Report “Conflict Prevention. Difficulties in conflict prevention. Causes of conflict and their prevention"

Personal causes of conflicts

Conflicts are associated with the individual psychological characteristics of its parties. The main personal causes of conflicts are:

· low level of socio-psychological competence;

· accentuation of character, type of temperament;

· assessment of another person’s behavior as unacceptable;

· insufficient level of psychological stability;

· underestimated or overestimated level of claims;

· a person’s ability to empathize is poorly developed;

Ways to resolve conflicts

There are different ways to resolve conflicts, taking into account the interests of one or more parties. The main task in the presence of disagreements is to achieve cooperation.

Positive ways

Conflicts can lead to a compromise solution when the outcome suits both parties. At the same time, they or one of them will receive encouragement. This turns conflict into a profitable deal. As an example, consider the following situation. The buyer receives a low-quality product. The seller admits his guilt, accepting the fact of imperfection of the service, undertakes to make a replacement and provide a discount. As a result, the client receives the product at a better price, and the seller makes amends, thereby depriving himself of negative feedback.

They cope with disagreements by making concessions. The point is to make a proposal worthwhile for the other side, infringing on one’s interests. This usually happens when there is a desire to maintain a friendly relationship, and when there are no other ways to resolve conflicts.

Negative ways

You can get out of a conflict by ignoring it and using avoidance tactics.

Note! Self-destruction can delay the acute manifestation of disagreements or prevent it, which happens when emotions cool down and the realization of the futility of disputes is realized. However, if the problem really exists, it may flare up with renewed vigor later.

Conflict can be violently destroyed when the losing side is clearly singled out. She cannot continue to participate or gives up the fight and steps aside on her own. As a result, she is forced to submit to the will of the other party, with whom she completely disagrees. The most striking example is a military battle, as a result of which one side suffers a complete defeat.

Enterprise management provides for holding lectures for employees in order to create a friendly atmosphere and improve the quality of work. People must understand the goals they strive for in their work and determine ways to achieve them. A full understanding of your responsibilities, coupled with a short course of lectures on conflict management, will help you get out of difficult situations with dignity.

Conflict at work

Objective causes of conflicts

The objective factors in the emergence of conflicts are those circumstances of social interaction that lead to a clash of their attitudes, opinions, interests, etc. Objective reasons become the starting point in creating a pre-conflict situation. The following objective causes of conflicts can be identified:

· a way of life that is associated with radical large-scale, rapid changes and material instability;

· natural conflict of interests of individuals in the process of their life activities;

· poor development of legal and other regulatory procedures for resolving social contradictions that arise during personal interaction;

· stereotypes of conflict resolution of social contradictions;

· lack of important spiritual and material benefits for the normal functioning of people.

Methods for managing and preventing conflicts

The world is structured in such a way that in almost all spheres of human activity conflicts arise, which are most often based on emotions and personal hostility, and they are associated with aggression, threat, and hostility. Conflict is determined by the fact that the conscious behavior of one of the parties: an individual, group or organization conflicts with the interests of the other party [1;2].

Conflict management is a purposeful influence on its dynamics, determined by objective laws, in the interests of the development or destruction of the social system to which the conflict is related. Conflict management is one of the most important functions of a manager (on average they spend about 20% of their working time). Being a complex process, conflict management includes the following activities: conflict prediction, prevention, regulation (stimulation) and conflict resolution.

Ways to prevent conflicts

It is important to recognize and respect the differences between people. This allows you to understand others, reveal their abilities and talents, involve each employee in a common cause, change the environment of relationships, making it as efficient as possible for work. The more we know about the values ​​and habits of colleagues and partners, the easier it will be to communicate with them [3; eleven].

There are several ways to prevent conflicts:

Change Perception

The first step of such knowledge is understanding the values, beliefs, education and upbringing of other people. This is what makes each of us unique, different from others. Our beliefs may be perceived differently by other people. The natural psychological desire of every person is to surround himself with people whose habits and values ​​are similar to ours. If you make a list of your idols - musicians, actors, athletes, politicians - you will find out that they are all somewhat similar. How to overcome this? We must strive to understand each person individually, without perceiving him as a representative of any group. You can also try becoming a member of a team or organization where you are a minority. These may be groups with different ideological, ethnic, religious, cultural or political views. It is worth thinking, for example, how you would like to see others behave towards themselves in this case.

Change behavior

Creating a favorable environment requires the active involvement of all team members without exception. Every person perfectly feels a negative attitude towards himself. Therefore, it is necessary to create an environment where any member of the team feels safe and does not hesitate to ask for help, because he does not feel weak or inferior to others. To do this, you need to seek support from people with different life values ​​and involve them in the conflict resolution process. It can also be helpful to invite minorities or outcasts to social gatherings, dinners, or field trips. Then we will be able to look at others not through the prism of our subjective perception, we will see new opportunities and bright, interesting interlocutors.

Change the environment

Respect for the inner world of others is the basis of good interpersonal relationships. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the behavior of team members and immediately stop attempts at racism, religious or sexual persecution, which greatly influence the behavior of the persecuted. This defense of minorities may be interpreted as oversensitivity - no big deal. The main thing is not to ignore the conflict, but to gradually overcome stereotypes.

Sometimes we don't realize that our comments are offensive and that sarcasm is inappropriate. After all, if most of the group supports us, then we may not pay attention to one person who disagrees with us or is even offended. An important task of management is to explain to unwitting offenders their behavior, supporting them with examples; stop negative comments, perhaps even introduce official rules of conduct in the office that will create a healthy moral environment [4; 5].

Balance of common interests

A balance of common interests leads to successful cooperation. Lack of balance leads to “pulling the blanket over oneself”, to the fable of the swan, crayfish and pike. A very simple example: some people like to work independently, others prefer teamwork. Both cases have their pros and cons, which can help or completely disorganize the work.

It is necessary to find out from each member of the team what he considers to be a common interest. Opinions will vary. In their behavior, some prefer, for example, to express opinions directly, others to remain silent; Some take risks, others thoroughly prepare and analyze the situation before making a decision. But commonality can and should be found. This is achieved through discussion and analysis of the consequences, positive and negative results. And it turns out that differences do not hinder us, but help us.

If differences in the community of interests are the cause of the conflict, then a group discussion of the goals and objectives of the organization and its activities is necessary. The discussion should be as open as possible to all opinions. And finally, everyone will have a new common space of relationships, which will lead to dynamism, exchange of opinions, and a new type of thinking. The most important thing is that each person remains himself, but contributes to the common cause.

Resolving conflicts in interpersonal relationships

In this case, it is important to maintain a focus on business communication - cooperation, the common goal of work or negotiations, benefits for the business process cannot give rise to a conflict. It is also recommended to find out the characteristics of the culture and beliefs of each member of the team, monitor your own reaction to what is happening and behavior, which should be an example for others. Employees involuntarily try to copy, to one degree or another, the behavior of their boss. It is important for managers to always be objective in decisions, to give preference to principles rather than personalities. Interacting with informal leaders, rather than fighting, will also lead to positive results, as will respect: only by respecting others can one achieve self-respect. It is necessary to hear, and not listen to, people’s opinions, to show sincere interest in their comments and advice [6; 12].

Conflict Management Process

Forecasting conflict

This is one of the most important activities of the management subject, aimed at identifying the causes of this conflict. The main source of conflict prediction is the study of objective and subjective conditions and factors of interaction between people, as well as their individual psychological characteristics. In a team, for example, such conditions and factors may be:

  • management style;
  • level of social tension;
  • socio-psychological climate, etc.

Conflict Prevention

The type of activity of the management subject aimed at preventing the emergence of a conflict. Prevention (prevention) of conflicts is based on their forecasting. In this case, based on the information received about the causes of the maturing unwanted conflict, active efforts are being made to neutralize the effect of the entire complex of factors determining it [7].

Conflict management

A type of activity of a management subject aimed at weakening and limiting the conflict, ensuring its development towards resolution.

Stimulating conflict

A type of activity of the subject of management aimed at provoking, causing conflict. Incentives are justified in relation to constructive conflicts. Means of stimulating conflicts can be very different:

  • bringing up a problematic issue for discussion at a general meeting;
  • criticism of the current situation at the meeting, etc.

Conflict resolution

The type of activity of the subject of management associated with the end of the conflict. Resolution is the final stage of conflict management. Conflict resolution is the process of finding a mutually acceptable solution to a problem that is of personal significance to the parties to the conflict, and on this basis harmonizing their relationships

Conflict resolution can be complete or incomplete. Complete resolution of the conflict is achieved by eliminating the causes, the subject of the conflict and the conflict situation. Incomplete conflict resolution occurs when not all causes or conflict situations are eliminated. In this case, incomplete resolution of the conflict may be a stage on the way to its complete resolution[8].

In actual conflict management practice, it is also important to take into account the prerequisites, forms and methods of their resolution. This will require considering a number of factors, including the severity of the conflicts, the urgency (whether the conflict needs to be resolved quickly or not), the ideal or preferred outcome, one's own power and preferences, and strengths and weaknesses. If the conflict is relatively trivial or represents “healthy” disagreement, you may decide that it is better to let it run its course. However, if there is a danger of the conflict escalating and becoming destructive, you will want to do something about it. In general, there are three options: predict it, prevent it from happening, or resolve it.

  1. Non-interference. It is quite common and can be successful. However, there is always a risk that the problem will develop into a destructive conflict, in which case an unsuccessful attempt to intervene will worsen the situation.
  2. Prevention. This is the ideal situation, but how can this be achieved? The answer is: in all cases you will not be able to do this. But the chances of preventing conflict will increase if you create a climate in which people seek win-win solutions. This can be facilitated by establishing common goals and reorganization (eliminating conflicts caused by structure by changing roles or groupings of people) and improving communication (moving people between different groups, maintaining an atmosphere of discussion and discussion).
  3. Permission. When conflict is detrimental to job performance, it is necessary to intervene to find a solution. There are several aspects of intervention: helping, which usually involves giving people support, allowing them to explain their feelings and encouraging them to put their conflict into perspective, as well as punishment and negotiations to achieve reconciliation.

Of course, it is difficult to foresee all the variety of conflict situations that life creates for us. Therefore, in conflict resolution, much must be resolved on the spot, based on the specific situation, as well as the individual psychological characteristics of the participants in the conflict [9; 10].


Reflecting on the problem of conflicts, it is legitimate to ask ourselves the question: what would happen to us if there were no conflicts in our lives at all? Life would probably be boring and monotonous, routine and stagnation would shackle us, and monotony and monotony would be simply unbearable. But life throws us a wide variety of conflict situations, which sometimes develop into a serious conflict - a wonderful chance to show our good side. Resolving a conflict situation will, of course, not only increase your self-esteem and self-confidence, but by doing so you will earn authority in the team. After all, not everyone can get out of conflict situations with dignity. That is why conflict should not be viewed as something terrible, because it helps evolution take another turn (or doesn’t any innovation conflict with the past way of life?), and a person strengthens his personal qualities and earns respect in the team, among friends and colleagues.

When to forget about compromise

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Compromise is one of the methods of conflict resolution. But you shouldn’t resort to it thoughtlessly. In a compromise, both parties must be satisfied. There is no need to follow the lead of someone with greater power if this contradicts desires and principles. It is always important to maintain moral character. You need to be able to distinguish compromise from concessions and not infringe on your rights when resolving conflict situations.

When parties encounter not only different values, characters and views, but also aspirations for different results and means of achieving them, they speak of interpersonal conflicts. This is the main type of confrontation found in society. Ways to resolve interpersonal conflicts include:

  • Evasion;
  • Device;
  • Compromise;
  • Cooperation;
  • Compulsion;
  • Confrontation.

A compromise must be abandoned if it benefits only one side, the opponent. People can use others because they are reliable. At the same time, they benefit for themselves, and leave the person with nothing. You need to be able to recognize such motives and always know what the result will be, whether it will benefit both parties.

Often people smooth out conflict situations in relationships so as not to spoil them. They endure insults so as not to be left alone. You cannot allow another person to resort to insults and humiliation; you need to love and value yourself and your opinion.

The need for conflict resolution

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Constant avoidance of conflicts and unilateral concessions do not solve problems. Such methods of conflict resolution should be used in extreme cases. Postponing a discussion or dispute often aggravates the situation. If a problem arises, it is better to immediately begin a constructive dialogue. It is necessary to listen to both sides and present your arguments. Those in conflict need to hear each other, which will help them come to an agreement.

It is better to avoid conflict with unbalanced people who throw baseless accusations. A conversation with such an interlocutor will not bring results. It is possible to get him emotional, to show the interlocutor his place if, for example, he occupies a lower position. Such conflicts do not carry any meaning; they are only accompanied by the release of negative emotions.

Often disagreements arise between teenagers in the classroom when they are faced with aggression and an inability to prove their point of view. Children are quick-tempered and do not always cope with their emotions, so it is important to help them get out of difficult situations. If possible, the class teacher should explain the tactics of behavior and the mechanism for getting out of a conflict situation.

Conflict at school

Wrong ways to resolve conflicts

Conflicting parties should always express their positions to each other. There is no need to look for a third party to act as a mediator in negotiations or manage them. A personal factor may come into play here, the information will change, which will further aggravate the situation.

You can’t look for a way out through emotions; the most important rule is to calm down and pull yourself together. You need to have full knowledge of the information to avoid conflict. You cannot rely only on your own opinion and guesses. There is no need to look for those to blame, it is necessary to analyze the situation and draw conclusions that will help find ways out of the conflict.

Conflict in the family

Important! You need to listen carefully to your opponent’s position, not interrupt, and delve into the essence of the problems. Only mutual understanding will help to achieve cooperation and get out of conflict. It is impossible not to pay attention to the desires and problems of other parties. This often concerns relationships between parents and children, when adults impose their opinions on a child, regardless of his feelings.

Conflicts arise between groups, individuals, and even as a struggle of feelings of one person. Resolving any disagreement involves putting aside emotions and paying attention to the opinions of each side. Knowing the problem and understanding the goals will help you quickly resolve conflict situations with benefit.

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