In the grip of passion: what is nymphomania and how to treat it?

What does a nymphomaniac look like in men's wildest fantasies? A passionate beauty, always ready for sexual experiments, who knows no prohibitions in “bed” matters. In fact, a relationship with a nymphomaniac is very far from romance and especially love. All her thoughts and actions are focused on only one thing - satisfying her own sexual needs.

Let's figure out what nymphomania is in women. Is this a disease or a “mild deviation”? Is it possible to cure nymphomania?

Gift of fate or punishment: what is nymphomania?

Nymphomania has been known for a long time. With the “light hand” of Plato, the disease began to be called “rabies of the uterus.” According to his ideas, the female uterus is a beast wandering around the body and striving at any cost to realize its reproductive function. Surprisingly, this definition is still alive today. Many believe that “uterine rabies” is manifested by a woman’s increased sexual activity and high libido. But this has nothing to do with reality. The term is not recognized by official medicine.

Nymphomania (from Latin - nymphomania) is pathological hypersexuality in women, which is characterized by excessive sexual desire. The disease is also called andromania and metromania.

It is important to understand that this is not just some kind of promiscuity in behavior and promiscuity in order to increase self-esteem. Increased sexual desire is a disease recognized by official medicine and listed in the ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases) class F52.7 [1].

Psychologist and scientist Patrick Carnes estimates that about 3% of women suffer from sex addiction. [2]

And if earlier the problem was often hushed up, since in society promiscuity is considered immoral, now many scientists have seriously taken up the issues of diagnosing and treating nymphomania.

What distinguishes a nymphomaniac from a 'moth'?

A nymphomaniac is a woman who not only has a sexual attraction to a man, does not just love sex - she is obsessed with sexual passion, which fills her thoughts from morning to night.
Sexual intercourse and even numerous orgasms experienced in one night do not lead to proper release, but only inflame passion. At best, there is short-term satisfaction of sexual lust.

On the Internet you can find statistical data according to which, for every 2 thousand women of a dissolute nature, there is one nymphomaniac.

Symptoms of nymphomania: how to recognize the problem

Increased sexual temperament and nymphomania are completely different concepts. And it’s not even a matter of the number of sexual acts - even 5 times a night can be considered the norm. The very perception of sex varies. A healthy person knows how to keep his desires under control; in most cases, he is picky in choosing partners. The nymphomaniac ceases to control the situation. Sex becomes her obsession, obsession and meaning of life. She lives in the grip of a constant strong desire to obtain sexual satisfaction.

There are a number of symptoms and signs of nymphomania. Who is she, the “average” nymphomaniac?

  • It doesn’t matter to her where and with whom to have sexual intercourse. The only important thing is “when” - right now.
  • Her thoughts are constantly occupied with erotic fantasies.
  • She often watches porn and masturbates uncontrollably.
  • She may consider her unbridled sexual desire to be some kind of divine gift and a gift from fate. Nymphomaniacs often call themselves “special.”
  • She is of little interest to her partner's feelings and desires. The main thing is that sexual intercourse relieves sexual withdrawal symptoms.
  • She is often very emotional and irritable. In “advanced” cases, when a woman does not get what she wants from a particular man, aggression is even possible on her part.

Famous nymphomaniacs


Causes of nymphomania

The causes of nymphomania have not been sufficiently studied to date. Scientists have put forward a variety of versions many centuries ago. From Plato’s symptoms of “rabies of the uterus” to Victorian doctors who claimed that nymphomania was directly related to the shape of the skull. Serious research has debunked many myths associated with the disease.

In modern medicine, the causes that can cause this disease are divided into organic and psychological.

Let's correct behavior during nymphomania


Organic causes of nymphomania in women include various diseases, in which sexual mania is often one of many symptoms. These may include traumatic brain injury and brain tumors affecting the hypothalamus. It is this area of ​​the brain that is responsible for sexual desire. It is also possible that the disease is caused by one of the following reasons: [3]

  • hormonal disorders in the body (for example, during menopause);
  • mental illnesses (schizophrenia, manic-depressive state, psychopathy, hysteria with hypertemic manifestations);
  • some infections (neurosyphilis, mycoplasmosis);
  • ovarian diseases.

Behavioral psychology views pathological hypersexuality as a learned behavior pattern. The problem may arise due to sexual or domestic violence, severe stress, or personality complexes. [3] It has been found that 60% of patients with sex addiction were abused as children. [4]

The cause may also be manic-depressive syndrome (psychosis), accompanied by a strong attraction to the opposite sex.

Nymphomania is different: types of disease

Depending on the age of the patients, experts distinguish 2 forms of andromania in women. [3]

Nymphomania in young people

Young women with andromania in most cases do not consider themselves sick. On the contrary, they call sexual temperament their dignity. A woman seeks help from a doctor when sexual tension becomes so excessive that it begins to poison her life.

But there are cases when the pathology proceeds violently and is more clearly expressed outwardly. Nymphomania in young people, if the patient does not consult a doctor in time, is usually accompanied by rapid personality degradation.

Increased sexual desire appears in adolescence. As is clear from the revelations of nymphomaniacs who admitted the disease, it all begins with obsessive thoughts about sex at the age of 8-12 years. And these are not even scenes that were accidentally spotted in life or seen in a film, but for now only “vague” ideas about intimate relationships between a man and a woman. But even such thoughts evoke sweet sensations in the young girl. A patient with a congenital problem begins sexual activity early. A little later he begins to actively change partners in search of new sensations in sex. And since the girl does not yet have sufficient knowledge in matters of safe sex life, the risks of early pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases are high. [3]

Nymphomania of young women, lasting for years, can eventually develop into menopause.

Menopausal nymphomania

Normally, libido decreases after menopause in most women. If sexual desire, on the contrary, increases during this period, we can talk about menopausal nymphomania.

Most often, the cause of andromania is a serious hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body. In some cases, nymphomania in adulthood is a symptom of a mental illness.

Menopausal nymphomania is extremely difficult for patients to tolerate. Women exhibit the main external signs of nymphomania. They complain of an exhausting sexual desire that haunts them day and night. Sometimes pathological hypersexuality is accompanied by itching in the external genitalia.

Menopausal nymphomania, if the disease is not treated, can continue into old age. In most cases, pathology leads to excessive masturbation or perversion (mainly to bestiality and tribatry). Elderly husbands of nymphomaniacs have reduced potency; they cannot satisfy the needs of their partners.

General characteristics of the condition

It is impossible to visually assess a woman and tell whether she has nymphomania. She never expresses her thoughts about the pathological condition. One can only assume the presence of constant sexual desire during a conversation and a psychological assessment by a specialist.

For a woman suffering from nymphomania, the main indicators are:

  1. Switching sexual desire
    . If a woman suffers from mild nymphomania, in the course of her life she can switch her attention to other needs. For example, prolonged exercise. This condition is especially observed in patients whose lives have been without a new man for a long time.
  2. Nymphomaniacs combined with frigidity
    . This condition is extremely rare. It is characterized by the presence of constant agitation. But at the same time, the patient cannot achieve orgasm even during sexual intercourse with different sexual partners. There is prolonged sexual arousal in the head, but there is no reaction from the genitals. This aggravates both conditions, frigidity and nymphomania intensify.

  3. Lack of maximum satisfaction
    . Even if a woman is able to achieve orgasm, complete release for the body does not occur. She is in constant search, in her head there is a continuous desire for sexual intercourse. Therefore, new sexual partners constantly appear in her life.
  4. Menopausal nymphomaniac
    . This is a woman whose body has entered menopause, physiological changes have occurred, but chronic agitation is still present. The condition may be aggravated by depression, itching and burning in the genital area. The patient is characterized by psychological abnormalities.

After sex and orgasm, a woman continues to experience sexual hunger. There is no satisfaction on the physical plane. The same applies to the psychological state.

Relatives, close people, and the woman herself may suspect nymphomania. But it is completely impossible to cope with the condition on your own. For examination and therapy, 2 doctors are recommended:

  • psychotherapist;
  • sex therapist.

If there is nymphomania or andromania, the patient must independently decide that she needs help. If she is not aware of this, diagnosis and subsequent treatment will be difficult as she resists adequate therapy. Gradually, in such patients the condition worsens.

Treat or enjoy?

Nymphomania is a disease. And any disease must be treated.

It is impossible to create a harmonious family with pathological hypersexuality. Despite the fact that a man may dream of a relationship with a passionate nymphomaniac, he is unlikely to be able to withstand “bed marathons” 7/24 for a long time. In addition, he will probably have to endure numerous infidelities on the part of his partner, because nymphomaniacs literally cannot restrain themselves.

A nymphomaniac will most likely never rise high on the career ladder. She has completely different goals and very little time for a social life. All thoughts and actions are focused only on finding partners. It is difficult for a woman with this problem to adapt to a society where frequent changes of partners are strictly condemned.

In some cases, the sexual dissatisfaction of a nymphomaniac woman provokes serious depression and suicidal behavior.

And another serious reason why you should start treatment immediately - with promiscuous sex life, the risk of sexually transmitted diseases increases significantly.

Which doctor diagnoses nymphomania?

In some cases, there is a very fine line between “real” pathological hypersexuality and high libido. It is important to determine whether the patient needs serious treatment. A sexologist will help you figure this out. The first stage of the examination is a face-to-face conversation. After a frank conversation with a medical history, the specialist will determine whether the woman is showing signs of nymphomania and whether she needs serious treatment.

More convenient in this case is remote testing, which will help make a preliminary diagnosis with a high degree of accuracy.

There are a number of criteria by which you can determine the presence of a problem:

  • Long duration of obsessive states - 6 months or more. Symptoms either bother the patient constantly or appear periodically.
  • Sexual attraction to the opposite sex is not the result of delusions, hallucinations or clouding of consciousness.
  • Excitement does not appear due to the use of any psychotropic drugs or alcohol.
  • The patient's behavior damages her existing relationship with her regular partner and interferes with her work and social life.
  • The patient lost control of her behavior. She may realize that what she is doing is “bad”, but cannot control herself.

After the diagnosis is made, a series of laboratory and instrumental studies are prescribed to determine the cause of the disease. It is important to rule out brain and ovarian tumors, hormonal imbalances, and infections affecting the brain. These include MRI and CT, complete blood tests (including hormones) and urine, consultations with a gynecologist and endocrinologist.


  1. Fedorova Anna Igorevna Endocrinological aspects of women’s sexual health // Zh. obstetrics. and wives disease.. 2013. No. 5
  2. Egorov Alexey Yuryevich Love addictions // Bulletin of psychiatry and psychology of Chuvashia. 2015. No. 2.
  3. A medicine has been developed to increase sexual desire in women // Obstetrics, gynecology and reproduction. 2009. No. 5.
  4. General sexopathology / ed. Vasilchenko G.S. — 1977.
  5. Great encyclopedia of psychiatry / Zhmurov V.A. – 2012.
  6. Functional female sexopathology / Zdravomyslov V.I., Anisimova Z.E., Libikh S.S. -1994.

Modern methods of treating nymphomania

Treatment of nymphomania in women depends on the causes of the disease. Gynecologists, oncologists, endocrinologists, sexologists, psychiatrists and psychologists can be involved in complex therapy of andromania.

What treatments for nymphomania are effective?

Medication correction

If a “failure” in the functioning of the female hormonal system is detected, the specialist prescribes hormonal therapy. The treatment is carried out under the constant supervision of a doctor - the patient undergoes regular tests. When nymphomania is a consequence of a serious mental disorder, the psychiatrist prescribes antipsychotics, tranquilizers, and antidepressants. In this case, drug treatment is often accompanied by individual psychotherapy.

The drug method can be effective: if the diagnosis is correct and all the doctor’s instructions are followed, the woman’s signs of nymphomania are reduced to a minimum or completely disappear.

Surgical methods

The most severe case that can provoke the appearance of pathological hypersexuality is brain tumors. Depending on the specific situation, the appropriate treatment method is selected: it is assessed whether the tumor is operable or not.

Psychological methods


In medical practice, hypnotherapy can be used to treat andromania. Immersing the patient in a trance helps the specialist determine what period of life or specific incident caused the obsessive state. Thus, the psychotherapist has the opportunity to build a further treatment plan based on eliminating the root causes.


The goal of psychotherapeutic treatment is to develop in the patient a critical attitude towards her “wrong” behavior and teach her to live in a new way, enjoying not only sex. Conversations with a psychologist often take place one-on-one. In this case, therapy can take several years. Group classes are also used for this purpose.

Behavior Modification Technology 7Spsy

One of the new techniques based on behavioral therapy is the 7Spsy behavior modification technology. This is a patented, scientifically proven method. The 7Spsy course will help you get rid of nymphomania and constant thirst for sex. The course program lasts from 2 to 6 weeks. The method allows you to replace a pathological behavior pattern with a healthy scenario. As a result, sexual tension decreases, the woman learns to enjoy life again and can build healthy relationships without cheating.

Let's correct behavior during nymphomania


It is the change in the pathological behavior pattern that allows you to make the result sustainable and master a new healthy behavior scenario. In this way, it is possible to return libido to a normal level, become calmer, get rid of depression and constant internal tension. This is how 7Spsy behavior modification technology works.


  2. Patrick Carnes, "Don't Call it Love" (1997)
  3. Complete reference book for a sex therapist (2011), team of authors
  4. Eric Griffin-Shelley, "Sex & Love Addiction, Treatment & Recovery" (1997)
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