentive, compassionate, able to empathize. And also to be loved and accepted. Without this it is very difficult. It is then that there will be recognition, success, prosperity and well-being.

Business ideas that will always work

Trouble-free business options include those types of activities that are always in demand among consumers, do not have sharp surges in demand and almost always generate profit.

There is a high level of competition in such segments. As a rule, eternal business ideas have been successfully implemented by many entrepreneurs for a long time, so it will be quite difficult to take a confident position in the market. If you bring something new to the direction, you can stand out from the majority and gain a significant part of the target audience.

In most cases, business development will be smooth, not rapid. It is very difficult to “shoot” in popular niches if you do not have a unique concept. Therefore, you should not count on huge profits and a quick payback period.

But with this approach, profit is practically guaranteed. Even if you make small mistakes, you can earn money due to the high level of consumer interest. Stable demand will allow you to generate income regardless of current conditions.

Eternal business ideas are perfect for people who live by the principle “the slower you go, the slower you go” and do not strive to achieve a million-dollar income in a few months.

Having understood the specifics of such a business, you can move directly to ideas. 3 areas will be considered:

  • Services
  • Sales
  • Internet
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