How to develop masculinity in yourself: the successful experience of a brutal guy

Let me start with the fact that the need to make significant adjustments to my “I” arose after a natural, as I now believe, series of failures and another failed attempt to charm an attractive classmate. Closely studying my reflection in the mirror, I tried to understand: what’s wrong with me and how to become a real man?

It seems that the style of clothing is not at all similar to the attire of meterosexuals, the figure also does not resemble becoming a refined ballerina, and my views on life are not similar to the worldview of born housewives. However, it simply kills the opinion of me that I am a greenhouse plant and a mama's boy. So, after studying volumes of abstruse literature and studying expert advice on how to become a brave and brutal hero of women’s dreams, I compiled my own program on how to develop outstanding masculinity.

What is courage

The concept is abstract, appeared in antiquity, and over time its meaning changed. There are two definitions of the word courage.

From a psychological point of view

Precise, concise definition. Personal quality, expressed by the ability to make appropriate decisions in a difficult or dangerous situation, to achieve set goals with all one’s strength. The ability to self-control and overcome probable fears and insecurities. The highest manifestation of courage is heroism.

From a philosophical point of view

This definition is broader and has been subject to changes more often. In ancient philosophy, courage is one of the four cardinal virtues (the others: moderation, wisdom, justice). Courage means self-control, courage in battle, self-confidence, even if the enemy is objectively stronger.

According to Aristotle, this is noble behavior on the battlefield, overcoming the fear of dying a dignified death (dying in battle). Courage is a cross between fear and reckless courage, the ability to unflinchingly endure pain, especially physical injury.

In Ancient Rome, courage was valor, a virtue associated with the definition of honor. Kant defined it as the ability to decide to commit an act at the behest of duty. He believed that there were difficulties that required courage more than fighting (poverty, ridicule, ill will of society).

In the history of moral consciousness, courage has been associated with a certain level of society. In a class-antagonistic situation, it was considered the dignity of warriors. Later, under feudal rule, by the virtue of chivalry. This definition was given true social meaning by communist morality: the assessment of a person’s actions in any sphere of life, regardless of his social status.

Today, courage is moral firmness, decency, courage, perseverance. Dedication, confidence and a disruptive, strict character. A universal, moral quality that has lost the definition of “male virtue” that is sometimes inherent in women. Changes in the meaning of the concept are based on theories and practical experiences of nonviolence. Fighting evil, dishonesty, lack of justice without using force is the same as courage.

Male professions - “I’m a man”: list

Male profession - fireman
In general, real men don’t say this phrase: . Only toddler boys. This phrase is said by other people who may not have achieved anything in this life. Men's professions are all thanks to which a man protects and provides for his rear - his family and relatives. And also when he teaches others to be courageous, or saves people. Surprisingly, in all even the most masculine professions there are women. Only a male stripper is not a female profession. But it's more of an activity than a job. Although for a few, this is a profession.

It can be said differently that male professions are those that boys dream about until they are spoiled by dreams of modern advertising projects and SEO promotion. Here is a list of which professions are called male:

  • Defending the homeland - all military professions are the most worthy and courageous work
  • Cosmonauts are the same military
  • Civil aviation pilots
  • Navy sailors
  • Polar explorers
  • Miners
  • Firefighters
  • Police officers
  • Gas workers
  • Oil workers
  • Geologists
  • Doctors who save lives
  • Drivers - and hundreds of other professions

You can say it differently - where it’s scary, but you have to carry it out and show courage, endurance, self-control, courage, determination, ingenuity, strength, perseverance, will, bravery, valor (or dignity for civilians) and honor. Another worthy and obligatory activity for a man is to bring joy to his loved ones. Of course, a male profession should provide an opportunity to provide for a family with dignity. All major male professions involve increased risks to health and life, and therefore the pay is high.

Courage: examples from life

Every person, even a quiet and calm person, is capable of a feat. Many people, due to uncertainty or cowardice, do not commit it, but under certain life circumstances they can act boldly and decisively.

Crime is also a brave act, but it has nothing to do with courage. The latter are not done for the sake of material benefits, but for the protection and salvation of someone or oneself.

There are many life examples of courage. Here are some of them:

  1. 1961 Antarctica. Dr. Leonid Rogozov had an attack of appendicitis while on duty and developed peritonitis. A surgeon capable of performing an operation had to travel 1 thousand km. Naturally, Leonid would not have survived; he decided to operate on his own. Using a mirror, novocaine, a scalpel, and with the help of two untrained assistants, he performed the operation and successfully removed his appendix.
  2. Frank Folley, British intelligence officer. During the Great Patriotic War he was an employee of the British Embassy in Berlin. Thanks to him, 9 thousand Jews did not become victims of the Holocaust. Taking advantage of his official position, he forged passports, visas and travel documents. Frank sometimes managed not only to facilitate the departure of people from Berlin, but also to rescue people from concentration camps, providing them with an alibi by the presence of documents.
  3. At the end of April 2003, a young man named Aaron Ralston went hiking in Utah's Blue John Canyon. As he descended the crevice, a collapse occurred and a boulder weighing more than 300 kg pinned Aaron's hand. At first he tried to move and crush the stone, but nothing worked. Mobile communications did not work, and there was very little food. The young man spent five days locked up, languishing from terrible pain, thirst, and hunger. Then he decided to amputate his arm. After he broke the bones, he had to cut off his hand with a penknife, which had become dull from trying to break the stone. Aaron went down to the bottom of the gorge and walked along the canyon for about 10 km until he met people. Afterwards, the guy wrote a book about what happened, on the basis of which the feature film “127 Hours” was shot.
  4. Kimberly Dear was about to jump with a parachute for the first time in her life. The instructor was Robert Cook. But after the plane gained altitude, the engine stopped working. The man put the girl on his lap and tied her with belts. When the plane crashed, Robert was hit, which saved Kimberly.
  5. In 1976, Shavarsh Karapetyan, the Armenian swimming champion, alone saved people from a sinking trolleybus. The transport, which contained 92 people, fell into cold water 24 m from the shore. Shavarsh jumped after him, the trolleybus sank 10 meters. According to eyewitnesses, it took the man about half a minute to save each person. He pulled out the victims until he himself lost consciousness from the cold. Afterwards, he suffered from pneumonia for a long time with complications, adhesions formed on his lungs, and every breath gave him severe pain. Shavarsh Karapetyan was awarded the Order of the USSR Badge of Honor.
  6. Gino Strada, a world-famous surgeon, head of the Italian organization “Emergency”. Over 25 years, he performed 30,000 operations as a field surgeon in Iraq, Cambodia, Afghanistan, and Sudan. He opened more than 45 medical centers in front-line zones, where more than 100 thousand people were saved.
  7. In New Mexico, a woman saved children. The school bus driver had a seizure, Rhonda Carlsen noticed this and caught up with the vehicle. She ran alongside, asked the children with gestures to unlock the doors and, once inside, stopped the bus. Everyone remained safe and sound.

The list of cases can be endless. Especially when you consider how many actions people committed during the Great Patriotic War. How many heroes received their awards, many posthumously.

"...never, never, never give up"

Winston Churchill

Self confidence

If you are thinking about how to become decisive, then we have to disappoint you: without confidence, you will not develop this character trait. And if courage requires you to forget about fears, then confidence manifests itself in your inner strengths. And the main thing here is not to overdo it. You need to objectively assess your strengths and understand what you can do and what you cannot do.

If you have low self-esteem, then it manifests itself as an internal awareness that you can do it, but due to lack of motivation you don’t. In this case, a person gives up on what he has planned rather than trying to do anything.

Inflated self-esteem is manifested by an attempt to prove that you are capable of everything, but in reality you cannot do anything.

This feeling can only be developed in one way - introspection. As is the case with courage. Every day you need to give yourself arguments why you should do this or that, whether you can do it, whether you assess the situation correctly. Start a blog or simply write down in a notepad what you have already done.

How to cultivate courage

Not all parents have the opportunity or ability to instill courage in their son from birth. Therefore, many boys have to comprehend the experience of growing up on their own.


The qualities of a real man are better demonstrated when communicating with a female audience. Thanks to this, a man shows confidence, responsibility, resilience, and a sense of humor. A courageous man is a reliable, responsible, cheerful person; his relatives and friends never doubt him. No matter what kind of responsibility falls on his shoulders (wife, children, work, parents), his family knows that he can handle it. The trust of loved ones contributes to the development of confidence and strength.


Extreme sports or martial arts will help you overcome fears, strengthen your fortitude, and cultivate determination and perseverance. Team sports, in addition to the listed qualities, contribute to the formation of patience, compassion, courage, and the ability to work together with others. Daily physical exercise gives a feeling of lightness and calmness - accumulated energy is released, mood improves, and a person opens up to something new. In addition, the body changes for the better (posture, gait), the feeling of confidence strengthens, and shyness goes away.


Fear is a normal defensive reaction in extreme situations. Courage helps you cope with it and make the only right decision.

You can become more courageous through self-control. Formation is carried out both through physical activity and through meditation. It is not necessary to specifically sign up for classes, just take a comfortable position at home, close your eyes, and relax for 5-10 minutes. Take a break from the world around you and its problems. Meditation will teach you to control yourself and emotions (positive and negative).

It is not typical for a courageous person to show anger or aggression, or to actively rejoice at anything. Emotions cannot prevail; a man must always be ready for any challenge.


Spiritual and mental development is another of the most important arguments for the development of a courageous man. Strong-willed people are able to resolve a conflict situation or dispute without resorting to violence. To do this, you need to develop your intellect. Reading books, educational TV shows, communicating with smart people will help you increase your level of knowledge and learn something new and interesting for yourself.


Humans are the highest, dominant stage of development; animal instincts are best left to animals. A real man is charming and treats everyone with respect, especially women. You cannot humiliate, insult, or even beat girls. A man who behaves like this will never be called courageous.

It’s worth thinking about it, trying to understand a woman, showing respect and understanding - the key to a healthy, trusting, calm relationship. If a girl feels love and care, then she will “give” them to the man in full.

Courage is no longer found in starting a fight, but in being able to avoid it.

M. Anderson

Man: who is this?

This word sounds with different connotations and meanings in different segments of the population:

  • In Old Slavonic , this is a commoner, a peasant. To a simple peasant there was an arrogant address by one who considers himself a representative of a higher class or rank - a master, a merchant, a king, etc.
  • In prison terms , this is a layer of cell inmates who live with dignity, not touching anyone, not laying claim to the laurels of a noble thief, but not allowing themselves to be offended.
  • On the street - this address can come from a “blue” drunkard or a crazy bull-huckster, with a different shade of character, but standing next to the same words (such as “Do you want to smoke?”). Moreover, you can find and give the first a cigarette, even if you don’t smoke, and the second, even if you smoked, you wouldn’t give it, but only a light, and not a cigarette. And it doesn’t really matter who is healthier or who has a wider face. Then the question from the title disappears by itself.
  • Also, this word can rarely, but still be heard from the gateway with an offer to be third in a very important matter. Basically, it's drinking a bottle of alcohol. But this is not for everybody.

And now the word “man” with a positive meaning:

  • This word sounds when you need a shorter and more heartfelt appeal. For example, “Guys, go ahead!” .
  • The second word can be changed, but still with a positive connotation - “For the Motherland”, “For Stalin” , or simpler and more ordinary: “For us” or “Let’s shudder” . In all combinations, the word “men” or “man” does not fit.

“man” also sounds positive in the gym. Or when he did something good. For example, he saved or protected someone, and didn’t tell anyone about it. Another very positive appeal, with the adjective “real”. This is when, for example, a faucet stops leaking or the right nail appears in the wall. True, it’s even better when the taps always don’t leak and in general everything is in order in the house.

It is worth noting:

  • A real man makes himself that way from childhood until his death.
  • It educates with these qualities - courage, courage, strength, bravery, perseverance, dignity, honor. To preserve and protect your family, your clan, your people, your homeland and your beloved woman. And then the question of how a man can become courageous will not be necessary.
  • In general, it would be good if psychologists working on this topic and coaches of “distance training in courage until results are achieved” become unemployed.

In the meantime, this question arises in glossy magazines, other media and the Internet, then this topic will develop. Below is even more interesting information. Read on.

Showing Courage Today

Courageous actions are not uncommon today. You don't have to fight to do them. This means that an extreme situation can happen unexpectedly, you need to be prepared for anything. Control yourself so as not to become a burden in a dangerous situation. A strong-willed, confident, stern person will never refuse and will come to the rescue, even if he was not asked for it.

Every day, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the police test their strength. People of weak character are not able to cope with such work. A truly brave person, a hero, can save a drowning child, protect others from falling icicles in winter, or pull them out of a fire.

Ninth – develop spiritually

When it comes to comprehensive development, you need to take into account not only the physical body and mind, but also the inner world. In other words, you need to devote time to spiritual development. This does not mean that from now on you need to completely immerse yourself in some kind of spiritual teaching, because... Quite simple, non-binding practices, such as meditation, for example, are enough. Just set aside time during the day to be alone with yourself for at least half an hour in a state of peace and tranquility. This practice allows you to stop the racing of thoughts, achieve some inner silence, relax, and put everything in your mind “on the shelves.” It also develops intuition, improves understanding of yourself and others, and helps you remain true to yourself in any situation.

Courageous guys

People change along with eras. Today, men are gradually losing the dominant qualities characteristic of courage. Almost only women are involved in raising children.

But even among children and teenagers there are those who are courageous beyond their years. Here are some examples:

  1. Evgeny Tabakov, a seven-year-old boy saved his sister from a rapist. She and Yana, 12 years old, were at home without their parents. The girl opened the door to an unfamiliar man who introduced himself as a postman. He grabbed the careless girl, put a knife to her throat, demanded money from Zhenya, and began to undress Yana. The boy took a knife from the kitchen, hit the criminal in the lower back with it, the girl managed to escape and ran to the neighbors for help. Zhenya did not escape: the man inflicted eight stab wounds on him, incompatible with life. The criminal was detained almost immediately; he was unable to escape due to his wound and blood loss. The boy was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage. And later, a monument in honor of Zhenya was unveiled in the school yard.
  2. 2008, in New Zealand, 18-year-old Peter Hanne saved a truck driver. The car was balancing on the edge of a cliff, a young man climbed between the cab and the trailer, broke the rear window, and pulled out the injured driver. In 2011, Peter was awarded the medal "For Bravery".
  3. 2013, in the city of Bryansk, 22-year-old Alexander Skvortsov saved a woman and seven children from a fire. The father of the family went to work early in the morning, locking the door. After some time, a fire suddenly started. Everyone hurried to the exit, the door was locked, and the spare keys were in the room, which was already on fire. The guy was not at a loss, broke out the window, helped the mother get out, and then began handing her the children. When he was getting out, a gas cylinder exploded and Alexander received minor burns to his head.

Despite such a young age, these guys had the strength to come to the rescue in difficult times. It's a shame that not everyone survived.

Second, test yourself in a team sport.

Team sport very well develops such qualities as self-confidence, competitive spirit, and the will to win. When a person aims to go only forward together with his comrades, his character is strengthened and his inner core becomes stronger. In addition, team sport is a constant interaction with other people, in this case with teammates, thanks to which even an insecure man will gradually absorb the confidence of those who are confident in themselves, and this will begin to manifest itself in his everyday life . And another quality that is formed through team sports is patience, which is no less important in life.

Courageous girls

Women need masculinity for harmony and beauty. A woman’s inherent qualities help her cope with difficulties in everyday life and at work. But the level of development of masculine qualities in her should not exceed the level of a man. Otherwise, there is a chance of developing dissatisfaction with the relationship, because the woman will have to bear responsibility not only for herself and her children, but also for her husband. It is not for nothing that men are the stronger sex, and women are the weaker. Nature originally intended that the man is more important.

More than 9,000 people have gotten rid of their psychological problems using this technique.

There are many life examples of the manifestation of female masculinity. When fragile nurses saved the lives of soldiers under fire in the war. There are many known female soldiers in the world wars. In everyday life, representatives of the fair sex, by the will of fate, also face situations where they need to show their perseverance, confidence, and strength.

  1. The woman lifted the car that had crushed her son. The guy was repairing the car, the jack slipped, and the car weighing 1350 kg crushed the man. The woman lifted the car on her own and held it until neighbors came to the rescue and pulled the young man out.
  2. Malala Yousafzai, 12-year-old Pakistani girl. She asked the world to change the existing laws of her home country. Girls were prohibited from going to school, and Malala campaigned in Pakistan for women's right to education. In 2012, she was injured during a trip to school: one of the Taliban militants shot her in the head and neck. The girl managed to survive, fully recover and continue her endeavors.
  3. 1941, by order of Joseph Stalin, three women's squadrons were formed. The German invaders nicknamed them “Night Witches.” Pilots, under cover of darkness, took to the air in lightweight aircraft intended for harvesting crops. Having turned off the engines, they silently approached the target and dropped bombs.

Every woman has courage, the main thing is not to confuse it with being like a man. A girl who looks like a guy is not necessarily courageous.

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If I see a lot of reposts and comments, it will be an inspiration for me to further expand on this topic. Well, if not, then let's change the topic.

I warned you at the beginning that there are a lot of categorical judgments in this post; I am expressing here my subjective position based on my experience.

If any of the phrases offended or pricked you in any way, I apologize, I had no such intention. I would be grateful if you would share your insights from your experience of following the male path in the comments.

What prevents you from becoming courageous?

Suspiciousness, habit and laziness are the most dangerous, contagious conditions. If you don’t get rid of it, it will “take root” deeply, and more serious difficulties will arise in overcoming yourself.

Lack of desire and fear of leaving the usual comfort zone are not uncommon today. The man is sad, gloomy, irritable, dissatisfied with his life, accustomed to complaining and doing nothing. He does not accept the fact that he does not commit any actions. And he perceives the words of loved ones negatively and aggressively.

Man's main enemy is himself. If you are not afraid to make an effort on yourself every day, after a while this way of life will become familiar. It will no longer be difficult to act, especially when euphoria arises from the first achievements.

Why is it that you don’t know how to be a man?

Answer these questions for yourself and you will understand:

  • Who was involved in your upbringing?
  • Who raised you to be a man?

Most likely, your mother or grandmother took care of you. This is the most common case. But she doesn't know how to raise a boy to be a man because she is a woman.

Maybe your dad was weak and did not fulfill his male functions. You're used to a guy looking like him. But you're wrong. Maybe you didn't have a dad at all to look up to. Mom carried the whole family on herself and managed to take care of you too.

This is how it turns out that women grow eggs because they have no other choice. And the boys grow up with pussies, become weak and lack of initiative.

That's why you don't know who the man is. Nobody taught you to be one. What to do?

How family values ​​influence a boy's masculinity

The personality of the parents has the maximum influence on the formation of the son’s character. As the head of the family, the father can enhance the masculinity of the future man. In the first five years of life, children develop most actively and embody the behavior model of their parents. Their future definition of themselves in adulthood depends on this.

For a boy, a father is the standard of a man. Mother is the “first woman”. If she punishes her son with violence, he develops a deformed image of a “true woman”, and then it will not be easy for him to find a life partner.

It’s great when the father shows confidence, energy, intelligence and strength, and the mother shows kindness, tolerance, gentleness, support and empathy. It is easier for children to understand and accept the model of a man and a woman, their distinctive features. Parents should raise their child unitedly and promote the development of character from an early age.

Increasingly, parents are getting divorced, and women are having to raise their sons on their own. The family loses its status as the most valuable thing in life. As a result, society is gradually deformed, men lose the ability to bear responsibility.

The truth that needs to be remembered is that children are our future, a peaceful old age. Everything depends on the parents, because the children will grow up: someone will come to power, someone will have to teach the next generations. In order not to destroy what we have today, we must not lose our understanding of the importance of family relationships and the harmonious upbringing of a child.

Masculinity, masculinity, how to be a man?

This is what it means to be a real man in a comic form.
The question - how to be a man , can be answered simply and very briefly - you just have to be one. Take an example from your grandfather, father, older brother. Be a protector for a woman. Masculinity is nurtured and supported from childhood. When you honor traditions, respect your elders, love your relatives and value them, you have someone to look up to and someone to protect from harm. Defender is a synonym for the word “masculinity” .

And when a mother runs to the military registration and enlistment office to get her son out of the army, she probably forgets that this is his duty to her, and to the family, and to all the people. And if such a woman teaches her son from childhood that everything is not as good in the army as in the southern resort - there is dirt, cold, and coffee is not served in bed, then the question arises of how to raise a real man out of such a son. And later questions arise, why are there so many flags with the colors of the rainbow on the street?

Worth knowing:

  • Such a trait as masculinity is formed along with other positive qualities - courage, boldness, strength, perseverance .
  • These traits in society have always been inextricably associated with men.
  • It is believed that such qualities can decorate any person. And we must also add to these words - honor and dignity .

In the days of hard times, when the country repeatedly had to be defended from foreigners, all of the listed qualities worthily characterized everyone, young and old, who stood for their native land. In battles, women and teenagers were often found alongside men, but not only on the front line, but even in the rear - patriots were inseparable from such qualities. And then, next to these concepts, sooner or later the word VICTORY .

Thanks to this, answers from smart books and psychologists appear in your head. So how do you become courageous? Here are some theories:

  • Development of fortitude, will, character - playing sports. Any kind, but it’s better to do martial arts with hardware.
  • Develop resilience in the face of difficulties and dangers.
  • Show firmness in decision making. Choose the right decision and defend it.
  • Keep your promised word. For those who read the book “Honestly” in early childhood, it may be easier for them; they began to understand everything earlier, namely, what is good and what is bad.
  • Form responsibility for yourself, for your actions, family and friends.
  • Develop willpower. To refuse from bad habits. Go to the gym. Now everything is simple: dumbbells and weights can be bought in every sports store, and a horizontal bar and other exercise equipment are available in almost every yard.
  • Improve your courage. Learn to say “no” when necessary. Be able to demonstrate your best side. Show courage and fearlessness not in words, but in actions.
  • Maintain a serious attitude towards life, condemn frivolity.
  • Show confidence in yourself, in your actions, in your loved ones and comrades.
  • Nobody can cancel honor and dignity for a real man - this is the army, big sport.

Now let's explore what real men's professions are. After all, work is an important part of life, and a real man can’t live without it. Read on.

Test: How courageous are you?

To determine masculinity, it is not necessary to seek help from a psychologist. Here you will find a simple test to determine your level of courage. You only need to answer “yes”, “no”, “I don’t know”.

  1. Whenever possible, I like to be the center of attention.
  2. In controversial and conflict situations, I need the support of a loved one.
  3. I make decisions without difficulty.
  4. I am emotional and sensitive.
  5. Authority is important to me.
  6. I like to take care of my appearance.
  7. Basically I act according to circumstances, I practically do not rely on feelings.
  8. Sometimes I allow myself to flirt with girls.
  9. I have willpower and character in my actions.
  10. I carry a mirror in my bag all the time.
  11. I am characterized by rancor and vindictiveness.
  12. I have difficulty controlling myself in difficult situations.
  13. I'm romantic.
  14. I inherited my father's character.

For each answer “yes” to odd-numbered questions and “no” to even-numbered questions, you receive 10 points. “I don’t know”—5 points.

100-150 points. Psychologically, you are a model man. Decisive, independent, independent. You are able to come to the rescue and set life goals. Many people like your lifestyle. You are characterized by a certain schematic action and stereotypical thinking regarding gender issues and personal masculinity.

50-99 points. You are capable of exhibiting both truly masculine qualities and typically feminine ones. You combine determination, sensitivity and common sense. Sometimes, due to life situations, you have to do things that are typical for women. But your ability to adapt and mental flexibility helps at any moment.

Less than 49 points. Psychologically, you are 100% female. In the modern world, this type of man is quite rare.

In life, it takes a lot of courage to be human and maintain your dignity.

V. Zubkov

Tenth – strive for success

Considering that the indicators of success for each person can be completely different, here we can only say that a man must, firstly, have goals, and secondly, make efforts to achieve them. You must understand what is important to you, what you want to strive for, and what to spend your time and energy on achieving. And if you find this, if you manage to achieve the desired results, then you can already be called a successful person. And success will bring with it financial wealth, moral satisfaction, and a feeling of happiness.

These, in our opinion, are the main recommendations, following which any man will be able to develop in himself those qualities that he should possess by nature. And then he will be called a real Man with a capital M.

ANOTHER RECOMMENDATION: In fact, every person, regardless of gender, skin color, age, religion, or anything else, should strive for self-development and personal growth. But you can become a truly developed and strong personality only when you know yourself well: your personal qualities, advantages and disadvantages, preferences, meaning in life, the most important values, etc. At first glance, it may seem that achieving such self-knowledge can be very difficult and you can spend a lot of time on it, but we want to tell you that this is far from the case. To know yourself, you just need to have a system and understand how to use it. We can offer you both - we invite you to take our self-knowledge course, which will reveal to you many secrets and interesting things about yourself. Follow this link and start getting to know yourself.

And we wish you courage in completing our course!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Conditions for character formation
  • Male and female complexes
  • Why does a person need a relationship: answers from psychologists
  • The main life values ​​of people: what is most important in life and how to understand it?
  • Qualities more important than IQ
  • Volitional personality traits
  • How does martial arts practice affect a person’s character and thinking?
  • The difference between a winner and a loser
  • How to instill motivation for sports
  • “Why men want sex and women want love” - Allan Pease, Barbara Pease. Summary of the book

Key words:1Relationships

Masculinity & brutality - which of these qualities is more important?

In 2016-2017 brutality began to gain popularity and acquired a slightly modified meaning; it began to be equated with masculinity. Brutal is equal to courageous, only with a brighter appearance.

In fact, brutality is a trait of primitive man, whose spiritual development is not far behind the animal. A daring, cruel, aggressive, heartless, rude and arrogant person. Reckless, hot-tempered, unable, unwilling to show his emotions. Cheeky appearance: a beard or stubble on a “rumpled” face, untidy hair sticking out. Loose clothes (jeans, pants) and comfortable shoes (sneakers, boots), sometimes a large number of tattoos. But this does not mean that a truly courageous man cannot look exactly the same.

Due to the equality of the sexes, effeminate men are often found. A woman by nature needs a strong protector. This is why men with brutal appearance are becoming increasingly popular.

Many girls, entering into a relationship with a “brutal” guy, think that he will be kind, caring, strong and brave. In fact, he is a strong, rude selfish man.

Masculinity and brutality have little in common. It is much easier to become brutal than to be courageous. Everyone must decide for themselves what they want from life.

Eighth - develop your mind

A man should pay great attention to the development of his mind. It's no secret that being smart and versatile is always good. But a man, if he really wants to be an example for others and even for himself, must constantly develop in this regard. The development of the mind means reading books, broadening one’s horizons, having a wide range of interests and various hobbies, developing intelligence and expanding the scope of personal skills and abilities, developing and training leadership qualities. Having a developed mind means having a sharp mind, a sense of humor and a large information base. By the way, this also contributes to achieving success in any area of ​​life.

Social poll: who will a modern girl choose - courageous or brutal?

Based on numerous social surveys of girls of different generations, we can conclude: representatives of the fair sex confuse the concepts of courageous and brutal. If we discard them and rely on the descriptions provided, it becomes clear that 70% of girls prefer masculinity.

The remaining 30% were divided between weak, overweight and powerful men. So there is a “soul mate” for everyone in the world.

Masculinity makes an impression on others - girls admire it, men respect it. Once you develop this quality in yourself, your life will change for the better.

If you don’t want to give up and are ready to really, and not in words, fight for your full and happy life, you may be interested in this article .

Fifth - learn to play poker

You should not think that learning to play poker is necessary for the sake of some kind of boasting, smoky evenings at the poker table or making money (although the latter will only be beneficial). Poker is a game that also develops the qualities inherent in a man, but inherent in a smart man. These are qualities such as determination, prudence, patience, ingenuity, logic, intuition, the ability to control emotional manifestations and understand people. A real man should be able to control himself and control himself in any situation, and poker can teach you this.

Characteristics of a Brave Person

Courage is characterized as the ability to cope with one's fears and doubts. This is the ability to act contrary. After all, fear is an innate instinct inherent in everyone to varying degrees. Courage is what separates a shy person from a determined one. This is the ability to act where others give up.

"Cheek brings success". This is an important quality of human nature. Everything in the world strives for peace. People shackled by fears prefer not to move, so as not to make things worse. Courage is what motivates you to take action. And actions are life itself. By becoming brave, a person completely changes his reality.

How to be bolder, because this is such a necessary quality? It's not that complicated. It is enough to introduce the desired attitude into your consciousness. This is similar to installing updates on a computer. With a little work on yourself, you will become a new, better version of yourself.

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