Explanation of success: why people who wake up at 5 am are more likely to become wealthy and achieve everything in life

An old proverb assures: “He who gets up early, God gives him.” Life experience suggests that it really works, because almost all successful people are early risers who get up at 5 or even 4 in the morning.

But why does waking up early have a positive effect on business success? There are a number of reasons for this, learning about which will definitely make you think: shouldn’t you get up early tomorrow?

Charge with morning energy

Vigor is energy that does not exist without proper and complete charge (in our case, sleep). You've probably noticed that going to bed early gives you much more energy in the morning than waking up late if you fall asleep late. The thing is that in the first case the body tends to recover much faster - that’s how it’s designed.

The reason for this phenomenon was described by Dr. Torsunov. He wrote that from 4 to 6 am the sun radiates optimism and joy, at this time birds sing, and positive energy is in the air. And happy is the person who catches it and fills himself with it. Even if you wake up on a cloudy day, you will still feel this energy on yourself.

Victory attitude

A person can gain a sense of control by overcoming their inner voice. If your mind wins such a battle, then everything begins to work out in your hands, which has a positive effect on achieving your goals. The ability to recognize your inner voice is your best defense against it. So, when your morning alarm goes off, a voice tells you that you went to bed too late, so you shouldn’t get up so early. Or he convinces you that you can take a nap for just five more minutes, etc. Don't listen to him! Those who stay in bed are no competition for people who are able to fight the inner voice. If you can defeat yourself, then no one can stop you on the way to your goal.

Correct “settings” for the day

By waking up at 5 a.m., you set the right “settings” for your day. It is worth noting that for larks, daylight hours last much longer, which is why they have time to calmly tune in to the coming day and not only plan it out, getting ready without haste, but also carry out some pleasant and useful ritual, for example, doing exercises to their favorite music, doing meditation or a cup of your favorite hot drink. All this charges you with a positive attitude, and a good mood, as you know, is the key to great success.

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Tim Gunn

Tim Gunn is the most famous connoisseur of American fashion. Already in childhood, it became clear that the boy had little interest in cars and other male paraphernalia, but was attracted to fabrics, bright clothes, and patterns.

In addition, he grew up as a very sociable child; he remains a courteous and polite person to this day.

Tim Gunn's career has unfolded rapidly, he is a very smart person and made progress in his studies while still in school.

After graduating from university, he became a teacher at Parsons Fashion School, then became a dean, and then the head of this institution.

In 2004, together with model Heidi Klum, he began hosting the show Project Runway. In parallel with this TV show, he launched his own TV show. Also, Tim Gunn has repeatedly received roles in various American television series.

Strengthening character

It’s easy to accustom yourself to good things, but not to good habits. To start waking up early (don’t forget that you will also have to go to bed early), you need willpower, which will strengthen your character.

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A person who is used to setting clear goals and decisively achieving them will definitely succeed in life - that’s a fact. A purposeful individual will not wake up at 5 am in order to spend as much time as possible in bed - he will use the extra couple of hours in his day usefully, for example, he will begin to read educational literature, for which he simply did not have time before, or will do exercises.

Getting up every day at 5 am is not easy, but a person who accustoms himself to this gets a serious advantage over others.

Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma was a former lawyer, but left this activity. Today he is known as a Canadian author and master of training aimed at personal development, motivation and leadership.

Robin prefers to get up at five in the morning. He became the developer of his own formula, which helps him set the mood for the whole day.

After waking up, he tries to devote 20 minutes to doing physical exercises, then he devotes the next 20 minutes to drawing up and reviewing his goals and objectives for the year or the nearest future. Then for 20 minutes he reads books, listens to audio recordings, educational videos, etc.

Proper functioning of hormones

And finally, another explanation for the relationship between success and early rise is medical.

In fact, getting up at 5 a.m. provides not only additional hours in the day and high productivity for the whole day, but also the correct production of hormones. A rare person far from medicine knows that it is between 5 and 6 a.m. that the body produces activity hormones (adrenaline and cortisol), making it much easier to wake up and then maintain activity throughout the day.

As you can see, there are really many benefits to waking up early. However, if you are planning to join the ranks of early risers, be sure to keep in mind that in order to get up so early, you definitely need to go to bed around 21-22 hours. Otherwise you will not get any benefit.

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Richard Brandson

The founder also prefers to wake up early in the morning. This is not surprising, he started running a business during his school years, it was the publication of a magazine. Then the businessman continued to develop and it is difficult to name a business area where he did not succeed.

After releasing the magazine, Brandson was involved in the recording business, then expanded into the railroad business, opened an airline and a space tourism company, and many others.

In addition to business, Richard Brandson also manages to set personal records, for example, he crossed the Atlantic Ocean faster than anyone else, first on a personal ship, and then in a hot air balloon. The businessman also owns an island.

Long rest

To ensure her vocal cords are in perfect condition, Mariah Carey tries to sleep fifteen hours a day! In addition, her bedroom should have high humidity. There are about twenty air humidifiers around her bed - she essentially sleeps in a steam room. In such conditions, most people would not be very comfortable, but the singer feels great.

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Endless Walking

Emily Brontë suffered from severe insomnia. The British writer felt so desperate that she simply walked in circles around her living room at night until she passed out from exhaustion. It is said that her sister Charlotte also had a similar problem and walked for long periods of time, just like Emily. If the writers had lived in modern times, they would probably have been able to find less debilitating remedies for insomnia, but then there was no choice.

Song making

Kelly Clarkson can't sleep until she writes down all her creative new ideas. As she notes in an interview, when an idea strikes her, she immediately tries to start writing down notes, no matter that she was trying to fall asleep before. This approach sometimes turns out to be not the most convenient; fitting rest into a schedule dedicated to creativity can be difficult. Nevertheless, the singer does not regret anything - music is of primary importance to her.

Correct pillow position

Famed author Stephen King can craft a story that will make even his most die-hard fans suffer from insomnia. The writer himself has quite clear requirements regarding preparation for bed. He always brushes his teeth and then washes his hands (it's not entirely clear why he washes his hands before going to bed, but even King himself can't give an answer). His pillows must be positioned in a certain way. He always places the open side of the pillowcase towards the opposite side of the bed. He has no explanation for this behavior, however, it is important for the writer that everything be exactly like this, otherwise he simply cannot relax.

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How can I establish a better sleep routine for myself?

If you want to start waking up early and monkey after that, then you will need to establish a good bedtime routine. If you want to get a good night's sleep, it's important to follow these tips:

  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day
  • Read a book before bed
  • Turn off your phone, laptop, TV and other electronics
  • The room should be dark, quiet and cool (up to 70 degrees)

If you want more ideas on how to optimize your sleep environment, read our sleep hygiene guide.

Artist's approach

Leonardo da Vinci had a sleep schedule that is almost as amazing as his talent. Leonardo fell asleep for twenty minutes every four hours. This allowed him to stay alert throughout the day and gave him more time to create and create. However, this is still quite impractical, and besides, in such a schedule a person does not have the opportunity to plunge into deep sleep, without which there is no full recovery. This approach can only work for a few; perhaps Leonardo was one of these unique people.

Problematic snoring

According to journalists, Tom Cruise snores quite loudly. He even had a special snoring room in his house, equipped with soundproofing coating on the walls. This space was created during Tom Cruise's marriage to Katie Holmes. This way, spouses could sleep in the same house without disturbing each other. It is not known whether Tom retained his habits after the divorce, because now his snoring does not bother anyone, and soundproofing is not needed.

How long did famous people sleep?

You have also probably heard that some great people, such as Churchill, Tesla, Edison, Thatcher and several others, slept little. Maybe. Perhaps they really didn't sleep much. But remember, even if so, these are isolated cases. While other minds of human civilization slept a little more. Their biological clock is shown in the image below.

This infographic is featured in New York magazine and is based on Mason Curry's book Daily Rituals: How Artists Work.

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