The influence of thoughts on reality or how to learn to think about what you want and stop thinking about the bad?

Think about what you want and don’t think about what you don’t want, then your dreams will begin to come true.

Everything is correct.

And many of you have heard these words more than once.

But how to apply this principle in practice?

How not to think about bad things?

And how can you learn to think only about what you want to see in your life?

Attention! You've probably already heard that thoughts shape our reality. With the help of the power of thought, you can change the present, the future, and sometimes the past.

But before you start practicing, you need to know one thing >>>

I decided to devote today’s article to examples from our everyday life, so that you can see yourself in these scenes and understand how to learn to think only about what you want.

The influence of thoughts on a person's life

The influence of thoughts on a person’s life is simply enormous.

In fact, our every thought creates reality.

For more information about how our thoughts affect our lives, watch the video

And if we see the same negative circumstances coming into our lives again and again, it means that we ourselves attract them, thinking about them day after day.

The influence of negative thoughts can be easily seen in the appearance of undesirable circumstances that upset you.

Pay special attention to those circumstances that happen again and again, like a broken record. The repetition of the same event clearly indicates that you have a lot of negative thoughts about this and you think them often.

Let me give you an example of the influence of thoughts on relationships.

Suppose a person once again fails in a love relationship.

He breaks up with someone he dated for a short time. And he already has almost a dozen such relationships, lasting a couple of months.

The breakup situation itself is a very unpleasant event for this person. That's not what he wants.

He ideally dreams of a good partner and a long, strong relationship.

But let's see what thoughts led him to break up again.

Immediately after the breakup there is a reaction, which in itself again leads to a repetition of the same thing in the future:

I can't build normal relationships. I'm always alone. No one is right for me, everyone needs something, and I don’t understand what exactly. What do they all need?

It was all good, love, why does a person begin to behave in an incomprehensible way? Why pretend you don't know what? Every time it’s the same thing, it’s impossible to find a normal person.

I don't know how to build relationships. It's easier for me to be alone.

And then the Universe, shrugging its shoulders, answers, “Well, so be it!”

How to stop thinking about bad things?

How to get out of the vicious circle of repeating events?

First, you need to change your reaction.

Secondly, change your thoughts to those that you want to see in your life.

Knowing about the power of thought and the influence of thoughts on life, a person must, through an effort of will, react correctly, without negativity, for example, like this:

It didn't work out this time, it will work out next time. So my destiny is another person. This means that there is my soulmate and I will meet her soon.

My next love will be more successful. I would like my loved one to understand and support me, and to be easy and simple to communicate with.

And at the same time, do not mentally wash the bones of your ex-partner and do not count all his negative aspects of character. Don’t remember how terribly he acted and how ugly he treated...

You should discard these thoughts and start thinking about the good qualities of your future partner. That is, to think about what does not yet exist. And do it on purpose so that it appears.

Let's change our thoughts!

This is done at first by an effort of will. If you are used to letting your mind go free, then in order to fulfill your desires and get what you want in your life, you need to tame it.

Your mind should work for you.

Mind, thoughts - build your world, shape your reality.

Wherever thought goes, so does reality.

If you want to choose for yourself what will happen in your reality, then you need to direct your thoughts in the right direction through an effort of will.

This is the only way to get out of the vicious circle of repeating negative events.

First: positive reaction. Second: thoughts about what I would ideally like to have.

Man challenges

Number 051 is often called by people with suicidal intentions. In this case, the night shift must make a decision - talk to the person again or, if he somehow disagrees, is drunk or says: “I’ll kill myself anyway,” call 112 (the single emergency number). Previously, emergency workers called an ambulance and the police. When there was no 112, they tried by all means to find out the address from the caller. They said: “You can’t be alone now.” They said that yes, we understand that an emergency room and a psychiatric hospital are not the best place, but it’s better this way. And some even asked themselves: “Call me someone, pick me up, I can’t do it alone now, let someone take care of me.”

“As a rule, if a person called and said that he does not want to live, this means that he wants to live. He just doesn't want to live like that. And challenges. It’s as if he wants to end what is so hard for him. And if he still calls, it means that there is hope,” says Lyubov Alexandrovna.

In such cases, according to her, you need to help the consultant himself - just stand next to him.

Lyubov Ternevskaya at workPhoto: Stanislav Novgorodtseva for TD

“There were times when it was very difficult for me. This is when you are devalued or you are unable to talk or help. You begin to think that you are some kind of bad psychologist, that you are in vain in this profession and, maybe, do something simpler. Then I communicate with the supervisor and experience it. As a rule, it’s enough to cope.”

Service employees undergo both individual and group supervision, when they can share with each other and talk about difficult cases. And yet, psychologists who work on the phone often burn out and go into private counseling.

Phone 051 is free and confidential. Therefore, mentally ill people often call the emergency room.

“The problem is that they call constantly and they have no progress. People just need communication. Many of them are very heavy. I say “heavy” because they exploit the psyche of the other. Any not very healthy psyche exploits a healthy one. People who feel anger towards this world will blame the consultant and will take advantage of the fact that he cannot answer sharply and be polite. In order to cope with this, you need to constantly develop yourself in the profession. So that you don’t treat this as torment, but be interested in why the psyche is structured this way, where such pathology comes from, why there are distortions, how to work with them and how best to help.”

The influence of thoughts on family relationships

I want to dedicate the following example of the influence of thoughts on relationships to people who are already in strong relationships.

Often we are angry with our significant other or believe that our partner is very bad in something.

In the head of a married lady ironing her husband’s shirts at lunchtime on Sunday, you can hear the following thoughts:

He didn't nail this shelf again yesterday. He is an absolute lazy person, he can't do anything. I'm so tired of constantly reminding him. Why did I get such a husband? And these shirts can be thrown away within a month after purchase. How can you treat things like that? He comes and throws him on the floor. Slob!

As we see, this is a standard “complaint” about life, which we often hear in our heads.

Who is complaining about what?

But the essence is the same: we think about what we DO NOT want to see in our lives.

How not to think about bad things?

Just remember that every day you think should be ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT.

And then this lady’s thoughts should change to the following:

My husband is certainly not perfect, but overall he is very caring.

I love it when he sometimes cooks dinner himself.

I also like how carefully he drives the car. He provides for us and this is worth appreciating. In general, if you look at it, my husband is real gold.

And so, the more positive a woman finds in her husband, the more good qualities will appear in him.

And you can not only look for the positive, you can shape it.

For example:

My husband is very careful with his clothes and has enough shirts to last him a whole year.

Let this not be the case now. But when has that stopped a real wizard?

We create our own reality.

We are able to create something that has not yet existed.

We are able to manifest another sector of reality. Another variant.

And if you are ready to start making changes, join my free webinar on wish fulfillment now >>>

How our thoughts affect our body

Our thoughts directly affect our body.

I have noticed from my own experience that if you constantly think that extra dessert will have a bad effect on your figure, then it will be so.

You will gain weight by leaps and bounds.

And these standard thoughts will be to blame for everything.

But you can think differently...

The French, whose culture is quite supportive of wine, smoking, cakes (total saxap!) and savory sauces (total cholesterol!), consume all this and live to a ripe old age, remaining healthy and slim.

Many studies have been carried out in an attempt to understand their “secret”, because, according to modern theories, a person needs to have a coronary bypass installed almost after every visit to a candy store.

However, there is no secret. It's all about the mood. The French eat with pleasure and without guilt.

You can make it a rule: every time you eat something sweet, tell yourself:

I am becoming slimmer and more beautiful every day.

I can eat whatever I want, I'm still getting thinner.

I have a very fast metabolism.

A hearty dinner is digested very quickly and goes towards building muscles.

Everything depends on you.

Throw out of your head all the thoughts and opinions that society instills in you.

Think only about what you want. You have the right to do so.

If you want to have a beautiful body, tell yourself this when looking in the mirror:

I have a gorgeous beautiful body.

Let it seem to you at first that this is a cruel lie.

After some time, reality will change and you will see in the mirror what you thought about every day.

“Don’t think about the bad – you’ll get sick”

As Eastern wisdom says: “The worst enemies of a person cannot be those troubles that can come with one’s own thoughts.” Avicenna, who was a famous healer of antiquity, said: “A doctor has three means of fighting diseases: treatment with words, plants, and a knife.”

You need to pay attention - treatment with words is put in first place

A young French psychologist, Emilie Quie, in a Paris hospital, at her own peril and risk, supposedly with the permission of the head physician, forced patients to mentally or out loud repeat the phrase “Every day I get better and better,” three times a day, mentally or out loud, ten times. Moreover, this should not be a mechanical repetition, but, if possible, vividly and with feeling.

The influence of thoughts on fate

What do you think about your destiny?

Listen, no matter what you think about her, she will be the way you imagine her in your thoughts.

Are you afraid of repeating the fate of your older relatives? As long as you are afraid, you choose the negative option.

Afraid of getting = thinking about what you DON'T want.

My father was an alcoholic, which means I have these genes too. I can become like that too...I don’t want to. I'm scared.

These thoughts are very dangerous, if this happens to you, replace them with new ones:

I have good genes. My father was very smart, read a lot, despite his problem, was a respected man.

I will take only his most positive qualities, and my destiny will be wonderful.

There is only one way to overcome a negative scenario: stop thinking about it and start thinking about a new desired scenario.

Replace unwanted thoughts with desirable ones.

How to do it? How not to think about bad things?

If you know for sure that your bad negative thoughts affect your life, you will never be able to calmly think about bad things “for your own pleasure.”

We are used to thinking about bad things, we do it out of habit. Because everyone around me thinks it's normal. Complaining, making claims, being afraid, judging in your mind - all this is the norm.

No one told us since childhood how this has a detrimental effect on our lives.

Materials are just beginning to appear, books about the power of thought are being published, articles are being written, videos are being made about the need to think only about what you want.

Today, today, look at what is “bad” in your life.

Remember all the thoughts that often visit your head regarding this “bad”. Become aware of these negative thoughts. Start recognizing them when they appear in your head.

Give yourself new replacement thoughts.

Think only about what you want.

Remember, the influence of thoughts on your life is enormous. And if you are interested in how I materialize what I want, come to my master class>>>

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